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How To Use Remotely In A Sentence

  • The only evidence even remotely suggesting that Persians mummified their dead is from the fifth century B.C. Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote that Persians "embalmed" their dead in wax. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Moreover, I can't think of any other 'minority' of which this is remotely true, unless it were to be the other minority from which I can claim descent: people of British or Anglophile provenance. Christopher Hitchens: Reinstate Rick Sanchez!
  • The title remotely suggests that twitter had something to do with his death. TechCrunch
  • He was not remotely interested in conventional sightseeing or culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few position players or pitchers maintain an even remotely uniform level of effectiveness.
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  • Forensic evidence has shown that at least one of the bombs was detonated remotely via an untraceable prepaid mobile phone.
  • Unlike other temperature-measuring devices, the radiometer makes its measurements remotely.
  • It was not remotely greasy and any tendency towards blandness was countered by the saltiness of the feta, while the orange butter sauce saved the whole dish from becoming too dry.
  • They no longer have to trawl streets at random with their equipment to find vulnerable homes; they can now purchase software that can identify such households remotely. Times, Sunday Times
  • A key role in this warfare is assigned to remote minelaying and remotely controlled minefields.
  • So if the visible universe were the extent of physical reality, physical reality would not even remotely contain the resources required to factorize such a large number. The Simulation Argument and Christianity « Anglican Samizdat
  • Yet the overall atmosphere of San Miguel is not remotely of a chichi American town, nor even is it as spruce as neighbouring colonial cities.
  • The majority of guerrilla attacks on US occupation forces have been carried out by remotely detonated bombs or rocket-propelled grenades.
  • In emergency cases, nurses can advise staff remotely on how to treat patients before an ambulance arrives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The HRS-I system monitors people's health by capturing data - such as electrocardiograph signals and body surface temperature - and then wirelessly transmitting that data to a mobile phone or a PC where a health professional or family member can access it remotely. BBC News - Home
  • With the pop-culture machine currently devouring everything even remotely surf-related, it might at first seem odd that Hollywood hasn't started nosing around Newport Beach.
  • They should make that moral choice that they will not do anything which might be remotely conceived as supporting the regime.
  • That's not to say it's a bad idea, since the movie never ever pretends to have anything remotely to do with real life.
  • But there's nothing remotely scandalous about this reality-based movie.
  • Baley interviews anyone remotely connected to anyone else and undercovers much political tention between Fastolfe and the head of the Auroran Robotics Institute, Dr. Amadiro. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Was anybody's high school experience even remotely close to that?
  • AnalyzeYou Inc. The system collects and remotely analyses long term ECG recordings by using a novel algorithm, which helps cardiologist to early identify signs of heart problems. - Articles related to New mobile banking: Obopay allows you to convert cash into phone-money
  • Gretchen-One split the seconds into a thousand pieces releasing seconds as Einstein split the atom astonishing energy, unfathomable energy she destroyed that day remotely it lay in the distant timeline, she found it destroyed it with atomics with the atomic seconds thus saved mankind forever thus saved what remained of mankind a dry skeleton in an underground bunker deep in the heart of old egypt Three gretchens
  • But these seaside souvenirs fail the first test of the saucy postcard... because they're not remotely funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her main preoccupation was to get away from Baltimore, and she snapped up the first remotely eligible husband who came her way. King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
  • Lots of short sentences and interesting punctuation in lieu of actually having anything remotely engaging to say.
  • You're looking at beachwear, I'm looking at some shirts and we're not even remotely thinking about jeans.
  • Barely a negative vibe will be emitted from any of the bidding nations, nor a single quote uttered which might seem remotely downbeat or pessimistic.
  • Now, I would suggest to you that you re-read the dictionary definition of a "deist", and then tell me that you, if you can, as a thinking person, tell me that the description of the incident in Washington's letter even remotely resembles any "indifference" on the part of God. Texas Faith: How did our civil debate become so uncivil? | RELIGION Blog |
  • What a total travesty of anything remotely resembling justice. The Sun
  • Users can access their voice mail remotely.
  • Parents, music lovers and the curious wander in and find a seat amongst a mishmash of antique chairs, an old couch and anything else that remotely resembles a place to rest.
  • Scrambling turned to roped up exploration as the frustrating hunt for anything remotely matching the guidebook description ensued.
  • The church is remotely situated on the north coast of the island.
  • Neither seems remotely interested in the characters they invent as anything more than reflections of authorial narcissism.
  • These accuracies met the USGS minimum requirement of 85% for land-use and land-cover classification of remotely sensed data.
  • The ravenous creatures themselves are perhaps the film's only remotely redeeming feature.
  • It has been proved experimentally that this system can be used for remotely real-time monitor of assemble line racks, cables and industry frequency interference of communication circuit.
  • None of the current crop of leaders looks remotely interested in that vacancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voters were not remotely interested in the question. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one remotely interested in books should miss it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bomb was believed to have been planted in a minibus parked outside the walled embassy compound and detonated remotely.
  • Sherman's behavior and verbiage was succinct and efficient but it wasn't even remotely "thuggish."
  • The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.
  • This would also allow the unit to be controlled remotely across a network keeping the cabling to a minimum.
  • The film industry still does not come close to using remotely authentic-looking horse tack and, for the most part, never did.
  • No other country at that time had an organized public opinion remotely comparable to Britain's.
  • At no point in my life so far have I or anyone in my family ever been rich, or even remotely comfortable financially.
  • Anyone who thinks these people play anything remotely original needs to bone up on their musicology.
  • It is natural to conclude, therefore, that they have some hidden property which saves them from attack; and it is easy to see that when any other insects, by what we call accidental variation, come more or less remotely to resemble them, the latter will share to some extent in their immunity. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • They were connected to the timing device of a compact disc player designed to detonate them remotely.
  • One Word, Fanboys, they have compiled a list containing every comic book movie even remotely considered good, batman begins, 300, vfor vendetta, x-men and The dark knight is understandable, they should by all means be in a great movies list but spider-man and superman returns, come on. Empire Magazine’s 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time | /Film
  • The church is remotely situated on the north coast of the island.
  • But typically the dictatorial F1 supremo doesn't see this setback as remotely his Waterloo!
  • It doesn't help that there's no one on the show that a viewer can remotely care about.
  • Or a fool, perhaps, for all her sonneting, for there are men who relish a weak headpiece as the chiefest ornament of women, especially when its indeterminate vagaries boast an escape-valve remotely connected with the fine arts. Judith of the Plains
  • It was incredible, and until today she'd never experienced anything remotely like it.
  • The utility model has small size, higher precision, easy scale division refining and convenience for measured result to remotely transmit.
  • So here we have a young boy who is not remotely crazy but who none the less suffered greatly in an environment that prevented him from being the person he was.
  • For example, my earlier use of the word waldo would, for many, tell them that this is some kind of remotely controlled technology that mirrors the body or its functions in some way. Nay to the Naysayers: Avatar, Credit, and Intertextuality
  • I think it's also worth mentioning the somewhat blind crusade for copyleft that Cory is on, where anything that remotely smacks of Big Corporate Copyright is slapped down.
  • Because these vehicles can be operated remotely, they help minimize the threat to the warfighter in high-risk areas.
  • The essay isn't even remotely relevant to the topic.
  • Remotely-sensed data are most useful when combined with other sources of information such as topographic soils or geological maps. Chapter 6
  • It shows how so few people have anything remotely interesting or controversial to say these days.. The Sun
  • Although it's common for pro athletes to be miked during games, networks are careful to use only taped audio and then are extra careful about avoiding airing anything that might end up being remotely controversial. Sports on TV: NBC's Ebersol loves his NFL talent roster
  • Are we as a bipartizan society to be forever prohibited from declaring someone from the other party’s actions to be wrong if ANYONE from our own party EVER did ANYTHING remotely similar? Gaaaaaah: An Open Thread « Whatever
  • Not remotely a follower of high street trends; more likely to be found in vintage shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.
  • She did not like for any of the elves or faeries to come close to revealing her secret, even remotely close.
  • With the best will in the world, no one in the audience seems remotely interested in the sound balance.
  • The result is that there is no remotely authoritative guidance on how we should live within society.
  • * Sam Stein patiently explains why AFSCME's big spending in the elections is not remotely comparable to that of non-disclosing conservative groups. Happy Hour Roundup
  • And that's not because I think it was remotely representative of people on benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of the characters is remotely believable. Times, Sunday Times
  • One can agree that LGT will likely not interfere with a robust phylogeny for primates that indeed recreates ancient splittings of their populations, without buying in to the notion that the supposed sisterhood of Thermotogales and Aquificales [two bacterial phyla — OT] revealed by a small subset of their shared ribosomal protein genes reflects an even remotely similar evolutionary process. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Grandbois: The last time I heard anything remotely flattering about Buckwaldo Mudthumper I was three feet deep in viscous sewage that had found its way into my garden apartment at the behest of one Mr. Juan Mandible Sick-Eyes and his uncompromising hoses. Daniel Grandbois' Lucky Unlucky Lucky Days
  • They are tittle-tattle, nothing remotely important.
  • The remotely operated mine disposal vehicle launch and recovery area is on the afterdeck which is equipped with two cranes.
  • It is noticeable across the widest expanse of office floor, and not in a remotely endearing way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never anything remotely close to condescending or evil, The Reader nevertheless suffers chiefly from a distasteful thematic overemphasis, though not far behind is the film's rather insistent self-flattery. Review Catch-Up: Doubt, Slumdog Millionaire, Defiance, The Wrestler, The Reader
  • He is accused of conspiring with others to create a remotely controlled network of computers, known as a botnet. Times, Sunday Times
  • We defensively sanitize and desexualize ourselves and our children in order to reassure ourselves and others that we are free of any desires even remotely connected to childhood sexuality.
  • Parking spaces are being fitted with wireless smart sensors that detect vehicles that have exceeded their time limit and alert attendants remotely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anything remotely religious or somehow well-intentioned can be properly assigned to the pastor. Christianity Today
  • The story itself is interesting, but the part that stuck out was this gadget, called a "raskat" device, which comes with a wireless keychain fob that can remotely trigger the destruction of data on a computer hard drive. Boing Boing
  • One way is to travel to the planets, either with remotely operated probes or with manned spacecraft.
  • He is, he says, not remotely put off by the ease with which a scratch side with ‘no gameplan and a smattering of hangovers’ dismantled Scotland on Thursday night.
  • There is nothing even remotely amusing about the situation.
  • A surrogate is a remotely controlled android, that's the personification of vanity, and acts as both a reflection of the user's ego and aspirations. Getting Graphic: "The Surrogates" by Robert Vendetti & Brett Weldele
  • Some military strategists already think that the job the F-35 is meant to do can be better handled by cruise missiles and remotely piloted drones.
  • Synopsis: An anthropologist is stranded on a small Pacific island whose only inhabitant is a mechanical mining machine that is remotely controlled by Annie, a 12 year old autistic girl who is using the machine as a form of therapy. REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #22 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • There are no redeeming qualities to the surviving characters, nor is there anything remotely interesting about the storyline.
  • Furthermore, the type of eldercare generally needed includes hands-on tasks such as providing transportation and going shopping rather than assisting with financial needs that might be more readily handled remotely.
  • Several of the ‘translations’ do not have even remotely similar analogues in the Lorca catalogue.
  • The apparatus was operated remotely in a vacuum and in a temperature-controlled chamber.
  • We know nothing of course, but we do not remotely know even this, and mere assertion in no way ameliorates our destitution.
  • And so it was with me during my "work-cation," when I spent the dog days thinking about how to make better virtual meetings -- the kind of meetings many employees experience when they're working remotely or enjoying a holiday. How To Make Virtual Meetings Better
  • Singer as writer is not a remotely new concept. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, there were plenty who weren't remotely coy about it: either hoping to try their hand in the saturnalian lucky dip, or already engaged in a mutually knowing conspiracy of flirting, footsie and ward-round eye contact since mid-November. Boiling a Frog
  • None of these people could remotely be described as liberals, meaning that the Republican Party and conservative America is itself split on the question.
  • L&D of PS is a must for anyone who is even remotely a Sellers fan. Archive 2005-06-01
  • This course provides an introduction to the use of remotely sensed data in geographical/environmental research.
  • This lawn belonged to my paternal grandmother, whom I cautiously called Mammaw, for she resented being called anything that remotely betrayed her caducity.
  • Are you sure you haven't seen anything even remotely suspicious?
  • None of these claims was remotely meritorious.
  • They are heavier, less wieldy and, in spite of the ads, only remotely car-like in their driving characteristics.
  • She had excellent health herself and was not remotely interested in being a health researcher or journalist.
  • “You expect that every man pays you the least attention or treats you remotely decently is going to be your Prince Charming.” Sunday Scribblings – Happy Endings
  • I wish that I had accepted your suggestion to substitute in my script an explanatory phrase for the neologism "preprepared," and if it had crossed your minds or had dawned on mine that the word could be thought of as implying that I had reflected even remotely on the character of Bernard Knox, I should have written instead what I now hasten to send to you. Crusty Christopher
  • And the only place it feels remotely autumnal is in the mall. Down South, It's A Sleeveless Autumn
  • It is no longer remotely funny, incisive or sharp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under normal circumstances, it would not remotely be a sackable offence or a resignation issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very idea that the government would want to treat access to bandwidth as even remotely analogous to access to highways has latter-day asphalt manufacturers in a tizzy.
  • And part of that story is the optimism that the human brain is not even remotely close to its limits on capacity.
  • Boeing has made one such system and used it to steer military aircraft remotely.
  • “You expect that every manpays you the least attentionor treats youremotely decently is going to be your Prince Charming.” 2008 June « Becca’s Byline
  • Sometimes, sonorities more remotely related to the tropos are incorporated to produce a sense of harmonic instability and cadential delay.
  • Economic growth did not remotely interest him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The minehunters are equipped with two Pluto remotely operated mine disposal vehicles supplied by Gaymarine in Turate, Italy and by Gayrobot in Balerna, Switzerland.
  • Was your father remotely camp in any way? Times, Sunday Times
  • Using the latest medical conferencing solutions from MultiSense Communications - www. - based on Polycom equipment - surgeons from different disciplines, including bladder cancer and transplant surgery, have been able to view images transmitted at high bandwidth and high frame rates, allowing a diagnosis to be made remotely and without compromise. Press Releases
  • It's called the warlock system, which would have detected or set off anything with a wireless signal that would set off that bomb, so they believe this bomb was actually wired probably underground and detonated remotely through that wire instead of wirelessly. CNN Transcript Jan 30, 2006
  • You are the only person that finds yourself remotely interesting. The Sun
  • A year and a half ago, they were part of a 10-day vigil outside the base in Indian Springs, Nev. (about 35 miles from Las Vegas), protesting the Predator and Reaper drone flights over Afghanistan and Pakistan that are remotely piloted from the base. Robert Koehler: Drone Warfare on Trial
  • If we could manipulate organic matter and that seems to be the direction we are headed as they can, then we could by having sample of their rna/dna, create a new type of "rover" that remotely resembles the life form of that planet, with all the built in codes to avoid capture, take samples, and even remodify themselves to adapt. Posthuman Blues
  • Moreover, in social terms he has had to bear a burden the others could not even remotely contemplate having to carry.
  • She found that most of them had been expurgated to remove anything that was remotely controversial, in some cases making the author's intention unrecognizable.
  • This is a wonderful wine - honeyed and rich without being remotely cloying.
  • In addition, the transmission circuit of small signal is designed to suit the signal to transmit and control remotely.
  • Whitechapel is going to have to pull off some kind of masterstroke next week to wrap this one up in any way that's remotely convincing. TV review: Whitechapel, Horizon and A History of Horror With Mark Gatiss
  • Today, of course, speech is no longer theologized in the same way, since it has become the domain of linguistics; but powerful evidence via Chomsky and others that grammar may be inborn lends support to the notion that the human capacity for language is not shared, even remotely, by any other living form. Knotted Tongues
  • The technology at the heart of this trend is called geolocation; and with a GPS-enabled smartphone such as the Apple iPhone, Google Nexus One, or RIM BlackBerry, you can use it to let your friends know where you are, or to find places recommended by people you know, or to check in remotely at clubs, bars, and restaurants. Latest Articles
  • In fact, there is nothing even remotely resembling a new sound, riff or beat.
  • He's not anything remotely to do with the business. The Sun
  • There is no other player even remotely approaching her calibre.
  • You can track their movements via the mobile phone system, remotely monitor their presence in school, even learn when your teenager is driving too fast, thanks to a satellite-linked service that will snitch on him or her by e-mail.
  • The crooks access car computers remotely to trick them into unlocking doors. The Sun
  • Envision remotely controlled party barges bombing down the highway while we eat and drink in merriment entertained by tv, movies, internet, music and my personal crack of choice “information”. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Cellphones, Driving, and “Inattention Blindness”
  • On the ground itself there is no defile, no gorge, no precipitous mountain pass, nothing which can remotely be called a Gap from the point of view of anybody on the ground.
  • Office servers can be accessed remotely on data phones or home computers, thus allow - ing lawyers timesaving flexibility. Legal Practice
  • Access to reboot these servers remotely was not part of our job description.
  • We have certainly not seen a period remotely like it in the past 70 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, no compromise between these two views is remotely possible.
  • Scrambling turned to roped up exploration as the frustrating hunt for anything remotely matching the guidebook description ensued.
  • The man said there was ‘nothing remotely sinister’ about his work, which the university said centred on ‘the development of a novel matrix for the immobilisation of enzymes for biotechnology’.
  • Track two ` Be Content ' has more crazy noises and enticing vox, overall a really upbeat feel-good without ever been remotely cheesey sound.
  • Your description of the event suggests that nearly 100 people "jeered," which is not remotely true. Sound Politics: Reichert-Burner KING 5 debate
  • The receiver can be accessed and controlled remotely using Internet browsers or company software.
  • It also has its own app, so you can view light and energy use data remotely and make changes accordingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a few different tiers of security at our school, but most people (teachers and students) have what I refer to as tier one, which is where everything remotely useful is blocked. Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • So, despite all those glitzy hotels, it will be months before the destination as a whole feels remotely elegant.
  • I'm now sitting here covered in gloop because the result of the cut was hair that is at least three different colours, none of them remotely pleasant.
  • But it probably doesn't affect anything even remotely, except to boost the morale of the looney Fascists of Hamas, their Euro-wally supporters, et al. But that is not necessarily bad, it may encourage them to get over-confident, over-step "the mark" and come the proverbial "cropper". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Was your father remotely camp in any way? Times, Sunday Times
  • A key role in this warfare is assigned to remote minelaying and remotely controlled minefields.
  • There is no other player even remotely approaching her calibre.
  • The brew tasted only remotely of beer.
  • Yet it never entered her head for a moment to think that Prince Charles was remotely interested in romance.
  • These kids were placed on a remotely controlled disc-shaped craft, presumably to frighten Americans into "War of the World"-type hysterics.
  • The Arab assault was deliberate, not even remotely prompted by fear of an Israeli attack.
  • Parking spaces are being fitted with wireless smart sensors that detect vehicles that have exceeded their time limit and alert attendants remotely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only the swathes of descending guitar strumming keeps it remotely interesting.
  • That tether is not merely the technological capability to remotely delete files, it is more importantly the legal tether of being the licensor for the content on your reading device. Archive 2009-07-01
  • They allow you no room to say anything even remotely of value or interest, yet you must rack your brain for the titles of books (if any) which you read in the twelvemonth; you must struggle after what details (if any) you can recall.
  • The new design does not even remotely fit in with the rest of the area and will, as you can see, dwarf the other surrounding buildings.
  • There is nobody in fiction before him who is remotely like him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mason said that a big difference for small businesses is that employees will now be able to work from their homes or from a satellite office because all the information they need can now be accessed remotely.
  • Not remotely a follower of high street trends; more likely to be found in vintage shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • He introduced innovations in standing and running rigging, sail setting, hydrofoil under-water gear, remotely controlled pumps, self-draining devices, controllable, flexible rigs, trapezes and out-board hung rudders.
  • Okay chillun, I figured out the attraction of Facebook, it gives one the impression that your lame ass life is remotely interesting to people who are in turn buried in lame ass lives of their own. Facial attraction
  • Hybrid remotely operated vehicle 'Nereus' reaches deepest part of the ocean RxPG News : Latest Medical, Healthcare and Research News
  • This is a two-pronged question, only one prong of which, the novel, I feel even remotely qualified to address. MIND MELD: What's the Best Story to Never Win a Hugo?
  • And no one who is dating a 26 year old can be said to be remotely pedophiliac or even ephebophiliac. OH-GOV: Blackwell Campaign Spreads New Rumors About Strickland's "Boy Toy"
  • There isn't anything remotely difficult about this spinach and feta pie, but I was undone from the start because none of the six local shops I visited sold filo pastry. Bish, bash, bosh: putting Jamie's 30 Minute Meals to the test
  • At seventy-five, Davidson did not seem remotely doddery.
  • Singer as writer is not a remotely new concept. Times, Sunday Times
  • Botnets generally comprise thousands of malware-infected zombie computers that are controlled remotely by a host to carry out a wide array of seemingly untraceable attacks.
  • Of companies surveyed, two in five rely on extensive networks of laptop computers used by employees who work remotely.
  • Demonstrators yesterday testified as to how impossible it would have been to count the numbers remotely accurately from aerial snapshots or crowd flows past certain points.
  • The behaviour of humans is not remotely akin to the passage through time and space of mere objects, entirely comprehensible through the laws of physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • No American president could dream of anything remotely like that today.
  • The essay isn't even remotely relevant to the topic.
  • It was a bookable offence, but not remotely serious enough to warrant such punishment.
  • A highly maneuverable underwater vehicle that can be operated remotely with computer assistance was designed, fabricated and tested by researchers at the University of Florida.
  • They have variously claimed that they shot it down or remotely skyjacked it before landing the craft in one piece. U.S. Says Drone Crashed, Refuting Iran's Claim
  • That's funny, I thought to myself, you must be mistaking me for someone who is remotely interested.
  • And there was nothing there that even remotely resembled my current hairstyle, so I modelled the avatar on me five years ago when my hair was short and reddish brown.
  • Not far from the Wright exhibit at the Air and Space Museum, you can find an exhibit featuring five different drones - the Air Force prefers the term remotely piloted aircraft. News
  • This book chronicles a high tech commune, where they were bound together not in agrarian pursuits but in a techno-cyber-public relations firm where they were always in contact remotely. Digital Camera
  • The first thing that becomes obvious, when you start digging into the subject of a G.M. bankruptcy, is that the idea of a so-called prepackaged bankruptcy - a "prepack," as it's called - is not remotely applicable for any of the Big Three auto companies. Rocky Mount Telegram - Business
  • I think there is no school of fundamentalism that remotely approximates to this level of dominance, or even aspires to it.
  • Reference data aids analysis and interpretation of remotely sensed data; calibrates sensors; and verifies information extracted from remote sensing data.
  • The benefits of remotely accessing your PC from the road are numerous, but the bottom line is that it enables you to use your computer from the road like you never left home.
  • To begin with, anything even remotely sexist is verboten.
  • Two remotely controlled roving vehicles are now on the Martian surface.
  • It tasted not remotely like the real thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The controls can be executed remotely via e-mail or a Web page.
  • The hard part is applying the paint to your wall and having the finished job remotely resemble the dramatic burnt umbers, the flirtatious pinks, the forest greens that you thought were going to change your life, deliver a whole new you, make your friends realize that somewhere behind that bland façade lies a raging Michelangelo, or at least someone who could have been a successful interior decorator if you'd chosen that career path. Painting Outside the Lines
  • In a few years, telesurgery performed by multi-armed robots remotely controlled by real surgeons will become commonplace. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Robotic telesurgery by remote surgeons

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