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How To Use Reliably In A Sentence

  • I'm reliably informed by all that it is a good one. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electrical devices on spacecrafts, satellites, and aircraft must work reliably and efficiently in situations where they can not be easily repaired.
  • We felt that compared with placentas with focal lesions, placentas with well-established HEV would more reliably reflect associated events.
  • Lengthy planning and re-planning typically resulted in a shortened development phase, which in turn resulted in the development phase being consistently frantic and reliably late.
  • This is a reliably perennial tulip flowering year on year if left in the ground. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • I'll recap my recap: Brown was a minor mayoral candidate who was a nonfactor in last September's Democratic primary, but he made some waves on the campaign trail by reliably bashing Adrian Fenty and lauding victor Vincent C. DeMorning DeBonis: Feb. 25, 2011
  • Angus beef is claimed to be more reliably marbled, fattier and juicier than that of competing breeds.
  • First, data on law firm clientele are sporadically and unreliably available.
  • Your cappuccino will be there for you, as reliably as the way an out-sourced defense contractor in Kandahar Province uses his copy of the Army's Rules of Engagement to paper train the dog he's stolen from the son of tribal elder. Adam Hanft: Support Our Cappuccino Fund-Raiser Today
  • We cannot yet reliably locate, capture, and study fledglings and recently independent young birds.
  • Altman focused on females in the troop, because it is easier to monitor their reproductive success reliably than that of males.
  • The challenge for producers of Indian rice grass was to develop a solid, reliable commodity-producer base to process high-quality seed into a nutritious, good tasting, quality product which is reliably gluten-free.
  • The best pressure differential the team can reliably achieve is 2 psia. Potential Delay In Shuttle Schedule - NASA Watch
  • Consumers can quickly, safely and reliably pay bills and transfer money around the globe using the company's proprietary money transfer network.
  • The reason for the replacement is that IMX-101 is even more stable than TNT, which when invented was hailed as famously insensitive to shock and other conditions which would reliably detonate other high explosives of the day such as guncotton and nitroglycerine. Everything2 New Writeups
  • Permanent magnetic device. as a new type patent device, is used to ensure the hydroelectric generator to start its static excitation more reliably and more quickly.
  • People who, based on previous movie preferences, could reliably be expected to like the film can't stand it; those who have shown no interest in similar titles profess to love it. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • We must wait for a few more weeks for the weather to be reliably warm enough for the new baby chicks.
  • But if neither similarities of function nor similarities of mechanism between humans and non-humans can be reliably used to tell us about emotions in other species, what can we do?
  • The hopeless yelpings of the untalented are reliably entertaining; there are two helpings tonight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists are working toward a simple blood test that would reliably detect ovarian cancer at its earliest stages.
  • In fact we are reliably informed that Burnby Hall Gardens at Pocklington had never seen anything like it.
  • However, the contact hypothesis has not been reliably demonstrated.
  • The only ascriptive identity-based groups that reliably vote Democratic, at least at the national level, are Jews, gays and lesbians and African Americans. Lincoln Mitchell: What Is the Democratic Party Base?
  • After discovering there was no DNA left to check on the knife or the bra clasp, the experts retraced the steps taken by Stefanoni, concluding that the DNA trace of Kercher on the blade was so weak it could not be reliably matched – or was at best the result of contamination – and quoted Stefanoni admitting in court she should have double-tested her result to be more convincing. Amanda Knox DNA appeal sparks legal battle by forensic experts
  • However, this technique currently can be applied reliably only for relatively nearby stars within our own galaxy.
  • And the safety standards for getting people up and down reliably are just unreachably high. Science
  • The application of bi - screw pump (instead of former steam reciprocating pump) in the spray wax deoiling unit shows that such pump runs reliably and good economic benefit is also gained.
  • Though many of the reliably perennial bulbs will work their way into the beds after they have provided for me in the pots, tulips, hyacinth and paperwhite narcissi rarely flower a second year. Light up your garden with bulbs
  • As a result, any given stimulus will reliably induce the same effect in the ‘dependent’ sense in an individual.
  • Liberal Democrats and reliably Republican homebuilders and real estate interests don't want any new rules that would restrain housing, the strongest sector of the economy.
  • Thus neither radionuclide scans nor ultrasound reliably distinguish benign from malignant disease.
  • Had he been your own facebook friend or had he reliably follow-Fridayed you over enough months and illustrated to your satisfaction that he hated Palin and loved net neutrality (your ideological tests) and kept to the program, you'd be crowing right now not about how Washington got "anthropomorphized" but how people were using new media to empower citizens -- blah blah. Can We Handle New Government? A Look at State Department Outreach to Twitter HQ
  • The idea that in such an agonistic system any truth or justice, or even true facts, reliably result is, to my mind, quite analogous to the muddle of “the invisible hand” in economics, or the idea that “competition” necessarily results in an optimal market. Justin Raimondo vs. Christopher Hitchens on al-Jazeera « Blog
  • We are fully recognizant of the need to safely and reliably handle hazardous and industrial waste.
  • An MRI can more reliably differentiate uterine from ovarian masses.
  • Finding that the “empathical link existing between human and other living beings” cannot be reliably counted on to spur people to take corrective measures, will they then commission the services of genetic engineers to enable the plants to produce an antidote in pollen form and to release it when needed whether one wants to be cured or not? My Garden Is Telling Me That I'm Abusing My Kids
  • I am thinking less of quantum cosmology than of something like a distant (kpc) X-Ray source that reliably produces a small fractional crab that (thanks to a detector and some audio gear) produces a lot of “pings” within range of our hearing when the X-Ray source is above our detector. Quantum Hyperion
  • Nothing particularly taxing, and the car behaved as you would expect it to, reliably, comfortably but not excitingly.
  • I need more of the blue salvia, that is the only one that comes back reliably. August Bloom Day Delights « Fairegarden
  • Whether such swellings of the heart are reliably constellated in those structures is another matter. ArtScene: This Month's Top Exhibitions in the Western United States
  • On this week's new episode (8/7c), yet another Saturday Night Live alum makes a guest appearance: the reliably side-splitting Molly Shannon as Reagan's less-than-Superstar assistant Nancy, who Reagan (Christina Applegate) can't bring herself to fire. Critic's Guide to Wednesday TV: The SNL Comedy Invasion, A New Whitechapel Case, and More!
  • There is no honor higher than to be continuers of the glorious deeds of our ancestors, no duty loftier than to reliably protect the country.
  • These tulips will spread gradually and reliably to form dense patches of small starry flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • N = 3,167) reference sample, we show that the sex of the individual can be reliably estimated using a small set of 11 craniometric variables. Blog Articles
  • Mudcat and his supporters here have postulated that if mudcat can bring X number of non democratic leaning voters to the polls in some hypothetical rural southern state that that would more than make up for pissing off an identical number of rich, intellectual, opera loving, ingternet using, reliably democratic voting urban elites. Matthew Yglesias » Mudcat
  • The best pressure differential the team can reliably achieve is 2 psia. Potential Delay In Shuttle Schedule - NASA Watch
  • A car for everyone, a sensible, safe, practical tool in which people and luggage can be transported reliably, efficiently and as cheaply as technically possible.
  • Calcium is determined using a variety of other reagents and most reliably by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
  • In many cases their jobs have simply disappeared, gangsters are helping themselves to the nation's treasures and such basic services as electricity and potable water are suddenly no longer reliably available.
  • The birds could not be reliably identified to age or sex.
  • These tulips will spread gradually and reliably to form dense patches of small starry flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Zeno would be easy to read were he merely reliably unreliable: he would be a hypocrite and a fool.
  • Utilising software to manage your accounts is also the best way to ensure that the books are correct and reliably free of errors.
  • Today's edge-emitting stripe semiconductor lasers are unable to reliably and economically couple much more than 250 milliwatts into a single-mode fiber.
  • I have been reliably informed that the couple will marry next year.
  • Major enemy forces could be reliably blocked and destroyed mostly by artillery fire and air strikes; redeployment by sea could be interdicted by massed Air Force and Navy attacks.
  • We used a complex-sounding but conceptually simple statistical method known as canonical discriminant analysis to test whether zircon chemistry could be used to reliably determine the host deposit type.
  • Cynics might even assume that boards have an incentive to mark unreliably, given the added income from re-marks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newson-Smith and Hirsch concluded that social workers could safely and reliably assess attempted suicide patients.
  • Thus, you can reliably find out how much buffer space you would need to format something completely.
  • A quick recap: Brown was a minor mayoral candidate who was a nonfactor in last September's Democratic primary, but he made some waves on the campaign trail by reliably bashing Adrian Fenty and lauding victor Vincent C. Read Sulaimon Brown's resume -- is he qualified for $110K job?
  • My vote always goes to the flattest cartidge with enough oomph to get it done reliably. When I go Elk hunting the choices are 30-06, 25-06, or 350 Rem. mag. Which one should I carry? Why?
  • In brief: one cannot reliably predict the rate of technological progress by extrapolation.
  • The group then is trained to identify and score product attributes reliably.
  • I'm reliably informed by all that it is a good one. Times, Sunday Times
  • They reliably counted among their ranks one or two hot guys on varsity soccer, a few of the more talented band kids, a handful of lacrosse bros, and a posse of beautiful, perfect-skinned girls who all took ballet classes together.
  • The movie reliably entertains for its 90-minute running time.
  • Their wonderfully playful set took in reggae and funk as well as the reliably prickly outbursts of their infectious and catchy crowd-pleasers.
  • She looked at Rowena; a lot of her remarks were addressed to Rowena, who was the only person who reliably answered.
  • I am reliably informed that at least one division a subsidiary, MTech, is totally black-managed. Address at the Launch of Community Investment Holdings
  • Therefore, many of the missiles crashed or performed unreliably.
  • To learn more about the formula for a tear-jerker, a few years ago Dr. Guhn and his colleague Marcel Zentner found musical excerpts—from Mendelssohn's "Trio for Piano" and Barber's "Adagio for Strings," for example—that reliably produce the chills and then measured the physiological reactions heart rate, sweating, goose bumps of listeners. Anatomy of a Tear-Jerker
  • No single function can carry out such an analysis reliably.
  • But chunks of it are very conservative, such as the reliably Republican 26th congressional district in western New York.
  • A randomized controlled trial showed that radiographic pelvimetry is not able to reliably predict the route of delivery.
  • Just take it on faith that when applied to a human's skin, cowhage spicules reliably induce intense itching. News
  • Indeed, a fair amount of what's out there is crummy - produced in the reliably grating idiom of contemporary vlogging. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small number of subjects reported speedball (heroin combined with cocaine) as their primary drug, though there were too few subjects to analyze reliably.
  • Reliably, however, she woke up each time it was time to change sides on the tape.
  • These tulips will spread gradually and reliably to form dense patches of small starry flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a bleak look at the dark side of human nature, the master manipulator shows how reliably awful people can be given the right conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doll Conovan reliably slips backs into Dix's life every time he's released from jail, but he barely acknowledges her existence even when she shares his apartment and caters to his every whim obsequiously truckling, ‘Yeah!’
  • By keeping installation in the regression suite, I'm assured at all times that I can reliably and inexpensively relocate any version of my development to a customer's machine.
  • The results show that the soft starter could start up smoothly and reliably, and the starting current of the asynchronous motor is controlled.
  • After a slight misunderstanding with our good friends at EMI, we've been reliably informed that the songbook isn't in breach of any copyright laws and in turn the songbook is once ahead downloadable and fully legal. Boing Boing: November 19, 2006 - November 25, 2006 Archives
  • The average wind turbine produces less electricity in a year than the average family car: they produce high - cost electricity unreliably.
  • Evidence is mounting against the received wisdom that interfering with a person's cholesterol intake can reliably alter his or her destiny.
  • Miller is a first-rate intellectual but an unreliably quirky, quixotically overcerebral, hit-or-miss director.
  • This system select integrate chip SY 87700 L to realize bIt'synchronizing reliably.
  • A complex ECC logic could perform more reliably than even triplicated logic, with less redundancy. More on Moore's Law
  • A continuous dyeing machine, no matter what its production output and machine width, needs to produce reliably, reproducibly, economically and ecologically .
  • The fluorescence, as discussed earlier, is a low-magnitude phenomenon, and will not be reliably detected by this method.
  • But if neither similarities of function nor similarities of mechanism between humans and non-humans can be reliably used to tell us about emotions in other species, what can we do?
  • But we are reliably informed that Angus will be back on his feet and more importantly that seat tomorrow.
  • But, so far, no one has been able to reliably monitor who is seeing online advertisements.
  • They have reliably informed us that Chris does NOT wear his pants outside his trousers.
  • The whirlpool appears reliably whenever we pull the plug.
  • The film posits a future in which a genetic fluke has produced psychics who can reliably predict murder.
  • Thus Graham is hesitant("It may be" and "I can't say for certain") to acknowledge that God's disposition of judgment can be reliably discerned here.
  • Note that graphesthesia, stereognosis, and extinction cannot reliably be tested for unless primary sensation is intact bilaterally.
  • Bowing in New York and L.A. October 14th after screening this week at the fest is The Skin I Live In by Pedro Almodovar, the reliably hell-raising Spanish auteur. Erica Abeel: Both Nutzoid and Thrilling: Almodovar's The Skin I Live In
  • In the fifteen years I've gardened in the desert I have yet to find a variety of tomato meant for fresh-off-the-vine eating that produces as reliably and abundantly as this classic example of a hybrid plant variety.
  • Depo-Provera is a brilliantly effective anovulant if the injections reliably occur every twelve weeks.
  • Life has been a touch hectic, but I am reliably informed that that is no excuse for a lethargic manner, so I hope you'll accept my apologies on this matter.
  • Studies reliably show that they have a distinctive cognitive make-up—a hostile attributional bias, a kind of paranoia. Bullying
  • Preset conditions are reliably restored without the need to re - run optimisation procedures.
  • Most email systems reliably allow file attachments of 1 megabyte or less.
  • Despite the world's brightest researchers, the latest GPS technology and powerful computer models, scientists cannot reliably forecast the cataclysmic geological events.
  • Provided is a fluorescent lamp with a build-in lighting circuit for fixing glass lamp house reliably without relation with a bonding agent state, and a method for manufacturing the same.
  • As usual however, nature is inconsistent, and I am reliably informed that the latest data on New Forest deer shows that – even when sika get north of that railway line – they _do not_ hybridise with the reds. Oh deer oh deer oh deer
  • However, the spring ephemerals and plants that flower during the spring are often difficult to identify when flowers are not present, and cannot reliably be identified late in the growing season.
  • It means abandoning the idea that judges can ever be reliably apolitical.
  • He would much rather have a bunch of grizzled veterans who were sure of their place, who could be expected to deliver regularly and reliably. Times, Sunday Times
  • They allow you to acquire new information more reliably.
  • These tulips will spread gradually and reliably to form dense patches of small starry flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In more familiar terminology, animal knowledge is reliably and non-accidentally true belief whereas reflective knowledge features an additional “layer” of reliably and non-accidentally caused true belief, true belief about the reliability and non-accidentality of the first-order belief. Reliabilism
  • That's amazing when you think about it: 20 or 30 kilos of steel, rubber, leather and maybe some plastic "overbuilt" to such a high quality standard that it can reliably carry several or many times its weight for a service life unthinkable for most products. Velorution
  • There are also no less than 98 unattributed quotations, with a "senior European official" reliably presenting views that would no doubt go down well at the National Iranian American Council. It Takes Two to Engage
  • It's a reliably heavy cropper. Times, Sunday Times
  • The melting of unlabeled Mg-G-actin could not be measured reliably because of its tendency to oligomerize at concentrations much lower than those used in the DSC.
  • Constraining the interactions by anchoring some of the particles on a surface allowed the scientists to reliably form a variety of structures from two-particle clusters (called dimers) to more complex 3-D nanoparticle crystals. Medgadget
  • How reliably and lovingly caregivers behave determines how securely attached children become.
  • The critical measures of checking the blood-supply arteries exactly and completely and embolizing reliably with appropriate embolic material can control hemorrhage and decrease recurrence effectively.
  • Red deer are intensely social animals, though unreliably so: lone animals and small groups often turn up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Oregon system seems able to provide housing reliably, even during boom times.
  • Only through nationwide scoping studies can ethnicity be reliably established. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's usually the combination of winter cold and wet that polishes off unreliably hardy plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's pretty well informed, entirely logical, accords with what we know and were reliably informed, and is all too plausible.
  • The low frequency tone emitted in flight is plainly audible to the ear and microphonic filtering yielded the wing beat frequency, as Sotavalta reliably showed for many insect species.
  • Since canonicity could be adjudged only by these effects, no translator could reliably instruct readers on why the work under translation could be deemed important.
  • The goal, obviously, is to make Internet communications confidential, tamper-proof, and reliably authenticated.
  • But they do not alter the basic fact: markets now operate more fluently, reliably and consistently.
  • Little is left to the imagination, the Sunday Herald is reliably informed, as Paula bears all in November's edition of the top-shelf glossy.
  • We suggest that competitive displays more reliably signal female quality as compared to noncompetitive ones, and that males benefit from mating with dominant females.
  • Wildflower seed does not always germinate reliably and uniformly, and weedy plants can be a problem in newly seeded areas.
  • Is there a way to reliably and repeatedly "calibrate" and "zero" a chronograph? Do Chronographs Lie?
  • Newson-Smith and Hirsch concluded that social workers could safely and reliably assess attempted suicide patients.
  • I'm a bit worried for his hair which I'm reliably informed is stapled ... as in stapled? I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here
  • It was imperative for minerals to be reliably exported and mining and transport machinery brought safely in, as well as food and goods for a burgeoning gold rush population.
  • But, so far, no one has been able to reliably monitor who is seeing online advertisements.
  • Geophysical equipment has to be very robustly designed to work reliably in environments like this.
  • The range at which identification can be reliably accomplished by these means, relative to weapon range, is marginal in daylight and deficient during periods of limited visibility.
  • A virtuous citizenry, which Jefferson considered essential to a republican form of government, was most reliably constituted of yeomen farmers he believed.
  • I'm reliably informed that they ate… that they threw a few shrimps on the barbie, if you like, some barbecued prawns, an Asian salad, and char grilled beef was had by all.
  • The review also explains the different ways of sharing the Internet and why a dedicated piece of hardware will perform better and more reliably than software solutions.
  • Recent studies of blue-black grassquits and blue grosbeaks suggest that structural plumage coloration is dependent on nutritional condition and thus could reliably signal mate quality.
  • Since Viagra gets it up more reliably than powdered horn, Asia has made a quick switch, and poachers have lost market share.
  • But online stock trading was once one of the few reliably profitable areas of electronic commerce.
  • Specialty chemicals group LANXESS has now developed a product that can reliably remove this toxic metalloid from drinking water: Lewatit FO36 is an innovative hybrid adsorber consisting of a combination of a polymeric anion exchange resin and an iron oxide with a goethite structure. Undefined
  • The setup is crudely overplayed, with projectile poop and verbal come-ons aimed at the reliably pungent Leslie Mann, who plays Mrs. Bateman and is the longest-suffering woman in so-called bromantic comedy mentioning her marriage to Judd Apatow, who popularized and problematized the dynamic, only belabors the point. Top Stories
  • The problem with visual interpretation of the results is that it is not possible to reliably intuit the quantitative magnitudes of the various contributions and thus the balance of terms which gives rise to the net entropy changes.
  • The bogongs, I am reliably informed, normally migrate from Queensland to the Snowy Mountains in October.
  • For good reason – they serve a reliably good range of tapas including pescadito frito (whitebait) gambas rebozadas (prawns in a light batter), mussels, sausages and the whole kaboodle. 10 of the best tapas bars in Barcelona
  • The only one I know of is tubal ligation, which is not reliably reversible. Main RSS Feed
  • Reliably downlinking that amount of information will require a new approach, Mandl noted.
  • Diagnosis depends on careful clinical observation over many weeks, because there are no laboratory or imaging tests that reliably indicate that a patient is vegetative.
  • The numinous is a reliably elusive theme for a writer, and Burnside hunts it down like an indefatigable lepidopterist. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • But they do not alter the basic fact: markets now operate more fluently, reliably and consistently.
  • But another part of me likes having a backup network, one that I can reach, if unreliably, from across the street.
  • When it comes to rewarding his marquee players, he has proven to be a reliably soft touch.
  • Newson-Smith and Hirsch concluded that social workers could safely and reliably assess attempted suicide patients.
  • Information is sent out unreliably, by e-mail alone and at short notice. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are reliably informed that the Senate may take up the bill in its rump session, scheduled to start Tuesday.
  • Until it is possible to be sure that the readings taken are not being influenced by fluctuations in the width of open stomata while the leaf is in the experimental cuvette, statistics on oxygen concentrations cannot be performed reliably.
  • A product with a moderate, uniform level of Delta-9 THC could be reliably produced by blending marijuana from a high THC strain with low potency material-either marijuana or a semisynthetic cellulose material, as has been developed for tobacco cigarettes. Cannabis: The Report Of The Canadian Government Commission Of Inquiry Into The Non-Medical Use Of Drugs
  • Photocells capable of seeing things in a physical sense, advanced photography which can record what is seen or even what is not, thermionic tubes capable of controlling potent forces under the guidance of less power than a mosquito uses to vibrate his wings, cathode ray tubes rendering visible an occurrence so brief that by comparison a microsecond is a long time, relay combinations which will carry out involved sequences of movements more reliably than any human operator and thousands of times as fast — there are plenty of mechanical aids with which to effect a transformation in scientific records. As We May Think
  • All is well, we are reliably informed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still in chastened times Senior Officers have to be creative in gathering their evidence, after all large scale public disturbances don’t happen as reliably as they used to. on December 16, 2008 at 8: 40 pm | Reply Dipper Kingsnorth Police Criticised Over Cost Shock! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Yes, The Birmigham News, our reliably conservative fishwrapper, gives Martin an "attagirl" for going after Mayor Larry Langford in a case that appears to be riven with political motivations -- like most everything else Martin has done: Alabama Prosecutors Earn a Place on "10 Worst" List
  • We have streamlined the way to get your action-packed sports on to the pages as quickly and reliably as possible.
  • I'd be lying if I said the ram was running 100% reliably, as I did experience lockups when running stress tests.
  • The deli man will cheerfully explain exactly where you can shove your freaking debit card, the laundry lady pries into your love life and the grocery clerk reliably complains about her no-good son-in-law. Retail's Grand Ambitions
  • Thus, natural selection should favor parasitoids that utilize as kairomones only the chemicals that uniquely and reliably identify potential hosts.
  • The government's ability to provide basic services reliably was instrumental in establishing government creditability.
  • Wildflower seed does not always germinate reliably and uniformly, and weedy plants can be a problem in newly seeded areas.
  • It is the collection of metadata that allows computer software to reliably deal with the data.
  • While I don't like to use them for mechanical trading signals, put/call ratios do outline, quite reliably, zones of oversold and overbought market conditions.
  • The heating system can reliably keep up with the high heating demands.
  • The intestinal permeability test result was even less reliably related to the gliadin intake than the antigliadin antibody test.
  • If George Smiley -- the unflappable mole-hunter from "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and other le Carré books -- were around, he'd deliver a wry rebuff to the author about how ennobling it must be to live in a world of such certainty, where Western intelligence is reliably lupine and the Muslim world a verdant pasture of 95% innocent lambs. Suspicious Minds
  • Which of the following natural fine kindlings will not reliably ignite? Winter Survival Quiz by Field & Stream's Keith McCafferty
  • And this is Kasia, which I'm reliably informed is Polish for `Kitty.' April 18th, 2007
  • I am reliably informed that he's about to resign.
  • I have been reliably informed that the couple will marry next year.
  • Our intention was to sample only a subset of the most common species that can be reliably counted and identified in the field without a dissecting scope.
  • Though many of the reliably perennial bulbs will work their way into the beds after they have provided for me in the pots, tulips, hyacinth and paperwhite narcissi rarely flower a second year. Light up your garden with bulbs
  • Me too, but on the other hand because the content is reliably pretty good I always end up clicking through to the actual post, so his unformatted text in the RSS feed is probably driving up his hit counts. Skype Security Considerations
  • The counterfactual is extremely difficult to test reliably given the small number of data points. we should be lowering the tax on labor and raising the tax on capital Taxes and Market Time, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The frame period of satellite image changes suddenly, A positioning aperture technique is implemented to reliably acquire the frame period.
  • His vaunted 'reliably unreliable' and 'unreliably unreliable' narrators now crop up everywhere. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She continued to ask the same question, repeatedly, throughout the meal, despite Sammy's reliably affirmative answers.
  • It can take decades to detect important and unanticipated side effects of medications reliably.
  • I'm reliably informed that most actors like to stay away from typecasting in roles.
  • This should all come as no surprise to brands that found out with YouTube that group amusements would reliably generate a following, at least for a short while -- as Mentos saw in 2006 when its YouTube video of a mint exploding in a glass of Diet Coke upsurged its fan base on Facebook temporarily. Marian Salzman: Net Gain
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal 2010 Domaines Ott Château de Selle Rosé 2010 Domaines Ott Château de Selle Rosé, $40 This wine is reliably remembered by just about anyone who's ever had it—in large part because of its distinctive bottle, which is shaped a bit like a large perfume flagon. Drink, Memory: How to Remember That Wine
  • All is well, we are reliably informed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A classic example of this is the software industry's so-far-successful practice of offering unfinished or (to put it charitably) unperfected products for sale and assuming no liability when those products fail to perform reliably.
  • The challenge is to reliably sift out and satisfactorily reassure the 40% with functional disease without missing those with more serious pathology.
  • The photocopying of typed sheets, although relatively expensive, gives clear and reliably consistent copies.

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