How To Use Remediate In A Sentence
Others include Vontu and Patron Systems, whose software also detects potentially explosive e-mail and messages and either allows senders to "remediate" them or takes action like blocking messages from being sent.
Stop That E-Mail!
The settlement doesn't cover home builders, insurance companies and suppliers that used KPT drywall, some of which have spent large sums to remediate the problem on their own.
Homeowners Win Settlement on Chinese Drywall
Over time action plans to remediate would also demonstrate commitment to minimise risk.
We used antibacterial foam to remediate the Dirksen mailroom, which is in the Dirksen Senate Office building, and also the Ford House Office building mailroom.
CNN Transcript Oct 25, 2001
remediate" the status quo ante — the first railway coaches, for example, being coaches on rails.
Golgonooza Text

Under the judicious application of cooling astringent collyria, and other remediate means, the irritation and pain of the parts were relieved, and the lids somewhat retracted.
The Dog
In meetings with Ecuadorean officials he offered to clean up, or "remediate," some of the waste pits and to offset or remedy certain other problems in the concession area, in return for a release from further liability.
Jungle Law
According to TheNew Castle News, the school board there elected to open his contract because he didn't follow board instructions to "remediate" complaints brought by 3 players who accused Smiley of abusive treatment and vulgar language.
While saying he was respectful of the states' desire to "punish those who pollute their waters," Judge Barbier wrote, he concluded that federal laws "provide substantial incentive for a discharger to promptly and efficiently stop the spread of oil and remediate its effects.
States Rebuffed Over Spill Damages
The extraction of the contaminates will be a very aggressive way to remediate and clean up the area using a technique involving an underground pipe system connected to machinery in the trailer and then discharged a sewer connection," he said as he walked around the area following the meeting.
But we have been organizing public finance to remediate problems buffers against unemployment, entitlements for lack of old age savings, warehousing of failures in prisons rather to invest in positive futures that would prevent these problems from arising in the first place.
How to fix higher education: Doug Bennett, Earlham College
The School Board and HHS Principal Irene Reynolds 'decision to "remediate" teenagers with sleep-deprivation illustrates that public schools do not exist for our youth's welfare and education, but their assimilation into a lifetime of alienated toil at the hands of uncaring bureaucracies (
Daily News-Record
The Americans killed in Iraq will not have died in vain if their sacrifice keeps other Americans from dying in neo-con wars to "remediate" Syria, Iran, or North Korea.
History’s Fools
Cordelia's agonised invocation and summons to the unpublished forces of nature, to be aidant and remediate to the good man's distress, is continually echoed by the poet, but with a broader application.
The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
Harnessing the voracious appetites of microorganisms could potentially provide an economical route to remediate contaminated soils.
Just so everyone is clear, this individual, who writes under the psuedonym of "rectifier", is advocating the premediated, cold-blooded murder of American citizens, with malice aforethought, after first laying in wait for those citizens, and enticing them into a trap.
Walls of the city