How To Use Reproachful In A Sentence

  • I felt, in reading your unreproaching letter to her, as self-reproachful as anybody could with a great deal of innocence (in the way of the world) to fall back upon. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • Then there are always the enormous old classics that you haven't got around to reading and that are staring at you reproachfully from the shelf, like the rest of Dickens or the rest of Balzac.
  • Jeremy was looking at Blade in a slightly reproachful manner.
  • One Britton, who was friendly towards Lenthal and who spoke "reproachfully" and slurringly of a book which defended the course of the Boston churches, was whipped with eleven stripes, as he had no money to pay the imposed fine. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • And yet, still self-reproachfully, he also continued to search his soul concerning his own country, "our great unxix endowed, unfurnished, unentertained? unentertaining continent, where [...] we ought to have leisure to turn out something handsome from the very heart of simple human nature. 'The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872-1876, Volume 1'
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  • Riccabocca secretly thought her extravagant, but, like a wise man, declined to look at the house bills, and ate his joint in unreproachful silence. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • At this the Scarecrow gave a gasp and the Tin Woodman stopped short and looked reproachfully at the Woggle-Bug. The Woggle-Bug’s Thorough Command of the Language
  • And when Uncle Sean met Melonie and Mike, he didn't seem the least reproachful that they were my friends.
  • Felldeten turned horrified eyes on her, reproachful, betrayed.
  • 'You ought to have thought of them,'she said in a reproachful tone.
  • The thin-lipped reproachful glance, the bohemian toss of the head, the casual business with the cigarette case - they are all in evidence.
  • And Twitt drew himself up with a kind of reproachful dignity -- "Now, old David, don't go for to say as _you_ don't think so too? The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • _Dukes-couper_ I take to be a petty dealer in ducks or poultry, and to be used in a reproachful sense, as we find "pedlar," "jockey," &c. Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • For what thou callest bitter and reproachful, that is my portion, if I cause thee to be slain who hast shared my toils. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • The other half quaked, disturbed by the glowering lines of his face, the reproachful glare of his obsidian eyes.
  • Inger turned reproachful blue eyes on her husband.
  • Mademoiselle Loiré was most sympathetic and unreproachful, and, having dried her sister's tears, led her into the house, where the whole party sat down to cake and cider, under the influence of which Mademoiselle Barbara in Brittany
  • I don't want to phone in case it looks like I'm being reproachful that she hasn't thanked me for the visit. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Spouting apologies, Hat concentrated on the guests, to blot out Dalziel's threatening glower and Pascoe's reproachful pout. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Silently I looked up at her with a reproachful glance, trying at least for a little pity and only succeeding in finding that the spark of respect had disappeared.
  • Still, pleasant as her recollections were, she often looked back self-reproachfully upon passages of her youth; and Sainte-Beuve, though he calls her coquetry "_une coquetterie angelique_," recognizes it as a blemish. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864
  • O Serena, Serena, "reproachfully," I thought better things of you! Uncle Rutherford's Nieces A Story for Girls
  • With a reproachful look at Slote, she turned on her heel and went out.
  • I let go, and they looked reproachfully at me, as though I had imperilled their chance for a bed and three parts of skilly. THE CARTER AND THE CARPENTER
  • At times the illustrations serve as reproachful comment on the inauthenticity of Longfellow's fanciful creation.
  • While a reproachful raspberry goes to their Windows counterparts.
  • Stryker, "reproachfully," I don't see my pearl pin. The Black Bag
  • I asked Dad, and he turned and gave me a reproachful look.
  • What had become of the suspicious anti-warrior of the sixties, casting reproachful glances at the Temple University computer center?
  • When I was leaving the country the last time, a taking young man with Homburg hat, blue tie, light gloves, smart clothes and cane, came up with extended hand to meet me, and seeing uncertainty as to his identity in my expression as I took it, he exclaimed reproachfully--"What, have you forgotten poor Fr.------already?"
  • His absence had regained for him much of that aureola of saintship which had been nearly abstracted during her reproachful mood on that miserable journey from London. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • I have not slept in a solid bed for three weeks, you haughty wench, and I'll not have your condescending airs and your reproachful glances!
  • She gave her daughter a reproachful glance.
  • For a moment she stood still, looking at him with reproachful fear in her wide blue eyes.
  • One thing is sure, -- that my superstition and credulity reached their height at the very period of my life which my critics reproachfully assign as the date of my Fourieristic beliefs. What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
  • Two women walking past started and glanced my way reproachfully.
  • Suddenly I understood that all the others were looking at me in a kind of reproachful astonishment. Friendship Village
  • And even if she did, in the noble spirit of altruism, rather than selfishness, the next woman, with one reproachful glance at her, would pick up the mutilated remains of the man's vanity and apply the splints of her respectful attention and the balm of her admiration, partly to add a new scalp to her belt, and partly to show off the unamiability of her sister woman. From a Girl's Point of View
  • I don't want to phone in case it looks like I'm being reproachful that she hasn't thanked me for the visit. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • He circled me and I kept my eye reproachfully on him watching for his first movement.
  • Do you not think, Molly, "-- reproachfully, --" your conduct toward me is a little cold and unfeeling? Molly Bawn
  • The piece of rosewood, clamped to her worktable, seemed to look at her reproachfully. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • And then, when the hour _has_ come at last, have you been able to take your departure without some half-reproachful feeling akin to melancholy -- without some slight shade of regret to think that much as you have hated it, you look upon it all now for the _last_ time? Kate Coventry An Autobiography
  • I do love how he looks kind of reproachful and humiliated in that first picture . » Leashing the Baby
  • O Mr. Fenton -- Gilbert," -- she pronounced his Christian name shyly, and in obedience to his reproachful look, -- "remember how short a time we have known each other. Fenton's Quest
  • It is on this point that the reproachful farmers differ with Ellis.
  • These persons made up the committee of state, which was reproachfully after called the junto, and enviously then in the Court the Cabinet Council "(" History of the Rebellion, "vol. i., p. 211, edit. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 59: November 1667
  • We halted by some pasture bars in the shade of an old cider-apple tree, and I threw the bridle over a leaning post in the unsteady fence; and there the horse and I waited, and looked at each other reproachfully. The Landscape Chamber
  • I wouldn't do this for anybody but you, Cap'n," he vouchsafed, in what might be called a reproachful shout. Cap'n Warren's Wards
  • What had become of the suspicious anti-warrior of the sixties, casting reproachful glances at the Temple University computer center?
  • I had to resort to clouting her with my underwater flashgun; she looked at me reproachfully with her enormous eyes and went off in search of more receptive playmates!
  • ‘You're getting me into trouble, puss,’ Louis would say reproachfully.
  • He was relieved to find Tanis cheerful, unreproachful, and brilliant in Babbitt
  • With Rebecca he got on very well; she was impersonal, unreproachful, and she fairly panted for work. A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays
  • 'You ought to have thought of them,'she said in a reproachful tone.
  • What had become of the suspicious anti-warrior of the sixties, casting reproachful glances at the Temple University computer center?
  • Dema nodded his agreement and shot Alex a reproachful look as if she was breaking her promise.
  • There she took a seat, and with a glance that might almost be termed reproachful, she commenced a low Indian song to her infant. The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish
  • When Clive wouldn't go, she became plaintive and reproachful. SPLITTING
  • Spouting apologies, Hat concentrated on the guests, to blot out Dalziel's threatening glower and Pascoe's reproachful pout. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • 'You didn't suppose I'd forget you liked muscatels?' inquired Franklin, with a mild and unreproachful gentleness when she exclaimed over the nectarines and grapes. Franklin Kane
  • But I knew all those words were somehow reproachful, and that Aunt Jane and Mum were probably talking about me.
  • He walked or sat with his eyes continually fixed upon these feet -- reproachfully, it seemed -- as if their disproportion were a source of perennial woe; he carried his arms looped behind him, and had acquired a peculiar stoop -- to facilitate his vigilant guardianship of his feet, apparently. The Gold-Stealers A Story of Waddy
  • He was relieved to find Tanis cheerful, unreproachful, and brilliant in a frock of brown net over gold tissue. Babbit
  • A blow, a short rush, a clinch and scuffle, and the voice of the massier, stern and reproachful: The King in Yellow
  • She looked at him with reproachful eyes and he looked at her with disgust and anger.
  • His comments always held a reproachful tone, even when he tried to be dear.
  • His absence had regained for him much of that aureola of saintship which had been nearly abstracted during her reproachful mood on that miserable journey from London. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping. The end of an era,
  • I guess it was the kind of look you would call reproachful. When Lightning Strikes
  • Vague, reproachful thoughts for all the remote and immediate luxury of his life passed through his mind.
  • The king continues to disparage and asperse all sober and judicious reflections upon that royal paper, by charging upon them the unjust and reproachful character of sinistrous interpretations.
  • But now, she grew reproachful and distant with Rhiannon, and Rhiannon knew quite well why.
  • They mark our passing with a reproachful squawk and a clack of their fishy bills.
  • So," said my grandmother to my grandfather, in reproachful tones, "you 've gone and shut the calf up from its mother. Oldtown Folks
  • The bottle of detergent stood in reproachful isolation at one end of the table.
  • Just below, a freshly skinned ox head, looking chillingly alive, stares reproachfully at the viewer.
  • Beautiful, yes, but severe somehow and, to Adam's heightened awareness, reproachful.
  • ‘Yum,’ Kimberly grinned sarcastically, and was met with a reproachful look from Gabe.
  • [NED looks at her reproachfully.] [LORETTA looks back tantalisingly from doorway and disappears.] [NED flings himself disgustedly into Morris chair.] A WICKED WOMAN (A CURTAIN RAISER)
  • I _told_ you, sister," reproachfully, "us should always bring old Us An Old Fashioned Story
  • She gave her daughter a reproachful glance.
  • By the bye, "reproachfully," I have come a journey to-day, and am dreadfully tired, and you have never even offered me a chair; must I get one for myself? Molly Bawn
  • When Clive wouldn't go, she became plaintive and reproachful. SPLITTING
  • It was in the attic that Uncle Matthew had found most of his happiness, in the company of uncomplaining, unreproachful books, and the memory of that happiness had drawn John to the attic one day when he most missed his Uncle. The Foolish Lovers
  • Eli looked at Tim reproachfully as the two joined the stream of teens heading for the doors.
  • No," for a monosyllable is the most one can hope to secure of the conversation in an interview; but the pretty lady interviewer went on reproachfully: "Have you seen that stately hill of the dead, the Without Prejudice
  • Tony looked up at her; his voice calm, unreproachful. The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • His voice sounded thin and sanctimonious to Alma, but his cheeks looked jowly, heavily reproachful. LOST CHILDREN
  • His eyes hardened into bright emeralds and… I could be imagining it, but they had a somewhat reproachful gleam.
  • She gave Isabelle a reproachful look.
  • My mother's face floated to mind, a pale reproachful moon, at her last and first visit to the asylum since my twentieth birthday.

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