How To Use Religion In A Sentence

  • And it is no longer the province of secularists and the left, but is increasingly fanned by religionists and the right.
  • And Buddhism and Hinduism were sketched out in the India issue: the less personalised and politicised nature of these religions makes it easier.
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • They are unable to distinguish between culture and religions.
  • Frederick, a bisexual misanthrope in a childless, political marriage, was a lapsed Calvinist who held all religions in contempt.
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  • The problem of religion secularization rose to an agenda as the growing of human self - awareness.
  • His work was rooted in a landscape, religion and a rural way of life.
  • All Sudanese are Africans, most are Muslim, and the population of Christians is lower than the number of Sudanese who practice African ( "animist") religions. Articles » peoplesworld
  • Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Barred from hearing the Sanskrit Veda and from access to the religion of the twice-born, they discovered their own spiritual path, an intimate and direct relationship with their Lord.
  • At a period when all political ideology was imbued with religion, apostasy in any premodern state was a political crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many people find it socially and morally advantageous to hypocritically profess their religious beliefs, and to use religion to justify what they want to believe and do. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin 
  • Huguenots the free exercise of their religion only in the suburbs of one town in each bailiwick (bailliage), and in those places where it had been practised before the outbreak of hostilities and which they occupied at the current date. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Religion: Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) - 94 %; Coptic Christian and other - 6 %.
  • To answer the 300-odd posers on the questionnaire without then being persuaded to sign up for the religion was an essential rite-of-passage for any spotty adolescent struggling to find their own voice.
  • Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor. Sigmund Freud 
  • His ponderous declaration: "I write by the light of two eternal truths, religion and the monarchy," was a sort of cheap-jack recommendation of the so-called philosophy in his _Comedie Humaine_. Balzac
  • It has now been engulfed in nationalism, religion and history. The Global Marketplace
  • They lived under nine independent caciques or chiefs, and possessed a simple religion devoid of rites and ceremonies, but with a belief in a supreme being, and the immortality of the soul.
  • Apparently, today's purveyors of pagan religions have sidestepped this question by changing the labels.
  • Native Tanzanians preside in all positions in major religions.
  • And such is the infatuating efficacy of their prejudicate persuasion herein, that it hath had two marvellous effects; -- the one against the light of nature, and the other against the fundamental principles of religion. The Sermons of John Owen
  • It has been strongly opposed by many religions which emphasize the sanctity of human life from the day of conception.
  • The bestseller lists are full of books highly critical of religion, countered by pundits whose heated rhetoric decries a public square made “naked” by the absence of religion.2 Yet the fault line between those who are religious and those who are not hardly exhausts the ways in which religion can be divisive. American Grace
  • At that time, I being but eight years of age, was left in town for the convenience of education, boarded with an aunt, who was a rigid presbyterian, and confined me so closely to what she called the duties of religion, that in time I grew weary of her doctrines, and by degrees received an aversion for the good books, she daily recommended to my perusal. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • But para 3 of the article imposes religious restrictions making the provision applicable only to those who profess Hindu religion.
  • Lethargic and lacking self-confidence, he was a quiet dreamer, with interests in theology, art history, and oriental religions.
  • Manichaeism was long treated as a Christian heresy, but it is more clearly understood as an independent religion, drawing on the diverse resources of Christianity, Zoroastrianism , and Buddhism.
  • Religions all have different names, but they all contain the same truths. I think the people of our religion should be tolerant and understand people believe different things. Muhammad Ali 
  • Religious scholars will recognize immediately that talk of "The Christ" or World Teacher his nothing to do with the Christian Messiah but a different chap called Maitreya or Djwahl Kuhl who, in the Christian religion has another name and who the Rolling Stones had sympathy for. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The cause of God's people, and of that holy religion which they profess, is a righteous cause, otherwise the righteous God would not appear for it; yet it may for a time be run down, and seem as if it were lost. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The so-called "particularism" of Israel's idea of God was in fact the real strength of Israel's religion; it thus escaped from barren mythologisings, and became free to apply itself to the moral tasks which are always given, and admit of being discharged, only in definite spheres. Prolegomena
  • Or if I want to see a police officer in a time frame where the person concerned might be caught, I report a couple having a domestic, who called me a derogatory name ref my Race, Religion, or sexual preference (underline the relevant option) and just out of interest they broke the wing mirror on my car. Norfolk Constabulary. Pants On Fire. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • There's several different roles for testimony in religion I think.
  • Tessier has been studying religion at Saint Paul University in Ottawa and received a bursary to study English.
  • He wants to promulgate an extreme form of the religion he blasphemously claims to represent.
  • Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.
  • It was something about how queer religions may be -- he was thinking of the juramentado. Terry A Tale of the Hill People
  • Savitri Era religion is the most sensible alternat... Hegemony of Harmony
  • It depends whether their religion is totemistic, pantheistic or monotheistic, surely.
  • On one of the Windward islands, he also comes under the power of the afro-Caribbean syncretic religion known in different places as santeria, voudon, or candomble. An Interview with Robert Stone
  • Some religions include a doctrine of personal immortality.
  • Certainly this suffices to show superabundantly by how many roads Modernism leads to the annihilation of all religion. An anniversary note
  • I was rather pious about my religion and thought I might be a priest.
  • For matter of Religion it would require a particular volume, if I should set downe how irreligiously they couer their greedy and ambicious pretenses, with that veile of pietie. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues. Desert Love
  • The Sabbatarian principle touched not only British religion but many social and economic practices as well.
  • Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Religion cannot protect itself from religious hypocrites, including priests who sexually abuse teenagers and altar boys. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The reader will learn much about the administration of the Persian empire and the fascinating Zoroastrian religion. Times, Sunday Times
  • We begin with the issue of supernaturalism in religion and its supposedly superstitious character.
  • Star Trek didn't just offer the illimitable joys of William Shatner tumbling out of his chair every time the camera shook, or yet another sermon from the pen of Gene Roddenberry about how organized religion is a childish superstition.
  • In terms of plant species selection, plant configuration, and plant landscape artistic conception creating, religious garden landscape specially showed its uniqueness in religion space organization.
  • It's usually defined as any religion that sticks very closely to a fundamental text (the Bible, Koran, Torah) and claims to have extracted some universal and inarguable truths.
  • The religions are similar in essence, though they differ widely in externals.
  • All good, noble things are religious and moral in nature, but have nothing to do with religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Worked at the bobbin mill down to the pond, tended a pup lathe till she up and took religion. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • It was the official religion during the reign of the monarchy and is currently the unofficial religion.
  • Article 18 protects theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, as well as the right not to profess any religion or belief.
  • Like many financial advisers, he has a strong entrepreneurial streak and pursues his ideas with the eye-popping zeal of a convert to a new religion.
  • The villagers hated them, and spread malicious gossip about their immorality and irreligion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phrase "axial age" has been used to describe the relatively brief period of time -- roughly 700 years -- when the great religions of the world arose: Hinduism and Buddhism in India; Confucianism and Taoism in China; and monotheism in the Middle East. The Full Feed from
  • If your path, whether you are Pagan or otherwise, whether you are Witch or cowan, also moves you, or if it has value that doesn't even compare with the value I find in mine, then can you really say it is a religion like any other? Witchvox - RSS Feed - New Articles This Week
  • Social parasites and criminals are strangers to positive beliefs. Their religion is: to do anything to serve their needs. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • They bring shame and disgrace on the religion. The Sun
  • But the more relevant argument is that religion promotes out-group mentality in an age of interdependence when we can't afford to surrender to ancient instincts. Ted Cadsby: Defying Our Maker: What The New Atheists Miss
  • Religion, especially confessional Christianity, has always concerned itself with authority and certainty.
  • Soldiers and chaplains who tried to force religion on their comrades thus often faced ostracism.
  • From whichsoever of these motives it might be, true it is, that many of them came over to our religion, and were initiated into it by baptism.
  • She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
  • Challenging religion, no matter how satirical in appearance, is a potent formula. Matt’s Top 10 Films of 2009 –
  • You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
  • More than a religion, Puritanism was a way of life.
  • There is also a certain symmetry between the two species, for the adherents of a politicised religion, like soldiers in an army, are in a permanent state of combat and vigilance.
  • The meetings were not entirely musical, or so one gathers from the early minute-books, where it is stated that at each meeting one bottle of sherry was to be provided for every three members, and one bottle of madeira for every seven members, and further that politics or religion were not to be talked during meetings. Music and Musicians
  • The phrase "axial age" has been used to describe the relatively brief period of time -- roughly 700 years -- when the great religions of the world arose: Hinduism and Buddhism in India; Confucianism a... The Full Feed from
  • The NFL has not shied from the presence of religion in Jacksonville. - Owens one of NFL's true faithful
  • The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion.
  • And the action, therefore, which Pliny denominated obstinacy, would, if it had been left to us to name it, have been called inflexible virtue, as arising out of a sense of the obligations imposed upon them by the Christian religion. A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
  • Essentially it means the separation of religion from some element of society, be that education, ethics or government.
  • You'd say what seems to be on the rise is not art or science, but religion and the medievalism of superstition and the tyranny of who owns whose soul and the soul of what nation.
  • Silence has long been a tenet of mystery religions such as Wicca, as well as other fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or the Golden Dawn.
  • Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble.
  • Since Hinduism is a religion without dogmas and has a wide theological spectrum, its real objective is assimilation - religious and cultural.
  • Forgiveness is, of course, a tenet central to most religions. Times, Sunday Times
  • a small set of men, some of whom are possessed of great ability and have accomplished much, but as a religion in any adequate sense of the word positivism will be admitted a failure by its most sincere adherents. Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
  • Sandwiched between the Adriatic and Black Seas, the peninsular is a hodgepodge mix of religions, peoples and cultures. Front Page
  • Article 1 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
  • Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder to the tourist of the power of religion.
  • The Dorian worship of Apollo ..., always opposed to the sad Christian divinities, is the aspiring element, by force and spring of which Greek religion sublimes itself .... The Beauty of the Medusa: A Study in Romantic Literary Iconology
  • All religions believe that human ethics should be derived from a supernatural, non-human source.
  • The elements of Christianity that come from older beliefs do not necessarily invalidate the religion.
  • The key to prevent such phenomena is to dissolve these exclusive or hostile theist elements in religions and to base their doctrines on a universal humanist idea.
  • Theosophy emphasized the principle that all religions emerge from a universal source. Boing Boing
  • Nature teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies. 
  • He extrapolated a new religion or philosophy called monism from evolutionary science. SMART Grant Update - The Panda's Thumb
  • Moreover, a fatwa issued by one or more muftis is considered to be binding on his/her co-religionists and not on others.
  • Catholic Church over which Cæcilianus presides, who give their services to this holy religion, and who are commonly called clergymen, be entirely exempted from all public duties, that by any error or sacrilegious negligence they may not be drawn away from the service due to the Deity, but may devote themselves without any hindrance to their own law. A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • Religion is often made the covert of crime.
  • Under the regent Prince Shotoku in the late sixth and early seventh centuries there was a bringing together of Buddhism and the indigenous Shinto religion that would color Japanese Buddhism from then on.
  • In this context, do you think that the war in the Gulf might appear as a war of religion?
  • Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.
  • One of my shticks is about why we need to do hard scientific research on religion.
  • But he insisted that organized religion needed to meet the challenge of social unrest and moral decay.
  • Times did not consider religion in examining or endorsing candidates nor did we consider previous or current status in the Robert Davenport
  • The court's reasoning was that the posting of the commandments in the Kentucky courthouses constituted an expression of monotheistic religion but not so in Texas, where the commandments were seen as having more of a secular "educational" purpose. Commandments removed from Va. school system
  • Funny how religion is creeping into the environmental debate.
  • Hasn't magick and spiritualism always been around, under the guises of many religions and beliefs?
  • Flaying the Hindu practice of smearing ash or saffron or sporting a 'tilak' on the forehead for yet another time, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi questioned the need for 'such things in a country which preached equality of all religions'. The Financial Express
  • Derek Jarman's Caravaggio presents itself as a loose, poeticized biography of the famed Baroque painter Michelangelo de Caravaggio, but in fact Jarman appears to be using his subject as a gateway into ruminations on art, love, violence and religion. Caravaggio
  • How ever problems can arise when a couple gets married from different faiths or religions.
  • I don't think there is any connection between religion and our spiritual journey.
  • According to sources, Smart will testify that Mitchell was motivated primarily by sex and not religion in kidnapping her, and that his behavior was inconsistent with that of a 'prophet,' which he proclaimed himself to be. Reader poll: Send Roman Polanski to prison? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I came across a heart-warming story of love and humanity in this crazy muddle of politics and religion.
  • Participants' ratings of their own religiousness or the importance of religion in their lives was used most often, but their effects were less consistent.
  • Indeed, the film is weighted with questions about all the biggies: life, love, death, religion, revenge, organ transplantation, and much, much more.
  • They abound in matters of interest to the investigator of masonic symbolism and philosophy, but should be read with a careful view of the preconceived theory of the learned author, who refers everything in the ancient religions to the influences of the Noachic cataclysm, and the arkite worship which he supposes to have resulted from it. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Meanwhile, more religions are ransacked for metaphor than Joseph Campbell ever shook his shtick at.
  • The pursuit of eating raw food has become a religion of the nuttier kind.
  • We have become conditioned to expect certain things in a genre film, and anyone who comes at this one expecting big scares could easily miss its philosophical questioning of superstition and religion, and find himself or herself bored.
  • European law also provides protection from discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or belief and disability.
  • For him, football is an absolute religion.
  • He who votes against the rights of another whatever his religion, colour or sex, thereby abjures his own.
  • His works on religion were regarded as canonized books.
  • Early modern religion emerged with the Protestant Reformation. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Vast estates that had been managed by monasteries as endowments for religion and charity were impropriated to swell the wealth of courtiers and favorites; and the commons, where the poor man once had his right of pasture, were taken away, and, under forms of law, enclosed distributively within the domains of the adjacent landholders. Our American Holidays: Lincoln's Birthday A Comprehensive View of Lincoln as Given in the Most Noteworthy Essays, Orations and Poems, in Fiction and in Lincoln's Own Writings
  • Her religion is an obscure chaos of theogonies as old as the world, treasured up out of respect for ancient customs; and of more recent ideas about the blessed final annihilation, imported from India by saintly Chinese missionaries at the epoch of our The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • When reason is abdicated and replaced by the bellicose creeds of opposing religions, peace is impossible.
  • The exhibition on the theme of growing up in a small fishing village looked at stories of truancy, illness and religion and what children of those bygone days did during their leisure time.
  • Naked of religion, naked of reference to faith.
  • After two years she quit in favour of a sound engineering course in Glasgow, followed by an honours degree course in world religions.
  • This makes Hinduism unique in the sense that it is a monotheistic religion with a pantheon of manifested forms of God.
  • God or religion theophobia gold aurophobia good news (hearing) euphobia gravity barophobia Pangsuan Diary Entry
  • On the surface he was an optimistic extrovert, preaching freedom of conscience and religion; but underneath he was a brooding pessimist, with intransigent, darkly mystical views about the drama of human history and sexuality.
  • Atheism is not anti-God but is strongly opposing any religion that creates the existence of God and use it to corrupt and control the human mind. The atheists reject the existence of God. God does not exist – but they are not necessarily irreligious. They can be believers of any spiritual belief that is not God- based. They are just as ethical and moral as religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He did not think of philosophic reason either as a mere handmaid to religion or as a dangerous whore out to seduce the mind into supposing that it could attain its supreme end without God's help and grace.
  • Emphasize the difficulty of saying anything at all with regard to religion which may not be received by some one in a misleading way.
  • Said stories were so popular that they grew into a religion known today as Catholicism/Christianity and featuring dark-age, daily wine to blood and bread to body rituals called the eucharistic sacrifice of the non-atoning Jesus.
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • It would be very easy to write a very stupid religion-and-Torchwood story; but Minchin confidently takes Gwen and Rhys through matters ecclesiastical, in what for me is the slightly foreign church environment of South Wales. July Books 1) Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
  • Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This perverted abhorrence of women destines religions to collide with modernity everywhere, for to be modern is to set women free.
  • These messianic beliefs in turn led them to start a religion-driven settlement of the whole Promised Land in the Occupied Territories.
  • As far as I know, none but the votaries of monotheistic, that is to say, Jewish religions, look upon suicide as a crime. Studies in Pessimism
  • It appears that Rasheed has a history of criticising the Maldivan state religion in his writing - it is a legal requirement for citizens of the Maldives to be Muslims - and he has since written to Amnesty International to request help in seeking temporary asylum. New Humanist Blog
  • If positive attitudes about religion seem to encourage health, negative attitudes might jeopardize it, he reasons.
  • He was never racist or bigoted irrespective of colour, culture, religion or social standing.
  • Religion was being increasingly confined to the mosques and Islamic university.
  • Romae extinxit, et omnes ubique per orbem terrae religiones, unum hoc studens ut solus deus coleretur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Savages begin with fetisism and demon - worship, they proceed to physiolatry (the religion of the Vedas) and First Footsteps in East Africa
  • It has now been engulfed in nationalism, religion and history. The Global Marketplace
  • She called his espoused dedication to religion false and said he plied her with alcohol and drugs to lower her resistance to his sexual advances. Home
  • Y: And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Three Translations of The Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • Much evidence from our Faith Matters surveys confirms that on many different issues, both sociopolitical (e.g., abortion) and religious (e.g., importance of religion in their personal lives), evangelicals and nones are polar opposites. American Grace
  • The prevailing state of the world is one of irreligion, which is bound to result in anarchy and confusion. Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era
  • Religion, rather than rigidifying our political ideologies and psychological orientations, ought to be destabilizing our certainties, as certainty is too often an enemy of compassion. The Full Feed from
  • There is simple rural life; old men who comb their thinning hair and live with an upright pride despite being beset by trials and religion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Religion, politics, personal and social morality and fantasy are all media in which he regularly operates.
  • The first was entitled: "_Refutatio Samaritani Interim_, in quo vera religio cum sectis et corruptelis scelerate et perniciose confunditur -- Refutation of the Samaritan Interim, in which the true religion is criminally and perniciously confounded with the sects. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • The cult is a survival from the old Zoroastrian religion.
  • The origins and vicissitudes by which the field has passed have not always distinguished it from religion, alternative healing practices, superstition, and also charlatanism.
  • My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. Thomas Paine 
  • No other scripture of any other religion of the world contains any kind of writings of holy men belonging to another faith, caste or creed, or of those who were regarded as outcastes or untouchables.
  • They also continue to pander to the successionist crazies who have elevated state patriotism to a religion. `Under God' in Texas pledge is constitutional, federal judge rules | RELIGION Blog |
  • The problem isn't having so many religions or countries, or denominations; the problem is being afraid of and not being able to embrace our differences, and when our differences are played out in tribalism.
  • Sass, Hans-Martin, “Bruno Bauers Idee der Rheinischen Zeitung”, Zeitschrift für Religions - und Geistesgeschichte 19 (1967), 221-276. Bruno Bauer
  • Zoroastrianism is in fact the role model for all the later, younger Magian religions that came after it and were influenced by it: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam included. McCain Betrayed Viet. POWs « Blog
  • Is he a pseudo-Marxist as his largely secret talk in San Francisco indicated … where he berated average people in Appalachia who didn't vote for him for "clinging" to religion in their poverty-paraphrasing religion the opium of the people dictum where Marx lachrymosely wails in behalf of the downtrodden who substitute God for material gains, a direct parallel? THE IRATE NATION
  • The Jola practice a generally syncretized version of Islam, with a few still holding to animistic ethnic religions. Survey of West Africa: Peoples Summarized
  • Criticism of Hume's empiricism, direct destruction of the traditional religion, theology, all reasonable evidence, camel, led to drastic moves to the bankruptcy of its theoretical foundation.
  • So that a man may say his religion is now no more within himself, but is become a dividual movable, and goes and comes near him, according as that good man frequents the house. Areopagitica
  • Hail him for the success, castigate him for his failures but, for heaven's sake, do not bring religion into sport.
  • The main sects of the Islamic religion practiced in this region are Sunni and Shi'a.
  • It does not discriminate on the ground of race, religion, colour or ethnicity.
  • They are generally so refractory, self-conceited, obstinate, so firmly addicted to that religion in which they have been bred and brought up, that no persuasion, no terror, no persecution, can divert them. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Science is the record of dead religions. Oscar Wilde 
  • Religion is practised passionately with many a young boy aspiring to become a Buddhist monk.
  • Ill would it beseem my habit and my calling, to thrust myself into match-making and giving in marriage, but worse were it in me to see your lordships do needless wrong to the feelings which are proper to our nature, and which, being indulged honestly and under the restraints of religion, become a pledge of domestic quiet here, and future happiness in a better world. The Monastery
  • It was a pity that people were keen on showering encomiums on politicians and heads of religions and communities, whatever the frailties of these individuals.
  • On y voit plus d’expression religieuse, mais cela ne veut pas dire que les gens sont plus spirituels que chez nous, où la religion est une affaire privée et souvent avec peu de manifestations extérieures. 2006 November — Climb to the Stars
  • These upright stones are the vestiges of some ancient religion.
  • And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success. Pneumatologia
  • Religion as a social institution is not identical with a deeper spiritual life and even can prosper for a time when such a life is lacking.
  • But most sociologists of religion still tend to do ethnography the traditional way, one that purports to be objective and therefore value-free.
  • Religion matters very much at a national level.
  • Members of it are clearly trying to preserve a minority religion in a hostile world, trying to work out where they can afford to compromise with the mainstream and where they must remain inflexible.
  • In all religions men are the model of behaviour and action. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women are subject to this discourse both in the name of religion as well as in the name of age-old customs and traditions.
  • I'm a Christian but I'm not big on religion but I do produce a television program right now called "The Way of the Master" and that basically is -- it's a Christian reality program where we kind of unmask the -- the hypocrisy of a lot of modern religion that you see today. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2006
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • Its well-referenced contents will provide a reservoir of information for scholars of folklore, religion and history of plant use.
  • The civil religion has not always been invoked in favor of worthy causes. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • As far as I can see, it is only the followers of monotheistic, that is of Jewish, religions that regard suicide as a crime. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • Even the old parliamentarians hailed the return of Charles, notwithstanding it was admitted that the protectorate was a vigorous administration; that law and order were enforced; that religious liberty was proclaimed; that the rights of conscience were respected; that literature and science were encouraged; that the morals of the people were purified; that the ordinances of religion were observed; that vice and folly were discouraged; that justice was ably administered; that peace and plenty were enjoyed; that prosperity attended the English arms abroad; and that the nation was as much respected abroad as it was prosperous at home. A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
  • As long as religion does not threaten science and freedom, we should be respectful and tolerant because our freedom to disbelieve is inextricably bound to the freedom of others to believe. » Blog Archive » Michael Shermer, Of All People, On Tolerable Atheism
  • Brahmins traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion.
  • States and ruling orders continually seek to manipulate religion to political advantage.

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