How To Use Remind In A Sentence
Laura Wade's Posh, timed to open as the Tories edged into power in May 2010, reminded us just what we were in for: overprivileged hooligans in drinking-society blazers who trash a pub as thoughtlessly as they will trash the country.
Dominic Cooke: a life in theatre
Considering his height, then the steely look and his rough voice, both of which reminded me a lot of Carey, he was a rather intimidating person, even to me.
We would have make it earlier, but I procrastinated with completed and sealed ballots sitting on my desk for a couple of days -- no good excuse, but the reminders to spare the GOTC callers (and ourselves) reminder calls goosed me into action.
More particularly, in the hoodedness of her eyes, she reminded me of Malvina Schalkova, the Prague-born artist posthumously famous for the sketches and watercolors she made in Theresienstadt, and whose self-portrait, mirroring an infinity of sorrow, I first became familiar with when I visited Theresienstadt with Zoë.
Kalooki Nights
When the toughest of the problems strike me, I just remind myself that God is on my side. RVM
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They were pink and yellow and orange, and they reminded Kate of the flowers from a Dr. Seuss book.
She is a constant reminder that an alternative was once possible, which might flower again.
For the computer savvy individual, you can set up your daily or weekly schedule to give you an auto-reminder of you resolution.
The situation reminds of other art items like netsuke or tsuba in the 50s when these items where collected only by a small minority.
Animals are humanized, that is, the kinship between animal and human life is still keenly felt, and this reminds us of those early animistic interpretations of nature which subsequently led to doctrines of metempsychosis.
The Art of the Story-Teller
The unposed, rather awkward-looking, front-on shots remind us that fashion is not all about celebrity and stylists.
He loved all Jenny's children deeply-especially Ian, the wee gowk whose mixture of foolishness and pigheaded courage reminded him so much of himself at that age.
Drums of Autumn
Even the sight of a gibbet, if it assured him that one robber was safely disposed of by justice, never failed to remind him how many remained still unhanged.
Rob Roy
The calced Augustinians also made their elections -- but not so quickly that we could avoid sending to them to remind them not to allow the disturbances of other times to occur in their chapter -- by having made them beforehand through their devotion to the outgoing provincial, who managed the succession for another as worthy as he.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
The hard-throwing Weaver has a knack for challenging left-handed hitters in a manner that reminds me of a young Frank Tanana.
The art installation suggests the continuity and fragility of Mediterranean civilization, reminding us of the simultaneous remoteness and seamlessness of the past.
You can also set bill reminders or overdraft alerts.
Times, Sunday Times
5.8 Lunes and Triangles Begin by reminding students that a lune is a crescent-shaped fi gure
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Inside reminded her of a hotel; maroon carpet, cream walls and bellboys in black and grey suits.
But you remind me of the crackhead in the pharmacy.
We have to remind every free citizen of this world about our lack of freedom.
As you prepare to celebrate Christmas, remind yourself that life itself is a celebration. Make each day a celebration! RVM
The situation reminds me of the commonly held view that anything ‘local’ is inferior to that from ‘foreign.’
The photographs of black cotton pickers, including young children, are reminders of the harsh reality underlying the glory.
He might be 900 feet tall, and gentle as a lamb in real life, but Micky Clarkskies has got a manic look in his eyes that reminds one of the bulging diabetical look Biggie used to charm the ladies.
Our Top 10 Picks to Play Notorious B.I.G. | Best Week Ever
And in almost all of the lusterware there's the constant reminder of the debt owed to the 12th - and 13th-century Persian ceramic tradition.
Upper Broadway's Buried Treasures
He reminds them too much of the Olympic mascots.
The Sun
Richard and his friends, he reminds us constantly, are wealthy, beautiful, aloof from the slings and arrows of dowdiness and paying bills and slogging it out in monotonous jobs.
That chamber pot, you see, somehow reminds me of the brains on the floor.
Your reminders will help you navigate this process.
Christianity Today
Miss the annual reminder letter and you are tied in for another year.
Times, Sunday Times
I remind you that my staff and I considered this indi'vidual's release and return premature.
The False Mirror
I'm not sure the term insufferable boor is quite adequate here, I'm not saying that he's entirely without humor, but it's the sort of humor that is always tempered by a reminder of how much money he has and how he is holding it over his adult children.
Outfoxed Diary Entry
As the judge reminded the jury, in interview Bodrul denied that he was acting in self - defence and he said that he was not acting under provocation.
Anywhere he roams, she is there, a reminder of the fragility of his heart and of his sham relationships.
They are wonderful reminders of the enduring mystery and magic that is childhood itself.
The blocks are covered in dense comic art that reminds me of the Sergio Argones marginalia in MAD Magazine -- a million zillion sight gags on the theme of "Oh God the baby is coming to destroy us all!
Boing Boing
The fragrance evoked an aroma of fruits and flowers so ripe, they are starting to decay, reminding us of Thanatos, which is forever inseparable from Eros.
Archive 2007-07-01
And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
The mochos need to be reminded that laicity as is understood in Mexico does not allow them freedom to enforce what laws they want to make government compliant with Catholic principles.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
I think the term comprehension still has great relevance because it is a reminder that as readers, viewers and web surfers we need to be able to understand, interpret, appreciate and critique what we read, view, hear and even …
Literacy News – 162th Edition « News « Literacy News
As she frequently reminded them, they were now the endangered species, more vulnerable than the lemur and slow loris.
Every few years Oscar sees fit to reward genuine artistry, thereby reminding us why we watch the show in the first place.
Their journeys intertwine and overlap, and during sequences in which they go their separate but parallel ways, director Gustad employs jarring cross-cutting to remind us of their journeys' thematic parallelisms.
It reminds us of having to do things like install software, the most tedious of computer chores.
I glanced quickly to the wall of the giant diagram of the male anatomy and I was reminded that the urethra is a miniscule tube through which I had always peed.
Sleepwalk With Me
It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers.
Manningham Mills is a grand old reminder of Bradford's historic industrial past, but with the hard work of all involved it could and should be a pointer to a bright future for the city.
The main roads remind me of the roads on the outskirts of huge cities in the USA, with their seemingly endless miles of fast food joints and lurid neon signs.
But the mantra serves mainly to remind me of my deep attachment to the nubble.
It was a bestial reminder of man's inhumanity to man.
If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
September 18, 2008 at 12: 50 pm cool. to me it looks like some little extra out of one of those rankin and bass tv specials. now that i think about it, it reminds me of the abominable snowman from the rudolph special.
The Naugahyde Nauga :
It reminded us of a Jacobian tragedy from the 17th century in almost every way.
Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Director Martin Campbell and Graham King Interview EDGE OF DARKNESS –
On the path a few solitary scraps of withered white and blue police tape were a solemn reminder of the crime scene.
We've got to remind ourselves that two years ago this guy was a (sidearmer)," Maddux says.
Reinvented Feldman thriving as Rangers starter
The Department of Education recently wrote to all primary schools reminding them of the potential health hazards posed by overweight schoolbags.
It will help you understand your tax responsibilities as a newly selfemployed person and remind you of responsibilities that you might not otherwise know about.
Times, Sunday Times
So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rule--not as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough water to make up for any shortfall from your food.
It's not bad to be reminded that there's a whole horde of men of his generation out there in the sticks for whom the old shibboleths are pretty important.
It's worth reminding ourselves of the difference between a diary and a blog.
Times, Sunday Times
That reminds me that I have a meeting to attend this evening.
I remind the Minister that Gateshead is far from being one of Britain's most prosperous towns.
It reminded her of waking in the Karien camp the morning of the battle.
She reminded her of a woman who babysat for her back when she still had both her father and her stepmother around.
She points out that there is some irony in living in a "Lake House" without a lake and even though, as I pedantically remind her, the word lake is Anglo-Saxon for "running stream," which we do have, and not a standing body of water, which we don't, her logic does not escape me.
Broken Music, A Memoir
But while it's consistently interesting and hypnotically watchable, its manipulative techniques should remind us what sort of thing a movie is.
His great wealth came from Jamaican estates and he was frequently reminded, when tribune of the people, that he was a slave-owner.
Beyond simply looking fantastic the wildly stylized world of the film is an obvious reminder not to take things too literally.
On this occasion, Campobasso gave his opinion, couched in the apologue of the Traveller, the Adder, and the Fox; and reminded the Duke of the advice which Reynard gave to the man, that he should crush his mortal enemy, now that chance had placed his fate at his disposal.
Quentin Durward
For some eerie reason I am reminded of a passage in the bible where it talks of the Anti-Christ being made into the likeness of man …. perhaps corporate personhood is what this passage really meant?
Think Progress » Corporations Speak Out Against SCOTUS Ruling, Call On Congress To Approve Public Financing Of Campaigns
The presence of a collector at the church-gate annoys them because it's another reminder of their miserliness.
The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
Almost every conversation begins with a reminder that the speakers have "renk breath" and "dirt-encrusted nostrils".
The Long Song: Andrea Levy: Books
The early morning sound of the bell reminds you of the ice-cream wallah of a bygone era.
This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
Remind me to renew the driver's license. It will lapse next month.
These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
I summonsed a waiter and reminded him of the coffee and asked if he could also bring some black pepper.
Last week's chemical accident in Hungary, when about 184 million gallons of caustic sludge and water burst from a storage pool of a metals plant inundating three western Hungarian towns and spilling into the Danube, is yet another reminder that accidents happen at chemical facilities.
Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : How Many Reminders Do We Need Before We Act to Reduce Chemical Accident Risk?
Margot chuckled at the new use for the derisive term for malware tinkerers, and reminded herself to use it in her report.
Short Story: "Fair Game"
There will be special quiz shows and the winners will be awarded with souvenirs to remind them of their participation in the fiesta.
Harry Reid reminds me of a constipated “old-maid” in britches.
Think Progress » Drudge’s Non-Story: Reid Has Criticized The Patriot Act For Years
Seeing these happy snaps reminds you things can be good again.
The Sun
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. Oprah Winfrey
She reminds us that French revolutionary leaders were often portrayed as wild beasts or savage tigers by critics at the time and that the tiger in the poem is located in a nightmarish industrial landscape.
Actually, reminds me of some mental health "user-led" training I went on once, where the trainer arrived as "Dr Beverly Crusher" in full Star Trek uniform and proceeded to check us all out with her tri-corder.
Free at Last... plus sex, pain, poles and Danger Girl
Pretty much all Christian denominations and traditions celebrate Christmas and so it's a good reminder of our common roots and ancestry.
July brings confusion to your romance and you may need to remind yourself why you're in love!
To feel that way towards toffs today makes you at best an anachronism, at worst a freak, as I was reminded recently when I appeared at a literary festival.
Damage to the left hemisphere of her brain has caused a speech impediment that reminds listeners of an overseas accent.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a reminder of how revolutionary their fast, loud and minimal music initially was.
One extraordinary reminder of the past greets every in-coming visitor to Cork airport: an old gas fire, with fake coal effect, bedecked with horse brasses and completed with a set of comfy seats.
As the whole RaceFail bunfight proves yet again, writers need repeatedly to be reminded that the world isn't just story-fodder -- there are all kinds of people out there, made differently, thinking differently and feeling differently.
MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
Yet you are never far from reminders of the sadness and regret that suffuses the mind of the composer.
The medal that came along with it meanwhile will, Larsson said, be brought out and looked at when he is in his dotage to remind him of his achievements, the Swede baulking at the suggestion he might be tempted to gift it to a close one.
The Watchdog says the word "ash borer" reminds him of his flea problem. Front Page
Well, Stanley Donwood's artwork reminds me of the playbills from Victorian music halls or a rickety theatre troupe travelling across the land.
She has also developed a device for older children that reminds them to wash their hands after going to the loo.
It's where I am reminded that I no longer have to sit next to a goggle-eyed 4th grader with a milk mustache while opening my Gilligan's Island lunchbox and staring with disbelief at yet another soggy braunschweiger sandwich.
When I open a beer, I do not want to be reminded of grey-suited, gimlet-eyed executives bludgeoning satire into an early grave.
This one reminded me of Louise Bagshawe or one of the other British bonkbuster authors - quite European though it's set in LA and New York as well as France and revenge-oriented rather than Phillips' usual football-player types being thrust into situations with quirky heroines.
Archive 2009-04-01
In a further attempt to remind drivers of their responsibilities, the radio station broadcasts messages from famous musicians.
Part of his genius as a writer is that he reminds us that we are not atomized, anonymous beings in modern life; we affect others in all kinds of ways, all the time.
If this message is not received, the sensor sends a text message to the patient to remind them to take their medication.
Motorists, when they opt not to pay by direct debit, now receive a written reminder when tax is due.
Times, Sunday Times
Postmodernism and social constructionism remind us to be suspect of any constructs that seek to establish themselves as decontextualized truths.
Boehner said he feels a certain kinship with the outsider candidates, who remind him of himself 20 years ago.
The rise, fall and rise of John Boehner
It was full of jars and dried plants and reminded her of Gwenell's apothecary at the Citadel.
Ribault soon had to abandon the other two ships, the last reminders of a planned Huguenot empire.
Reminding the glossily appareled Jeremiah Cummings, the head of the Worldwide International Campaign for Christ, that Saint Paul traveled with only the shirt on his back, he asks, “Should I assume that this is the only $2,000 suit you own?”
An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
When I first heard these pieces, they reminded me of the Bach 48 preludes and fugues in form and coherence, if not in content and style
They remind you of a bunch of schoolboys wandering down a lonely road, kicking a ball along.
We found that some lenders charge up to 50 for sending a reminder letter.
Times, Sunday Times
It is the only thing that reminds the people at home that the war is still continuing.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote.
The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder to the tourist of the power of religion.
She had the nerve to mention Lincoln during this race asking Obama for a Lincoln/Jefferson debate, well if she wants to channel Lincoln then she would be reminded how he weeped and cried over the lost of lives during the Civil war, he sure was not out and about pushing his own agenda.
Hillary Clinton chokes up in CNN interview
When I saw one of these cages it reminded me of a large steel crib.
In his aspect there was a certain dryness, and, altogether, his vivacity, his ceaselessness, and a kind of equability of tone in his voice, reminded me of what Homer says concerning the old men around Priam, above the gate of Troy, how they "chirped like cicalas on a summer day.
Adventures Among Books
It is useful to minimize the reminders and lectures.
I rebelled against this assumption, but was constantly reminded of it by my schoolmates and the adults I met.
She rolls her eyes and snorts with laughter when reminded of the description.
The Sun
It should really not come as a surprise when you have friends round for dinner and someone, gently, reminds you that you need two referees to support your Ph.D. application.
The Colonization Society are always reminding us that the _master_ has rights as well as the slave: The Anti-Slavery Society urge us to remember that the _slave_ has rights as well as the master.
An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans
Umpteen mistakes were made, overthrows, byes, no-balls, bad shots, all of them a reminder that cricket is a game of the spirit.
Coyote has done an excellent service in detailing the reality of this necessity and you a service in reminding of it.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » This Looks Very Good
This statement of world-agreed fervent belief reminds us these values are everlasting and of perpetual beauty and may never be tarnished by any national politicians anywhere at any time.
To unwind, she delves into contemporary quilting - tying past to present, weaving emotions and demands into creations that present a physical reminder of a very rich, yet often troubling, cultural history.
The surge reminds me so much of the movie "The Battle of Algiers" where a French paratroop unit seemingly secures Algiers, only to have their security completely fall apart only a few years later.
Guarding the Surge Narrative While Iraq Burns « Blog
Maybe because (for some reason I'm not sure of) it reminds me of being outside on a cool October night, under a starry sky.
Across the River Esk is a whale's jawbone arch, a reminder of the town's maritime history.
The temple ruins are a distant reminder of a vanished empire.
It was an earth-shattering reminder that games change and sometimes you can't stay in love forever.
Such disavowals always remind me of Henry Kissinger's line that when a state denies it intends to take a course of action, it is signalling to others that it has the capacity to take such action if it wishes.
I remind the House that couples in the intimate atmosphere of engagement sometimes find that pregnancy arises and the shotgun marriage follows.
We reminded them that the meeting had been postponed.
Then I realized it wasn't Gantry of whom I was reminded so much as another Lewis character, Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, the politician who poses as a populist, then once elected president turns the United States into a fascist dictatorship, aided by an angry, unknowing electorate and a paramilitary group called the Minute Men.
Michael Winship: The Awful Price for Teaching Less Than We Know
By the way, these flowers are for you as a reminder: Never mind the bad "posies" — and don't forget to smell the rosies.
Mamie - French Word-A-Day
Remind yourself that the right filter can be fantastically flattering, and she probably doesn't look that good in real life.
Times, Sunday Times
Bukovina" reminds me immediately of "Zakarpatie" and Uzhgorod spent honeymoon there, 2 decades ago. KAPELYE AND KUCSMA.
Remind me never to buy a wedding dress where the description includes the terms “slub” and “raw dege”.
Regretsy – I Don’t
We gave them the album… actually they were one of the first to say it reminds them of '80s new wave.
As it sets in motion the election of the next Pope, it serves as a reminder that the papacy is not passed on but taken up afresh — that it is recast by each man who occupies the office, and that the process by which a new Pope is chosen is something other than a simple succession.
In Search of a Pope
I was really amused by Chiaki's pickled ginger sushi, mostly because I was reminded of the web quiz where one of the Lucky Star girls got classified as gari (Konata?) after making fun of another (Kagami) who had been classified as kappa maki (cucumber roll): Is that even sushi?
Anime Nano!
Recalling my bobsled runs reminds me that I'm up for any challenge.
Nikki Stone: Even Country Leaders Have to Learn to Take a Risk: Prince Albert's Most Moving Experience
My mother, who was as haughty as Lucifer with her descent from the Stuarts, and her right line from the _old Gordons, not the Seyton Gordons_, as she disdainfully termed the ducal branch, told me the story, always reminding me how superior _her_ Gordons were to the southern
Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
They exited the saloon after paying the barkeep and began to walk the streets until they received a call from Chidori reminding her to pick up the wire they needed for the guns.
The article by Wallach in this issue reminds us that even such a frequently used and seemingly benign procedure as cannulation of the radial artery can result in serious complications.
An impressive viaduct spans the valley a reminder of the time when visitors travelled from Lancashire, Yorkshire and beyond to spend a day around the falls.
Gazing at this handiwork, I was reminded of my childhood desire to break such glass structures to see how these patterns got inside.
And the moment with the discarded toys coming to life hits with stark terror and reminds us, if only for a moment, of the swarming mummies in Spielberg's great Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Many of these ancient practices were not just for the sake of it, but were meant to be subtle reminders of the need for mutual give and take, besides sacrifices and adjustments, to ensure wedded bliss.
And right on the next page you have ‘The Butterfly’, an exquisite lyric that reminds you of Cummings at his inspired best.
‘These are the haranguers, the reminders, the people who will constantly do this stuff,’ he said.
They need multiple reminders in nonelection years, and some of these poor fools really think they can't lose (Jack Murtha excluded, apparently that guy can do anything without losing his seat).
Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
Last night I was reminded once again that despite my best intentions, political discussions make my eyes glaze over like two yummy little doughnut holes.
It reminds me of a lot of old folk songs but it has a dreamlike quality.
The Sun
During the debate on the Patriot Act, I rose on the House floor to remind my colleagues that secret courts, no-knock searches, and nationwide warrants were all things our founding fathers had fought to gain their freedom from.
It was too superficial an examination of the subject, which ironically reminded me that there is quite a bit that I don't know about history in general.
Allow me to remind you that you are head of the family in your father's absence.
Once again we are reminded that the capital of the most powerful democratic nation on the globe is a one party town: Democrats rule, by outnumbering Republicans 10-1 in registered voters.
DeMorning DeBonis: Nov. 2, 2010
The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.
This exhibition reminds us that such a result was hardly preordained.
Why it's still going The warm, buttery plots and familiar, approachable cast remind older viewers of the days when they could buy a pint for tuppence ha'penny and still have change for a misjudged June Whitfield cameo.
Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
Rapturous joy was remindful of religious euphoria, as in Pentecostal women of the 1930s.
At regular intervals along these walls occur little towers, for their defence, reminding one of beads strung on a rosary; the great watch-tower at the gate, with its projecting machicolation, forming the pendent cross, -- the whole serving to guard the town within from the dangers of war, even as the rosary protects the city of Mansoul from the attacks of Sin and Death -- though, sooth to say, since the invention of gunpowder and the Reformation, both the one and the other appear to have lost much of their former efficacy.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
This act reminds me of a kindly uncle who offers to read the children a bedtime story, and chooses Dracula.
In reflecting on the roles and responsibilities of an editor of a learned journal, I am reminded of the analogies made by a fellow editor of a cognate research journal.
That inability to distinguish between free enquiry and deliberate insult reminds me of those who wielded the blasphemy laws which were used to persecute freethinkers and rationalists in the middle ages.
… reminds me of an image Deirdre Bair sketches in her biography of the game young Samuel used to play diving fearlessly from the tops of tall trees, crashing through branches to the ground.
"You reminded me of someone I once knew.‥" (Query her sister?)
Be sure to remind her to come back early.
He does not make to-do lists or scrawl reminders to himself on Post-its.
I ventured to remind Mammy that all dwellers in the country were not tackies.
Southern Lights and Shadows
Pedestrians were reminded to wear bright highly visible clothing, reflective armbands, sam-brown belts or jackets and to face on-coming traffic when out walking.
Today he was wearing what I sort of called a unisex wig that sort of had remnants or reminders of a bit of Austin Powers, maybe when Austin Powers gets to be around 70 years old, sort of a pageboy blondish blond wig, that ` s how I would best describe it.
CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2007
Like parents forgiving naughty children, they forgive pop culture its badness, because it reminds them of when they were children.
These frozen, silent moments were punctuated by the hum, whir and click of slide projectors changing and revolving, reminding us of their outdatedness and sheer physicality.
My notebook reminds me of the scene: a dabchick swimming across the mere with a brood of tiny young all aboard and peeping from under the parent's wings.
As for the comment about removing 100 (or 300) pages, it reminds me of the scene in Amadeus when the emperor says "There are too many notes," and Mozart replies, "Which notes would you have me remove?
Waiting for Harry
The crumb is very tight, so it tends to remind me of a pound cake in appearance, although it is much lighter.
Praline Pecan Cake | Baking Bites
However, I'm reminded of an episode of Ace of Cakes where Duff's crew did a very detailed ear as a gift from a patient to his surgeon after a procedure that gave the patient his hearing back. *g* Though to be honest the decorator was a bit creeped out, IIRC...
This'll Cure that Freaky Fetish
We shall not forget them, nor this magnificent production of a play that reminds us in our selfish age how collective responsibility and camaraderie have eroded away.
This reminds me of one time that the chiller broke down and it took about 13 1/2 hours to put a new shaft in it because it had to be milled at a machine shop and then put in there.
I'm sorry that I can't be with you on this Valentine's Day. I send this Valen tine's card to remind you that I love you.
The mood in Haiti today reminds one of the wanly flickering orange glow of the kerosine lamps that Haiti's market women - known as ti machann - use to illuminate their wares as they work late into the night.
Michael Deibert: Notes from Haiti's Long Hot Summer
Perhaps they are unaware of what they are doing and perhaps a reminder might help to stamp out this uncivic practice.
Like the spurned women of Manhattan, Howard and his fellow rejects should remind themselves they're smart, beautiful, funny, wonderful people who deserve better.
Moreover, if the staffage reminds us of the kinds of figures found in his earlier work, they do also represent the people who worked on the Thames barges.
I wear it to remind myself of the debt I owe you.
Your description reminded me a teensy bit of the Anne Perry book “Face of a Stranger,” which is of course nothing like the McGrath book in subject, but has a similar theme of the main character haunted by a past just out of his line of sight.
Patrick McGrath’s ‘Trauma’ « Tales from the Reading Room
It reminded my wife of her father, who we dub the grumpiest man alive.
Home again…briefly | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
The instructors walk around with weapons on their belts and constantly remind their pupils to don their ear protectors.
From single-celled algae called diatoms to the story of a man who plants acorns, IDFuel reminds us that inspiration for design is all around us.
Some of the huts reminded me of the very square mud structures I'd seen in Mali, and others were bigger, taller structures -- the driver explained it was because the Arab Shua people who dominate this area are so tall.
Archive 2009-04-01
He reminded students that the situations and problems that made the headlines on the news did not disappear at the end of the programme.
The earthquake of October 1989 reminded San Franciscans of the awesome power of the thing.
He stumbles up and bumbles through an introduction, reminding her that they've worked in the same shop for four years.
That little black-and-white square photo at the lower right only reminds people of what they think about Gray Davis, which is that, as a person, he's cold, unapproachable and stiff.