How To Use Relevant In A Sentence
I can't find any relevant material on him in the library.
It takes into consideration those factors which we deem relevant, and relates their significances.
Their skin colour, sexuality or hair hue is irrelevant.
The relevant principle is that if a member causes loss to the council he/she is liable to make good that loss if he/she has misconducted him/herself knowing that loss may result.
He will mention the relevant laws that fence out undesirable immigrants.

A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
[12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena.
LaRouche's Latest
According to the 1956 agreement on the machinery, industrial action should only be contemplated when all the relevant stages have been exhausted.
Any relevant medical conditions should be stated and a supporting letter from a doctor must be attached.
No matter how anodyne, fatuous, sensible or irrelevant.
Times, Sunday Times
Dually, other irrelevant entailments are those that turn out to be valid just because the consequent is a necessary truth
Impossible Worlds
Maybe there could be a new school of (telically oriented) ˜pattern recognition 'instead of ID, since the ID Movement is obviously not what TT's is interested in, given it's theologically relevant agenda.
Creationism and Propaganda
Answer guide: The relevant range of activity refers to the level of activity the firm has experienced in past accounting periods.
The effect of interest arbitrage is to make it irrelevant where a person invests or borrows.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
The one quote that strikes me as quite unsound is the one at the very end, though of course it's always impossible to tell if some relevant context might have been inadvertently cut in the editing.
But despite these delays, the experienced tallymen will be watching the boxes and each party will allocate different people to count the votes being put into the relevant piles.
Functionalism as a linguistic approach is different from generative and cognitive approaches in that it makes no claim as to the cognitive reality of the mechanisms it proposes - that matter is irrelevant to its usefulness.
I establish, since it is clinically relevant, that you have not, in fact, had the penectomy and vaginoplasty yet, and are merely scarfing down hormones and getting all your facial hair yanked out.
I have set out the relevant enactments above.
We certify that we have presented or will present the aforementioned items and relevant tax forms to the audit committee.
Counsel refer the judge to a number of relevant unreported cases.
For all the seniors out there that find Elizabeth Taylor still relevant, a flibbertigibbet is basically a chatty gossip.
Elizabeth Taylor urges primary voters to back Clinton
Remember, if you will (I certainly do), that one of the selling points of the post-VII "reforms" was that they enriched Catholic life and worship by making them relevant and immediate rather than old-fashioned (for which read "dignified") and outdatedly stiff (for which read "reverent").
You report: Promotional Posters for the Traditional Latin Mass
Being attractive and likeable can be the small, notionally "irrelevant" factor that helps to tip the balance in our favor.
The Untapped Power of Erotic Capital
Those involved were people who worked closely with her during the relevant period.
Rains said Stein's argument was "farfetched" and he believed that "Mehserle made no statements or admissions on the form that are relevant to any issue in dispute in this trial.
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Or if I want to see a police officer in a time frame where the person concerned might be caught, I report a couple having a domestic, who called me a derogatory name ref my Race, Religion, or sexual preference (underline the relevant option) and just out of interest they broke the wing mirror on my car.
Norfolk Constabulary. Pants On Fire. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
A rumor is floating about that the businessman is getting ready to waste millions again in a futile attempt to become governor, but that's relevant only to the coyotes who will take his money.
This distillation is a rigorous expression of the particular knowledge that has been found most relevant.
Archive 2007-07-01
DaeSung was on for the telerecording for SBS YaShimManMan recently where he revealed about his antics for irrelevant imagination and curiosity.
BIG BANG Fansite
The site gives you crossing times and months of operation, and you can click through to book direct with the relevant ferry company.
Times, Sunday Times
Without timely feedback from the relevant stakeholders and interested parties, it's next to impossible to find satisfactory solutions.
The decision to discontinue participant recruitment after six couples was made on the basis of saturation of relevant themes, with couple six adding only one or two themes to each area of inquiry.
You must therefore plan carefully to make sure you are covering relevant material.
As I trolled back and forth in the microfiche looking for the relevant piece, I was struck by the other things the chattering classes brayed five years ago.
Music and literature relevant to the Royal Opera House's shows are always available, and the shop is a leading stockist of ballet and opera DVDs.
Independent bookshops in London
Now they are hot button issues, relevant across the spectrum.
Times, Sunday Times
It is not my intention to review the relevant jurisprudence in this ruling.
Fronted by Alan Donohoe, they specialise in creating angular working class anthems that are packed with sharp, edgy guitars and socially relevant lyrics.
While that is hearsay evidence and not admissible to prove that the accident did occur at that time, it is admissible evidence relevant to the state of mind of the declarant.
Earnings growth driven by growing sales is far more relevant and important than earnings growth driven by cost savings.
Exclusion of relevant evidence because of non-conformity to some legal rule can also undermine the factual quality of acquittals.
I've continued to study and avail of relevant training courses since leaving college.
Relevant dimensions of difference include morals, values, standards, beliefs, and attitudes.
In much recent art, the object itself is secondary to the dialogue which surrounds it, which makes it inaccessible to those who don't follow theoretical discussions and oddly irrelevant for itself.
She's well qualified but has no relevant work experience.
Details on profits and dividend payments - as yet undivulged - are relevant, too.
Times, Sunday Times
This in turn will provide a more adequate basis for the formulation of relevant policy.
It was especially relevant to the setting under discussion or in my view, any setting with any kind of coherency - that you DO NOT attempt to use a gamist system to model a setting best served by simulationist or narrativist systems.
January 30th, 2007
Its contents goes well beyond what is actually relevant for analytical chemistry.
A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
The fact that they were under a compliance audit at this time is largely irrelevant to the issue.
The point of deliberation is to make sound decisions about how to act after a review of the relevant considerations and a chance for all parties to the decision to put the case for their views.
Matthew Yglesias » Governments Should Govern
Venice as a city has seemed irrelevant, a storied artifact of a Romantic past that serves merely as a decorous backdrop for an event geared toward utopian futures.
But the more relevant argument is that religion promotes out-group mentality in an age of interdependence when we can't afford to surrender to ancient instincts.
Ted Cadsby: Defying Our Maker: What The New Atheists Miss
There is no relevant " fact " beyond these observations about a person's behaviour.
The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
After they published their final goals, they organized 12 committees to push the relevant public and private agencies to fulfill them.
Spring/summer and autumn/winter seasons are now about as relevant to contemporary life as Gregorian plainsong.
Why fast fashion is slow death for the planet
I’m at a bit of a loss as to how carbonation is relevant to the discussion – but you may want to get in a bit more soda as your house heats up.
Think Progress » Key Fact In National Review’s Global Warming Article Is ‘Completely Wrong’
Where the germ of the idea came from is pretty much irrelevant.
Times, Sunday Times
But the trend has begun to change, owing to the availability of cheaper and trendy handsets, affordable pricing and relevant services.
What about 18 USC 3501 (b) (1) making the delay relevant to admissibility of a confession?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Shahzad and Miranda Rights
It is also used to host information and to provide links to documents and other relevant web sites.
An institutional advertising approach as means of bank image projection has become particularly relevant.
The subconscious receives no instruction from the conscious to look for the stored, relevant information, so it is not supplied.
At times came robbers and thieves, at times came diseases among the beasts and shortness of food, once the country was worried by a pack of boar-hounds he helped to kill; he went through many inconsecutive, irrelevant adventures.
The War in the Air
Moreover , AFTA could freeze out Australian exporters, so an FTA is particularly relevant.
Maria Schneider is a freelance writer and a prolific twitterer of good quality relevant information.
Twitter for Writers « Write Anything
The broken reasons of bailer of impeller was found out by analyzing some relevant cases occurred in a jet-type impulse turbine in China, some measures to handling it was presented.
As one researcher writes in a study on moods and menstruation in college students, 'negative behavior exhibited premenstrually is perceived as evidence for the prevailing negative stereotype of female emotional behavior while positive behavior is ignored as something for which biology is irrelevant.'
Another important branch of philosophy relevant here is metaphysics, which tries to discover the basic structure of reality.
Based on the mathematical models of the flute surface and the flank of the twist drill with quadratic flank faces, its relevant planes and lines were mapped on a projection plane.
These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.
It became convenient to account for shifts in Freud's work by focusing on his early reliance on drawing and to cite the influence of painters from northern Europe such as Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Albrecht Dürer, or even to suggest a false comparison with the Neue Sachlichkeit painters active in Germany in the 1920s but unknown to the young Freud and overlook others as relevant as Paul Cézanne and Chaim Soutine.
Lucian Freud obituary
The topic of my law review note was qui tam actions under the False Claims Act. Every decade or so, a discussion comes along in which my expertise is actually relevant.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” (continued)
He appealed for anyone with any relevant information to come forward.
Times, Sunday Times
His description of the height and build of the person does not conform to the height and build of the appellant at the relevant time.
The offshore element is irrelevant to the issue of assessing a tax liability and enforcement.
Times, Sunday Times
This is obviously relevant to the cultural context of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, in whose interior verses 34 to 37 of sura 19 had appeared almost five centuries earlier.
Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.
The client should identify those objectives as a matter of course in the relevant engagement documentation.
And so rhetoric allows associative feminist psychologists to address psychology from outside, but from a recognizable and relevant perspective.
In such circumstances, post-merger performance in the relevant market may be no worse than market performance had the merger been blocked and the assets left the market.
Interesting in a society where the royal family is seen as increasingly irrelevant.
Times, Sunday Times
Works tirelessly, with enthusiasm, attitude, have relevant working experience.
Here we tackle important issues that are relevant to women of all ages, things like endometriosis, osteoporosis, fertility and perimenopause.
Yet one would hesitate to describe these lines as irrelevant.
If you expect to develop as a writer you must learn to digress and be at times totally irrelevant.
This may not seem relevant in the light of Stuart's subsequent death, but let me assure you it is.
The political personality approach assumes that knowledge of the relevant personality traits will enable the analyst to understand political attitudes and behavior.
While dietetic practitioners are in the best position to ask research questions relevant to practice, clinical dietitians have been reluctant to become involved in research.
The book sometimes loses itself in lengthy lists, yet remains lacking in detailed or relevant context.
The Times Literary Supplement
Did the Minister leave relevant matter out of account in deciding to make the Order?
Stats that may or may not be relevant for today's match: * Four of the last five Utd v Liverpool games have had at least three goals* United's league record last season after Champ Lge matches: W3 D2 L5* There have been six red cards in the last seven matches* United have yet to concede a goal at Old Trafford this season* Liverpool are yet to score a league goal away from home this season
Man Utd v Liverpool - as it happened
These are all relevant when considering whether its disposal should be consented to.
The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.
While age is clearly a highly relevant factor it does not always accurately reflect ability to understand.
A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
Of course, neither fits with Mike Gene's agnostic theology, atheology or anti-theology … so they must be irrelevant and not count.
Advice for the Theistic Evolutionists
Most of the normal rules outlined above concerning partnerships are relevant to the limited partnership, but with some crucial differences.
The oft-cited fact that he had ‘a wife and child at home’ when he was propositioning women is not relevant to sexual harassment.
The discourtesies extended to the collector by the newspapers were not only uncivil but also irrelevant.
The Women of St. Mark's thought their own life histories and productivity rendered irrelevant or moot the questions of access, representation, canonicity, and literary history that feminists raised.
The relevant pattern of that maritime conflict in the Mediterranean region had not begun then; but, it expressed a pattern which is notable, still today, as being continued through the time of what were called the Punic Wars, and beyond.
LaRouche's Latest
The knowledge of a critic is useful here for filling in relevant background information.
If not, please call me and explain and then maybe I can contact the relevant people.
Colin went on to dumbfound the poor copper telling him that he (Colin) was on the relevant council committee and he knew about these things.
A tribute to Colin Rosenstiel
Well, this is only a tiny matter of technology: all he needs to do is copy the relevant section and paste it into his document.
We reviewed abstracts and selected relevant articles.
No self-indulgent twaddle, no luvvy duvvy waffle, no tedious explaining what we're looking at, no extraneous family members self-aggrandising and hogging the airtime with totally irrelevant bullshit.
Do you have the relevant experience?
They have to be relevant and direct attention and efforts where they should go.
Einthoven said in his work in 1895 that the efforts to fully interpret the electrocardiogram should be abandoned for the moment, and in a survey of the relevant literature up to the first half of 1912, the author** put emphasis on the uncertainty of the efforts to interpret the cardiogram.
Physiology or Medicine 1924 - Presentation Speech
That is, for him, a propositum is "sequentially relevant" if and only if it logically follows from the positum alone; it is "incompatibly relevant" if and only if its contradictory opposite follows from the positum alone; it is "irrelevant" if and only if it is neither sequentially nor incompatibly relevant.
Medieval Theories of Obligationes
What makes this phase such an illusive time-drain is our wariness of being caught by the non-relevant e-mail.
Globe and Mail
Any negotiation has a limit. Otherwise, war is irrelevant. Toba Beta
The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.
An example: If I were to rip out the music portion of Far Cry 2 and replace it with nothing or something completely irrelevant and jarring, is that not going to change the experience of the game?
In reply to Clint Hocking and Michael Abbott
There were books lying open at pages that had seemed relevant.
Some may be relevant to your situation or they may spark off other ideas in your mind.
Beat Stress
Research data may not be relevant to persons with fundamentally different orientations or worldviews.
Keyword insertion is a powerful feature that can save you time and also help make your ad text more relevant.
(Ad)Word of the Day: Keyword Insertion
Last year's report is ancient history and totally irrelevant to the current situation.
Photonics and optoelectronics are interesting and important technologies that are relevant to many of these markets.
All relevant departments will co - operate to publicise this MPF system which affects the general public.
We hope our media can provide us with relevant, factual and balanced information.
Because the identity of the scapulocoracoid in the image with Graeme is relevant to the adjacent text, I'll change it.
Biggest…. sauropod…. ever (part…. I)
On the other side, of course, the narrative falderal is just irrelevant.
In Need of Recovery |
This ghoulish history is irrelevant to Harley riders - their aim is to be photographed by the huge sign at company HQ.
He should, it is said, have directed the jury on the issues to which the evidence was relevant, and warned the jury against the possibility of collusion.
A number of stories, partly fuelled by the British government's refusal to release all the relevant files, have grown up around Hess and his mission.
Wanshicheng has exquisite craft, advanced plating line, stamping machine, HF welding machine and other relevant equipment.
That required the full and frank disclosure of all relevant facts and documents.
Times, Sunday Times
The activities draw on relevant literature that is referenced throughout the book.
As you might expect, she expressed the typical busybodied leftist view that the Church needs to adopt pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage views in order to stay relevant: - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
This research is closely linked with issues relevant to computer science, having to do with automated deduction, functional programming, and computer-aided verification.
Faculty and staff in the institute will conduct science-based and socially relevant research on the risks and benefits of genetically modified plant and animal products.
Is the Varsity match still relevant?
Times, Sunday Times
The categories were selected as indicators, risk factors or relevant environmental determinants affecting fitness, obesity and health.
But the difference in skin pigmentation was just not relevant.
Times, Sunday Times
The placement office of major and leading universities usually offer the best resource for students to learn more about the jobs and industries relevant to the entry-level positions.
A summary of key findings is to be circulated to social work agencies, training courses and other relevant bodies.
If that MP can be prevailed upon to contact a minister of state and request a reply, the response will be referred to and drafted by the relevant civil servants.
Perhaps instead of discussing which is the "more obvious" interpretation, which ultimately doesn't prove anything since "obviousness" is a matter of perception, we should be focusing on the relevant contextual and comparative information.
Is It Better To View Jesus' Prediction as Trite or Mistaken?
Soon enough, the cream will rise to the top and our elephantine popularity contest will have proven itself once again as both as defining and as completely irrelevant as freshman yearbook pictures.
Re-reading the draft of this report, I was tempted to excise this disquisition from the text as being irrelevant.
If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
They are able to quickly pull relevant information from this mammoth database.
Layer 3 uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to remove all superfluous information (more specifically, the redundant and irrelevant parts of a sound signal).
Colour and sex are hardly relevant when appointing somebody to a job.
Let the scholars who are misguiding the people with their stupid fatwas point to relevant parts of the Quran and sunnah to justify legitimizing misyar marriage.
Arabnews - frontpage
It takes multiple centuries for dysgenics to inflict a significant toll or, on the flip side, traditional eugenics to achieve anything; history is now moving too quickly for that sort of thing to be relevant.
Where Dysgenics Goes Wrong: Comparative Advantage Strikes Again, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The relevant inspecting organs shall give assistance thereto.
The only honest information would have been that about 97 percent of the world’s relevant scientists overwhelming agree that climate change couldn’t be more real and is a genuine danger to humanity and the planet -- and that the evidence is all around us in freakish weather, rising oceans, melting arctic ice and glaciers, shifting habitats, and more.
Rebecca Solnit: Jurassic Ballot: When Corporations Ruled the Earthrop 23
The amazing part of the detraction is that a lot of these are the same arguments why weblogs were unnecessary and irrelevant.
Gillmor on Fire
Afterward, the most relevant morphological parameters, i.e. the leaf area, fresh and dry weights (after drying at 105°C until constant weight) of taproots and leaves etc, were measured.
The right-wing pundistas tell us at length why the burgeoning Facebook group opposed to prorogation is irrelevant.
Frogs in a pot
Both candidates for the presidency were short of relevant experience.
You put things out in the world hoping that it might be relevant to someone, but these things are subtle, imperceptible.
I identify as an androgyne, by the way, in case anyone feels that's relevant to deciding how to take this response.
This kind of cricket is totally irrelevant to that which the rest of the world plays.
Times, Sunday Times
So I hope that we can increasingly stop talking about slaver, which is, frankly, largely irrelevant to most of us here today, and talk about how we can overcome our history, both positive and negative, in a fashion that builds a brighter future for Americans and Africans alike.
Press Briefing In Kampala Uganda
I don't have an explanation - I'd like to have one but I don't - but in the meantime, without evidence, the odds of your position being right are so infinitesimal as to be irrelevant.
These advanced studies build into the planning model information which is specifically relevant to a chosen retail market sector.
For each item in the array, create a table row that contains all the relevant information.
Objective 1. To discuss the MRI appearance and the relevant pathologic basis of tubal pregnancy . 2.
In the end, one has to say that the age-old and staid principles of banking are more relevant in the era of retail financing.
A sanitary survey is a comprehensive and detailed inspection of the foreshores and tributaries of the relevant waterway, the purpose being to identify all points of pollution…
Time will tell whether these findings are relevant to how dinitrogen is reduced to ammonia in nature on a huge scale by nitrogenase enzymes.
Richard R. Schrock - Autobiography
There are several scenes which involve abrasive personal confrontation, which I felt were irrelevant, but presumably were introduced for fear of the film becoming cloying.
These seem like irrelevant questions, but they aren't that far off from relevancy.
What you say is not relevant to the matter in hand.
Each scenario includes a comprehensive problem-solving practice set, which enables readers to integrate relevant math with theory and practical applications.
Is there a relevant trade association for this industry?
Times, Sunday Times
The alternative is to make intellectual life increasingly irrelevant to human affairs, to turn intellectuals into hypocrites, and to turn everyone else into anti-intellectuals.
This in turn will provide a more adequate basis for the formulation of relevant policy.
Perhaps the other area of psychological science most relevant to camps is behavioral psychology.
Reading such works, I am inclined to throw the egotistical nincompoops out the window - as this is frequently impossible, I content myself with throwing the relevant books across the room.
Whilst many of the developments will be beneficial to all disciplines, certain aspects are particularly relevant to the electronics sector.
Here one finds the treatment of joint annuities on several lives, the inheritance of annuities, problems about the fair division of the costs of a tontine, and other contracts in which both age and interest on capital are relevant.
It did not seem relevant to a generation of tradespeople and professionals to live just as did their grandfathers in Germany and Poland when all the rest of their lives were so different and so new.
We may have our own subjective judgments about this matter, but we should at least have the honesty to recognize that they are completely irrelevant.
He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts.
Combined with a Tivo-type pvr, the mobile phone will just scoop news and other relevant broadcast feeds for your supreme convenience.
Select Outdoor as the most relevant and click on that link.
Of course, neither fits with Mike Gene's agnostic theology, atheology or anti-theology ¦ so they must be irrelevant and not count.
Advice for the Theistic Evolutionists
The edition of Leibniz's philosophical works in Latin and French, published by Rudolph Erich Raspe (Leibniz 1765; cf. Hallo 1934) contained some up to then unpublished letters and six pieces from the unpublished papers, of which two, “Difficultates quaedam logicae” and “Historia et commendatio linguae charactericae”, are relevant to logic.
Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic
In order to examine these submissions it is necessary now to set out the relevant legislation.
None is big enough to destabilise the company or relevant business section if it does not.
Times, Sunday Times
Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail.
This casts doubt on the view that organization-wide gain-sharing or profit-sharing programs as well as group-level reward programs are especially relevant in quality-driven organizations.
After careful consideration of all the evidence and relevant law the Tribunal either upholds or dismisses the appeal.
- What criteria should be used: How relevant are considerations such as biophysical and socio-economic indicators, adaptability/transferability, sustainability, institutional complementarity or scientific value?
1. Tree products in agroecosystems: economic and policy issues.
He reads it aloud, "During a routine examination of the relevant State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Case File, it appears that you will need financial assistance in displacement costs relative to locating a new site.
Jeanne Devon ("AKMuckraker"): Chuitna and the Curse of Coal
Tailor your summary statement to highlight the experience that is most relevant to the job.
The simple fact that a military force can strike a massive blow is irrelevant.
That required the full and frank disclosure of all relevant facts and documents.
Times, Sunday Times
The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.
But the insights of anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, social psychologists, political scientists, and area specialists are all relevant to the key problems: arriving at applicable and testable theories of the causes of conflict in a variety of circumstances, and arriving at strategies for reducing the sources of conflict and defining pathways from "conflictual" to "non-conflictual".
Archive 2009-05-01
Anyone who spots missing or incorrect information on their credit file should inform the relevant lenders and the agency.
Times, Sunday Times