How To Use Removed In A Sentence

  • To avoid leaving the center posts in the permanent work, two rows of temporary posts were placed, as shown by Fig. 1, Plate LX, the center wall and skewback were built, and the posts were removed, as shown by Fig. 2, Plate LX, before placing the remainder of the lining. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
  • Undercook the potatoes a little as they will continue cooking when removed from the water. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is still a level of abstraction (you're manipulating something removed from the screen) but it's more concretized now. MIND MELD: The Apple iPad: Sizzle or Fizzle?
  • The affair isn't the thing that makes me believe he needs to be removed from office – it's the monumental lack of judgment he displayed in abandoning his states and his duties as governor. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • To let his brain swell and keep the blood flowing, thereby preventing the damage from worsening, doctors removed virtually the entire left side of his skull, a procedure known as a craniectomy. Traumatic brain injury leaves an often-invisible, life-altering wound
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  • There are two main approaches: one is a synthetic plug the same shape as a cork that can be placed in the top of the bottle in the same way as a cork and removed with a corkscrew, so preserving the ritual of opening a bottle of wine.
  • As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor. The Mysterious Island
  • The excess amniotic fluid was then removed from the recipient twin sac, and antibiotics were placed into the uterine cavity to decrease the risk of infection. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • For example, Emperor Norton said that Governor Wise of Virginia was to be removed from office by royal decree.
  • The nail has been removed, and barring infection it is believed the aged man will live.
  • They have been tearing away at the rubble for a week now, and more than 10,000 tonnes has been removed, But it has hardly made a dent in the mountain.
  • The tissue is removed from the acid and turned into powder which patients then put on their wound. The Sun
  • The other senses corroborate themselves, but this is removed from any proof but its own, and foreruns the identities of the spiritual world. Preface to “Leaves of Grass,” 1855
  • The micro-mini white cover-up she had donned over her bathing suit was removed without circumstance, revealing a shimmering gold maillot that dipped very low in back and was accented by sheer finely-woven gold mesh across the waistline in front. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • The faucets are in, the light fixture is in place (albeit the wrong place right now), and the toliet has been removed. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • The original center piece has been removed and other areas of the labyrinth have been restored.
  • Once inside the plant, the Car Repair Shop removed the brake equipment, renumbered it and it remained in service for many more years before it was scrapped.
  • It also boasts an unmatched ventilation and antifog system, removable interior cheek pads and a sturdy chinstrap that can be removed to allow cleaning or replacement.
  • Tiger Woods rescued from crash by wife Elin Nordegren carrying a golf club Trapped in his own body for 23 years - the coma victim who screamed unheard Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away | George Monbiot Michelle Obama 'racist' picture that is topping Google Images removed nhs tower hamlets. aneurin bevan house, aldgate east, inner east lond …. Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis |
  • Enough fluid should be removed to soften the fontanel, usually 10 to 15 ml.
  • Vermont, far removed from all beasts of prey -- why is it that upon the sunniest day, if you but shake a fresh buffalo robe behind him, so that he cannot even see it, but only smells its wild animal muskiness -- why will he start, snort, and with bursting eyes paw the ground in phrensies of affright? Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • The decision removed one of the rebels' principal grievances and was expected to strengthen Frelimo's position at the negotiating table.
  • In the spirit of the colonial revival, they replaced the Victorian era mansard roof with a hip roof with dormers, removed the two-story service wing, replaced windows and doors, and restored or embellished interior woodwork.
  • Over the years, the giant retailer, in exercising its own brand of censorship, has forced recording artists to change lyrics, 'sanitize' album covers, removed certain 'objectionable' magazines from its racks, and generally cultivated its own corporate sense of what the public should or shouldn't see. Al Norman: Wal-Mart Picks Free Speech Fight with Union
  • Another challenge exists if the patient's identification bracelet has been removed or is under surgical drapes.
  • When making bread with the fermented dough, the dough must be removed from the fridge at least 2 hours in advance, to allow it to prove.
  • Several years ago, when we removed taxes and tariffs on all antimalaria commodities, the cost of mosquito nets sold in local markets declined, local demand for nets increased, and more small businesses entered the market to produce and supply these essential commodities. Free Trade and the Fight Against Malaria
  • An exception is tartrate crystal deposits that look like granules of white sugar but are tasteless and can easily be removed.
  • - Is there a way to get all pm's in the "send messages" as smf doesn't have the "outbox" like phpBB has. (no way of telling if a message has been read in smf at least not on my smf Forum) - how could i get ride of the "This message has been removed by its author before it was delivered." pm's?
  • Once the more resistant gently dipping rocks of the Cotswolds have been removed, the underlying softer beds are easily eroded, so the Jurassic escarpments to the east of the Vales of Evesham and Gloucester retreated through time.
  • The quality of the brickwork is the best that I have ever seen, and not a single brick was disturbed beyond those actually removed. Autobiography
  • When I was last in Barbican part of the shell of the house was still standing, roofless, disfloored, diswindowed, and pickaxed into utter raggedness, as so much rubbish yet waiting to be removed from the new railway gap. The Life of John Milton
  • The wheels of the tippers sank when the waste was being removed.
  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • The Choctaw [Footnote: Romans, p. 70, Bossu, Vol. I, p. 308.] boys made use of a cane stalk, eight or nine feet in length, from which the obstructions at the joints had been removed, much as boys use what is called a putty blower. Indian Games : an historical research
  • Memmel's cast, which had extended to just below her knee, was removed, but she is still on crutches.
  • If this were so, it could very well be that the chain or pulley or linkages to the back end were removed in the photo retouching because they were too difficult to cut around (if the manip was done as a collage) or to frisket out (if the manip was a double exposure process in a darkroom). 1933 Walker: Fact or Fraud?
  • All staff, from Stilwell to the summer interns who answered phones and restocked supply shelves, were assembled and scattered among the desks in the largest space in the headquarters, where partitions had been removed to give them an unobstructed view of their candidate. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Made with rice grains from which more than 40 per cent of the outer layer has been removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another man came from behind me and removed his richly plumed helmet.
  • Last year, the lights were not removed until March, occasioning embarrassment for both the Chamber and the Council.
  • Examples are the digestive enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, which only have enzymatic activity after the protein chain is cut and fragments of the protein removed.
  • Variations on "MySpace," the name of the social-networking site, were three of the top four nonadult searches in the first 11 months of 2007, according to the Internet-tracking firm Hitwise, which gets its data from logs of Internet-service providers with users 'names removed. What Topics Filled
  • While waiting for the wrecked car to emerge from parc ferm at 08.30 on race morning, the team removed the engine from the spare chassis in readiness to receive the Mercedes V8 and transmission from the crashed car. Chequered Conflict
  • Around the same time, another man, a white male in his 40s, also passed through that alley and became the initial suspect in the case, because authorities thought it suspicious that he removed an overshirt and seemed to be looking in the direction of the car bomb. Getaway Car Waited, but Key Was Lost
  • I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs. Wii-volution
  • The section was removed, the SEC said in a filing on April 18, 2011, because the term investment banking could have been read as applying to "syndicate" staffers, who routinely make decisions on how to allocate IPOs to firms' clients. Rule to Prevent Abuse of IPOs Is Delayed
  • It often happens after the circle of bark has been removed, a small portion of the inner bark adheres to the alburnum.
  • Inside, gloves and mufflers are removed, quilted jackets are unzipped.
  • The second row of split folding seats tuck behind the front row or can be removed altogether when you need to carry bulky loads. The Sun
  • They had removed both the halyard atop the flagpole at Fort George and the cleats used to climb it. The King's Best Highway
  • The chief justice of the United States serves as judge. If two-thirds of the senators find the president guilty, he can be removed from office.
  • If the blade is positioned too low, valuable topsoil may be removed from the site during the bulldozing.
  • But when restraints to which he had long been accustomed and to which he yielded passive obedience were removed, and he was left in a condition of license, all the abeyant passions of his undisciplined nature were brought into prominence and antagonism with an environment where reciprocal obligations have not always found their highest expression. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • Conversely, when the device is removed from the USB bus, the disconnect function is called with the device pointer.
  • Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
  • If the boot is full of luggage - two of you are away for a weekend - then that has to be removed to make space for the punctured tyre.
  • Filling my palms with the cool water, I washed my face, then quickly removed my clothing.
  • I am concerned to rule out certain options - because if they're not ruled out then we have fall into an "anything goes" mentality - for we have removed the very moral norms that would allow people to condemn what Hamas is doing and also prevent people from reigning in subrational feelings of vengeance/destruction/hate which tend to lead to brutal actions. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • BRUSSELS—Russia's failure to rescind a ban on European Union fruit and vegetable imports, agreed at a summit last week, has riled the European Commission, which is requesting the ban be removed immediately. EU: 'No Justification' for Russia Vegetable Ban
  • In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • When the clot is dissolved or no further improvement can be made, the medication is stopped and the catheter is removed. Thrombolysis
  • Mature fruits were collected manually from the ground and the fibrous pericarps were removed using a mechanical dehusker immediately following harvest.
  • The plaster on the walls has been removed to expose the original bricks underneath.
  • We decided that even if all the slack in the rigging had been removed, the 45m rope would still have been well short.
  • But though this darkness were wholly removed, there is another darkness, that ariseth not from the want of light, but from the excessive superabundance of light — _caligo lucis nimiæ_, (240) that is, a divine darkness, a darkness of glory, such an infinite excess and superplus of light and glory, above all created capacities, that it dazzles and confounds all mortal or created understandings. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • He's had a tattoo with the name of a former lover removed, to avoid hurting the feelings of his current inamorata.
  • When the offending device had finally been removed, she didn't notice even then; her mind had been made as pure as the cubic room she was contained in.
  • Although many trees have been removed from homes and businesses, others remain precariously poised to fall. Harsh winter predictions
  • Though the bullets were too deep in his body to be removed, they didn't kill him.
  • They removed a foreign body from her eye.
  • If not they might buck until they get tired or rid themselves of the unwanted load when the blindfold is removed. Be Careful in Bear Country
  • When you are finished, your face is not totally clean because you are left with an oily film that should be removed. Take Care of Your Skin
  • The doctors removed the tumours and reconstructed her face, but there was one more operation on her eyelid that she kept putting off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Removed from the artificial atmosphere of the fashion show, high-fashion clothes often look cheap and silly.
  • Using a paring knife or a melon ball scoop, hollow out the bottom of the cake, keeping the removed section intact.
  • Mine action since 1999 had removed 2.2 million "emplaced" antipersonnel mines; destroyed ReliefWeb - Headlines
  • So he boiled an egg. Once he deduced it to be ready, he removed it, cracked it open and carefully placed it on his recently purchased egg cup.
  • Twelve distal femoral condyles, proximal tibial condyles, and patellae were harvested; all soft tissue was removed.
  • The Medical Council removed his name from the medical register in 1999 pending the outcome of its inquiry.
  • After irradiation, the stratum corneum was removed from the pigskin by stripping with adhesive tape.
  • This larger emptiness went hand in hand with the insensitivities endured by the poor and working class residents who were removed from neighborhood after neighborhood.
  • The slightly edematous and hyperemic appendix was removed by laparoscopic surgery.
  • Many tags get sun-faded, worn, removed, switched, and one of our favorite theories for their disappearance is that roaches like to eat them. Prices almost never listed
  • The barricades on the streets have been pushed to the side, not removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • : Removed the old system of division into the Odelsting and Lagting (will take effect after the 2009 general election). Elections - fresh news by
  • ‘Illegal occupants were previously removed last year due to unsafe building conditions, but unfortunately the building was reinvaded,’ Singh said.
  • Its surface had become heavily crazed, making it impossible to examine the specimen, so the balsam was removed with xylene.
  • It's a wonderful experience but it's far removed from reality.
  • Those basic risks and unique problems cannot be alleviated or removed and can only be addressed by the placing of permanent firefighting staff around the clock.
  • When they removed the appendix they found it was gangrenous.
  • Should asbestos in schools be removed? Times, Sunday Times
  • As has been stated above one of the main fuel tanks was removed from the fuselage in order to adapt the aircraft from its original single-seater design.
  • By that single, fluid act, a barrier had been removed, a bridge had been crossed.
  • Far removed from this conception is the condition of the many who have no "casa," but only ghastly walls within which the most intimate acts of life are exposed upon the pillory. The Montessori Method
  • Then working outwards from the centre, the remaining collapse and infill material would be removed and all voids re-filled with properly compacted chalk.
  • We don't know much about what the impact is when hundreds of tonnes of gravel are removed.
  • Their medals of honour have to be removed! Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet he saw consequences the most unpleasant in this rumour of her attachment; and though he still privately hoped that the behaviour of Mandlebert was the effect of some transient embarrassment, he wished her removed from all intercourse with him that was not sought by himself, while the incertitude of his intentions militated against her struggles for indifference. Camilla
  • And the longer they stay the less likely they are to get removed. The Sun
  • The concrete base of two sheds that have been removed in the back garden were being dug out yesterday afternoon as part of a painstaking search. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not know if his body organs were removed from him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had such been the case a century might have elapsed before the reproach of convictism had been removed from this hemisphere. A Source Book of Australian History
  • Yesterday she was making inquiries to get it removed. The Sun
  • Schools and colleges were monitored by the military, mild dissidents were branded traitors, whole groups of friends were rounded up and removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then it goes one step further: 99% of the curse words and sexual references are removed in odd, disorienting edits.
  • The concentrates are refined by smelting - they are melted, and the impurities are removed as a slag.
  • Sitting in the lobby of Taj Coromandel and sipping a rich brew of cappuccino, pony-tailed and wearing sunburnt, athletic skin of a western beach boy, Nadaka seems far removed from the austerity of Auroville.
  • Feather mattresses removed, aired and fluffed before being put back in their place.
  • You often pick up ticks when walking through bracken, and they're best removed quickly if they attach themselves to you.
  • So is the "Modified Citro ë n DS" 1993, in which the archetypal French car has been split lengthways into three parts, with the middle removed and the remaining two joined to make an even more aerodynamic object than the original — from some vantage-points it resembles a gigantic dart. Orozco Proves That Size Isn't Everything
  • I've removed names but take a read… it's good to see the boys are keeping their spirits up.
  • The supernatant was removed and stored and the pellets extracted with 100% acetone until they were colourless.
  • A communion table and other Christian artefacts have been removed from a hospital chapel to accommodate visitors of all faiths.
  • He got the eggs from bits of ovary that had been removed from women undergoing hysterectomies.
  • To have false information removed you simply have to make your case to a site administrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deal with this community in the aforesaid manner, for it cannot make good by itself, if your presence is far removed from it and if you are not in good health, strong, and eirenic in spirit! Poems for King Sigismund
  • Their abstract certitudes seemed far removed to him from the inherent contradictions in human nature.
  • Loggers have removed hundreds of tiny trees and left the litter in rough piles to nourish the soil and provide wildlife habitat.
  • We and they belong to areas of human experience removed from one another by millions of years. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • With an understanding that these old houses and cane fields tell no story to those who are removed from their history, the maintenance of the gravesites is a necessary act in the preservation of ancestry.
  • But, when he cometh back from his journey, all will not be save well458: so go ye to your shops and sell and buy, for this vexation is removed from you. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I bought a second pair of wheels used I was told that they were 2008 but when my mechanic removed the freewheel, it revealed the same thing – a different system of freewheel! Technical FAQ with Lennard Zinn: Tubular tape?
  • The school removed her from two of the periods but left her covering one. Times, Sunday Times
  • With some of the lashings and supports removed after the long sea journey, the Swan is due to leave Portsmouth at around 11 am and will sail into the Solent, anchoring around half a mile offshore in the Stokes Bay area.
  • Security cordons around the airport were quickly put in place, removed, then reinstalled. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘The fire brigade went up and down in their skylift several times and removed the loose stones very courageously,’ he said.
  • I thought that I had removed it when I became disillusioned by the whole process.
  • The postings on Facebook were ill-advised and to the best of our knowledge have all been removed - it is only others who are reposting these images.
  • The clone's awakening after the embryo has been removed from her body opens the possibility for the emergence of a new type of hero by conflating images of rebirth and transformation.
  • Although medications that studies show posed the highest risk, including rofecoxib (Vioxx) and valdecoxib (Bextra), were banned or removed from the U.S. market, many NSAIDs with identified risks, such as prescription-only celecoxib (Celebrex), still are on the market. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: Caution, Common Sense on All Drugs
  • In each instance, the explosives were removed by a New York police bomb squad to a basement.
  • Now that we have seen his response to the revelations, it is surely beyond dispute that he is a liability who must be removed forthwith.
  • The cable explained that he "suffered a rare auto-immune reaction to the procedure and the plugs had to be removed. Gaddafi is ecccentric but the firm master of his regime, Wikileaks cables say
  • Remember that our herb gardens are probably far removed from the plant 's natural habitat. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • He placed the azoth on his bureau, put Hyacinth's needler and his beads beside it, and removed his trousers. Calde of the Long Sun
  • Occasionally, there may be some excess skin left around the scars, if this does not drop off after a few months it will need to be surgically removed.
  • Before he went to work, the mechs removed the engine side panel.
  • He was also given a concurrent four-month term for criminal damage, having removed two front door panels to get inside the house. The Sun
  • In March 1991, urethroscopy showed the distal end of the distal stent had fragmented; loose wires were removed. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • They shaved off some of the bone and removed the bobble. The Sun
  • When sarcoids are removed, they have a high incidence of regrowing.
  • Women who want their eggs removed and stored must take medication to prompt their ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Times, Sunday Times
  • This way, if a cache file is removed at any step of the transformation chain, it has the effect of invalidating all dependent Butterfly cache files, forcing their recreation.
  • Second, a sense that writers, readers and books should dwell in a pure, fluffy space in the clouds, removed from tawdry concerns of image… or even, perhaps, human physicality.
  • Here it presents a series of radially arranged furrows, in which the ciliary processes are accommodated and to which they adhere, as is shown by the fact that when they are removed some of their pigment remains attached to the zonula. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 2. The Refracting Media
  • The drill guide was removed and a second drill guide was inserted to position the remaining tunnel.
  • Kidneys are encased in a creamy, waxy fat called suet, which is easily removed by cutting into it and then peeling it away. How to Cook Your Gut Pile
  • The inner and outer margins of the annulus were observed to bulge outwards but when the nucleus was removed the inner margins bulged inwards.
  • It had to have been removed from her purse while her purse was in her possession, or hanging onher chairclosed, and underneath her coat. Lean Left » Blog Archive » ‘Tis The Season
  • He removed the sticker, saying he did not mean to offend. The Sun
  • Physical and technical barriers to market integration also need to be removed.
  • Manson reasoned that certain suctorial insects were the agencies through which blood was most commonly removed from the circulation and he ventured the guess that this change in the parasite that may be seen taking place on the slide under the microscope, normally takes place in the stomach of some insect that sucks man's blood. Insects and Diseases A Popular Account of the Way in Which Insects may Spread or Cause some of our Common Diseases
  • She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.
  • Lesions extending to the upper third of the clivus may be biopsied or partially removed through this approach.
  • For reasons unexplained, the arrows were removed (again) for the 1875 mintage, and half dollars continued in that style through the end of the series in 1891. Liberty Seated Half Dollar, Motto, With Drapery, Arrows, 1873-1874 : Coin Guide
  • In either case, the fear of personal liability for individual health care workers would be removed, resulting in eliminating the need to hide errors.
  • Jason put his gun on the bed next to her and began to unbind the ropes, but first he removed the old sock that had been stuffed into her mouth as a gag.
  • The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage
  • Just months after Edwards Dam was removed, birds such as ospreys, bald eagles, and kingfishers returned.
  • Paper would come in boxes of paper that were all connected via top and bottom with perforations, and the sides of the paper had the tractor guides which could be removed via perforations.
  • The dried sample is then transferred to a small thistle-headed funnel which has been cut off from its stem, and the opening plugged with a little glass wool, and round the top rim of which a piece of fine platinum wire has been fastened, in order that it may afterwards be easily removed from the Soxhlet tube. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • He removed a stone from his shoe.
  • The method according to the invention has for this purpose the feature that after the first lacquer coating has been selectively removed, at the positions where this has occurred the first electrically conductive material - preferably constantan - is etched away to a predetermined depth and only then is the second electrically conductive material - preferably copper - applied respectively introduced at these positions.
  • He removed her shoes and socks, running his hands over the warm skin on her ankles and calves.
  • Some are understood to have gone from lay-bys alongside major trunk roads such as the A64, while five others are set to be removed in the near future from streets in York.
  • The newest member of the Royal family, and the novelist are 11th cousins, six times removed.They share a common 15th century ancestor: Henry Percy, who was the 2nd Earl of Northumberland.
  • Stone slabs were removed and the footpaths were cemented.
  • In the semi-arid context, dunes can revegetate quite naturally and quickly once the initial disturbance has been removed.
  • He should be removed from office. The Sun
  • In our limited sample we have observed that these stents can be easily removed by 6-8 weeks after adequate healing and before epithelialization.
  • These obstructions can sometimes be removed by careful manipulations with the hand; but, where this can not be accomplished, the flexible probang should be employed. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • But, of course, the problem with MP3 compression is that a lot of stuff over 15kHz is removed anyway. On Making Music « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • When the hominy has had the hulls removed by a machine, it is called pearled hominy. Undefined
  • Their coverings having now been removed, on each shield a carving of the head of Caesar could be seen on the umbo, or central knob. Herodias
  • Network Rail said the union wanted a signaller removed from his post before it would negotiate. Railway signallers start 72-hour strike
  • Eventually the bailiff was charged and his property sequestrated, the governor was removed and later arrested, and - fifteen years after the original dispute - compensation payment made by the estate to some of the peasants.
  • Molasses Molasses, which is called treacle in the United Kingdom, is generally defined as the syrup left over in cane sugar processing after the readily crystallizable sucrose has been removed from the boiled juice. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Doctors removed a growth from his bladder in 1991 after he began to pass blood in his urine.
  • He lifted a small glass phial that gleamed ruby-red, removed its stopper, and put four drops into a cup. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Smoking was initially restricted to the bar area of the clubhouse after an unserviceable extractor fan was removed during a £26,000 refurbishment earlier in the year.
  • Well, they have removed the round lunch tables from half of the press room and filled it all with rows of computer desks and terminals.
  • They removed all the stone lining from the walls of both rooms, reground and repolished all of the plates, and then placed them back where they had originally been.
  • The school removed her from two of the periods but left her covering one. Times, Sunday Times
  • Animal control officers managed to tranquilize the frightened creature and removed it.
  • She was famous for portraying naïvety and innocence on stage, qualities far removed from her real-life personality.
  • The depression which follows is the curative by which the excesses are removed from the marketplace.
  • The text passed compare, replace and analysis typical faults of FUJITSU M2483 and M2488 series cartridge tape drives, find out bad component elements, final make fault was removed.
  • A leg brace was fitted last week to stabilise the problem but he has impressed medics so much it has now been removed. The Sun
  • Cummings, without the false mustache, which he had either removed or lost (in fact it dropped off as he entered the coalyard) had just ordered a drink as the detectives entered. Jim Cummings Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery
  • We'd carefully prepared the house (bought case of beer - check, removed all breakables from ground floor - check, warn neighbours - check), and our preparation paid off.
  • Judges have lifetime appointments, can only be removed by a supermajority and most importantly, the perception that they are not party-minded is essential to the legitimacy of the government as a whole. Matthew Yglesias » If The Founders Had Wanted a Supermajority Requirement for the Senate, They Could Have Put One in the Constitution
  • Select an adviser who understands the self-victimisation concept and is far enough removed from the problem to be objective. 2.
  • Supernatant fractions were removed and TCA precipitated as described above, and pellet fractions were resuspended in solubilization buffer. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • While it was already known that distilling sea water removed the salt, the process had always left a disagreeable taste.
  • Admittedly, this vision is far removed from the Christmas angels' announcement of peace on earth and good will among men.
  • If the goods are removed from the leased premises prior to the landlord's hypothec being perfected, the rights therein are lost to the landlord.
  • Chairs had long ago been removed when one of the (now former) owners had been brained with one in the middle of one of Hvit's constant brawls.
  • A conscientious attempt has been made to trace the life and career of Yvette Guilbert from her childhood in the Parisian gutter (or not far removed from it), through her glittering supremacy as a fin de siècle diseuse, on into the years of waning prestige and cultural pretension, and so to her last days, harassed and impecunious, in the bleak Provence of 1944. This Was Not Yvette
  • The doctor removed the scale from his eyes.

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