How To Use Reprise In A Sentence
The video, starring moussa Kabaa, has been directed by Bante in sort of a reprise of some ideas from his video for I grandi cambiamenti, this time with a proper budget and/or timespan to work with.
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As a group, 95% of Super Bowl advertisers appeared on the first page of the nonpaid area of search pages, according to Reprise Media, which has ranked the digital aspects of Super Bowl TV campaigns for the last five years.
How Super Bowl Ads Fared Online
Kruger reprised banal images from the Eisenhower years, threw such admonitional captions as we don't need another hero, and presented her large, crisp montages in striking combinations of black, white and red.
Graphic Content
Ford will once again reprise his role as the adventuring archeologist in the next film.
More Details on Indiana Jones IV -
Moving out of the central, more restrained and mournful section into the reprise could perhaps need a little more direction, but the overall work is coherent, engaging and pays the listener well.

An out of the blue rumor has come out; apparently Tom Cruise has been offered to reprise is role as Maverick in a sequel.
Top Gun 2?
Stiff and unpracticed, Szpilman manages to reprise Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer stows him in an attic directly above German headquarters and feeds him.
The passage in question covers the return of B, C and D themes, and the retransition to the final reprise of A.
The theme of dematerialisation is reprised at the top of the block, which is crowned with a glass belvedere (for meetings-with-a-view), connected to the lower floors by a serpentine spiral staircase.
Direction Informatique me téléphone pour me demander comment la venue de la génération Net sur le marché du travail, risque de perturber les habitudes des entreprises (son article devrait paraître plus tard cette semaine).
Michelle Blanc, M.Sc. commerce électronique. Marketing Internet, consultante, conférencière et auteure
It is already committed to getting prices rising at around 1% and providing ample liquidity to banks to prevent a reprise of the 1988 financial crisis.
After salvaging a round of 70 thanks to two late birdies, Woods will set out this afternoon with Sergio Garcia in a reprise of the 1999 US PGA Championship at Medinah.
The chorus of the piece - a reprise of Allien's introduction replete with the now introduced elements is a exultant mélange of avant-pop songwriting.
N'importe quel représentant du peuple, individuellement, à quelque parti politique qu'il appartienne, s'il veut véritablement la promotion du bien commun, ne devrait pas hésiter à réclamer une répartition adéquate de la richesse, respectant la liberté personnelle, la propriété et l'entreprise privées.
Qu'est-ce que le vrai Crédit Social? Au-dessus des partis politiques
The words are also haunted by Dickens's fear of a reprise of a violent social revolution akin to that experienced in France in the last decade of the eighteenth century.
Despite losing some of its momentum in the reprise, this was a stylish performance.
All of the original actors will reprise their roles with the late William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton appearing by way of footage from their original stints on the series.
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However, the Jay recording also includes just about everything, including instrumental reprises, instrumental covers of scene changes, the curtain-call music, and the exit music that played while the audience left the theater.
If some parts of this document sound like a reprise of themes from the sixteenth century, it is because those themes have grown faint for many.
Christianity Today
Popularity (reprise) It is physically impossible to look a woman strai ...
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Boris Karloff, who played the monster first in Frankenstein, turned down a reprise of the role because he feared the monster would only be demeaned and denigrated.
Des onze membres nommés par Jim Flaherty à son conseil consultatif en décembre dernier, neuf sont des dirigeants d'entreprises.
Archive 2009-01-01
A series of diverse episodes are framed by a recurring walking-rhythm motif, and Reicha manages to vary the order and inflection of his reprises in such a way that we hear each theme in close juxtaposition with every other.
Stiff and unpracticed, Szpilman manages to reprise Chopin's Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, whereupon the officer stows him in an attic directly above German headquarters and feeds him.
It has been a fitting reprise for the man who once sang about his Adidas.
They offered answers and reprise from the horrors of life.
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Love songs are reprised to peel away idealism.
Times, Sunday Times
A mournful adagio is sandwiched between the scherzo's reprise, deftly establishing contrast.
Few recent films escape the upchuck, which begins quite literally with an Exorcist reprise, with Linda Blair, in this case Megan Voorhees, spewing pea soup at a couple of priests.
The innovative Goodyear pact is a reprise of the strategy Gerard used to help restructure the ailing U.S. steel industry in the past year.
Brenneman's Burger King game plan is, in part, a reprise.
Vaughn's role is essentially a reprise of the role he played in The Magnificent Seven, right down to a couple of key speeches which are lifted almost wholesale from the earlier film.
It was supposed to be released by Warner Music Group's Reprise Records, but the label rejected it. rss feed
He reprised the role many times and performed the play in the US and at other international venues.
Times, Sunday Times
In some places, he says, the dancers make a basse dance reprise or branle in place of the double right.
Instead of parrying, Celia crouched under the blade's arc and reprised with an upward thrust of her own weapon.
Okay, I throw my hands up and can only say that Nadler's current show, "Crazy 1961," which he reprises twice more January 15 and 22 at Manhattan's Laurie Beechman Theatre, is yet another in his highly diverting, cagily intelligent enterprises.
David Finkle: First Nighter: Mark Nadler's Outstanding, Outrageous 'Crazy 1961'
Le ministre fédéral des Finances, qui présentera son budget mardi, a récemment créé, pour le conseiller, un conseil consultatif sur l'économie, composé surtout de chefs d'entreprises.
Archive 2009-01-01
Since the reprise of coach John Robinson, who brought national championships in a different, bygone era.
Optimists say it need not be a reprise of Iran; that it could look more like Turkey; that the term "moderate Islamist" isn't an oxymoron, at least in a relative sense.
Why Islamists Are Winning
Since the reprise of coach John Robinson, who brought national championships in a different, bygone era.
Des onze membres nommés par Jim Flaherty à son conseil consultatif en décembre dernier, neuf sont des dirigeants d'entreprises.
Archive 2009-01-01
Frank Welker and Peter Cullin reprise their Megatron and Optimus Prime voice roles for new Transformers videogame
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Transformers Game Nabs Original Voice Actors
You've no doubt heard rumors of a reprise of 1998, when market panic sunk Long Term Credit Bank of Japan and Nippon Credit Bank.
The track ends with a reprise of Arwen's choral theme, echoing her pleads to the Valar to save his life.
The party reshuffle was a reprise of a broader opposition reshuffle that took place in the past 12 months.
Reruns of "Leave It to Beaver" transformed Mrs. Billingsley into what was often described as "America's second mom," and she reprised her role in reunion shows, including "Still the Beaver" in the 1980s.
Barbara Billingsley, 94, dies; actress was model mom on 'Leave It To Beaver'
Superscale graphics run along the base of the facade, in a reprise of the eye-catching device employed by the architects in an earlier project at the Museum of Fine Arts in Castellon.
The elaboration is frenetic with strife, but the reprise is a many-hued rainbow after storm, and the coda in A major
Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
It is, as is to be expected in an encyclical, a reprise of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist, drawing richly on scriptural, patristic, and conciliar sources.
In an eerie reprise of Friday a month ago, a disappointing US economic statistic triggered a powerful rally, so violent as to indicate that at least some of the downward pressure of late was short selling.
The organ is treated as a liturgical voice, taking up the reprise of the antiphon after each of the five psalms, and basing its improvisation on the melody of the original chant of the antiphon: canon, chorale etc,.
Metropolitan Cathedral of Edinburgh
They have since reprised this song with a more intense tempo to bring a more rocking sound.
Anyone who doubts this, go youtube "who i'd be", "if words fail", or "big, bright beautiful world reprise" American Psycho the musical will probably something along the lines of sweeney todd, which is a good thing.
American Psycho Stage Musical in the Works with Music by Duncan Sheik | /Film
I offer the production a reprise, but they seem unconvinced.
Times, Sunday Times
It would appear that my previous monographs had been so well received that they are desirous of an encore, a repeat performance, a reprise.
Coogan essentially reprises the role that made him famous, only this time he's an immigrant waif orphaned during his sea passage from the Old World.
A record-label underling is charged with making sure a down-and-out rock star makes it to his comeback anniversary concert in L.A. Backstory: Russell Brand reprises the loutish rocker character he played in the 2008 comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
Il me fout un arret d'une semaine que je refuse car je lui explique que je suis en periode d'essai mais que je veux un traitement radical pour que ca soit un tant soit peu estompé pour mercredi la reprise que j'puisse camoufler avec quelque chose, du maquillage ou quoi ....
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Piazzolla used to lead his bands from the bandoneon, and accordionist James Crabb reprised the composer's role.
In a reprise of an argument she aired in an earlier essay, Musacchio characterizes the female viewer as the force driving the market that produced these artifacts.
The anomaly, to reprise, is that Hitler today is detested for his human-rights violations, ie, the Holocaust.
The Hitler Anomaly « Isegoria
Alas, the reprise is a bleating duet by Peabo Bryson and Celine Dion.
Just The Way Walt Made 'Em
After all, Sebastian and Viola have performed this scene before: when he peels off her moustache in this recognition scene, it's a reprise of their shipboard vaudeville act.
He reprised the role many times and performed the play in the US and at other international venues.
Times, Sunday Times
Soit tu consultes un avocat (c'est pas une idée bête, tu veux pas te retrouver coincée par le fait que ta compagnie est britannique pour une raison qui t'étais inconnue), soit tu consultes qqn qui a une compagnie en Suisse (ce que tu as probablement déjà fait) ou un genre de comptable, de consultant en entreprise, enfin, bref.
Advisors, Boards, Companies, Partners, Oh My! — Climb to the Stars
Nevertheless, the reprise of Helmut Newton's image is an interesting continuation of her earlier work while the series of self-portraits with naked women marks a deepening of Stehli's provocative art.
Further evidence for this comes from the musical rendering of the first line of the reprise, ‘These things seem more wondrous, yet more wondrous I’.
Filmed mainly in the 1960s and 1970s they had a small cast of actors who reprised comedy stereotypes: the fat frumpy matron, the likely lad, the dolly bird, the effete homosexual etc.
A source said: 'It was always a gamble for him to reprise his chat show on another channel.
The Sun
The last of its three sections begins with a reprise of the first but quickly veers off in a new direction.
They reprised the elaborate dance music in the last act.
Kruger reprised banal images from the Eisenhower years, threw in such admonitional captions as we don't need another hero, and presented her large, crisp montages in striking combinations of black, white and red.
Warning: Graphic Content
A recent Global Research article by Tom Burghardt provides a chilling (if also somewhat hyperbolic) account of recent raids on activists in what many are now calling a reprise on the 1960s CONTELPRO project, which was aimed mainly at the Black Panthers and other black militant groups.
Michael Schwartz: Unfortunately, Obama Is Expanding the Imperial Presidency
The tone becomes increasingly strident until a reprise of the opening is followed by a moment of calm that precedes a violent and sarcastic conclusion.
Love songs are reprised to peel away idealism.
Times, Sunday Times
Much of Sinatra's recorded output for Reprise, spanning 1960-88, was out of print, and what was left desperately needed a sonic overhaul and spiffier packaging.
Tony Sachs: Frank Sinatra on CD: Nothing But Nothing But The Best
Ils ont heurté à plusieurs reprises contre l'histoire humaine et naturelle.
Crossover Dreams: Fifteen minutes of undeserved fame in Port-au-Prince
From Mexico City to Buenos Aires, growing skepticism about the benefits of globalization could bring a reprise of failed populist and protectionist policies.
Then Bailey showed he can still get everybody dancing vertically, too, as folks from the floor to the rafters boogied as he lead his fellow EWF survivors and a large backing combo of younger musicians through reprises of the massive R&B singles "September," "Shining Star," and "Groove Tonight.
In concert: Earth Wind and Fire at The Kennedy Center
More than half of Family Tree is made up of recent, minimally orchestrated vocal performances, and most of them are reprised b-sides.
The final variations, with their reprises of themes from the other movements, brought the performance to a rich and satisfying close.
It's great news, although I have to say I was hoping for President Palmer, aka Dennis Haysbert to reprise is earlier voice role.
Filmstalker: Splinter Cell casting
The second movement is like the surreal reprise of the first that it is supposed to be.
_Afin que les entreprises honorables et les nobles aventures et faicts d'armes soyent noblement enregistrés et conservés, je vais traiter et raconter et inventer ung galimatias_.
David Duchovny reprises the role of Moody, the bawdy, cocksure and terminally lovesick belletrist transplanted from his native New York to Venice Beach.
Rob Fishman: Californication Season 3: Sneak Peek And Review
Robin gets graphically shot in the arm with a dart, Batman enters an "Adults Only" nightclub (where he performs the Batusi later reprised by Uma Thurman and John Travolta in PULP FICTION -- Holy Trivia Question!) and gets "doped," and Jill St. John as Molly (probably the best of the show's many "moll" characters) actually meets her death in the Batcave, her demise unforgettably eulogized by West: "What a way to go-go!
Archive 2006-01-08
After a reprise of the music for horns and piano for another short male solo, the Coda begins in vigorous style.
As for the discussions within experimentalism itself, one finds a reprise of the same old back-and-forth about romanticism (though keyed to standards of sophistication now often taken from recent theoretical discourse rather thanas was once the casefrom modernist poetry): Is the lyric-romantic legacy simplistic or complex?
Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
The second, another miracle, was the reprise Arellano.
His conspicuously theatrical account of the cathedral setting, of the votive lighting, and of his own pantomimic actions identifies this scene as a performative reprise of the dilemma of the bargain discussed earlier.
Some later examples introduced more complex techniques, such as canon (Mozart's Symphony no. 40, in G minor), and some treat the reprise of the minuet after the trio with elaborate embellishments.
It was not a reprise of the Revolution of 1776 with Federalists in Tory roles as Anglophiles, aristocrats, or monocrats.
Piazzolla used to lead his bands from the bandoneon, and accordionist James Crabb reprised the composer's role.
Ballou even squeezes in a reprise of his opening cadenza before the super-colossal breakdown, which somehow manages to reign in the song's momentum without sacrificing velocity.
Every song sounds like a somewhat tuneless reprise, albeit not of itself; one is entitled ‘Nothing Will Ever Be the Same,’ although disproof lies close at hand.
After 15 seconds or so of cheers the band kicks in with a reprise of the theme, the crowd explodes, and then, for three more minutes, the variations continue.
After a brief and uneasy truce, the war was reprised in 1999 - carpet-bombing, then ground troops, then guerrilla war.
The martial rhythmic section, pointed up by timpani, was particularly engaging and overall there was an operatic tone to this movement leading to a big climax before the decorated reprise of the first theme.
A source said: 'It was always a gamble for him to reprise his chat show on another channel.
The Sun
Fans of that film will be forgiven for assuming that both Hill and Brand reprise their roles: in fact, Hill plays a thus-far entirely unrelated character named Aaron Green, a record-label lackey enlisted by Diddy's character to keep Russell in line as the pair makes their way to a concert performance.
Indeed, he regards the national push for a high-tech salve for security anxieties as a reprise of his own early and erroneous beliefs about the transforming power of strong crypto.
To dispel any confusion, the track segues into a reprise of On Play Patterns' second half, ‘Ten Thousand Animal Calls.’
Like the well-known Garden Sculpture, Ruin has grown with each installation, helped by friends, a reprise of Roth's freewheeling, iconoclastic process.
Tom Watson and the Scots golfing galleries relived all their yesteryears at Turnberry last week when he and Jack Nicklaus played out the reprise of the Duel of the Sun.
As he segued into a reprise of ‘Clap Hands,’ band members burst into a cutlery percussion jam, using everything from forks to bananas as makeshift drumsticks.
Le ministre fédéral des Finances, qui présentera son budget mardi, a récemment créé, pour le conseiller, un conseil consultatif sur l'économie, composé surtout de chefs d'entreprises.
Archive 2009-01-01
Signed, sealed and delivered was the reprise as he danced to the ensuing deafening roars of approval.
Rather, for other readers the thinkers featured here, and the implications for rhetoric, have been so absorbed as not to need a lengthy reprise.
If some parts of this document sound like a reprise of themes from the sixteenth century, it is because those themes have grown faint for many.
Christianity Today
Their new show, Illegal Harmonies, is a welcome reprise of their hit performance at last year's Gay Games Festival in Sydney.
The aggroup behindhand the orbicular phenomenon The Da Vinci Code returns for the highly expected Angels & Demons, supported upon the bestselling new by Dan Brown. blackamoor histrion reprises his persona as altruist churchlike proficient parliamentarian Langdon, who erst again finds that forces with ancient roots are selection to kibosh at nothing, modify murder, to front their goals.
After making his name covering the Korean War – a role he reprised when he provided his radio voice for the widely watched final episode of "MASH" in 1983 – Pierpoint became a White House correspondent during the Dwight D.
Robert Pierpoint Dead: CBS News Legend Dies At 86
From China, the revolutionary spirit spread to Europe -- where, in places like Spain, the most popular refrain heard in the streets of Tunisia was reprised in the term "cambio," or change.
The Full Feed from
À deux reprises, soit le 3 juin 2008 et le 30 mars 2009, les députés du Parlement ont adopté une motion demandant au gouvernement de cesser immédiatement toute action de renvoi ou d’expulsion entreprise contre les résistants à la guerre en Irak et leurs familles, et d’établir un programme leur permettant de demander le statut de résident permanent au Canada.
Immigration critics to jason kenney: respect the will of parliament, do not deport war resisters!
But even the new Warners still had a very profitable record business consisting of the Warner Reprise label, in which Frank Sinatra held a 20 percent interest; and Atlantic Records, a label headed by Ahmet Ertegun, a Turkish entrepreneur who was a celebrated pop music producer.
_Afin que les entreprises honorables et les nobles aventures et faicts d'armes soyent noblement enregistres et conserves, je vais traiter et raconter et inventer ung galimatias. _
Also enthralling was the remarkable Italian cantata from 1708, Tra le fiamme, in which three arias interspersed by recitatives lead to a final reprise of the first, resulting in a rather progressive cyclic structure.
Peter Sellers, who had wanted to play Fagin, had committed to other projects by the time production began and so Ron Moody, who had played the role on stage, reprised his performance.
He reprised that role last year, improving in confidence as the season progressed.
Folks from the floor to the rafters boogied as he led his fellow EWF survivors and a large backing combo of younger musicians through reprises of the massive R&B singles "September," "Shining Star" and "Groove Tonight.
Music review: Earth, Wind and Fire at Kennedy Center
It's the second day of the fifth annual New Yorker Festival, and Gladwell has just finished a detailed reprise of the seven seconds that led to the infamous 1999 fatal shooting.
Acting almost as a reprise for the entire album, the song ends the album nicely and, more importantly, leaves the listener wanting more.
Hugh Jackman reprises the role that made him a superstar, as the fierce fighting machine who possesses amazing healing powers, adamantium claws, and a primal fury known as berserker rage.
Leo Burmester simply reprised his performance in Les Misérables, although the show's most rousing number, ‘How Many Devils?’