How To Use Remission of sin In A Sentence
His death was a sacrifice to God and a propitiation for the remission of sins.
_ [Greek: aphesis amartiôn] _ never means _forgiveness, _ one form at least of _God's_ sending away of sins; neither do I say that the taking of the phrase to mean _repentance for the remission of sins_, namely, repentance in order to obtain the pardon of God, involves any inconsistency; but I say that the word _ [Greek: eis] _ rather _unto_ than
Hope of the Gospel
Pr. “And the commixture, which is in this cup, may He make living blood, and procuring life to all our souls; blood salutary — blood celestial — blood saving our souls and bodies — blood of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, for remission of sins to those receiving them.”
Dionysius the Areopagite, Works (1897)
Perhaps as a moralizing subtext, Alexander piped in a recording of a monastic chant of Psalm 51, a prayer for the remission of sins.
God has promised remission of sins to believers, those who have entered into covenant with him, as often as they repent and flee by true faith to Christ their propitiator and expiator.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
Thirdly, the adversaries say that sin is remitted; because an attrite or contrite person elicits an act of love to God [if we undertake from reason to love God], and by this act merits to receive the remission of sins.
Apology of the Augsburg Confession
Without the shedding of the blood of Jesus there could have been no remission of sin.
Antinomians will not yield it lawful to a believer to pray for remission of sins.
The formal remission of sin imparted by a priest, as in the sacrament of penance.
She also included characters to lecture on the Presbyterian and Methodist arguments for the practice as well as a ‘Campbellite’ to testify to baptism for the remission of sins.
Christ charged His disciples to preach the remission of sins in His name among all nations; but they themselves were not empowered to remove one stain of sin.
The armed pilgrimage had not lost its allure, nor the promise of remission of sins.
We remember that John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance for the remission of sin.
As man," says he, "is illuminated with the grace of the Holy Spirit by the priest that baptizes, so also _he who confesses in penitence receives through the priest_, by the grace of Christ, the remission of sin.
Confession and Absolution
This satisfaction is impleaded as inconsistent with free remission of sins, — how causelessly we have seen.
A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
Remission of sin is not the mere cold reputative or forensic remission of a legal bond or debt.
Supper does not confer _grace ex opere operato_, and that, when applied on behalf of others, alive or dead, it does not merit for them _ex opere operato_ the remission of sins, of guilt or of punishment.
Apology of the Augsburg Confession
For although the Mass is called an offering, in what does the term favor the dreams concerning the _opus operatum_, and the application which, they imagine, merits for others the remission of sins?
Apology of the Augsburg Confession
Propitiatory, expiatory, remissory, or satisfactory, for they signify all one thing in effect, and is nothing else but a thing whereby to obtain remission of sins, and to have salvation.
Sermons on the Card
Perhaps as a moralizing subtext, Alexander piped in a recording of a monastic chant of Psalm 51, a prayer for the remission of sins.
There will be absolution and remission of sins for all who die in the service of Christ.
The individual benefits by remission of sins and spiritual training, but a prime purpose is to strengthen the solidarity of the Muslim community.
The ultimate expression of this deep-seated corruption is the practice of selling, for that most worldly of objects, money, something that concerns man's deepest and inmost nature - the spiritual peace brought by the remission of sins.
Infants, because they lacked a will developed enough to choose evil, need not be baptized for the remission of sins they had never committed.