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How To Use Reorganisation In A Sentence

  • There is increased speculation this could be done through bankruptcy or a reorganization under bankruptcy protection.
  • Financial exigency could thus join seamlessly with reorganization to become an everyday occurrence.
  • At the same time, we can also find some helpful revelation for implementing the reorganization system of the new law of bankruptcy from Zheng Baiwen s realignment.
  • The members of Sea Launch have unanimously determined that Chapter 11 reorganization is in the best interests of the Company, its customers, shareholders, employees and other related parties. Financial Problems at Sea Launch - NASA Watch
  • It remains one of my favorite artifacts and seems to perfectly encapsulate emergence of new types of social currencies as a part of a reorganization of our lives around social relationships. Boing Boing
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  • A similar reorganization is taking place in virtually every state Party. A heads up...
  • My hope is that it's not a liquidation," Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Banking Committee, said this morning on the "Early Show" on CBS, "but what they call a debtor-in-possession, sort of Chapter 11 filing, which would allow for the reorganization of these companies. - News
  • This trophic reorganization is hypothesized to be an important contributor to declines in populations of seabirds and marine mammals, because lipidpoor gadids and flatfishes generally replaced lipid-rich fish species in the Gulf of Alaska food web.
  • We believe that a more rational approach requires the reorganisation or overt restriction of services.
  • After Liberation in 1949, with the rectification and reorganization of the social order, the practice of streetwalking, pimping and whore-mongering was ordered eliminated.
  • The manual could use a through rewrite, reorganization, and editing to make the English understandable, but who reads the manual anyway?
  • In the reorganization, Southern Television lost their franchise.
  • The administrative reorganization of France into departments, sweeping away the jurisdictional jungle grown up over a millennium, survives not much altered to this day.
  • Reconstruction procedures comprise composition, corporate reorganization and corporate reconstruction.
  • With the postwar reorganisation of the us Army in 1866, Watkins received command of the Twentieth Infantry at Richmond, Virginia.
  • The company this year announced a reorganization aimed at stemming the profit decline.
  • DARIUS I instituted a major reorganization of the administration and finances of the empire, establishing twenty provinces ruled by Satraps.
  • The department said in a notice today that it will issue regulations that disallow so-called triangular reorganizations that attempt to escape tax when they send foreign earnings to a U.S. parent company.... September 2006
  • Neil MuirShrewsbury• I wonder whether our political leaders have studied the words of Petronius in 200BCE Editorial, 21 February: "Reorganisation is a wonderful method for creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation. Letters: More Danish yarns
  • Though it looks complicated, their basic stand didn't oppose with each other, there has no difference of their reorganization of Kumintang and their posit of elite.
  • War to urge the reorganization and enlargement of the staff of the Army, and of the Ordnance Corps, in which I fully concur. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Last Saturday against Carlton the players managed to respond to the coach's third quarter reorganization and completely outwit and demolish a team threatening to steal a gritty win.
  • Jake Brace , a onetime executive at United Airlines ' parent, will lead the reorganization effort as A & P ' s chief restructuring officer, the company said. A
  • Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry.
  • The reorganization plan must be accepted by the creditors, bondholders and stockholders and confirmed by the court.
  • Conventional troop cuts will be accompanied by a reorganization of units in charge of offensive nuclear weapons.
  • The principal and her toadies made it seem that our opinions were important and that the reorganisation would not happen if we were dead set against it.
  • The reorganization has led to a dramatic escalation in costs.
  • This reorganization is critical to the long-term future of the company.
  • He believed, however, that the NHS was offering a deteriorating service, and he was not impressed by what he saw as top-heavy administrative plans for reorganisation.
  • A comprehensive review of contemporary school reorganization is beyond the scope of this paper.
  • While a reorganization plan is being drawn up, the company is likely to need additional working capital. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Developing civilian-run enterprise helps to promote the reform and reorganization of state-owned economy and shift from binary economic structure to monistic structure.
  • So, some political reorganization is surely in order. Balkinization
  • Two months later, Valmark also filed for bankruptcy reorganization, seeking protection from creditors.
  • The plans were part of a reorganisation that divided the university into six faculties and included a big programme of capital investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In presbyacusis (hearing loss) or deafness, deprivation of acoustic input may result in abnormal cross-modal plastic reorganization. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Conventional troop cuts will be accompanied by a reorganization of units in charge of offensive nuclear weapons.
  • a committee was appointed to oversee the reorganization of the curriculum
  • We will introduce a fairer system for all school reorganisations, with independent public enquiries.
  • Work reorganization was achieved in Pilkingtons despite the absence of a pre-planned strategy for cultural change.
  • What's required is a complete reorganization of the system.
  • Hellwig said the reorganization is instead an attempt to add a level of performance accountability he said is mitigated by 'an overly protective bubble or shield around the office of the chief of police' that is regulated by the state Chiefs 'Responsibility Act. A police director, Hellwig said, would report to him, the city administrator and the mayor. Of Assemblyman Green, Chief Santiago and Thomas à Becket
  • No missionary or "sustentation" support should be given by any cooperating denomination to a pastor in an overchurched community nor to a "circuit" involving interdenominational competition until after an adjustment is made either by reorganization of the circuit or an agreement has been reached by the missionary and administrative bodies of the respective denominations concerned as to an allocation of such missionary responsibility. Church Cooperation in Community Life
  • The reorganization made it possible to put the fuel supply in order within a short period, to streamline its delivery, and to establish day-to-day supervision of fuel production and fuel purveyance to large strategic formations.
  • But they may retain their status because of this summer's reorganisation of the non-league football pyramid.
  • The revision "Fiscal law" regarding the reorganization economic order, contained the information to distort the influential role.
  • He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.
  • However, reorganisation provisions necessarily include provisions for operating costs, such as redundancy costs and administrative expenses.
  • But the matrix structure of this reorganization was significant as a precedent for the type of changes that are likely to work next.
  • With the advance of economy, business combination and reorganization can be seen frequently.
  • A week later the Japanese reached a point just twenty-five miles from Kweilin and, after a reorganization period of five weeks, resumed the offensive, slicing easily through the leftovers of the Chinese army. The Last Empress
  • How faithfully the ancestral lines have met in the latest product, how mysteriously the joint characteristics of body and mind have blended, and how unexpected yet how entirely natural a recombination is the result -- these points are elaborated with cumulative effect until we realize at last how little we are dealing with an independent unit, how much with a survival and reorganization of what seemed buried in the grave. Natural Law in the Spiritual World
  • Consequently, while corporate structures have developed apace since reorganization, it is questionable whether the corporate ethos has become deeply rooted.
  • The building's conversion into a large gallery required internal reorganization.
  • All our efforts are pushing towards a reorganization of the prison system.
  • the reorganization was prescribed by federal bankruptcy laws
  • A striking increase in cell invasiveness was observed once the cells were treated with the bioactive lipid sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) that leads to a reorganization of the cell's keratin network, an enhancement of the cell's deformability, and also an increase in the cell's migration speed on flat surfaces. Elites TV
  • Its production - spermatogenesis - involves cell divisions and reorganization of chromosomal material, which generates genetic diversity.
  • The government may lose seats by the reorganization of voting areas.
  • She was a leading/key player in the reorganization of the health service.
  • The company share and may transform the debenture bond after the company to disclose significant assets reorganization plan resumes the transaction.
  • And the Chapter 7 bankruptcy reorganization will float aloft on clouds of harmonious enthusiasm.
  • It called the cost-cutting plan an important part of a reorganization plan that will be presented in more detail at a future creditors' meeting. Saab Auto Wins Creditor Protection
  • C., who has worked for four presidents and served as a consultant on executive office reorganization for the Carter administration.
  • He suggested further 'reorganisation' of the mining sector, despite an earlier indigenisation plan being quietly shelved. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a leading/key player in the reorganization of the health service.
  • A comprehensive review of contemporary school reorganization is beyond the scope of this paper.
  • It rejected evidence from government witnesses that present management arrangements were working well and has called for a radical reorganization.
  • The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the internal transfer of funds.
  • A small management group will remain to prepare and manage a reorganisation plan while the company is in bankruptcy court protection.
  • I've experienced more reorganizations than I care to remember .
  • For example, the reorganization of army divisions into brigades capable of autonomous response would increase the flexibility of these units.
  • FSLIC quickly ran out of funds during the S&L thing; hence the Resolution Trust Corporation, the reorganization of FDIC/FSLIC and the bond funded bailout of S&L depositors at that time. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble with Government-Subsidized Banks
  • The global context of glaciation in the Neoproterozoic is the massive first-order reorganization of the planet's geography, climate and ocean systems resulting from the breakup and dispersal of the supercontinent Rodinia.
  • Both marginal cost curve and marginal income curve determine the degree of fragment and spatial reorganization of global value chain.
  • The payback for reorganization should be increased productivity.
  • One of the annoying aspects of bureaucracies is that every time there’s a crisis, someone recommends a reorganization. The Volokh Conspiracy » Splitting Up MMS to Prevent Oil Spills
  • The ensuing renegotiation can in turn lead to a reorganization of a given collective negotiation of such judgments, and lead to a new singularized collectivity or make one reconfigure a classical collectivity nonclassically Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • Gastrulation in its broadest sense is the reorganization of the cells of the blastula to form a multilayered embryo, the gastrula.
  • So I have to do housewifey things (the reorganization of my office) in order to not feel like I should be dong housewifey things (because I can't see the house's Problem Areas from my office). Odin's Day
  • A reorganisation of the management of acutely jaundiced patients was needed.
  • The reorganisation includes an increased emphasis on children with less severe special needs pupils going into mainstream schools.
  • The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the internal transfer of funds.
  • Mounting debts and intense competition drove the airline to attempt a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization in 1991.
  • He received an official communication about the reorganization of the Ministry.
  • The first casualty of the reorganization will be the bus service, which will be stopped altogether.
  • Because of their ability to provide arbitrage among the complex monies of China, they coexisted with modern banks until the reorganization of the currency in 1933 to a silver dollar rather than the Chinese tael.
  • A smaller, mainly rural council called Monmouthshire was created in the local government reorganisation of 1996. BBC News - Home
  • The works mainly comprise the body cells, cell fusion, nuclear transplantation, cell uptake and the reorganization of chromosome segment.
  • Developing civilian-run enterprise helps to promote the reform and reorganization of state-owned economy and shift from binary economic structure to monistic structure.
  • Under the reorganization plan, El Paso Electric will repay creditors using proceeds from an underwritten public offering of mortgage bonds.
  • Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation.
  • Work reorganization was achieved in Pilkingtons despite the absence of a pre-planned strategy for cultural change.
  • Critics say that report shows the US is about to undertake a massive and uncertain reorganization of the healthcare industry for “no significant savings.” POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 1, 2009
  • However, reorganisation provisions necessarily include provisions for operating costs, such as redundancy costs and administrative expenses.
  • This era of social reorganization and professionalization also brought the first widespread attempt to medicalize drunkenness.
  • Cameron's reliance on Blair also extended to using the word modernisation repeatedly as opposed to reorganisation or reform. The Guardian World News
  • Closed for four years for renovation and reorganization, the museum reopened in January this year to great acclaim.
  • Its budget has been cut by 40 percent from its fiscal 1995 level, resulting in staff firings and program reorganizations.
  • He said he hoped the investors would drop the lawsuit in favor of the litigation effort in the reorganization plan. Christianity Today
  • He argued the case for reorganization with missionary zeal.
  • The topic of all this intrigue is the reorganization plan being put together by Superintendent Rudolph F. Crew. October 2004
  • It is the one he is pushing hardest, although he admits that no possible reorganization can keep up the current levels of service.
  • Cytoskeletal organization and reorganization also plays a prominent role as scaffolding for proteins subserving membrane excitability.
  • Jake Brace , a onetime executive at United Airlines ' parent, will lead the reorganization effort as A & P ' s chief restructuring officer, the company said. A
  • She was a leading/key player in the reorganization of the health service.
  • V of Wied in the reorganization and and adjustment of the ecclesiastical and civil law in the electoral province, and was the first to determine the jurisdiction of the archiepiscopate The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.
  • Recently, however, after a reorganizationthat included many dismissals, he resigned.
  • The enemy at Tatung submitted to peaceful reorganization on May 1.
  • The reorganization of government departments highlights the paradox. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • Conventional troop cuts will be accompanied by a reorganization of units in charge of offensive nuclear weapons.
  • The police force is in total disarray, desperately in need of reorganization.
  • The administration is proposing a reorganization that denationalizes operations of the national railroad.
  • Again, all of this was fundamental to the epistemological changes by which Western natural science was established, and the reorganization of attention in the 19th century thus had deep diachronic roots.
  • The company has undergone structural reorganisation and has taken significant steps to cut unessential costs.
  • New walks often resulted from a "revision" - a reorganisation of routes following, for example, the building of a significant number of new houses in an area.
  • What president or CEO hasn't gone through consolidation or reorganization?
  • It is striving for world hegemony, i.e., the political and economic reorganization of the world in the interests of American capital.
  • The company's executive vice president said the sale was pivotal to its reorganization.
  • However, the key feature of such trust relations is an absence of opportunism, in that individual firms will not fear reprisals after any reorganization of interfirm relations.
  • For multinationals that have established operations in the United States, the requirements of the L-1 visa can be met through simple corporate reorganization.
  • The asset losses uncovered in the reorganization of the enterprise shall be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn.
  • Enlisting in the First Arkansas Regiment as a private soldier, and serving for twelve months as orderly sergeant; at the reorganization he was elected colonel of the regiment, and afterwards, on account of merit and ability, was commissioned brigadier-general; distinguishing himself for conspicuous bravery and gallantry on every battlefield, and being "scalped" by a minnie ball at Richmond, Kentucky -- which scar marks its furrow on top of his head today. "Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
  • Upon reorganisation on April 1, 1974, a stylised logo appeared along with a new livery of white with a dark green skirt and red upper deck windows and roof.
  • Reorganization of state bodies After the coup, the former pillars of the state rushed to dissociate themselves from it.
  • Together with the political background in the province, this smallness of scale has complicated discussions of local government reorganisation.
  • He received an official communication about the reorganization of the Ministry.
  • The general manager has planned a reorganization of the sales department.
  • Employers could provide advance warning of intended plant closures or major reorganisation.
  • Work reorganization was achieved in Pilkingtons despite the absence of a pre-planned strategy for cultural change.
  • At the same time Stolypin, with cooperation of the Duma, continued his reform activities: social insurance, zemstvo reform, education, police reorganization, land banks, encouragement of emigration to Siberia. 1907-12
  • after the takeover there was a thorough reorganization
  • Her article reminds us that such a reorganization is not uncommon two years into a presidency, when staffers are burned out and ready to return to their families. A brain trust for President Obama?
  • The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the internal transfer of funds.
  • This activity is part of a three-year curriculum reorganization for the department, focusing on assessment of core competencies and skills.
  • Last week, the commission agreed to an internal reorganization plan that critics contend will weaken consumer involvement in future regulatory decisions.
  • The situation might have been further confused by local government reorganisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This shouldn't be confused with reorganization, which only systemizes things you'd otherwise pitch.
  • In English Ireland they were associated with the reorganization of the land into manors with demesne land and dependent tenants, based to some extent on English models.
  • The reorganisation of the Pattern Room was also completed and the installation programme of the plant monitoring system was well advanced.
  • He cited the project to renovate the 143-year old Bolshoi Theater as the reason for the reorganization.
  • The warantee issue and the supposed surveys that nobody would buy a car from a car company in reorganization is nonsense. Matthew Yglesias » The Southern Way
  • These trends indicate movement of rural inhabitants to the nucleated centers and reorganization of the Lohmann phase rural political environment.
  • The sites became redundant following a reorganisation of special education, and plans are afoot to sell them for housing.
  • Then comes reconstruction, reorganization, a getting acquainted with the new order of things, and the new duties and experiences to which it will give rise; then will be discoveries of new truths, and new applications of old; old errors and superstitions have been renounced, and facts and principles which have long lain in abeyance, smothered under a weight of neglect and unappreciation, will start into fresh magnitude. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 4, August, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • She was a leading/key player in the reorganization of the health service.
  • C., who has worked for four presidents and served as a consultant on executive office reorganization for the Carter administration.
  • Reorganisation, forays, drill and discipline marked the ensuing winter months.
  • The situation might have been further confused by local government reorganisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the reorganization, Southern Television lost their franchise.
  • As a result of the reorganization, Pegasus Satellite will become a direct subsidiary of the new holding company.
  • The situation might have been further confused by local government reorganisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The protonation of amino acid side chains was supposed to cause the reorganization of the native state into the so-called A-state.
  • Mr. Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committee.
  • The financial company can't set the branches in principle, but it shall be handled separately if the corporate body is changed into branches as the result of reorganization of the enterprise group.
  • Regrettably that means that South Lakeland will be lumbered with staying in a two-tier Cumbria at least until the next time local government reorganisation is forced back to the top of the political agenda.
  • However, reorganisation provisions necessarily include provisions for operating costs, such as redundancy costs and administrative expenses.
  • In English Ireland they were associated with the reorganization of the land into manors with demesne land and dependent tenants, based to some extent on English models.
  • But as part of Air Canada's financial reorganization plan, all unions must agree to concessions or else all deals previously reached are null and void.
  • Reactive techniques like reorganization, retrenchment, and restriction are the natural enemies of organizational innovation.
  • The reorganisation of the Pattern Room was also completed and the installation programme of the plant monitoring system was well advanced.
  • The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • BANGOR - Academic reorganization at the Augusta campus will be among the items on the agenda when the University of Maine System Board of Trustees meets in Bangor. Morning Sentinel News
  • The situation might have been further confused by local government reorganisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cartels' multileveled chains of command, recurrent reorganization, consistent recruiting, international criminal alliances, increasing lethal force and sophistication, make it an omnipresent enemy: hard to target, and even harder to undermine if the battle is being fought with artillery alone. Aurelia Fierros: The Pentagon's $3 Billion Drug War Auction
  • Our aim is not the revival of social democratic reformism, but rather the socialist reorganization of society.
  • Due to the fact that the reorganisation of dioceses in the East had been considered since 1945 as a provisory structure, the Catholic Church envisaged from 1990 a new diocesan map, which would not concern itself exclusively with the East.
  • He received an official communication about the reorganization of the Ministry.
  • They are certainly both motivated by the same united Arab nationalism, as well as a move towards social reorganisation described as socialist.
  • The same spirit of unimaginative incompetence and weak compromise and supine drift will paralyse trade and business and prevent either financial reorganisation or economic resurgence.
  • Last week, the commission agreed to an internal reorganization plan that critics contend will weaken consumer involvement in future regulatory decisions.
  • I've experienced more reorganizations than I care to remember .
  • This reorganization is critical to the long-term future of the company.
  • Petrov is the main beneficiary of O'Neill's latest reorganisation, a fact that has not escaped the manager's notice.
  • The first step was to divide the shires into hundreds (in Danish areas, the term wapentake was used), a reorganisation which probably occurred during the reigns of Edward the Elder and Athelstan.
  • All our efforts are pushing towards a reorganization of the prison system.
  • Increasing along with reorganization work requirement of the intermediate station, automated request for vehicles anti running has been getting higher and higher.
  • There is increased speculation this could be done through bankruptcy or a reorganization under bankruptcy protection.
  • Last week, the commission agreed to an internal reorganization plan that critics contend will weaken consumer involvement in future regulatory decisions.
  • Nevertheless reorganization of the tissues by ingression or delamination to form multilayered larvae does occur during embryogenesis in many sponge groups, and is considered to represent gastrulation.
  • At the time of the reorganization, Hibbard and Woolf were appointed to four year terms coterminous with the Governor's. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • These procedures are essentially intended to assess the social costs of school reorganization.
  • The building's conversion into a large gallery required internal reorganization.
  • On organisational issues, the chapter contains a bit more meat; it appears a major re-apprisal of the MOD's structure and business processes is coming, although the drafters warn that the costs of constant reorganisation have been a very serious problem. The Yorkshire Ranter
  • Gastrulation in its broadest sense is the reorganization of the cells of the blastula to form a multilayered embryo, the gastrula.
  • In the past, these bonds have been issued primarily as a part of bankruptcy reorganization plans.
  • Thus, after a series of reorganizations, the Soviet military industry entered the Great Patriotic War with branch commissariats whose enterprises, in the prewar period, created many new weapons for the future victory.
  • During this period of international tension and corporate reorganisation, the importance and value of recording current activity cannot be overstressed.
  • The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.
  • The disaster in Rangoon had touched off an extensive reorganization of the bureaucracy dealing with North-South and international affairs.
  • The payback for reorganization should be increased productivity.
  • Since reorganisation, some employees of the the council have come to realise that they are too grand and well-paid to respond to letters from residents.
  • C., who has worked for four presidents and served as a consultant on executive office reorganization for the Carter administration.
  • But the company is confident the banks will keep it from bankruptcy by accepting a reorganisation plan.
  • These procedures are essentially intended to assess the social costs of school reorganization.
  • The findings of this study revealed for the first time in angiosperm cells that plasmolysis triggers an extensive reorganization of the AF cytoskeleton, which is involved in the regulation of protoplast shape and volume.
  • Trainer: Lists off-form players and enables reorganisation of the training schedule.
  • Our proposal for the reorganization of the museum is not a novelty in the museography of the ancient funeral monuments, it is successfully applied in France, Germany, Greece, Hungary etc.
  • It is the gradual reorganisation of the genetic program, the software coded into DNA sequences.
  • The executive director recently announced a staff reorganization.
  • With the reorganization of the shipping industry has come larger ships that require deeper channels, longer berths, bigger cranes, more and reconfigured terminal space, and improved landside connections.
  • Although I suspect that the hand of the government that was establishing the GM reorganization [did not know] what the hand that was putting together Cash-for-Clunkers was doing … which may mean that (depending on how this all turns out) a seafood diet may be contraindicated again for a couple of years. Mercury fallout from the Cash-for-Clunkers program. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.
  • The reorganization follows last year's discovery of an unexpected $6 million budget shortfall in Land Use Services, which county officials attributed to poor management - namely overstaffing - amid plunging revenues. Victorville Daily Press :
  • My hope is that it's not a liquidation," Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Banking Committee, said Friday morning on the "Early Show" on CBS, "but what they call a debtor-in-possession, sort of Chapter 11 filing, which would allow for the reorganization of these companies. Salon
  • With local body reorganisation a number of these positions have ceased to exist.
  • The initial collapse is followed by two fast (tens of microseconds and hundreds of nanoseconds) reorganizational phases in which the intermediates sample their environment searching for appropriate native contacts.
  • But GM Bondholders Unite, which represents some individual investors who bought GM's bonds, still plans to fight the reorganisation plan.
  • Completion of the reorganization of Sicily: clean sweep of private titles and royal privileges in the Norman manner; resumption of royal domain; destruction of private garrisons and feudal castles; ban on private war; criminal jurisdiction transferred from feudal to royal courts; towns deprived of magistrates and put under royal officers; clergy taxed and excluded from civil office; heavy influence of Muslim bureaucratic techniques, such as diwan, or financial office. 1226
  • The reorganizational energy of the singlet ET was also calculated from the temperature-dependent data and found to be 0.89 eV.
  • Last week, the commission agreed to an internal reorganization plan that critics contend will weaken consumer involvement in future regulatory decisions.
  • Indian financiers generally and subgroups therein, such as the ubiquitous Shikarpuri Hindus, stood to gain considerably from the British reorganization of the Kabul accounts, and this was arguably the most basic and consequential aspect of the colonial construction of Afghanistan. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • It is the somatosensory system that provides the most compelling evidence for plasticity, with cortical and subcortical reorganisation, with limits to the latter.
  • Tonight's Council reorganization is also expected to be the setting for Mayor Robinson-Briggs 'State of the City address, the annual review of accomplishments and forecast of initiatives for the upcoming year. Archive 2007-01-01
  • And, the fragment of IP is an in common use method in inside in attack in network, therefore, the chippy reorganization in IP can also examine the chippy attack in IP in exploitation.
  • This is unfortunate because the skeletal reorganization experienced by anurans during metamorphosis is unparalleled among vertebrates.
  • The war brought corporate reorganization and consolidation to Pennsylvania's anthracite region, even while newly independent West Virginia's bituminous region lagged behind.
  • The situation might have been further confused by local government reorganisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the gradual reorganisation of the genetic program, the software coded into DNA sequences.
  • A small management group will remain to prepare and manage a reorganisation plan while the company is in bankruptcy court protection.
  • In Blake, however, it would be an organization and, in relation to the classical order, a reorganization — and emergence — of singular, unique "minute particulars" as here described, rather than, as (or so it would appear) in Plato, "derivable Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.
  • An example was the governor's State of the State address, which included a quotable line on the snoozy topic of governmental reorganization.
  • When the reorganization occurs, the smaller shipyards will be the first for the chop.
  • A comprehensive review of contemporary school reorganization is beyond the scope of this paper.
  • The whole process is not only a rediscovery of humane values in our society but also a reorganisation, a remotivation of the criminal justice system so it can discharge its responsibilities. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The reorganization plans will alter the company's business structure.
  • We benefited directly from the reorganization.
  • In the reorganization, Southern Television lost their franchise.
  • Elsewhere, Murdoch's empire was hit by huge reorganisation costs and write-downs at its interactive media division, which includes the social networking website MySpace.
  • The gradualism of government reorganization frustrated expectations and more radical political and social models pushed the Italian states to the crisis of war and revolution.
  • Reactive techniques like reorganization, retrenchment, and restriction are the natural enemies of organizational innovation.
  • Accordingly, carry out to state - owned economy strategical adjust with reorganization, it is the urgentest task.
  • Importantly, the reorganisation has also made it clearer what UBS is for.

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