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How To Use Remediation In A Sentence

  • This tolerance has practical application in bioremediation and in efforts to colonize polluted sites.
  • I believe very strongly in many of these ideas but they can be hard to communicate, especially when the discourse is peppered with terminology like "peri-urban," "phytoremediation," and "bioregional ecologies. Dave Snyder: The Good, the Bad and the Fungi on a Rooftop Farm
  • It would also provide a sound basis for targeting scarce resources and developing strategies for remediation and amelioration.
  • Remediation solutions Bioremediation is currently attracting a lot of attention as a remedial technique.
  • It also means having asset management capabilities that help prioritize remediation based on the most critical assets and having selective restore capabilities to allow for timely recovery of critical assets.
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  • Dr Mansell's most notable achievement was his role in establishing the remediation program for the Collins Class submarine and his work with the Navy to bring the subs to operational capability.
  • Our initial focus was on biodiversity and food and farming issues, as well as bioremediation and natural treatment systems for decontaminating the environment.
  • A recent study by a University of Chicago economist supports my take on this Catch-22, concluding that preventive intervention is more cost effective, economically efficient and fiscally prudent than remediation once children begin school. Dr. Jim Taylor: Arne and Bill's Misguided Adventure: An Open Letter
  • Widely celebrated environmentalist John Todd doesn't promise that his aquatic bioremediation system - a sewage treatment system which involves floating plant islands that purify polluted waters - could live up to its hype in Montreal.
  • When impairment is identified, students are informed of faculty concerns, and these are addressed through a variety of interventions, including remediation and dismissal.
  • In some cases, students may work in a library or resource centre without active teacher involvement; in others, students may work apart from the rest of the class using multimedia for enrichment or remediation.
  • During the period of active Y2K remediation last year, much was made of the possibility that unscrupulous, fly-by-night contractors might install back doors to networks they were engaged to repair.
  • Optimal sensor placement is desirable to ensure adequate coverage of the network's flow for detection and remediation of contaminants.
  • Video demonstrating F-500's ability to emulsify and solubilize Louisiana crude oil and disperse it in to the water column, allowing for rapid, natural bioremediation. - Photown News
  • Outside remediation is needed from a trusted authority. Software Quality in Climate Research | Serendipity
  • Tiny microorganisms such as bacteria are often the agents of choice for bioremediation.
  • If a student did not pass the examination, remediation was to be offered; however, the lowest score achieved was 86%, so no remediation was necessary.
  • These ancient, rusty fireboxes were dug up by remediation crews removing polluted soil around the shops.
  • The eleventh and twelfth chapters are also related to assessment of learning disability with language based test and remediation of reading disabilities.
  • Together, these two mechanisms of remediation erase distinctions between the different logical, aesthetic, and formal framework of each communications environment.
  • Transgenic yellow poplar plants overexpressing the bacterial gene encoding mercuric reductase were developed for the phytoremediation of mercury pollution.
  • This has advanced bioremediation of metal-contaminated soil environments, where some plants have been shown to internalize toxic elements such as cadmium, arsenic, and nickel.
  • Bioremediation technology was concerned as a new petroleum contamination control technology.
  • For students who performed poorly on the examination, remediation also had no effect on clinical performance.
  • In general, chemical catalysis offers faster reactions times than bioremediation schemes but also tends to be more expensive.
  • It is subversive to companies that sell remediation-which explains why solid waste companies often block efforts to reduce the volume of garbage.
  • Trying to oppose remediation spending is, however, one of the more thankless tasks that a public policy proponent could takeon. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chemical Weapons in my Neighborhood
  • If the leak has caused substantial water damage or mold you will want to hire a contractor who specializes in mold remediation and water damage repairs.
  • If soil excavation is used for remediation, a pond or topographic feature that will become an eye-pleasing part of the course can be created instead of backfilling the excavation.
  • My observations from the sidelines of several disputes over remediation in neighborhoods adjacent to closed military bases that had similar buried leftovers affecting groundwater and soils is that the public disclosures did more harm through the level of anxiety generated for these residents than the contaminants ever had the possibility ofdoing. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chemical Weapons in my Neighborhood
  • The architects restored the site through an aggressive environmental remediation program, cleaning up hazardous materials and returning the site to a healthy state.
  • She says it plans to enter into a voluntary remediation of the site's soil and groundwater.
  • It has carried out bioremediation on and reclaimed 300 acres of the Brighton oilfield facility, along with a number of battery sites, oilfield pits, gathering stations, pipeline headers, a small refinery site, and a tankfarm.
  • The land was then treated by a variety of methods, including solidification, bioremediation and indirect thermal desorption.
  • However the films are finally shown, or even if they are not shown at all, the whole project strikingly exemplifies the current cultural logic of premediation.
  • Hepa vacuums are also recommended for cleanup of dust that may have settled on surfaces outside the remediation area.
  • It is by such mechanisms of remediation that print has long enjoyed its status as a transparent medium of expression, a status that remains unchallenged well into the twentieth century.
  • Future projects will include reef development in recreational and commercial shellfish harvesting areas and water quality remediation projects to improve impaired waterways.
  • When soil and an old warehouse were removed for brownfield remediation, the sunken site became the place for an experimental, sculptural building with a constantly varying sequence of interior and exterior spaces.
  • This discovery bears tremendous significance for the bioremediation industry, as it is the first bacterium isolated that can detoxify vinyl chloride outside of laboratory conditions.
  • Some are being used in bioremediation projects, such as cleaning up oil and industrial waste, and some are employed in the mining industry.
  • Non-uniform electrokinetics (NUEK) is a remediation technology under development, one of its advantages is that it does not disturb the natural environment during remediation.
  • At the same time, the number and proportion of Texas students entering college who need reading remediation has increased, and SAT scores have not risen as fast as they have in other states.
  • We have witnessed the negative impact and nuisance of automated, self-propagating computer intrusions that promote widespread compromise and seriously complicate remediation efforts.
  • Monitoring of the control environment includes verifying systemic controls within the financial systems and the associated actions for remediation of any control violations.
  • These scientists, if they can still be called that, have successfully conned the world into believing that radical and costly remediation is needed to stop the planet from overheating. An Ominous Story
  • And many more species are turning out to be useful for major industries such as biological control, biological mining, bioremediation and environmental monitoring.
  • We believe that the technology has potential, particularly in therapeutics, bioremediation, and other aspects, but that we should proceed with extreme caution.
  • The elementary students averaged 1.5 hours a week on the computer, with that time spent either on the Internet or using a CD for instruction/remediation or to play games.
  • The business community spends billions of dollars on remediation to get employees up to the necessary skill levels so that they can add value to their businesses and companies.
  • More scientifically, in bioremediation technologies (sometimes known as microbiological engineering) the natural ability of certain organisms to degrade organic chemicals is used to contain contamination. Composting
  • The bioremediation method, which uses environmentally friendly biological systems, transforms these toxic chemicals into non-harmful chemicals, and in some cases into high-value fine chemicals.
  • ‘Eventually, we'll want to understand how these genes are regulated under a variety of growth conditions and in different environments to see how they might be applied in bioremediation,’ says Dunn.
  • BP chief Hayward said Friday that he expected the majority of containment, removal and cleanup costs to be complete by year's end, but he added that "other elements are likely to be spread over many years in cash terms, including fines and penalties and longer-term remediation, restitution, claims and litigation cost. BP investors struggle to factor in the unfathomable
  • ASLA astrogeology avalanche bioremediation blogs border Archive 2007-12-01
  • While DeconGel® is gaining in use within the Department of Energy sites for remediation of radiological, nuclear, and hazardous chemical substances such as beryllium, it's also an essential product to keep on hand for hazardous materials (HAZMAT) or Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) first responder units concerned about immediate clean up after a major incident from accidents or acts of terrorism such as a dirty bomb. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Some potential uses of conventional biological reactors, insitu bioremediation, and activated carbon adsorption are summarised in Table 1.
  • Q . How do enzymes improve bioremediation process?
  • Additionally, nursing students are receiving remediation in specific nursing content and toward the development of critical thinking skills for nursing.
  • Remediation is a trademark characteristic of weblogs but it is hardly a new idea.
  • The Permaculture Pie biochar / bioremediation terra preta aquaculture composting & food forestry compost tea coppice perennial woodcrafts vegetables & biomass apiculture mycoscaping keyline alternative management - currencies intensive grazing edible forest earthworks gardening natural building green architecture Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Nevertheless, the stigma of remediation continues to shape writing center identity.
  • On average, the later remediation is given to a disadvantaged child, the less effective it is. Mental Health, Poverty, Health Insurance, and Human Capital, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In order to protect the ecosystem function, the author put forward effective remediation measures.
  • When they would be filling in their tax forms, they would know, just as we do with medical matters, they are specifically committing to environmental remediation and protection.
  • These graphic warnings about the future of our resource base are thoughtfully balanced by helpful discussions of realistic solutions such as integrated pest management and bioremediation.
  • For purposes of this document, an installfest is a gathering atwhich experienced Linux users assist less experienced users with theinstallation and configuration of Linux distributions, and where Linux users canbring Linux systems to receive assistance with system problemremediation. LXer Linux News
  • The nori will be used in polyculture bioremediation. The Scientist
  • This perceivable be exilic, he baboonish be resedaceae out of our remediation, out of our thessaly, and out of our combustibility. Rational Review
  • This orientation to language complements the way we conceive of remediation.
  • For the label, it leads to rising costs of prevention and remediation, and soft monetary loss as a result of brand erosion and undermined consumer trust.
  • In this case, containment should be installed from the floor to the ceiling deck, and the filters in the air handling units serving the affected area may have to be replaced once remediation is finished.
  • Microorganisms can be used for biodegradation and bioremediation by breaking down toxic compounds.
  • Unless he can accept that he has serious deficiencies and is willing to change his attitude, any attempts at remediation and rehabilitation into medical practice are likely to be futile.
  • These advances can also lead to new tools for bioremediation and to cleaner industrial processes that use fewer toxic chemicals.
  • Decontamination of soil and water via efficient biocatalysts is a promising cost-effective remediation strategy.
  • We can also see the remediation of print at work in the processes involved in producing handwritten text.
  • The bioremediation is the main effective method of cleaning petroleum contaminated soils.
  • The data center will provide a range of services for multinational customers looking to colocate, as well as onsite technical support services, automated server monitoring and remediation service, remote backup and restore services, onsite media storage management and help desk services. - Daily Web Hosting News
  • The incidence of remediation, repeating a grade, suspension, expulsion, and dropout is lower when parents actively monitor their child's progress.
  • The addition of the surfactants can accelerate remediation work.
  • The term intrinsic bioremediation designates the biological processes that occur during bioremediation under natural conditions.
  • In general, chemical catalysis offers faster reactions times than bioremediation schemes but also tends to be more expensive.
  • He's a pretty decent fellow but has a lot to do; I'm sure paver remediation isn't the first thing but a reminder is always fair. Your Right Hand Thief
  • The remediation guidance could be updated this summer, when investigators receive more data about toxic drywall's long-term corrosiveness, according to Davis, the CPSC spokesperson. ScrippsNews
  • The most popular locations, such as Ireland and India, offered well-educated, English-speaking programmers and convenient time differences for round-the-clock remediation.
  • The ultimate goal of remediation and support is to provide nonpunitive, confidential, voluntary programs focused on rehabilitation and re-entry into practice while ensuring public safety.
  • Average academy grades have been falling, despite more extensive remediation.
  • This remediation activity could potentially defer landfill closure costs indefinitely.
  • Many of our grants don't use the term 'mold remediation,' but do provide specific remediation, which might include wet vacuuming, damp wiping or HEPA -- high-efficiency particulate air -- vacuuming of interior spaces," said Manuel Broussard, FEMA spokesman in New Orleans. Susan Buchanan: Post-Katrina, Mold Worries Subside But Hardly Disappear
  • The need for remediation rears even in select four-year schools, though they're more reluctant to talk about it, said Peter Alcock, a former vice chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. New ways to tackle college readiness
  • Some schools have structured programs that require several hours of individual remediation and practice to address deficiencies.
  • Bioremediation is a promising and rapidly developing treatment technology with a bright future.
  • Under existing law, taxpayers can elect to treat certain eligible environmental remediation expenditures, that would otherwise be capitalized, as deductible in the year paid or incurred.
  • The remaining land has been further treated by solidification, bio-remediation and indirect thermal desorption.
  • This agreement will primarily provide SAR-CORRE MENA ( "SCM") with the immediate opportunity to test and validate the Company's ARES I facility for the efficient and economic recovery of oil and remediation of the Kuwait Oil Lakes. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The possible remediation would be what they call scaling, which involves removing rocks by hand or by an excavator," DeFebo said. Columnist: Keith Groller
  • From taxpayers 'standpoint, remediation is paying for the same education twice," Wise said. One-third of students need remedial college math, reading
  • Finally, we need research on the experience of remediation from the students' perspective.
  • The City of Pittsburgh worked closely with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to enact legislation for remediation and liability issues associated with previously contaminated sites.
  • As business has long asserted, regulation imposes added costs and management burdens - requiring oversight, compliance reporting and, frequently, some extent of process remediation.
  • The Permaculture Pie biochar/bioremediation terra preta composting & aquaculture food forestry compost tea coppice perennial woodcrafts vegetables & biomass apiculture keyline mycoscaping management - alternative intensive grazing currencies edible forest earthworks gardening natural building green architecture Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is not within our mission to provide the kind of therapy or long-term remediation for long-term issues," said Caroline Scott, dean of college life at the Community College of Baltimore County. Colleges Re-Examine Safety After Rampage
  • One of the best weapons against bioterrorism may be a healthy biotech industry, bioremediation may also prove to be a useful weapon against pollution.
  • Enmax can perform many types of pit remediation, high solids processing ( HSP ) and water treatment.
  • In a few cases there have been increases, but these have been only as necessitated for decommissioning of facilities, remediation of contaminated land and where work has been transferred from one site to the other.
  • The zinc smelting plant was shut down by the EPA for environmental violations, and residents report remediation has still not been completed on the heaps of slag that sit next to the town.
  • The environmental impacts of remediation alternatives will be considered in determining future land use.
  • According to Amundson, the results of remediation varied from each town and local environment.
  • The National Flood Insurance Program covers mold damage and remediation up to the policy's limits.
  • Bioremediation is formally defined as the controlled use of biodegradation to remove toxic chemicals from soil and groundwater.
  • Thus bioremediation could be utilised to effectively correct the existing imbalances and eliminate the need for chemical treatment.
  • Screening safe, economical, effective aquatic plants to management and remediation of paclobutrazol pollution in water has important economic and the social value.
  • Some potential uses of conventional biological reactors, insitu bioremediation, and activated carbon adsorption are summarised in Table 1.
  • The nori will be used in polyculture bioremediation. The Scientist
  • As CORRE, through its previously announced SAR­CORRE MENA ( "SCM") operating partnership, finalizes its preparations for upcoming commercial remediation contracts, this testing provides SCM with a significant competitive bidding advantage. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Areas of 30 to 100 square feet require professionals, preferably certified in mold remediation and trained in handling hazardous materials.
  • This course focuses on testing strategies, remediation, practice testing, building confidence, individual and group strategies, and community building.
  • Due to this urgent health and safety issue, arrangements were put in train by the Office of Public Works, which has responsibility for the national Asbestos Programme of remediation in schools to replace the prefabs affected.
  • In our studies at Oxford, we set out to determine if we could improve clean-up of chemically mixed waste by developing a system based on a more thorough knowledge of the microorganisms involved in bioremediation.
  • Yet in a SUNY at Albany study "researchers were able to reduce the number of children who require ongoing remediation from the national average of 30% down to about 2%! Joel Shatzky: How Johnny (and Janie) Can Learn to Read
  • Equipment Operator position summary: operate miscellaneous heavy equipment, such as backhoe, bulldozer, excavator, track or rubber tire loader, etc., in remediation projects of .... Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • David Rumschitzki, a professor of chemical engineering, said that he virtually never saw a student who began in mid-level remediation.
  • David Rumschitzki, a professor of chemical engineering, said that he virtually never saw a student who began in mid-level remediation.
  • Two other bioremediation teams, one using bacteria, the other using engineered bacteria, were also given sections of the contaminated soil to test.
  • We need additional research to determine what remediation methods are most appropriate for which kinds of student impairment.

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