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How To Use Remoteness In A Sentence

  • Beautiful, green, the remoteness of Exmoor counterpointed by the glorious surf of the Atlantic beaches, coast roads with views of the craggy shoreline. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The art installation suggests the continuity and fragility of Mediterranean civilization, reminding us of the simultaneous remoteness and seamlessness of the past.
  • Its craggy remoteness means I must walk a mile along a clifftop path to reach it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The seriousness of the wrongdoing involved in such offences must be assessed by reference to the interests affected, the remoteness of the harm from the conduct, and culpability.
  • Local factors complicated identities and made remoteness from the centre an unreliable guide to political complexion.
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  • her impassive remoteness
  • The market is also somewhere for farmers to network and to dispel feelings of remoteness that they may be experiencing whilst living with their families often in isolated areas.
  • Aided by the remoteness of its location , Machu Picchu escaped destruction.
  • She remembered a remoteness in her stepfather; she saw in him the figure of a man conflicted about involving himself emotionally in the activities of his children.
  • Those saddened by the remoteness of peace in South Asia or the Middle East may be helped by a fourth Hindu concept, that of action without a focus on its fruits.
  • This is particularly true of the Teshekpuk Lake area, where many thousands of birds, including spectacled eiders, yellow-billed loons, snow geese, Pacific black brant, and tundra swans, all nest and in some cases take advantage of the area's remoteness to molt. The Flight
  • The difficulty of such an approach, the remoteness of its potential use, and its probable cost should be considered.
  • The larger size of authorities has produced complaints about remoteness from rural areas.
  • In the 1950s Encyclopedia Brittanca, the vast central plateau of Chiapas was cited as among the most fertile and finest land masses in all of Mexico hindered by the almost complete lack of transportation and its remoteness from the rest of the country. Fifty Years in Southern Mexico
  • Its size, remoteness, tropical location, and late development made for a raw, vigorous, unsophisticated version of the Australian experience.
  • The cries of circling gulls add to the eerie sense of remoteness.
  • He had a certain remoteness, even pomposity.
  • Geographical and transport remoteness make areas less accessible to friends, relatives, some tourists and businessmen.
  • What about those who would like to attend church but through disability or remoteness are unable to do so?
  • Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.
  • Due to the remoteness of Siula Grande, there would be no way to arrange a rescue.
  • None the less it is safe to say that the concoction of a similar ode by the aid of the trade-mark words invented in the British Isles would be a task of great difficulty on account of the paucity of terms sufficiently artificial to bestow the exotic remoteness which is accountable for the aroma of the American ‘ode’. Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • Kevin Blanco, meanwhile, having taken his rec pen hostage, is perched on top of that basketball hoop with an air of eremitic remoteness. Prison Porn
  • K2's difficulties begin with its remoteness, reflected by the fact that the Balti hill people don't even have a name for the mountain.
  • The flora is largely derived from that of south-eastern Polynesia, but is comparatively depauperate, due to the remoteness and the young geological age of the island.
  • The claim by the widow was allowed by the court applying the direct consequence test for remoteness.
  • There is too much distance, a tragic remoteness in our fellowship.
  • There are no specific provisions in the Animals Act 1971 dealing with the question of remoteness of damage.
  • The proverbial ‘remoteness’ of the winterly polar environment may become a trauma for sensitive persons.
  • Half the charm of silver in nature is due to its remoteness; no ore of man's refining can attain the sparkle of a raindrop; we cannot distil the radiance from a white narcissus, nor rob the stars of their silver fleeces. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • It is my hope, and my presumption, that such a place of appulse may be found, where we may take our stand, and from whence we may have a full view of the mighty expanse before us; from whence also we may descry the original design, and order, of all those objects, which by length of time, and their own remoteness, have been rendered so confused and uncertain. A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.
  • There is a wider, non-legal sensibility through which people identify injury by adhering to physical symptoms, to familiar relationships, to the remoteness or proximity of harm.
  • Geographical and transport remoteness make areas less accessible to friends, relatives, some tourists and businessmen.
  • Moreover, the region's remoteness kept access to outside markets costly.
  • To address this problem of perceived remoteness of risk, the study emphasized the more immediate effects of unprotected sun exposure: wrinkled, sagging, dry skin.
  • Vermeer, despite all his appearance of remoteness and calm, is strong meat.
  • While this emancipation from the conditions and episodes of concrete experiences accounts for the remoteness, the "abstractness," of science, it also accounts for its wide and free range of fruitful novel applications in practice. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • Lithuanians, who were not christianised until the thirteenth or fourteenth century, from their roving habits as well perhaps as from their remoteness, were among the last peoples of Europe to abandon their old creed. The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • Given its remoteness from urban distractions, the Burren College of Art needs a high level of maturity in students.
  • Yet the remoteness of Finland from Putinist Russia is neither geographic nor strategic.
  • Despite their relative remoteness, the Turks and Caicos Islands are easily accessed from this part of the world, via non-stop British Airways flights from London.
  • Nor could they have imagined back then that the very dramatic remoteness that had attracted them to Haggerstone Island would later prove to be its biggest drawcard.
  • Part of the reason for that is its remoteness: it's a two-day hike from the trailhead to the cave. Times, Sunday Times
  • He detects her unhappiness and remoteness and intuits that all is not well at home.
  • The steady drift extricable from them by rules founded upon the science of probabilities is presumed to be solar motion visually transferred to them in proportions varying with their remoteness in space, and their situations on the sphere. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • Yet the sense of space, of distance, the remoteness of the places through which one travelled never contained a hint of menace.
  • Her brother's increasing remoteness is the result of learned behavior and thought in white America.
  • a soldier and a diplomat, hence his genius, even in its extremes of mirth has balance and health, remoteness and neutrality -- it is never bitter, and never in the least "viewy". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Some rural counties and small towns have developed a satellitic relationship to the larger centers of population, and even around others that are distant from urban uproar, sprawl is beginning to find a congenial form for itself in vacation colonies of "second homes" in scenic places whose remoteness, together with a smaller and more settled population of Americans, used to be their staunch protection. The Nation's River A report on the Potomac from the U.S. Department of the Interior
  • Because of their small numbers - a few hundred - and their remoteness in sparsely inhabited fringes of the Sahara, the far-flung combatants were long regarded as a less potent threat than the main al-Qaeda units inside Algeria, and far less worrisome than Pakistan - and Afghanistan-based militants more directly tied to bin Laden. 'Emir of the south' Abu Zeid poised to take over al-Qaeda in NW Africa
  • I simply give you that to illustrate the fact that it is not a question of remoteness nor northerliness, but a question of the influence of the warm air currents coming in from the Pacific Ocean and modifying the climate of that whole section. The Agriculture of the Province
  • In this semi-autobiography, Simon experiences the remoteness and instability of growing up on a reservation.
  • Reasonable foreseeability was a well-known test in some parts of the law of tort, notably negligence and remoteness of damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lord Steyn concurred in the result, but on grounds of remoteness rather than of the non-existence of a cause of action.
  • its allurement was its remoteness
  • It is probably the very remoteness of a solution as well as the decline in terrorist attacks of the past few years that have allowed this movement to coalesce.
  • My poetry rejects all excessive remoteness from reality and takes pleasure in bringing things and men closer in an effort to achieve universal coherence and harmony.
  • The remoteness that tourists value has long been officially recognized in the mountains as an affliction.
  • As Shakespeare notes, the place was ‘a byword for remoteness’.
  • Now is the time to visit this park before more lodges open and the remoteness and matchless beauty are lost to the tourism.
  • Elk, mule deer, wild turkeys, black bears, and pumas still roam the range, beneficiaries of its remoteness.
  • Sun Valley's strengths are not just its great skiing and feeling of remoteness, but its history.
  • Remoteness of the rental date, there is looting and other possible hidden safety problems exist.
  • Yet the sense of space, of distance, the remoteness of the places through which one travelled never contained a hint of menace.
  • I wonder if my remoteness, my apartness, is frustrating to him.
  • He knows how to work with a composer he described as "hermetic, private and living in the extreme remoteness of the Orkney Islands, where you can't easily get hold of him, so it all has to happen rather at arm's length. NYT > Home Page
  • Their subsequently published journals emphasized, in particular, the remoteness and sparse populations of the two regions.
  • The emptiness of their canvases "proclaimed their remoteness from consumer culture and the world of things".
  • Because of the remoteness of the site, wooden hogsheads were probably the most efficient means for transporting alcohol; they, unlike bottle glass, would have left few traces.
  • But the remoteness that favoured unreason also kept the region untouched. Times, Sunday Times
  • The remoteness is captured very well, and I only thank the stars my times in the woods have been exceedingly pleasant. Book Review: "Hunted Past Reason" by Richard Matheson
  • Despite their relative remoteness, the Turks and Caicos Islands are easily accessed from this part of the world, via non-stop British Airways flights from London.
  • All were stirred by the remoteness of the place, and by the immanent beauty of the river and the woods above it. THE MAIN CAGES
  • The other detraction from the pleasures of the evening, consisted in the dark uninhabited remoteness of the large chamber, from which we witnessed the exhibition; a flight of dark stairs led up to it; a few pieces of ambiguous lumber were its only furniture, and even by daylight, I did not pass the foot of that flight without a response from my nerves. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • He takes every opportunity to highlight the negative aspects of city life and comment on the remoteness of urban dwellers.
  • I am disappointed to see that negativity upheld by Non Sequitur, but I have to admit that jab is well deserved by the slobs who use the anonymity and remoteness of the field to conduct themselves poorly. See Us in the Funny Pages
  • By this means there arises a kind of contrariety in our method of thinking, from the different points of view, in which we survey the object, and from the nearness or remoteness of those instants of time, which we compare together. A Treatise of Human Nature
  • He said most rental cars do not last for a long time given the remoteness of some of the places the tourists take them.
  • If absence and remoteness do not destroy friendship, they attenuate or exhaust it, they enervate it.
  • The Fifth Circuit test requires assessment of 1) the nature of the plaintiff’s injury; 2) the directness or indirectness of the asserted injury; 3) the proximity or remoteness of the party to the alleged injurious conduct; 4) the speculativeness of the damages claim; and 5) the risk of duplicative damages or complexity in apportioning damages. Lanham Act doesn't cover competition with customers
  • Kevin Blanco, meanwhile, having taken his rec pen hostage, is perched on top of that basketball hoop with an air of eremitic remoteness. Prison Porn
  • The remoteness that made Goldberg shudder is just half a day's hike from the roadhead, on the east side of the mountain range where I happily spent all my childhood summers. Ansel Adams at 100
  • She wrote: "To possess the world in the form of images is, precisely, to reexperience the unreality and remoteness of the real".
  • But when the best of the daylight is a dull gray, the long lines of the glen unbroken by anything but a shepherd's hut here and there at long intervals, and the road that could be seen winding through like a strip of ribbon all the way gave the fugitive a mingled sense of serenity and of that tingling, audible solitude and remoteness from all living aid or society which thrills every nerve. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • The plane is a metaphor for his remoteness, his aloneness, his posture as an observer, an outsider.
  • The degree of probability of the risk materialising and not remoteness was extremely high.
  • The popular perception of the remoteness and unimportance of asteroids was shattered by a visitor from outer space.
  • The Fifth Circuit test requires assessment of 1) the nature of the plaintiff’s injury; 2) the directness or indirectness of the asserted injury; 3) the proximity or remoteness of the party to the alleged injurious conduct; 4) the speculativeness of the damages claim; and 5) the risk of duplicative damages or complexity in apportioning damages. Archive 2009-08-01
  • What strikes the traveller is the Taiga's utter remoteness.
  • Like kinky sex, the strangeness and remoteness of molecular representation reproduce the body as Other.
  • The valor too and unsubmitting spirit of subjects only render them more obnoxious to their masters; while remoteness and secrecy of situation itself, in proportion as it conduces to security, tends to inspire suspicion. The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus
  • Despite its remoteness, this risk is untenable.
  • Mr Rosewall, 28, was last seen wearing business-style shoes, despite the 40-degree heat and barren scrubland, which is described as treacherous because of its remoteness and the number of open mines in the area. | Top Stories
  • He was usually preposterous vet somehow achieved a certain dignity by his remoteness and agelessness.
  • The Lancashire desolation and remoteness was a refuge for recusants - awkward people who were stubborn and resilient, and whose best expression was not in word but in action and a capacity to come back for more persecution.
  • The entire movie consists of the pair trying to connect, with Christine's skewed vision of the world getting in the way as much as Richard's remoteness.
  • Yet the sense of space, of distance, the remoteness of the places through which one travelled never contained a hint of menace.
  • We never wintered cattle there because of its remoteness and lack of shelter.
  • But geographic remoteness alone did not determine America's neutrality.
  • All were stirred by the remoteness of the place, and by the immanent beauty of the river and the woods above it. THE MAIN CAGES
  • The curators have taken away some of the remoteness of medieval art by showing their objects thematically.
  • Although it is not impossible to apply foreseeability as a test of remoteness in torts of strict liability there is no good reason why words should be read into the statute to produce this result.
  • Of all the deep spots, that one is perhaps the least understood because of its remoteness and subzero temperatures. Smithsonian
  • In stockily disproportionately website design company is to entlebucher polygon and a uncultivable remoteness and bricole banteringly affect and secretary gender in consequence. Rational Review
  • The remoteness and ruggedness of the landscape give it a special character.
  • The atmosphere is complimented by the superb production design - a sleek, minimalist vision that accentuates the feeling of alienation, displacement and remoteness in this Kubrickian near-future.
  • * The judgment against Eichmann speaks to Bybee: Far from absolving him of guilt, his remoteness from the actual torturers — his thoughtlessness — increases the degree of his responsibility. Another Monday Linkdump « Gerry Canavan
  • Until recently, the remoteness of the Tarahumara's homeland—the canyons' deep, rock-lined gorges—has allowed these intensely shy people to preserve much of their native culture.
  • Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.
  • A jet and helicopter can get you just about anywhere quickly; remoteness isn't about mere distance.
  • The stunning cinematography captures the beauty and remoteness of this mountain retreat.
  • The claim by the widow was allowed by the court applying the direct consequence test for remoteness.
  • Slowly she becomes aware of his apathy and remoteness regarding their family.
  • He certainly captures the remoteness of that distant planet, with the relentless ‘processional’ of bass crotchets, which opens and concludes the piece.
  • Placed out of the reach of attack, both by remoteness and insignificancy, our only dread lay lest those supplies intended for our consumption should be captured. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • There was none of the froideur of Princess Margaret or the remoteness of Princess Anne but no one ever in her company forgot who she was.
  • It is true, as 'Philip Beauchamp' argues, that the system has all the faults of the worst human legislation; that the punishment is made atrociously -- indeed infinitely -- severe to compensate for its uncertainty and remoteness; and that (as he would clearly add), to prevent it from shocking and stunning the intellect, it is regarded as remissible in consideration of vicarious suffering. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • Problems of remoteness may arise where the risk he contemplates is highly improbable.
  • But the remoteness that favoured unreason also kept the region untouched. Times, Sunday Times
  • Join us to experience the wilderness, wildlife, and remoteness of the High Arctic.
  • Quaker State-Slick 50, Inc., 165 F.3d 221 (3d Cir.1998) (opinion by then-Judge Alito), which assesses five factors: "(1) the nature of the plaintiff's alleged injury, (2) the directness or indirectness of the asserted injury, (3) the proximity or remoteness of the party to the alleged injurious conduct, (4) the speculativeness of the damages claim, and (5) the risk of duplicative damages or complexity in apportioning damages. McDonald's is lovin' it: Burger King franchisee lacks Lanham Act standing
  • Snow leopards have their being in remoteness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite this link to the mainland, the island's tranquility and remoteness are totally preserved.
  • Many a woman has experienced a lover's ardor giving way to chilling remoteness once she has given herself to him sexually.
  • In interviews, workers did complain about their Japanese supervisors'remoteness and vastly greater pay packages.
  • The dancers are succeeded by a second threesome and then a third, all perpetuating the atmosphere of remoteness and nonengagement.

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