Religious Society of Friends

  1. a Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660; commonly called Quakers
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How To Use Religious Society of Friends In A Sentence

  • He is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and serves on the steering committee of Cumberland (more ...) OpEdNews - Diary: Our Military is Chasing a Phantom
  • The Religious Society of Friends and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland declined to join.
  • The full name of the Quakers is the Religious Society of Friends, and are very serious about non-violence and peace. Tis the Gift to Be Simple, Tis the Gift to Be Free
  • Helping the Forum in its efforts are conflict resolution experts from the Britain-based Religious Society of Friends, whose members are commonly known as Quakers, besides some members from the American Baptist Church.
  • Eventually I requested release from membership with the Religious Society of Friends and became an interfaith minister. Elizabeth Cunningham: Credo: Community Without Conformity
  • The Religious Society of Friends, started in England, settled the colony of Pennsylvania. Jamie Stiehm: Oprah and Lucretia: Friends that Go Back a Long Way
  • The Religious Society of Friends is a religious group made up of Quakers. Evening Mail news round-up
  • I guess the short answer is yes, but the Religious Society of Friends is a made up of several diverse branches with diverse memberships, and what one person means when she says "I believe in the bible" can be very different from what another person means by the same statement, and I don't know whether either of them would be identical to what you mean when you ask that question. Discussion Forum - Quaker Quaker
  • I am a member of the Religious Society of Friends," I would answer. William Grassie: Celebrate A Spiritual, Not Religious Thanksgiving
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