How To Use Renegotiate In A Sentence
A further implication of the suspension is that meat exporters to South Africa might be required to renegotiate the terms of export with South Africa.
All the signs are that Dyke will try to push even further ahead of commercial rivals in the years up to 2006, when the BBC's charter expires and its has to renegotiate its right to a licence fee.
Since then, the Danbury, Connecticut-based Company has renegotiated the policy annually to add on another year.
The bankruptcy legislation will still allow homeowners to renegotiate mortgages in bankruptcy - the so-called cram down provision - but only under strict conditions.
Bankruptcy Bill Watered Down, Still Fiercely Opposed By Banks
We believe the status quo is not an option: management must either renegotiate the terms of the A and B bonds, or demerge them.
Finance chief, Phil Dutton, leaves in Punch Taverns shakeup
Alternatively, the customer or supplier may look on the purported transfer as an opportunity to terminate or renegotiate the contract.
People's loans are secured with terms and conditions; it will be difficult to renegotiate.
Payment protection policies are expensive and unnecessary for many people, who can easily renegotiate their loans with their lender if they run into difficulties.
Do you think we should try to renegotiate our lease terms with the landlord?
The settlement was subsequently renegotiated on more favourable terms on 10 November 1998 and approved by the court in the form of a consent judgment.
The buyer will have the option to renegotiate with the seller for a new delivery date.
In return, certain other mortgages were renegotiated with more favourable terms for the defendants by reducing interest rates, adjusting maturity dates and the like.
The leasing driver has the chance to buy the car outright, renegotiate a lease, or they are sold to a car auction.
He also said he would renegotiate contracts with unions and state employees, freeze spending on state contracts and travel and oversee a budget audit.
Similarly contracting-out may not provide authorities with greater flexibility if they are tied to long-term arrangements which are difficult to renegotiate.
But in reality lenders are more than happy to renegotiate payment terms if you run into such difficulties - which may not even happen.
Check out "How To Renegotiate Your Lease" for more on wangling a better rate on your office lease.
All The Ways Your Laziness Is Costing You
He renegotiated the agreement over tunnel usage by the railways and succeeded in presenting it as a breakthrough.
If the auditor issues a qualified opinion, the insurer won't issue coverage unless the company renegotiates new policy terms.
In other cases, concessionaires renegotiate contracts in order to shift losses to taxpayers.
But the real roadblock is in Brussels, where the European Parliament has unilaterally demanded that the administration renegotiate the E.U. - U.S. agreement on travel reservation data -- launching the fourth set of talks on this topic in seven years.
How Europe puts America at risk
The photographer must offer to repair them or renegotiate the invoice charge.
Peter Cargill claimed that the number of indebted countries in arrears regarding payments to the World Bank and/or that were seeking to renegotiate their multilateral debt had risen from three to eighteen between 1974 and 1978!
Matthew Yglesias » The Life of Citi
The law called on the secretary of state to "expeditiously" renegotiate existing agreements to include such provisions.
Afghanistan's push to tax U.S. contractors could renew tensions
If the program seemed useful, she would suggest that they renegotiate her contract for the next year to include language instruction.
`Then I'll just renegotiate my contract with his successor.
The practices by which a society's constituent roles are defined can always be renegotiated by their carriers, just as the memes by which a culture is defined can be reinterpreted by theirs.
Her response is to renegotiate the boundaries between spiritual faith and worldly economies.
Alternatively, the customer or supplier may look on the purported transfer as an opportunity to terminate or renegotiate the contract.
Because they are networked, smart markets are able to renegotiate relationships blinding speed.
I guess the question left unasked is whether the administration should be doing anything to prevent foreclosures, leaving aside the macroeconomic questions (also, the administration has been strongarming industry to renegotiate loan terms as part of the hope alliance, which i think is an awful idea, Barack Obama to his credit hasn't said a peep about preventing foreclosures).
Archive 2008-03-01
They are often unnecessary and expensive - when borrowers can simply defer payments and renegotiate the lending terms.
She was determined to renegotiate the second mortgage for another year.
This was Prodi at his most clumsily counterproductive: the deal handbagged by Margaret Thatcher in 1984 clearly does need to be renegotiated to take account of greater UK wealth, a 25-member union and less spending on farm subsidies.
NGU.EN: And an ultimatum from Iran: They are demanding that the West renegotiate a U. N.-backed deal aimed at keeping enriched uranium out of Iran, or the Islamic republic will go ahead and enrich nuclear fuel on its own.
CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2010
There has never been a better time to renegotiate a maintenance contract.
Contracting also negotiates and renegotiates rules of communication between astrologer and client.
Similarly contracting-out may not provide authorities with greater flexibility if they are tied to long-term arrangements which are difficult to renegotiate.
The physical borders may no longer exist but the authorities are watching and waiting for the moment when these disputed territories have to be renegotiated yet again.
She was determined to renegotiate the second mortgage for another year.
They recommend that both parties continually monitor and renegotiate the contracts.
To stem the flow, AMD is expected to renegotiate millions in debt coming due over the next four years.
As a result of tsarist policies, Crews maintains, "Muslim men and women came to imagine the imperial state as a potential instrument of God's will," and engaged with it to renegotiate their own relationship with Islam as loyal subjects of the tsar.
Moscow Bombing: Literature Sheds Light On Problems In Russia
Well clearly, it would either be ended or renegotiated, I mean there's a lot of hypotheticals there.
`Then I'll just renegotiate my contract with his successor.
The ability to improve supply chain management and to successfully renegotiate terms with customers to offset most of the current cost increases will, however, be vital.
Similarly contracting-out may not provide authorities with greater flexibility if they are tied to long-term arrangements which are difficult to renegotiate.
The logic of their demands to strengthen the military and renegotiate the ceasefire is to plunge the island back to war.
They began going to retailers to renegotiate their contracts.
The move by union officials marks the latest maneuver as unions and contractors prepare to renegotiate 30 collective bargaining agreements to be redrawn by June 30.
Unions Drop Savings Pact
They sought to renegotiate the terms of the funding being promised by the bank, which balked at the radical changes proposed and exited from the deal.
There has never been a better time to renegotiate a maintenance contract.