How To Use Renaissance man In A Sentence
Dr Sunderman was a Renaissance man with accomplishments as a physician, clinical scientist, toxicologist, author, editor, violinist, poet, and photographer.
The musical Renaissance man has had, by his own accounting, seven often-simultaneous careers: As a French hornist, he got his first job with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra at age 17 and performed on Miles Davis's seminal "Birth of the Cool" recordings.
Man of Many Music Careers
Pepper is a true renaissance man: in addition to showing Hubert, he runs a fly-fishing store and performs as a ventriloquist.
His elegant, idealized compositions and use of Antique sources epitomize Renaissance manuscript illustration and were an essential element of the finest Florentine production in the decades around 1500.
Ben Franklin drubs Thomas Jefferson in the race to be our nation's foremost Renaissance man.
Will it be a renaissance Man?
Times, Sunday Times
The next weeks will show whether he is a spent force or renaissance man.
Times, Sunday Times
Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
The story of the renaissance man.
Times, Sunday Times
A billycock is a beautiful object (it may be eagerly urged), but it is not in the same style of architecture as Ely Cathedral; it is a dome, a small rococo dome in the Renaissance manner, and does not go with the pointed arches that assault heaven like spears.
Alarms and Discursions
He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete - a real Renaissance man.
He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete - a real Renaissance man.
A true renaissance man, the Brazilian maestro has long had a penchant for fusing cultures.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a true renaissance man.
Times, Sunday Times
He is part stroppy trade unionist, part renaissance man with his broad range of interests from media work to hotels to coaching.
Times, Sunday Times
The story of the renaissance man.
Times, Sunday Times
Next we will be calling him renaissance man rather than raging bull.
Times, Sunday Times
A true renaissance man, the Brazilian maestro has long had a penchant for fusing cultures.
Times, Sunday Times
When you meet him, he's this very odd combination of literate Renaissance man and oafish uncle who says embarrassing things that you wish your girlfriend hadn't heard.
He is part stroppy trade unionist, part renaissance man with his broad range of interests from media work to hotels to coaching.
Times, Sunday Times
Next we will be calling him renaissance man rather than raging bull.
Times, Sunday Times
Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major "Rhenish" - our bi-polar Renaissance man was all happy when he wrote this one.
Jean Burton tells Helen the story of this Renaissance man who was a great figure of Lincolnshire life, and had a huge impact on the landscape of the county.
He is part stroppy trade unionist, part renaissance man with his broad range of interests from media work to hotels to coaching.
Times, Sunday Times
Next we will be calling him renaissance man rather than raging bull.
Times, Sunday Times
Havel has been described as a reticent, modest, honest, courageous and a Renaissance man -- a man filled with a moral vision of what the quality of life should be for all people.
Lee Bycel: The Legacy of Vaclav Havel
Next we will be calling him renaissance man rather than raging bull.
Times, Sunday Times
There's only one allusion to it I can think of, in some obscure Renaissance manuscript on the practice of medicine.
In fact, we now know that Newton was in many ways a Renaissance man, working in theology, prophecy, and alchemy, as well as mathematics, optics, and physics.
He was originally a stonemason, before he was encouraged by a classic Renaissance man -- his mentor, Giangiorgio Trissino -- to take up a broader study of music, science, literature and the writings of the ancients.
Andrea Palladio's influential architecture at National Building Museum
Illuminating Fashion: Dress in the Art of Medieval France and the Netherlands" includes over 50 illuminated medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as printed books, and will tell you what a gipser and kirtle were.
Don't Miss: June 4-10
Will it be a renaissance Man?
Times, Sunday Times
He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete - a real Renaissance man.
Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
Now 30, he's recently been awarded the accolade of Renaissance Man For The Millennium, though he doesn't seem too chuffed about it.
Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
The next weeks will show whether he is a spent force or renaissance man.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a true renaissance man.
Times, Sunday Times
His most notable acquisitions include a jade flask belonging to Clive of India, and a newly rediscovered renaissance Mantuan roundel of Vulcan and Venus.