How To Use Rejoinder In A Sentence
Also contributing to the entertainment quota during the show were the quiz-master's rejoinders to the wild guesses that almost every team was indulging in.
It was a typically terse rejoinder from a character who has never hidden his mystification for those who squander their natural talent.
The brutal indifference of the rejoinder suited his humour, and, with a glance at Vickers, he took a small piece of cavendish from the pocket of his pea – jacket, and gave it to the recaptured convict.
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She always has a witty rejoinder to/for any question.
The division bench comprising Chief Justice B C Patel and Justice A K Sikri fixed December 10 for a further hearing, after Naz asked for time to prepare a rejoinder to the government's affidavit.

Then came the defendant's rejoinder, the plaintiff's surrejoinder, the defendant's rebutter, and the plaintiff's surrebutter.
She had planned a witty rejoinder but the sight of him standing in front of her, so arrogantly beautiful, stoked the fires of her temper.
Your only rejoinder is ‘Federalism is good’, but does not attempt to address concerns where Federalism fails.
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The 'ragamuffin' always speaks of his enemies with courtesy, and the filibusters love their leader," was her pointed rejoinder.
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Your rejoinder is that these judges could make far more doing other things.
Two minutes earlier, DeDe could have fired off a pithy rejoinder to that one.
The remark, such as it was, called forth a rejoinder from the short comrade, who stated his belief that "they would be likely to find somethin 'there that day.
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To our petition for admittance came a friendly rejoinder from the lady of the house, who was soon herself conducting us from room to room, explaining the various alterations effected in later years, and pointing out the parts that are still unchanged.
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The expected witty rejoinder didn't come. ‘How many barrels of black powder do we have left?’
I’d been intrigued by the Paul Romer proposal to use taxpayer funds to set up new banks rather than muck around with the old ones, but I think Felix Salmon’s rejoinder is convincing.
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The rejoinder was quick, to the point: ‘The driver has no place to sit to drive the car.’
He is quick to reassure: his twin rejoinders could scarcely be more tender, his cadential harmonies more ravishing, or the intervening scintillating cascade more bewitching.
I was so taken aback I was quite unable to think of a suitably clever rejoinder.
That was meant as a sarcastic rejoinder to dmfoiemjsof's provincialist tribalist racist bigotry.
"What we do is try to inject a brief moment of wonder that helps wake them up from that rushed stupor. That’s the true holiday spirit, isn’t it?"
In our examination of the voluminous pleas, replications, rejoinders, and surrejoinders, we have been unable to find any other, either tendered or accepted.
I should hope to receive your rejoinder, post marked with the utmost haste, delivered upon my doorstep and stamped with your signet within the fortnight.
In his rejoinder Lorber admits, as he must, that ‘one cannot get the consent of the baby to non-action’ but he adds that equally ‘one cannot get their consent for all the major operations and procedures which have been carried out on them’.
To his credit, Gunn keeps up his morale with witty rejoinders.
As a rejoinder to Mr. Essex - yes, design is a process.
In this rejoinder, I want to comment on Blackford's specific criticisms of my position on commercial surrogacy before placing my own views on this particular subject within a broader context.
The easy rejoinder to that is I think that no company has ever tried this on before.
But his rejoinder shows that there are important ways that we disagree even about ‘what was there.’
At the end of the defence case, the Prosecutor may present evidence in rebuttal, then the defence may present evidence in rejoinder, and the Court may have evidence ordered by it to be presented (court evidence).
John Bender from "The Breakfast Club": The other "Club" outcast on our list, Bender was "the criminal," the smartmouth who always had a sarcastic rejoinder for Principal Vernon.
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In its surrejoinders the Organisation reiterates its objections to receivability.
At a time when the term infidel or unbeliever was still the accusation of choice, the rejoinder that one was a-gnostic -- literally, "against gnosis" -- meant that he or she was taking a principled stand against ancient systems of belief.
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There's so many witty rejoinders to choose from.
The rejoinder, of course, is that while we all have our individual estimations of the skills and predilections of each enforcement level, none has a monopoly on virtue.
‘Ridiculously expensive,’ is his weak rejoinder.
I really don't have a problem with the substance of his rejoinder, and I certainly did not mean to impugn his motives in my original post.
To answer this question, we will conclude this week's piece with excerpts from a rejoinder titled "The Arithmetic of Subsidy, the 'Isiro' of Deceit" (isiro in Yoruba translates to calculation) XX by Oyewale Tomori, a Professor of Virology on page 64 in the
I am a painter of the 20th century,’ was his rejoinder.
The new reality of policing war zones is a sharp rejoinder to that work but not the first time the modern British army has faced pressures - the most notable example being Northern Ireland.
If you did nothing but pursue the main battle missions in Fallout 3 , the game would be much less melancholy, because all you'd encounter would be sardonic rejoinders, brutal attacks and corpses to ransack for bad-ass weapons, precisely like every other shoot'em-up in history.
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After less than a minute of nonstop barking, I heard the first canine rejoinders, the ululations of outraged yip dogs.
The drug rejoinder is foolish because it’s based on a time dimension that doesn’t come into play in the music discussion; the enemies of traditional copyright for music in the digital age don’t concede the substantive rights of producers to be compensated for their work even for five minutes.
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Where is mr. aRye, master of repartee, stichomythia, and the witty rejoinder?
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Buried inside the compliment is the rejoinder that this wasn't always the case in the past.
In such an argument there would always be matter for answers, rejoinders, replications, triplications, quadruplications, and that infinite web of disputes that our pettifoggers have spun out as far as they could in favor of lawsuits.
Then answered Haggai -- rather, "Then Haggai answered (in rejoinder to the priests 'answer) and said" [Maurer]. so is this people -- heretofore not in such an obedient state of mind as to deserve to be called My people (Tit 1: 15).
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For modern-day adherents of the belief that tariffs and not slavery caused the war, the Confederate tariffs serve as a sharp rejoinder.
Baumol etal. employ an aircraft example in their rejoinder to Weitzman.
However, the political attackers may be unreceptive to the views of the legal profession, as it is likely to be perceived that any rejoinders are made in self-interest or with an ulterior motive.
I would hope that anyone else responding to Palomares 'posting would stick to the subject rather than engage in vituperative rejoinder.
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‘Answer’ was given to this bill, replies were allowed to the ‘answer’ and rejoinders to the replies were allowed, and so on.
It was a rejoinder to an industry that had branded him an English theatre person, and ‘a Parsi, which was like a big insult to me‘.
Before Kate can respond with a witty rejoinder about geese, a waiter oozes forth and demands drink orders.
In its surrejoinder the defendant recalls that the charges against the complainant have been proved.
His manner was rather that of a music hall artist, complacent, even cheerful, as his one-liners provoked from his audience the rejoinders he sought.
`I'm not sure I want to be a Communist," was always his prudent rejoinder.
If you did nothing but pursue the main battle missions in Fallout 3 , the game would be much less melancholy, because all you'd encounter would be sardonic rejoinders, brutal attacks and corpses to ransack for bad-ass weapons, precisely like every other shoot'em-up in history.
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mudsill" speech as a defiant rejoinder to Northern criticisms of slavery.
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Very rarely the plaintiff replied for a second time with a surrejoinder which in turn could be countered by a rebutter from the defendant.
In dissent, Justice Breyer provides the rejoinder.
These are merely answers in kind, which can no doubt be met with plausible rejoinders.
it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher
Also contributing to the entertainment quota during the show were the quiz-master's rejoinders to the wild guesses that almost every team was indulging in.
Impossible!" was Mr. Hale's rejoinder, when I had read the item aloud; but the incident evidently weighed upon his mind, for late in the afternoon, with many epithets denunciatory of his foolishness, he asked me to acquaint the police with the affair.
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His pungent rejoinders made short work of the Government's high-flown theories.
Each of these objections, rebuttals, rejoinders, and surrejoinders is in itself admirable, and does infinite credit to the acuteness and candour of the author.
Charlie Baker's Facebook page, similarly once the exclusive preserve of unctuous "He's just so tall" verbiage, alternating with ugly vituperation, is now studded with rejoinders and tweaks from plucky digital campaigners ( "Well where the hell was Baker at in my community.
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For once, I have no pithy rejoinder to tack on to a post.
NR’s rejoinder is that debating on the Journal’s show doesn’t count.
Most of the statements were not used at the trial, so any witty rejoinders from Wilde will have to be imagined.
Unlike the Anglo-Jewish novelist Amy Levy's own ironic rejoinder to Daniel Deronda, Reuben Sachs: A Sketch (1888), Gwendolen leaves the reader in absolutely no doubt of its intentions.3 After a scant few months in the East, Daniel is ready to chuck the Jews overboard permanently: he tells a rabbi that the Jews (parasites all) need to be "extirpated" through mass assimilation (28), and is thoroughly depressed by the "unholy depravities" (64) on exhibit in the Jewish community.
Oh, and the Duck, who was one of the people we sent the rejoinder to, made this offer, which we gleefully reproduce without his permission: fisticuffs at dawn, victory by pinfall or submission, fully captured on video and up on youtube within ten minutes. it's really the answer. i'm willing to be the referee if all participants are clad in yellow swimsuits.
Archive 2008-02-01