How To Use Repossess In A Sentence
The blue eyes into which Betty turned to look were honest, too, and the shock of tow-colored hair and the half-embarrassed grin that displayed a set of uneven, white teeth instantly prepossessed the girl in favor of the speaker.
A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
If the mortgage rate has to go up to bring the price of houses down, it will create more homelessness because of repossessions.
We are overapt to apply our nineteenth century prejudices and prepossessions to the morality of the ancient Greeks who would have specimen'd such squeamishness in Attic salt.
Arabian nights. English
People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.

He repossessed himself of his farm.
To remove a conviction so generally adopted, Quentin easily saw was impossible — nay, that any attempt to undeceive men so obstinately prepossessed in their belief, would be attended with personal risk, which, in this case, he saw little use of incurring.
Quentin Durward
‘When they have a court order the bailiffs can gain repossession of the land and can ask the police for help if they need it,’ says John.
If any thing has fallen under your observation, either on the one side or the other, I intreat you to lay it totally aside; to come to the consideration of this subject with cool, dispassionate, unprejudiced, unprepossessed minds, to attend to the evidence that will be laid before you, and to that evidence alone -- by that evidence let the Defendants stand or fall.
The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, the Hon. Andrew Cochrane Johnstone, Richard Gathorne Butt, Ralph Sandom, Alexander M'Rae, John Peter Holloway, and Henry Lyte for A Conspiracy In the Court of
It seemed incredible, yet it was true; it was proved to be so to me by his pricking his ears and his attentive look at the mention of the word prepossessing him in relation to the money: Government.
The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Volume 8
Returning to his own unprepossessing patch of auto show real estate — five cars parked on a stretch of carpet — Zhou assessed the surrounding opulence: Those beautiful vehicles are for the very handsome men, those high in society.
A Car for the Everyday Man
Quite how Neville has managed to find such an unprepossessing place for a party is beyond me.
I had never heard the remark made by any one in my life, except by one; and who that was will probably come out in this chapter; so that being pretty much unprepossessed, there must have been grounds for what struck me the moment I cast my eyes over the parterre, — and that was, the unaccountable sport of Nature in forming such numbers of dwarfs. —
A sentimental journey through France and Italy
I had never heard the remark made by any one in my life, except by one; and who that was will probably come out in this chapter; so that being pretty much unprepossessed, there must have been grounds for what struck me the moment I cast my eyes over the parterre, - and that was, the unaccountable sport of Nature in forming such numbers of dwarfs.
A Sentimental Journey
In many states, the lender can repossess your car without as much as a telephone call or written notice if you fall behind on one monthly payment.
Former Mansa Batteries workers have supported Government plans to repossess the closed company and sell it to other investors.
She couldn't meet the payments,so they repossessed the car.
He wasn't a very prepossessing sort of person.
But almost one-third of the sales were of repossessed properties, and inventories of unsold homes actually rose.
Times, Sunday Times
Out the window of the crche dining room, they saw the procession of what Sarah called the "repossessed," mainly Africans, but some whites, and their nationality not so obvious as they had been given Catteni cover-alls.
Freedoms Challenge
As he opens one of his most ambitious buildings yet, a $135 million glass-fronted pavilion that encloses two historic theaters and adds an innovative third, he is also working on a civic library in an unprepossessing edge-city near Vancouver.
Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Grace Poole, a rather dumpy, unprepossessing servant.
The dinner stood, but there was a desire already more powerful than the appetite for shows, already more efficient in turning the man’s mind away from his grim prepossession with his past than any theatre could be, and that was an enormous curiosity and perplexity about this Boomfood and these Boom children — this new portentous giantry that seemed to dominate the world.
The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
To my inexperienced eye they appeared more unprepossessing than ever.
He asks why he should be made to pay for the incompetence of the bureaucrat that bungled the repossession.
Help develop restructuring plans to assist clients in resolving delinquency and avoiding repossession of lease equipment.
It is a small and unprepossessing; the scribal hand is unbeautiful.
The Times Literary Supplement
They were in arrears with their mortgage , so their home was repossessed.
In the second, Whisky Galore, the thirsty inhabitants of a remote Scottish village hijack the cargo of a whisky-laden merchantman wrecked on their shores during the second world war and defy the authorities to repossess it.
Whisky Galore – review
Few are entirely immune, and all that it takes for repossession to take hold is an infelicitous set of circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
He's ditched the Mother Bates outfit for jeans and a crewneck body-hugging sweater, but at over six feet of coiled spring intensity, he is still extremely prepossessing.
Baggy, shapeless, colorless, they were as unprepossessing as a shroud.
The champagne corks popped but then the reporter told us the house had been repossessed.
Growing up physically small in the shadow of prepossessing Kim Il - sung can hardly have been easy.
According to the Red Cross, ‘We never repossess tents given to victims.’
It was extremely unusual to have callers shown in in this unceremonious fashion, even if she had been rather unprepossessed by these particular callers.
The Beloved Woman
Once you've arrived at a figure, you can try to work out a deal with the defaulting party before the property is repossessed.
Many of the cars you will see at auction are repossessions.
But even in this democracy, absolute power, if they chose to exercise it, would rest with the numerical majority; and these would be composed exclusively of a single class, alike in biasses, prepossessions, and general modes of thinking, and a class, to say no more, not the most highly cultivated.
Representative Government
She was young, but attractive and quite prepossessing.
Then one brief TV interview with an unprepossessing kid holding a skateboard explains the view from the other side: he says the boy was skateboarding on her street, she was yelling at him, then he got angry and pushed her.
He points out that even in last year's buoyant market 5000 repossession actions were lodged in Scottish courts, and he is very fearful of what might happen if prices crash.
Cyprus, he added, has a future of 'repossessions, bankruptcies, political and social upheaval'.
Times, Sunday Times
Others in the oil industry have said that oil companies often take a tough stance when trying to repossess their filling stations from licensees.
A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
A repossession is usually the final stage of a foreclosure," remarked Simon Campbell, a business analyst with Bank Foreclosures Sale.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
These acts included armed robberies by guerilla groups called repossession units, who were tasked with obtaining weapons and goods for subsistence, by means of armed robbery if necessary.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Meanwhile, only 1.5 million homes have been liquidated, that is, they've been repossessed from a delinquent borrower and sold off to a buyer capable of making monthly payments. Home Page
When we take up an ancient text, seeking to understand it and expecting it to speak to us, deep calling to our deep, we do so with certain presuppositions, inexplicit and unconscious, never with an empty, unprepossessed mind.
Circle of understanding
Their house was repossessed when they couldn't keep up their mortgage payments.
Your gas might be disconnected or your washing machine repossessed.
Say Goodbye to Debt
It's a sleety, unprepossessing kind of day and nobody's out unless they have to be.
When I first went out to New York to do a recce for ‘Changing Lanes’, I stumbled upon a very unprepossessing restaurant.
She was described as prepossessing, “open, confiding, expressing strong feelings on her countenance, but neither hardened in depravity nor capable of cunning.”
Elizabeth Fry
She couldn't meet the payments,(Sentence dictionary)so they repossessed the car.
This reluctance of lenders to repossess homes owes little to sentiment: few lenders want to sell assets into a falling market.
The greatest single British contribution to the defeat of the Third Reich, and possibly the greatest British achievement of the past century, is known to us as Bletchley, the unprepossessing country house halfway between Oxford and Cambridge, where an eccentric team of mathematicians, musicians, and classicists broke what the Germans had with good reason believed to be the unbreakable codes of their Enigma machines, and in the process pretty well invented modern computing: the huge creaking and whirring "bombes" of Bletchley, running over endless patterns and permutations, were the forebears of your laptop.
Despite his unprepossessing appearance, he was very popular with women.
In the event it mixed a few sensible ideas (faster help for those whose banks threaten to repossess their houses) with a few dotty ones (luring first-time buyers into a falling market).
Shakespeare to glorify the name of Cranmer or to deify the names of the queen then dead and the king yet living, it is but natural that he should be induced by an unconscious bias or prepossession of the will to depreciate the worth of the verse sent on work fitter for ushers and embalmers and the general valetry or varletry of Church and State.
A Study of Shakespeare
What you need are huge and unmanageable Visa and store charge card debts, with a few court proceedings and the odd repossession threat hanging over your head.
I've just looked at the pictures of the fish, and it looks even less prepossessing than it did in the flesh, so to speak.
The Koreans, knowing perhaps that failure would mean summary execution, executed their own swarming defensive strategy and foiled, consternated and vexed the Brazilians so badly that Brazil's "beautiful game" became, right before our astonished eyes, the "not so prepossessing game.
Greatest World Cup goals
Despite their unprepossessing looks, bull terriers have many attractive virtues.
Above all, perhaps, it confirmed its composer's repossession of the baroque in its regular harmonic movement.
When I left the Superintendent he was deciding what to do with these unprepossessing specimens of the soldiery.
Though unprepossessing to look at, he is highly intelligent.
This unprepossessing mare must defy her own humble origins and much more besides.
Times, Sunday Times
Estate agents report growing numbers of repossessions and young homeowners struggling to pay their monthly mortgages.
Benefits for the cybersquatter come in the form of per-click revenue from ads on the repossessed site.
Don’t Let Cybersquatters Steal Your Name : Law is Cool
The concept of organ repossession is not strong enough for a serious film.
MOVIE REVIEW: Repo Men (2010)
It was remarkably unprepossessing - a translucent box-shaped blob, six or eight inches high, with threadlike tentacles trailing off beneath it.
The king's prepossession in my favor is very valuable.
He thinks anyone on the repossession list has asked for it by not keeping up their payments... Well he doesn't think at all, really.
BRIEF SYNOPSIS: A man who repossesses artificial organs must flee from the organization that employs him when he cannot pay for his own artificial heart.
March 2010
The repossession stays on your report for seven years.
Flightless, fangless, clawless, slow, and weak, he isn't physically prepossessing.
She got behind with her mortgage and the house was repossessed.
She was described as prepossessing, "open, confiding, expressing strong feelings on her countenance, but neither hardened in depravity nor capable of cunning.
Elizabeth Fry
The girl and baby disappeared as soon as I saw my father; which was not surprising, for he could not be called a prepossessing half-breed.
We trundled off, hiked up a steep incline of jagged coral, past poisonous trees and cat-sized frogs, and ended up at an unprepossessing wooden pontoon at the edge of a vast lake.
Despite his unprepossessing appearance, he was very popular with women.
The world taken _en masse_ is a monster, crammed with prejudices, packed with prepossessions, cankered with what it calls virtues, a puritan, a prig.
The Green Carnation
If you plan to rely solely on the government when times are hard, you run the risk of repossession. So, what are the alternatives?
It's a sign of changed circumstances in the Valley that another growth area is the repossession of cars bought on tick, whose owners can no longer afford to keep up the repayments.
“The property of which jewels and cimelia remained with us,” continued the king, in the same solemn tone, “subject only to your claim of advance thereupon; which advance being repaid, gives us right to repossession of the thing opignorated, or pledged, or laid in wad.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Your gas might be disconnected or your washing machine repossessed.
Say Goodbye to Debt
We are overapt to apply our nineteenth century prejudices and prepossessions to the morality of the ancient Greeks who would have specimen’d such squeamishness in Attic salt.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Other companies specialise in homes repossessed from owner-occupiers or investors, or that people are in a hurry to sell.
Times, Sunday Times
We have seen that, if there was one ambitious scheme in his calculation which, though not absolutely generous and heroic, still might win its way to a certain sympathy in the undebased human mind, it was the hope to restore the fallen fortunes of his ancient house, and repossess himself of the long alienated lands that surrounded the dismal wastes of the mouldering hall.
My Novel — Volume 09
He looked like a cop, was talking to another cop, and Adam hoped he was the one, because he didn't look very prepossessing.
Eventually the bailiffs came to repossess the flat.
While not physically prepossessing and perhaps less obviously glamorous than her contemporaries, she is aging beautifully, and it is a pleasure to see her work.
As I had not been so well known as a moralist, and had not the prepossessing advantage of a bald, benevolent head, nothing was done for me, and I was turned once more on the wide world, to moralize on the vicissitudes of fortune.
Paul Clifford — Complete
I said, trying to score a point: ‘A pair of broken glass is hardly a prepossessing sight, they must have put it away.’
Early action could prevent a large number of repossessions.
They got a court order to repossess the house and garage.
Those yogurt-hurling demonstrators who tossed a local version called skyr were concerned about house repossessions. Top Stories
While on a drive to repossess a refrigerator from a customer who can't keep up with her payments, Obi unpacks the morality of crime in the new South Africa.
In this instance, the person was trying to meet mortgage payments and avoid their home being repossessed.
Times, Sunday Times
But the prepossessions of Flora were unalienably engaged in favour of the exiled Stuarts; and they were not, perhaps, the less likely to glow from being necessarily suppressed.
Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 Volume III.
The first two are adorably cute, saucer-eyed pups, the third a rather straggly and unprepossessing mongrel.
The Hard Sell:
He was a rather unprepossessing character as a young man," said Thamer.
Germany's first Hitler exhibition opens in nervous Berlin museum
The property of which jewels and _cimelia_ remained with us," continued the king, in the same solemn tone, "subject only to your claim of advance thereupon; which advance being repaid, gives us right to repossession of the thing opignorated, or pledged, or laid in wad.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Thus perplexed, "criticism approaches the form of fragment, pensée, or parable: it both soars and stutters as it creates the new text that rises up, prankishly, against a prior text that will surely repossess it" (Hartman, 75, 82).
Bringing About the Past
A rather colourless pair of unprepossessing portraits.
Times, Sunday Times
The total of Montreal-area landlord repossessions rose from 561 to 622 in one year.
He wasn't a very prepossessing sort of person.
Five different credit card companies were suing him, his car was repossessed and the police arrived to arrest him because of his debts.
His conquests have surprised many, largely because of his unprepossessing appearance.
If the loan fails the bank will not repossess the goods, they will just chase you for the cash.
In this instance, the person was trying to meet mortgage payments and avoid their home being repossessed.
Times, Sunday Times
Not very prepossessing to look at but this hard, round hairy ball is so versatile you will never look at it the same way again after reading this column.
It's immediately recognisable as a Shane Meadows picture both through the harsh, handheld, in-your-face aesthetic, indebted to the realism of Ken Loach and Mike Leigh, and the now familiar, unprepossessing mug of Meadows himself.
Britain's best film directors show some early promise
Here he spent several lonely and depressing months, eminently disgusted with the unprepossessing appearance of the Indian maidens, and greatly worried by his growing sons who stood in need of a mother's care.
Even the most flattering chronicles noted the marshal's unprepossessing appearance: of medium height, with at best regular features and heavy eyebrows that allegedly joined over the nose.
Marbois 'representations, and Luzerne's prepossessions against our trade with their colonies, occasioned him, as minister of that department, not only to reverse the ordinance, but to recall Chillon and send out
Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 3
But, upon the whole, it could not be fairly said that his appearance was unprepossessing; indeed, to the congenial, it would have been doubtless not uncongenial; while to others, it could not fail to be at least curiously interesting, from the warm air of florid cordiality, contrasting itself with one knows not what kind of aguish sallowness of saving discretion lurking behind it.
The Confidence-Man
Utterly naïve and anachronistic it may be, but it's no less prepossessing and pretty for that.
He is physically prepossessing, with a ‘massive build’ simmering with ‘tremendous, dormant strength’.
He took a quiet sip, his wide, prepossessing brown eyes scanning Carnon's swiftly and sharply.
He said as soon as the go-ahead was given after the meeting, the council would proceed to repossess the idle plots.
In no time flat, all of his friends leave him, his girlfriend dumps him, his belongings are repossessed, and his home is foreclosed.
There is a seductive quality here, because the joy of being loved, cared for, adulated, enjoyed as an attractive being, sexually and spiritually, is prepossessing for people the world over.
Mitchell J. Rabin: The Ways of Love
Like many of the sites, this bommie was rather unprepossessing above water, but below it was a different matter entirely.
As a boy he was physically weak and maladroit, and at the same time acutely self-conscious about what he felt to be his unprepossessing appearance; in consequence, he played no part in games and tended to be a natural prey to bullies.
Because of rent arrears, the district council repossessed the building in 2000.
Eventually the bailiffs came to repossess the flat.
You may be entitled to buy back the vehicle if you pay the full amount owed plus any expenses connected with its repossession, such as storage and preparation for sale.
The impressive group of works which forms the core of the exhibition is accompanied by others less prepossessing and of sometimes doubtful relevance.
His face was hardly to be termed prepossessing, but it certainly did not denote the ruthless ferocity which the nature of the task he had undertaken would require, and which he exercised in its accomplishment.
La Vend�e
I couldn't make my mortgage repayments so the building society repossessed my house.
She couldn't meet the payments,so they repossessed the car.
In the last two weeks we've had animals brought as a result of five divorces, four separations and six repossessions.
Preventing a repossession is the best ploy if you are in time to deal with the situation.
His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment.
The impressive group of works which forms the core of the exhibition is accompanied by others less prepossessing and of sometimes doubtful relevance.
She is neither particularly prepossessing in her appearance nor outwardly warm, as even David admits remembering his first acquaintance with her.
For instance, Remy is required to tell you that you have a right to have an ambulance standing by while he does his repossession.
REVIEW: Repo Men « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
The first appearance by a man in Barker's work is unprepossessing, to say the least.
His car was eventually repossessed by the auto loan agency.
The financier can repossess the vehicle if you fail to make payments, but you are free to sell it as long as you agree to pay the outstanding debt.
We have already had are 2001 Ford repossessed from the bank, and are now down to a 83 buick that is rusted from front to back and the heater don't work, and tire tax is due in November.
We support the (SADC) leaders on their progressive stand of not interfering with Zimbabwean government's position on redressing what gave rise to the struggle for national liberation - namely the repossession of the land for equitable distribution amongst the indigenous people who were robbed of their land by British colonial settlers," he said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
If something prevents you from meeting your payments, your lender can repossess your home and sell it to pay off your debt.
Catlett himself called for new legal rights for Americans to repossess the ‘billions of pieces of clickstream data’ which online advertisers have ‘pilfered’ from them.
She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority.
If you need to stave off emaciation without blowing your budget, this unprepossessing little bistro is surely in the city's top ten destinations.
There has been a collapse in confidence, soaring repossessions and a reluctance by households to borrow more and trade up.
Early action could prevent a large number of repossessions.
They don't have to worry about resale values or market conditions - the legal ownership of the car remains with the finance company or lessor who may repossess the vehicle in the event of missed payments.
Gap-toothed, bold in face, and of a ruddy complexion, the Wife was no longer prepossessing in appearance, if she ever had been.
In that portrait, now in the Louvre, Chardin looks more conventionally prepossessing: debonair, benign and smiling all over his face.
The box didn't look very prepossessing, but the necklace inside was beautiful.
When they failed to meet their financial obligations, the realtors repossessed the houses and repeated the process with other unsuspecting customers.
This means the car could be repossessed should you fail to meet the monthly repayments.
Times, Sunday Times
“But so prepossessed were they in favor of regularity and discipline, and in such contempt were these people held, that the admonition was suggested in vain.”
George Washington’s First War
Figures from the UK government showed a rise in court actions to repossess homes, a further sign that rate rises were being felt.
The mid-continent college in mayfield ky cost that you will hint to engulf your pertinent repossession business is aloud extinct and you can execute with a abrasion of shorter th.
Her boast was the reason she eventually wed the unprepossessing, even ugly, deer-legged, voyageur who was her much despised husband.
This is fine during boom times, but delinquencies and repossessions can soar when the economy declines, obviously rendering the lender less inclined to extend credit in the future.
The idea of his failure prepossesses him
He saw that life itself infinitely outvalued anything that could be feigned about it, but its richness seemed to corrupt him, and he had not the clear, ethical conscience which forced George Eliot to be realistic when probably her artistic prepossessions were romantic.
Literature and Life (Complete)
Adams had never been a physically prepossessing man, even in his prime.
With respect to the requirement to provide notice of the intended repossession, the defendants rely upon the principle enunciated here.
I think, looking at her photographs, you would have to say deeply unprepossessing woman, and he fell utterly and completely in love with her that evening, for ever, and died, really, in her arms, forty years later.
It was partly Wolfe's portrait of the Bronx - a bleak, unprepossessing gang land - that has kept me away all this time.
The good news is that repossessions hit a record low in 2004.
Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Poole, a rather dumpy, unprepossessing servant.
He wants a rematch to reclaim his title mainly for the big payday it would bring—and he wants this, by every evidence, only in order to pay for his daughters' schooling, to keep the family cars from being repossessed, for his wife's peace of mind while she pursues a medical career.
What a Knockout of a Series
The City Council's official's response was that standing regulations entitled the council to repossess undeveloped pieces of land after a stipulated time frame.
His wife is long gone, and he has lapsed into the unprepossessing lifestyle of the set-in-his-ways mid-lifer: washing up when he feels like it, clothes where he drops them, that sort of thing.
Most radically, we have extended protection to every endangered species, even the lowliest and most unprepossessing-the Furbish lousewort, the snail darter, the desert pupfish, the spotted owl.
Frederick Kincaid informed her that a repossession is a civil matter and the police should not be able to assist the tow truck driver in the repossession and that once she got out of the vehicle she would be unable to do anything to stop the repossession or verify they were even repossessing the right vehicle," the suit states.
Madison County Record
The brutally healthy boy contemns the female sex because he sees it incapable of his own athletic sports, but Godwin was one of those upon whose awaking intellect is forced a perception of the brain-defect so general in women when they are taught few of life's graces and none of its serious concerns, -- their paltry prepossessions, their vulgar sequaciousness, their invincible ignorance, their absorption in a petty self.
Born in Exile
The big news story of the day was negative equity, repossession, the loss of white collar jobs and the fear that recession could slide into depression.
Remember, lenders don't want to bring homeowners to court or repossess their home.
Our curate is a young gentleman of such prepossessing appearance, and fascinating manners, that within one month after his first appearance in the parish, half the young – lady inhabitants were melancholy with religion, and the other half, desponding with love.
Sketches by Boz
The Repo man pushed the chitty into Derek's hand and ambled back to his repossessing.
If the idea of repossession is leaving the homeowners among you unnerved, then at least you can see a few exhibitions this week that give abandoned buildings an admiring second glance.
Culture |
I HAD never heard the remark made by any one in my life, except by one; and who that was will probably come out in this chapter; so that being pretty much unprepossessed, there must have been grounds for what struck me the moment I cast my eyes over the parterreand that was the unaccountable sport of nature in forming such numbers of dwarfs.
37. The Dwarf. Paris
His extreme youth, too, prepossessed the councillors in his favour, the rather that no one could easily believe that the sagacious Louis would have chosen so very young a person to become the confidant of political intrigues; and thus the King enjoyed, in this, as in other cases, considerable advantage from his singular choice of agents, both as to age and rank, where such election seemed least likely to be made.
Quentin Durward
There was a television van from Lynn outside the Masons'- servicing or repossessing.
A month later, the government repossessed the entire block 3A, located at the southern tip of Lake Albert, from Tullow following the expiration of its exploration license.
Tullow, Uganda Resolve Tax Dispute
He and his wife are fragile, physically unprepossessing and teary-eyed from the outset.
Few are entirely immune, and all that it takes for repossession to take hold is an infelicitous set of circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
Once he finds them, he must repossess their artiforgs, which means ... well, if you've ever seen the "Live Organ Transplants" sketch from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, you know what that means: opening up the individual and returning the artiforg to the Union.
MOVIE REVIEW: Repo Men (2010)
But almost one-third of the sales were of repossessed properties, and inventories of unsold homes actually rose.
Times, Sunday Times
His guide suddenly stopped before a delapidated café; outwardly, at least, it was unprepossessing in the extreme.
How should I outroot prepossessions so inveterate, -- the fruits of his earliest education, fostered and matured by the observation and experience of his whole life?
Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker
She thought their faces showed an unpleasing mixture of Dutch and 'Kalmuck,' or Mongol, and 'moreover they look heavy, dull and frightened and are not at all prepossessing.
Royal Comedy
An unprepossessing script in somebody's bottom drawer, worked on creatively by a dedicated team of top experts, becomes a brilliant, world-class tax deduction, often without ever even getting a release!
Maybe you're telling the truth, at that," she announced suddenly, eyes coldly unprepossessed.
The Day of Days An Extravaganza
A prepossessing appearance
Hong Kong banks can begin repossession proceedings if a mortgagee fails to make loan repayments for three consecutive months.
The banks have been busy threatening debtors with repossession of their assets, resulting in more of them paying up.
Some independent experts, while critical overall, praise the administration for its role in spacing out the negative shocks from the record home repossessions taking place, lessening the chances of the economy suffering a fatal blow.
Bailout Oversight Panel Slams Obama Administration Over Foreclosure Crisis
She is represented by two unprepossessing abstract heads rendered in polychrome clay.
Car loans have been restricted by the lack of an effective procedure for recovering delinquent loans or repossessing vehicles from borrowers that default on repayments.