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How To Use Reprisal In A Sentence

  • Similarly, the exaction of stiff reprisals for unexpected attacks on troops remote from the fighting front might cow the local population, or might stimulate them to more aggressive resistance.
  • He was driven to use reprisal raids, the razzias that had traditionally formed part of warfare in North Africa.
  • You may, of course, disregard the whole thing without fear of violent reprisals: anapestic little bouffe Toast:
  • Police informants could be at risk of reprisals. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dozen hostages were shot in reprisal for the killing of an army officer.
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  • One cannot ignore the fact that this chessboard is populated by people who have to endure [this crisis] every day," Kurtzer says, point out how Israel considers it absolutely unacceptable to come under constant rocket bombardment from Palestinian areas and how Palestine considers it absolutely unacceptable for Israeli reprisals to carry such "civilian cost. We Want Two States | ATTACKERMAN
  • The fact that they could come out knowing that they were going to be faced with very brutal reprisals makes you feel tall about being human. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1390, on Robert II's death, Buchan and his caterans burned Forres, and then Elgin burgh and cathedral, in reprisals for Moray's actions.
  • a cycle of reprisal and retaliation
  • Like Grandma, the two guerrillas had taken revolutionary names to bolster their morale and, in the advent of capture, to shield their villages and families from reprisals.
  • A gangland war erupts that sees assassination attempts, violent reprisals, and an ever-rising body count.
  • It was claimed that it made rural communities vulnerable to guerrilla reprisals.
  • After two minutes of stumbling, the song switches gears, grinding against itself before going for a brief jaunt, and then concluding with a reprisal of the introductory shamble.
  • And the ease of self-publishing is fueling this; it's fueling the rage at the so-called "gatekeepers" and allowing authors to vent without fear of reprisal because they're just going to flounce off and publish their books by themselves. Melanie Benjamin: Stop the Insanity and Just Write, Already
  • Negotiations can consist of suggesting courses of action, threatening reprisals, offering to work together, showing or demanding to see cards, or anything at all.
  • Facing their reprisals, Bouebdelli publicly criticized the regime's strong-arm tactics -- only to have a court seize, on spurious grounds, a private university he had built and operated.
  • They resigned in the face of threatened reprisals if they defied a government order to return to work.
  • The decision takes immediate effect and will remove for many workers the threat of reprisal from aggrieved party officials.
  • In 1996, RSF published a report entitled Libya: "We can criticize Allah but not Gaddafi" in which it referred to a "relaxation" of restrictions on the media, but noted that journalists critical of the regime spoke to its representatives in hushed tones for fear of reprisals. Magda Abu-Fadil: Libyan Media March to Beat of a Different Drummer
  • She tried to persuade the soldiers that they would not suffer reprisals if they surrendered.
  • Mrs Monaghan said she feared reprisals for her visit to London but said something needed to be done to end the stand-off.
  • They promised that individuals could live freely without fear of reprisal from the military.
  • Countless houses have been bulldozed and olive trees uprooted in collective reprisals.
  • No one pretends that for a moment, indeed the sharpness of enemy reprisals will certainly decrease as the Allied poundings itself is magnified, but the sting of the Stuka, the jeer of the Ju. 88, the drone of the Dormer, and the mischief of the Messerschmitt, have all been measured by the flying men of the United Nations, who have once again shewn themselves the salt of the earth. The Plans Unfold
  • They spend money wantonly with no fear of reprisals at an election.
  • It was hardly surprising that the Republican zone was kept on a war footing by fear of Nationalist reprisals. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • Sometimes overzealousness, greed, avarice, or fear of reprisal can affect human judgment.
  • Worst of all, the villain of the piece escapes the brutal but satisfying reprisals Banks baddies usually get. The Sun
  • Reprisals followed fast, unbeknownst to Laura who went to bed early that night. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • They bombed civilian targets in reprisal.
  • Church officials say they have 200 copies of the Koran and Jones says Jesus would approve of his plan for "Burn a Koran Day," which he calls a reprisal for Islamist terrorism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal .
  • Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.
  • KUWAIT - Kuwait, calling Saddam Hussein "the father of all stupidity", put its armed forces on alert for any Iraqi reprisal after a U.S. cruise missile strike on an alleged nuclear facility outside Baghdad. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • She initially refused to give names, claiming that she feared reprisals from those involved in the robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anonymous members said last night that the arrests could lead to reprisal attacks against government and police websites. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dozen hostages were shot in reprisal for the killing of an army officer.
  • Zimmerman continues: ‘Those people to whom trade, growth and profit count most make the point that economic reprisals are inevitable.’
  • Perhaps their fear of legal reprisals meant that they were not willing to deal with possible complications? Times, Sunday Times
  • Though the British as a whole supported the policy of reprisals, the toll of death and destruction in Berlin and other large cities caused misgivings and public questioning of the morality of ‘area’ bombing.
  • The threat of a reprisal strike was broadcast by the country's state-run radio, and monitored in Beijing.
  • Advo-cates for battered women claim it would also make it harder for women to leave abusive or violent relationships -- especially if they feared reprisals for testifying to abuse in court. Tightening The Knot
  • threatened unspecified reprisals
  • Meanwhile, the boy and his family live in constant fear of a reprisal.
  • But Hezbollah fired so many volleys of rockets from the nearby orchards that it feared reprisal bombings against the crowd that would gather to bury the dead in the open field by the ancient hippodrome. A Privilege to Die
  • The gang threatened to take reprisals against them.
  • But now, without any provocation, and without the justification of reprisal or retaliation, a refusal to outlaw the use of the bomb save in reprisal is making a political purpose of its possession; this is hardly pardonable. Atomic War or Peace
  • From A to Z, what we see is bad: political corruption, briberies, corrupt media, special forces attacking the people and parliament members," said one of the organizers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of government reprisals. In Kuwait, a long battle to oust the prime minister
  • The paper has never published details of these one-sided conversations for fear of legal reprisals.
  • They would smouch provisions from the pantry whenever they got a chance; or a brass thimble, or a cake of wax, or an emery bag, or a paper of needles, or a silver spoon, or a dollar bill, or small articles of clothing, or any other property of light value; and so far were they from considering such reprisals sinful, that they would go to church and shout and pray the loudest and sincerest with their plunder in their pockets. Pudd'nhead Wilson
  • Over 100 more Tamils were reportedly killed in further reprisals against refugee camps and villages on Aug. 12-14.
  • The fear of legal reprisals also means that youngsters are now growing up without any basic knowledge of what makes their homes work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jones has said Jesus would approve of his plan for "Burn a Koran Day," which he called a reprisal for Islamist terrorism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Instantly, as if fearing reprisals, she lowered her head in a respectable, subservient manner and said nothing more as she bustled toward the door.
  • If his own lord wins, he is delivered without reproach, and if his captor is the victor he is immune just as surely, safe from injury in the battle or reprisals after it. His Disposition
  • They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal .
  • Cutting down trees in a hurry is one thing, but cutting them down in face of hidden rifle-fire is most decidedly another, especially when the axmen have been promised there will be no reprisals. The Eye of Zeitoon
  • They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.
  • Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.
  • No one was arrested in the 1983 incident, but professional reprisals did follow.
  • Although that revolt failed, the brutal Ottoman reprisals, which killed 30,000 Bulgarians, drew Europe's attention to what had previously been considered an Ottoman backwater.
  • Many other senior doctors declined to sign it, not because they disagreed with its message but out of fear of reprisals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals.
  • Civilian targets were bombed in reprisal.
  • They may know that they will not always have any impact or influence but they also know they can speak without fear of reprisal. Coping with Stress at Work
  • Looting the tawdry possessions of the African villagers was both a reprisal and a reward.
  • Civilian targets were bombed in reprisal ( for the raid ).
  • Attack and reprisal-increasingly barbaric and brutal by turn-have marked the conflict since then.
  • The other side of the coin is the individual's right to personal privacy and the right, of say human rights activists, to communicate online without fear of reprisals from repressive regimes needs to be protected.
  • Many people are reluctant to discuss their political views openly for fear of reprisals, but there was a mood of gleeful defiance at yesterday's rally. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the key feature of such trust relations is an absence of opportunism, in that individual firms will not fear reprisals after any reorganization of interfirm relations.
  • He was killed in 1972 by a car bomb in Beirut, in what was believed to be an Israeli reprisal for the killings of 26 people by three Japanese terrorists linked to the PFLP at Ben Guroin then Lod airport in 1972. Leon T. Hadar: Return to Haifa: Whose Narrative Is It Anyway?
  • Tony Azzopardi, 56, said that he wants to help the police work out what happened to the singer in her last hours but claims he is terrified of reprisals from the dealer he arranged for her to buy drugs from.
  • Robbing he called plundering the enemy; and hanging was, in his idea, a dastardly and cruel advantage that the latter took, and that called for the sternest reprisals. Catherine: a story
  • But according to Iraqi exiles, the jubilation in Baghdad was low key, perhaps to avoid provoking reprisals.
  • At the start of the meeting organisers asked that no-one was named for fear of reprisals.
  • Among them was the Popular Resistance Committees, the group Israel almost immediately blamed for the attack, and promptly launched what it called a reprisal strike. Top Stories
  • They bombed the enemy villages in reprisal for the killing some of their own troops.
  • People rightly aren't willing to risk destroying their own careers if they sense there isn't sufficient protection from reprisals by their superiors.
  • None of the judges, lawyers or court officials can be named to avoid possible reprisals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Allies, who were at one stage two days’ march from Paris, had circulated details of their planned reprisals, so that the Revolutionaries knew who was to be tortured to death and who merely imprisoned for life.
  • This kind of war all but inevitably produces exemplary punishments of civilians, destruction of homes and reprisals against the families of men fighting the occupation.
  • Murders and attempted murders of state officials became almost routine, preoccupying and slowing down state administrators and inviting reprisals or, at least, harsh policies.
  • The assassination was in reprisal for invasion.
  • Police said the woman, too terrified to be named, was shocked and fearful of reprisals but otherwise unharmed.
  • Celestino, an anarchist veteran of the Spanish Civil War, lives in cantankerous old age in Paris, complaining to his daughter about their host country, yet not daring to return home for fear of Francoist reprisal. Monster of Marriage
  • Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.
  • They took bloody reprisals against the leaders.
  • The biblical adage of «an eye for eye» is a statute of limitation, not a spur to indiscriminate reprisal. Kathimerini English Edition : Print Edition : 26/6/09
  • By its lack of information, the text distances the - individual homicides from the history of reprisals that area prominent feature-of sectarian murders.
  • What was originally intended as a reprisal against the stuffy, airless academicism of government-approved filmmaking is now becoming mired in its own set of cliches.
  • For that reason, modern nation-states are free to unleash devastating reprisals against their captive nations who attempt liberation.
  • But tell me, hasn't the pharmaceutical industry fearing reprisals changed that somewhat, in fact, started policing itself, and toned down some of this stuff?
  • Jones says Jesus would approve of his plan for "Burn a Koran Day," which he calls a reprisal for Islamist terrorism. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The reason that serious entertainment journalism only tends to exist in major outlets is that only major outlets can scare the system out of reprisals for their honesty.
  • Over 100 more Tamils were reportedly killed in further reprisals against refugee camps and villages on Aug. 12-14.
  • What is more important in my opinion, is that the songs of this young man reflect exactly the common sense of the Mozambican people, so, that which was before commented on at home, on the street corners etc, that which for many raises doubts, questions, is now brought up in a direct form, without fear of censorship and reprisals from whoever. Global Voices in English » Mozambique: House of the Flying Azagaias
  • For some, Tuesday's attack marks a single reprisal for more than a decade of attacks that have gone unavenged.
  • Instantly, as if fearing reprisals, she lowered her head in a respectable, subservient manner and said nothing more as she bustled toward the door.
  • He'd lost a cousin and some good friends in these reprisals.
  • Given the power of the managerial hierarchy to dispense or withhold rewards, open acts of defiance expose individuals to reprisal.
  • The other side of the coin is the individual's right to personal privacy and the right, of say human rights activists, to communicate online without fear of reprisals from repressive regimes needs to be protected.
  • The decision takes immediate effect and will remove for many workers the threat of reprisal from aggrieved party officials.
  • To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land andwater; The Volokh Conspiracy » Andrew McCarthy Sticks to His Guns (And He May Be Pointing Them at You Next)
  • For example, only two weeks after the start of the Russian campaign, the Wiking Division massacred 600 Galician Jews in "reprisal for Soviet cruelties".
  • Only widespread persecution, with no fear of reprisals or guardsmen coming to intervene. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The citadel was evacuated to avoid political reprisals in the 1780s, but civilians remained in the fortified town until its decline in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • The twentieth century saw many examples of arts playing a powerful political role, sometimes eliciting harsh reprisals and censorship, even death.
  • Take also the case of lawful belligerent reprisals (for example, the use of prohibited weapons).
  • His daughter spoke anonymously, fearing reprisals and saying that she was being watched and that her telephoned was bugged by security agents. Times, Sunday Times
  • They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal .
  • Henry's savage reprisals in 1544 and 1545 alienated what support the English had in Scotland and in 1548 Mary was betrothed to the dauphin and sent to France.
  • One of those, in turn, had some smaller black bird skipping along behind it, darting in and out as it prosecuted reprisals for some corvine trangression. Soldiers Live
  • Only its vital strategic importance as a naval base cushioned it from further reprisals.
  • Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.
  • The so-called defense of Angus McMillan’s Bushy Park, and innumerable one-sided skirmishes elsewhere in Gippsland during the 1840s, for which the squatters’ justification was usually some form of legitimate reprisal for thefts of cattle, or fictitious attacks on white settlers (even a few real ones), effectively combined to wipe out most of the Aborigines of East Gippsland within a span of ten years, roughly extending from 1840 to 1850. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Amnesty International blamed "the negligence of state and federal authorities" for what it called reprisal attacks against activists and relatives of crime victims. - News
  • If the accusation was unfounded, the Association could preempt the reprisal; if true, the YMCA worked to redress the original grievance to resecure the withdrawn privileges. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Anonymous members said last night that the arrests could lead to reprisal attacks against government and police websites. Times, Sunday Times
  • She tried to persuade the soldiers that they would not suffer reprisals if they surrendered.
  • Resistance would probably not have continued after Savenay without the unrelieved brutality of republican reprisals over the spring of 1794.
  • Between the rants and reprisals the couple meet, and still unaware of their counterparts' real identities take a liking to one another.
  • The victim underwent surgery yesterday to remove four shotgun pellets from his arm and was too frightened of reprisals to talk about his experience.
  • It turns out they are using the house to launch raids in the neighbourhood, prompting Mohammad's son Jamal to plot reprisals against the occupiers.
  • So far as the Norman kings were concerned it could only be a question of overlordship, of reprisals against Scottish and Welsh raids, and, perhaps, the exaction of tribute from subordinate kings.
  • She was forced to take a new identity and move home amid fears of reprisals. The Sun
  • Neither could the Bosnian Serbs -- whose brinkman-ship has repeatedly reduced the mighty Western Alliance to feckless threats and weak reprisals. Make War, Make Peace
  • As he knew himself, however, his father's own status as a Mafioso protected him from reprisals.
  • We have the best political system in the world because it allows us to voice our criticisms without fear of reprisal.
  • The decision takes immediate effect and will remove for many workers the threat of reprisal from aggrieved party officials.
  • Mrs Monaghan said she feared reprisals for her visit to London but said something needed to be done to end the stand-off.
  • Couldn't it have had more to do with pots and kettles, and the fear of reprisals? Times, Sunday Times
  • It can continue to hit what remains and to seal off its newly captured territories from journalists with little fear of military reprisals. Times, Sunday Times
  • They promised that individuals could live freely without fear of reprisal from the military.
  • She is panicked about possible reprisals at work because of her illness and absences, together with the fact that she is seeing a psychiatrist.
  • _employe_ which Balzac was to rehandle so often, but drops suddenly into brigands stopping diligences, the marriage of the heroine Annette with a retired pirate marquis of vast wealth, the trial of the latter for murdering another marquis with a poisoned fish-bone scarf-pin, his execution, the sanguinary reprisals by his redoubtable lieutenant, and The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix
  • The Minimum Means of Reprisal - a title lifted from a Chinese official's description of his government's nuclear stance. ArmsControlWonk
  • What great art or entertainment is stillborn today, afraid of reprisals from some easily offended group with an axe to grind?
  • The American YMCA played a key role in averting a Franco-German reprisal during the winter of 1916-1917. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • They promised that individuals could live freely without fear of reprisal from the military.
  • Many of our sisters and brothers around the world live in sorrow and affliction: in the pain of hunger or the grip of disease, in fear of political reprisals, in poverty so pervasive it saps the spirit.
  • There have been ferocious anti-government protests for a week now, and brutal reprisals. The Sun
  • This is not the time for reprisals, but let me stress that human error of this magnitude will not be tolerated.
  • NIGERIA: REPRISAL KILLINGS IN JOS graves near the city of Jos, in the latest apparent revenge killing. InI
  • Hatreds, thou alone dost fertilize the brain of man whom injustice has crushed; thou breathest into him the idea of meditated vengeance, sure misdeeds; thou incitest him to murder; thou givest him the abundant joy of accomplished reprisals and permittest him to taste the intoxicating draught of the tears of which he is the cause. Là-bas
  • For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family.
  • They could exist within a natural environment without fear of reprisal. Secrets of the Soil
  • She told the Daily News that an auxiliary told her the massacre ‘was a reprisal for what had occurred in the morning.’
  • Many feel the capture of their leader will provoke diehard terrorists into wreaking ever more horrific reprisals.
  • Whalers face the threat of government reprisals should they start a commercial hunt which has been banned since 1985.

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