How To Use Reprove In A Sentence

  • The priest reproved people for not coming to church.
  • Four years at one school give opportunities which are illimitable, but the present writer knew neither of them in the bread-and-butter period, and was properly reproved by the one and snubbed by the other when, in the supposed superiority of his years and co-extensive views on the frangibility of feminine friendship, he had sought to raise the veil of the past and peer into the archives of those school-days. Marion's Faith.
  • Declaring, that in few, discreete, and well placed words, the covered craft of church-Men may bee justly reproved, and their hypocrisie honestly discovered The Decameron
  • For these Galatians, whom the apostle reproves, desired no more but that, in the justification of a believer, works of the law, or duties of obedience, might be admitted into a conjunction or copartnership with faith in Christ Jesus; for that they would exclude faith in him, and assign justification unto works without it, nothing is intimated, and it is a foolish imagination. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • He will surely reprove you , if ye do secretly accept persons.
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  • Now therefore why hast thou not reproved Jeremiah Anathoth, which makeup himself a prophet to you?
  • Reprove your friend privately, commend him puBlicly.
  • In 1849 one was reproved for paying addresses to an unconverted woman.
  • Henderson pushed the door open, ready to reprove his friend, until he saw him there, sitting in the chair. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Some that are very cautious, emplaster the wounds of such over-grown elms with a mixture of clay and horse-dung, bound about them with a wisp of hay or fine moss, and I do not reprove it, provided they take care to temper it well, so as the vermine nestle not in it. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • For the word rendered in our version 'reprove' is the same which our Lord employed when He spoke of the mission of the Comforter as being to Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • Edie reproved herself bitterly for hugging Walter the way she had, earlier.
  • He that is to reprove is to remember, that his business is not to declaim and shew his parts, but to work a cure. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Holy Spirit amongst them; and consequently could not but reprove and redargue the world of sin, because they believed not in him. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Henderson pushed the door open, ready to reprove his friend, until he saw him there, sitting in the chair. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • John Downame cried, "is seated upon the ale-bench and has got himself between the cup and the wall he presently becomes a reprover of magistrates, a controller of the state, a murmurer and repiner against the best established government. Wrong Side of the River: London's disreputable South Bank in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Jessica A. Browner
  • Panfilio, her son, reproves her thereanent, whereupon she promises to mend her ways if he will lay aside certain uncouth habits.
  • And first, he reproves their ingratitude, because, when they had been so kindly received, they made the worst possible return; next, he contends that the crime was inexpiable, because they had stolen what was most valuable to him; namely, the cup in which he was accustomed both to drink and to divine. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • The scriptures of Semitic inspiration are hortative, admonitory; they urge, they reprove, they enjoin, they warn.
  • ‘Mock not, mock not,’ he reproves, ‘ere you flout old ends any further, examine your consciences.’
  • To reprove those that offend is good, but to cast that pearl before swine, who will turn again and rend us, is to be righteous overmuch. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • We contingency realize most confidently which a Holy Spirit never reproves offer if a impiety is cleansed by a changed red red red blood as good as forsaken. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The cheating allegation and the insulting use of “git” were not challenged but his HOD reproved the young man for using the racist term “Taff” to me, a Welshwoman. If It Looks Crazy And It Sounds Crazy………….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The marquis privately reproved his daughters, for what he termed the idle fancies of a weak mind; and desired them no more to disturb the peace of the castle with the subject of their late fears. A Sicilian Romance
  • I turned out of Father's office, not caring if he reproved me or not.
  • This may be understood either with respect to what immediately precedes, "If you are to reprove others for their sins, and would be faithful to your duty in this particular, you must look well to yourselves, and to your own behaviour and conduct" (and, indeed, those only are fit to reprove others who walk with due circumspection and care themselves): or else we have here another remedy or rather preservative from the before-mentioned sins; and this I take to be the design of the apostle, being impossible to maintain purity and holiness of heart and life without great circumspection and care. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • And when S. Benet knew it he took the vessel and cast it out of the window, and it was of glass, and it fell on a stone and brake not; then he reproved the cellarer of inobedience and of the little hope that he had in God; and after he went unto his prayers, and anon a great empty tun that was there was full of oil, insomuch that it ran over. The Golden Legend, vol. 3
  • The teacher gently reproved the boys for not paying attention.
  • Epistles), see 1Ti 1: 10; 6: 3. convince -- rather, "reprove" [Alford], (Tit 1: 13). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A scientist who had the temerity to ask at Philadelphia for one was severely reproved.
  • Indeed, the Church reproves every form of persecution against whomsoever it may be directed.
  • And after things are untangled and you have had time to appreciate the close shave, you go up to Prince and reprove him with your choicest vocabulary. FOUR HORSES AND A SAILOR
  • Zeno of Verona, still later, reproves the apathy of the Christian proprietors in conniving at this abuse. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He will surely reprove you If you secretly show partiality.
  • The priest reproved the people for not attending church services.
  • We would have gone out to hear the word abroad, but that thou didst reprove us, and also tell us that that which we see now is the way of God was heresy and a deceivable doctrine, and wast not contented, blind guide as thou wert, to fall into the ditch thyself, but hast also led us thither with thee. The Riches of Bunyan
  • Our own badness is so far from excusing us in not reproving, that our being by it rendered unfit to reprove is an aggravation of our badness; I must not say, "I have a beam in my own eye, and therefore I will not help my brother with the mote out of his. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • If He is, and we are therefore 'light in the Lord,' we shall 'reprove' or 'convict' the Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • Paul told him in 2 Timothy 2-4: Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Randy Miller: Latter Days
  • Growing up bilingual in English and German, Hobsbawm picked up three or four other languages along the way (he reproves monoglot historians for their provincialism).
  • Whoever is unpunctual deserves that other people should reprove him for being unpunctual.
  • They are as ready for their cups, for their rotten, obscene, and profane discourse; and, in a word, for all kind of lewdness; as if the preacher had not reproved their vice, but produced new arguments to encourage it; and exhorted them to persevere diligently in those blessed paths, in which they are sure to have the Devil for their leader, and their lust for their companion. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Did you ever notice this context, in which the Apostle, in the next verse to my text, gives the reason for his commandment to 'reprove' thus -- '_For_ it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret'? Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • Though sympathetic toward General Tang, Li said he still felt compelled to criticize General Tang for not obeying the moral principles of the military to never reprove superior officers.
  • [As] for the use of it, it should keep our souls in an abhorrency of all those doctrines which pretend other pleas before God for our justification, that would make our own faith, our own obedience, our own works, to be the condition of our justification; that is, to make them to be our plea when we come to answer God when we are reproved of him. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Another stern moralist reproved the colonists for writing to England "for cut work coifes, for deep stammel dyes," to be sent to them in America. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • ‘You always were far too impatient,’ Angelus reproved.
  • It hushes the infant to its slumbers in the cradle with a song whose theme is the babe of Bethlehem; it allures the child to virtue by the example of Josiah, Timothy, and Samuel; it warns the wayward youth, and reproves the erring man, and calls the hoary sinner to repentance. Characteristics of the Bible. A Sermon Preached before the Bible Convention of South Carolina, in the Washington Street Methodist Church, Columbia, September 15, 1862
  • The Church reproves, as foreign to the mind of Christ, any discrimination against men or harassment of them because of their race, color, condition of life, or religion.
  • The priest reproved people for not coming to church.
  • For though the Jews have such a cabala (called gematry) as this which Mr. White describes; yet that cabala which is argued in this instance, and which our Saviour reproves in the pharisees by the name of tradition, is quite another thing, and among the Jewish writers known by the name of the "unwritten, or oral law;" which they say was delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai, and by him conveyed to Aaron and Joshua, and the elders, and successively delivered down from one age to another; and at last by Rabbi Jehudah compiled into one volume which they call Mishna, or deute'rosis. The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 10.
  • Who can ever forget Jo in Little Women, who was really Louisa, the girl who, when reproved for whistling by Amy, the art-loving sister, says: ‘I hate affected, niminy-piminy chits!’
  • Though sympathetic toward General Tang, Li said he still felt compelled to criticize General Tang for not obeying the moral principles of the military to never reprove superior officers.
  • One whole delicious hour this morning, did my Agnes rest on my shoulder, while I held it for her perusal; and I kissed, unreproved, the sweet stillicide off her glowing cheeks, at every sentence of tenderness, from her respectable friend. Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • The Prince overtook them with rapid strides, and knowing that the power of gentleness is more lasting than that of anger, he suppressed his wrath as he spoke to them, though withal he reproved them sternly. The Fairies and the Christmas Child
  • Women were reproved if they did not wear hats in court.
  • ‘Mustn't be cruel to animals, my boy,’ he reproved, with both palms cradling the gleaming-orange face so that it hooked to his own faintly stern one.
  • _not_ chew gum, but she whistled, and the teachers who reproved her most for what they called a boyish trick, always listened intently, when the clear, musical notes, now soft and low, now loud and shrill, were heard outside, or in the building. Tracy Park
  • Shall a reprover contend with the Almighty? He who reproves God, let him answer it.
  • John reproves what he perceives as the author's insolent comments and suggests bringing his angry feelings to God in prayer.
  • Not only the children of Israel, that had revolted from the temple, but the children of Judah too, that still adhered to it -- not only the common people, the men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, but those that should have reproved and restrained sin in others were themselves ringleaders in it, their kings and princes, their priests and prophets. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Therefore I do not doubt that he feignedly reproved his son, from a desire to appease contention. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • I suppose I deserve that you should reprove my shortcomings.
  • Learn to do good ; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless , Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.
  • The owners of one Goff house reproved gossiping neighbours by posting a sign, ‘We don't like your house either’.
  • Poor stiff-necked, lonely, "hankering" Sam! to be so harshly reproved for his harmlessly sociable intents. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • The benevolent man reproved the keeper for what he called harsh words. Friends and Neighbors
  • I have thought it, for example, not humane to variegate the text of an Anthology with despairing obeli: and occasionally I have covered up an indubitable lacuna by artifices which I trust may pass undetected by the general reader and unreproved by the charitable critic. Preface
  • Growing up bilingual in English and German, Hobsbawm picked up three or four other languages along the way (he reproves monoglot historians for their provincialism).
  • Because (quoth he) thou didst so saucily presume this day, to reprove the celestiall beauty of Madam Lisetta, who (next to my Mother Venus) I love most dearely. The Decameron
  • Our repeated failure to reprove and adequately rebuke heresy calls into serious question our theological system.
  • No means should be used to bring them to repentance (v. 17): Ephraim is joined to idols, is in love with them and addicted to them, and therefore let him alone, as v. 4, Let no man reprove him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • There's no call for talk like that," Mrs Evans reproved him.
  • There was no discipline to impose itself on this clowning, and no parental authority to reprove it.
  • Whoever is unpunctual deserves that other people should reprove him for being unpunctual.
  • KJV He will surely reprove you, if ye do secretly accept persons.
  • Emma makes a joke to Mr Knightley about their being ‘so much brother and sister’, but he reproves and corrects her in a way that is more fatherly than anything her own fretful parent can manage.
  • Satan reproves sin.
  • He is ‘always joking with her,’ never reproves her, even ‘babies her’ much of the time.
  • There's no call for talk like that," Mrs Evans reproved him.
  • But now, as to be silent of men's defects and vices is a piece of flattery, and flattery a degenerous and unworthy thing; yet, that all people may not promiscuously think themselves called upon to reprove and declare against whatsoever they see amiss in others, and so mistake that for charity and duty, which is indeed nothing else but sauciness and impertinence, it will be convenient to shew, Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • The teacher gently reproved the boys for not paying attention.
  • I reproved him, which rewarded me only with a glare and a longer drink.
  • And I will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house.
  • And when I animadverted in the company, where it was mentioned, on such a horrible violation of nature, a Danish lady reproved me very severely, asking how I knew that it was not a cure for the disease? adding, that every attempt was justifiable in search of health. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark
  • (Thank Christ for that, one hears oneself murmuring, even though Amis would have reproved the incorrect use of the word "decimate" by anyone else.) The Man of Feeling
  • He's kvetching about how all his work for the Irish Republic has earned him only ‘the daily spite of this unmannerly town’ and Maud Gonne reproves him.
  • The natural day is very calm, and will hardly reprove his indolence.
  • He reproves them for their incogitancy, and the weakness of their faith in the scriptures of the Old Testament: O fools, and slow of heart to believe, v. 25. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • He left the Court and returned to his cure, and as soon as he came there, he called the draper and the tailor, and he had a gown made which trailed three quarters of an ell on the ground; for he told the tailor how he had been reproved for wearing a short gown, and ordered to wear a long one. Cent nouvelles nouvelles
  • When he did it, Isaac meant to take him back instantly, unquestioned, unreproved and unreproached. The Divine Fire
  • The teacher gently reproved the boys for not paying attention.

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