How To Use Religionist In A Sentence

  • Each religion educates its young in a sectarian way, for religionists believe that to learn one specific path is sufficient and necessary.
  • He omits to mention, however, that education is the one section of the U.S. economy that his Leftist co-religionists dominate.
  • The first may be called an error of worldly-minded men, the other an error of mistaken religionists.
  • Until I see you even once denounce the shrieky eliminationism that is the stock-in-trade of your political coreligionists -- some examples are compiled here, and there are several more recent ones -- I, for one, can do without your Pecksniffian faux-outrage about a throwaway and self-contradictory Twitter comment. Archive 2009-04-01
  • For Phil and his co-religionists, there is no distinction between prophecy and self-fulfilling prophecy.
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  • The service would have been pronounced by any modern aesthetic religionist -- or religious aesthete, which is it? Sylvie and Bruno
  • He intended to secure for all time a religious and civil equality for his co-religionists.
  • Does that go as far as shopping co-religionists for any indication of heightened religiosity?
  • You're motivated by and, in fact, are permitted under current law to hire coreligionists, people who believe as you do.
  • This eirenicon brought down upon him the most vehement attacks from the extreme party of his coreligionists, above all from Calovius, the representative of rigid Lutheranism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Hey Southernboy, where did you post anything on the internet about the shame you feel because of your coreligionist Gov of Illinois Blago? Articles
  • We doubt this was the private reaction in the Oval Office, whose occupant was told by Ms. Romer and economic co-religionist Jared Bernstein that the February 2009 stimulus would kick start a recovery in growth and jobs. Employers on Strike
  • A scientist who decides that he has arrived at absolutely conclusive answers has ceased being a scientist and has become a kind of religionist; not in the most usual form, perhaps, but a religionist in his mind-set. Stories
  • Christian members of the cabinet were used to persuade their co-religionists.
  • As co-religionist Muslims tarred by the Taliban, as silent Muslim moderates stained by the soldiers of Al Qaedah, Muslims must ask ourselves what feeds such fundamental fears that a young mother regrets her child's Jewish origins. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Adventures of an Accidental Zionist: Encounters with the Anxiety of Jewish Extinction
  • The 2000 OLC Opinion identifies four distinct possible constitutional objections to government funding of an employer that discriminates in favor of coreligionist employees. Balkinization
  • For the willfully, viciously stupid carrion feeders that comprise the backbone of Reichwing religionists, such a notion is as alien as Jesus caring for the poor. Think Progress » Palin blames ‘Gore-gate’ for ‘this snake oil science stuff.’
  • The Protestant planters and their co-religionists settled on the right, in both senses, bank of the River Foyle, a well-situated salubrious suburb called Waterside.
  • Though such policy was in force, Catholicism still developed continuously in Guangdong and the activities of the missionary and religionist were still relatively active.
  • Moses is represented as the external and superficial religionist; the man of outsight; Al – Khizr as the spiritual and illuminated man of insight. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I presume Wollaston is either exactly the kind of religionist Dawkins is addressing, or some kind of liberal who thinks religion os a good thing (even if he cant believe himself) and that somehoe religion should be given a "free pass" just as Dawkins says it shouldnt. The Guardian World News
  • This gesture earned our admiration and respect because rarely do leaders of any religion admit that their co-religionists have committed wrongs against others.
  • Perhaps it is pertinent to remember that Mr. Carlyle, in fact, is a prophet with a faith, and he holds the opposition kind of religionist in Critical Miscellanies, Vol. I Essay 2: Carlyle
  • A society where the interests of your family, tribe, or coreligionists are generally put ahead of the ‘common interest’ will have a tougher time building a successful, modern political and economic infrastructure.
  • If Hispanics challenge such a response, their Euro-American co-religionists often perceive them as being unappreciative of the welcome offered them.
  • I've seen it argued by conservative religionist that the reason why liberals accept evolution is because of the idea of progressiveness in the facts and theories. Discover Blogs
  • Until I see you even once denounce the shrieky eliminationism that is the stock-in-trade of your political coreligionists -- some examples are compiled here, and there are several more recent ones -- I, for one, can do without your Pecksniffian faux-outrage about a throwaway and self-contradictory Twitter comment. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The 18,000 Druse and 2,000 Alawites on the Golan would be reunited with their co-religionists, but decades of life under the Zionists will have created social, economic and, yes, political expectations that could "contaminate" the larger Syrian polity. Jihad Monitor
  • His story was related in May 1945 by an admiring coreligionist: "My ambition was to sleep with some female Nazi and then tell her I'm Jewish," he wrote. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • For Phil and his co-religionists, there is no distinction between prophecy and self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • And to what extent is it proper for religious authorities to try and influence their co-religionists who happen to occupy these posts?
  • He intended to secure for all time a religious and civil equality for his co-religionists.
  • As a political liberal who is also a devout Baptist, I have grudging admiration for my conservative coreligionists.
  • In October 1955 Gelinas's coreligionist, Ngo Dinh Diem, held a referendum in which he arranged to "win" 98.2 percent of the vote. The New Vietnam: An Opposing View
  • This seems to me the language that is rightly used among coreligionists within the church, not between state officials and citizens in a criminal proceeding.
  • Loyalty to a co-religionist so strong that they ignore gross incompetence. ICR hits a snag - The Panda's Thumb
  • Like how Atheism can be used as the umbrella term for religions like Buddhism and for some irreligionist beliefs. Waldo Jaquith - Creationist museum admits to evolution.
  • You're motivated by and, in fact, are permitted under current law to hire coreligionists, people who believe as you do.
  • To be sure, the stranger, often the Polish or Russian coreligionist who in garb and customs preserved the old traditions, haunted the assimilated Jew too. Bloodlust
  • Heartened by this loutish spectacle, there is no doubt Bush told "da hully fadda" any number of expansive lies in hopes of igniting a crack down on catholic liberals in general and my honest coreligionist John Kerry in particular. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Until I see you even once denounce the shrieky eliminationism that is the stock-in-trade of your political coreligionists -- some examples are compiled here, and there are several more recent ones -- I, for one, can do without your Pecksniffian faux-outrage about a throwaway and self-contradictory Twitter comment. Archive 2009-04-01
  • His trance-like universe of moral relativism was disturbed when he met a group of his coreligionists who promised him answers and certainties, if only he renounced his wayward path and became a true believer.
  • His trance-like universe of moral relativism was disturbed when he met a group of his coreligionists who promised him answers and certainties, if only he renounced his wayward path and became a true believer.
  • Many wanted him to continue paganism, but he got Christian and his land was taken over by German co-religionists.
  • There are, in short, perfectionist reformers as well as religionists, who wait to see the salvation which it is the task of humanity itself to work out, and who look down from a region of ineffable self-complacence on their dusty and toiling brethren who are resolutely doing whatsoever their hands find to do for the removal of the evils around them. The Complete Works of Whittier
  • I hate hearing religionists winge on about “their” festival and the “reasons” for chrissmass when no such thing is true. Offensive « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Politicians historically have tried to use religion, and religionists have tried to use politics.
  • Heartened by this loutish spectacle, there is no doubt Bush told "da hully fadda" any number of expansive lies in hopes of igniting a crack down on catholic liberals in general and my honest coreligionist John Kerry in particular. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Until I see you even once denounce the shrieky eliminationism that is the stock-in-trade of your political coreligionists -- some examples are compiled here, and there are several more recent ones -- I, for one, can do without your Pecksniffian faux-outrage about a throwaway and self-contradictory Twitter comment. Archive 2009-04-01
  • To the extent the Shiites feel attacks, Iran will be seen as a stalwart coreligionist ally.
  • Next time you bust a junkie who’s a coreligionist”—the word gets a little barking laugh from the college kids—“and you stick your rubber glove up his ass to check what kind of stash he’s got in there, that smell you smell is shmek, my friend. Underworld
  • By their own words, as rendered into English by Mr. Benjamin's coreligionist Mr. Goldfarb, they show themselves to be zealots at strife with virtually the entire world of their time. The Guns Of The South
  • I leave you with one thought & a plausible end to fanatical religionist terrorism: Think green ecologically & economically green, a trillion dollar industry meeting all the requirements of unabused capitalism. Think Progress » FULL TRANSCRIPT: Clinton Takes On Fox News
  • The great trouble with religion - any religion - is that the religionist, having accepted certain propositions by faith, cannot thereafter judge these propositions by evidence.
  • But if a religionist is granted the right to wear a hat, then you can’t prove endorsement unless you demonstrate a reason for hatlessness viz. you are granted unfair advantage over or damage to everyone else, in which case the right won’t be granted anyway. What Does Cutter Mean for Creationism? - The Panda's Thumb
  • My sympathies rush to reach my co-religionist sisters struggling to prove that piety isn't reactionary, that covering your head doesn't mean covering your mind. Haroon Moghul: She's Hot and Hezbollah: When Women Are Wielded as Ideological Weapons
  • And when a professional religionist begins something by saying, "Once upon a time, there was a house …," there is every reason to assume - especially if the religionist is a Christian - that we are about to re-visit, whether we wish to or not, the parable of the two houses. World and Global Politics Blog
  • It deals with truth and error, with behavior towards co-religionists and religious opponents, and with the coercive power of the state.
  • Looks to me like the religionist are the ones losing over the Freedom From Releigon's use of free speech! Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • This is rather too difficult for most religionists, who are convinced of the power of prayer.
  • Christian members of the cabinet were used to persuade their co-religionists.
  • The Nizam was a Muslim, but he had no love for his coreligionist, the Tippoo, and the men of Hyderabad's army fought fiercely. Sharpe's Tiger
  • Many wanted him to continue paganism, but he got Christian and his land was taken over by German co-religionists.
  • As a political liberal who is also a devout Baptist, I have grudging admiration for my conservative coreligionists.
  • Does that go as far as shopping co-religionists for any indication of heightened religiosity?
  • Belmont, for him, is a great recusant house where "mercy ... redeems the mercenariness of the Protestant market" in Venice, and Portia, as the epitome of "matriarchal Catholicism," presides in private over the rites and festivals of the Roman Church while providing a safe haven for her coreligionists. The One and Only
  • The government clearly haven't been listening to that supernanny woman because by being so selective and religionist how else do I describe it? Archive 2008-10-01
  • Nothing like a "religionist" straw man to bait, for thinkers who can't look at themselves Main RSS Feed
  • The Protestant planters and their co-religionists settled on the right, in both senses, bank of the River Foyle, a well-situated salubrious suburb called Waterside.
  • To cacoon and even entomb one's mind in tendentiously conceived definitions and platitudes, likewise imagining that doing so is tantamount to serious inquiry and thought, is the very hallmark of the ideological religionist, to indulge the term in a simple and purely pejorative sense. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • They informed upon their more believing co-religionist neighbors, and watched them get sent off to the gulags, thinking what a great thing they where doing. And Obama gives a big “FU” to Bibi, too
  • A society where the interests of your family, tribe, or coreligionists are generally put ahead of the ‘common interest’ will have a tougher time building a successful, modern political and economic infrastructure.
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • Moreover, a fatwa issued by one or more muftis is considered to be binding on his/her co-religionists and not on others.
  • Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • The Nizam was a Muslim, but he had no love for his coreligionist, the Tippoo, and the men of Hyderabad's army fought fiercely. Sharpe's Tiger
  • The holy texts of Islam emphasize that one's greatest allegiance should be to justice — superseding family and co-religionist ties. Fulfilling Our Duty as Muslim-Americans
  • Romanian Protestant churches conduct their services in the same manner as their American coreligionists, employing Romanian pastors who are subordinated to various local American jurisdictions.
  • The fact is, not only atheists, but even religionists have almost universally accepted socialism and interventionism.
  • It deals with truth and error, with behavior towards co-religionists and religious opponents, and with the coercive power of the state.
  • Any investigator putting together a different story is defined as a religionist and cast out of the fraternity. Evolution News & Views
  • Figure 9.20 shows us that as a group Latino Catholics consistently adopt a more orthodox perspective than their “Anglo” co-religionists, although neither group could be characterized as hewing closely to the official teachings of the Catholic Church. American Grace
  • This seems to me the language that is rightly used among coreligionists within the church, not between state officials and citizens in a criminal proceeding.
  • Sometimes we have to talk badly about our people, which can mean our fellow citizens, our racial or ethnic group or in this case our coreligionists.
  • Sometimes we have to talk badly about our people, which can mean our fellow citizens, our racial or ethnic group or in this case our coreligionists.
  • The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal: the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile coexreligionist excompatriots: the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: the ineffability of the tetragrammaton: the sanctity of the sabbath. Ulysses
  • Kashmirs will not rest until they join their fellow coreligionist Muslims in The Times of India
  • And it is no longer the province of secularists and the left, but is increasingly fanned by religionists and the right.
  • Here is a man whose co-religionists in 1840 did not have freedom of religion in England.
  • The ultra-religionists have now apparently swapped sides in this war, and are now fighting for the celebration of Christmas -- the more public and gaudier the better. Chris Weigant: The Real "War on Christmas"
  • Romney's vote was magnified by the large Mormon population in Nevada who turned out in large numbers to support their co-religionist. Nevada caucuses: Mitt Romney cruises to easy victory
  • This gesture earned our admiration and respect because rarely do leaders of any religion admit that their co-religionists have committed wrongs against others.
  • Romney's support was magnified by the large Mormon population in Nevada who turned out in large numbers to support their co-religionist. Nevada caucuses: Mitt Romney cruises to easy victory
  • Here is a man whose co-religionists in 1840 did not have freedom of religion in England.
  • I wish I had clones to go do the Christmas Shopping ooops I mean, holiday or winterish shopping, I know how sensitive some of you anti-religionists get, just kidding around I need to do. The Office of Sternberg Coddling - The Panda's Thumb
  • Romanian Protestant churches conduct their services in the same manner as their American coreligionists, employing Romanian pastors who are subordinated to various local American jurisdictions.
  • And to what extent is it proper for religious authorities to try and influence their co-religionists who happen to occupy these posts?
  • Today, perhaps more than ever before, religionists feel the tension between institutional faith and civil liberties.
  • Today's religionists may insist that this time will be different, but their evasions cannot eradicate the inherent connection between faith and force.

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