How To Use Relapse In A Sentence
Follow-ups at regular intervals also focus on relapse prevention.
Flying in very high altitudes does weird things to him and can easily lead to an MS relapse.
Conclusion: Uniting IL - 2 with laser to treat condyloma acuminatum of female genital organ is more effective and can lower its relapse rate.
The Scottish Medicines Consortium has previously accepted this product for use in patients in the 12-17 years age group, for the treatment of erosive reflux oesophagitis, the long-term management of patients with healed oesophagitis to prevent relapse, and the symptomatic treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
SMC Issues Positive Recommendation on esomeprazole 10mg (Nexium(R)) For Children Aged one to 11 Years old in Scotland With Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) - Yahoo! Finance
Two of the 11 patients relapsed on valproic acid.

The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery.
He would have stable periods in a relationship and then relapse into physical abuse.
There is a risk of a relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
CBT teaches coping skills for dealing with or avoiding situations involving high risk for relapse.
In the nortriptyline-lithium group, only one patient relapsed after five weeks of medication.
Onyx also has initiated a Phase III trial, known as ASPIRE, to study carfilzomib in combination with Revlimid and a low dose of dexamethasone, which is used to counteract some chemotherapy side effects, in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma.
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In 90 per cent of cases the patient will relapse within six months.
The measure of the sterilizing activity of a regimen is reflected by the relapse rate after successful treatment.
My malady, which the doctors call a bilious fever, lingers, or rather it returns with each sudden change of weather, though I am thankful to say that the relapses have hitherto been much milder than the first attack; but they keep me weak and reduced, especially as I am obliged to observe a very low spare diet.
Charlotte Brontë and Her Circle
Relapse-related mortality was increased among patients with Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
The four kingdoms soon relapsed into paganism, and initially only Kent was reconverted.
I thought you were making a remarkable recovery from calcifying brain syndrome and advanced gun writer's new product overloaditis when I read your on the money article on the. 30-'06 in my November F&S, but it is plain that you have suffered a relapse.
Gun News from Remington
Then, in a minute, the Station relapsed into stupor as the stoker of the Cattle Train, the last to depart, went gliding out of it, wiping the long nose of his oil-can with a dirty pocket-handkerchief.
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
We were afraid he might relapse into a coma.
It was an investment in not just drying out, but more importantly understanding the science and physiology of the disease and learning how to avoid relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
To prevent relapses, when the last plaster cast is removed a splint must be worn full-time for two to three months and thereafter at night for 2 to 4 years.
The decrease of donor DNA amounts in mixed chimerism foreshowed the early graft rejection or relapse.
If an officer of the Reserve Corps who has been retired pursuant to these regulations and whose retired pay has been terminated on account of his recovery shall again become totally disabled and if his relapse is not due to any new intervening cause, he shall again become entitled to retired pay.
That is the reason my celebrity patients relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the functions of day services is to maintain people in good mental health and to prevent relapse.
However, when light therapy was discontinued, patients quickly relapsed, whereas patients on tryptophan had a slower relapse rate.
Different people relapse into silence for different reasons.
If lithium is abruptly discontinued during the manic phase, relapse may occur within several days.
The drug reduced the rate of clinical relapses in MS patients by up to 66% and was slowing the development of brain lesions.
Patients with aggressive skin cancer have been protected from relapses after receiving the first personalised antitumour vaccines.
Times, Sunday Times
They have relapsed back into their old ways, the revival already forgotten.
As for the member of Alcoholics Anonymous, there could be no compromise solution: it was either total abstinence or total relapse.
But neighbors say she had gone through drug rehabilitation before and had relapsed in recent weeks.
Mothering takes on new meaning, and the mundane becomes surreal Kate's goldfish, according to the oceanologist Sara consults in a desperate effort to save the pet's life, requires bottled water, and the mere thought of buying Jesse a new pair of soccer cleats after Kate relapses seems downright obscene.
My Sister's Keeper: Summary and book reviews of My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
We have relapsed into disputes about transubstantiation at the very moment when the discovery of the wide prevalence of theophagy as a tribal custom has deprived us of the last excuse for believing that our official religious rites differ in essentials from those of barbarians.
The Revolutionist’s Handbook
We were afraid he might relapse into a coma.
This makes recovering addicts prone to relapse.
The Sun
Genetics plays role in relapse of illicit drug-seeking behavior
Why I don't....
I managed to resist the allure of comely females for the rest of the day; but unfortunately, at night time, I relapsed again.
And that's the area that I'm working with now, with the offenders I'm in contact with, giving them a motive that will last, as to why they should to ahead and stay in what we call relapse prevention.
CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2009
The theory acknowledges human frailty and the fact that most of us relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
Relapses of the malady, ineffectiveness of different drug regimens and even resistance to drugs are emerging.
A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
At this stage, the client needs periodic support as well as training in relapse prevention.
Scarlet Plague, The (1912) The relapse of civilization into barbarism is a theme which, as those familiar with London's style will at once see, is admirably suited to his powers as a novelist.
Now am I relapsed into all the dissatisfied repinement of a true English grumbling voluptuary.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
Eventually, the withdrawal of the high-sugar chow triggered the release of a molecule known as corticotropin-releasing factor, or CRF, which causes anxious and depressive feelings and has been linked to relapses in drug addicts. News
The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
Two factors, in particular, underlay this relapse.
In salmonella infections relapses of enteritis or bacteraemia are common.
But the broke star knows it will be hard to get people to help out again after his relapse this week.
The Sun
These agents offer shorter treatment courses, higher cure rates and fewer relapses.
A relapse; little sleep; urine throughout of a good color, but thin; the alvine evacuations were thin, bilious, acrid, very scanty, black, and fetid; a white, smooth sediment in the urine; had a sweat, and experienced a perfect crisis on the eleventh day.
Of The Epidemics
They miss days, do sloppy work, relapse into chemical dependency.
Christianity Today
Conventional wisdom was that once a patient relapsed, the so-called androgen receptors—structures that protrude from tumor cells like a lock to attract the testosterone "key" that activates them and promotes tumor growth—were no longer driving the disease.
Gaining on Prostate Cancer
Alcoholics who take an anticraving medication called baclofen say the drug allows them to resist the most powerful triggers of relapse: former drinking buddies, a favorite bar, the sight of alcohol or even the most potent drinking cue of all, having a single drink. Top Stories
Although antidepressants are not habit-forming or addictive, abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse.
The purpose of this is to help clients deal appropriately with relapses, which do occur.
During the treatment period, the drug significantly reduced new lesions in the brain and reduced the number of patients suffering relapses.
And the affection is resolved if there be an epistaxis, or if true critical sweats supervene with urine having white, thick, and smooth sediments, or if a deposit take place anywhere; but if it be resolved without these, there will be a relapse of the complaint, or pain in the hips and legs will ensue, with thick sputa, provided the patient be convalescent.
On Regimen In Acute Diseases
Multidrug treatment with the antibiotic combination rifampicin, dapsone, and clofazimine is highly effective in curing infection, with relapse rates of 1%.
Apparently, the lessons of Freddie's ongoing troubles haven't sunk in, and Fannie and Freddie have relapsed into their tired old methods of obstructionism.
Objective To investigate the changes of expression of 5-hydroxy tryptamine (5-HT), substance P (SP) in rat colon during heroin withdrawal, methadone detoxication and heroin relapse period.
The authors did not mention whether additional therapy could be used or how acute relapse was managed, although they prohibited patients from using antibiotics, sulfonamides, or steroids at entry to the study.
These patients were examined clinically and mycologically at a follow up visit 8 weeks later for any relapse.
A short and animated conversation with her lover, as the day began to wane, partially recalled her wonted cheerfulness, but when he was gone she relapsed into her former mood.
The Cavaliers of Virginia, or the Recluse of Jamestown. An Historical Romance of the Old Dominion. By the author of "The Kentuckian in New-York." In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
Bankura superintendent of police Anil Kumar said that the family members had relapsed into sullen silence, refusing to speak to anyone.
A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
Lower doses of metronidazole are often effective in invasive disease but may fail to eliminate the intraluminal infection, allowing clinical relapses to occur.
It was a relapse of its former distemper, that is, of the bite of the mad-dog.
Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699
In the subgroup of patients amongst which this set of genes appears as regulated, it was shown that, although these patients initially responded to treatment, they were the ones who with greater frequency subsequently suffered relapse, disimprove and present the worst prognosis and survival rates.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Her aunt on one side of her, and Mr. Stephens on the other, did all they could to soothe her, and at last the weary, overstrung girl relapsed into something between a sleep and a faint.
The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery.
Follow up is commonly too short to show how often the condition relapses or late complications arise.
But sustaining the recovery will be very challenging and the risks of a relapse are high.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't regularly exceed your daily energy allowance or you will risk relapse.
M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
The patient had relapsed 1 year prior to the current presentation and was treated with 2-clorodeoxyadenosine.
What a relapse from the time when we in this world experienced the presence of Jesus Christ among us!
Nathan Söderblom - Nobel Lecture
In addition, social networks that are unsupportive of drug abstinence may encourage relapse among those returning home after drug treatment.
he relapsed
Women with a history of mental health issues are at risk of relapse after giving birth.
Times, Sunday Times
In squalid, solitary confinement, with only Grace Poole as her wardress, what wonder that she relapses?
However, once treatment was stopped, there were no differences in the rates of relapses and new brain lesions between the two groups.
If patients relapsed, they were crossed over to the other treatment regimen.
Besides from being more convenient and less painful, a trial has also showed Gilenya to be twice as effective at stopping relapses as one of the injectable drugs, called interferon beta - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
But sustaining the recovery will be very challenging and the risks of a relapse are high.
Times, Sunday Times
Objective To study the clinical results, prognosis and preventive relapse of treatment for chronic limb lymphedema by lymphosuction.
Burma, so beautiful and prosperous 50 years ago, has relapsed into barbarity.
Age and sex matched relapse and quiescent patients were selected for further study from the 146 inactive TB patients.
Two clients relapsed to abusive drinking, and one of those clients was charged with a third driving-under-the-influence citation.
Careful checks are made on how people fare after the help and very few relapse into this type of problem.
Normally even such a tiny ‘taste’ of the drug leads to cravings for more, but the blocker prevented the addiction relapse by eliminating these desires.
The subset who benefited from disulfiram treatment were older and more socially stable than others who relapsed.
He has apparently given up drugs on three or four occasions, but he has relapsed.
There is a risk of a relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
When people relapsed despite the aversions, the researchers asked them a lot of questions about what happened.
But as the faith, which is not founded on revelation, must remain destitute of any firm assurance, the disciple of Plato imprudently relapsed into the habits of vulgar superstition; and the popular and philosophic notion of the Deity seems to have been confounded in the practice, the writings, and even in the mind of Julian.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
As they give up power during adolescence and become more socially deferent, young women may become particularly susceptible to the influence of male peers in substance use initiation, maintenance, and relapse.
And they had a more revolutionary idea: They might help patients recover from relapses once they happened.
In women relapses occur particularly premenstrually and in pregnancy.
Combined chemotherapy, including cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, and prednisolone, was performed on the basis of clinical diagnosis as a lymphoma relapse.
Parliament will be ensured, and the relapse into obeahism, devil - worship, and children-eating be inaugurated.
West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas
Temposil in combination with relapse prevention training is being studied.
After making some progress, he suffered a relapse.
Hoy has had only one temporary relapse when, as a first-year student at St Andrews University, he entered a new social circle that no longer squared with cycling.
In five out of six relapsed eases, EBV status of lymph node biopsy at relapse was concordant with the initial biopsy.
For example, a patient taking neuroleptics who relapses to stimulant medications is at risk of hyperpyrexia.
When the deformity relapses in spite of proper splinting a simple operation may be needed when the child is over two years of age.
She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then relapsed.
At home, however, he relapsed into his shakahari ways.
In contrast, autologous transplants usually result in relapse within one year, due to residual disease in the patient, or in the bone marrow preparation.
Hopefully some of the gene testing will help us identify patients with relapse that may be more amenable to retreatment.
The relapse rate after cardioversion is high and often necessitates the use of antiarrhythmic treatment.
As for the member of Alcoholics Anonymous, there could be no compromise solution: it was either total abstinence or total relapse.
A 2004 study of German subjects submitted to Sexual Abuse: Journal of Treatment and Recovery, revealed that only 3% of sexual criminals relapsed into their old ways post-operation, compared to 46% of their uncastrated counterparts.
Castration: Justice, or Nazi Revival? « Gender Across Borders
Oh, this relapse is a severe disappointment to me, and, God knows, not altogether a selfish disappointment!
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
It was absurd not to have faith in the man who had healed Paul Post so that he had only just relapsed, from having overworked, or overlived, himself again.
To Let
Extreme danger to their lives George McGovern's daughter died frozen in the streets following her stay in a dry shelter after a later-life relapse and great public expenditures, because street inebriates are regularly incarcerated, hospitalized, treated -- with little to no success.
Stanton Peele: Why We Should Give Serious Thought To Wet Shelters For Alcoholics
During follow up some of them had a bacteriological relapse of the disease within one and a half years.
Mr. Serjeant Buzfuz paused in this place, to see whether the jury smiled at his joke; but as nobody took it but the greengrocer, whose sensitiveness on the subject was very probably occasioned by his having subjected a chaise – cart to the process in question on that identical morning, the learned Serjeant considered it advisable to undergo a slight relapse into the dismals before he concluded.
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
In the meantime, after this one relapse at Benicia, I went on with my abstemiousness, primarily because I didn't want to drink.
Chapter 23
In salmonella infections relapses of enteritis or bacteraemia are common.
Chloramphenicol or tetracyclines also have been used, but relapses occasionally occur with these medications, and they may not prevent node suppuration.
That is the reason my celebrity patients relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
It was an investment in not just drying out, but more importantly understanding the science and physiology of the disease and learning how to avoid relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
The region relapsed into months of police crackdowns, extreme violence and the re-emergence of the Republican movement - euphemised simply as ‘The Troubles.’
Thus, the higher risk of relapse in depressed patients may reflect not only the self-medication of their depressive symptoms but also this enhanced euphoria.
Despite claims she has relapsed into her old eating habits, Mary-Kate's spokesman said it was something all patients had to do when they were released..
Patients with frequent relapses often exhibit new lesions after enhancement with gadolinium, indicating focal breakdown of the blood-brain barrier.
As for the member of Alcoholics Anonymous, there could be no compromise solution: it was either total abstinence or total relapse.
Doctors do not know how many relapsed into mental listlessness or took the extreme step.
This has been a Budget for relapse, not recovery.
Times, Sunday Times
As for Hodge, there is little doubt that he will relapse into his traditional scapegoat role today in the eyes of the Scottish rugby public.
The statistics of relapse are unfortunately very difficult to collect, on account of differences in the legislation of different countries, and in the preparation of records, which, even under the more general adoption of anthropometrical identification, rarely succeed in preventing the use of fresh names by professional criminals.
Criminal Sociology
Matho had relapsed into his former melancholy; his legs hung down to the ground, and the grass made a continuous rustling as it beat against his cothurni.
They miss days, do sloppy work, relapse into chemical dependency.
Christianity Today
But the lousy thing about this crud is that I kept having relapses.
Through a Petrie Dish, Darkly
All patients were cured ultimately and no patients relapsed during six months of follow up.
These findings add considerable weight to the claims that emotional arousal is of causal significance to relapse.
The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery.
Our secondary hypothesis was that relapse rates would be same in the two treatment regimens.
This finding is clinically significant since it explains why many patients relapsed after being directly switched from clozapine to risperidone.
Around 50 per cent of people trying a more intensive exercise recovery programme experience a significant relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
Patients with aggressive skin cancer have been protected from relapses after receiving the first personalised antitumour vaccines.
Times, Sunday Times
Around 50 per cent of people trying a more intensive exercise recovery programme experience a significant relapse.
Times, Sunday Times
The Solomon Islanders for several years have been confirmed vegetarians, and the pronounced modification in their mesocephalic skulls and the improvement of their facial angle afford the surest guarantee against any relapse.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, June 4, 1919.
She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then relapsed.
But even the patients under the Jordan (American quack) system may have relapses; and, when the _Planters 'Friend_ can calmly publish two columns of leaded matter insinuating that a mud bank on the shores of Cleveland Bay is to become the leading port of North
Tom Gerrard
It's possible that relapses are the result of reinfection.
The secretary fills such crucial roles as mapping patient response to drug therapies aimed at reducing relapses and resulting disability, a relatively new dimension in MS care.
Many of these patients also experienced a relapse of their psychotic illness after the pregnancy.
Isabel: Laugh, Ah thought Ah'd hud a relapse of my cystitis.
The Lords sought to change the legislation to make it apply to people who had suffered debilitating depression and had recovered but then relapsed into further bouts.
In the first placebo controlled trial conducted in rapid cycling disorder, lamotrigine improved the overall relapse rate.
Chronic pyelonephritis has a relapse instead, cause kidney function finally not full-time, companion hairHypertensiveprobability increases apparently.
The truth is, 40 percent of anorexics relapse within four years.
This has been a Budget for relapse, not recovery.
Times, Sunday Times
This turns out to be a great strain after some time, and it relapses into its bad ways again.
Successful resolvers controlled their environments, avoided situations that might lead them to relapse and rewarded themselves for changing.
In theory it can be adapted to attack any form of cancer and should offer lasting protection against a relapse, much like a vaccine against a virus.
Times, Sunday Times
He is still hospitalized, recovering from a tracheotomy and relapse of the flu.
Thirteen patients relapsed after positive response to therapy and developed tumors at pre-existing or new sites within the body.
A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
The primary endpoint at one-year was the reduction in the rate of clinical relapses.
The walk was finished in silence after this, for Luke had disburthened himself of thoughts to an extent that left his conversational resources quite barren, and Mr. Tulliver had relapsed from his recollections into a painful meditation on the choice of hardships before him.
IX. An Item Added to the Family Register. Book III—The Downfall
Ten out of the eleven patients relapsed after discontinuing MPA against medical advice.
The main goal of this intervention is to keep him motivated and to avoid a relapse into a less active lifestyle.
To confirm a suspected second relapse, a bone marrow aspirate and core biopsy were performed.
It recognises the role of family and other relationships in influencing trends towards recovery or relapse.
A small proportion of patients with mucosal disease will have repeated relapses.
Then as the turkey relapsed into slumber, "Now, see yere, Massa Job, yoh ain't no mo 'sleepier'n I is.
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When, as in most cases, they get a blank look, they relapse into a sort of broken Shakespearean English.
The bone marrow was re-evaluated at the second relapse by morphology, morphometry, DNA ploidy, flow cytometry, and cytogenetics.
Results All patients were healed at first stage except 1 relapsed with vocal cord keratinization.
It's common for someone who had long-term sobriety, and then a relapse, to decide traditional rehab is not for them.
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If that's true, then a former inmate who already has what it takes to clean up his act isn't likely to relapse into a life of crime just because he can't cast a ballot.
But even in the face of potential relapse, many exercisers worry that taking a break for health concerns may undo all the hard work they've put in at the gym.
Regrettably, the counterpoint to that dominance is a tendency to relapse into aggressive and uncivilised patterns of behaviour from time to time.
Harmon emphasized her heroin use, which she characterized as a relapse that began about a month before Gouge's death that included up to six bags a day.
I feel twitchy and nervous and on the edge of relapse.
They have relapsed into the analphabetic state of their ancestors; they are great at eloquence; and, though without our poetical forms, they have a variety of songs upon all subjects and they improvise panegyrics in honour of chiefs and guests.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Three patients with inactive disease had decreased butyrate oxidation and interestingly, all three relapsed within a few weeks.
The king again hesitated, and in the intervening time, the messenger whom all must obey was gaining entrance to the death-chamber; from the effort to provide for the future rule of the kingdom he relapsed into unconsciousness, and passed away without having named his successor to the throne.
Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
But part of recovery is relapse.
The Sun
But part of recovery is relapse.
The Sun
Women with a history of mental health issues are at risk of relapse after giving birth.
Times, Sunday Times
A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse.
The Balkan peninsula, which had been raised to a high level of security and prosperity during the Roman dominion, gradually relapsed into barbarism as a result of these endless invasions; the walled towns, such as Salonika and Constantinople, were the only safe places, and the country became waste and desolate.
The Balkans A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey
Ten patients relapsed after the completion of treatment.
Discrimination may bring on loss of job, home, or friendship, precipitating a depressive episode or relapses of schizophrenia.
Post so that he had only just relapsed, from having overworked, or overlived, himself again.
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Relapse can be seen in changes of mood before it leads back to use of the addictive substance or behaviour.
During a relapse, respiratory muscle weakness can precipitate hypoxemia and hypercapnia of rapid onset.
We offered endoscopy to patients who relapsed.
For smokers, like alcoholics, a seemingly minor slip is inevitably followed by a relapse.
There remained still one zwanziger unpaid; but, to our astonishment, the Bohemian relapsed into his old rage when this was tendered to him, and, by a complication of finger reckoning, explained to us that he had never received more than two.
A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
Tell them I've relapsed if you have to, but please don't tell them what I've been doing.
What if, after stopping Rebetron, you have a relapse—that is, your PCR level becomes positive again?
In some patients lithium was discontinued after several weeks without relapse of symptoms, while in other cases patients relapsed.
She emphasised she had a realistic plan to try and avoid a relapse into the cycle of drug use and crime which has had her in its grip for the past five years.