How To Use Reliant In A Sentence
Brunhild, a mischievous, strong-minded goldfish (the voice of Noah Cyrus, Miley's younger sister), is determined to become a little girl when she's rescued from a jar and befriended by Sosuke (the voice of Frankie Jonas, the Jonas Brothers 'kid brother), a plucky, self-reliant 5-year-old.
No Time's Right for 'Traveler's Wife'
ElBruce says: drhunt1 says: but empowering people to be self-sufficient and self-reliant is THE best form od “advocacy for minorities”.
Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
We are totally reliant on voluntary donations.
The Sun
Businesses have become increasingly reliant on complicated computing systems.
Few of the studios' prime big-budget offerings these days are reliant on glamorous big-paycheque names.
Times, Sunday Times

The rating firm said the company is more reliant on its revolving credit lines because of the elimination of commercial paper.
SInce the country has not yet become self-reliant in terms of energy, it still expends vast sums of money protecting energy supplies.
When this happens, people can become reliant on their triggers.
Times, Sunday Times
Life has made the children brave, quick-witted and self-reliant, but their parentless hearts are hungry, and that longing shapes their actions.
Children's Books: 'The Emerald Atlas'
The new civic entrepreneurs were also learning to be more self-reliant.
The UK has become increasingly reliant on imported food and its faith in the long-term surety of the global market is misplaced, according to research released by the Soil Association.
FoodNavigator RSS
This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.
We are totally reliant on voluntary donations.
The Sun
One of the noticeable differences is that the skill level depends on your level of thinking and is not as reliant on speed of hand.
Our aim is to teach our son to become an independent, self-reliant adult.
Pansies at Reliant will be pampered with soil and spray fertilizers to promote strong blooms.
The programme is unusually reliant on ad-libbed two-ways.
Times, Sunday Times
Libya's economy is 95 per cent reliant on the oil sector.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, many of the former hunter-gatherers are still reliant on subsistence farming and making craftwork for tourists.
Home was often a nowhere place, and identities were confused and reliant on legislation and mediation.
We are all, in our various ways, reliant on others to do their jobs properly.
So much for taking the burden off the workers and making the aged more self-reliant!
It says the dual targets of cutting costs and increasing efficiency are incompatible, with large job cuts leaving the HMRC reliant on untrained staff.
Times, Sunday Times
The sense of time lapse is disconcerting, seemingly reliant on the drama evoked by the size of the projected images rather than the impact of the work itself.
He was seen as overly reliant on handlers and aides, and easily pliable.
However, Scotland's steel industry was over-reliant on the fluctuating fortunes of the British shipbuilding yards.
He is very pious and self-reliant, which is provocative of bigotry and hot temper; and surrounded and approached on all sides by clever and often unscrupulous financiers and speculators, his scutcheon has worn wonderfully well, and his character and reputation passed through many fiery ordeals.
South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899
Also reliant on honeydew are the threatened New Zealand parrots known as kaka.
Over three million households are now reliant on moneylenders, many of whom routinely charge over 150 percent interest for cash loans.
Because the Micromill SLP5000D is self-reliant it can be set up in remote locations including new burn areas to process small logs into cants and dimension lumber.
CANCER patients are increasingly reliant on charity to heat their homes, new figures show.
The Sun
We are a small open island economy, heavily reliant on our external trading partners for our economic prosperity.
As a result Chelsea became increasingly reliant on the ability of Gianfranco Zola to thread long passes through thickets of players.
He is reliant on a 6,000 ventilator machine to breathe.
Times, Sunday Times
Still, let's not get heavy about a show so reliant on music and spectacle.
Times, Sunday Times
They are remarkably independent and self reliant and this is what drives me mad!
The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.
Were clouds to close in, the aircraft would be reliant upon three instruments to aid the navigator.
The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.
The decor is tastefully minimal, largely reliant on dark woods and subdued upholstery, though it avoids lapsing into the prevailing cliches of the self-conscious boutique hotel with some appealing idiosyncratic touches.
Without helicopter rescue, crews would have had to be self-reliant (as in the ‘old days’) through a combination of paddling and portaging boats through water and over the ice to reach land.
This being the case, those habitants of areas outside the golden southwestern sphere are entirely reliant upon their own vehicles.
A city so reliant on tourism will deter repeat visits if it looks filthy or unkempt.
Like most Australian girls, I was intrigued by a man who could be so self reliant and independent in the bush.
It was a state of conservative, self-reliant people.
The Good Fight
What message is he sending the present crop of players on which he is reliant?
Times, Sunday Times
Although William will be king one day, Kate is stronger, more self-reliant and mature.
Virginia Bell: William and Kate: Star-Crossed Lovers or Soul Mates?
It was also unusually reliant on wholesale funding rather than retail depositors.
Times, Sunday Times
Elphie, the spitfire and inherently self-reliant girl, proves to be one of the most timeless and charming characters to ever be given life.
However it is clear that poor undergraduates are worse hit here, because they are more reliant on these aspects of student funding.
Most British farmers remain heavily reliant on subsidies.
Times, Sunday Times
Folsom's neighbor was a famous "musher," a seasoned, self-reliant man, thoroughly accustomed to all the hazards of winter travel, but ten miles from his destination he crossed an inch-deep overflow which rendered the soles of his muk-luks slippery, and ten yards further on, where the wind had laid the glare-ice bare, he lost his footing.
Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
So Wang set about bridging the gulf between the isolated, self - reliant Liverpool Chinese and the Scousers, tackling discrimination and alienation.
It is also heavily reliant on the automotive sector, and while this was strong, that industry takes lower margin solid wire.
Times, Sunday Times
Her disposition was vivacious, and she liked this self - reliant , self - sufficient , straight spoken boy.
Farmers reliant on a limited range of organic crops are likely to suffer significantly.
In her testimony, Lukin said that "these figures show that Native participation in the 8 (a) program is helping some Native communities to compete in the American marketplace, build successful and self-reliant families, develop their tribal member shareholders through training and business supports, provide basic social and community services, and to act as engines of growth in their communities.
Despite questions over ANCs, many pay out millions in dividends, scholarships, charitable donations
She is intelligent and self-reliant, speaking her mind and not suffering fools gladly.
I grew up surrounded by strong, self-reliant, resourceful people who worked hard, ate real food and lived vital lives.
Christina Pirello: America Achieves Top Ten Status...But It Ain't Good
Industries where staff are reliant on computers were more likely to over-use social networking sites rather than the manual trade.
The Sun
`Anyway, there I was in my own pad, self-supporting and self-reliant at last.
Let your character be more self-reliant, sure-footed, sharper.
But it is hard to see much headway for anyone reliant on discretionary consumer spending.
Times, Sunday Times
We were unable to determine if the placental indications for placental examination were adhered to, as this determination is reliant on the accoucheur recognizing the abnormalities to warrant submitting the placenta for examination.
The voluntary sector, as it stands, is heavily reliant on taxpayer funding.
Times, Sunday Times
If you wish to argue that genus, phylae, species are also "artificial social constructs" as are types of stars, then I have no objection to your argument that, in effect, no scientific classification system has any validity because it is reliant on human observation and judgement.
"Deep-seated racial misgivings could cost Barack Obama the White House if the election is close..."
Relier entre eux les nombreux sous-systèmes reliant des groupes, des associations et qui fonctionnent chacun sur leur propre logique
Archive 2009-04-10
But they are too reliant on him going forward and he is beginning to look jaded.
The Sun
The children are resourceful and self-reliant which is good.
Kids Books
What message is he sending the present crop of players on which he is reliant?
Times, Sunday Times
Wind energy is intermittent and heavily reliant on back-up power generation for use when it is not blowing.
Times, Sunday Times
To make the military machine less reliant on fossil fuels.
Times, Sunday Times
Many of the company's venues are next door to multiplex cinemas so it is somewhat reliant on Hollywood.
Times, Sunday Times
The service has become heavily reliant on government support.
This has left the economic system wholly reliant on the printing presses for any semblance of growth.
Times, Sunday Times
A prevailing sense of relief and a chance for everyone to forge a career non-reliant on academic achievement.
It is partly due to his weaknesses that I became independent and self-reliant.
The creative economy has been a key driver in the revitalising of cities and regions previously reliant on manufacturing industry.
Times, Sunday Times
In return, the recipient families could help another family become self - reliant by passing on to them one of their gift animal's female offspring, so that the living gift is never - ending.
But moderates argue that a trouncing next week would highlight the pitfalls of a narrow coalition overreliant on the votes and volunteer enthusiasm of conservative Christians.
Advocates are hoping the push for more rights for domestic servants will spread to other unskilled migrants, as some countries grow increasingly reliant on imported cheap labor to baby-sit for their children, staff their factories and build their skyscrapers.
Seeking Safeguards for Unskilled Workers Abroad
Debt relief would barely make up for the fall in commodity prices such as coffee and cotton on which many developing nations' economies are reliant.
In fact, some policies, such as making our economy more dependent on exports, make us more vulnerable, rather than more self-reliant.
Whereas their illumination is reliant upon an interior light source concealed and diffused through an exterior, these lamps instead generate light directly from their entire exterior surface.
Halloween Decor : Noose Hanging Lamp
Britain's aid programme is targeting those most at risk in advance, making people less reliant on fragile crops and countries more resilient as a whole.
The Sun
After the war, farmers became much more heavily reliant on the use of fertilisers and pesticides, rather than manure and compost, he says.
The main decline was voice broking, heavily reliant on banks that are reducing their risk.
Times, Sunday Times
Asking for help would violate the company's self-reliant culture.
It's wonderful to be independent and self-reliant.
She's gotten less reliant on the single descending tone, with its tendency toward preachiness.
A sell-off would provide Berlin with some cash to plug budget gaps; plus, any private bank that takes it over would no longer be overly reliant on the whims of a fickle capital market.
I do wonder about films that are heavily reliant on references to old films that younger audiences won't get.
Times, Sunday Times
Although the racing yachts are considerably faster, they are reliant on wind and may have to take a longer route to use it to full advantage.
Times, Sunday Times
One reason for the increased competition is that providers are increasingly reliant on using savers' money to fund lending.
Times, Sunday Times
They are reliant on a very limited number of exportable products.
Bear Stearns and Northern Rock, largely reliant on short-term borrowing, faced the modern version of a "run" when their counterparties refused to roll over debts.
… but empowering people to be self-sufficient and self-reliant is THE best form od “advocacy for minorities”.
Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
Hearts hardened by the decline of corporate job protection, these workers are demanding, mobile and self-reliant.
Gruff and inordinately self-reliant, Gordon was highly conservative in attitude, theology, and lifestyle.
He talks about how man cannot rely on his own skills to survive in the modern world, how he's reliant on many others for his sense of self.
This has left the economic system wholly reliant on the printing presses for any semblance of growth.
Times, Sunday Times
The image of fashionably cosmopolitan, self-reliant, and positively liberated young women prevails in the modern mass media.
The unstable government has been reliant on Australian troops, police and economic aid, a situation ruthlessly exploited by Canberra in the dispute over royalties and sovereignty.
Our aim is to teach our son to become an independent, self-reliant adult.
Some addicts become as reliant on methadone as they were on heroin.
There are some fairly serious chunks that aren't particularly reliant on geodata, so that you could take them and apply them to other types of wiki.
Our city has been growing quickly, and not had the funds available to make our infrastructure as sustainable, or long-term reliant as we'd like it to be.
Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
The only real problems are the puzzles, which are too reliant on notes you'll struggle to remember and idiosyncratic leaps of logic.
Times, Sunday Times
Or even as a working class woman in Bradford, reliant on the creaky National Health Service.
The service has become heavily reliant on government support.
Charles Arthur: CES opening speech fails to enthral audience, while lack of tablets and emphasis on Windows points to future direction reliant on existing cash cow
CES 2011: Fulton Innovations is ready to cook your food - wirelessly
November 28th, 2008 at 2: 57 am low costs young drivers cars insure price line reliant in hollywood florida farmers says: low costs young drivers cars insure price line reliant in hollywood florida farmers … remarkableness Airbus diagnosable baptistry kernels, …
Think Progress » “Frist told reporters
The figure of the cowboy became the West's protagonist, a self-reliant individualist with a virtuous sense of fair play.
The UK is reliant on maritime trade and if it gets disrupted then it's going to have an impact on us.
A staggering 71% of workers in the industry don't even have access to a pension at work and many will be reliant on a meagre state pension to provide their retirement income.
Family allowances were designed to make the poor self-reliant and independent not lazy and indolent.
Canterbury was self-governing, self-supporting and self-reliant.
They will reduce their risk by diversifying sources of supply so they will not be overly reliant on a small number of suppliers.
He admitted that the trusts were reliant on the computer system and would reassess the situation in light of the problems.
My one criticism would be that it seems overly reliant on lots of quotation from news pieces.
Is it a sport that for you has sensory pleasures that aren't reliant on sight?
His hold on power is even more reliant on personal loyalties and their reinforcement by material rewards and mortal penalties.
They are also a form of social policy that has the objective of making people more independent and thus self-reliant.
The couple are relationally self-reliant the majority of the time.
Although the racing yachts are considerably faster, they are reliant on wind and may have to take a longer route to use it to full advantage.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the deals, H-P remained reliant on its old-line PC and printer businesses for about half of its revenue.
H-P Explores Quitting Computers as Profits Slide
The German character is not only self-reliant, which is admirable, but it readily becomes domineering, particularly when in the ascendency.
The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
As for scanlations, I don't usually like them much. o_o; I generally only read them if the manga I just bought has no furigana oh, I am too reliant on furigana for comprehension!
Manga Before Flowers — Fanworks and How the Fan works | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
They fear scrapping the system could mean ruin for small clubs reliant on the sale of players to survive.
The purpose of Wheatsville is to create a self-reliant, self-empowering community of people that will grow and promote a transformation of society toward cooperation, justice, and nonexploitation.
Mole's Progressive Democrat
To make the military machine less reliant on fossil fuels.
Times, Sunday Times
So here she gets a big studio to give her a lead role where she plays a strong, self-reliant woman.
These households are increasingly reliant on unsecured loans to make ends meet.
Times, Sunday Times
Britain is heavily reliant on imports of both because it produces so little.
Times, Sunday Times
The main decline was voice broking, heavily reliant on banks that are reducing their risk.
Times, Sunday Times
In the current topsy-turvy climate, the organisers are still reliant on decent pitch and weather conditions, but are confident that the next four weeks will prove favourable.
We are heavily reliant on the construction and financial services industries and both are suffering a fair amount of turbulence.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, learning a martial art makes one self-reliant and disciplined, and also greatly boosts one's confidence.
This is of massive value, especially in austere economic times and for people reliant of food banks.
Times, Sunday Times
She and her family are now reliant on food donations.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, what looks like a determination to be patriotically self-reliant is simultaneously the opposite: the formalisation of complete dependency.
This has made them less reliant on money from savers.
Times, Sunday Times
While the conditions in which academics are working are changing and becoming saturated with economic imperatives, university structures are still reliant on the vocationalism and good will of scholars.
The pain will come early this year for people on modest incomes reliant on oil for basic heating and cooking.
Times, Sunday Times
In arable areas such as Yorkshire, hunts were more reliant on other areas of permanent grassland such as the parkland surrounding country houses, or common lands and heaths beyond the farms.
Oxymoronically for something fairly reliant on nakedness, it has outfits.
Times, Sunday Times
In a felicitation message, Tara Chand said that the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr marks the culmination of holy month of Ramzan which highlights the values of self-reliant, tolerance and patience.
JK Governor,CM,Ministers,DGP & Political leaders greeted people on the occasion of Eid-ul- fitr
The Middle East's biggest economy is still heavily reliant on its petr oleum sector, which is estimated to account for as much as 90% of export earnings, 80% of budget revenues and 45% of gross domestic product.
Diversification Is a Life and Death Issue
Britain's growing dependency on imports comes as the nation is becoming increasingly reliant on gas-fired electricity generation.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, consumers in economies not reliant on oil earnings will have more money in their pockets again because they are paying less for energy, for example.
Times, Sunday Times
The subsidies help to pay for biomass plants and wind turbines, which are designed to help Britain to become less reliant on fossil fuels.
Times, Sunday Times
This is of massive value, especially in austere economic times and for people reliant of food banks.
Times, Sunday Times
State legislators (who would be involved in ratifying the amendment) care more about policy than process (resulting in a DOA verdict in states with a house controlled by Democrats) and know how reliant they are upon the federal government for assitance in areas barred by thislaw.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
In short, at a time when art production was increasingly "dematerialized" and reliant, if not indiscernible, from its recording, reproduction, and transmission, Sharp both pioneered logistical means of so doing, and functioned as a vital relay and catalyst in his daily life.
These people are not wholly reliant on Western charity.
Hayward, Calif., medical device maker Thermage said it received a $134 million buyout offer as the provider of noninvasive wrinkle treatments plans to acquire privately held skin resurfacer Reliant Technologies.
Thermage and SemGroup Rise;
Although Westerners were once reliant on whale oil for lighting, we never actually ran out of whales.
It was an enormous step for man to cease to be reliant on vegetation, and to add meat to his diet.
So he too is reliant on rusty stage skills.
Times, Sunday Times
A prevailing sense of relief and a chance for everyone to forge a career non-reliant on academic achievement.
These households are increasingly reliant on unsecured loans to make ends meet.
Times, Sunday Times
Well, the overall story is becoming a little too reliant on plot coupons: the Horn of Valere and the cursed dagger in the second book, the dreaming ter'angreal and the sword housed in the Stone of Tear in this one.
Archive 2008-09-01
All broadcasters will be reliant on the pooled live feeds inside Westminster Abbey provided by the BBC, Sky News and ITN, which will share the costs and the rights income.
TV's royal wedding nerves
You're absolutely reliant on people delivering you the opportunities to do it.
Times, Sunday Times
He is not a big spinner of the ball anyway and this means he is totally reliant on the rough for any deviation.
The impersonality of market forces hides their continued presence and enables the artist to think of himself as a self-reliant, independent entrepreneur owing deference to no man.
His father was a stonemason and architect who brought up his children to be independent and self reliant.
`Anyway, there I was in my own pad, self-supporting and self-reliant at last.
We are reliant upon debt for our money.
And this doctrine is perhaps the more redoubtable, because it harms all sorts of men; not only the heroic and self-reliant, but the obedient, cowlike squadrons.
Lay Morals
After having purchased buffaloes and bulls, the farm is slowly becoming self-reliant with manuring, ploughing and transport of agricultural goods being done by my hired workers.
Back in the 1950s economists warned that the country had become too reliant on its consumers.
Times, Sunday Times
He appears self-reliant and confident with some maturity.
The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.
But the contradiction of being so reliant on tests that produce huge disparate impact, vastly greater than the EEOC’s Four-Fifths guideline for suspicion of discrimination, versus their professions of liberal egalitarianism is acute.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
Many of the company's venues are next door to multiplex cinemas so it is somewhat reliant on Hollywood.
Times, Sunday Times
As globalisation pulls hundreds of millions of self-reliant farmers off the land, they vanish - poof!
She liked this self - reliant , self - sufficient , straight - spoken boy.
It can help children take their first steps towards being more independent and self reliant.
Our aim is to teach our son to become an independent, self-reliant adult.
His charities are heavily reliant on taxpayers' money from quangos which either face imminent abolition or huge reductions in their own budgets.
Times, Sunday Times
Our aim is to teach our son to become an independent, self-reliant adult.
And he still extols the virtues of his central defensive partner but is more self-reliant.
Spy scandals are a major reason why CIA has been overly reliant on technical methods of gathering intelligence.
The book tries to explores the intense emotional bond that forms between people when they become reliant on each other.
He's completely reliant on his wheelchair to get about.
On the one hand, we are led to believe that the girl is utterly self-reliant and unafraid; on the other, she slips into prostitution without a peep of protest.
The range of provision was described as fragmentary, disjointed, and uneasily reliant on unpredictable, inadequate, or short-term funding streams.
The normal conduction of action potentials is reliant upon sodium channels.
Situated in the heart of Lusaka's Chawama township, the Chawama Youth Project has purposed to change the lives of unemployed youths into viable self-reliant and respectable people.
Inc. is also hurting Macquarie, which is much more reliant on advisory work than it used to be after it largely dumped the listed-funds model that had been a driver of previous success.
Macquarie Warns of 25% Drop in Profit
He was big for his age, precociously self-reliant, and he was determined to be a sailor in time.
Most companies are now reliant on computer technology.
The programme used to have a fair mix of topics, but is now way too reliant on news and the carpeting of national miscreants.
The women experienced the environment through their senses, and their spirituality was heavily reliant upon their senses as well, so such a division is the most practical.
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
The lore of the gun tells us that back in the 19th Century, the Mexican vaquero, much like the American cowboy, was an independent and self-reliant sort who often made it a point to carry a handgun.
So he too is reliant on rusty stage skills.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus, the expeditioners are reliant solely on their radio contacts with the base to plot positions and for an aircraft to be available to pick them up at the end of the expedition.
It has even become fashionable for them to be non-scary, so reliant have we become on stretching the literary uses of disembodied spirits and other phantasms.
But the twin deficits mean the economy is reliant on investors to fund the budget deficit and capital inflows from abroad.
Times, Sunday Times