How To Use Rentier In A Sentence

  • The fact that conservatives want to protect the right of bank executives to defraud their shareholders of huge sums of money as payment for having just nearly destroyed the world economy, while at the same time attacking public employees, of all people, as some kind of overpaid rentiers, is totally ridiculous. Matthew Yglesias » Economist: If Only Obama Had Done Things He’s Actually Done, Things Might Be Different
  • They project this wonderful result to occur only by heavy lifting, lots of punitive laws, enormous bureaucratic expenditures, and lots of payments to 'rentier' outfits like NRDC, and extraordinary efforts by 2035! Autoblog Green
  • Did the financial power of rentiers harm the transnational corporations?
  • February 19th, 2010 at 9: 38 am morgan, rentier is a well established and well defined term. the fact that you are not familiar with it and have some definitions muddled is irrelevant. Matthew Yglesias » Is Stimulus Impossible
  • A rentier is a person who lives on income from property and investments. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 1, 2010
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  • True, Adeline Daumard calculated that, whereas in 1820 merchants, industrialists, proprietors, and rentiers held 53 per cent of all wealth in Paris, by 1911 the figure was 81 per cent.
  • The readership of the New York Times is the wealthy, in effect, the rentier, which is to say, he who has got to where he was going; and our paper of record, absent a constituency of the theatrically savvy, has become a champion of the moot, appealing to the intellectual pretensions of its readership. The Guardian World News
  • As significant is the fact that both the USA and Britain, following the logic of neo-liberal globalization have de-industrialized and turned as a result into "rentier", mostly financial economies, outsourcing most of their production to poorer countries where labor is cheaper and less organized. Possible next stages in the global economic situation
  • This is the United States of inadequate supervision by the regulatory authorities, or to indulge in his capacity as the rentier looting.
  • As a manifesto against protectionism, economic planning and grasping rentier behavior, the "Wealth of Nations" has never been bettered. A Wealth Of Ideas
  • As is the case with the rentiers, the speculators act only partly out of reasoning.
  • The despotic monarchy in France, meanwhile, learned that while it could clip coins and sell offices and tides to rentiers, it could not match the English in raising low coupon debt.
  • It is certainly true that a successful, popular, nonviolent uprising against the Libyan regime would be a greater challenge for pro-democracy forces than in Tunisia or Egypt, given that Libya is what political scientists call a "rentier state," a country that derives a substantial portion of its revenues not from the labor or its people, but from the "rent" of its natural resources to external clients. Stephen Zunes: Libya: Was Armed Revolt and Western Intervention the Only Option?
  • Sixteen miles south of London, and part of what is still known as the capital's stockbroker belt, Highbury would have been full of rentiers and stockholders, and they, too, would have paid the price for inflation.
  • You see, in the past, Taiwan, when people heard about Keelung Harbor, Taichung Harbor, Kaohsiung Harbor, those areas were seen by most Taiwanese as "rentier" -- an area that was forbidden. Archive 2008-04-01
  • At the other end of the social scale were the king and a tiny group of powerful men, all of them rentiers who lived in style on the revenues of their great estates.
  • Moreover, the price increases in the up-swing is to the disadvantage of small and big rentiers and make them ‘boom tired’.
  • The process of government regimenting of commerce, and alienating it from working folks — artificially formalizing it and concentrating it within the hands of a select culturally- and politically-privileged class of rentiers and commercialists — makes the day-to-day practices commerce and banking more and more parasitic as they become more and more occupied by the the power of the State. Welcome, Antiwarriors
  • Both the rentiers and the speculators are capitalists; both have money as an important goal.
  • Basil seems to have retired early, becoming a rentier of independent means, and apparently in order to raise a family.
  • But these days, a lot more people vote than major landholders/real estate rentiers - in whose number I do not count the owners of small and medium-sized single family homes, among others, who make up the bulk of the middle class.
  • The official excuse is that it will make the national economy more competitive, and therefore overcoming its 'rentier' history; the sort of foolish assertion that could only be accompanied by an unfettered capitalist agenda. Indymedia Ireland
  • Keynes made it clear that he looked forward to a gradual annihilation of the "functionless" rentier, rather than to any sort of sudden upheaval (Keynes 1936: pp. 375-76; see also Hazlitt [1959] 1973: pp. 379-84). Mises Dailies
  • The hard-line confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States rentier horn mounted on the reunification of the war.
  • Someone who lends money (or buys a financial asset) and takes in interest is a rentier, not a capitalist. bdbd says: Matthew Yglesias » Is Stimulus Impossible
  • Traders, industrialists, and working-class consumers had every reason to complain that they were paying heavy taxes to support idle rentiers who had invested in the national debt.
  • Its role is to make Britain safe for the financiers and the rentiers.
  • The progress of medical science has burdened society with a hoard of parasites, rentiers, pensioners, and other retired persons whom society has to support and even to nurse.
  • But by the 1930s, Keynes became more concerned about the damage that the nonproductive rentier was doing to capitalism.

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