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How To Use Remunerate In A Sentence

  • But no one's really being paid or numerated -- remunerated to be thinking about that kind of stuff. CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2005
  • The amount of money a worker is remunerated for carrying out specific tasks has more to do with market conditions, such as a skill shortage and the employer's eagerness to attract that skill, than the performance of the person in that role.
  • And as a side-effect the incredibly well-remunerated (by US middle class standards) judges of the 6th district impose additional tax burdens on the citizens they are supposed to serve. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • The almost endless payscales which have been a feature of the way in which teachers are remunerated are no longer appropriate to a world in which young people must pay large mortgages and child-minding fees.
  • The incident justifies the inference that the services of junior counsel to senior barristers -- services at the present time termed 'devilling' -- were formerly remunerated with cash payments. A Book About Lawyers
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  • Clearly the onus is on the state to devise more imaginative ways to remunerate teachers.
  • Size of the U. S. investment and the financial ability of the foreign entity to remunerate the L-1 beneficiary and to commence doing business in the U. S.
  • Arthur Kirkland says: tamerlane: And as a side-effect the incredibly well-remunerated (by US middle class standards) judges of the 6th district impose additional tax burdens on the citizens they are supposed to serve. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • My efforts were not remunerated
  • Everybody knows that they are remunerated better than their counterparts in the public service.
  • Nowhere in the 2,600-word article did the author find space to mention the well-remunerated actor who for years did the bulk of the newspaper's dirty work, blagging far more confidential information on his newsdesk's behalf.
  • All non-executive members non-executive directors are remunerated at a nationally fixed rate.
  • Non - remunerated blood donation, body organs ( organizations ) to donate, the management of BoneBank.
  • All the workers will be remunerated for their services at the exhibition.
  • The habit of virtue creates for him no wants but those which virtue itself suffices to satisfy; it is thus that _virtue is always its own peculiar reward_, that it remunerates itself with all the advantages which it incessantly procures for others. The System of Nature, Volume 1
  • The usual complaints about the presentation of Match of the Day by a cozy, dozy gang of highly remunerated ex-pros were reinforced on Saturday night after the programme had shown an interview in which Neil Warnock very pointedly accusing Robin van Persie of making persistent fouling part of his modus operandi. Sir Alex Ferguson wants three more years, but he might not get them | Richard Williams
  • More and more people are asking why some players are remunerated for playing rugby when they continue to work for nothing.
  • Moreover, there is no shortage of little wonks willing to work at conservative think tanks, even though these jobs are not well remunerated.
  • In the short-term, we will change the way dentists are remunerated for treating patients.
  • How is a financially bankrupt government that is unable to adequately and fairly remunerate its civil service be as self-indulgent as to splash scarce foreign currency on itself at an expensive tourist resort such as Victoria Falls with reckless abandon? Undefined
  • He is supposed to be remunerated for this out of RTO funds with a pre-established interest [20%] that was established by the prior Board.
  • The plaintiff was remunerated by a commission calculated by reference to the premium paid by the insured persons introduced by him.
  • However, they will be remunerated entirely from the commission paid by financial services companies to advisers in return for placing a customer's business with them.
  • I should remunerate you for your additional service, seeing as how this order was particularly large.
  • At the moment, the act, amongst other loopholes, does not make clear distinctions between brokers, agents and consultants and how they should be remunerated.
  • A bumper crop remunerated the peasant for his labour.
  • In fact, all of the aforementioned online distribution channels claimed that they would remunerate artists and labels for the use of copyrighted material.
  • He is supposed to be remunerated for this out of RTO funds with a pre-established interest [20%] that was established by the prior Board.
  • There will always be an important role for subsidies in farming, to remunerate farmers for environmental services and to assist farming in particularly marginal areas.
  • The company said that these costs were expensed through the profit and loss account in the normal way and were a cost-efficient way for Elan to remunerate staff.
  • In exchange of their services, jamadars and mrdhas were usually remunerated chakran or service tenure.
  • The plaintiff was remunerated by a commission calculated by reference to the premium paid by the insured persons introduced by him.
  • The authors of the Australian review also noted that pharmaceutical companies paid for the trials and otherwise remunerated the authors of at least three studies.
  • They are grown on small family farms, where workers are reasonably remunerated, protected by well-observed labour laws.
  • Facing the national flag, the students in uniform T shirts carrying the words of" Non- remunerated Blood Donation Volunteers" sworn in unison to bid farewell to their puerility and usher in maturity .
  • There will always be an important role for subsidies in farming, to remunerate farmers for environmental services and to assist farming in particularly marginal areas.
  • Up to 1779, employees were essentially remunerated with salaries.
  • The directors have been asked to perform various tasks, one of which was the sale of the company to the public, and they have delivered to a considerable extent: therefore they are entitled to be adequately remunerated.
  • To which General Valencia replied: – That a correspondent reward should follow an heroic action, nothing more natural; but to remunerate a service which does not go beyond the sphere of ordinary things, such as mine in the affair of the 15th to the 26th of July of 1840, by such a noble distinction as the sword of honour with which your Excellency has deigned to gird me, in the name of the National Congress, of this the magnanimity of the sovereignty is alone capable; and so it is that I remain annihilated by a present worthy of the ages of the Roman Senate and Republic. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The guidelines state that they should ask about any job 'apart from unremunerated appointments in noncommercial organisations'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The length and inclination of the _bast_ necessarily vary with the nature of the cliff, but as the Badi is remunerated at the rate of a rupee for every hundred cubits, hence termed a tola, The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • It is good that authors should be remunerated and the least exceptionable way of remunerating them is by a monopoly, yet monopoly is an evil for the sake of the good.
  • There has been another murder committed within a few miles of this place, which has given us something to gossip about, for the committee of vigilance had the good nature, purely for our amusement I conclude, to apprehend a lucky individual (I call him _lucky_ advisedly, for he had all his expenses paid at the Humboldt, was remunerated for his lost time, enjoyed a holiday from hard work, had a sort of guard of honor composed of the most respectable men on the river, and was of more consequence for four days than ever he had been in the whole of his insignificant little life before) whom somebody fancied bore a faint resemblance to the description of the murderer. The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52

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