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How To Use Replicate In A Sentence

  • The card game mentioning 'la garsa' is exactly what he is trying to replicate ... only the egret hasn't caught the fish in his mouth .... Who is E.V., potter in San Miguel..?
  • Consumers remain hunkered down, and the Federal Reserve is nearly tapped out in providing monetary stimulus, so it can't replicate the sharp cuts in interest rates that gave the economy a big lift in the 1980s. Lessons of Reagan's Rebound
  • They typically etch chip designs onto a glass material called a photomask, which is then used to replicate the pattern onto silicon wafers. Computerworld News
  • The videos were projected onto two screens built to replicate the gnomonic and ‘Robinson projections’ of representing the globe on a two dimensional surface.
  • Every time a chromosome replicates itself, its telomeres shorten in length.
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  • The Mac's graphical user interface, soon replicated in Microsoft Windows, saving the world from the even more bureaucratic MS-DOS, was radical in its elegance and ease. William Bradley: Steve Jobs: Hardly a Perfect Person, Perhaps a Perfect Icon
  • A collimator is a simple device that uses a reflective surface and lenses to replicate a target at infinity. Undefined
  • One of the most remarkable metapatterns that replicate throughout nature and the universe is defined by the numerical ratio termed phi. The G.O.D. Experiments
  • You can't easily replicate that kind of creepy omniscience, and until today it makes me wonder whether some god-like entity of biological origins is behind the progress of human civilization. MIND MELD: The Best Aliens in Science Fiction
  • Since then, I've longed to replicate the delicious, savory, and often quite filling meals that we ate together.
  • Still, with the movie ringing up millions in the domestic market, local film-makers are scrabbling to replicate its success.
  • As described above, multiple replicates of host material were made by propagating cuttings of each plant.
  • It is difficult for a human provider to replicate the kind of perfusion CVFD has been seeing with the AutoPulse, especially for prolonged periods of time," Davidson commented. Nachrichten Ticker -
  • He followed this achievement by showing how poxviruses express their genes and replicate their DNA in host cells.
  • The effects of shiatsu, acupuncture, moxa, and herbal medicine are still questioned in Japan because they seem to depend upon the individual and are very difficult to replicate or to validate scientifically.
  • First ever national 'stocktake' of reptiles and amphibians and annual wildlife survey hope to replicate success of the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch This week's new events
  • Norman Solomon: Well, what goes by the term conservative is too often a sort of a euphemism for dog eat dog, whoever comes out on top, we believe in the survival of the fittest – a sort of perversion of Darwinism taken into a social realm, where generally, the predatory nature in the animal kingdom of one category of animal inflicted on another is sort of mimicked and replicated. Failed Conservative Values: Norman Solomon on Dog Eat Dog Greed
  • Many types of aircraft were replicated in mock-up form including Spitfires, Hurricanes, Wellingtons, Whitleys, and Havocs.
  • With this deletion, the chimeric virus was less able to replicate itself when injected into the monkeys.
  • For characterization of the damage process, the plant material was analysed for total chlorophyll and for the enzyme activity of deoxyribonuclease in three replicates as described previously.
  • Then I recalled the looping fields around the tile and picked up a fist-sized rock and tried to slide undertime and replicate the fields. Timegod's World
  • This replicates a traditional Maori War Club used by Maori warriors of old.
  • Hell, viruses could replicate all the livelong day inside the run-down motel that is my body as long as they didn't produce any symptoms.
  • Nuclei have numerous replicons origins per chromosome, which can be replicated simultaneously - so replication time is mechanistically independent of genome size and can be far less than in bacteria.
  • If you're not intimately familiar with Indian vegetarian cooking, it's too easy to order dishes that closely replicate each other.
  • By discovering its shape, and how it behaved biochemically in the human immune system, they showed that this retrovirus (a retrovirus invades and fuses with DNA of host cells and replicates as part of that cell) was the first known human lentivirus, that is a virus with a long incubation period. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • 'In nutrient baths, cells are programmed to grow, to replicate, to -'What! THE BROKEN GOD
  • Fewer than 5 percent of co-infection cases become chronic; HDV seems to suppress HBV replication and does not have the ability to replicate itself.
  • The disc replicates that look accurately, leaving skin tones extremely pale and colors totally washed out.
  • It is a theme that replicated itself across the mountains with the mercilessness of the parasitic beast in Ridley Scott's Alien, consuming its host forest and moving on to fresh ground.
  • Subsequently, groups were randomly assigned to receive one of the three supplemental treatments (corn, rice bran, or soybean hulls), resulting in three replicates each of two years.
  • No DNS is being replicated and when attempting to view my DNS settings via tdns. it times out. Go Daddy Sucks…. « The Paradigm Shift
  • Thus Dawkins, for example, used facts about inheritance, e.g. that genes are faithfully replicated across generations while whole genotypes and organismic characters are not, to privilege the gene as the unit of selection.
  • Plant propagation material is collected from the wild in order to establish and maintain the botanic gardens (which seek to replicate the main habitats of the entire region - from sandhills to woodlands).
  • Giant cell, fourth mitotic division showing replicated mirror image dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments (arrows).
  • The crew took extra care and caution around the window dividers and sills - the European hand-blown glass costs thousands of dollars to replicate and replace.
  • Specifically, robots, engineered organisms, and nanobots share a dangerous amplifying factor: they can self-replicate.
  • Finally, it replicates the kind of brokerage approach to politics that inevitably neuters black agency.
  • According to Gallagher, if DMI's test results were to be replicated nationwide, more than 67 million additional gallons would be sold each year in schools alone.
  • Like all viruses, poxviruses co-opt various cellular molecules and processes to enter a cell, replicate and then spread to uninfected cells.
  • The medical team has been rehearsing the operation using life-size models which not only replicate the babies blood vessels, but show their veins.
  • Briefly, four replicate 25 m diameter toroidal plenum rings constructed from 0.305 m diameter pipe were placed in the field shortly after planting.
  • At their core, the four examples represent efforts to replicate or set aside parcels of a pre-colonial lower Mississippi River delta environment.
  • In comparison, oncolytic viruses can replicate and spread and theoretically can efficiently reach more tumor cells.
  • He says by creating drugs to replicate the effect, it will take longer for the accumulative damage caused by free radicals to occur.
  • You can easily replicate ternary functionality using tuples then the conditional to select the appropriate one. e.g. ( "b", "a") [True] 'a' A few more Python thoughts from a Perl guy : #comments
  • A single egg cell replicates itself, and the offspring cells in turn replicate themselves, and so on.
  • Those results were not replicated in any of several subsequent studies.
  • I found the setup guide on the website extremely clear and easy to follow, so haven't tried to replicate it here.
  • Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.
  • The thing that was originally "NLP" was a project that attempted to model successful people, notice the patterns of language and behavior, and replicate them. Comments for
  • Replicative DNA polymerases are very accurate enzymes with error rates usually in the range of 10-5 per replicated nucleotide.
  • Ideally we would want to replicate the in vivo conditions and mimic the outcome of nuclear division in vivo.
  • Next, we generated 100 parametric bootstrap replicates conditioned upon this phylogeny and the corresponding estimated model of evolution.
  • Removal of sialic acid enables a virus to enter a host cell to replicate as well as to exit the host cell.
  • The resulting critter, called a trophozoite, sports a spermlike tail that allows it to wiggle over to the lining of the intestinal tract, whereupon it attaches itself by suction cups and begins to replicate thousands of times over. Giardiasis: How To Battle Beaver Fever
  • The ability of DNA to replicate itself is a consequence of its unique structure.
  • The Pixies left behind them an impressive legacy; their highly distinctive sound was impossible to replicate.
  • Both writers very often delve deep into their intellectual recesses and present in their novels and short stories images that, cursorily captured in our reading, hardly replicate real life.
  • It works on strict adherence to the scientific method, through double-blind studies, good lab practices, etc. and the ability to replicate results.
  • Remote office data can be deduplicated and replicated centrally as well as backed up locally without additional branch office hardware.
  • The idea of progress embodies the faith - for it is a faith, not the result of any kind of empirical inquiry - that the advance that has occurred in science can be replicated in ethics and politics.
  • Further research is needed to replicate and extend the current findings about adolescent suicide, using expanded samples of personal documents and other methodologies.
  • It just demonstrates the principle that molecules can self-replicate. Adjusting Pre-configuration to Design Outcomes
  • When the paper patterns were colored, the stitcher replicated the colors with her palette of soft merino wool yarns.
  • The power to detect a significant linkage is examined on the basis of 1000 replicates.
  • The challenge replicates the traditions of the game when shepherds played across country hitting stones with their crooks.
  • Watch how your hair is styled, what products are used, what kind of brushes, rollers, or styling irons your hairdresser uses so that you can replicate the look yourself.
  • In the mixed model used to assess significance, the observed error among replicate measures was incorporated for each gene individually.
  • This is of particular importance since the surviving imperial portraits are copies that replicate officially sanctioned prototypes with varying degrees of fidelity and skill.
  • This contract should replicate what you have signed on the standard disclosure, except that you would expect it to be printed on the headed paper of the product provider you have chosen.
  • The camerawork and claustrophobic atmosphere are designed to externally replicate his mental state.
  • He's never tried to ape Bressonian simplicity (which is pretty much the opposite of '70s exploitation shlock, which is where he lives), and he could never replicate it if he tried so why bring it up? Hollywood Elsewhere
  • On the other hand, it is impressive that intervention effects can be replicated across cohorts when initial enthusiasm for the intervention among interventionists and teachers might be expected to wane.
  • But if licensing factors are present in the cytoplasm, why doesn't DNA replicate all the time?
  • The effect of noise (unwanted fluctuations accompanying the data) means that we can never exactly replicate our data.
  • While the FDA shares concerns about safety, some insiders argue that scientific advancements have made it easier to characterize and replicate biologics.
  • Two of the best selling fabric-effect tiles are linen and satin, both of which successfully replicate the look and texture of the fabrics.
  • A full copy snapshot replicates the data set in its entirety.
  • We could have replicated our shop in an idiot-proof sort of way in London, but it would have been soulless. A Taste of Italy
  • The choice of x genes and y taxa approaches true randomness as the binomial coefficient increases relative to replicate number.
  • Replicates of 16 seeds were sown on the sand surface or at a depth of 10 mm in short pots.
  • We can't even replicate these 'actuators' yet," Filitov groused. The Cardinal of the Kremlin
  • When machines can self-replicate and distribute the benefits of production, not only is scarcity and growth called into question, but also debt itself, along with the form of money that it generates. Erik Rothenberg: Capitalism and The Age of Machines, 3.0
  • AAV cannot replicate itself on its own, requiring a ‘helper’ virus infecting the same cell in the body.
  • Barons or lesser feudal chieftains replicated this structure, which was not a flexible or adaptive one.
  • Cheered on by a Washington media rooting section that could only be portrayed by a cackling Heath Ledger brought back from the dead and replicated to fill every seat at Politico, Edwards is now caricatured as a shrill, unhinged she-devil rending her garments in airports and slicing the Achilles tendons of underlings with the vicious alacrity of a demanding hellcat. Tom Watson: The Cartooning of Elizabeth Edwards
  • Despite the commercial viability of both genres, he has had no desire to replicate harmolodics any more than straightforward bebop.
  • When a virus enters and infects a cell, it sheds this protective coat so that the genetic material can replicate new viruses.
  • The problem with this photoset like a lot of the other workspace ones on Lifehacker is that it's very difficult to tell how to replicate what was done. The Handcrafted Standing Desk | Lifehacker Australia
  • Replicated across a range of WA soil types, the study examined annual ryegrass, wild radish, wild oats, wall fumitory, brome grass and barley grass persistence, in plots isolated to guard against the arrival of new seed.
  • The first serious wine concerns were felt by French vignerons who simply replicated French methods with indifferent results.
  • Later European languages, in admiration of Greek and Roman poetry with their quantitative meters, have often tried to replicate the musical character of ancient verse.
  • Campaigners claim the new accommodation facility would "replicate" some of the worst aspects of conditions at the notorious Yarl's Wood immigration centre. Croydon asylum centre will be as bad as Yarl's Wood, says charity
  • In order to attach a fragment on a replicated table, you must use the CDR command line interface, and place the table in alter mode.
  • RNA derived from three biological replicates of each experimental condition were submitted to the facility for microarray analysis.
  • Biogenesis becomes reproduction; re - production becomes cellular; cell division becomes mitotic; chromosomes split longitudinally, or put more accurately, they replicate themselves, since each new chromosome is no half-chromosome but a chromosome entire; and finally, the substituent elements of the chromosomes, whether visible chromatids or invisible genes, are held likewise to replicate themselves. GENETIC CONTINUITY
  • The chameleon's skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings.
  • But it can never replicate the glory of stereovision. The World Science Festival: Oliver Sacks at the MET - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • All fermentations were performed on duplicate days with two replicates per day.
  • This result has generally been replicated but not always with regard to laterality.
  • During meiosis I, the replicated sister chromatids pair with their homologs but segregate as a single unit.
  • He says, ‘This fungus can replicate itself on daylilies, but another type of plant host is necessary for it to complete its life cycle.’
  • The form of the headdress also almost completely replicates the form of the short-handled agricultural hoe.
  • Family life was horribly stressful, so I've never wanted to replicate it. RESCUING ROSE
  • At any given time interval, the exudate collected from individual plants never contributed to more than one replicate.
  • During meiosis I, the replicated sister chromatids pair with their homologs but segregate as a single unit.
  • Clade strengths were evaluated by analyzing 250 bootstrap replicates with the PROML program based on a model comprising one invariable plus four categories.
  • The ability to replicate is essential for the manifestation of the diseases they cause. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1997 - Presentation Speech
  • Moreover, arginine makes it possible for the herpes virus to replicate itself, so if you're troubled by frequent cold sores, give it a pass.
  • The human appendix is one organ continues to be replicated, even though it has lost any survival value it once had.
  • With 1,100 communities saying they want fiber, and a model to replicate in Lafayette, I wonder if there will be an explosion of proposals after Google picks its anointed city. Google Fiber Shows Cities Want Faster Networks « PubliCola
  • Although many of her recipes are still secrets, dishes like broiled tilapia with turmeric and dill, Vietnamese chicken salad, and a saucy eggplant-tofu ragout let you replicate An's signature blend of the familiar and the exotic.
  • These primary mystics recruit disciples and attempt to teach them how to replicate their theophany.
  • Upon exhumation, we examined each replicate for germinants, rotted seeds, and whole firm seeds, which we tested for viability with tetrazolium.
  • The picture is replicated in two private collections and in a miniature at the Wallace Collection.
  • Parts made from this material replicate polypropylene tensile strength and elongation at yield, and stuck in the elongation direction.
  • Both Incivek and Victrelis are known as protease inhibitors, designed to block an enzyme that helps the hepatitis C virus replicate. Hepatitis C Drug Approved
  • But actually, HIV replicates itself rapidly during all phases of infection.
  • For ever since I saw that birthday cake - towering and tall - I have never been able to replicate its height.
  • This Web site replicates a complete manual for self-instruction on both the ukulele and its cousin the banjo ukulele, circa 1914.
  • The Chilean artist, who works in Mexico City, offered small framed stitched objects that painstakingly replicate fragments of his own clothing.
  • A transposon is a segment of DNA that can replicate itself and move around to different positions within the genome. The Times of India
  • He hafted a series of replicated contracting-stemmed bifaces to notched wooden handles using adhesives of varying tensile strength; one was lashed only with deer sinew.
  • There’s green-screen work, used to replicate the chintziest, old-fashioned special effects possible, carefully designed costumes (the site includes wardrobe drawings), and plenty of purposefully poorly acted lines — or at least I choose to see them as done on purpose. Fan Film Review: Really Old School Star Wars | Fan Cinema Today
  • First is the editorial decision to replicate the original printings, complete with long walls of paragraphs and confusing punctuation.
  • We evaluated the costs of leaf height and defoliation in this plant by conducting a replicated field experiment in a forested landscape.
  • The owner of a sterile racehorse named Cigar said he would apply for permission to replicate the beast.
  • Partners often have their own successful careers that cannot be replicated abroad or positions that cannot be reclaimed on their return.
  • It was hoped the gene would be absorbed by the brain and eventually replicate itself.
  • The bioassay was replicated three times for each plant.
  • Phrased differently, current selective pressures on the dogs do not replicate pre-colonial circumstances.
  • However, many of the moments that are captured by camcorders are once-in-a-lifetime and can't be replicated if the disc fails.
  • ‘If your immune ability decreases, and you get other diseases such as pneumonia, enteritis, or cholecystitis, the virus may take advantage and start to replicate itself,’ he said.
  • If the virus cannot replicate itself, it cannot cause illness.
  • Mean values for each trait were calculated by averaging the population replicates for each species.
  • The effects of shiatsu, acupuncture, moxa, and herbal medicine are still questioned in Japan because they seem to depend upon the individual and are very difficult to replicate or to validate scientifically.
  • Seeing a martial arts flic without all the CGI flare was hugely refreshing, and exhilarating in a way that movies like Ninja Assassin simply can't replicate. Indie Trailer Sunday: Teaser Trailer for Tony Jaa's Ong Bak 3 «
  • Can you suggest any tying material that would replicate this wispy, bouyant seed? The Answer Line is Open...
  • A portion of the immigrants were skilled artisans who typically replicated their old-world crafts of shoemaking and repairing, tailoring, carpentry, and barbering.
  • Starting in 2002, formula makers began to offer products with additives -- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) -- to replicate fatty acids in breast milk. Lobbying fight over infant formula highlights budget gridlock
  • Buildings, entrances, everything visible -- all replicated, reiterated, repeated infinite variations in the one theme, that of the septenate stelliform. Spacehounds of IPC
  • First, the effects produced by thalidomide in pregnant women had not occurred before with other drugs and secondly, it was not easy to replicate the effects seen in humans in animal species.
  • Operation USA's Jacmel school project has been planned to be replicated elsewhere and also expanded by adding a clinic, a micro-credit program for parents of students, enriched academic studies after school, and using the very modern school campus as a community center... Richard Walden: One Year After: Haiti Aid Is not Rocket Science nor a Spectator Sport
  • Such transparency should be replicated throughout the country, and create competition in intelligent budgeting. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the claim of raevmo goes beyond the obvious notation that molecules can self-replicate. Adjusting Pre-configuration to Design Outcomes
  • Now, that doesn't mean you shouldn't look into RV - just don't expect to replicate the effects this illusionist performed, yah?
  •  The most important change was in an enzyme called DNA gyrase that helps the bacteria replicate their DNA. Drug Resistance
  • Old pewter develops a patina or film of thin oxide which is difficult to replicate, and this type of oxidation is one of the things collectors look for to confirm age.
  • Bootstrap and jackknife analyses were performed under the MP criterion, with equal weights for all positions and two random additions of sequences for 200 replicate searches.
  • You can take a million ground balls off fungo bats during infield practice -- or a million swings off sore-armed coaches during batting practice -- but nothing can replicate game-speed. What's up with the awful defense?
  • So I would hope that television would go in a direction of trying to find something that really is different from everything else on the air and that the broadcasters try to originate, as opposed to replicate, which is really what ` s been going on for about the last 10 years. CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2005
  • La Scola et al. consider Sputnik a novel phenomenon and wish to term it a virophage because, in order to replicate, it requires co-infection with the virus APMV4 and because its own replication inhibits that of its helper. Small Things Considered
  • During the S phase, the DNA replicates once, and only once.
  • Done right, the lavish packaging, art and annotation of a multidisc box can offer something that can't be easily replicated in a digital download. Boxed Sets: Pop Music
  • The widgetry is supposed to deploy transparently and non-disruptively into unsharded, sharded and replicated MySQL environments.
  • Generally speaking, the closer the figure is to zero, the more closely the fund replicates the index.
  • In particular, I note that there's a costume for the word "effervescent" in Frasier's gallery that I've seen replicated at a couple of Vocabulary Fairs, in at least one case winning a prize. Parading One’s Vocabulary
  • As with all such research, its success hinges on findings whose results can be replicated.
  • If such a plan were to be implemented, the logic of the 1947 partition of the sub-continent would be replicated with attendant mass displacements and violence.
  • Each model is unique, and individually disassembled, cut, melted, filed, smashed, then reassembled to replicate a real fender bender.
  • A total number of 1000 seeds were randomly selected from each of the replicates, given that O. rufipogon usually produces limited fertile seeds.
  • In particular, it would be important to replicate this study using different cultural products in order to see if the observed effects can be generalized across art product categories.
  • Nebraska farmer Jerry Mulliken has conducted replicated trials for six years to assess the effect of row cleaning operations prior to corn planting.
  • No, the viral genome can be replicated just fine in vitro using the viral replicase. Another Protozoan and Front-Loading
  • On top of this, other final elements were and filmed separately and then digitally added to the shot to replicate tracer fire, smoke, and shell casings falling from the machine guns.
  • These matters, in turn, are replicated in the dietary and commensality practices.
  • Like the AIDS virus, it uses RNA and not DNA to replicate itself.
  • Nothing has the capacity to replicate itself except DNA.
  • This result is not consistently replicated in a more recent study by Davis-Friday, Liu, and Mittelstaedt.
  • Nothing has the capacity to replicate itself except DNA.
  • They attempt to replicate domestic society, driving to the club with ‘the jog-trot of country gentlefolk between green hedgerows.’
  • You can only celebrate the fact that, for a time, the most perfect relationship - between middle-aged fathers and coltish teens - took place under your nose and was replicated in the houses of friends.
  • These replicate the sheaths that, like the insulation around a bundle of electrical wires, surround nerves in the body.
  • Like all viruses, it invades the host cells, using their machinery to replicate itself. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Family life was horribly stressful, so I've never wanted to replicate it. RESCUING ROSE
  • When no telomere is present, attempts to replicate this uncapped end may be responsible for the apparent "fusions" of the replicated chromatids at the position of the previous break as well as for perpetuating the chromatid type of breakage-fusion-bridge cycle in successive mitoses. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • Both drugs are known as protease inhibitors, which are designed to block an enzyme that helps the hepatitis C virus replicate. Hepatitis C Drugs Await FDA Approval
  • A total of 18,000 hand-blown glass panes made in Germany to replicate the original glazing of 1836 have been placed by specialist glaziers between the bars.
  • The use of expensive methods to subclassify histologic variants of tumors as accurately as $15 immunohistochemical assays, the inability to replicate more than 98\% of published genomewide association studies, and multiple retrospective studies using single-group series with small sample sizes all contribute to these sentiments. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • They also had this machine that replicated food so that no living creature had to be killed to keep them alive.
  • Approaching the 1972 trail-blazing "Pong"—a single bouncing bit and two white lines, which replicate a table-tennis match—the visitor may be seized by a feeling of disbelief: Surely people couldn't spend hours playing with that? The Art of the Videogame
  • Until recently, state law limited the number of charters to 30 — and only 15 were allowed to "replicate," or open multiple campuses. Expanding the Charter Option
  • An initiative targeting wildlife sanctuaries cutting across international boundaries hopes to replicate this success elsewhere.
  • If an electronic tabulation which is erroneous is replicated, repeating the error does not correct that error. BLUEPRINT FOR A NON-VIOLENT REVOLUTION
  • NHS staff were baffled by the unexplained rise, which has been replicated at similar teaching hospitals across London.
  • In my undergrad research class I wanted to replicate the Bystander Effect by having a confederate pretend to faint we wanted to look for gender differences in responses by participants and I was told by the IRB that it might "traumatize" my participants. Archive 2009-01-01
  • He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment.
  • In fact, these failures to replicate provide suggestive evidence on the conditions under which the interaction will or will not appear.
  • ‘This method replicates how problems occur in life,’ he says.
  • Stem cells are unspecialised cells that are able to replicate and can be influenced by their environment to take on specialised properties.
  • Yuri? lol … clever, bloke that has hoaxed the world for years … any magician can replicate those feats of ‘psychic power’ … 7/7 Bombs – Police To Blame SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Split screen, weird wipes, floating frames and fades - they guy does everything possible to replicate the look of a comic page, shy of actually shooting one on an animation stand.
  • Cameron had actually enjoyed poor Ridgeway's attempts to replicate the exercises undertaken by the athletes of ancient Greece, with the addition of equitation, for Ridgeway loved riding and there was nothing he could not ride. Red dust
  • In replicated trials, the hybrid was also resistant to Colorado potato beetle, an insect costing U.S. potato, tomato, and eggplant growers about $150 million annually.
  • In another plaque, Prussian blue pigment, meant to replicate copper corrosion, obscures much of the surface.
  • Watch how your hair is styled, what products are used, what kind of brushes, rollers, or styling irons your hairdresser uses so that you can replicate the look yourself.
  • Prison treatment plus aftercare yielded the best outcome results at the centre, a finding that has now been replicated in other studies.
  • The agreement is that any information entered in one registry becomes replicated in all other registries as well.
  • This paper presents a representation system for maintaining interacting durative states to replicate realistic emotional control.

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