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How To Use Reiteration In A Sentence

  • When speaking with a bureau staff member, she "got, basically, a reiteration of the recorded message," she recalls.
  • One might be tempted to disregard this relatively unqualified opinion had it not found reiteration in several critical writings.
  • An upfront reiteration by the South African presidency that it will not countenance ballot rigging and improper retention of power, would be both appropriate and timeous," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The point that needs reiteration is that we had every single thing that was needed in 1968-69 to create a solar system wide society and we pissed it away. Today's Video: Like None Other - Restored Moon Images to Help Future Moon Missions - NASA Watch
  • The text is largely a reiteration of what any well-read designer already knows.
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  • The English linguists Halliday and Hasan classify reiteration into four parts: repetition, synonym, hyponymy and general word.
  • The production also swathes the play in endless reiterations of the aria that gives the play its title.
  • The very oversight perceptible to any eye and painful to any ear not sealed up by stepdame nature from all perception of pleasure or of pain derivable from good verse or bad -- the reckless reiteration of the same rhyme with but one poor couplet intervening -- suggests rather the oversight of an unfledged poet than the obtuseness of a full-grown poeticule or poetaster. A Study of Shakespeare
  • This phenomenon, sometimes called the reiteration effect, is well-studied and well-documented. Fool Me Thrice, and I'll Trust You, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Reiteration of a decade-old deception could not fail to foster an enhanced sense of futility.
  • We can notice that this kind of reiteration is redundant. Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Medieval Manuscript of Syracuse University Library
  • Markos 'point, pourmorecoffee's reiteration, is that the reason, the overwhelmingly important reason, that this strategy worked is because it is profoundly centrist. The Vindication of Howard Dean - Swampland -
  • Interpretation is not the reiteration of the text but, rather, the movement of the text beyond itself in fresh, often formerly unuttered ways.
  • A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices.
  • A simplistic reiteration of the Stability Pact's main provisions avoids the problem, rather than resolving it.
  • Brooklyn belongs to a genre characterized by less sophistication, less complex melody and harmony, more demotic language, looser rhyming, in-your-face attitudes, and rampant reiteration.
  • The origin is the "Hebdomad Reiteration" in ZhouYi and Zen Ideology of Buddhism.
  • He then aided him to fasten on the saddle the small portmantle which contained his necessaries, opened a postern door, and with a hearty shake of the hand, and a reiteration of his promise to attend to what went on at Cumnor Kenilworth
  • But when does joyous, mantric reiteration tip over into something more sinister, or worse, monotonous?
  • And all the toil and ambition, the stress and hope of existence, seemed, so far as this life went, and before these new lights came, a mere sacrifice to this pointless reiteration of lives, this cosmic crambe repetita. Mankind in the Making
  • In many artists' work, an arena of possibilities is delineated, and, over the years, a complex, expanding reiteration takes place.
  • Since the barrel rotates at a steady speed, spacing pins equally round one of the circles would produce a steadily repeated reiteration of a single note.
  • While not binding, it's a reasonable reading of the MCA's lack of requirement of a CSRT determination on the one hand, and a word-for-word reiteration of the MCA's definition of UEC under 10 USC sec 948a1. Balkinization
  • One might be tempted to disregard my relatively unqualified opinion had it not found reiteration in several critical writings.
  • In reiteration of the second Noble Truth, Buddhism teaches that this is where the mechanism of the karmic process lies: in one's appetitive cravings and desires, one's intentional state of mind.
  • The prose of Marías wraps long sentences and hyperbatons in a more torrid embrace than ever in his reiterations.
  • It is sung, played, and written for the most part by cretinous goons, and by means of its almost imbecilic reiteration, and sly, lewd—in plain fact, dirty—lyrics . . . it manages to be the martial music of every sideburned delinquent on the face of the earth. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The "swoops, the spirals, the digressions and the reiterations" so characteristic of oral narrative are all there in the novel.
  • Technical consultant for the manufacture of big span prestressed concrete reiteration plate.
  • As a syndicated cartoonist, I've seen my published ideas later appear in eerily similar reiterations in other comics and spoken near-verbatim by nationally recognized humorists (to the point where scores of readers and viewers alerted me, offended and outraged on my behalf). The Riff: From 'SOUTH PARK' to 'POOCH CAFE': When a sense of plagiarism plagues comedy
  • Technical consultant for Manufacture of big span prestressed concrete reiteration plate.
  • But when does joyous, mantric reiteration tip over into something more sinister, or worse, monotonous?
  • Cast bronze was now his favoured material and a growing sense of blandness and reiteration dogged his later career.
  • "A reiteration of the obvious is never wasted on the oblivious," the author finishes up.
  • And all the toil and ambition, the stress and hope of existence, seemed, so far as this life went, and before these new lights came, a mere sacrifice to this pointless reiteration of lives, this cosmic _crambe repetita_. Mankind in the Making
  • The first of these is the pedal, typically a sustaining or reiteration of a note in the bass while harmonies change above it, creating dissonance with the bass in the process.
  • The proof of the accuracy of these views will still be found in the circumstance, that if, while the person is reading, this act of the reiteration of some one or more of the ideas be in any way forced upon him, _these_ ideas thus reiterated will afterwards be remembered, although all the others are lost. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • The very oversight perceptible to any eye and painful to any ear not sealed up by stepdame nature from all perception of pleasure or of pain derivable from good verse or bad -- the reckless reiteration of the same rhyme with but one poor couplet intervening -- suggests rather the oversight of an unfledged poet than the obtuseness of a full-grown poeticule or poetaster. A Study of Shakespeare
  • In addition, while some of the images are repeated to support reiteration in the text, in their second incarnation they often lack any annotation at all.
  • Their speeches are wordy and repetitive, variations on some theme, or simple reiterations for incantatory effect, always mesmerizing even when you merely read the lines to yourself in the script.
  • I find the term problematic only in that I think all fiction should be experimental: no fiction writer should rest satisfied that prose fiction has settled into its final and most appropriate form such that only reiterations of the form with fresh "content" is needed. The Reading Experience
  • In Smithson's work, seriality involves not pure repetition or reiteration (he is not prone to setting up series of identical objects) but rather accretion, concretion, and diminution.
  • In truth, they were fortunate that Lionel Messi so untypically missed two clear chances to score and that the referee denied Barcelona a plausible penalty claim, but still there were signs that Wenger's constant reiteration of a belief in his side's "spirit" indeed had some substance. Arsène Wenger's sense of injustice veils deep-lying Arsenal issues | Richard Williams
  • The symbolic reiteration of traditional objectives dispensed with, it went on to suggest more seriously a federal or confederal state, and joint authority as alternatives.
  • Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion, and provides a basis for discourse coherence.
  • Their speeches are wordy and repetitive, variations on some theme, or simple reiterations for incantatory effect, always mesmerizing even when you merely read the lines to yourself in the script.
  • The element of passion that gets enmeshed with the expectations on both sides needs no reiteration here.
  • A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices.
  • Christ's body as a necessary conduit in the relationship between the human and the divine finds frequent reiteration in Herbert's poetry.
  • Rousseau introduced a new moral system, which was in essence a reiteration of ideas already set forth by Shaftesbury and Pope.

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