How To Use Repetition In A Sentence

  • The same mythologem is also active in Dylan's opus, where - with the inclusion of the deepest part of the psyche - came to the repetition and extension of the transformation process, explicitly expressed in Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" from 1966: Expecting Rain
  • This is his second puzzling triple morphemic repetition in recent days, following up on the biggest self of self is self ". Language Log
  • God's omniscience means he knows all our needs and God's omnipresence means we can pray to him wherever we are, but if we fall into bland repetition of these truths, they will grow tiresome.
  • After many repetitions, the moment comes when the telling of the trauma story no longer arouses quite such intense feeling. Trauma and Recovery
  • I would recommend doing between eight and 12 repetitions on a fairly stiff hill about 800 metres long.
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  • The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.
  • Schiff's forms depend (like Marianne Moore's) on interlocking enjambments, on syllabics, and on baroque grammar, or else (unlike Moore's) on dense repetitions derived from Provençal forms.
  • Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity.
  • What many patients experience is an awakening of emotions which they have never had, rather than a repetition of phantasies from the past.
  • There also are significant differences in the requirements for testing ranges and repetition rate, and pass-fail criteria are much tighter under the new standard.
  • Working in pairs or trios, students identified examples of these repetition strategies in the speeches they read.
  • Physiologically, when brain cells are activated by the memory process, the nerve cell coating, known as the glial sheath, increases in thickness and becomes thicker and thicker with each repetition, strengthening the electrical pathway in brain that constitutes memory. Sequential Problem Solving A Student Handbook with Checklists for Successful Critical Thinking
  • On Lag 0 Ignored Repetition trials, the probe target was reassigned the word that appeared as the distractor in the second prime display.
  • She concluded that the repetition of such images ultimately neutralizes their moral force.
  • Each stretch should be held for at least 10 seconds with 10 repetitions on each arm for arm swings.
  • The use of the poetic device hyperbaton, or inverted word order, is a form of repetition that sets the mood for the rest of the section.
  • If obsession is about repetition and patterns of behaviour and often a means of gaining control in uncontrollable situations then the order that Jude aches to find in her life is being cleverly reflected visually in the unusual use and placing of words on the page. In Search of Adam
  • Even if the mistakes are forgiven, can one forgive the repetition of the same mistakes over and over again?
  • If you are not able to go through initiation with a teacher see above, daily mental repetition still has a strong purificatory effect, although it is not as powerful as after initiation. The Sivananda Companion To Meditation
  • The drums often play not so much a beat or a pulse, but lumbering repetitions - just as Eastburn's violin at the start of ‘Repent’ is the weariest sawing I've ever heard.
  • The drawings share some of the sculptures' rough and uncouth qualities: the line is generally neutral, even unmodulated, and acquires power through repetition rather than finesse.
  • And thus the ideas of time and space have each its peculiar and exclusive relations; position and figure belonging only to space, while repetition and rhythm are appropriate to time.
  • The book's structure makes for too much repetition. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The mere repetition of a few chords or basic riffs while you struggled with the fretboard still had you quaking with excitement.
  • Practice is interpreted as repetition, and feedback consists mainly of approving reactions from the teacher.
  • This first repetition drill serves to familiarize the students with the sounds in the dialogue.
  • This period is known as the saros, a Greek word meaning ‘repetition’ that is itself derived from the Babylonian sharu.
  • The Belfast Telegraph has a letter that I think bears repetition: Our own observatory at Armagh is one of the oldest in the world and has been observing solar cycles for more than 200 years. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Do 20 repetitions of this drill on your left leg and then repeat it on your right leg.
  • The metonymic process depends on the substitution, in a sequence, of a series of metonymies for the novel's totalizing metaphor, with each metonymy representing a repetition of the novel's metaphor.
  • Japanese write as a repetition of the syllables jun-ta; and the name junta is sometimes given to the grasshopper itself. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • Slow and controlled breathing also helps pace repetitions. The Sun
  • The use of repetition, compound words, and anastrophe are key stylistic traits of Circle and are found throughout the collection of historic manuscripts that inspired it.
  • The repetition, and eventually the matching of the sounds of the letters to their corresponding picture will get your youngsters recognizing letters and knowing their phonetical sounds in no time! A Learning Activity That Can Be Used For A One Year, Two Year And Four Year Old Child For Literacy Skills? « Literacy Skills « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • Robin — the blue bowl — that will sloken all their drouth, and prevent the sinful repetition of whipping for an eke of a Saturday at e’en. Redgauntlet
  • Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation.
  • The novel shows how a racist representation can become so naturalized through its repetition in such forms as popular music that it engages the participation of even those whom it burlesques.
  • But his childish repetition of gritty details makes A Million Little Pieces not only tedious, but downright farcical in spots.
  • The endless repetition of incorrigible and isolated individuality is the statement and each time he makes it he makes it afresh.
  • She is deeply attached to symmetry, and thus to the repetition and change obtained when images are mirrored.
  • Many of the details in the Triumph are paraphrastic repetitions from Titian's three Bacchanals.
  • The novel shows how a racist representation can become so naturalized through its repetition in such forms as popular music that it engages the participation of even those whom it burlesques.
  • The fear is of a repetition of the 1992 events when groups which now make up the Northern Alliance captured Kabul from Afghanistan's last pro-Moscow government but then wrecked it with internecine warfare.
  • In keeping with the genre's established recipe, most of its skits are more like comedy rituals than sketches, in that the payoffs usually involve the anticipated repetition of catchphrases.
  • In this passage, Oothoon's rhetoric of purity and defilement reveals her unwitting capitulation to Theotormon's ascetic dualism (which opposes chastity to harlotry), while her use of the verb "rend" in her instruction to Theotormon's eagles implies, most appallingly, an invited repetition of Bromion's act of rape. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • Whilst the textbook controversy could be seen as simply a repetition of previous incidents, the events of April are significant because of the scale and vehemence of the protests.
  • A more serious blemish with most modern poetry, is nimiety, the tendency to dilute the general effect by repetition.
  • Some of the shading techniques used were cross-hatching, stippling, spirals and close repetition of continuous lines.
  • We do not want to see a repetition of last year's tragic events.
  • One of the problems I find when listening to commercial radio is the constant repetition of fairly long adverts.
  • The book is wordy, and repetition of various concepts by different contributors and heaviness on quotations make it slow reading.
  • And by frequent repetitions of exhaustion by great stimulus, these vessels cease to acquire their whole natural quantity of sensorial power; as in the schirrous stomach, and schirrous liver, occasioned by the great and frequent stimulus of vinous spirit; which may properly be termed irritative paralysis of those parts of the system. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Aristotle _Rhet_ 1414a) remarks that because of Homer's use of epanaphora (the repetition of Nireus 'name) and dialysis (asyndeton)' [Greek: schedon hapax tou Nireôs onomasthentos en tôi dramati memnêmetha ouden hêtton ê tou Achilleôs kai tou Odysseôs] '. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Even if your child may not be verbalizing the new language right away, remember that repetition is the key to learning. Terrific Tips for Parents Who Want to Teach Their Child a Second Language « Esl Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • If the impresario suspected a repetition of the Nijinsky debacle, however, he could turn vindictive, as happened in 1920 when Massine took up with Vera Savina, one of the company's ballerinas. Sergei Diaghilev: first lord of the dance
  • Above these there is a vocal line so free and continuous that the strictures imposed by the repetition of the bass are scarcely felt.
  • Writing about an idea frees me of it. Thinking about it is a circle of repetitions. Mason Cooley 
  • So many of the classical rhetorical figures are just forms of repetition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Above the bassy boom of the television there was a banging repetition of sounds.
  • She was always good at repetition, at combining melody and harmony and rolling them over into country drone, but Rawlings is replaced here on half the tracks by a fiddle.
  • The many echoes and repetitions throughout the performances carried the audience from one movement to another.
  • The last repetition of the sequence takes the triads down to the tonic D major and the vocal line up to F (sharp).
  • Since the president was unavailable, I spoke with her assistant to arrange an appointment. unnecessary repetition.
  • Its cadences follow the rhythms of machines, and pull the reader into its moments of repetition, into its pauses.
  • With the emphatic repetition of this line at the end of the book, the image of the omnipotent deity has been exorcized from Vallejo's poetic imagery.
  • Some of our people, listening in on our ancestors' imagined, other-worldly discourse, hear only the endless repetition of the never again.
  • A sinner so signally lov'd, -- and hearing my Mother, her eyes brimming with tears and her alabastrine fingers tightly locked together, murmur in unconscious repetition: Father and Son: a study of two temperaments
  • The two dozen participants started off by identifying “what’s wrong with the media,” and the blackboard is filled with complaints ranging from the lack of in-depth analysis and foreign news coverage to story repetition and reinforcement of stereotypes. â”We canât use Mickey Mouse to tell other thingsâ” |
  • 'Innumerable are the illusions and legerdemain-tricks of Custom: but of all these, perhaps the cleverest is her knack of persuading us that the Miraculous, by simple repetition, ceases to be Miraculous. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • On the repetition of this same experience we were forced to the supposition that there is an _intimate bond, with laws of its own, between the unintelligible and complicated nature of the dream and the difficulties attending communication of the thoughts connected with the dream_. Dream Psychology Psychoanalysis for Beginners
  • Repetition is neither wordy nor inefficient; it improves clarity, understanding, and remembrance of the rules.
  • The newly blancoed surface was easily scuffed or marked, necessitating a repetition of the entire laborious procedure.
  • In a review for New Humanist of two recent books written by political bloggers - Liberal Fascism by National Review Online blogger Jonah Goldberg, and The Liberal Defence of Murder by Lenin's Tomb author Richard Seymour - he finds that in the transition to the printed page all the faults of those with 'blogorrhea' are starkly revealed: sloppy research, cheap name-calling, historical immaturity, overstatement, distortion, factual errors and near-endless repetition. New Humanist Blog
  • Of course, this naturalness is an illusion (a transcript of thought and conversation would yield mostly a slop of imprecision and repetition), but O'Nan's fingerprints are unobtrusive. A Close Read
  • The community's crisis of violence is reflected in a recursive narrative pattern, shaped out of repetitions and returns of the repressed memories of white violence in slavery.
  • IN THE OCCUPIED CITY, was it when you fell in love with arbitrary CApitaL LettERS, it alics, caesurae | | and repetitions repetiTIOns? Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • So that kind of meshed together -- and then I started listening to more progressive kraut music, y'know, repetitious stuff, and African music and really finding major similarities in repetition in music from different parts of the world. Vice Magazine
  • What was the right balance between creativity and innovation on the one hand and familiarity and repetition on the other?
  • To make the books balance every show has to have all the employed actors in it which can lead to repetition and sameyness in the work.
  • About 1500, composers adopted the practice of paired imitation and through imitation, the repetition of short melodic passages in two voices or in all parts.
  • There is repetition; there is also self-censorship. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The director keeps the camera close to their faces, and the scenes are played out with smiles, winces, sneers, vulgarities, long pauses, shrugs, inane repetitions, dartings, and aversions of the eyes.
  • True there are imperfections in the Bible: antilogies, repetitions, want of continuity; but these imperfections become perfections by leading us to the allegory and the spiritual meaning (Philoc., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Secondly, the Russians might abandon Vilna and draw off to mass in force south of a line running from Grodno to Slonim; in that case the Grande Armée would sweep into the Russian rear, and pen them in a pocket formed by Slonim, the Pripet Marshes, the rivers Bug and Narew—a repetition, in fact, of the enveloping movement used to such good effect at Ulm in 1805. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • Writing about an idea frees me of it. Thinking about it is a circle of repetitions. Mason Cooley 
  • Stories from the Rains of Love and Death consists of five scenes that fold into one another connected by a repetition of events and motifs.
  • Lully was famous for his composition of extended passacailles, pieces based on the ostinato repetition of repeating bass line, usually on a four-bar, stepwise descending bass line, the minor mode tetrachord from do to sol.
  • Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s.
  • Mary Lee Corlett's essay on the jazzlike repetitions and variations in Bearden's work is particularly strong. Impressionistic Memories
  • Lully was famous for his composition of extended passacailles, pieces based on the ostinato repetition of repeating bass line, usually on a four-bar, stepwise descending bass line, the minor mode tetrachord from do to sol.
  • Mrs Chivery derived a surprising force of emphasis from the foregoing circumstantiality and repetition. Little Dorrit
  • In Metropolis, Fritz Lang had the office as an urban dystopia with workers shuffling about in smocks with bowed heads, sedated by repetition.
  • The even tones of her voice and the repetition of his name inflamed him. Madcap
  • Today is so uninteresting I'm having to resort to repetition.
  • In summary, therefore, most special aftercare services have had no effect on repetition rates after attempted suicide.
  • I would never write autobiographically as I tend to write as an alternative to my life, not a repetition or imitation of it. Maggie O'Farrell - An interview with author
  • He adopts a half-sob crack in the voice with monotonous repetition.
  • Instead, he published a condescending repetition of the same stuff he'd run in April.
  • He fought a long battle against what he called hokum, ideas with no basis, which gain spurious credibility by repetition (in the way that so many celebrities are celebrities for no other reason than that they are regarded as such by the media and society pop pundits). Club Troppo
  • Yet for all its eclecticism it builds in a single arc -- its core the long second movement, propelled upward by quasi-Minimalist rhythmic repetitions -- until the exuberant jam session is capped by the churchly sobriety of the orchestral idiom, returning as if to remind everyone of where they are, though more focusing the mood than interrupting it. In performance: NSO and Yo-Yo Ma
  • Being a repetition on earlier happenings, each composition becomes imbued with a solid mass; no longer transitory, these selections are guided along a set path.
  • Lift with heavier weights and do fewer repetitions - that builds muscle.
  • Formally, palilalia is a compulsive involuntary repetition of a semantically acceptable phrase or word.
  • Using a compass to create hundreds of circles in delicate works on paper, Hesse carried Minimalist repetition and seriality to the point of obsession.
  • But perhaps her hesitation was also due in part to another compelling belief, reflected in the venerable tradition of oral storytelling, which assumes repetition to be vivifying.
  • 943 I omit the rest of this canto, which is mere repetition. Ramayana. English
  • Inventions, handy fables, and propaganda wormed away at the story for decades, institutionalizing falsehoods and calcifying legends, many of which then became part of the narrative in the West, where further repetition hardened and certified official Soviet accounts. The Gun
  • By dint of constant repetition, however, these constitutional sights had very little more interest for me than so many parochial vestries; and I was glad to exchange this one for a lounge in a well-arranged public library of some ten thousand volumes, and a visit to a tobacco manufactory, where the workmen are all slaves. American Notes for General Circulation
  • They are firmly established and automatized within a person by constant repetition. It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend
  • Many days, the intentional repetition of small, daily choices mirrors that of my crochet hook. Christianity Today
  • Its aims were shaped by an extreme tail event (the Great Depression) and were explicitly minimax (to avoid a repetition). Costs and consequences
  • Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of repetition.
  • Even at its best, conversation is full of repetitions, fillers, fragmentary phrases, and minimal rhythms.
  • Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond 10-23: a bibliometric study. Dana Ullman: Nobel Prize Winner Takes Homeopathy Seriously
  • If you lay the groundwork by ingraining good technique with lots of repetition, you can develop the comfort and confidence to focus on the target and let your athletic instincts take over.
  • The more media publicity given to that image, the greater is the possibility of the repetition of that image, and they love it.
  • Repetition of the violence in Memphis began in August 1866 in New Orleans when several related events culminated in a racial explosion.
  • The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.
  • Neither Aristotle nor Plato envisioned their cosmic cyclicity as requiring any detailed endless repetition such as the multiple births of Socrates, though some Stoic philosophers did adopt this drastic position.
  • Repetition is everywhere, as are misuses, misspellings, tautologies and inconsistencies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Thus, as _memory is the approximate repetition of once-experienced mental states or facts, together with the recognition of their belonging to our past, so it is accomplished by an approximate repetition of the once-performed neural process in the cortex which originally accompanied these states or facts_. The Mind and Its Education
  • Maybe there's something in the drink, maybe it's the repetition of the dancing that goes on during the feast, with those bucks in their animal heads chasing (but never catching) the young females, who flee continually (but never quite out of reach); perhaps it's just the three days 'delay in getting down to business-whatever it may be, I found myself eyeing that white figure through the flames, and starting to sweat something frightsome. Isabelle
  • There's a quaintness in these tableaux that's at first charming but eventually slides into overkill through sheer grating repetition.
  • The job involved the constant repetition of the same movements.
  • If you play it over and over, without a break between repetitions, you’ll probably find that it becomes weird to you—the same way saying “purple” over and over makes the word lose its meaning. Where To Park Your Broomstick
  • In such asyndeta and repetitions, the sublime is always on the attack. On the Sublime
  • PHAEDRUS: Nonsense, Socrates; what you call repetition was the especial merit of the speech; for he omitted no topic of which the subject rightly allowed, and I do not think that any one could have spoken better or more exhaustively. Phaedrus
  • Unlike scanning (searchlight) radars, CH, being a 'floodlit' system, provided up-date at the pulse repetition rate with a corresponding integration gain when using a CRT with a long persistence phosphor. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • If you give charity 100 times, the repetition of the physical act breaks down your egocentricity and engrains the behavior of a more charitable person.
  • This constraint shows itself in the repetition of words and phrases; in the verbal oppositions and anacolutha of St. Paul; in the short sentences of St. John.
  • By analyzing the sources of return, however, it can be easily seen that a repetition of that historical performance is improbable.
  • What was the right balance between creativity and innovation on the one hand and familiarity and repetition on the other?
  • By no great books or long treatises, but by a ceaseless flow of brevities and repetitions, is the pulverized thought of the world wrought into the soul. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • If you read a lot of Jennings's work, the poems blur into one another; there is too much repetition, too much rewriting of the same poem, too many neat little verse essays.
  • It understands rile future not as simply a repetition of today or as the inevitable march of progress.
  • Glass has stripped music down to a few bare parameters: repetition, simple harmony and little melody.
  • Supposing this view to be correct, the inner calyx-like whorl might be considered either as a repetition of the calycine whorl, or it might be inferred that the corolla was present in the guise of a second calyx. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • I recommend higher repetitions with lower weights to prevent bulking up and to preserve your line.
  • The section on markers discusses rhyme and alliteration, oppositions, word repetition, paradox, metaphor, pithiness and aspects of the syntax of proverbs.
  • Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation.
  • Given the dialogic nature of language, the paradox of intertextuality is that repetition can involve semantic renewal and difference.
  • Thus if the power of the magnetic needle of turning towards the north, or the shock given by touching both sides of an electrized coated jar, was related for the first time to a philosopher, and to an ignorant person; the former would be less ready to believe them, than the latter; as he would find nothing similar in nature to compare them to, he would again and again repeat the experiment, before he would give it his entire credence; till by these repetitions it would cease to be a single fact, and would therefore gain the evidence of analogy. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The Llangollen couple were famous for their gardens, and Dorothy creates here likewise a "garden stored with fruits and flowers/And sunny seats and shady bowers," supporting a life whose completeness is emphasized through the repetition of 'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
  • Its repetition will reinforce the focus point of your paragraph and essay. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • With lyric intensity - developed through H.D.'s characteristic techniques of parataxis, syntactic parallelism, and repetition - Natalia admires the building.
  • You can easily create very large walls with hundreds of thousands of bricks and never see any repetition or tiling which is a common problem with traditional textures. CGArena - Get Attention in the Computer Graphics Community
  • When teams from outside the elite gatecrash the party the favoured clubs pick apart their squads to ensure no repetition.
  • Tom found that spaced repetition converted the memory for short-term habituation and sensitization to longer-lasting memories. Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography
  • Many students may need to be introduced to effective practice methods such as repetition, playing with a metronome, woodshedding and visualization.
  • The endless, apparently unvaried repetition of simple chordal progressions is what gives this symphony its hypnotic quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this case, the five repetitions of ‘joy’ even have a possible numerological significance, since five is a ‘nuptial number’ frequently used in epithalamia.
  • And it is surprising how many small contradictions and repetitions there are. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vain repetitions -- tautology, battology, idle babbling over the same words again and again to no purpose, like Battus, Sub illis montibus erant, erant sub montibus illis; like that imitation of the wordiness of a fool, Eccl. x. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Though it did not in the least terrify me or torture me, or make me have anything approaching a dread of its repetition, I experienced a kind of rawness and sensitiveness of soul such as when, to put it pathologically, a super-sensitive mucous membrane surface is touched roughly by a hand or instrument. The Adventure of Living
  • Repetition can help the learning process.
  • Since the president was unavailable, I spoke with her assistant to arrange an appointment. unnecessary repetition.
  • Were this Zach Curtis-directed Theatre in the Round production less entertaining than it is, I might have been more than mildly irked by Beane's rather artless repetition.
  • Since the rotators are endurance muscles, they require more repetitions to build strength.
  • Repetition gives the closing lines qualities of charm and chant, their long vowel sounds making for a soothing and ultimately devastating quiet.
  • That is all well and good but constant repetition and even his most recherché songs become hackneyed.
  • The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.
  • She requested Oak to get the churchwardens to turn the leadwork at the mouth of the gurgoyle that hung gaping down upon them, that by this means the stream might be directed sideways, and a repetition of the accident prevented. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • So many of the classical rhetorical figures are just forms of repetition. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the triceps is a very small muscle group, make sure you use a light weight, but do lots of repetitions.
  • The experience gained by the officials should lead the Authority to prompt action in the future to avoid repetition of a similar situation so that there could be an orderly development of the City.
  • At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.
  • The job involved the constant repetition of the same movements.
  • The body movement that has to be related to the camera movement, and is determined by the latter, separates itself, during the repetition of the scene, from the facial expression.
  • Teaching solid reading skills, just as in teaching accuracy in fingering, requires many successive weekly repetitions before these are developed into skills and habits.
  • I taught her whole class this when she was four and she finds repetition boring.
  • Harrison an excuse for insisting on weekly repetitions of what he called their historical picnics. Short Stories of Various Types
  • They prefer the slick repetition of cliché to the taking of risks in thought or language. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every repetition imbeds that principle more deeply in our law and thinking and expands it to new purposes. Commanding Heights
  • It was a powerful event, and illIcItly-that Is, against his own stable principles-he craved a repetition.
  • And, notwithstanding Santayana's too-often repeated mot about forgetfulness and history repeating, it is sometimes possible to see in such repetition not error or futility but constancy.
  • Canon is partly due to the desire of the Sinhalese to lose nothing of the sacred word imparted to them by missionaries from a foreign country, for repetition to this extent is not characteristic of Indian compositions. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Each line in the poem ends with a word ending in “ed” (a variation on the device known as epistrophe, the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a line). 2009 March 05 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • There, my friends, it is very much about repetition. Times, Sunday Times
  • We also experience for ourselves, as we move from primary care to specialty treatment, the frequent repetition of blood draws, diagnostic x-rays, and the resubmission of our personal and medical insurance information. Tanya Abreu: Narcissism Is Bad for Our Country's Health
  • For laser semi-active guidance weapon, routine methods of angle cheat are difficult of effective interference, so the technology of high-repetition-frequency laser interference is thought much of.
  • But stamina and muscle tissue need the opposite, many repetitions of rather low intensity.
  • So - droll sung/spoken vox, chirruping synth loop, mind-numbing repetition - it carbon copies " Once in a Lifetime ".
  • The Greeke Poets who made musicall ditties to be song to the lute or harpe, did vse to linke their staues together with one verse running throughout the whole song by equall distance, and was, for the most part, the first verse of the staffe, which kept so good sence and conformitie with the whole, as his often repetition did geue it greater grace. The Arte of English Poesie
  • As a result, lower working pressure and higher RF power is helpful to prepare good a-C film, meanwhile, laser repetition has evident influence on films growth.
  • That is the only explanation I can think of for their constant repetition of their favourite inheritance tax statistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The repetition of the word century, instead of evoking diachrony, only further betrays the precarious instantaneity of the utterance, its vocalic ephemerality.
  • -- [This part begins with a long account of her escape, her fortunes at Holby and London, and her recapture, which is here omitted, as it would be to a large extent a repetition of what has already been stated.] -- After Brandon left me my heart still throbbed with the fierce impulse which he had imparted to it. Cord and Creese
  • Whether full or partial, reduplication can serve to intensify an adjective, place a verb into the future or the past, pluralize a noun or scatter its distribution, render an action continuous, or simply imply repetition.
  • a time, though nourished with the same food which increased their growth from infancy, and afterwards supported them for many years in unimpaired health and strength, must be sought for from the laws of animal excitability, which, though at first increased, is afterwards diminished by frequent repetitions of its adapted stimulus, and at length ceases to obey it. Note VII
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
  • We repeated that joke so much that we ended up liking its simplicity, and, through repetition, it was adopted as our preshow anthem. Fallin’ Up
  • [40] Cf. Ulpian, Tit., vi, 6: Divortio facto, si quidem sui juris sit muller, ipsa habet rei uxoriae actionem, id est, dotis repetitionem; quodsi in potestate patris sit, pater adiuncta filiae persona habet actionem. A Short History of Women's Rights From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. with Special Reference to England and the United States. Second Edition Revised, With Additions.
  • The sound produced by drums is short; thus, any continuous sound can be produced only by rapid repetition.
  • arabesque" and other formal designs gave employment to the carvers, in making an infinite repetition of fiddles, festoons, and ribbons, in the execution of which they became so proficient, that their work is more often admired for its exquisite finish than for any intrinsic interest in the subject or design. Wood-Carving Design and Workmanship
  • There were lardons in every savoury dish, unwelcome both on grounds of repetition and salt, which he arguably overdoes.
  • Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of repetition.
  • The turnkey, guessing from my appearance that I had money in my pocket, received me with the repetition of the Latin word depone, and gave me to understand, that I must pay beforehand for the apartment I should choose to dwell in. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • It is through verbal modification (repetition), exemplification, generalization vs. particularization and quotation that "Washington" voices his opinion on the ways of salvation of the black race.
  • But I do not know whether it was deliberate or unconscious repetition that made Flaubert give us something like a duplicate of the suffete Hanno in Vitellius. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Yet something happens in the repetition of simple phrases put to song.

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