
How To Use Reminisce In A Sentence

  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • As for the national outpouring of ersatz grief, reminiscent of the scenes that followed the death of Princess Diana, it surely spoke not of feeling but of an egotistical inability to feel, compensated for by outward show.
  • On the occasion of his 95th birthday, the city of Paris celebrates his work with an exhibition in the hall of the Hôtel-de-Ville, retracing 75 years of his career, with stories and reminiscences by the artist.
  • It was the least encumbered of all the tenures with obsolete and burdensome features, reminiscent of an older day, when land-holding involved public rights and duties as well as private rights of ownership.
  • Drinking among the upper classes of Persian society, for example, took place at secret parties reminiscent of Greek symposia with their strictly ritualized etiquette and emphasis on poetry and discussion.
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  • The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.
  • The actors themselves are firmly located in contemporary Rome: the vivid specificity of the social milieux is sometimes more reminiscent of satire than of earlier elegy.
  • Her expression collapsed into one of forlorn reminiscence before she continued on in her stranger’s voice. Flowers in the Attic
  • It was reminiscent of the television commercial which shows a cheating singer being chased out of a platteland town when a record he mimes to gets stuck.
  • The jazzy percussion's reminiscent of Liquid Liquid: snaps, shakers, cowbell, and maracas.
  • The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
  • And classical reminiscences have, even with him, a dull musty tinge which recalls the antiquarian in his Cambridge college-rooms rather than the visitor to Florence and Rome. Proserpine and Midas
  • It's reminiscent of an installation by Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch for the International Garden Festival at Jardins de Métis/Reford Gardens. Spatial High Jinks
  • In this season of strikes — mostly against proposed pension reform — we've seen the Eiffel Tower closed to visitors and Metro train interiors reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch paintings. It's Lights, Camera, Strike in France
  • Reminiscent of a traditional baronial style house, the Strathallan is entered through a vestibule with double doors.
  • It's a familiar and rather well-worn mechanic, but the sepia-toned graphical overlay is a stylish touch and the extravagant rag doll physics sends your victim rocketing through the air like a crazed acrobat, which is fun to behold and suitably reminiscent of a Peckinpah bloodbath. Blogposts |
  • This proposal is reminiscent of the consolidation interpretation of sleep-learning problems put forth by Hebb.
  • Imitation) as the basis of all social morality, in reminiscence of Female Introduction
  • Private collectors often reminisce of the days they picked up six bottles of 1982 Le Pin at under €20 a bottle, back then not an inconsiderable amount to pay for a relatively unknown wine. The Remarkable Rise of Le Pin
  • It's a typically riotous mix of oompah music-hall cavortings, slurred-pitch Middle Eastern rhapsodising, luxuriously sensuous clarinet love-songs, and stormy collective blasts reminiscent of the 1960s John Coltrane quartet. Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble: The Tide Has Changed
  • Crossing genres from lo-fi slacker rock to Greek chillwave, it felt exciting and fresh at the same time as throwing you back into the past in a disorientating timewarp reminiscent of Gold-era Spandau Ballet. The sax is back
  • I reminisce for a fleeting moment about breezy Saturday nights, black couches and a brawny shoulder
  • Neat, compact, there was something about her vaguely reminiscent of a seal pup.
  • Let me salute you with a reminiscence from a speech to this Empire Club some time ago. An Introduction to the Philippines
  • Guitarist Steve Conte fills the song with tasty licks reminiscent of John Leventhal.
  • A modern and sprawling city which sports imposing government monuments reminiscent of the Washington Mall, Brasilia is also home to the nation's Upper Electoral Court overseeing the nation's presidential election. Nikolas Kozloff: Part III: What Is the Brazilian Brand?
  • Greene had the good sense to tape his conversations with his Dad, whose verbatim reminiscences about the war are sprinkled throughout the book.
  • To me, it is reminiscent of an old corporation dustcart, not dissimilar to the one seen in the 1971 feature film when the Dads Army platoon hitch a ride back to Walmington-On-Sea from their manoeuvres (thank you Anoneumouse). And now... the European Army
  • Its pages are full of wide-ranging reminiscences about encountering the writing as well as the writer. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I reminisce about the sight of a hawksbill turtle and the sound it made as it swept its fins over the sand for a comfortable spot to lay eggs.
  • In a bowler hat and smoking jacket to portray the world - famous sleuth, Downey (see photo) is reminiscent of another British icon - Charlie Chaplin.
  • The trio's third movement is a scherzo, full of fleeting and magical tunes very reminiscent of the Midsummer's Night Dream overture, a piece that Mendelssohn wrote when he was just 17.
  • The projection from a semi-circle is reminiscent of certain forms of seashells.
  • With a chill vibe and harmonious R&B crooning, it's more than a little reminiscent of Fantastic's "Players".
  • Moreover, in a recent subscribers issue of Counterpunch (Vol. 16, No. 7) Pam Martens describes the game-plan of the “Free-State Project” to take over the state of New Hampshire by force and create a laissez-faire society reminiscent of the wishes of Messrs. A and B and the gangsterish primary ponerogenic union, Club B, which I described inPart II. Confucianism and the Impact of Sociopathy, Part III
  • This is a favourite haunt of buskers and artists, hanging out amid the theatres and restaurants in a manner reminiscent of Paris.
  • Mother Clap's Molly House is a camp spectacle reminiscent of music hall and it has some shockingly funny one liners.
  • Then, last Saturday, Liverpool adjusted to cope with the pre-match loss of two key players, came back from conceding an early goal, and proceeded to thoroughly humiliate Manchester United at Old Trafford: "Ferguson, standing on the touchline in a coat reminiscent of Michael Foot, had the legs cut from under him and took to twitching from a seat in the dugout," whilst Wayne Rooney was reduced to an arm-whirling figure of anger and despair. Archive 2009-03-01
  • He responded testily to questions about WikiLeaks's opaque finances, Private Manning's fate and WikiLeaks's apparent lack of accountability to anybody but himself, calling the questions "cretinous," "facile" and reminiscent of "kindergarten. NYT > Home Page
  • This recipe is reminiscent of the classic Mexican pork loin roasted with orange juice. Pork Chops with Tamarind Orange Glaze: Chuletas de Puerco con Tamarindo y Naranja
  • All of us were deeply absorbed in happy reminiscences.
  • It's reminiscent of 1930's Germany, and we shouldn't have to deal with neo-fascist nonsense since Bush is no longer in the White House. Napolitano takes aim at Arizona immigration law
  • The first sign of corkiness is a musty smell reminiscent of wet cardboard.
  • The adjective "Orwellian" is often used to describe any real world scenario reminiscent of the novel. Background information for George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • Zohra Labrooy was the ideal audience for reminiscence or confession.
  • Google calls the devise "reminiscent of an ice cream cart. MPNnow Home RSS
  • She has not turned onto the dead-end road of reminiscence, disability and dependence, but rather onto the long, fulfilling road of life, happiness, and salvation.
  • At times, the book is reminiscent of a Victorian tear-jerker.
  • A flurry of letters to local newspapers all over the country triggered a steady flow of chatty reminiscences by letter, e-mail and phone.
  • For example, one should not talk of death, dying or misfortune and not reminisce about the past year, as this is a new year and a new beginning.
  • Miller's particular approach, the warmongering approach, is self-evidently reminiscent of the Bush/Cheney years, in which any domestic reversal was followed by an elevated level on the colour-coded risk-assessment wheel. Frank Miller and the rise of cryptofascist Hollywood
  • There were no rock star anecdotes or reminiscences about his years in the ‘biz’.
  • A ruddy, white-haired old gentleman, cordial, cultivated, and a little shyly if gladly reminiscent, received me in the office of his ship chandlering store in Bay Street, Charleston. The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South
  • The trio's third movement is a scherzo, full of fleeting and magical tunes very reminiscent of the Midsummer's Night Dream overture, a piece that Mendelssohn wrote when he was just 17.
  • As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
  • It is also reminiscent of "guzzle" which is in effect what you do .. hoovering up the incessant feeds on the website. Shiny Shiny
  • As a cross of philosophy and divine Platosophy, Plato s doctrine of reminiscence has theological form.
  • And then maybe a smokery of some kind, reminiscent as it is of the little brick structures with their terracotta chimneys out on the Dungeness peninsular. Wessex Interlude 2
  • In between puffs on the ever-present cigarette he will reminisce about golf for hours.
  • This suggests that there is no characteristic time scale for the process, reminiscent of the dynamics of plastic flow in solids, which is termed creep.
  • Using the humanistic technique of history and reminiscence, this article traces the idiosyncracies of the pythagorean philosophy: the refusal to put law in writing, the use of hieroglyphs, the dependence upon oracular judgment, the belief in multiple lives, askesis and akousmata, and places them at the root of what is most emblematically common law. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The most stylish party nowadays would be one held on a yacht, reminiscent of historic entertainment on royal boats or magnificent junks.
  • The title track is even an evocative melody reminiscent of early Portishead.
  • [2] "Almost prehistoric" was the verdict of the distinguished film editor Ralph Rosenblum, who worked on The Producers and has reminisced none too flatteringly about his sole collaboration with Brooks, whom he characterizes as a bullheaded amateur who had no idea how to use the resources of the camera to create humor. Double Take
  • We reminisced and drank shots for a half hour or so.
  • There were no posters in the streets, few reminiscences on the bookstalls, and only a moderate media build-up.
  • I worked from sunup to sundown,’ he reminisces.
  • Research is continuing, but it poses the question, do we have here a unique glazed stone item, reminiscent of the glazed steatite of 5th millennium Mesopotamia?
  • With an eager, springy step, distantly reminiscent of a shopwalker heading a procession of customers, with a touch of the style of the winner in a walking-race to Brighton, the once slow-moving butler led the way to the headmaster's study. The Head of Kay's
  • On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine 15)peachblow, her expression a happy one, 16)tinged with reminiscence.
  • The sound and video quality are reminiscent of a solid public television offering, which is to say stolid and unflashy but executed with quality.
  • Four former high school friends reminisce about their pasts when they meet up 20 years on. The Sun
  • I reminisce for a fleeting moment about breezy Saturday nights, meaningful movies, black cozy couches and the comfort of a brawny shoulder to rest on.
  • And being able to say that leaves a silky smooth taste in the mouth not unreminiscent of bacon-wrapped chicken livers.
  • Just like in high school, they will reminisce about the past and look forward to the future.
  • The art was too reminiscent of frescoes in temples or churches!
  • Kids that weren't even born seem to have acquired memories of that day from their parents when they reminisce about the event.
  • Eminem, now wearing a smart suit and red tie, declaims in a style reminiscent of Martin Luther King.
  • Red-and-white checkered tablecloths contrast with the dark wood in the cozy two-part dining room reminiscent of a ski chalet.
  • I decided to use a wing feather from a golden eagle [Aquila chrysaetos], which is of course beautiful, reminiscent of both flight and of a quill pen.
  • He was a pleasant man who tended to tell horrible jokes and reminisce too much about days gone by.
  • Mexicans also cut dry tortillas into squares, fry them, and use in place of croutons in soup; or cut them into strips and make concoctions reminiscent of pasta dishes.
  • In a bowler hat and smoking jacket to portray the world - famous sleuth, Downey (see photo) is reminiscent of another British icon - Charlie Chaplin.
  • He liked to display a map - reminiscent of a phrenology chart - showing which areas of the brain are involved in drug use and addiction.
  • Because the reasoning would be too puerile and the attempted association too reminiscent of the methods of Stalinism.
  • Artwork, reminiscent of old-fashioned cubism, hung on the walls. MAMBO
  • Stadium MK is still oddly indistinguishable in texture from the Ikea megastore with which it shares a plot, its main entrance reminiscent of the marketing suite of a rather swish new suburban residential development. Dietmar Hamann aims for the top again – with or without MK Dons
  • The terraced square of rough stone blocks follows the terrain, suggesting an odd reminiscence of prehistoric megaliths.
  • Through flashbacks, reminiscences and circuitous conversations, the questions echo and re-echo, teasingly existential, never quite igniting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brewer fumes at the oil-services giant's tactics, which he calls hypocritical and reminiscent of the rhetorical handsprings of the News
  • As the last words of the song fade, the swell of organs segues into a trebly acoustic guitar and hi-hat section highly reminiscent of early Modest Mouse.
  • Permit me to indulge once again my childhood reminiscences.
  • These are reminiscent of the batfish of the Indo-Pacific but much less brutal in the looks department.
  • Nevertheless, liberals are furious about what they're calling a stonewall tactic, reminiscent of the Bush-Cheney years. CNN Transcript May 13, 2009
  • The title combines over 100 logic puzzles with a charming story line and an appealing graphical style reminiscent of French animation. The game retail industry according to MCV
  • We'd reminisce about how time had flown. The Sun
  • It is probable, too, that” Deum qui absconsa manifestat “(IV.xxxi. 2) may be a reminiscence of the phrase ho tōn kruptōn gnōstēs in v. 42; and still more probably perhaps” qui est absconsorum cognitor “in IV.xxxv. 2 has its origin in this same verse. The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study.
  • _ -- In this kind of paraphasia in adults the cause is a lack of attention; therefore purely central concentration is wanting, or one fails to "collect himself"; there is distraction, hence the unintentional, frequently unconscious, confounding of words similar in sound or connected merely by remote, often dim, reminiscences. The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • Furthermore he had a song for almost every occasion as he had a prison song, based on his time in the slammer which is reminiscent of > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
  • Their reminiscences contain no hint of self-pity or resentment about either the grinding poverty or their father's strict approach to parenting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conversations about tattooing here as in Ngungwe eerily echoed the reminiscences of women from across Magude district who "beautified" their bodies with tinhlanga during the colonial period. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • His style of painting is reminiscent of Da Vinci's.
  • It is reminiscent of the exotic Rhone Condrieu, but the wash is lighter and clearly more citric.
  • He loved to reminisce and was only sorry that not more of his erstwhile rivals were around to share the memories. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sleepily, I recalled the events of the night with content reminiscence.
  • Though the opposition was by no means in the same class, the context and quality of his innings was reminiscent of his solo stands against the Australians six seasons ago - the indisputable apex of his career.
  • She took refuge in every-day affairs; she told him of the giddy doings that kept her occupied from morning till night, of Cinders (the mention of whose name kindled a reminiscent gleam in the Frenchman's eyes), of the coming birthday dance, which he must promise to attend. The Rocks of Valpre
  • Scottish master of jerry-building and of "plinths," the atmosphere was truly Scots, tea-coseys and all, while the reminiscences of Paris and The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 1 (of 25)
  • Miss Bertha Bowlong, who was governess to the KAISER in the late "sixties," is shortly about to publish her reminiscences of her now all-too-notorious pupil. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, January 19, 1916
  • Neoclassical commodes, desks, and some chairs had fluted tapered legs reminiscent of upside-down obelisks.
  • Her talk and reminiscence were one of the highlights of the weekend.
  • Here, the sense of immediacy and the developing narrative are reminiscent of sketched film storyboards.
  • This, and the story in "Arachne," how she let him touch the tea-kettle; and the reminiscences in "Præterita" of playthings locked up, and a lone little boy staring at the water-cart and the pattern on the carpet -- all these give a gloomy impression of his mother, against which we must set the proofs of affection and kindliness shown in her letters. The Life of John Ruskin
  • Perhaps only a railwayman could reminisce about his former workplace with such affection.
  • As a vocalist, however, he only emphasises the insipid nature of his songs, most of which are reminiscent of mediocre 80s pop.
  • The psychological goal of such amnesia was the elimination of traumatic fixation; the narratological goal was the elimination of chaotic, incoherent reminiscence.
  • She likes to reminisce about her childhood.
  • Moon's brooding landscapes, somewhat reminiscent of Corot, capture the beauty of trees and the luminous colour of the countryside.
  • Neoclassical commodes, desks, and some chairs had fluted tapered legs reminiscent of upside-down obelisks.
  • Aaron Johnson sells Dave's earnestness (and the movie itself) with a dweebish grace reminiscent of John Francis Daley's Sam Weir in the television show Freaks and Geeks. MOVIE REVIEW: Kick-Ass (2010)
  • Some of these suits are reminiscent of the sleek, aerodynamic suits worn by speed skaters.
  • With his smart clothes, close-cropped blond hair and remarkable self-assurance, Keating is more reminiscent of William Hague.
  • The old lady's reminiscences were a continual delight to Constance.
  • There is little dramatic impulse, but, especially when sung in German, the solo music is reminiscent of Mozart's Die Zauberflöte in its simple direct melody and clear diatonic harmony.
  • The feat of getting so many men across the forbidden mountain range which separates the west coast of Chile from the jungle on the east was reminiscent of Hannibal's crossing of the Alps.
  • The latter track is reminiscent of the popular kwela instrumentals of the previous decade, except that the whistle has been usurped by the electrified sounds of keyboards, angular lead guitar, and driving bass. PopMatters
  • Many crew photographs of the nineteenth century show crews in poses reminiscent of school photographs with the entire crew assembled for posterity.
  • While we stroll down memory lane, let's not forget to reminisce about those houses that used to have dirt floors near Moecherville and on Plain Avenue. Aurora Housing Authority's Chronic Problem of Jericho Circle Complex to Be Demolished Summer 2010
  • No, but I am profoundly moved by the sad beauty of it; and by the fact that perhaps Poe got his refrain of 'nevermore' for his _Raven_ as a reminiscence from it. Tramping on Life An Autobiographical Narrative
  • People with dementia often respond to Reality Orientation and reminiscence or other therapies.
  • Wavy textures running the length of whitewashed walls create shadows reminiscent of the sea.
  • We reminisced about the past and talked about the present, as well as the future.
  • Very little of this material repeats the footage used in the program, and it's a pleasure to get to listen to these actresses offer more reminiscences, commentary, and behind-the-scenes anecdotes.
  • It's a handheld device, vaguely reminiscent of a transistor radio from yesteryear.
  • Hard on their heels come the Spanish with Jelly Flops, a toxic fruit pastille variant, reminiscent of the Irish Sea.
  • Rich with ionones, boronia has a scent reminiscent of yellow freesia, green tea and raspberry. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Its short lines are reminiscent of Plath, but it has a restraint that lightens the effect of the lineation. Vendler on Armitage: the willingness not to make a point…not to be witty
  • The Skipper caught me at it, I know; but he continued generously unabated in reminiscence. “Samuel! There was a rolling wonder in the sound. Ay, there was!”
  • Such wines have a very distinct aroma reminiscent of bananas or kirsch.
  • The crown and the double eagle are very reminiscent of the state emblem of tsarist Russia. Blackwater -- The Home Game (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The boy spread his arms with a small grin, taking on a pose reminiscent of a model.
  • In general, the aspect of the exterior of the Palais de Fontainebleau, the walls themselves, the Cours, the alleyed walks are chiefly reminiscent of the early art of the Renaissance. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • This time around – and I think we're on the 22nd remake now – they've steampunked it, gussying it up with much retro-futuristic silliness and cheap-looking CGI, anachronistic weaponry and ordnance, by-the-numbers action-heroics, and a sky teeming with armadas of heavily armoured hot-air balloons reminiscent of Zeppelins. This steampunk take on The Three Musketeers doesn't buckle my swash
  • My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy.
  • His carved plywood canvasses are acutely reminiscent of fossil imprints layered in geological strata.
  • However, interspersed throughout his reminiscences are observations about his present preoccupations, micro-essays on music, art, and literature, as well as aphoristic sentences.
  • From time to time, Russian dancers clad in national costume would pop up to dance between the tables, somehow reminiscent of a doll twirling round and round inside a music box.
  • On the white wine front, Argentina's most distinctive grape is torrontes, which makes a delicate, floral wine reminiscent of dry muscat and Gewürztraminer with much lighter body.
  • At the heart of this New Age spiritual psychology are a number of concepts vaguely reminiscent of biorhythms, numerology, astrology, tarot card reading, and Myers-Briggs personality inventories.
  • Big-leaf magnolias, reminiscent of banana trees but much larger, grow profusely across every tangled terrace.
  • Their combat days are over, but father and son reminisce about a past that makes them comrades as well as kin.
  • Proctor is also top-notch, and uncannily reminiscent of Will Ferrell.
  • To help him reminisce, he is joined by troupers from that period: Ken Dodd, Roy Hudd, Sheila Tracy and Anthony Horowitz.
  • The cytologic and architectural features of these tumors are reminiscent of those of the normal posterior pituitary lobe.
  • Someday, this car, too, is likely to evoke the affection, the stories, and the reminiscences that the restored 240Z did when I took it to a Kool & the Gang concert this summer.
  • If you hit a major bump, you get bangs from the front suspension reminiscent of the previous model, which was certainly less than perfect dynamically.
  • Fragments of metachromatic chondromyxoid extracellular material contained cells that were reminiscent of chondrocytes.
  • Maybe Senator Kerry can hold hearings and get pro-Pali "newsmen" to testify about how the IDF razed Gaza "in a way reminiscent of Genghis Khan". THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS
  • Hair is definitely going to new heights for the holidays with a trend towards upswept hairstyles reminiscent of the 1950's.
  • Floral and herbal notes lingered on the finish, reminiscent of a fine Japanese green tea, alongside a sugariness closer to refined sugar or syrup rather than the usual caramel/toffee flavour.
  • But this time they're sweet tiny Taylor Bay whole scallops, reminiscent of clams, with prettier shells.
  • It also quotes extensively from his voluminous war notes - letters, journals, and personal reminiscences written during and shortly after the war.
  • It is with the tenderest touch that in his reminiscent record of this their last meeting he depicts her "problematical" nature, and pays his tribute to all that she had been to him. [ The Youth of Goethe
  • Farjami, oppressed by the smell of camphor, which is used in the preparation of the body for burial, reminisces about the smell of jasmine, which brings to mind spring and fresh beginnings.
  • His new hair is reminiscent of a young Clark Gable, with a side parting slicked over to the right.
  • The songs are very reminiscent in parts of early Floyd, with smatterings of elements of Echoes and Animals thrown in for good measure.
  • Any personal reminiscences, photographs, accounts of Service life and any other information relating to this area of Southern Hampshire during the war years will also be warmly welcomed.
  • The goal was reminiscent of the one with which he dispatched Derby County last month. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the Pasadena, California-based management team, this set of channels debouching into the ocean-like dark lowlands were reminiscent of the Los Angeles River's terminus at Long Beach, California.
  • When baked in shortbread, spruce tips have an almost fruity flavor, reminiscent of raspberries. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Young (a local schoolteacher who was recently named the Poet Laureate of Alexandria) that treat each letter of the alphabet to playful and urbane snatches of verse (reminiscent of Ogden Nash at his airiest), and video projections designed by Wendall K. Harrington. In performance: 21st Century Consort
  • Filmed in semidocumentary style, Southland is reminiscent of several other series, including ER (frequent ER director Christopher Chulack directed the premiere), Boomtown and The Shield, although Southland can't match The Shield's breathing-down-your-neck atmosphere. California Chronicle
  • Sometimes this was encased in a rich crust of pastry or dough similar to saffron bread, a form reminiscent of the Scottish black bun.
  • The storm had a distinctive comma shape—reminiscent of a hurricane—that forms when air circles around a low-pressure center.
  • Not less reminiscent of many bygone ages are the ornamentation and decorative details; and in the rooms, statuary plundered from the Greek islands or brought by the Captain Mansana and Mother's Hands
  • We'd reminisce about how time had flown. The Sun
  • ‘Go Get Some’ contains a guitar strum eerily reminiscent of the Mulholland Drive theme.
  • This DVD is a great mix of live music and intelligent conversation with a great band of seemingly cool guys, albeit with a geek factor reminiscent of the math faculty.
  • It was too reminiscent of the way John Butler had ended Portrait of Billie.
  • It was more reminiscent of a funeral wake. The Sun
  • With his stentorian voice, he regaled his audience with his good humour and reminiscences of his days in sports.
  • The conditions in the sweatshops of south east Asia are reminiscent of the way in which Engels described conditions in the north of England in the 1840s.
  • At the sight of its hoarily sprinkled blackness he always felt as if he were standing on the verge of some frightful revelation; a vague reminiscence, no doubt, from the scene of his life's tragedy, all distinct memory of which had been blurred away by his illness. Strangers at Lisconnel
  • The solution lies not in trying to recreate a system that is reminiscent of Enid Blyton through a rose-tinted lens, but in an approach that focuses on bringing out the best in its pupils, without the iron-rod of conformity.
  • The novel contains endless reminiscences of/about the author's youth.
  • The lights went out on the board, and a sound reminiscent of a raspberry came from the computer's speakers.
  • The women, now much older, reminisce, rekindle old friendships, open old wounds, and perform some of their Follies numbers.
  • It is understood to resemble a cluster of interlocking, fractured rings reminiscent of the Olympic logo. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this respect, visually speaking, the film will be slightly reminiscent of fauvism.
  • It's a rather chirpy little guitar-pop song with a melody that is strangely reminiscent of the Postman Pat theme tune.
  • CRUZ: You know, he ` s been shunning comparisons to Usher, but it ` s kind of inevitable, because his hit song, "Run It," it ` s a crunked-up club hit that is reminiscent of Usher ` s monster "Yeah!" from last year. CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2005
  • She writes in a style reminiscent of both Proust and Falkner.
  • Generation gap, conservation, reminiscence, pedantry and stubbornness all basically derive from that.
  • At one point Baldwin swooped one woman off her feet in a scene that was reminiscent of an old World War II movie reel celebrating the war's end.
  • Experimental tests showed that different molecular configurations interconvert until an arrangement predominates that is reminiscent of tyre tracks. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • And there's a rhetorical whimsy reminiscent of some of Atkinson's earlier books, a devil-may-care gesturing at the novel's own fictionality, which can leave the characters threatening to float free of our trust in them. Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson
  • This sun hat frames the face very nicely and is reminiscent of the old prairie sun bonnets.
  • n. - act of reminiscence; history of medical case. anamnestic, adj. - reminiscent; aiding the memory Xml's
  • Its rather angular and extenuated figures are reminiscent of those of a pyxis in Berkeley which has already been discussed in its relation to our painter.
  • `Wild and furious, with a life of its own, reminiscent of Pre-Raphaelite paintings. SUMMER OF SECRETS

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