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How To Use Relative In A Sentence

  • Within five years, a unified currency in 1933 the "central" issue of "legal tender" currency has been relatively stable, so Donglai Bank has to resume business.
  • The fin's origin is relatively far behind the pelvic fin insertion.
  • Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
  • The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
  • Prior to the 19th century, the region's social structure - outside of a few major cities, including Baghdad - was organized primarily around relatively isolated tribal confederations.
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Master English with Ease
  • In most island arcs only a relatively small proportion of the individual volcanoes actually rise above sea level.
  • Here in India, especially in relatively small cities like Dehra Doon, it feels like half magic a lot of the time and the only way to live through the muddles is to be determined to find them funny.
  • And survivors of the Rwandan genocide and the holocaust work to keep the memories of their relatives alive.
  • She visited her relatives in Castledermot on a yearly basis when her brother and sister were alive.
  • Norman Neal Williams had been a transient, they learned, an itinerant vitamin salesman with no known relatives. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • No doubt all this is relatively important in its way, but I can't bring myself to get very interested in it.
  • Our nearest relatives, the chimps tend towards matrilinear, while patrilinear seems more prevalent in a majority of the different aboriginity groups in more modern times. Discovered: the basis of human civilization.
  • Other specialties have undergone relative declines such as orthopedics safer cars and fewer smashed bones. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Another Idea
  • inconceivability" is used in the sense of relative inconceivability, it is incorrectly used, unless it is qualified in some way; because, if used without qualification, there is danger of its being confused with inconceivability in its absolute sense. A Candid Examination of Theism
  • However, anotIT vole relative titled the montane vole, have no interest in partnership beyond sex.
  • The wood pewee, like its relative, the phoebe, feeds largely on the family of flies to which the house fly belongs. Bird Day; How to prepare for it
  • The decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption was evidenced by a gradual decline in atrioventricular oxygen difference, indicating a decrease in myocardial oxygen uptake relative to supply.
  • For example, utter the words: "A house is my fire," and observe the comparative duration of time in the pronunciation of each word, the comparative stress, and the relative pitch (e.g. of _a_ and _fire_). The Principles of English Versification
  • One reason for his relative obscurity has been the general unavailability of his music: his works remained unpublished during his lifetime and, apart from some ‘easy’ tonal compositions, largely unperformed.
  • Distinct from their nautiloid relatives, and alone among all mollusks, coleoids lack a shell. Archive 2008-02-01
  • As the family mourns and close relatives shave their heads, the body is transported to the funeral ghat (bank along a river), where prayers are recited.
  • At a time when they were still singing soupy Victorian hymns in churches, this choir performed relatively modem music.
  • I must admit to being a biased Observor here, as I do relatively poorly with the math elements of Economics, and I have attempted a writing career of expressing Economics in nonmathematical terms. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The letters also suggest that callous treatment of patients and their relatives is becoming more common. Times, Sunday Times
  • And evidently this time apart allowed the two to approach their partnership rejuvenated and ready for some serious woodshedding, as they reportedly recorded dozens of tracks before pruning down to these relatively lean 14 songs.
  • Haven't seen remake, so I think my perceptions of the Wenders flick were relatively uncolored by expectations of what I thought it was ‘supposed to’ be about.
  • The relative clause: it is defined as a clausal modifier, restrictive or non-restrictive, used to modify a preceding construction, most often a preceding noun or noun phrase.
  • The amount of petrol a car uses is relative to its speed.
  • Deuterium is a relatively insensitive nucleus because it has a low gyromagnetic ratio and the spectral intensity is generally spread over an extremely wide frequency range due to the quadrupole interaction.
  • The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
  • The prodigiously capable Louise, for instance, is weighing the relative claims upon her imagination of long jumping and bobsleigh.
  • Alkaline relatively stable sodium hypochlorite solution, commonly known as An Ti Ming.
  • Some of you may get a windfall: property or a vehicle from parents or close relatives.
  • Obj. 2: Further, filiation, which is said of a man as being the son of someone, his father or his mother, depends, in a way, on him: because the very being of a relation consists _in being referred to another; _ wherefore if one of two relatives be destroyed, the other is destroyed also. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Through the instrumentality of the police he was able to locate his relatives.
  • Ramping up the subsidies is a relatively cheap way for the French to go as it usually falls to the UK, as a net contributor to the EU, to have to fork out to keep French politicians in office. The French Protection
  • It is women who mainly shoulder responsibility for the care of elderly and disabled relatives.
  • A glance at any probate casebook will demonstrate how often solicitous distant relatives, keen to do fetching and carrying as well as to sort out troublesome financial affairs, show up in the declining years of lonely old people.
  • So put those dates in your diary or pass them on to friends or relatives who visit at that time.
  • While a radiator has one relatively small hot area, the underfloor pipes range the full span of the floor, and this greater surface area mean that the pipes don't need to be as hot and the heat is more evenly spread.
  • Pumas roam these passes, hunting vast areas for grey fox, upland geese or guanacos, the wild and woolly relative of the llama. Globe and Mail
  • What mattered was the planet's diurnal position relative to the horizon - whether it was rising in the east or culminating overhead.
  • A move to the relative anonymity of Los Angeles, where AA meetings turn into celebrity hang-outs, became inevitable.
  • Most of them were or had been heavy smokers, had attained a relatively low level of education, and had been employed in heavy physical work.
  • Lingonberries or cowberries are the fruit of a European relative of the cranberry, V. vitis-idaea; they have a distinctive, complex flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Weather experts say it was a relatively dry winter which makes the water recovery all the more remarkable.
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • If gold was really to be demonetized, then the enormous stocks relative to flows would have to be dissipated first through consumption.
  • The last 20 years have seen a change in the relative efficiency and effectiveness of multilateral and bilateral aid.
  • They come into existence after relatively brief periods of rapid change in a small sub-population of a pre-existing species.
  • This, Stuart was told, would give enough time to detach the hooks from their mouths and let them free, with relatively little danger to the catcher.
  • Cecil was a staunch Protestant but, like the king, took a relatively tolerant attitude towards Catholics.
  • The last 20 years have seen a change in the relative efficiency and effectiveness of multilateral and bilateral aid.
  • Most of the meals are relatively high in fiber and low in saturated (animal) fat. Easy, low-calorie recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
  • Thus, dialogical openness is quite different from indifferentism; identity and dialogue are correlative.
  • Fitch cautioned that the country's sovereign ratings remained constrained by relatively low levels of external liquidity as well as what it described as formidable social and structural challenges. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The elasticity of substitution measures how the relative use of an input changes when its relative price changes. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • A businessman from Manchester fears for his relatives trapped in the besieged city.
  • That reduces the risk of big swings in relative prices and wages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Repairing this damage would require at least a decade of relative quiescence, which is nowhere in sight. Michael T. Klare: The Blowback Effect: 2020
  • Many of the proposed fine distinctions seem relatively unimportant in routine neurological practice.
  • A multi-cyclone dust separator according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises at least three dust separation units for separating dust stepwise from relatively larger size.
  • We should also not make the rather simplistic assumption that co-residence implies a strong bond between relatives.
  • The law also offers former exiles, political prisoners and relatives of the victims the option to apply to a committee to clear their names. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big-jawed and relatively small-brained hominid known as Paranthropus consumed mainly nuts and other hard foods, causing it to die out as these resources became scarce in African habitats.
  • Even though, as Peter M has pointed out, we can get terrific ready made felafel relatively easily here in Toronto. Recipe: Falafel (Φαλάφελ ή Ρεβυθοκεφτέδες)
  • Most of these networks transmit data at relatively low speeds of 192 kilobits per second or less.
  • They were weak, expendable with relatively little power in the committee structure.
  • Salmon is a relatively easy fish to fillet.
  • After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house.
  • Smith has been one of the climbers employed by the centre to set routes on all the climbs, and that's filled what might have been a relatively dull summer.
  • If the present rules were retained, the entry of many relatively smaller and economically weak countries would either paralyse the EU completely, or the smaller countries could outvote the larger ones.
  • The relative abundance of these elements is increasingly being used to trace chemical processes in the mantle, crust, and oceans.
  • If you have elderly relatives do it for them too. The Sun
  • Despite its relatively expensive price, customers keep coming back to replenish their supply of fine blends, ground coffee and beans.
  • The will, probated in Sweden, survived the predictable contest from unhappy relatives, but there were other problems.
  • Named Danionella dracula, this new minnow is part of the group called Cypriniformes (carp-like fishes), one of the largest orders of fishes and a close relative of the zebrafish. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Perhaps because most of the cast is made up of relative no-names, we shouldn't expect the caliber of their talent to be very high, but more of the blame for the poor performances can be laid at the director's feet.
  • Rome and her iniquities; the streets, deserted by the people, were trodden by French patrols; all was silent as the grave itself; and not a friend was there to bid them adieu; not a relative to speak a consoling word to the departing; and none to acquaint the unfortunates who remained behind with their terrible calamity! Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
  • For Lynn and Joe Rouse, the pergola is a versatile area that's relatively inexpensive to maintain. Undefined
  • From the fourteenth century onwards, other properties were also abandoned, so that finally the important lasting properties were signification, supposition, ampliation and restriction, and the supposition of relatives. Medieval Theories: Properties of Terms
  • Current account and mobile phone number binding mode of operation is relatively common, you must be more careful, minimize disclose personal information in network.
  • The more status you give to a large number of authority figures, the more, relatively, you diminish your own.
  • Carcass revenue increased for heavier carcasses and steers had a higher value relative to heifers.
  • In afflictions, relatives and opponents combine with the ease-loving heart itself in flatteries, which it needs strong faith to overcome. yourselves know -- We always candidly told you so (1Th 3: 4; Ac 14: 22). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He was currently single and relatively unattached.
  • Following Simpson, Newell mentioned the example of the relatively wider limb bones of larger land vertebrates.
  • Like most pop music, this song transitions from a relatively calm verse to a more raucous chorus.
  • For example, plant monomeric forms, composed only of catalytic subunits, are relatively common in plant species and coexist with higher molecular weight forms (presumably tetrameric, according to its molecular size).
  • These "Observations" were the first of a series of volumes by Gilpin on the scenery of Great Britain, composed in a poetic and somewhat over-luxuriant style, illustrated by drawings in aquatinta, and all described on the title page as "Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • Seven bat species have been recorded in Nova Scotia, but little information is available on their relative abundance, ecology, and migratory patterns.
  • On the other hand, the Austrians enjoyed a strong defensive position that could be maintained at a relatively low cost.
  • Obesity and inactivity kill 26,000 Americans a year, making them less lethal than relatively unknown diseases such as nephritis and septicemia.
  • Agoutis are smaller than their relatives the piglike pacas and larger than squirrels, which they resemble.
  • For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The recent calculations reviewed in the article go beyond the valence approximation and attempt to improve the approach to continuum by a logarithmic factor relative to previous simulations.
  • The TV presenter and model may have been keeping a relatively low profile over the past year but she has still managed to earn a decent crust. The Sun
  • He had already been deserted by his female relatives, Georgina having been invited by young Lewis Armitage to join a group about the pianoforte, and Lavinia having stridden off without a word of explanation to join Sophie. Irresistible
  • This is more than twice the production rate in adults, primarily because of relative polycythemia and increased red blood cell turnover in neonates.
  • At a glance, the house seems relatively liveable, but on closer inspection, the structure is tilted to one side and the floor has completely collapsed.
  • Resist acting surprised when a relative makes a marriage announcement. The Sun
  • floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price
  • The study, at a large Fortune 100 manufacturing company, focused on employees who provide personal care to an older relative.
  • What is so alarming about the commissioner's report is the revelation that so many relatively minor inroads on civil liberties have gone unremarked and unnoticed.
  • Moreover, the one item of a language that remains relatively rigid and fixed over time is its structure. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • They provide comparative indicators of the relative well-being of various socioeconomic groups.
  • What distinguishes one period from another is the particular emphasis placed on one value relative to others. Human Resource Management in Government
  • The Dutch employed fleets of full-rigged ships of relatively large tonnage, which enabled them to undercut the freight charges of their competitors by a significant margin.
  • IL2, which is in its design stage, is intended to be an interlingua, albeit a relatively simple one.
  • These animals also have relatively large shoulder girdles, possibly to provide muscle attachment to support the weight of the huge head.
  • No logs are exported but about 70% of mahogany leaves Fiji in the relatively unprocessed form of rough sawn timber.
  • The idea of absolute state sovereignty is relatively new, and it derives from agreements among kings, emperors, kaisers, and czars for their mutual benefit.
  • However, our findings indicate that evenness is relatively uniform for all vegetative layers along the elevation gradient.
  • For years, HPV testing was a relatively small, unnoticed component of the medical economy, struggling to find its place in medical diagnostics.
  • Meeting ethical criteria leads not only to a relatively clear research conscience but to better research.
  • It is expected to show rising unemployment helping to keep earnings growth relatively subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, the lift builds gradually and the weight of the aircraft shifts relatively slowly from the landing gear to the wing.
  • Let's make a relative study of the two languages.
  • In low explosives, such as the propellant in a bullet cartridge, the reaction occurs relatively slowly and the pressure isn't as damaging.
  • Every morning I'd check my pigeonhole in case the letter had finally arrived telling me that a distant relative had died and I was now the heir to a title and a vast estate.
  • Also curve joining the tangents of each line of thrust, drawn relative to the vessel, is known as the curve of metacentres.
  • Serum sodium concentration or tonicity are functions of water content relative to total body sodium content.
  • Thus, only for a relatively short period of modern history has the American Bill of Rights been a progressive instrument of national reform.
  • But the centenary of her death seemed to me the perfect time to re-examine her life, particularly because she is a distant relative. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is survived by his father Jimmy, brothers Paddy, Liam and John, sisters Eileen and Mary, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.
  • I also increased the fighting time of losers of contests relative to winners of contests.
  • Relative prices tell us what something costs compared to other goods. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Relative to self-pollination, outcross pollination results in greater proportion of flowers setting fruit, and greater proportion of ovules yielding seeds per fruit.
  • First, the relative inclination of the two orbits means their paths do not intersect.
  • Now the microwave oven was pretty old and I'm not surprised it conked out, but the iron was relatively new and I hadn't been expecting it to explode in my hand for another couple of years at the earliest.
  • Michael (1/23/2010 9: 29: 01 PM) i think it would be interesting if mabye the son or some relative became the new general and that the story stays on pandora. ‘Avatar’ Sequel Confirmed By James Cameron… And Here’s What We’d Like To See » MTV Movies Blog
  • So a relatively high price assures that the place will not be overrun by beer drinking mobs and niggards like other places.
  • Dolphin added: "The only pledge that we would preserve is higher funding for international development, not only because it is a relatively small amount of spending (although it is) but in recognition of the urgency of providing more funds to low-income countries badly hit by a financial crisis not of their making. Don't spare the NHS from cuts, says leftwing thinktank
  • This is partly true-which explains the relative stability the Czech Republic enjoyed in the first half of the 1990s.
  • By this date Loango had become an important commercial power, trading with Europeans, especially Dutch, in ivory, hides, red dyewood, and raffia but relatively few slaves. 1576-1671
  • Angola is relatively urbanized because in the 1980s many people sought refuge in the safer urban areas.
  • So, in contrast to the ACCORD subjects, these started with relatively healthy vascularity. More supporting evidence for the sugar hypothesis | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
  • The sores are usually relatively painless, and this procedure, like the urethral investigation, need give no cause for alarm.
  • However, our sensors indicate that those creatures are composed of photons that are not moving relative to us, which according to quantum chromodynamics, is impossible. 365 tomorrows » Patricia Stewart : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • One relatively recent roofing improvement is the development of self-adhered modified bitumen and other self-adhered membrane roofing products.
  • It's a relatively new political tack for the former plastics and packaging salesman from Ohio, who has exceeded all other House members in collections from Wall Street - with more than $2.9 million - and also ranks at or near the top of members favored by large health insurers, oil firms, student lenders, drug manufacturers, and food and beverage companies, according to tallies of campaign disclosures. Boehner reaches out to the tea party
  • Does a right always involve a correlative duty?
  • Yet for all this muscle-flexing, Patni remains a relative pipsqueak.
  • All persons so committed may be detained n. 'jt'feci'maTbe in said hospital two years; but when it shall appear to the detained two trustees that any person held in said hospital will not continue to be subject to dipsomania or inebriety, or will be sufficiently provided for by themselves or their guar - dians, relatives or friends, they may issue to them a permit to be at liberty, upon such conditions as they deem Permit to be at Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Why was this relatively short period so crucial in establishing new international contacts? World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • When the marginal profit of the manufacturer is small relative to the retailer, neither strategy was applied by the manufacturer.
  • And that was for a measure – changing the tax treatment of so-called triangular mergers – affecting a relatively small number of transactions. Investing in Japan
  • But relatively speaking, it's the opposite of propaganda - nobody is being force-fed.
  • Second, close relatives must resemble each other with respect to such a character more than do distantly related individuals.
  • Conclusion Endoscopic management for chronic pancreatitis is relatively effective and secure.
  • The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder. Jim Morrison 
  • The Notes sends sincere condolence to the family, relatives and friends of the late Mary Bulmer.
  • When did creativity take on this relatively indiscriminating meaning - referring to anything good?
  • The spot-breasted lapwing is distinguished from its close relatives by the fleshy wattles in front of its eyes and by its black-spotted breast. Mystery bird: Spot-breasted plover, Vanellus melanocephalus
  • Thus, units with preinspiratory discharge patterns may have comparatively low thresholds to stimulation by central chemoreceptor afferent inputs relative to inspiratory units.
  • Decision makers need to assess the relative value for money of competing health care interventions.
  • Women who are poor and uneducated are often still at the mercy of abusive partners or relatives.
  • But clearly faked anger about something relatively harmless is easier for an audience to laugh along to. Times, Sunday Times
  • Relatives found the moggies after their owner was admitted to hospital. The Sun
  • Contractors will fabricate and test advanced structural components to failure to validate performance relative to predicted performance.
  • The phrase "axial age" has been used to describe the relatively brief period of time -- roughly 700 years -- when the great religions of the world arose: Hinduism and Buddhism in India; Confucianism and Taoism in China; and monotheism in the Middle East. The Full Feed from
  • The isotropic bile samples were subsequently used to measure the nucleation time and the relative distribution of vesicular cholesterol.
  • Furthermore, their relative performance changes: down is a particularly poor insulator when wet, whereas other materials do not differ greatly when wet or dry.
  • Still relatively pricey, but much more affordable than spending tens of thousands of pounds on your own polo pony. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike other gels held together by relatively weak noncovalent forces, the new gel kept its shape even after sitting in the solvent tetrahydrofuran for six hours. Latest Science News Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, Articles and Book Reviews
  • The main point here is the relatively minimal impact of employment in port-related activities.
  • Although they are present almost everywhere, on land and sea, a group of related bacteria in the superphylum Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae, or PVC, have remained in relative obscurity ever since they were first described about a decade ago. - latest science and technology news stories
  • While monetary policy is relatively easy to understand, with macroprudential policy no one knows how big these capital surcharges will have to be to restrain "overexuberance". - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The phrenological examiner also had to take into account the development of the ‘intellectual’ faculties relative to those that governed the ‘animal’ functions.
  • Therefore, we used Western analysis to determine the relative contents of these contractile proteins in whole lung homogenates.
  • I was pleasantly surprised to find my ingenious, distant relative had a setup I had never imagined.
  • The test may be used as a screening device, although it is relatively time-consuming to administer compared with other tests.
  • Above Dominic's bed hangs the watercolour painting he made as a gift for his twin sister Rebecca and the letters sent to him by relatives and friends.
  • The team's decision came with relative swiftness.
  • Relatively new on the scene, laser rangefinders have improved dramatically in the few short years since they came on the market.
  • Thin coals mark periods of swamp conditions on the floodplain, although some palaeosol profiles suggest relatively well-drained conditions, including a thin calcrete.
  • It made no difference that many of these lost and hapless souls had relatives in the Society. DEVASTATING EDEN: The Search for Utopia in America
  • There was hardly a dry eye in the cemetery as we farewelled a friend and relative.
  • Private collectors often reminisce of the days they picked up six bottles of 1982 Le Pin at under €20 a bottle, back then not an inconsiderable amount to pay for a relatively unknown wine. The Remarkable Rise of Le Pin
  • As we progressed we found ourselves climbing down steeper and higher dry waterfalls, most of which provided a fissure, a runnel, a pleat of rock or an overhanging crag that allowed a relatively easy descent. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 2
  • Patients went hungry and thirsty and without medication and there was a lot of awful bullying of patients and relatives going on. The Sun
  • The sergeant fields complaints from businesses, keeps an eye out for felons and new faces on the street, and makes sure that certain hot spots are kept relatively clear.
  • Beneath the relative uniformity of its standard, edited variety, American English is a rich gallimaufry of exotic and native stuffs.
  • When combined in the ancestral background, the two mutations had an additive effect, leading to a net increase of 17% relative to the ancestor.
  • Unconformities vary in type from disconformities related to subaerial exposure to stratigraphic gaps of variable extent and their correlative paraconformities, followed by deepening surfaces.
  • Helping the weevils was the relatively clean water flowing into the dam.
  • It derives its name from the Greek word meaning “rock celery” (parsley is a relative to celery). Tale of two pestos « Salt and Pepper.
  • Children are encouraged to attend with parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and pets to direct their own family portrait.
  • When prices are fluctuating, general confusion prevails regarding the behaviour of relative prices.
  • The journey was relatively silent, aside from the random clearing of throats.
  • Thus far, only two relatively minor planks of the 10-point House-initiated legislative agenda have become law.
  • It has grown more than two metres high this year despite being in a relatively small container and has covered a decent area of wall with its ferny foliage with a few stems finding their way into the bamboo growing nearby.
  • Wheat flour used as a starch thickener needs relatively long cooking to remove its raw taste; and even after cooking it has a noticeable flavour.
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • Also, standard benchmarks establish a relative performance value between systems, which is good information.
  • The loin is relatively short with only a slight tuck up, and the stomach is flat and firm.
  • Even a relatively small chunck of rock (say in the 10 meter size range) travelling at 20000 to 50000 km/second has an huge amount of kinetic energy that cam translates into many kilotons/megatons of damage. Today's Video - Profiling the Ares Launch Vehicle - NASA Watch
  • The blackcap basslet, a relative of the large species of groupers, uses its bulging eyes to find food while it scavenges on the coral reef.
  • Iraqis talked about Hammurabi and Ashurbanipal as if they were relatives who just stopped in for tea last week. Day of Honey

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