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How To Use Renewable In A Sentence

  • That Constellation would not sign a power purchase agreement for its own reactor is a stunning admission that atomic energy cannot compete with natural gas or renewables. Harvey Wasserman: Nuke "Renaissance" Leaps off Calvert Cliffs
  • I'm delighted that our local communities and voluntary groups are taking the lead on renewable energy for lighting and heating.
  • The organization awards 11 non-renewable scholarships of $2,000 to children of full-time employees of firms that are members in good standing of NASGW.
  • Solar power in Langueme is part of a renewable energy project sponsored by the French region of Poitou Charente. Senegalese Villages Turn to Solar Power
  • From the very beginning of the automobile age, industry analysts, following the lead of farsighted engineers, issued warnings about the reliance on a nonrenewable fuel source.
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  • China is building a 400-megawatt facility 60 miles from Beijing, and says confidently it will be generating 12 percent of its energy from renewables by 2020.
  • Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.
  • IT fix No. 6: SpamIf it were possible to redirect the time and effort poured into antispam and antimalware code over the last 10 years, we'd already have colonies on Mars and probably a new form of renewable energy. Five-year plan: 8 problems IT must solve
  • His plan centers on increased support for renewable energy and for alternative motor fuels made from corn and soybeans.
  • Also, will coumadin hurt my dog fussy licorice during bliss or renewable dyspepsia or if you must pantothenate for a robust time. Wii-volution
  • Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.
  • With government support, Cuban agriculture began to react to its immediate needs: to develop a sustainable, self-supporting agricultural system using renewable resources.
  • In its speech, the metalworkers 'union demanded a transition to renewable energy and renewable energy jobs. Tina Gerhardt: Germany's Burgeoning Anti-Nuclear Movement Promises to Derail Merkel's Energy Policy
  • Why not have a look at the real solutions such as renewable power sources and better energy efficiency?
  • The award's presenters noted that in a nation known for its heavy dependence on coal, Rizhao represents an inspiring example of the mainstreaming of renewable energy sources.
  • The reason why we [work on the solar car] is to show that there is the applicability of renewable resources.
  • Plastics are highly energy-intensive and composed mostly of nonrenewable fossil fuels whose supplies are expected to become increasingly limited.
  • Corn straw consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin , it is a abundant of renewable resource.
  • It must really irk you guys that Mccain and bush pretty much agree with the democrats on illegal immigration. and you are scared dems will destroy oil companies? wont unrenewable fossil fuels do the job anyways? Duck, It's Hillary!
  • The second project focuses on renewable energy research, and covers such topics as solar, biogas, mini-hydro and geothermal energy.
  • The other ten members of the council are elected by the General Assembly to two-year nonrenewable terms, with five new members elected each year.
  • Up until that point, nobody had informed me that my contract would be fixed term and non-renewable.
  • This sustainable gas can be generated locally via renewables like wind, biomass or solar power, but it could also be a new product for our large-scale, centralized oil and nuclear power industries.
  • The contract is renewable for two additional years.
  • In the end, the central question with hydrogen is whether it is made using renewable energy to electrolyze water, or with climate-disrupting fossil fuels.
  • But the spectre of kamikaze strikes makes any talk of the potentially positive contribution nuclear energy could make to a balanced and renewable energy supply fraught with difficulty.
  • They may also be implemented in the context of broader economic issues, such as shifting the tax burden from labour to non-renewable resources through an ecotax at the national or multinational level (see chapter 11). Chapter 9
  • Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
  • I must be clear, the label 'clean energy' is not reserved solely for renewables," said Christopher Guith, vice president for... News
  • This means that renewable energy producers are being asked to compete in a rigged market.
  • Or, combine your backup generator with a renewable energy system, and declare your total independence from the grid!
  • The more we rely on renewable energy, the less dependent we are on utility giants and nonrenewable, polluting fossil fuels.
  • The long-term indices are forward looking, and take a long-term view. considers the individual technology indices, which combine to generate the all renewables index, are made up as follows: Renewables infrastructure index - 35% Technology factors - 65% Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Every heightening of emotion produced for her a new effusion of beauty in visible things, and with it the sense that such moments should be lingered over and absorbed like some unrenewable miracle. The Reef; a novel
  • The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
  • The Commissioner is elected by the Parliamentary Assembly, the successful candidate serving a non-renewable term of six years.
  • Oil is not a renewable resource, so its reserves will certainly decrease.
  • Something along the lines of a package that included some kind of incentive to renewable energies and some freedom for some offshore drilling as well as -- and this is an area of common ground kind of on both sides because both sides have not rejected the idea of clamping down some regulation on oil speculation. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2008
  • Due to these reasons, South Korea is nowlooking for10 more nuclear power plants by 2030 to increase its renewable energy resources aspart of a 100-billion dollar plan to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. South Korea To Build 10 More Nuclear Plants by 2030.......
  • But he is less enthused by the prospect of a big push in renewables. Times, Sunday Times
  • All timber used is kiln-dried and pressure-impregnated to withstand the harsh desert climate and is from renewable sources.
  • For this reason, renewable energy investment was not yet sufficiently attractive to retail investors.
  • Most renewables, say the ecomodernists, are a mistake because their footprint is too large. Times, Sunday Times
  • Microgeneration using renewable energy technologies like solar photovoltaics (PV), solar water heating, ground source heat pumps, and wind turbines could be installed with the necessary consents.
  • The scheme could be a one-off pledge or renewable annually as a type of debenture or membership fee.
  • Enable more waste to renewable resource recycling.
  • Renewables continue to be dependent on subsidies, which cash-strapped countries are putting under review. Times, Sunday Times
  • It includes environmental features, such as irradiated heat and cooling and proposes to draw at least 9 percent of its energy from renewable sources. WTOP / Business / Biz Stories
  • This 1958 split-level home has been updated with a range of EE/RE energy efficiency / renewable energy measures. A. Siegel: Some Sunshine Hits Washington, DC
  • In recent years a lot of interest has developed around the industrial application of feedstock from renewable resources.
  • The expedition will make use of renewable energy, such as solar power, and will remove all its rubbish.
  • Equally valid is exploitation of renewable resources, for example, of grass for grazing, papyrus for thatch, or wood for charcoal.
  • In a last-minute deal, the Americans were given a renewable one-year exemption for their troops, but the issue has not yet been resolved.
  • Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
  • The new generation of hep Hitachi has energy - saving and environmentally friendly renewable energy to the limits.
  • Meanwhile, it is diversifying into renewables, to give itself more options. Times, Sunday Times
  • One in five marine science posts lost in 1989; in five years to 1987 research into renewable energy halved.
  • Transport fuel based on renewable oilseed crops such as soybeans and rapeseed also has potential.
  • A community enters a danger zone when it relies on a non-renewable resource - even a huge gas field - for its basic needs of food and water.
  • Living sustainably requires the use of renewable energy, consuming less, reducing waste and recycling more.
  • From algae that feed off of power plants 'CO2 emissions to megaflora trees that reach full maturity in just three years to provide rapidly renewable biomass, Tickell shows that numerous sources of biofuels are ready today to power a cleaner America tomorrow. Josh Garrett: Fuel Uses Education and Inspiration to Make Impassioned Case for Green Energy
  • The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
  • Broadcasters received fixed-term, renewable licenses that gave them exclusive use of a slice of the spectrum for free.
  • Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical.
  • The centerpiece is a new law stating that all investor-owned electrical utilities in the state must generate 10 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2011.
  • In addition, Premix pursues emerging opportunities in the renewable energy market including solar and wind applications.
  • Since 2006, half of all new generating capacity has been in renewables. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first minister hoped to use that cash to kick-start the green investment bank and get the EIB to match it with European renewables funding; the £360m would then be used for a massive investment programme in Scottish renewables ports and infrastructure. Scotland launches £70m wind energy fund
  • In Singapore, housemaids are employed on two-year contracts, renewable to a maximum of eight years.
  • Because deep aquifers are slow to recharge, the reservoirs are essentially a nonrenewable resource that's being mined.
  • I have made the choice to be a farmer and to manage a finite renewable resource such as water.
  • Serve a term one calendar year which is renewable upon the approval of the Church Board.
  • We inspire the utilization of renewable fiber, improve the social development by creativity and promote well-being of people and harmonious concomitance with the nature.
  • In the longer term, it says that there is an available resource from renewables to account for half of the UK's electricity generation.
  • Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
  • The paper revealed that he is considering counting energy from waste incinerators as a form of renewable energy that would qualify for government subsidies.
  • The advantage of long, and nonrenewable, terms is that the members of the second chamber would truly be independent in that nothing which they did could affect their continued membership.
  • Howard justified overruling the recommendation saying it was national policy to proceed as quickly as possible with renewable energy projects.
  • A good CNG infrastructure is available in several other markets already today and the environmental benefits with CNG, including biogas as a renewable methane source, are a strong argument for using methane products, ie CNG and biogas.
  • books on that shelf are unrenewable
  • The Reichstag in Berlin is supplied with 85 percent renewable energy.
  • But is it currently being harvested in a manner which protects our other unrenewable resource, the soil in which it grows?
  • Soladiesel biodiesel is clean, renewable, environmentally sustainable and scalable. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Biodiesel Derived from Algae
  • Italy-based Leoplast Group, which uses natural vegetable-based and renewable sources such as biopolymer produced by NatureWorks LLC, said companies don’t realize the kind of impact they can have by using more eco-friendly packaging. 16 posts from September 2008
  • Hemp can replace many non-renewable resources as well as numerous processed and manufactured goods.
  • Advances in physics and engineering are making energy from renewable sources increasingly affordable.
  • The structure was primarily constructed using renewable and recycled materials as well as upcycling products for the furniture.
  • Becker's own book The 100 Day Action Plan to Save the Planet targets 4 areas that need the most attention: cut carbon 40 percent by 2020, create green jobs (weatherize, solarize, rewire the nation), make the U.S. economy lead the world in renewable technology, and promote carbon-neutral power. Graham Hill: The "Green" Stimulus Plan is Growing Yellow-Bellied
  • In the most wholesome sense it pongs eco, with spartan bamboo cabanas and dormitories equipped with independent renewable energy supplies, grey water recycling systems, pit-toilets that guests compost, and service roped in rubber time. Richard Bangs: Nic' of Time
  • Soy protein is inexpensive and renewable, but it lacks the unique amino acid with phenolic hydroxyl groups that provide adhesive properties.
  • Temporary workers would be permitted to stay in the United States, he promised, with renewable three-year permits, before eventually returning to their homelands.
  • Paglia (correctly) emphasizes the way in which English is constantly changing -- which makes it an ever-renewable source of new kinds of writing -- but she ought to consider this when elevating the Romantic poets '"living speech" over "dense allusiveness and preciosity. Poetry
  • Oil is the nonrenewable resource and the important strategic mineral resource.
  • While some of it is recycled and a tiny amount is made of easily renewable sources like hemp, most paper products are made from wood pulp - trees that have been logged from private tree farms and public lands.
  • The petrol is blended with 5% bioethanol, a renewable fuel which shouldn't affect engine performance.
  • The Constitutional Court consists of 9 justices appointed for a nine-year unrenewable term of office.
  • Natural capital can clearly be depreciated when, for example, a non-renewable resource such as oil is used up, or when a species dies out, or when air pollution increases.
  • The work permit is not renewable.
  • Biodiesel is a renewable fuel which produces less pollution than regular diesel.
  • Who will drive the market growth and cost reduction of renewable energy sources, and how will energy storage for intermittent renewables like solar and wind be solved?
  • Only gas and renewables can solve the 2015 question. Times, Sunday Times
  • I must agree with Mr Derbyshire that clean energy from renewable sources is the way forward.
  • The problem with renewables is that most renewable types of generation are "spiky" - they are intermittent; they come at night. Undefined
  • In the end, the central question with hydrogen is whether it is made using renewable energy to electrolyze water, or with climate-disrupting fossil fuels.
  • These projects include promotion of ecovillages both in urban and rural areas; rural energisation, renewable energy technology such as biomass gasification and ethanol production; community based greening and waste recycling, low-tech energy solutions such as thermally efficient and renewable energy solutions in housing, clean transport systems; carbon sequestration and conservation, industrial energy efficiency. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • According to Keyla, demand for the arapaima (Arapaima gigas), which is also known as pirarucu, or paiche has increased even further after it was in danger of extinction, leading to the establishment, by the Brazilian Environment and Renewable Natural Resource Institute Home
  • Those who thrive on glib pronouncements about the role of renewables should carry out the occasional reality check.
  • Temporary leave is initially available for up to six months and is renewable after review.
  • Under the 2007 Prohibited List for Processing Trade which will take effect on April 26, processing trade companies will not be allowed to deal with 990 products with 186, mostly unrenewable resources, newly added on.
  • They would rather be running on wind power than contributing to the environmental problems associated with rampant use of non-renewables.
  • Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical.
  • Minerals found on earth are unrenewable resources.
  • I was just at NREL [National Renewable Energy Laboratory] and saw a demo of a new superconductive power cable, but could your nanocables leapfrog over that technology? Making Paper That Can Stop Bullets
  • Isoenergy does just that, retrofitting buildings with renewable energy; from country houses, to schools and hospitals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leading industrialised nations need to embark upon emergency transition strategy to renewable energy.
  • At the same time, renewable energies are denounced as uneconomical, with their potential marginalised in order to underscore the indispensability of nuclear energy.
  • It's so obvious that these days what is needed is a form of planned economy on a worldwide scale, with public ownership of natural unrenewable resources.
  • Other efforts focus on converting agricultural wastes like manure or cheese whey into renewable natural gas using bacteria and a process called anaerobic digestion.
  • By drawing progressively more energy from noncarbon sources, countries would create the mass markets for renewables that would bring down their prices and make them competitive with coal and oil.
  • Water constitutes cost-free energy for generating electricity that is perpetually renewable and sustainable.
  • Most importantly resources nonrenewable, and from this had and has developed the circulation economy.
  • These university students are expected to understand more about the condition of oil and gas business in Indonesia, the limited unrenewable natural resources, with the hope that they will be the right agents to deliver the information effectively to their colleagues.
  • A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.
  • She will receive a cash award of $5,000, renewable for up to three additional years.
  • Mesquite firewood purchased from local woodcutters replaces nonrenewable fossil fuels that must be purchased off the Reservation.
  • The frock is part of the brand's "Conscious Collections," "an ongoing range of women's, men's, and kid's wear constructed of greener and eco-friendlier materials including organic cotton, organic linen, recycled polyester, and Tencel, a renewable material that's produced with minimal environmental impact" that will hit shelves April 14. Natalie Portman Hits Hollywood Fete In $50 H&M Dress (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
  • Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.
  • The bank said in a report that China should improve interprovincial trade in renewable energy and better promote green electricity schemes. World Bank Gives China Measured Praise on Green Energy
  • How does the cost of electricity generated through wave power compare to coal or other renewables like solar or wind?
  • Our primary source of energy - oil - is nonrenewable and exhaustible.
  • First, as with many “renewable” energy technologies, the company selling it engages in nameplate capacity abuse. Coyote Blog » 2010 » January
  • Renewable ‘green’ power will definitely be playing an important part in electricity generation in the years to come.
  • Biofuel from Corn Ethanol Is Not Renewable, Does Not Address Climate Change Electric cars labelled 'overhype' at Shanghai Auto Show EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • Is the permit renewable?
  • And time is, after all, the only unrenewable resource available.
  • How Green Is Its Garage Next on the agenda for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Building what its architects boldly call the greenest parking garage in the world. Lessons Learned
  • Agriculture contributes less than 2 per cent to GDP in GCC countries, but it overexploits groundwater resources, most of which are non-renewable, resulting in their depletion and quality deterioration due to seawater intrusion and the upflow of saltwater. Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • The degradable polymer is made from sugars known as lignocellulosic biomass, which come from non-food crops such as fast-growing trees and grasses, or renewable biomass from agricultural or food waste. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • “But that exception does not change the fact that indiv policies are indeed guar renewable, nor does it make your description of insurers being able to drop you at any time any less inaccurate.” Matthew Yglesias » Advice on Recession-Proofing Your Hospital
  • Snaring also is popular for harvesting surplus furbearers, one of our renewable natural resources.
  • Mr. Chu used his opening testimony to remind the committee that his department is backing, with billions, no fewer than 38 stupendously large renewable projects which are in addition to the 5,000 awards, totaling $34 billion, it has made via its stimulus grant program, and dozens of other corporate handouts via its regular budget. Steven Chu, Energy CEO
  • Use a variety of renewable feedstocks to replace oil and natural gas: Recent advances in biotechnology and chemistry mean we can create more chemicals from renewable resources like sugarcane, corn, cellulosic biomass and renewably-sourced syngas. A Balanced Diet For The Chemical Industry
  • In the name of saving nonrenewable energy sources, I plan to ride my bike down here regularly throughout the summer.
  • They enter South Africa on three-month renewable permits which do not allow them to seek jobs.
  • This would be the first practical, roadworthy car that could run on solely renewable energy, " he said.
  • Coastal resources, precious and unrenewable treasure, play an important role in the economy.
  • A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.
  • The consumption of resources, including non-renewable energy, is but one factor facing the development industry right now.
  • Google earns what it describes as attractive returns on its investments by capturing local and federal renewable energy tax credits and charging interest on the money it supplies for the projects. | Top Stories
  • Although the conflicts in using renewable resource between generations are slighter than the depletable resource, the problem of market failure that brings by the generations' behavior still exists.
  • The PTC, which is currently the most effective policy tool for developing renewable energy in the US, is set to expire at the end of 2008. Sen. Finance Committee Adds Renewables/Efficiency to Stimulus Plan. Bernie Sanders Wants “Tripartisanship”
  • Another point Bailey makes is that the world isn't running out of ‘non-renewable’ fuels or mineral resources.
  • Basically we have to abandon coal-fired electricity and we have to substitute energy efficiency and renewables.
  • The expedition will make use of renewable energy, such as solar power, and will remove all its rubbish.
  • Oil will be fracked and renewables will not be used, just as all the relatively unprofitable technologies that don't involve long chains of production from controlled sources will not be used.
  • He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.
  • Since the oil crisis in 1973, plant oils, mainly from rapeseed and soybean, have been investigated as an alternative, renewable source of liquid fuels.
  • He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.
  • Estimates of the potential of non-renewable groundwater in the eastern and western deserts, mainly from the Nubian Sandstone aquifer, vary from 3.8 km3/yr to 0.6 km3/yr; the latter estimate is defined as an indicator of exploitability over a period of time, where the time is not given. Water profile of Egypt
  • Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical.
  • And, our cellulose is sourced from renewable tree farms. A New Twist On Cleaning The Kitchen
  • The battle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the most dangerous consequences of climate change will be waged across multiple fronts, including efforts to increase energy efficiency; efforts to deploy nonfossil fuel sources, including renewable and nuclear energy; and investment in adaptation to reduce the impacts of the climate change that will occur regardless of the actions we take. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Carbon Capture a Pipe Dream?
  • The production of renewable energy sources should also be promoted through grants, soft loans and fiscal incentives, the report concluded.
  • If you're willing to put solar panels on your roof or a hybrid car in your driveway, you may be eligible for tax incentives and rebates on renewable sources of energy and related technologies.
  • Renewable raw materials bring obvious benefits compared with non-renewables, but it is important to look at how they are produced and processed.
  • The term of office of Board Members is eight years and the mandate is not renewable.
  • UK legislation, the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), already stipulates that forecourt petrol and diesel must include a 3.25 per cent blend of biofuel and by 2020 an EU directive will see this figure rise to 10 per cent. The Engineer - News
  • China is making progress in meeting targets to get 15% of its energy from non-fossil fuels by 2020, but it needs to improve and expand hydropower generation and deal with inefficiency in its wind-power sector, the World Bank said, adding that the country should improve interprovincial trade in renewable energy and better promote green electricity schemes. World Watch
  • Biodiesel is a cleaner burning fuel that can be made from domestic renewable resources such as vegetable oil.
  • Bioproducts and bioenergy are made from renewable resources such as plants.
  • Rather than pinning all of our hopes on natural gas, it should be approached as a short-term supplement to oil amid the transition to lasting renewable energy sources. Steve Hallett and John Wright: Time Got It Wrong: Natural Gas Is No Panacea for Our Energy Crisis
  • Many of these would not grant one dollar for the aid of that commerce on which the revenues of the country and their own real prosperity and wealth depended; but they were willing to suffer long and bleed freely at the old and just, though unrenewable war-cry: "The British and the Hessians. Ocean Steam Navigation and the Ocean Post
  • It offers two electricity tariffs – one from 100% renewable sources, and one where 41% of the power comes from its wind turbines, and the remainder is conventionally sourced power. Profiting from a green bond
  • It will be very hard work just to meet the growth in energy demand with renewables, much less meet the vast existing demand.
  • In 2006 only 5% of our electricity came from renewables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eden planners have received an application from the Renewable Development Company Limited of Flintshire for renewal of temporary permission for their anemometry mast at Bretherdale Common, west of Tebay.
  • Trees take longer to mature for harvest, and petroleum is, of course, nonrenewable.
  • Veggie car owners agree that biodiesel is another renewable fuel source, but say it isn't as cost effective or eco-friendly.
  • Although we do not own any land, we provide free advice information to accommodation providers and clients about home-based renewable energy resources especially microgeneration.
  • It is absolutely essential to reverse the irrational misuse of nonrenewable resources.
  • Wind power: The renewable energy source seeing the biggest short-term increase is windpower, with U.S. win farms increasing their capacity 50% in 2008, more than 8,500 megawatts. Scientist: Leaked climate e-mails a distraction
  • Farmers are being offered millions of pounds worth of grants in an effort to boost production of biomass to meet renewable energy targets.
  • Paying $20k out of pocket for solar panels is a financially daunting prospect but if you can pack it into a mortgage it makes a lot of sense to substitute reoccurring monthly expenses into financed renewable technologies that add to the value of your home. Ben Uyeda: How Re-Fueling Your Car Can Build Equity in Your Home
  • The best rule is to conserve energy and to increase funding for research into renewable energy sources.
  • In Ghana, a three-day workshop will focus on medicinal plants, conserving fresh water, renewable energy and desertification.
  • The IOC President is elected by the IOC members by secret ballot for an initial term of eight years, renewable once for four additional years.
  • Why the New Tax Policy of Renewable Resource Industry Lead to companies be in a Dilemma?
  • He has rightly given a privileged role to renewables, saying they must rise as a share of the energy cake to 10 per cent by 2010.
  • Jackson and; lack of equipment; advantages; conscription; munitions; relations with Federals at Vicksburg; Army of Northern Virginia; unrenewable wastage; number of troops (1865); Lee's farewell to Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
  • The new facilities for visitors are being established following a rigorous environmental design strategy employing local non polluting renewable energy sources available on the site.
  • If Democrats don't soon begin to strongly support serious movement to renewable energy sources - including hammering the idea in the corporate media - then Republicans may do just that.
  • Hence ExxonMobil's $600 million research foray into car fuel made from pond scum, and Shell's decision to freeze all other investment in renewables to focus on biofuels.
  • After its revelation in August that the government had been advised that the EU target of 20 percent renewables by 2020 was "unachievable", The Guardian is back on the case claiming that the government is planning to abandon this target. Does he speak with forked tongue?
  • The truth is that the UK has simply delayed its final 5 per cent target under the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) from 2012 to 2014. Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • In many parts of the continent, you can tap the power of the wind to generate nonpolluting renewable electricity for your home.
  • The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy.
  • The Northern Territory has plentiful resources of renewable energy, solar, wind, wave, tidal.
  • The £400 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources.
  • The basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to maximise the use of locally-available and renewable resources.

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