How To Use Renounce In A Sentence
Such a renouncement would not trigger the Electoral Act and would not require a by-election to allow the electorate to review the MP's mandate to represent him or her.
Can a newly minted American renounce his allegiance to Germany but retain his allegiance to Bavaria?
Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have, long since, as good as renounced it. Thomas Carlyle
I want to I want to renounce my rights as heir.
Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says Hamas is a terrorist organization that refuses to renounce violence or recognize Israel.

Imperialism has never renounced the idea of annihilating socialism or of annihilating the socialist process from the face of the earth.
There was a change in import prices, but only with the countries with which Lithuanian had to renounce its former free trade agreements, such as Ukraine.
Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality.
The world is glue, pitch, paste—always too pliant; a dough that softly kneads the kneader, and whispers to the hand the material absurdity that it should loosen its grip, renounce its labor.
Further, there is no reason why a legatee cannot effectively renounce his entitlement to shares without executing a deed.
In Japan, he has also expressed a wish to renounce his U.S. citizenship.
(For those that are Christians among them, as namely the Russians, Grecians, and Alanians, who keep their own law very strictly, wil in no case drinke thereof, yea, they accompt themselues no Christians after they haue once drunke of it, and their priests reconcile them vnto the Church as if they had renounced the Christian faith.)
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
And since traditional Christianity so obviously renounces this false freedom and stands against it, the opportunity to blame Tiller's death on all Christians who oppose abortion is simply too good to pass up for those who are committed to not only holding tightly to that freedom, but to expanding it ad extremum.
Pope John Paul II
I hereby renounce and deject this superdelegate and the President he served.
Obama Campaign Moving Joe Andrew All Over Indiana Today
He turned his back on the London art-world and renounced the idea of abstraction, believing that a figurative style would be the only way to convey clearly what he had seen.
Henry renounced lay investiture, but prelates were to continue to do homage for their fiefs.
In the end she opts for the serious, renounces carnal love, and decides to become a Catholic.
Ethel could scarcely feel that it would not be a mockery to declare, on her behalf, that she renounced the world.
The Daisy Chain
In exchange they would have had to renounce all other claims.
Times, Sunday Times
China -- Germany renounces in favor of China all privileges and indemnities resulting from the Boxer protocol of 1901, and all buildings, wharves, barracks, forts, munitions or warships, wireless plants, and other property (except diplomatic) in the German concessions of Tientsin and Hankow and in other Chinese territory except Kiaochow, and agrees to return to China at her own expense all the astronomical instruments seized in 1901.
History of the American Negro in the Great World War His Splendid Record in the Battle Zones of Europe; Including a Resume of His Past Services to his Country in the Wars of the Revolution, of 1812, the War of Rebellion, the Indian Wars on the Frontier, t
The party has renounced terrorism as a political tool.
In 1946, after the death of dictator Benito Mussolini, the reconstituted Italian government renounced its claims to its African colonies.
And in Delia's there will reverberate till death that wail of a fierce and childless woman -- that last cry of nature in one who had defied nature -- of womanhood in one who had renounced the ways of womanhood: "_the child -- the child_!
Delia Blanchflower
How likely is it that people will voluntarily renounce them because of a disputed threat to the planet?
Times, Sunday Times
He has never renounced his claim to the throne of a kingdom which no longer exists.
We absolutely renounce all forms of terrorism.
Italy renounced all claims in 1947 and the country was declared independent by a UN resolution in 1951.
I didn't use the word renounce because it has a specific, legal meaning when talking about citizenship.
Page 2
Statehood and any meaningful renouncement of terror and steps to prevent terror have to go hand in hand.
Armenia has already renounced any territorial claims to its former homeland.
Times, Sunday Times
He arrives and commands all the relations to renounce Butterfly.
The barrister entirely renounce his right to object to a juror.
His conscience at once spoke out, and in the agony of his remorse he had resort to a hermit who bade him renounce the world, grave for himself a cell in the face of the melaphyre clay -- the hermit did not give to the rock its mineralogical name -- and await a token from heaven that he was forgiven.
Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
Will Charles renounce the throne in favour of his son?
A bill is discharged if, at or after its maturity, the holder expressly and absolutely renounces his rights against the acceptor either in writing or by delivering the bill to him.
She renounced the role of tragic widow with an austerity that irritated her would-be saviours.
HFA plans to raise cash through the sale of 30.3 million shares and a two-for-five renounceable rights issue.
HFA to Buy U.S. Investment Manager
Peru recently renounced its earlier recognition of the Court's jurisdiction.
I deplored my lack of success in discovering the link that was missing between me and king's blood; I intimated my conviction that further effort on my part would still be met with failure; and I renounced with fitting expressions of disappointment my candidateship for the Scions thanking Aunt Carola for her generosity, by which I must now no longer profit.
Lady Baltimore
It is only prudent to renounce what is transitory and illegitimate for that is what is permanent and sublime.
And because they are essential and inseparable rights, it follows necessarily that in whatsoever words any of them seem to be granted away, yet if the sovereign power itself be not in direct terms renounced and the name of sovereign no more given by the grantees to him that grants them, the grant is void: for when he has granted all he can, if we grant back the sovereignty, all is restored, as inseparably annexed thereunto.
Andrew renounced his claim to the property.
U.S. and Israeli officials say they will have nothing to do with Hamas unless and until the group renounces violence and agrees to recognize Israel.
Either renounce your political beliefs or get us a couple of wins against Newcastle.
The Sun
An overlap complicates things slightly: forego is a variant spelling of forgo (“abstain, renounce, do without”) but the reverse is not the case, so avoiding this variation will help retain a useful distinction.
Forego and forgo
How much social instability would it take before people would renounce their liberties in a trade-off for safety?
Times, Sunday Times
I hereby renounce all desires of the flesh, especially ones that involve spatulas.
We are the only country to have attained the capacity to reach earth's orbit and then renounced it.
Times, Sunday Times
But his single, great remembrance could be neither renounced nor forgotten.
The Broken God
I am therefore prepared to renounce my claim on the strip of land in question.
There were others who, in perhaps the first act of political idealism in their lives, renounced MAD in protest over its editor's departure.
Either renounce your political beliefs or get us a couple of wins against Newcastle.
The Sun
Brady, however, called on Quinn to apologize and "renounce" Hendon, he told the Chicago Tribune.
Rickey Hendon Calls Bill Brady 'Racist', 'Homophobic' (VIDEO)
But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing, however, could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself, by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
In the capital, Jayapura, demonstrators marched past heavily armed police in support of a referendum on independence and to renounce a 1969 U.N.-backed vote that brought Papua under Indonesia's control.
Violence, Protests Underscore Papuan Independence Movement
However, at his execution, he dramatically stuck his right hand in the fire, the hand with which he had falsely signed his renouncement of his beliefs, crying, ‘This hath offended!’
But with this issue, the bishop must "recant," i.e. not just renounce his views but seek human and divine forgiveness.
Vatican says bishop's apology is not enough | RELIGION Blog |
He had renounced his former associates.
I beg him on my knees to renounce his claim to his mother's fortune.
A thousand times, YES! idiotic must reject and denounce and deject and renounce and project and pronounce and eject and enounce.
Big Pro-Hillary Third-Party Group Won't Be Funding Ads In West Virginia
This renouncement of sovereignty was officially confirmed in the 1951 San Francisco peace treaty signed by Japan and over 50 allied nations.
As such, even the his claim to have renounced the power of alchemy is still locked into its rhetorical presumption of the transmutability of self and world.
She forsook her suitors and renounced the comforts of her family home.
They accuse him of apostasy - the renouncement of belief.
Do they fear external sources like North Korea and China, or internal sources like terrorism - homegrown or imported - or a renouncement of Article Nine, the part of the constitution that forbids Japan from having an offensive army?
Help save Station X!
Around 1800 male dress changed: men forswore exhibitionism and renounced brightly coloured, erotic attire.
A municipal declared that she was showing her son how to talk in cipher, and they made her renounce the lessons in arithmetic.
The Ruin of a Princess
If not, then you must renounce it.
Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
And does it make sense to renounce the world in search of eternal truth?
Rudolph voluntarily renounced his U.S. citizenship.
He renounced violence on his release in 2011 but was barely free long enough to organise an effective political organisation before the elections last year.
Times, Sunday Times
That is, when you are free and unpersecuted in your religion, and not forced to worship idols and renounce Islam, then your religion will be pure and free.
A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád' Showing that all the Wars of Mohammad Were Defensive; and that Aggressive War, or Compulsory Conversion, is not Allowed in The Koran - 1885
The king was told to demand that his brother-in-law renounce all treaties hostile to France and make public declaration of his peaceful intentions.
The renouncers' attitude was compounded of dark bitterness and bright hope.
Last month it announced that it had renounced its rights to the area, which included the national park.
Times, Sunday Times
John Barton was the great benefactor who paid for the town's first schoolteacher and who later renounced his worldly goods and became an Observant Friar.
You'd think he'd have renounced all violence after that.
The Sun
Since these rights were renounced on divorce, a spouse should be entitled to a ‘more generous allocation’ of the total assets, which should be assessed at the date of trial, rather than separation.
She renounced her husband
In the twelfth century, it happened that a Mikado, particularly alive to the vanities of the world, not only gave up his station to his son, then three years old, but also renounced the labors of the regency, which were intrusted to the infant monarch's grandfather, whose first exercise of power was the immediate imprisonment of the abdicator.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
Why would anyone renounce their entire career just to boost their ego?
They will tell you that all religions teach us to value life, to refrain from harming others, and to renounce selfishness.
She now knew how reprehensible stealing the free will of others was, and she renounced her selfish ways.
Such things the apostle did not allow of, but did renounce and avoid with indignation: Not walking in craftiness, or in disguise, acting with art and cunning, but in great simplicity, and with open freedom.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
The most radical and definitive solution would be for all Third World debtor countries to collectively renounce their debts.
Those who renounce worldly goods and become sannyasi, wandering holy mendicants, as the boy claims to have, are greatly respected in Hindu society.
Hindu holy man, 13, keeps the faith after parents abduct him
But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing however could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Second Section: Transition from Popular Moral Philosophy to the Metaphysic of Morals.
After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism.
Armenia has already renounced any territorial claims to its former homeland.
Times, Sunday Times
It should keep the same attitude of aloofness in love and hate, in possession and renouncement, that is, it should be simultaneously dead, resigned and lifted up.
Meister Eckhart's Sermons / first time translated into English by Claud Field
A significant part of this contract was the renuncia with which a woman renounced all claims to future inheritances or familial property.
Further, there is no reason why a legatee cannot effectively renounce his entitlement to shares without executing a deed.
What is a man born for but to be a reformer, a remaker of what man has made; a renouncer of lies; a restorer of truth and good, imitating that great Nature which embosoms us all, and which sleeps no moment on an old past, but every hour repairs herself, yielding us every morning a new day, and with every pulsation a new life?
III. Essays. Man the Reformer. A Lecture Read before the Mechanics Apprentices’ Library Association, Boston, January 25, 1841
He renounced his claim to the property.
Peter renounced his claim on the messuage and two virgates and in return Roger gave half the mill at Wycherly to Peter and the use of his woods.
'The step she so freely blames herself for taking, was truly what she calls compulsatory: for though she was provoked to think of going off with me, she intended it not, nor was provided to do so: neither would she ever have had the thought of it, had her relations left her free, upon her offered composition to renounce the man she did not hate, in order to avoid the man she did.
Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7
He renounced the joyful individuality seen in early Swedish baroque and tried instead to turn the whole of the country into his own Città ideale.
He would cut off his supplies from Naples and Sicily, and starve him and all-his subjects; he would frustrate all his family schemes, he would renounce him, he would unpope him, he would do anything that man and despot could do, should the great shepherd dare to re-admit this lost sheep, and this very black sheep, into the fold of the faithful.
History of the United Netherlands, 1592-94
They've renounced their old criminal way of life.
Not only did he not renounce and deject -- er ... denounce and reject -- the comments from his now "good friend" GW Bush and Rove and the rest of that ilk, he didn't apologize then for his vote and lack of support for the MLK holiday and any number of other bills and issues that would matter to the African-Americans in his constituency.
McCain: I Was Wrong To Vote Against Making MLK Day A Holiday
The Ethiopian government was also incensed when Eritrea renounced use of the Ethiopian birr last year, introducing its own nakfa.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Charlotte was married off to a suitable French count shortly thereafter and she eventually renounced her rights to the Monegasque crown in favor of her son - the man we remember today as the late Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
She renounced Islam for / in favour of Christianity.
He claims to have renounced drugs for good.
Times, Sunday Times
Her ex-husband renounced his claim to the family house.
Armenia has already renounced any territorial claims to its former homeland.
Times, Sunday Times
Originally Hotta was among those who joined Kuranosuke Oishi in the plot to revenge their lord; however, in the end, he renounced his vow and took a new name.
The false self that the contemplative would renounce is problematic.
I think some snarker needs to do another blog post over on the Cafe side about how Obama AGAIN has to answer for all things AA in America, apologize for it, renounce and reject it, etc.
Hillary's Chief Strategist On Wright: It's Time To "Move On"
Captain Aresby also advanced, to tell her he was quite abattu by having so long lost sight of her, to hope she would make a renounce of mortifying the world by discarding it, and to protest he had waited for his carriage till he was actually upon the point of being
I admire the way he has virtually renounced ancestral claims to deification.
He loves wine and declares that only traitors renounce it because they are afraid to give away their secrets when drunk; what makes him especially abhor the Turks is the fact that they do not drink wine.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1905 - Presentation Speech
These groups must renounce violence if there is to be progress towards peace.
Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.
The new daimi [= o] s, carrying out the policy of their predecessors who had been taught by the Jesuits, but reversing its direction, began to persecute their Christian subjects, and to compel them to renounce their faith.
The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
They had renounced the world, and "we consider ourselves to be dead men in respect of it '.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
For whatever else she is, a nun is a woman who has pledged herself to God and renounced sex.
Women of God
Basic facts of Indian history and life are laboriously spelt out in early chapters while in others the author assumes that readers know the meanings of Hindi words such as sannyasi someone who has renounced worldly things and be acquainted with the workings of Indian 'vote banks'. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
In exchange they would have had to renounce all other claims.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Nichols acknowledges that what he calls a vulgar error was current and popular, that in some part of the Abbey Caxton did erect his press, yet we are expected to submit to the almost unsupported dictum of that gentleman, and renounce altogether the old and almost universal idea.
Notes and Queries, Number 51, October 19, 1850
Keble as a young man enthusiastically planned to edit his works, though on closer acquaintance with them he renounced the project.
Read your bible, notice the rapture is a bunch of made-up bullshit with no mention of it in the scripture, grow up and renounce fundamentalism.
Think Progress » Frank Gaffney Posits That Missile Defense Logo Is Evidence of Obama’s ‘Submission To Shariah’
Nay, this may so swell the disprofit side of his account, that many an enterprise of biography, otherwise promising, shall require to be renounced.
Paras. 1-24
I renounce all such unworthy thoughts.
A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
Last month it announced that it had renounced its rights to the area, which included the national park.
Times, Sunday Times
She calls to the priest to renounce the fleshly woman and cleave to Her, the Bride who took his plighted troth; but it is a scrannel voice sighing from stone lungs: --
Robert Browning
In Japan, he has also expressed his wish to renounce his U.S. citizenship.
He renounced his claim to the French throne.
Maybe in order to separate myself from his madcap scheme I needed to be cruel to make him cry, to make him angry, to make him see sense and renounce his crazy beliefs, to make him comply with my sense of reality.
I think on Fridays we're supposed to both renounce and deject the story.
Another Version Of The Goolsbee Story From ABC News
How likely is it that people will voluntarily renounce them because of a disputed threat to the planet?
Times, Sunday Times
Transurban will remain in a trading halt until Thursday while seeking to raise A$542. 3 million via a one-for-11 renounceable entitlement offer underwritten by
Transurban To Buy Lane Cove Tunnel
He took an oath to absolutely entirely renounce all allegiance to a foreign power.
He renounced violence on his release in 2011 but was barely free long enough to organise an effective political organisation before the elections last year.
Times, Sunday Times
As Krishna states in the Bhagavad Gita Ch6.4-6, A person is said to be elevated in yoga when, having renounced all material desires, he neither acts for sense gratification nor engages in fruitive activities.
TEXAS FAITH: What's the role of emotion in shaping religious faith? | RELIGION Blog |
The Auckland-based appliance maker said it would raise a minimum of 189 million New Zealand dollars (US$118. 2 million) through a NZ$46 million initial placement to Haier Group, and a fully underwritten NZ$143 million pro-rata renounceable rights issue.
Haier to Take 20% Stake in New Zealand Company
Andrew renounced his claim to the property.
He renounced violence on his release in 2011 but was barely free long enough to organise an effective political organisation before the elections last year.
Times, Sunday Times
Since historical circumstances have prevented the imperialists from annihilating socialism by means of war, imperialism has not renounced the idea of annihilating socialism through subversion, attrition, and, if possible, the internal destruction of the socialism system.
Until the HEART legislation in 2008 (or 2007), the U.S. taxed ex-citizens for ten years after their renouncement was accepted.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Funniest Quote of the Week, Maybe the Year
Either renounce your political beliefs or get us a couple of wins against Newcastle.
The Sun
He was always seen in a maroon-colored coat with gilt buttons, half-tight breeches of poult-de-soie with gold buckles, a white waistcoat without embroidery, and a tight cravat showing no shirt-collar, -- a last vestige of the old French costume which he did not renounce, perhaps, because it enabled him to show a neck like that of the sleekest abbe.
An Old Maid
But since tradition offered to them a conception of a supernaturally renewed Empire, which they did not renounce the hope of realising on earth, they conceived an almost invincible mistrust of the ‘parergon,’ which the Roman Bishop held out and for which he strove.
Monasticism: Its Ideals and History and The Confessions of St. Augustine
Are these same people seriously suggesting that we renounce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well?
So Comstockery remains alive and well, and until the Congress is motivated to renounce Comstockery once and for all, I fear that women will pay a disproportionate share of the price, with the dark shadow of Anthony Comstock hanging over our health-related speech on critical topics such as abortion.
Comstock Act Still On The Books
He expressed his admiration for the educational efficiency of the Jesuits and politely renounced his allegiance to their church.
Of all the operas that end in personal tragedy, none is more heartbreaking than the story of a Japanese geisha who renounces her native culture for the love of a feckless American sailor.
We want to strengthen a Palestinian partner willing to accept the conditions outlined by the Quartet and the Arab summit; in other words, a renouncement of violence, a recognition of Israel, and a commitment to abide by the previous agreements entered in by the Palestinian Authority.
You'd think he'd have renounced all violence after that.
The Sun
A bhikkhu and bhikkhuni, almsman and almswoman, have renounced the
Gundogs of all breeds were beagling with renounced urbiandor - bic bugles, hot to run him, given law, on a scent breasthigh, keen for the worry.
Finnegans Wake
He claims to have renounced drugs for good.
Times, Sunday Times
Adapted from a 16th century 30 page story by Madame de Lafayette, the film also features Lambert Wilson, perhapsthe most appealing of French actors see the very fine Of Gods and Men, as Chabanne, a soldier who transgresses military code by murdering a pregnant woman, driving his long blade through her belly, for which he renounces violence.
Regina Weinreich: My Rendez-Vous with French Cinema
I am ready to renounce all claims to this house and this room.
Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.
The parents and godparents renounce Satan and profess their faith.
She renounced Islam for / in favour of Christianity.
Even worse, the Inaugural was a "double-tongued" address, for it renounced Lincoln's campaign promise of working toward the "ultimate extinction" of slavery, Douglass said.
John Stauffer: What Obama Can Learn from Lincoln's Inaugural
Some academics eventually renounced their hostility to subject disciplines.
Repeat after me: 'I must renounce hipsters.
Times, Sunday Times
They have renounced those habits, and they too must somehow be incorporated into the new army.
As the conflict worsened, Jews were forced-under pain of death-to pay homage to Zeus, to eat unclean foods, and even to renounce Yahweh as their God.
I call on everyone to renounce the use of violence and armed struggle.
However, getting no response from the other side, the Moulvi was left with no other choice but to renounce his post as a virtual face-saver.
Cleon, the hero of the Peloponnesian war, advocated the public renouncement of friends upon dealing with public affairs -- he paid for it with some revilement by historians.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Regulator Franchise, or the Alan Blinder Problem
They've renounced their old criminal way of life.
There seems to be a foofaraw boiling over Superman and his recent decision in Wednesday's Action Comics #900 to renounce his American citizenship.
Bryan Young: Superman Renounces His American Citizenship
I also find the characterization overstated that the "slumdweller is the one with regard to whom power renounces its right to exert full control and discipline, finding it more appropriate to let him dwell in the twilight zone of slums.
What in the hell ...
Many of them wept openly when he publicly renounced Tibet's claim to full independence.
Edward renounced his claim to the French throne.
He renounced his religion.
None of those who propose to renounce Bolshevism as an historically bankrupt tendency has indicated any other course.
Finally, the paper advances legislative consumption in detail to perfect the system of legitimate child's renouncement in China and also concretely makes some legislative suggestions.
I now plan to permanently renounce skulking for all time.
In the midst of an eloquent and impassioned remonstrance with the Sceptic who, even when overwhelmed by the disasters of a present world, renounces all trust in futurity, she weaves some touching reflections upon a catastrophe, the remembrance of which will ever fall with surpassing sadness upon the spirit of a great people.
A Review of 'The Sceptic; a Poem'
A brother renounced the world and gave his goods to the poor, but he kept back a little for his personal expenses.
Christianity Today
Arrow ou: Do not say more. I won't renounce Andrew.
In those circumstances it could not be said that the unit holder had surrendered or renounced a beneficial interest in any particular property; merely a discretionary power had been exercised in its favour.
The developing countries were urged to renounce such military links and embrace a policy of neutralism or non-alignment.
Making news today, BlueScope Steel said it would conduct a fully underwritten four-for-five accelerated renounceable entitlement offer to raise $600 million to repay debt. | Top Stories
‘The step she so freely blames herself for taking, was truly what she calls compulsatory: for though she was provoked to think of going off with me, she intended it not, nor was provided to do so: neither would she ever have had the thought of it, had her relations left her free, upon her offered composition to renounce the man she did not hate, in order to avoid the man she did.
Clarissa Harlowe
I renounce all such unworthy thoughts.
A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
Super Retail, which owns several retail chains, including Supercheap Auto and Ray's Outdoors, said the acquisition will be partly funded through a fully underwritten 9 for 19 pro-rata renounceable entitlement of new Super Retail ordinary shares at an offer price of A$5.34 per new share to raise about A$334 million.
Super Retail Buys Rebel from Archer Capital
They had renounced the world, and "we consider ourselves to be dead men in respect of it '.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
A brother renounced the world and gave his goods to the poor, but he kept back a little for his personal expenses.
Christianity Today
These were the men who had joined the Territorials before the war and who had volunteered, almost to a man, to renounce their ‘home defence only’ obligations.
In 1843 French missionaries arrived at the island, and it was claimed for France, but on British representations the claim was renounced.
African Union summit, Mugabe said opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai should not "delude" himself into thinking the result of the June 27 poll could be expunged from the record books and should renounce his claims to the presidency.
ANC Daily News Briefing
What I renounce is relying on the proclamation of one language user (e.g.,
Robert Hartwell Fiske strikes me as a prig and a bully « Motivated Grammar
In 1968, he renounced painting, but in the 1980s returned to art-making with a series of black drawings on folded tracing paper.
You will have to renounce citizenship of this country if you apply for citizenship of another.
More than that, Lychounas said, "It is a new conception of a hotel; the imaret has not renounced its cultural soul as it was saved from ruin.
Hurriyet Dailynews
But the dwellers in some of these islands, being aliened from the faith, afterward renounced the law of God which Patrick preached unto them; and therefore unto this day are they deprived of the special gift of
The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings
The only way that a person born as an American citizen may have their US citizenship terminated is if that person goes to an American Embassy or Consulate in a foreign country and voluntarily renounces their US citizenship.
Mexican citizenship and the car question
It is for this reason why the conflict between legalists who follow the law without the spirit, and antinomians, who believe the law has been renounced in the order of grace, represents a false dichotomy - for the world to be, for our actions to have any real meaning, there must be a law which regulates and grace which frees.
Vox Nova
Louis was required to renounce all claim to the English throne and to restore the charters of liberties granted by King John.
When McCain denounced these religious leaders, did he renounce his own "statements"?
McCain buying Michigan, Pennsylvania airtime
Covenanters or "wild Whigs" of the Western shires had formally renounced their allegiance to a "prelatical" king.
History of the English People, Volume VII (of 8) The Revolution, 1683-1760; Modern England, 1760-1767
But the Order of St. Francis has not suffered by them, having renounced these extravagancies so common to the barbarous ages.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Keble as a young man enthusiastically planned to edit his works, though on closer acquaintance with them he renounced the project.