How To Use Religiously In A Sentence
For except it be treacle and mithridatum, and of late diascordium, and a few more, they tie themselves to no receipts severely and religiously.
The Advancement of Learning
Much African art still seems religiously alive and therefore not entirely at home in a secular environment.
Another tradition, more religiously approved, is the artistic development of calligraphy.
For matter of Religion it would require a particular volume, if I should set downe how irreligiously they couer their greedy and ambicious pretenses, with that veile of pietie.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
In our religiously mixed household, it's an uncontentious celebration.
Times, Sunday Times
They are less active religiously than those they leave behind in other churches and synagogues.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.
It was Pat Buchanan who first used the term cultural war to assure the religiously inclined that the opposition - liberals and Democrats - are evil: There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America.
Bush is on a Mission from God
religiously inspired art
In short, during the twentieth century both the norms governing religious intermarriage and actual marriage patterns moved toward greater interfaith openness and integration, as religiously insular generations were succeeded by their more open-minded children.35 Less detailed evidence on interfaith friendships is available, but such evidence as we have suggests that they too became slowly but steadily more prevalent, at least over the last two decades of the twentieth century.36
American Grace
Thus, even though nomads have to get much of their food by slaughtering animals from their herds, their way of life is still religiously respectable.
American intermarriage rates a century ago, however, were much more similar to those in violently strife-torn, religiously divided Northern Ireland.
American Grace
The study found that 22 percent of married or domestic partner couples report they are involved in a religiously diverse union.
The series also includes discussions with peacekeepers and peacemakers about some of the challenges that arise from religiously driven violence.
That can't be said for other religiously observant people in the public square.
Usually it is those who seek the gratification of personal glory as well as the sound of the cash register who pump themselves full of this or that chemical, preferably one hitherto unknown to science so that the authorities, who religiously trot out the psittacine mantra that this is the most drug-free Olympics ever, are left flat-footed in their wake.
Boycott the Olympics & Read Proust Instead
My family arms are the same, which were borne by the Gibbons of Kent in an age, when the College of Heralds religiously guarded the distinctions of blood and name: a lion rampant gardant, between three schallop-shells argent, on a field azure.
Memoirs of My Life and Writings
No one is really implying a comparison with the complex and religiously inspired system of India, grounded in its notions of metempsychosis.
The caste system reflects Indian historical occupation and religiously defined hierarchies.
Breakfast was hot chocolate -- sandy, sour, nearly undrinkable, but religiously provided at least once a week in place of coffee.
Mr. Sembiring claims legal authority for his various crusades from sweeping antipornography legislation passed in 2008, a law that has become a powerful tool for advancing Islamic values in a religiously diverse but secular, majority Muslim state.
RIM on the Ropes
I have watched eason 1-7 religiously each season is great in its own way. (yes even season 6) I hope it gets a good ending.
24 Officially Canceled | /Film
Fuel costs are passed on through all kinds of consumable goods and services, hitting the pockets of even those who religiously shun fossil-fuel consumption and choose to travel by bicycle or foot.
While her friends accept the affair, she must hide it from her tradition-bound parents and religiously conservative older brother.
“Original Intent” is to be taken literally, viz., a racially and religiously segregated slave-holding oligarchic Republic.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Five angry men
I made Blue Peter crunchie cake religiously every week, each time trying to perfect it.
Family life
By coscinomancy, most religiously observed of old amidst the ceremonies of the ancient Romans.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
I watched the show almost religiously from that moment, catching up on episodes I had never seen before or re-living my childhood, filled with images of sitting in a kotatsu with mikan-oranges in hand in the cold winter months of Japan.
Archive 2007-01-01
a forfeiture of the charter grant because they exercise that oppression and persecution contrary to its first intent, and are the direct cause of contention and disunion, which is repugnant to the principal design of constituting the colony; viz. that it "May be so religiously, peaceably and civilly governed as may win and invite the natives to the Christian faith." [l47]
The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut
Governments have always claimed control over marriage, whether solemnized religiously or civilly.
I watch it every day religiously and to top it all, I watch the omnibus on Sunday morning once more.
There are a few blogs I read religiously.
This is not a movie aimed at the religiously pious.
It's a very strange doctrine that would silence only religiously grounded moral viewpoints.
Melinda, her reliable and religious baby-sitter, of the mousy brown hair and conservative clothing, now of the flower-like lily limbs and void of clothing of any kind, writhing religiously on their beige living-room couch like an octopus, being devoured by her shirtless husband, their faces lifting and meeting, mouths plastering and coming apart, gasps and moans inaudible above the high-powered shouting of the rock stars on the stereo.
For the Sake of the Boy
Friday is Shabbat for Helen, and as testament to her upbringing she religiously goes home for dinner every week.
He rotates plant families every year to ensure that nutrients are not depleted from soils and he composts religiously.
All of which grounds him in a conventionally moral and religiously devout realm.
To say what I want to say about this film, I think you need to know where I come from religiously.
Society has been divided into factions that religiously uphold one virtue of humanity.
Times, Sunday Times
Rove’s grand plan was to spend the first three years of Bush’s term stroking conservatives’ erogenous zones–lots of tax cuts, conservative judges, regulatory rollbacks, and religiously hued social policy the administration’s marriage initiative, its efforts to restrict access to abortion, its retrograde stem cell research policies, etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Inside Base-ball
Visitors are requested to keep to -- Well, I'm "-- she hauled the pony off the common, whither he had betaken himself, on to the road again --" blowed, "she added, religiously completing her unfinished sentence.
Roden's Corner
In addition, there are approximately three million Burakumin “hamlet people”, who are culturally, ethnically, and religiously indistinct from the Japanese—and yet the Japanese consider them a separate group and discriminate against them.
At present, we tend to think of a hate crime as racially or religiously motivated, and increasingly often as a result of sexual preference: e.g. gay bashing.
That is, among the American upper middle classes, those who are religiously observant are more likely to report friendship and social interaction with people on welfare or manual workers than comparably placed secular Americans.
American Grace
The souls of such separate themselves from the unlimited love for the sex, and devote themselves to one, with whom they look for an everlasting and eternal union and its increasing blessednesses, as the cherishers of the hope which continually recreates their mind; but it is quite otherwise with the unchaste, that is, with those who do not think religiously of marriages and their holiness.
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
In the New York Times I read religiously each capsule biography of a World Trade Center victim.
I tiptoed religiously by it, went on up to the big house where the three women slept, as if drawn to their abode by a sort of heliotropism.
Tramping on Life
Thanks to his enlightening work, I now realize that I need to first get a large group of ethnically, racially and religiously homogenous people together to go to TNR offices to obtain permission from the editors that we call ourselves “a nation” before we can have any human rights. saifedean Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Bye, Bye Nationhood
This is not a movie aimed at the religiously pious.
You used the term collective consciousness religiously.
The Real Time Search Dilemma: Consciousness Versus Memory
A religiously plural country like India throws up complex problems in a democratic set up.
He waited sometime before he was answered, repeating his summons violently at frequent intervals, and swearing irreligiously under his breath as he did so.
I use Tumblr religiously," said Mr. Formichetti, a frequent collaborator with Lady Gaga and the creative director of Thierry Mugler's ready-to-wear lines.
High Fashion and Hoodies
And I bow to your magical mesmeric powers of ESP, in delving into the subconscious of the dead spirits, drawing forth the knowledgeses that they only thought they were religiously motivated.
Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
She practiced religiously, gathered confidence, was enthralled by her new adventure.
We suspect that religiously based ties are morally freighted in a way that most secular ties are not, so that pleas for good works giving, volunteering, joining a reform movement, serving as a leader in some civic organization, and so forth seem more appropriate and weightier than comparable requests from a co-worker or someone you know from the gym.
American Grace
By those standards, it would be fair to ask if the person claiming disability due to a spinal cord or brain injury from a motor vehicle accident was in fact observing the speed limit at the time of the accident or if the person who suffered a disabling stroke always religiously took her blood pressure medications and passed on the salt.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Severe Obesity is Not a Choice!
But as we approach the 10th anniversary of 9/11, a treasure trove of documentaries, books representing both sensationalistic and investigative journalism, Hollywood action blockbusters, PBS and Christiane Amanpour specials later, there still seems to be a lack of clarity around and an obsession with the term "terrorism" -- and a certain kind of racially and religiously understood "terrorism.
Maytha Alhassen: From 9/11 To 8/22: My Arab-American Muslim Father Was A Victim Of American Terrorism
To be religiously illiterate is to short-change one's self and society.
John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
They were not idolaters as some religiously intolerant groups might suggest; no learned people actually worshipped the sun as God literally.
Much like the atheist movement, the interfaith movement seeks to build inter-group understanding, encourage critical thinking, and end religiously-based sociological and political exclusivism.
Chris Stedman: Do Atheists Belong In The Interfaith Movement?
Even Severo, who attends church regularly (if not religiously), believes ‘that masses and religious vows, like the selling of indulgences, images, and scapulars, were a dishonest business’.
The term moderate Muslims may include those who aren't religiously observant, and thus offend those Muslims who are.
Homeland Security Newspeak
I religiously told Jim about each of Neil's presents, desperately hoping to provoke some sort of response.
My Mother watches the three main soaps on our televisions religiously.
I dropped my belief in a god several years ago and I was indoctrinated in one of the most religiously oriented states in America.
They practice religiously during the summer - up to two hours daily - and meet twice a week in the winter.
By what right does the developed world claim the moral high ground over poorer, but religiously devout, societies?
On the contrary, unlike the religiously sure-of-themselves, it's ready to listen to all seekers after God and Truth.
The confidence that nonbelievers can reason morally seems to be a precondition for a religiously plural democratic polity.
• Ethnic minorities have a stronger preference for in-group marriage, in part because they have more religiously homogeneous social networks, but also because ethnic identification itself discourages religious intermarriage.
American Grace
Both used the angular outlines, the burning transparencies, the fixed but still unfathomable symbols of the great mediæval civilisation; but Rossetti used the religious imagery (on the whole) irreligiously, Christina Rossetti used it religiously but (on the whole) so to make it seem a narrower religion.
The Victorian Age in Literature
‘Sanctity’ is a word with a religious connotation; it means ‘holy or religiously sacred.’
Raised in a religiously observant family, he certainly felt the force of scriptural themes.
And if you go to the website you'll see that they've already compiled an impressive and very politically and religiously diverse least of signers.
Modernists are theologically more individualistic than the religiously orthodox in that they see individuals, not a deity, as responsible for their fates and as the ultimate moral arbiters.
In a nursing home or ward the routine is that every patient has a care plan that is religiously filled in every day with ticks or crosses - has he eaten a balanced diet?
Wherefore they which be indued with so excellent a benefite of God, be called accordyng to Gods purpose by his spirite workyng in due season: they through grace obey the callyng: they be iustified freely: they be made sonnes of God by adoption: they be made lyke the image of his onelye begotten sonne Jesus Christe: they walke religiously in good workes, and at length by Gods mercy, they attaine to euerlastyng felicitie.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
It also is a part of the strategy of religious nationalisms which characterize the nation as a religiously defined ethno-cultural people.
Religiously I am a Norse neopagan, and a lot of the myths and symbols (including the swastika) which I hold as holy have been greatly misused in the past.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
However, returning to America hovers like a shadow just behind leaving; there is something about this [crazy, shitty, overwhelming, religiously foolish, constitutionally suspect, demographically impressive but socioculturally offensive] country that makes coming home feel really good.
Test entry
The most important thing which an enterprise should possess is the ability to believe in oneself and should go after that religiously.
6 Tips for Taking an Enterprise Company to the Masses
Australia is demonstrably a religiously plural state.
Please, Mr. Ishmael, please do not speak so -- so irreligiously," said Mr. Dove in an irritated but nervous voice.
The Ghost Kings
I have many friends who watch her cable show religiously.
Religiously curious people I'd call them "liberal," although most wouldn't accept the label respond to people who hold different beliefs and practice different faiths as kindred spirits.
Philocrites: Sharing God.
The fort became a trading post that attracted a religiously diverse population.
He was irreligiously spiritual, earthy but ethical.
I don't read any particular columnist religiously so I can't comment with authority on his philosophy.
If you want to read a compendium of religiously engendered "atrocities" read Christopher Hitchens's superb book, God Is Not Great, which reminds you of them in accumulatively shocking detail.
Matthew Chapman: At Last A Comic Book Atheist Hero
He fussed over detail and religiously followed the composer's intentions.
I am suggesting that the intention is to end "church weddings", meaning the end of marriage rites conducted in churches which the _church_ recognizes as religiously meaningful.
Philocrites: Episcopal diocese: Get married by someone else.
More irreligiously, he adds, the city was founded by Satan.
Your idea that the constitution needs to be religiously atune is just plain lunacy.
Huckabee warns Palin: Don't leave GOP
But all the while he was religiously devouring the books of the physics masters.
Norwegians hold ski festivals here every year as religiously as their National Day.
The ecclesiastical fission has led to some tiny island villages being split religiously among as many as five different bodies.
She practiced religiously, gathered confidence, was enthralled by her new adventure.
When I talks of dog-fighting, I of course means rat-catching, and badger-baiting, ay, and bull-baiting too, just as when I speaks religiously, when I says one I means not one but three.
Like the barebacker who casually tosses away his health-or his partner's health-because he believes, quite erroneously, that "risky = sexy," the saddlebacker offers up her ass because she believes, quite erroneously, that she can get fucked in the ass-vigorously, religiously-and still be considered a virgin on her wedding night.
News on Anchorage Press
But Mr. Modi's hard-line championing of Hinduism also makes him a controversial figure in this religiously diverse country.
Medieval Europe was politically fragmented and religiously divided.
We heard the Red Guards warning our parents against raising us religiously.
he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock
More than 10 million poor, religiously conservative residents dominate the city.
While we observed religiously the timetable of the television schedules, she operated by New York time.
It is a crime committed not against members of ethnically or racially or religiously diverse groups but only against members of ethnically or racially or religiously homogeneous groups.
He argued that the attacks were not religiously motivated but designed to destabilize the country by creating communal conflicts.
But to forestall the recognition of a Palestinian state he will happily cosset influential end-timers like Glenn Beck, who apparently has a touch of Jerusalem syndrome, a religiously-induced form of psychosis I first learned about from an episode of The X-Files, in which a grey-haired millionaire leaves a trail of mayhem and destruction in his wake following a trip to the holy city.
Ariel Gonzalez: Infallible Israel
Thus the child whom the parents consider unwanted may be a blessing to the family religiously and economically.
The use of religious language, as an expression of a religiously grounded culture, was not a disguise of pre-existing intentions.
They were the only band we ever religiously followed.
Nicias, detecting the design, and seeing that his person was secretly kept in watch, proceeded to speak irreligiously to the vulgar of the Mothers, and showed many signs of disrespect, as if he denied and contemned the received opinion of the presence of those goddesses; his enemies the while rejoicing, that he, of his own accord, sought the destruction hanging over his head.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Which is probably why I think better than a religiously addled brainfart like yourself.
Matthew Yglesias » Time Machine
To be religiously illiterate is to short-change one's self and society.
John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
The Silicon Valley netroot community, a very powerful community, a very important constituency to this administration, is strongly, almost religiously committed to this issue in a very coordinated way and that provides a lot of power and impetus to keep this issue moving and to push the more extreme versions of net neutrality," Powell said.
Former FCC Chairman Criticizes 'Religious' Commitment To Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
At five minutes to twelve the soft tuning was again heard in the back quarters; and when at length the clock had whizzed forth the last stroke, Dick appeared ready primed, and the instruments were boldly handled; old William very readily taking the bass-viol from its accustomed nail, and touching the strings as irreligiously as could be desired.
Under the Greenwood Tree
Unfortunately, the author conflates blind followers of religious dogma with thoughtful believers who reason independently within a religiously-informed framework.
We've regularly - almost religiously - deposited money into our bank savings account.
He was called "one of the most virulently homophobic black leaders in the religiously based anti-gay movement" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Rashad Robinson: Harms of Anti-Gay Rhetoric Lost as Media Fixates on Bishop Eddie Long Scandal
This does not strip him of his office as consul, but — as it renders him religiously odious — it disbars him from carrying out his duties as consul.
The Grass Crown
This was the one book he religiously assigned to his students each year.
All the fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body and therefore do not need to be supplied religiously on a daily basis.
The Family Nutrition Workbook
These ceremonies are easily and often celebrated non-denominationally and irreligiously.
Some are saying that many of the more religiously inclined families won't want their womenfolk voting so it might be permissible for the head of the family to take the women's ID and her ballot and do the voting for her.
• Ethnic minorities have a stronger preference for in-group marriage, in part because they have more religiously homogeneous social networks, but also because ethnic identification itself discourages religious intermarriage.
American Grace
In no nation did the proportion of the religiously affiliated who endorsed either an agnostic or atheist religious position exceed more than six percentage points.
His vigilantes continue marauding the country irreligiously.
To many non-Catholics, especially religiously skeptical ones, belonging to Opus Dei means nothing more than being a high-octane Catholic of a certifiably orthodox sort.
The sermon is irreligiously long; and you are nodding -- in a doze!
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 266, July 28, 1827
I am a in sharp rein but i get revolting when meryta aldose that ultimateness enets is clew religiously the blowhard, or that all jacobinical remuneration are retral, or that antilles demographer is aerobic.
Rational Review
I am a huge coinsure of the twisted humorous vision of Tim Schafer and I check Tasha of DoubleFine's web comic religiously.
We had constantly these hurricanes coming in, so I was religiously watching the weather channel.
She expects him to be moved as deeply, as religiously as she is.
This religiously inspired ideology is deeply anti - Semitic, dehumanizes Jews, and demands Israel's destruction.
True charity is modest, and Colonel Dumont did not desire to see his name blazoned forth to the world for doing that which he honestly and religiously deemed his duty.
Hatchie, the Guardian Slave; or, The Heiress of Bellevue
He believes religiously in the "moral necessity of his annihilation".
They hate us, their treatises and demagogues have long proclaimed, because we appear to them spiritually lukewarm, religiously flaccid.
A 2007 Southern Poverty Law Center report described Long as "one of the most virulently homophobic black leaders in the religiously based anti-gay movement.
Wayne Besen: Bishop Bling and the Gay Fling: Rev. Eddie Long's Downfall
The editors religiously retain the misspelled versions of 1816.
This inhuman madness will end only with the end of the violent ideology that spawned it—when those who are committed to the project of creating and maintaining a religiously and ethnically exclusivist state in what has always been a culturally and religiously heterogeneous land finally relent and accept the inevitable: that they have failed. thanks Saree
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Breakfast was hot chocolate -- sandy, sour, nearly undrinkable, but religiously provided at least once a week in place of coffee.
The key to Afghanistan's future thus lies not in forging an unholy alliance after breaking the back of the Taliban, but rather in first smashing asunder devastating assumptions beginning with the misconception that Afghans would ever choose to live under a regime of corrupt Westernized bureaucrats and religiously psychotic warlords who espouse belief systems anathema to thousands of years of Afghan tribal sensibilities.
Michael Hughes: Saving Afghanistan Requires Smashing Dangerous Delusions
After that, the lessons were shouted in my ear, religiously.
The ecclesiastical fission has led to some tiny island villages being split religiously among as many as five different bodies.
People like you, who religiously send your hard earned money into your huge lumbering index fund, get maximum disvalue on the exchange because of hedge funds.
Your Right Hand Thief
I am a in sharp rein but i get revolting when meryta aldose that ultimateness enets is clew religiously the blowhard, or that all jacobinical remuneration are retral, or that antilles demographer is aerobic.
Rational Review
From a religious angle it is about seeking penitence; irreligiously we look behind at what we could have done better.
Friday is Shabbat for Helen, and as testament to her upbringing she religiously goes home for dinner every week.
They are less active religiously than those they leave behind in other churches and synagogues.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
I still follow my beloved team religiously.
Of course, it is one thing for a building to be multiply religiously committed, quite another for one person to be.
Why should we support religiously intolerant regimes that virtually enslave women and persecute nonbelievers to death?
I belong to a family which belongs socially and religiously to Kashmir.
Of course, we're not sticking religiously to the Japanese haiku rule which states that the composition must contain at least one seasonal reference.
India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.
Raised in a religiously observant family, he certainly felt the force of scriptural themes.
There are colleges and schools located in religiously affiliated universities and those in secular institutions.
Failure to observe the tithes would invoke not only severe Divine punishment but in most cases would render the grain religiously inedible and consequently unsalable.
Instead, Dr. Hawkes will tackle spiritual issues surrounding death and life - "what I call the churchy part" - although the service is intended to be religiously and politically inclusive, and will have readings from Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
‘The approach we have to religion - making the children as religiously literate as they are ‘computerate’ and numerate - can be especially attractive to middle class parents,’ Mr Richards said.
The story might be interpreted in many ways -- religiously, as meaning that spiritual insolence starts all human separations; irreligiously, as meaning that the inhuman heavens grudge man his magnificent dream; or merely satirically as suggesting that all attempts to reach a higher agreement always end in more disagreement than there was before.
Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays
Small farmers from religiously observant homes could look forward to cheap credit and stable leases.
What many of us object to, and apparently a majority of Kansans agree, is the introduction of unscientific ignorant criticisms of evolution by religiously motivated, nonbiologically trained individuals that amount to “I don’t see how this could be true”.
Note from Kansas - The Panda's Thumb
I go to your blod religiously and was excited to see how you went with this months DB.
Soft meringue roll with raspberries & a competition i failed
Lastly, this is to be especially considered -- that this circumincession of the Divine Persons is indeed a very great mystery, which we ought rather religiously to adore than curiously to pry into.
NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
He began to boil his water, tried to refuse invitations without causing offense, and religiously took the prescribed medicines.
It is one of the few shows I religiously tune in to.
This kind of superiority complex isn't ethnically or religiously exclusive.
Times, Sunday Times
Ockham, for example, treated the former as philosophically incom - prehensible and religiously believable only on the basis of a special mode of knowing; the great Arab thinkers in Spain, especially the Averroists, raised doubts about personal immortality which were not without influence in the Christian West.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.
All students, not just those who are religiously observant, are able to eat in the dining hall.
The third option, the one in fact embraced by most religiously affiliated people in the US, is what I think is called "denominationalism" - the idea that different religious organizations are just different consumer products.
He washes the floor religiously every morning.
You speak too hurriedly, doctor, and, if you will pardon my saying so, too irreligiously. '
The Bishop's Secret
In his religiously unorthodox manner, he assured Americans that he and they were “enlightened by a benign religion, professed, indeed, and practiced in various forms,” all of which “acknowledg[ed] and ador[ed] an overruling Providence.”
The Chosen Peoples
Being good, frugal Yankees who like to globetrot, they read Budget Travel magazine religiously, and my mother thought that for their once-in-a-lifetime trip to New Zealand and Hawaii this past summer, they should get some advice.
But to forestall the recognition of a Palestinian state he will happily cosset influential end-timers like Glenn Beck, who apparently has a touch of Jerusalem syndrome, a religiously-induced form of psychosis I first learned about from an episode of The X-Files, in which a grey-haired millionaire leaves a trail of mayhem and destruction in his wake following a trip to the holy city.
Ariel Gonzalez: Infallible Israel
And a young maid in the hotel firmly believes that many of the fantastic shapes of rock were once people who (according to an old story), were turned into stone for behaving irreligiously on Sundays.
Set in Silver
The author addresses environmentalism's ties with religiously motivated ideas about stewardship.
It is also about ingraining a broader ethic of pluralism, of accepting and understanding difference - religiously, ethnically, culturally and linguistically.
Rahim Kanani: A Global Interfaith Initiative to Change the World
For Black the content of the prayer, its actual words, or the fact that its non-denominational nature allegedly made it religiously neutral, had no relevance to the case.