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How To Use Relearn In A Sentence

  • There would be a flurry of coding and decoding activity in time of war, but with the coming of peace, cryptographic knowledge and skills would atrophy and have to be relearned again at the next outbreak of hostilities.
  • I've had to relearn the game from square one.
  • North American workers in the lowland tropics expect to "relearn" agriculture in their new settings, since the climates and crops of the lowland tropics are so different from temperate regions. Chapter 24
  • Dean also relearnt the lessons of the dotcom boom.
  • In a post-feminist world, he adds, boys may want to relearn courtesies such as holding open doors and seating a girl at dinner.
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  • In life, we have to learn, unlearn, and relearn if we are to improve ourselves and better our lives. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • ‘I have struggled through the system and I did not want to go anywhere else and relearn new surroundings,’ said the shy 17-year-old.
  • Catholicism represented by the "minster," and he relearns his faith "from the book whose words are grav'd in light Contesting the Heterodoxy: Mrs. Hemans vs. Lord Byron
  • Ancient camp sites are still used by people eager to relearn old ways.
  • Pope Benedict: Church must repent, 'relearn' justice. Religion News: Religious News and Headlines
  • After the accident, he could not walk for months and had to relearn how to walk down stairs
  • Rather than relearn the hard lessons that IT folks have learned, take advantage of their expertise.
  • Forgetting a past hurt refers to relearning the circumstances surround the situation, reprocess it through a fresh perspective, and move toward forgiveness.
  • I just resaw that PBS George Gershwin documentary and relearned that he had applied for a place at the foot of Nadia Boulanger and she, that bitch, turned him down. Whatever Happened to "Classical" Music? Part II
  • You don't have to relearn the debugger, relearn the toolset, relearn tuning or relearn how to deploy the applications.
  • She had to relearn English, having spoken only Spanish in Paraguay.
  • After a half-century of exceptional ease and security in the west, we may have to relearn the art of cheerful resignation.
  • With repeated practice, a normally ‘short tempered’ individual can learn to manage and even relearn those initial reactions to frustration or discomfort.
  • He relearnt how to talk and eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was really easy because we didn't have to relearn any tunes - we remembered them all from having played them so often when we were teenagers.
  • I sober up, you're quite right, It's a lesson that has to be relearnt over and over again, that no one person is bigger than the market, that no one person has a divine right to be right. Home Page
  • Life is a process of learning, unlearning and relearning. Hardships, obstacles and failures are the learning lessons. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A lesson relearnt: if a destination has a 'high season', there's usually a good reason. Times, Sunday Times
  • I completely relearnt how to think about language. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have learnt and relearnt quite a few things along the way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The elite reconnaissance Marine now relearns everyday tasks, like picking something up off the floor.
  • If enough of us litter less, recycle more, participate in our democratic processes, and begin to "relearn" lifestyles that are less material and connected with Nature and our fellow human beings, the more chance we have to "sober up" and get beyond our addiction to oil. Jim Selman: Claiming Accountability for a Better World
  • Then, over time, my relearnt behaviour might last longer and longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In three years, I relearned how to walk, stand and sit and discovered the location of my scapulae , ischia and occiput. The Serious Art of Gentle Exercise
  • You're very prolific, and you were talking at the beginning about digging through your past and relearning old songs.
  • So they relearn skills and develop them personally to give them some self-belief, self-worth and confidence.
  • Once the codes become changed, you are left stranded until they're relearned.
  • Regrettably, it appears that India will have to relearn a lesson that it should already have learned extraordinarily well by now: you cannot negotiate with terror on your knees.
  • Stewart, the lesson I relearn from the BP oil spill is the civilian parts of the federal government are often worse than useless while military parts like the Coast Guard are fairly competent. The Volokh Conspiracy » If you like the BP spill, you’ll love cyberwar
  • He explained that often recently single people are ashamed of their new status and need help relearning the social scene from a single person's perspective.
  • We have relearnt the old tricks of theatrical intimacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • A world before which one has to relearn how to look, with the large wide-eyed gaze of a wonderstruck child.
  • In other words, I relearnt the lesson of not judging a book by its cover - the cover can be deceiving.
  • She would have to be prepared to live on her own and had to be given the chance to relearn and hone her survival skills. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • In addition, it wastes valuable instructional time because of the reteaching and relearning that eventually must occur.
  • She would have to be prepared to live on her own and had to be given the chance to relearn and hone her survival skills. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • If ever there were a time to relearn commonsensical standards of behavior and weed out the Fabs before the government comes calling, this is it.
  • Ancient camp sites are still used by people eager to relearn old ways.
  • In three years, I relearned how to walk, stand and sit and discovered the location of my scapulae , ischia and occiput. The Serious Art of Gentle Exercise
  • He has even asked me to help him "relearn" the old Latin Mass so he can offer it himself. You report: New TLM in the Diocese of Dodge City
  • At first when she had come to him, he had felt a rare ecstasy in her shy touch, as if together they might relearn the world. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Then, I'd be back at square one, forced to relearn the lesson that my head and heart had already learned once before.
  • It's time we relearnt the virtues of intuition from animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn.
  • She relearnt how to move, enduring the periods when no neurological progress happened, inching forward over the months. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first when she had come to him, he had felt a rare ecstasy in her shy touch, as if together they might relearn the world. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Without memory we would have to relearn everything every day and society would remain rudimentary at best. Blank Minds « Colleen Anderson
  • Communities of all sizes are waking up and relearning old lessons: That many residents want the option of walking or biking to get from A to B.
  • In my own nation's old teachings, we're told that when confused we should go ‘back to the woods ‘to relearn life's lessons.’
  • I had to relearn how to position my mouth and tongue to form the sounds of each letter of the alphabet.
  • In life, we have to learn, unlearn, and relearn if we are to improve ourselves and better our lives. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In many cases, individuals within the strike group must relearn lessons their predecessors learned in the previous deployment cycle.
  • Tourists are relearning the delights on offer
  • If you learn too many other things, then this natural birthright will become almost impossible to remember and relearn.
  • Interestingly, the same patterns then have to be relearnt for linguistic humour somewhere between the ages of 6 and 9. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus there is an opportunity to learn or relearn a number of words each day.
  • Later, the treat was hidden under the opposite block so the dogs had to relearn the task (reversal learning).
  • In the late 1800s, a German scientist named Hermann Ebbinghaus made up lists of nonsense syllables and measured how long it took to forget and then relearn them. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • It has to be learnt and relearnt day by day, and it can't, by its very nature, be learnt alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Basically I just relearnt all the stuff from when I was 6 - not even scales or anything, just little tunes and only just beginning to play with both hands together. Sheepdip Diary Entry

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