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[ UK /ɹɪmjˈuːnəɹˌe‍ɪtɪd/ ]
  1. receiving or eligible for compensation
    salaried workers
    a stipendiary magistrate

How To Use remunerated In A Sentence

  • Non - remunerated blood donation, body organs ( organizations ) to donate, the management of BoneBank.
  • And as a side-effect the incredibly well-remunerated (by US middle class standards) judges of the 6th district impose additional tax burdens on the citizens they are supposed to serve. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • The almost endless payscales which have been a feature of the way in which teachers are remunerated are no longer appropriate to a world in which young people must pay large mortgages and child-minding fees.
  • The incident justifies the inference that the services of junior counsel to senior barristers -- services at the present time termed 'devilling' -- were formerly remunerated with cash payments. A Book About Lawyers
  • Arthur Kirkland says: tamerlane: And as a side-effect the incredibly well-remunerated (by US middle class standards) judges of the 6th district impose additional tax burdens on the citizens they are supposed to serve. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • My efforts were not remunerated
  • Everybody knows that they are remunerated better than their counterparts in the public service.
  • Nowhere in the 2,600-word article did the author find space to mention the well-remunerated actor who for years did the bulk of the newspaper's dirty work, blagging far more confidential information on his newsdesk's behalf.
  • But no one's really being paid or numerated -- remunerated to be thinking about that kind of stuff. CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2005
  • The amount of money a worker is remunerated for carrying out specific tasks has more to do with market conditions, such as a skill shortage and the employer's eagerness to attract that skill, than the performance of the person in that role.
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