How To Use Reposit In A Sentence

  • But it's a prepositional phrase used adverbially, modifying ‘said’.
  • This institute shall act as a repository for all modern extrication and medical relief techniques to ensure quicker rescue and provide prompt medical relief, comparable to international standards.
  • The reason is that some of these disyllabic prepositions are used as adverbs, and, when separated from their nouns, give one the impression that they are used as adverbs. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • I can still remember that a few decades on, just as I can recall all the Latin prepositions that take the ablative case, courtesy of a rhyme.
  • Like participles, adjectives and also some idiomatic preposition phrases, when used as adjuncts, need an understood subject (or, it might be better to say, a target of predication) to be filled in if they are to be understood.
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  • I have in fact been quite active in the past month, attempting to take advantage of lower share prices and repositioning the portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the "vav" construction, those are attached to certain verbs rather than nouns, and they are not used to indicate the preposition "from". Terry Krepel: Life Imitates The Daily Show: WorldNetDaily Wants You To Think Obama Is the Antichrist
  • Where items need to be transported to and from the repository they should be in appropriate containers designed to limit exposure to environmental factors and handling damage (eg. folders, archive boxes, plan and art folios, phase and solander boxes).
  • So the estimable seed of Kumi, eight centuries before, had entered into the aliis of Lakanaii, and been passed down by them in the undeviating line to reposit in SHIN-BONES
  • We were able to rethink, redesign, repackage, and reposition our products from a viewpoint of how people use particular padlocks and in what contexts they use them.
  • Unholy Moses plants a foot in Exley's rectally reposited research: Think Progress » President Bush is “ticked off big-time”
  • A switch within the prepositional phrase should be ruled out because English has prepositions and Panjabi postpositions.
  • So I hacked that all down and hauled it away, cleaned up about ten years of pine needles, repositioned the feeders, and then went and bought a couple trays of pachysandra, which is a nice ground cover, works really well in acidic soil, and is native to the aimai Balloon Juice
  • The ocean has long been our repository for ideas of the monstrous and the unknowable.
  • It is the repository of ‘reasons’ of which Owen speaks in the above quoted passage.
  • An attributive clause is a clause that modifies a noun an adjective or prepositional phrase does.
  • As a result, the owner quickly repositioned the department near the normal walking pattern, and sales increased dramatically.
  • It's getting jiggy in the online music marketplace again, after a relatively quiet year of repositioning and research.
  • From their perspective, schools are repositories of the authentic national culture which they transmit between generations.
  • You can use "preyed on", although it has the potential to end a sentence with a preposition, so I prefer "depredated" as an alternate to "predated" meaning eaten. This just in: authors prey on careless copy editor!
  • In discussing this topic on the bus from Nicosia to Kyrenia en route to the conference dinner, Nick Jaworski pointed out, that if transfer were the explanation, why is it that his Turkish students willfully produce errors like * I went Antalya, when the analogous verb + prepositional phrase exists in Turkish (even if the preposition is attached as a suffix)? May « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • For example, it's a universally available process repository where one business user can create a draft process and a colleague in another location can modify that process.
  • He reposited the original copy of The Song of Youth to the library.
  • I know about than the preposition vs. than the introducer of elliptical clauses, but this example took me (intuitively, not analytically) aback.
  • He will focus on repositioning its brand in the external world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only is it a science fiction author's ultimate idea repository and writer's-block alleviator, but the folks at DARPA obviously have a sense of humor about their overtly Matrix-like, world-dominating aspirations. Brave New World Order: A Googlement Above, Around, and Ahead of the People
  • The electorate's hope that his Cabinet would prove a genuine repository of positive change was the one slim reed on which the Party's recent political legitimacy had rested.
  • Earlier forerunners rely entirely on intransitive or quasi-transitive verbs, with the object preceded by a preposition.
  • Cooperative application development with shared data should be possible via the open repository strategy that Informix has outlined - see above.
  • He reposited the original copy of The Song of Youth to the library.
  • The army—intensely conservative though its military ideas might be—also regarded itself as the repository of the pride of the Prussian people, and the insults heaped upon the head of their monarch did not go unnoticed or unresented. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • So, when we place a noun before a verb as actor or subject, we say it is in the _nominative case_; but when it follows a transitive verb or preposition, we say it has another _case_; that is, it assumes a new _position_ or _situation_ in the sentence: and this we call the _objective_ case. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • It serves as a central repository to cross-check information and look for fraud.
  • That brush is a shelter for small animals and birds as well as a critical repository of seeds from native plants.
  • The larger areas, the reception, pub, and dining room, have been repositioned around a central atrium, as have the smaller offices.
  • The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France.
  • The information benefits can be achieved by mandatory trade reporting to a repository (which I've advocated for well over 7 years) without requiring mutualized counterparty risk sharing, or centralized risk pricing (in the face of severe information disadvantages). Home Page
  • This will make it easier to reposition a newly unfolded subbranch. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Hitherto, libraries have been seen as mainly repositories of books and papers.
  • Second, institutional repositories aim to preserve and make accessible digital content on a long-term basis.
  • Norwegian or Irish princes were reposited in this venerable enclosure. A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland
  • He reposited the original copy of The Song of Youth to the library.
  • The fusion of airlift, sealift, and prepositioning elements produces an effective lift capability for the operational commanders.
  • At particular risk are aquifers, underground repositories of water that are tapped by wells for agricultural irrigation and drinking water.
  • You can also get the Ubuntu version 1.0 by adding the following repositories and updating your current vlc: deb [ppa.] jaunty main deb-src [ppa.] jaunty main mjm01010101 VLC 1.0 Release Candidate Now Available | Lifehacker Australia
  • The omission of prepositions is a common practice in informal English or spoken English.
  • In this case the word is a Latin preposition meaning “with” and is somewhat misused as a conjunction to convey the notion that “shooting star” might be as good a choice as “rising star”. Desperately Seeking Sarah
  • If you put a page of paper on a copier, the copier will associate it with similar documents in your personal repository, in your work group's, or even on the Web.
  • Uptime is crucial when running any type of server whether it is a file repository, HTTP web server, or a simple SOHO server.
  • He asked me with whom I had discussed it. In spoken English it is much more natural to use who and put the preposition at the end of the sentence:Who should I address the letter to?
  • It has now emerged that he is also working, with a consortium, on repositioning the US hotel group, which lost $8 million on a web-based management system.
  • He closes with a disquisition on the meaning of Europe, examining the dark elements of racism and extreme nationalism but remaining optimistic and with a reflection on the EU which seems to be the repository of many of his hopes.
  • For some reason, many of his colleagues detect a whiff of opportunism about his repositioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • It successfully helped reposition the title firmly back in its heartland in the world of fashion. Press Gazette Latest News
  • The principal concern is the preposition ‘on’ as a signifier of contact with a surface - especially an upper surface.
  • There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.
  • Why take a repositioning cruise? Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead advisers suggest that they should focus on repositioning their investment portfolio to protect themselves against turbulence but also ensure they are ready for a future recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • It wasn't about cost; it was about repositioning the business. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could have done with more drilling on the basics (though outside a classroom environment I suppose again I have only myself to blame) and still feel very shaky indeed on the personal forms of prepositions (which should have been indexed or consolidated in one of the appendices) or on the questions of eclipsis and lenition (the modification of the first letter of the word, if it is b, c, d, f, g, m, p, s or t, depending on context). May Books 13-14) two Nebula winners
  • What we see is what we call survivability moves, not major repositioning of a strategy on the battle field. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2003
  • Surround containers with an impermeable backfill such as bentonite clay if the repository is wet. Nuclear waste management
  • The prepositive and terminational particles are critically explained and illustrated. The Scholar's Spelling Assistant; Wherein the Words Are Arranged on an Improved Plan, According to Their Respective Principles of Accentuation. In a Manner Calculated to Familiarize the Art of Spelling and Pronunciation, to Remove Difficulties, and to
  • Let's take a look at how a client to II CE expects a connector to behave, so we can fully understand how session management with your repository should work.
  • The peer review coordinator shall maintain these metrics in a repository and produce periodic reports of summary data for practitioners and managers.
  • prepositional phrase
  • Through the fate of the one truly literate character in the novel, Thady's son Jason, the novel implies that writing offers no safe repository of title.
  • When challenged to come up with words of another language, most people will respond with nouns and verbs rather than auxiliaries, prepositions, and the like.
  • Don't you just LOVE analysts who use words like "harangued" (pretending to be erudite and sophisticated) and, in the same sentence, leave out the simple, basic preposition "of"? MacDailyNews
  • He will focus on repositioning its brand in the external world. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the estimable seed of Kumi, eight centuries before, had entered into the aliis of Lakanaii, and been passed down by them in the undeviating line to reposit in SHIN-BONES
  • The main systems of the Environmental Public Interest Litigation surround the Procedure Environmental Rights, which includes subject system, special prepositive system, particular judgement and so on.
  • the prepositional phrase here is used adverbially
  • Such words include pronouns, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions, and prepositions.
  • Hood has suggested that the statue at Knossos may have looked like the snake goddess shown in faience in the Temple Repositories.
  • An alternative for 4a, assuming we mean Alia Shawkat to be in apposition, is to repeat the preposition: The serial, Harvard, or Oxford comma « Motivated Grammar
  • His sensations, on entering this vast repository of arms, were not unlike those attributed to a personage whose fictitious adventures, though the production of a _Feringhi_ pen, present one of the most faithful pictures extant of the genuine feelings of an oriental on Frank matters: -- "When we came to the guns," says the eximious Hajji Baba, "by my beard, existence fled from our heads! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • Work is about to begin on one of the most important sections in the library - a new repository for rare books and manuscripts.
  • the treasure found in the ancient tomb was reposited in the museum
  • To follow the sun's arc through the sky, Chris daily repositions the panels.
  • If you wished to say that something happened in Asia, it would not suffice to use the simple ablative, because that form would have the same pronunciation as the nominative or the accusative, Asia (m), but the preposition must be prefixed, _in Asia_. The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life and Literature
  • It becomes a repository of all our cultures. The Times Literary Supplement
  • (I'll leave aside Lithwick's ongoing effort, which Jonathan Adler has aptly remarked on before, to reposition herself from her previous role as a perpetrator of the "vicious slash-and-burn character attack" to her new role as a hypersensitive bemoaner of any criticism of nominees.) Bench Memos
  • Later, his mother would tidy the sofa and reposition the pillow, inadvertently noticing the smell of the ocean captured in its fibers.
  • And these books are more concerned with food as memory or as repository for our island story than food as, well, food. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nail is an indirect object because it is related to the verb through the preposition - on.
  • The nuclear industry has hoped the federal government would build a long-term repository inside Yucca Mountain in Nevada, where nuclear waste from around the country could be held for hundreds of thousands of years. Shift to dry storage sought for U.S. nuclear fuel
  • A good comedy movie is also one that is dripping with humour in small doses, so that even a preposition or a pronoun at a given moment seems hilarious.
  • The shares are not liquid, the bid-offer spread is wide, and based on its assets and financial position it is hard to see how it can reposition itself strategically.
  • And so you've stuffed yourself as full of verbs and prepositional phrases and epiglottal stops as a grilled pepper! Icerigger
  • If this were the correct derivation, we should expect to find _sinecere_, for the _e_ would scarcely be dropped; just as we have the English word _sinecure_, which is the only compound of the preposition _sine_ I know; and is itself _not a Latin word_, but of a later coinage. Notes and Queries, Number 208, October 22, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • However, some transitive verbs take a prepositional phrase instead of an indirect object.
  • Developers who commit bit, which gives them the ability are unable to get along with others are to commit changes to the Project reposit - not proposed for commit bits, no matter ory. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But what does that mean for the actual history of film within the setting of the repositories of visual culture, the museums?
  • Find them, and give the reason.] [Footnote 2: When a noun is modified by both a genitive and an adjective, a favorite order of words is _adjective, genitive, noun_.] [Footnote 3: A modifying genitive often stands between a preposition and its object.] ***** Latin for Beginners
  • Harun's successor Al-Ma'mun is linked with the founding of the House of Wisdom, a library, academy and translation factory that may have become at the time the largest repository of books in the world. Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science by Jim al-Khalili – review
  • I doubt many patients can understand the long hospital bills that feature exotic items such as "cath porta cath perit" or "OP6-central line reposit," and so on. NYT > Home Page
  • Nathan said only enough to indicate that he was using language with an unaccustomed force and intelligence - but mildly annoying, as if all substantives fell away, leaving only the prepositions.
  • Under the general theme Unlocking Scholarly Access: ETDs, Institional Repositories and Creators, ETD 2006 is organized around three sub-themes: open access / open source, intellectual property and institutional repositories and ETDs. Archive 2006-01-22
  • These data may indicate ancillary information associated with the document indexed at the original repository.
  • Retinal reposition depend on position, length and operation time of scleral rupture.
  • If you need more capacity, the company offers ISYS Workgroup and a high-end enterprise server that federates results from content repositories, including Documentum, Interwoven and Microsoft SharePoint. ISYS Personal Edition, Version 9.6
  • I was interested in playing with this iconic moment in American cinema, in repositioning it and adding a twist.
  • The use of the infinitive without the prepositive "to", is frequently extended beyond present usage, especially in ` Sordello 'and ` The Ring and the Book'. An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
  • The museum itself is a repository of geologic, geographic, and biologic detail on the park.
  • This paper introduces a repositor of fracture dislocation used for reposition of fracture dis location of limb and spinal bone.
  • Eventually, the front wall was rebuilt and the windows repositioned in their original places.
  • All six warehouses of them are prepositioned in locations all throughout the south, but particularly what we call flashpoint areas, areas that might experience trouble, said Grande. Humanitarian Organizations in Sudan Prepare for Referendum Aftermath
  • I do not see many situations in which grammarians would except the ‘hanging’ preposition, but I advise all of you to use it cautiously and, above all, only in spoken or colloquial language.
  • Anastrophe occurs chiefly with dissyllabic prepositions. New Latin Grammar
  • Although inrúpit means 'burst _into_,' the preposition is nevertheless required with the noun to express the place into which he burst. Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles A First Latin Reader
  • I often say to students, the skip behind an art college is the repository of the ugliest objects on earth.
  • If their each influence breaks through the boundary about them, the original"preposition o"phrase will lexicalize into the"preposition o"compound words .
  • No amount of cartridge cleaning, changing to different photo paper types or repositioning the printer changed this, and it gave facial shots a rather "identikit" look to them - not what we were looking for.
  • The company has successfully repositioned itself in the market and is now taking its place among the great carmakers of Europe.
  • Who decides whether it's acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition or to use the word "infer" as a synonym for "imply"? Grappling Grammarians
  • “The legitimacy of the prepositional ending in literary English must be uncompromisingly maintained; in respect of elegance or inelegance, every example must be judged not by any arbitrary rule, but on its own merits …” Up from out of in under for
  • His desk drawers served mainly as a repository for napkins, bromides, and paper clips.
  • they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn
  • The discretion must be for the purpose for which the donee of power, the repository of power receives the discretion.
  • As well as providing a proper journey, with long days at sea as on the liners of old, these repositioning cruises offer superb value. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Internet has the potential to be the greatest library in the history of mankind - a repository of memory, thought, culture, and scholarship; a record of what it means to be human.
  • In any case, prepositions omitted in second conjuncts are routine.
  • The history in question is Russian, and the ark is St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum, one of the world's greatest repositories of European art and civilization.
  • Other two-syllable words such as adverbs and prepositions seem to behave like verbs and adjectives.
  • This is usually called a zeugma; it's a purely structural way of using prepositions in an odd way, for effect e.g., humor. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Looks like it managed it, too - provided we take ‘like’ to be a preposition, not an adjective taking a noun phrase complement.
  • The payment is to be made out of the Commissioners Chest; wherein are reposited the Treasures that are daily collected, tho' perhaps insensibly, from the Earnings and Industry of the honest Yeomen, Merchants and Tradesmen, of this continent, against their Consent; and if his friends speak the truth, against his own private judgment. Hullabaloo
  • That meant retooling his workforce, retraining personnel and even repositioning the brand.
  • In 1910, 16 other Britons accumulated 16,000 taels and bought the Dalla Horse Repository, located at the present crossroad of Hongqiao Lu and Hami Lu, to change it into a club.
  • The main repository of info for me on the web will still be www. but here I am. July 23rd, 2006
  • Overall, the Nitro Elite did a decent job of cooling my system once I repositioned one of the fans to an intake position.
  • Thus, a model for gravitropism in stem-like organs is proposed in which F-actin modulates the gravity response by actively participating in statolith repositioning within the endodermal statocytes.
  • The sedimentary rocks were originally reposited in the water.
  • It is impossible quickly to reposition a capital-intensive business flexibility is seldom one of its features.
  • The idea was dropped in rehearsal - but I imagine that Stepanov notations of La Bayadere are still in the Harvard library, now the repository of all the Sergeyev manuscripts.
  • From the early twentieth century many psychiatrists began to establish private practices in the belief that asylums had become repositories for the incurable.
  • By the end of the Middle Ages, churches such as Westminster Abbey or S. Denis were full of important tombs, and repositioning these monuments became necessary in order to accommodate yet more.
  • logical quantifiers, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions are called syncategoremes
  • We're using the downturn to reposition our business to better prepare for the trends we see downstream.
  • Despite this, we trust both media to be the repositories of our cultures, to store the minutiae, the details and experiences that define our milieu.
  • She lays a lot of emphasis on the usage of prepositions.
  • My father is a repository of interesting facts.
  • We also offer an insight into how fund managers are repositioning their portfolios to take account of the upheavals taking place in the eurozone. Times, Sunday Times
  • We believe that the gallery's main function should be as a repository of British art.
  • I can still remember that a few decades on, just as I can recall all the Latin prepositions that take the ablative case, courtesy of a rhyme.
  • It's obligatory to have either a direct object or a preposition phrase with ‘for’.
  • According to a distribute computer automatic alarm system that consist of dorminant, preposition and terminal computer, We introduced its communication system.
  • Indeed, the time to fetch information from a repository -- be it a file or database server -- far exceeds the lapse required to compile and perhaps even execute a PHP program.
  • Each new national coach pleads for time, as if his task is to reinvent the wheel rather than reposition a few bits of the squad. Times, Sunday Times
  • I received the thanks of the society; and was solicited to reposit my theory, properly sealed and attested, among their archives, for the information of posterity. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
  • Intranets tie machines together, network storage provides repositories for data and information, and system inventories and file indexes list available resources.
  • Extensive repository supplements have turned the online journal into the complete version of AJRCCM, and the paper copy is simply an abridgement.
  • There are many thousands of high speed manoeuvrable small boats between 16 and 30 foot length already prepositioned all over USA. Cheeseburger Gothic » WW question from Jose.
  • Mackenzie unlimbered his shotgun and cradled it in his arms as he repositioned himself to watch the trail ahead.
  • Once they were repositioned, City Power had to be called in to install a three-phase power system in the pump house.
  • Though I cannot admire his style, I admire the man who wrote to me, ‘Re Tennyson—your remarks anent his In Memoriam make me sick’: for though re is not a preposition of the first water, and ‘anent’ has enjoyed its day, the finish crowned the work. V. Interlude: On Jargon
  • It is a unique repository of knowledge, experience and skill. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the prudent practice, or praxis, of memory produced ethical behavior; by using the memory as an ethical repository and guide, an individual would be equipped to act prudently and ethically.
  • For example, it's a universally available process repository where one business user can create a draft process and a colleague in another location can modify that process.
  • Indeed, the nominal part of this prepositional phrase is not in the nominative case.
  • Fuel, once used, will continue to be safely stored at reactor sites -- as has been the case for decades -- until a long-term repository is identified. Christine Todd Whitman: The Case for Nuclear Power Is as Strong as Ever
  • And regardless of theological and political controversy, Anglicanism is a repository of great historical legacies. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I wanted to change an institution in the direction of thinking of yourselves as a convenor as well as a repository, I'd work on ways to get the encounter between the public and the professionals to happen. Clay Shirky on 'mass internet collaboration' at London's ICA
  • Users should look seriously at their document repository requirements before embarking to make sure that the rigorousness of the tools selected provides the rigorousness they need.
  • Over the years, the Craig's bought 180 Hibel paintings and would later help found the Hibel Museum in Florida in 1977, a permanent repository for her art.
  • All shades exist also in a supercalendered version which confers a discreet but sophisticated transparency to the repositionable note.
  • I have in fact been quite active in the past month, attempting to take advantage of lower share prices and repositioning the portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • San Francisco; he had used the word cocksucker and riffed that "'to' is a preposition, 'come' is a verb" and that the sexual context of "come" is so common that it bears no weight, and that if someone hearing it becomes upset, they "probably can't come. Phawker
  • [...] "How to fix your windows MBR with an ubuntu live CD", has been mirrored everywhere, and no longer works. ms-sys is no longer included with Ubuntu, is not available in the Ubuntu software repositories, and [...] Comments for ArsGeek
  • First, the fact that we found no systematic differences between sentences with different locative prepositions is probably because of the specific types of locative prepositions in our experiment.
  • A repository of the empire, the town bears a suitably idiotic, unwieldy name, and even in 1950s Armidale it was possible to hear such terms as bluchers, port and goolies (balls).
  • Accounting for responsibility by invoking a third party repositions both Maori and tauiwi as victims of repressive colonial rule.
  • Soon, as is the custom in most areas of XML development, an informal group got together to write common specifications for XML repository APIs. In this case it was the XML:DB group (see Resources).
  • They are unable to compensate them, but they did offer them spaces in the linguta, repositories where the ashes of the dead are kept columbaria, I think they are called. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Some say it was merely a charnel pit - a functional repository of massed human bone.
  • A term is a word or phrase that can be used to classify and group objects in the metadata repository.
  • At this point, the repository detects the new versions in the parent (exemplar) model set as a parallel change and initiates a three-way merge to synchronize each artifact in the enterprise models.
  • We had questions about adding in metrics, stats, to use both for reporting and keeping funders/bosses happy and for diagnostics - to e.g. find out which areas of the collection are being queried, what people are finding interesting. github repository as place to register open tables to make them discoverable. Archive 2009-04-01
  • This reduces repositioning time by allowing the tracks to remain parallel to the trench.
  • The valley is a rich repository of ancestral tribal art connected with the 14 painted rockart sites dated back to the Mesolithic and more recently Chalcolithic eras. Jeff Biggers: India's Coal Rush and Form of Mountaintop Removal: Interview with Jharkhand Leader Bulu Imam
  • For four lines, objects of prepositions and the parenthesized nouns seem related as synonyms, metaphors, or metonymies.
  • We had questions about adding in metrics, stats, to use both for reporting and keeping funders/bosses happy and for diagnostics - to e.g. find out which areas of the collection are being queried, what people are finding interesting. github repository as place to register open tables to make them discoverable. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks with proper prepositions and adverbs.
  • I have, over the years, become horrified at the overwhelming number of uncatalogued Old and Middle Irish manuscripts contained in repositories throughout Europe.
  • A shop in the Islands, as in other places of little frequentation, is a repository of every thing requisite for common use. A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland
  • He asked me with whom I had discussed it. In spoken English it is much more natural to use who and put the preposition at the end of the sentence:Who should I address the letter to?
  • But the preposition is more frequently placed after the verb, and separately from it, like an adverb; in which situation it does not less affect the sense of the verb, and give it a new meaning; and in all instances, whether the preposition is placed either before or after the verb, if it gives a new meaning to the verb, it may be considered as _a part of the verb_. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • The questionnaire included examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and ‘closed-class’ words - pronouns, question words, prepositions and articles, and quantifiers.
  • Objective:To assess the effects of particle repositioning maneuver(PRM) and postural restriction therapy on posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV).
  • This has just underscored the fact that multi-gigabyte data repositories can't move around anywhere near as easily as their users can.
  • One of the main technical problems with tape drives is that they must be tuned to avoid what is called the shoeshine effect - starting, stopping and repositioning the tape.
  • We also offer an insight into how fund managers are repositioning their portfolios to take account of the upheavals taking place in the eurozone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vision of Archivopedia is to offer users the ability to locate or view historical documents and images held in archival, museum, and library repositories around the world in a single search and to encourage professionals, teachers, and students at all levels to use archival documents December 2007
  • The scientists' approach is called bioconversion, a process that uses certain microorganisms or enzymes to reposition groups of hydroxy fatty acids on chains of carbon in vegetable oils.
  • Furthermore, the verbs are usually transitive, though occasionally they are used intransitively with a preposition like for, of, or about introducing the object.
  • Certainly enough knowledge now to understand why your sect is the sole repository of the truth. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • Maple Leaf Gardens has been our town square and remains a repository of our dreams and past glories.
  • This could be a preposition, a verb, or a noun which does not in fact count as the ‘possessor’.
  • Instead, there is the contrast between infinitives introduced by the prepositions à and de.

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