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How To Use Replant In A Sentence

  • Replanting disease is a serious obstacle for sustainable development of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) at present.
  • Even back then, local foresters advised the couple on which species to replant.
  • We have a picture board that shows mature oaks replanted which is possible. The Daily News - News
  • After assessing individual plants throughout the field, if you're questioning the viability of the crop and continued development, consider replanting as soon as possible.
  • The hill shows evidence of very old farming terraces and sheep pens and is criss-crossed by walks that the owners have cleared and replanted with many varieties of indigenous ferns.
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  • Occasionally, trees or grasses may have to be replanted in a buffer.
  • Sporting thin, jagged leaves upon a succulent, fleshy stem, the herb is easily uprooted and replanted due to its shallow root system.
  • Is there any laws regarding how many embryo's can be 'replanted' as such ? Choice vs. Right to Life
  • With this in mind, he painstakingly replanted currajongs taken from the bush to shade his driveway.
  • Farmers who grow genetically modified varieties cannot replant or trade them without paying royalties.
  • South African farmers will now have a five year grace period to find replacement products for methyl bromide, which is presently used for soil fumigation in nurseries, flower and vegetable production, replanting of apple and other orchards and tobacco seedbeds. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They can be grown in small pots, or be almost packed together in boxes or seed-pans; and when near perfection they may be shaken out and have the roots washed for glasses, ferneries, and small aquaria; or they can be replanted close together in sand, and covered with green moss. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.
  • They replanted the land
  • Harry made British medical history in 1999 by becoming the first eight-finger replant after his hands were caught in a hydraulic paper guillotine.
  • After lifting and dividing, replant sections from outside the clump and discard the old center.
  • Varieties good for naturalizing are available as well, and therefore eliminate the need to dig and replant.
  • As he does this, he replants a piece of each root to replace what has been taken.
  • A replant surgeon should be consulted when replantation is considered, but reattachment never should be guaranteed to patients.
  • They'll replant the hedges and grow insanely expensive vegetables for fun.
  • Perennials continue to grow and produce blooms for many years to come without reseeding or replanting.
  • Previously, through coppicing and replanting, estates were able to sustain their timber supplies into the indefinite future.
  • In more trials with indigenous plants, his immediate challenge was to amass sufficient quantities of seed so that large areas might be replanted.
  • Salvage procedure. Medical leech attached to the congested replanted tongue segment.
  • There was no replanting, no trees left standing for reseeding, and areas devoid of pines were left unsightly and environmentally devastated.
  • We replanted the old elm in our back garden.
  • And replant the lemon tree That keeps dying.
  • He tells them that the olive tree has been broken at the branches, but that these branches could be replanted.
  • These paths will later be obliterated when the site is replanted and returned to a state of virtual nature.
  • The best material is now used in replantation programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly, growth momentum can't be easily recaptured, and a costly three-year process of restoration or replanting will be required.
  • I've been told that lifting the bulbs, storing them for the summer and replanting them in the fall will improve their performance.
  • Vein grafts were used in all successful replantations.
  • The younger the child and the sooner the replantation, the better the success; teeth replanted within 15 minutes stand a 98% chance of being retained after further dental attention.
  • We had forests to replant in certain places, to stop erosion, and the Sisters to Trees were in and out of here every week. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • - The fothergilla is fantastic and produces stems on runners that can be dug and replanted, that is how I have been spreading mine. Fallish « Fairegarden
  • The spleen is anatomically well adapted for use in these experiments, and the replantation of this organ can be taken as characteristic of this kind of operation. Alexis Carrel - Nobel Lecture
  • Over three months, the gardeners pulled out the weeds by hand, dug and prepared the ground, and replanted with flowering evergreen shrubs such as hebes and mahonia, for year-round colour and low maintenance.
  • Nor was there any attempt to replant the vineyard, or make the grounds around the Fortress in any way flourish. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Clusters of bulbs can be lifted, carefully teased apart and replanted or repotted individually to increase your stock. The Sun
  • It was established by a Japanese gardener at the time the house was built - when such gardens were in vogue - but over the years has become more anglicised, added to and replanted by Lady Sandberg.
  • A mutated "biotype B" insect emerged in Napa Valley in 1980 and did an estimated $6 billion of damage before wide-scale uprooting, burning and replanting was completed in 1995. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • They carefully moved and replanted some of the scrub oaks to allow sight lines from the house down to the water.
  • Microvascular replantation is part of these surgeries which have been carried out in many cases.
  • Auriculas and polyanthus should be lifted, divided and replanted as they go out of flower.
  • Claytonia, kale and ‘Green Spray’ mibuna are harvested three to five times before replanting.
  • A planter is a tree that has 'replanted' itself into the river bottom, under water temporary; will unplant itself at any given moment. Footnotes to the Henry Brackenridge Journal of a Voyage of 1811
  • Once the logged area is replanted, the access roads are left unmaintained until the timber matures and is ready for harvesting again.
  • Many of them had been replanted since the war had finished, and now there were uneven lines of green shoots striating the mud.
  • A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.
  • Plan on replanting parsley every spring; as a biennial, it goes to seed and dies the second year.
  • The runner up award was presented to Andy Doldisson for his 20 years of work as a bushcare volunteer, replanting and regenerating the shores of Drummoyne and Five Dock.
  • In more trials with indigenous plants, his immediate challenge was to amass sufficient quantities of seed so that large areas might be replanted.
  • People need to replant what has been uprooted and give back what has been taken away.
  • Yield of their red wine is down, but that's due to their replanting programme.
  • Bioassays with lettuce and cucumber seedlings showed that simazine, a triazine herbicide related to atrazine, can persist in soils and cause subsequent replanting problems.
  • This isn't resource conumption per se, but when we consider that old-growth logging has declined but not stopped due to demand (largely based on price of such woods) and loggers have begun a 10-1 replanting ratio for areas cut down, the bleak notion that every resource used today is a withdrawl from a finite pool available for tomorrow's generations is undermined. Capitalism as a Benevolent System, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The students were involved in weeding a section of the land, before replanting natural plants and trees.
  • He replanted the seedlings
  • In today's version of this argument, some high-profile and professional women have replanted the proverbial feminist flag in the reclamation of women's once-nonvoluntary subordinate status: opting to stay home with their kids. Philip N. Cohen: Madonna Turns 50: Wither Feminism?
  • Holtrop, who recently toured the Los Alamos area as part of an internal Forest Service review, was struck by the high survival rate of trees replanted in one particular area of the forest.
  • He will surround your Garden with new edifices and piazzas: though narrowed, it shall be replanted; dizened with hydraulic jets, cannon which the sun fires at noon; things bodily, things spiritual, such as man has not imagined; -- and in the Palais-Royal shall again, and more than ever, be the Sorcerer's Sabbath and Satan-at-Home of our Planet. The French Revolution
  • To our knowledge, humans are the only organism that routinely digs up, divides and replants tubers, bulbs and corms of flowers.
  • Planting date does not need to be a concern when deciding whether to replant since a replant at this time will not reduce yield much in comparison to replants that would occur in early to mid-June.
  • Over three months, the gardeners pulled out the weeds by hand, dug and prepared the ground, and replanted with flowering evergreen shrubs such as hebes and mahonia, for year-round colour and low maintenance.
  • The course has been replanted with saline-tolerant varieties of paspalum grass that thrive on brackish water. Loreto Bay: The greenest place in Baja, and quite possibly in all of Mexico!
  • If you need to replant the flower bed but don't know what plants thrive in your area, you can clear away the debris and prepare the soil prior to sitting down with flower brochures and browsing.
  • Nor was there any attempt to replant the vineyard, or make the grounds around the Fortress in any way flourish. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Before replanting, amend the soil by digging in compost or well-rotted manure and a handful of balanced fertilizer.
  • We had forests to replant in certain places, to stop erosion, and the Sisters to Trees were in and out of here every week. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • They wrote to Network Rail citing concerns including the stability of the bank and the replanting of flora and fauna but the response has left them unsurprised.
  • The consultation is silent, too, on the need to preserve programmes to replant former ancient woodlands, now under conifer, with broadleaf trees. Forestry Commission: Facing the chop | Editorial
  • Metals, gems, and minerals—and their organic cousins petroleum and coal—are basically nonrenewable, unlike trees (renewable, as long as our rate of replanting is faster than our rate of use) or water (replenishable, which means a resource at risk of being depleted, but which can be restored in a healthy ecosystem over time). THE STORY OF STUFF
  • This brings into question the need for attempted replantation under such circumstances.
  • If this happens, loosen the soil with a trowel and replant the bulb, taking care not to damage the roots.
  • When he does replant, he'll let the plants go to seed or, for small areas or new varieties, he'll broadcast the seed himself.
  • 'It would be best to replant with a native broadleaf, such as an English oak,’ said Mr Harley.
  • In the 1950s and the 1960s, the traditional export economy was renewed by a very successful program of replanting rubber estates and smallholdings with more productive varieties of rubber trees.
  • A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.
  • The destruction was devastating and although replanting is set to take place - it will be years before the 130 acres of native and exotic forest returns to normal.
  • These bulbs don't like frequent replantings and can take their time flowering after division.
  • Before replanting, amend soil with lots of fresh compost or organic matter.
  • In most cases when soybean fields with a seedling disease problem are replanted without using a seed treatment, the problem is continued.
  • Fork over the soil in the area they are to be replanted and put the bulbs back into the earth straight away, firming the soil to get rid of any air pockets.
  • Preplant incorporated herbicides are incorporated into the soil prior to planting.
  • Goth saves four tubers from each cage for replanting at Presque Isle the next year and sends the remaining tubers to Beltsville for further use and study.
  • Conclusion Extrusive disjoint fingers should be regarded as an indication of replantative operation.
  • There's a huge amount of land, either fallow or in low-value crops like hayfields" Associated could acquire and replant in pears, the 65-year-old farmer says. Oregon Pear Growers Sour on Land Law
  • They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.
  • Replanting the same species in the same soil year round will serve to increase inoculum for that crop. 6: Soil health and plant nutrition
  • Fr. Thomas is busy replanting the area around the new slype that had been dug up by construction.
  • Mini-grafts of hair are harvested from the back of the head and replanted in thinning areas of hair.
  • When he does replant, he'll let the plants go to seed or, for small areas or new varieties, he'll broadcast the seed himself.
  • Microsurgical replantation involves in addition to fixation of bone for stability and tendon repair for mobility, the repair of nerves and blood vessels with diameters as small as a millimetre.
  • Of the 15 attempts at replantation, only 5 were successful, despite meticulous technique.
  • A small gumwood stand survives at Peak Dale; the remainder of the island is covered by pasture, abandoned flax plantations, replanted woodland, dry rocky lowland, and some semi-natural shrubland vegetation. St. Helena scrub and woodlands
  • The scrub person keeps the patch oriented correctly (ie, interior, exterior) from harvest to replantation over the defect site.
  • Hail hit western Pierce County and caused multiple corn and bean fields to be replanted, with some beans going in where corn had been.
  • Attempts to replant had obviously been made, but the topsoil had washed away and the saplings were dead.
  • After hail or storm disaster strikes your fields, replanting a grain crop may be nearly impossible due to herbicide carryover or the late planting date.
  • Beal has recruited hundreds of crews to clean up and replant around the streams and has now established a network of volunteer groups living in the area.
  • More than 300 hectares of moorland will be replanted to restore the moors to their natural beauty.
  • The project has included the replanting of the formal garden in front of the house using boxwood, roses, catmint, lavender and clematis.
  • However it has helped me decide how to replant the somewhat shady, sheltered bed on one side of my garden: lots of hellebores, aquilegia, ferns, and variegated ivy creeping up the wall of my neighbour's extension wall.
  • As crops are harvested, replant or mulch unplanted areas.
  • Bioassays with lettuce and cucumber seedlings showed that simazine, a triazine herbicide related to atrazine, can persist in soils and cause subsequent replanting problems.
  • She backfilled the planting hole with soil and replanted her clump of irises, which bloomed beautifully the following season.
  • ‘We replanted with tighter spacing, better vine selections and rootstocks,’ said Kamen.
  • They are situated in the middle of a beautiful 100-acre country estate, which has been extensively replanted with forest and can be explored on foot or in Shetland pony-drawn carriages.
  • A Dig out the clumps of roots and divide them into smaller portions to replant or pot-up.
  • Salvage procedure. Medical leech attached to the congested replanted tongue segment.
  • Get up as large a rootball as you can and water again after replanting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shamba system of tree plantations interplanted with crops comprises over half the planted area but over half of it is not replanted with trees at all. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
  • This early in the season, replanting to corn is still a good option; however, as we move into June, corn becomes less of an option, forcing producers to replant to other crops.
  • I am afraid to move that heuchera as well, but if it makes some offsets I might pinch them off to replant. Foliage? In January? « Fairegarden
  • In 1966 Chen successfully replanted an amputated finger, and performed an arm replantation after segmental resection, thus allowing some functional restoration after tumour removal.
  • I also had a bit of a dig in the garden, clearing some weeds and replanting some of the shrubs that I had moved into pots for winter.
  • I'd like to know how it felt to develop on my own, using trees from the forest and replanting for each one I took down.
  • On each side of this surface is to be seen a distinct groove, the _preplantar groove_, or _preplantar fissure_, which, commencing behind, between the basilar and retrossal processes, runs horizontally forwards from the angles or wings of the bone, and terminates anteriorly in one of the larger foraminæ. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • To carry the container plantings through the last remaining warm days, replant them with late-summer annuals such as cosmos, marigolds, salvias, or zinnias.
  • The laborers effectively replant and rebuild their plots of land or pigsties.
  • And at the weekend he and a group of seven volunteers carefully dug up 73 rare broad-leaved helleborines and took them by wheelbarrow to their new home where they were replanted.
  • The practice of taking up chicory plants in the autumn, cutting off their leaves, and replanting the roots in a dark cellar so that they regrow small, white leaves originated in France.
  • The country will also replant and restore mangrove swamps to act as natural shields against strong waves.
  • The ecological impact on the site was also a significant consideration, with minimal cut and fill, the provision of carefully integrated storm water retention areas, and the replanting of all disrupted areas with native species.
  • In more trials with indigenous plants, his immediate challenge was to amass sufficient quantities of seed so that large areas might be replanted.
  • In our 10 failed replants we could initially visualize arterial flow across the anastomosis.
  • Alas, lumber is not an easily-renewable resource and once it's gone, it's gone for a long time, unless there is unlikely foresight to replant the ravaged slopes of this tropical forest. Mexico's endless Pacific beach: sun, surf, sand, seafood and solitude
  • Like sugarcane, it can also be ratooned (cut down and allowed to resprout from the roots) to provide crop after crop without replanting. 7. Sorghum
  • With further prototyping, we hope to be able to produce a device that can treat more complex tissue types, such as ear and nose replants.
  • The team also worked with an ecologist to replant native seedlings in disturbed areas.
  • Residents contributed to the project by providing in-kind labor to replant crops and vegetables, construct an irrigation system, reinforce dikes, and build new fencing.
  • We plan to involve local schools and colleges in the replanting of the walled garden, using Edward Austen's original scheme, and in the physical work of repairing the walls and the beds.
  • Like dahlias you dig them up in the autumn, store in a frost-free place and replant in the spring,’ he says.
  • Forest fires, mining, reindeer herding, and small-scale logging followed by little to no replanting of harvested trees, has caused much of the area to regenerate into pyrogenic tundra landscapes rather than forests due to the underlying permafrost layers. Northeast Siberian taiga
  • Though some chufa may regenerate, replanting it annually will ensure a full crop. Planting Tips to Make Turkeys Come to You
  • A tubful works well enough, but needs regular replanting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carefully rake leaves away from clumps of snowdrops and aconites, replanting any that have been lifted by frost.
  • Most of the hand transplants have reasonable function, working better than prostheses but not as well as replanted limbs.
  • The matter of attendant erosion from benching, slashings and burning would need to be patiently addressed over time, as replantings and reafforestation take years of effort and maintenance.
  • A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.
  • This field will need to be rotated to grain sorghum and replanted using safened seed when soil moisture conditions permit field operations.
  • Conclusion The flap taken from the fibular side of the great toe is an effective tissue in replanting an amputated thumb with segmental defect.
  • The literature on limb replantation shows that restoration of function depends largely on nerve repair and postoperative use of the flexor tendon.
  • Investments in Kn would include forest replanting and restocking of fisheries.
  • There is already a precedent for this because local residents (including my family) all have concessionary tickets to the privy gardens and have had them since they were replanted.
  • More than likely if the fields are real bad, they'll need to be tilled, prepped, and replanted.
  • A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.
  • It has no policy on replanting forests that are being intensively clear-cut.
  • I spent a goodly proportion of yesterday working in the garden replanting some tubs and planting up some new ones.
  • To carry the container plantings through the last remaining warm days, replant them with late-summer annuals such as cosmos, marigolds, salvias, or zinnias.
  • In the severest forms of scalp-injuries, such as avulsion of the scalp from the entangling of the hair in machinery, skin-grafting or replantation is of particular value. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Loosen any roots that are encircling the root ball, replant at same depth as originally planted.
  • By 1983 his group had carried out 1100 limb and digit replants.
  • Yet all my plans to re-begin! all my prospects to replant! — Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
  • They should be replanted and watered in immediately.
  • Nor was there any attempt to replant the vineyard, or make the grounds around the Fortress in any way flourish. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Ambitious schemes are also in the pipeline to replant some of the park's lost woodlands and also to restore large areas of grasslands, bogs and moorland.
  • In my experience, whether you leave them in the ground or lift them and replant, unlike daffodils, tulips don't go on forever, and it pays to replace them every few years.
  • The project has included the replanting of the formal garden in front of the house using boxwood, roses, catmint, lavender and clematis.
  • The China Cotton Association said that heavy snowfall in Xinjiang Uygur, the major cotton-producing area of the country, has led to replanting. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Hydrologic disturbances may occur on Reserve lands in the following forms, and may require listed action for restoration; four wheel drive, or woods roads; removal and restoration; removal of fill from stabilized or improved roads; closing unnecessary footpaths; filling and revegetating unnecessary ponds, or managing those ponds as natural waterbodies where beneficial; remove and allow drainage ditches to revegetate and restore old fire plowlines; and filling and replanting borrow pits. Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, Florida
  • The China Cotton Association said that heavy snowfall in Xinjiang Uygur, the major cotton-producing area of the country, has led to replanting. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • We had forests to replant in certain places, to stop erosion, and the Sisters to Trees were in and out of here every week. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Initially planted in 1986 and farmed organically, then replanted with Syrah in 1994 and farmed under Biodynamic practice ever since, nearly 20,000 vines rise gently along a northwesterly slope. Teresa Rodriguez Williamson: California's Hidden Organic Wine Region
  • Flower beds which border the entrance to the park on Bolton Road will be replanted and damaged footpaths will be relaid to attract visitors back to the park.
  • They had replanted their land with vines after the phylloxera disaster, until a glut of cheap wine flooded the market, and they could no longer sell their only product.
  • The magueys are being used up or allowed to flower and aren't being replanted.

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