How To Use Remainder In A Sentence
To avoid leaving the center posts in the permanent work, two rows of temporary posts were placed, as shown by Fig. 1, Plate LX, the center wall and skewback were built, and the posts were removed, as shown by Fig. 2, Plate LX, before placing the remainder of the lining.
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
If you were to take out two or three shrubs to let the remainder breathe, what sort of rhythm would be left?
Times, Sunday Times
Ethnic Burmese form the majority at 67.4%, and the remainder includes the Shans, Rakhines, Mons, Chins, Kachins and the Kayahs.
The remainder came from other disciplines, with general surgery making up 26%.
The retest could be the low for the remainder of the year.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is aiming for annual average GDP growth of 6.6 percent through the remainder of his term ending in 2014, partly by boosting spending on roads, railways and ports. -- Top News
Slice the remainder in half lengthways and then into short fingers.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't think you can blame them for seizing contol except I do not think you can blame them for being tired of being used by the remainder of the Republican Party in the North and West for 40 years.
Vitter defends Southern influence in GOP, slams Voinovich
Each Land was allotted one representative per 750,000 of population with an additional member for each remainder over 200,000.
But to continue our overview: the remainder of book II (from chapter 5 on) discusses the causes of the embryological development of vivipara, while the ovipara are the primary focus in book III, which closes with a discussion of animals that are not sexually generated, including those that arise ˜spontaneously.™
Aristotle's Biology
However, this decision was influenced by the fact that the vessel might still be usable by the charterer for certain periods during the remainder of the charterparty.
Roby got about 70% (appx. $253,000) of her contributions from individual donors, the remainder from the party or PACs
Roby Burning Bright in AL-02
The _sauba_ ants had cut nearly all the strings of Filippe's hammock; while he was resting peacefully on it the remainder of the strings broke, and he had a bad fall.
Across Unknown South America
The remainder of the protein components in these complexes is encoded in the nucleus.
On leaving this we dug a hole and let the remainder of the water into it, in the hope of its longer continuance, and halted after a long journey in a valley in which there was a kind of watercourse with plenty of water, our latitude being 28 degrees 21 minutes 39 seconds.
Expedition into Central Australia
According to the Gregorian rule of intercalation, therefore, every year of which the number is divisible by four without a remainder is a leap year, excepting the centurial years, which are only leap years when divisible by four after omitting the two ciphers.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Gail agreed with the remainder of the fashion faux pas top ten, saving her most withering comments for shell suits and puffballs.
The remainder is paid from the general fund, in long-standing recognition of the value to the general public of having a safe, efficient air transportation system (which, BTW, is the envy of the rest of the world, including Canada).
Matthew Yglesias » Nav Canada
Actually, I've been thinking to exclude the Buddhistic color from the Korean culture and to discuss the remainder except the core are same.
Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.
The committee must therefore pay the remainder of the cost and all transport costs.
A glance up the hatchway showed the giant that the arms he had planned to seize were defended by ten firelocks, and that, behind the open doors of the partition which ran abaft the mizenmast, the remainder of the detachment stood to their arms.
For the term of his natural life
Judicial rules, promulgated prior to such statute and which were more favorable to the interests of remaindermen, can be relied upon by the latter only insofar as said rules were intended to operate retroactively; for the decedent, in whose estate the remaindermen had an interest, died even before such court rules were established.
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
Ceramics timber of low temperature is a kind of material which uses plant remainder and the phosphorus dreg of industry abolishes as main raw materials, uses chemically bounded ceramic as its binder.
Fold in the remainder of the sugar with a metal spoon, cutting the egg whites rather than mixing them.
There is monitoring we will continue to do in the remainder of the season.
The Sun
Snap off the remainder of the capillary tube from the broad upper portion of the pipette which is now destined to form the covering tube or air chamber, or what we may term the "barrel.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
If they are made without the consent of the remainderman, it is at the expense of the life tenant.
Life estates are a complex area of law
If you were to take out two or three shrubs to let the remainder breathe, what sort of rhythm would be left?
Times, Sunday Times
To some extent we spend the remainder of our lives experimenting to see just how much of an effect we can have on that outside world.
Know Your Own Mind
A variable number of these appendages may become transformed into organs that are functional during post-embryonic life while the remainder disappear.
The remainder is blighted by alternating self-flagellation, self-justification and unwarranted extrapolation.
And this remainder is what interests.
The Times Literary Supplement
(b) From packing and crating facility to quarters, when a portion of the property, after being packed and crated, is to be joined with the remainder of the property.
The remainder was the rural and generally poor peasantry.
SPICE: The History of a Temptation
These include clay minerals such as kaolinite and talc, micas, montmorillonites, and the remainder of the asbestos minerals including chrysotile (white asbestos).
But then work with larger preaching units in the remainder of the book.
Christianity Today
This is consequently developed in the remainder of the exposition section and in the development where, aided by the tempo marking, it has evolved into a tremolando.
Smith spends the remainder of the film chomping on cigars with an effeminate scientist.
The International Labor Organization said in its report that about 80 million net new jobs will be needed over the next two years to return to precrisis employment rates—27 million in advanced economies and the remainder in emerging and developing countries.
OECD Cuts Forecasts For U.S., Euro Zone
Homeowners 'insurance: Unless specifically spelled out in the will, the life tenant is responsible only for insuring his or her interest, while the remainderman has the obligation to insure the rest.
Life estates are a complex area of law
Although these systems are electronically and functionally complex, they can be miniaturized sufficiently so that one portion can be implanted and the remainder worn or carried easily in a pocket.
Pour in remainder of cake batter and smooth the top, hollowing it slightly.
In 1972 he married an astronomer and began a bicoastal arrangement, spending part of the year in Irvine, where he has a post, and the remainder in Maryland.
The remainder of the course coils through the 130 acre infield putting a premium on handling and braking.
Of the hands forward, some of the watch were aloft, working at odd jobs about the rigging, while the drowsy clinking of a spunyarn winch somewhere on the forecastle, in the shadow of the head sails, accounted for the remainder.
The Cruise of the "Esmeralda"
The publisher remaindered the books
The remainder were undecided about their plans.
Times, Sunday Times
A section of the street was reduced to a single lane for traffic purposes for the remainder of the day with members of the general public kept well away from the accident scene.
This means that not only small parties lose their votes, but the remainders of larger parties too are thrown into a pot that is then redivided according to the adjusted original percentages.
Fifteen divided by four gives you a remainder of 3.
Clinton is the symbolic remainderman of the age of inspiration: admired for his professional political skills, but hardly viewed as a visionary figure.
Forget The Angry Voter. The Hacks Are Back.
The remainder, around 4,308 Mmst, consists of lignite and subbituminous coal reserves.
Energy profile of Turkey
He is expected to miss the remainder of the British flat season.
At least half of the 60 houses have been vacated and the remainder, except the 13, have agreed terms to cease occupancy.
A memorable return journey is an inexpensive scenic ferry ride across the bay and the remainder of the day is free.
Times, Sunday Times
Ethnic Burmese form the majority at 67.4%, and the remainder includes the Shans, Rakhines, Mons, Chins, Kachins and the Kayahs.
Part of the new plant is now in operation and remainder will be on stream later this month.
Arsenal will, at least, have an almost entirely fit squad for the remainder of the campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
Phosphate and oil is the standard finish on most circlips, the remainder being self finish and oil.
Kathleen's prior life interest would not prevent a remainder from vesting.
Roll more dough, using 1 piece at a time and keeping remainder covered and continue filling and forming cappelletti.
The remainder were undecided about their plans.
Times, Sunday Times
The pilots who finish the syllabus first will act as instructors for the remainder of the syllabus for the others.
In the morning, the remainder met at the rendezvous point.
The Scottish Regiments
If they use less than their quota they can sell the remainder and if they emit more they can buy somebody's leftovers.
Times, Sunday Times
The remainder of the game saw the introduction of subs for both teams with Carlow introducing some significant players for next season's campaign.
After the drier interlude on Tuesday the remainder of the week looks changeable.
Times, Sunday Times
Scrum-half Danny Brough, another player to have a blinder at The Shay, claimed the remainder to stay in touch with the leaders.
In the wasted bodies of those who have suffered starvation, the muscles are shrunk and unnaturally soft, and have lost their contractibility; all those parts of the body which were capable of entering into the state of motion have served to protect the remainder of the frame from the destructive influence of the atmosphere.
Familiar Letters on Chemistry
Mix a quarter of whipped cream into batter, then fold in remainder just until combined.
Laura's Orange Scented Take on Shirley's Even Greater American Pound Cake
The Angles eventually took the remainder of England as far north as the Firth of Forth, including the future Edinburgh and the Scottish lowlands’.
The remainder continue their unmaidenly journey in search of husbands, whom they find waiting in cheerful readiness in almost any marsh.
In Remainder cricket is pure facticity, which keeps coming at you, carrying death, leaving its mark.
Zadie Smith, Mark Thwaite, Negativity and Whining for the New
But now that he had left the service, this objection was removed, and in June 1854 the sum of 300 pounds sterling was assigned for this purpose, while the remainder of the expense was borne by the Ray Society, which undertook the publication under the title of "Oceanic Hydrozoa.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Each Land was allotted one representative per 750,000 of population with an additional member for each remainder over 200,000.
Drizzle the cooking liquid over the partridge and save the remainder to flavor soup stocks.
This action is used initially to locate the second stage boot loader, which holds the remainder of the loader.
The remainder of the safety line wound around a large reel mounted inside the helicopter and connected to an outside amplifier.
That good pope who was the first institutor of fasting understood this well enough; for he ordained that our fast should reach but to the hour of noon; all the remainder of that day was at our disposure, freely to eat and feed at any time thereof.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
I'm doing a small site on Ghost Buildings - a unimaginative term for the odd remainders left behind when a building goes down.
They joined up with us to spend the remainder of the holiday.
Most of the remainder comes from wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost, and termites.
So then I fried the bacon until impossibly crisp, crumbled some on my salad, placed the rest in a mortar and proceeded to pestle the remainder.
The remainder of the cards are placed in the center of the table, forming a stock.
Racing Hall of Fame jockey Eddie D, injured Friday in a one-horse spill at Del Mar, will be out of action for the remainder of the Del Mar meeting.
Fans of pulled TOKYOPOP series Rave Master will be pleased to know that Del Rey now has the license and will be releasing the remainder of the series in omnibus form.
NYAF Panel Report: Guest Blogger Melinda Beasi on Manga Announcements » Manga Worth Reading
The fibers are at first somewhat widely diffused, but as they descend through the corona radiata they gradually approach each other, and pass between the lentiform nucleus and thalamus, in the genu and anterior two-thirds of the occipital part of the internal capsule; those in the genu are named the geniculate fibers, while the remainder constitute the cerebrospinal fibers; proceeding downward they enter the middle three-fifths of the base of the cerebral peduncle.
IX. Neurology. 1F. Pathways from the Brain to the Spinal Cord
Half of the restaurant's patrons are also hotel guests, while the remainder come off the street.
Switching to become an academy raises standards in the worst and best performing schools but has no discernible impact on the remainder, according to a study.
Times, Sunday Times
He has cancelled all his civic engagements for the remainder of the week.
Then, thrillingly, Celtic simply imposed themselves on the remainder of the match.
Thinly slice half the strawberries, mash or sieve the remainder and mix with the cream, lemon juice, sherry or wine and sugar.
Harris hematoxylin was the counterstain for the remainder of the antibody reactions.
If you select a charitable remainder unitrust, the amount you receive will adjust to reflect changes in your trust asset balance.
New Orleans Saints Central
Pressure is more evenly distributed in the remainder of the pulley system.
Although the smart winner was far too good that day, Lisdante ran an honourable race to lead home the remainder.
During the flight, the wingman broke away to investigate a barge, and notified Cdr. Jack E. Keller, the pilot of the other A6A, that he was having an ordinance malfunction and was proceeding to Hon Mat Island, less than 15 miles away, so that he could dump the remainder of his bombload safely.
Austin, Ellis E.
Here it lies along the concavity of the hippocampus, on the surface of which some of its fibers are spread out to form the alveus, while the remainder are continued as a narrow white band, the fimbria hippocampi, which is prolonged into the uncus of the hippocampal gyrus.
IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
You are left with a payload remainder for water, supplies, spares and camping gear.
The young hero has an inauspicious beginning, turns it to his benefit through pluck and luck, then begins the cursus honorum of the sea: sailor, midshipman, lieutenant, captain, admiral, commemorative 30th-anniversary boxed set, remainder pile, deliquescence.
At Journey's End, a Ship of the Line
The remainder of the evening was spent by Stephen in miscellaneous cross-examination of Mrs Bunch and in efforts to extract a tune from the hurdy-gurdy.
Lost Hearts by M. R. James | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
Labour's manifesto was launched not by the Prime Minister alone but by a carefully choreographed phalanx of six ministers, with the remainder of the Cabinet arrayed behind them as a silent chorus.
The square of any prime number greater than 3 leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 12.
Several of the men left early to hunt, and the remainder of them shared bits of eatable fruits and beans found in the wild.
An excellent job has been done and the remainder of the slip road will be surfaced when further finance becomes available.
Initially, only one other vessel responded, so Duncan cheekily anchored the two ships in full view of the Dutch fleet, ordering his officers to signal regularly to the imaginary remainder of his warships.
The remainder used a rope thrown down the bank to haul themselves up.
The Sun
For a natural look the first year, broadcast half the seeds over the desired area, then sow the remainder in a direction perpendicular to the first.
In my judgment, the exception and reservation was probably an instinctive reaction of a conveyancer who was providing for the transfer of one part of a site, the remainder of which was being retained by the vendor.
Cosmic chocolate cake, cookies and sweeties definitely kept the children's energy levels up for the remainder of the day.
When they do notification his remainder he runs away and they all give casebook, meaning to killer him, out of the houseboat through the backbench doorbell.
Life is Life (or Ode to a great big idiot like Zizek)
Dividing by two and then taking the remainder gives us a number's last digit in binary notation.
UES has made repeated assurances that what it calls a transitional period will be launched in July, deregulating a quarter of capacity contracts until 2011, when the remainder will also be fully liberalized.
Some European Energy Companies
Table toppers at the halfway stage, Moone Celtic demolished their opponents on Sunday last, putting down a solid marker for the remainder of the season.
I have a remainder interest in a property where someone else has a life estate.
Overnight the winds increased forcing us to dive the sheltered side of the islands for the remainder of the trip.
To continue with my trip, the remainder of the summer was spent in patrolling, keeping weather reports, heliographing and reporting fires.
Keep these warm in the oven while you cook the remainder of the chicken.
Times, Sunday Times
The barge would be busy for two days or more, ferrying the remainder of the troops across.
The remainder of the colorectal resection was carried out by standard methods.
They choose to remain here and stop fighting in order to live out the remainder of their lives rusticating in harmony and peace.
Orcs: Bad Blood-Stan Nicholls « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
The bogginess and ruggedness of our route, for the remainder of the day, sufficiently tried our strength: we accomplished however thirteen miles, and halted in a small valley about four miles south of Whitwell Hill.
Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
Michael had done all his business and was well-content to spend the remainder of his day in mediaeval Cairo.
There was a King in Egypt
The remainder of the land will be transformed into an extension for Biss Meadow Country Park and a riverside walk.
Carry on dealing, in an anticlockwise direction off the bottom of the pack until the remainder is dealt out.
I will go ahead with three of you, and the remainder can wait here.
Yet, for all that, it was hard not to feel slightly queasy about the prospects for the remainder of the Scottish season.
Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.
The news spread and Bridge was in regular demand throughout the remainder of the war as a defending officer.
Times, Sunday Times
The rule is to cut 1/9 off the circle's diameter and to construct a square on the remainder.
Remaindered brick packs - rough clinkers, chocolate browns, flash fired silvers - were placed randomly along the south elevation, to be laid as required.
In legal terms, what John is wanting to do is to create a settlement, giving successive interests to members of his family: a life estate to his widow and a remainder in fee simple to his daughters.
The remainder of the forenoon was a tussle with lessons not glanced at since Friday night. —
The Getting of Wisdom
The remainder of the accommodation comprises a bedroom with en suite shower room and a guest cloakroom with fitted shelving.
Over a third of world energy is based on coal, the remainder mainly on oil and gas - all fossil fuels.
Times, Sunday Times
These translations remain in the bookshops for a year at the most and are then remaindered.
A second set of fibers from the medial and lateral nuclei end partly in the tegmentum, while the remainder ascend in the medial longitudinal fasciculus to arborize around the cells of the nuclei of the oculomotor nerve.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
The remainder of the boxes were filled by pupils in the local Convent Primary School, children attending the playschool and also the little girls in the Brownie group.
Pendleton delivered deadly accurate fire into the approaching troops, killing approximately 15 and disorganizing the remainder with grenades.
The remainder of the money is expected to come in grants and commercial sponsorship.
But persistently high U.S. unemployment and the choking effect it is having on consumption has prompted analysts to trim their growth outlook for remainder of the year, a recent Reuters poll showed.
The remainder lies somewhere between empty arpeggiated dance grooves and by-the-numbers synth-pop.
Lightly whisk one-quarter of the whites into the custard to loosen it slightly, then carefully fold in the remainder.
With remainder of yarn, twist a cord or crochet a chain cord.
The remainder of the volume consists of quite thorough summaries split into five major fossil groups: prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, hominoid primates, and human ancestors.
The remainder of his costume consisted of a black cloth roundabout, threadbare and dirty; a pair of black casimere pantaloons, very tight about the legs and burst open in several places; and a pair of moccasins on his feet, adorned with beads and patches of red flannel.
The Land of Thor
Use the remainder of the dressing to spoon over the chicken.
Times, Sunday Times
They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop.
Kelly's brilliance inspired his team-mates and the remainder of the game saw Waterford launch many attacks at the visitors' goal.
The Differential Calculus is begun and the remainder of the term spent on exercises in differentiation of functions.
The University of Virginia Record
Get through the remainder of this season intact and there is promise for the future.
Times, Sunday Times
Six of the houses would be affordable low-cost homes, with the remainder a mix of two and four-bedroom houses and semi-detached and terraced housing.
The remainder of the exhibition comprised lithographic and intaglio prints, and artists' books made by invited high profile artists.
The omental bursa, therefore, consists of a series of pouches or recesses to which the following terms are applied: (1) the vestibule, a narrow channel continued from the epiploic foramen, over the head of the pancreas to the gastropancreatic fold; this fold extends from the omental tuberosity of the pancreas to the right side of the fundus of the stomach, and contains the left gastric artery and coronary vein; (2) the superior omental recess, between the caudate lobe of the liver and the diaphragm; (3) the lienal recess, between the spleen and the stomach; (4) the inferior omental recess, which comprises the remainder of the bursa.
XI. Splanchnology. 2e. The Abdomen
Having occasion to move it on the twentyfourth, I peeped in and found half my caterpillars out and starved, proving that they had been hatched at least thirty-six hours or longer; half the others so feeble they soon became inactive, and the remainder survived and pupated.
Moths of the Limberlost
Ninety-five percent is used as pizza topping, while the remainder is made into sliced or ‘portioned’ cheese.
Later it was revealed that the horse was lame and he will now miss the remainder of the 2002-03 season, including his chance at Cheltenham glory.
A variable number of these appendages may become transformed into organs that are functional during post-embryonic life while the remainder disappear.
Any remainder can be passed on to heirs, subject to inheritance tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Production of milk and grain will eventually move to a smaller number of larger producers and the likelihood is that the remainder of the land will be farmed extensively or afforested.
The matter was rested for the remainder of the show, barring several interspersed comments on the alleged dubiety of his parentage.
The remainder tracks are passable but not memorable enough to merit mention.
Rather than rehearse the elements easily discerned from the essays themselves, the remainder of this introduction will provide a context within which readers can explore the resonances at work in the essays themselves as they connect to broader historical and cultural developments mapped in subsequent sections of this introduction.
Enlightenment East and West: An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism
Pets are welcome throughout the remainder of the park including trails, but they must be leashed at all times.
If, however, the grantor were to give away his full estate to a series of people, he will have kept no reversion in the property and the future interests he has created will be called remainders.
The cleavage pattern of the remainder of the insert is unaffected by the antibiotic.
Euclid's algorithm is here applied to 720 and 168: Just keep dividing and noting remainders so that the larger number 720 is 4 lots of the smaller number 168 with 48 left over.
The remainder of my life at Oxford was of necessity lived at half-speed; and in this place I must commemorate, with a gratitude which the lapse of years has never chilled, the extraordinary kindness and tenderness with which my undergraduate friends tended and nursed me in that time of crippledom. [
Fifteen Chapters of Autobiography
Since they had no replacement front row forward the scrums were uncontested for the remainder of the game.
Sensible it was impossible ever to remove the fatal truth, or the impression to her father of her lost virtue, she formed the frantic resolution of setting off for the wild solitudes of Cumberland, and there immure herself alive for the remainder of her existence.
The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
And the whole amount of the sums so to be assessed upon dwelling houses and slaves within each state respectively, shall be deducted from the sum hereby apportioned each state, and the remainder of the sum shall be assessed upon the lands within such state according to the valuations to be made pursuant to the act aforesaid, and at such per centum as will be sufficient to produce the said remainder ...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
She stayed up in her room for the remainder of the night smoking and drinking the diet soda she had stashed under her bed.
The remainder of the trapezium formed the garden, which was much lower than the level of the Rue Polonceau, which caused the walls to be very much higher on the inside than on the outside.
Les Miserables
The journey on the komatik was a great treat for both Mrs. Twig and Violet, and this visit supplied food for pleasant conversation during the remainder of the winter.
Left on the Labrador A Tale of Adventure Down North
The deal could involve a loan back to Birmingham for the remainder of the season.
Times, Sunday Times
At worst, these cut-price sales might be dealt with under the ‘remainders and disposal of surplus stock’ clause of the author's contract.
This car cost me $4, 000, I had worked full-time for the remainder of my freshman year (while maintaining a 4.0 grade point average ) in order to purchase this car and afford my very pricey insurance...
This term resto (remainder) would imply a previous payment.
Fra Bartolommeo
The Chechnyan had panicked when I told him he was going to call The lifter, cancel the job and meet him here to pay the remainder of his fee.
Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence
Yudhoyono targets growth of as much as 6.6 percent on average through the remainder of his term ending in 2014. -- Top News
Once, she was so headily in love with a man that she committed to spending the remainder of her days alongside him.
There was only one thing to do: I spent the remainder of the conference filling a notebook with this cack for future generations to enjoy, and hope to use it myself in future meetings.
Unfortunately, the remainder of their argument lacks enough coherency and consistency to help me understand what makes this idea interesting for design practice.
As the fibres of the medulla pass up through the pons to the great inferior ganglion, and the fibres of the corpus striatum pass outward and upward to form the cerebrum, this procession of the fibres is shown in the annexed engraving, in which we see the restiform bodies passing up to form the cerebellum, and the remainder of the medulla fibres passing through the pons, and then, under the name crus cerebri or thigh of the cerebrum, passing through the thalamus and striatum to expand in the left hemisphere of the cerebrum.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887 Volume 1, Number 4
The remainder of the fund is invested in index-linked bonds to provide diversification and inflation protection.
Times, Sunday Times
As a result, the remainder of the book is a generally sober assessment of the next few decades.
Times, Sunday Times
The V7 and IV chords in standard inversions are quickly introduced, and the remainder of the book generally uses the hands together with chords accompanying a single-line melody.
After which I repair to the bazaar, purchase meat with one dirhem, rakee with another, others go for fruit and flowers, cakes, sweetmeats, bread, oil for my lamps, and the remainder I spend in wine.
The Pacha of Many Tales
Ten people came but the remainder stayed away.
I won't give any other plot details away than this, but the remainder of the film centers on those two characters trying to find a way to get out of the room while playing a vicious game with a mad serial killer.
The remainder used a rope thrown down the bank to haul themselves up.
The Sun
His books are already weighing down the remainder tables.
As Larsen-Freeman and Cameron comment, “In order to address their goal, many lingustis have sought to represent the language system in idealized elegance, often stripped of the disorderliness of what had been called the noisy ‘remainder’ … To do so, they have had to make certain concessions that do not cohere well with the demands of applied linguistics”.
X is for X-bar Theory « An A-Z of ELT
The remainder of the nineteenth century was not entirely devoid of examples of irregular warfare in western Europe.
Warfare in the Twentieth Century
A recovery by two or three tenants in tail with crofs, remainders, and a fine by the other, leaves the title incomplete as to the Ihare of tlie perfon who, levies the fine, - •* 23
Tracts on I. The Definition and Nature of Cross Remainder, II. Fines and Recoveries by Tenant in ...
As far as we can tell, all the elimination decisions rest solely with the public for the remainder of X Factor, which leaves Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh and Sharon Osbourne with little more to do than squabble amongst themselves in unconvincingly stage-managed ways.
X Factor Betting Odds: Simon And Dannii, Sitting In A Tree?
By these, Bernadotte was instructed to close with the IIIrd Corps at Naumburg, Ney to move on Roda and the remainder to stop in their present locations, there to rest, round up stragglers and reprovision.
He pointed out that while a few employees work part time to maintain the building and the grounds, management has found other jobs for the remainder of their former employees.