How To Use Reinforce In A Sentence

  • The main superstructure frame is formed from reinforced concrete with post-tensioned, ribbed slab floors.
  • Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
  • The turning supporter facilitates the closing of the cargo container and simultaneously provides the reinforcement to the cargo container.
  • The parallelisms are reinforced by frequent alliteration, indicated by italics.
  • A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
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  • Ancient writings reinforce their claims to the land.
  • This shows that _for every tone an air column of a certain size most powerfully reinforces that tone_. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • ‘If we fail, send reinforcements…’ Her voice trailed away again, and they saw her shudder.
  • Far from counting against the honours system, the latest rash of disclosures should be used to improve and reinforce it.
  • Both neo-colonial and advanced capitalist/colonial states organize and reinforce a cathectic structure based in sexual difference, which they enforce through a variety of means, including legislation.
  • The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.
  • Throughout the day, Grant rode through his command rallying the force in spite of the lateness of reinforcements.
  • Shaping provides a way to reinforce approximations of the final desired behavior or result of behavior.
  • Tax cuts will leave more in people 's pockets to spend and $1 trillion of infrastructure investment will reinforce demand for labour for a decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both originals (instrumenta) of the Concordat of Worms were read and ratified, and twenty-two disciplinary canons were promulgated, most of them reinforcements of previous conciliary decrees. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • And about 5 o'clock in the eavning we could see the Yankees a marchen up on the other side of the river by regiments and most all went back from on this Side of the river and General Earley thought that they was all a going back and taken all of his men but a Louisiana Bregaid and started to reinforce General Lea And about the time we had gone 6 miles they come The diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone,
  • Trailing edge vibration has been dampened by reinforcement with thin glass fibre rod inserts or mylar overlays, so eliminating excessive noise.
  • That at the heart of it is an international comity, reinforced perhaps by international law, that we respect each other's right to govern the internal economy of their ships.
  • In both, it is assumed that the criminal law can and should be used to protect or to reinforce moral principles.
  • Would you be "boggled" if I suggest that the characterisation of blacks here as a mob of rampaging gang-rapists is a product of prejudice and, in its emotional manipulation, serves to reinforce prejudice? Wisdom, Justice And Mercy
  • The terminal was constructed of reinforced concrete.
  • The guns were set inside of hills, beneath reinforced concrete bomb shields, and concealed behind immense iron firing ports.
  • The mould is spread on top of the ants' trap to reinforce its structure, as it hardens into a fibreglass-like material.
  • This in turn will increase his agitation, reinforce the behaviour and so make things worse. Times, Sunday Times
  • An anti-runway warhead which is equipped with a delayed action fuse has the capability of penetrating reinforced concrete runways to a depth of nearly 0.5m.
  • One way to show sincerity is to make your positive reinforcement as specific as possible. Christianity Today
  • In the construction of the works, the contractor has imported 30,000 tonnes of concrete and 1,500 tonnes of steel reinforcement.
  • In addition the hall has been soundproofed and reinforced and new comfortable seating replaces the old-style red velvet covered models of yesteryear.
  • Perhaps ongoing sandstorms in the desert will provide time to reinforce overstretched supply lines (although they are also doing tremendous damage to the equipment of the coalition forces).
  • Her experience as Ms. Rain reinforced the need to choose parts wisely. Women of 'Precious' undertake transformational roles
  • MCINTYRE: General Jones says he did not use the term reinforcements because that connotes a panic and desperation he says is unwarranted. CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2006
  • Amplified vibration can reinforce the normal rhythm of speech and can greatly assist forming the right habits.
  • The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
  • The department also runs seminars on developing clinical and communication skills to reinforce the students' experience in the practices.
  • That it did not only reinforces his reputation as something of a bionic man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Duquin argues that nonactive representations of women may reinforce the view that women's bodies serve an ornamental, rather than instrumental, function.
  • Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) reinforced hydroxyapatite (HA) bio-composite coatings on polyimide (PI) substrate had been developed by R.
  • When the molds dried, they were cut off the model and filled with flesh-colored polyester resin reinforced with fiberglass.
  • As New Labour has proven, these are not the types of politicians who are natural pluralists ready to reinforce democratic citizenship.
  • You could have the ‘generally lazy but remarkably unhelpful’ instead of the ‘bored but capable’ as one of the essential non police staff whose main aim is to reinforce all the urgent and important things from the world where messages ‘really’ matter and the foundations of empire building are well on the way to approval by the forces that do stuff. Cross and Rude. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For the homeschooling family, continuing the quiet time will reinforce naps for the little ones (if there are any) and may allow older children to accomplish the heavier "brainwork" of school, or just give them some "down time" after a busy morning. Making Home
  • Officers in uniform are often put before the massed media to bear the brunt of their barbs - and, of course, to reinforce the anti-military prejudice.
  • A general equation for determining the neutral axis in partially prestressed concrete T or I Section beams with tension and compression reinforcement is presented in this paper.
  • Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.
  • Such duties would be set out in a statute and reinforced by a revised oath of office. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he ordered his men to leave this landing, they mutinied and could not leave before reinforcements arrived.
  • This impression is reinforced by the panoramic curve of the back wall, which, even though it is painted a uniform dark grey, suggests a cyclorama or stage backdrop.
  • The idea of henges dotting ancient Britain is reinforced by the discovery of the so-called "Seahenge," a remarkably well-preserved timber circle, on New Stones at Avebury
  • This, however, would not be positive so much as negative reinforcement, ie it was nice when the pressure stopped.
  • The tactical air assault force can be reinforced with a motorized rifle battalion.
  • Unfortunately, the society that we live in reinforces the belief that you can't make money doing what you love but rather earning money doing something that you have no passion for. Natasha Dern: Finding Success: Are You Doing What You Love?
  • The metal reinforcement gives it the strength to resist the high winds.
  • In reality, the danger to democracy and Scottish interests came from cronyism, reinforced by partisan voting.
  • Equation for short-time burst pressure of pipes reinforced by cross helically wound wires (PSP) was formulated based on method of force equivalent.
  • This implies significant negotiating skills in order to diagnose, manage and reinforce the outcomes of individual motivation.
  • Al Qaeda sent in reinforcements, who were caught in a firefight that lasted several hours, killing another nine al Qaeda members. The Gambler Is Seized | ATTACKERMAN
  • The two pieces that compose the front half are joined and reinforced with a roof frame that surrounds them.
  • He reinforced that ‘This really helps my preparation because I can now go nighty-night after din-din.’
  • The long, narrow proportions of the 2,600 sf Patisserie is reinforced by a floating ceiling running the length of the interior, drawing the patron in from Queen Street to the depths of the kitchen.
  • Conversely, the Inland analysis reinforces other research that shows that disinvesting in the product is predictive of declining circulation and revenues.
  • They reinforced good behaviour with some kind of reward to direct a child's pattern of behaviour.
  • Extra padding protects palms from blisters, and fingers are reinforced with an additional layer of faux suede.
  • Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.
  • More than 870,000 workers have been deployed to fight the floods and reinforce dykes along the Yangtze river.
  • This involves a form of associative learning (learning from the association between an action and the reinforcer), rather than any insight.
  • In Malton and Norton, defences will be a mix of reinforced concrete retaining walls, earth embankments and steel sheet piling to run parallel with the river.
  • Yet this emphasis on new beginnings is also framed by the opening reference to "winter" -- the first of many references to the seasons, but also a reference that reinforces the poem's stress on endings, on the conclusions of natural cycles. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • Bricks here were a bit different from those at Ur, they were about one foot square by four inches thick made of sun baked straw reinforced mud and in their centres many carried an imprint in cuniform characters that I was told translated into This was built by King Coming of Age: 1939-1946
  • There was clear glass behind him, reinforced stuff, shatterproof, stormproof, and beyond it was a creature.
  • They are reinforced with steel for extra strength.
  • It is not enough to acknowledge the importance of collective entrepreneurship; clear and consistent signals must reinforce the new story.
  • In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
  • If things do not improve after your initial chat, speak to her again and reinforce your point. Times, Sunday Times
  • a stimulus such as food is a reinforcer only if its presentation increases the frequency of a response in a type of associative conditioning known as operant conditioning. Behaviorism
  • he used gummed reinforcements to hold the page in his notebook
  • A good dog training program will focus on allowing the dog to learn just what is expected of it, and will use positive reinforcement to reward desired behaviors.
  • The main idea is to reinforce behaviors that are valued. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Known for their innovative designs and pioneering technology, they were the first to use pressed steel, welded wire, fibreglass reinforced plastics and moulded plywood in furniture design and manufacture.
  • There's greenhouse to potter in to reinforce the lord of the manor lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would like to set them immediately to overseeing the wall's reinforcement.
  • Do not reinforce his behaviour by being inconsistent, giving in or arguing back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your lack of addressing the issue upon being asked for logical specifics to follow up your statement, three times in a row no less, and your boobish answer only goes to further reinforce what has already been said about you. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #3 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • After the flood, existing levees were rebuilt, extended, and reinforced with revetments.
  • I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the reinforcement of peace and security all over the world.
  • The polymer handle, reinforced with fiberglass, is stronger and lighter than traditional wooden handles, and is molded around the axe head. Gerber Sport Axe
  • The past five years have reinforced the belief that politicians have no firm convictions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following points further reinforce by believe that Sujatha was murdered rather then mishap: a. How commercially available weed killer "paraquat" enter cough syrup bottle and finally reach Sujatha's apartment? Planet Malaysia
  • His face came attached to a grizzled beard; a finger jabbed at the reinforced glass. STUART: A Life Backwards
  • While the runabout is a faster deep-space vessel, the streamlined hull and large reinforced wings of the aeroshuttle make it significantly more efficient in high-speed atmospheric maneuvers and operations. STARSHIP SPOTTER
  • Besides sequence superpose reinforced hoop can use for build large flexibility storage building or build trash landfill field.
  • We must reinforce the troops at the front.
  • Rescuers could reach the trapped men today and will then decide if they need to reinforce the walls with steel casing. The Sun
  • Or whether mutually to reinforce their ability to perceive and understand this city - two viewpoints yielding a stereoscopic perspective.
  • General Rattigan summoned reinforcements to help resist the attack.
  • In the first six months of 1944 Rommel strongly reinforced the defences and placed obstacles on all large beaches.
  • Reinforce with surgery schedulers the need to return improperly completed procedure scheduling forms to physicians' offices.
  • Gardiner, reinforced by so-called sportsmen from other parts of the state, of all the park elk they could kill, -- bulls, cows and calves, -- because a large band wandered across the line into the shambles of Gardiner, on Buffalo Flats. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • The tunnel was reinforced with concrete, rebar and lumber.
  • They reinforce the importance of urban planning and civic architecture and the need to bring them to the public realm.
  • Public works inspectors may specialize in highways, structural steel, reinforced concrete, or ditches.
  • Since newspapers and magazines tend to reflect and reinforce the views of their readers, this comparison reveals something about the current state of the transatlantic relationship.
  • If any other factors accounted for the increase of women to the labor force, I'd have to suggest only that emigrations during the period may have brought in demographics of young, unmarried women with fewer constraints, or married families with women emigrating with renewed energy and hope that reinforced the innovations going on at the time. Electric Liberation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Internal tensions can be resolved through a creative channelling and thereby reinforce the group's own boundary.
  • The government is trying to reinforce the old class divisions in society.
  • The police captain reinforced from his vanguard, and the mob at the rear was repelled. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • he reinforced the concrete
  • These may either be addictive themselves or may reinforce the view that there is a pill for every ill.
  • The commander has asked us to send reinforcements.
  • Their stance was reinforced by a royal edict of 1782 which apparently brought an end to the so-called ‘revolt of the curés’.
  • Anchorage technology is an important means of reinforce in the mine engineering.
  • The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The splendidness of this meal reinforced my desire to move to Chapel Hill.
  • The historic election sheared off a thin facade of wartime national unity and reinforced ethnic and sectarian tensions that have plagued the country for centuries.
  • The receiver is molded from a steel reinforced fiberglass and polymer matrix.
  • New therapeutic strategies are now urgently needed to reinforce anticancer immune responses and to complement existing treatments.
  • Chirac is taking no chances, however, and has dispatched police reinforcements to the former French nuclear testing ground.
  • Some current trends reinforce this linear pattern, whereas others modify it.
  • It was hard to decipher through reinforced glass but finally all became clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The combination of a complex environment, coupled with different communications and Air Traffic Control procedures, helped to reinforce airmanship skills.
  • The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country's economic decline.
  • They constantly shell with shrapnel the third line on the chance of bagging our reinforcements to the first line. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the reform of administrative examination and approval, social security administration should begin with the work to reinforce supervision.
  • Playing politics while our soldiers are in need of reinforcements is bordering on criminal. Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
  • Primary reinforcers such as water and food satisfy biological needs.
  • A row of reinforced concrete pillars supports the bridge.
  • Scorsese reinforces the point by juxtaposing images of his own mother preparing food for prim and well-behaved children with the nudie pin-ups that adorn the walls at the hang-out of J.R. and his pals.
  • This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.
  • We should reinforce our efforts in tree planting , and forestation making to prevent and cure sandstorms.
  • Osseous stability is reinforced by the medial and lateral ligament complexes.
  • The new blitz will be reinforced in a major speech. The Sun
  • The walls are reinforced with steel rods.
  • What adds a certain urgency to his message is that he himself has suffered a heart attack, even though he does not conform to the generously fat-reinforced spherical figures that he has been talking about.
  • This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces.
  • Her body language reinforced the impression.
  • They trained a rat to press a bar, using pellets of food as reinforcers.
  • I heard a scrape and a click, which suggested that the lock on the doors had been reinforced with a hasp and padlock. TOY SHOP
  • But it will also be evident that Saussurean linguistics did much more than simply reinforce the Formalists' view of literature.
  • Self dodges the reinforced bar reeve lung but.
  • Ferber's brief description of the African American woman, Princess, who performs domestic work for Fannie, reinforces both racial biologism and environmental determinism.
  • Andif he did a little better, we would go to great lengths to reinforce him.
  • The nightly sweeps of raids and arrests are reinforced by daytime roadblocks and identity checks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mechanics have reinforced the car's chassis with extra steelwork and have beefed up the suspension to take extra load.
  • An overarching priority is to reinforce professional staffing, which is much more profitable than clerical staff.
  • The tent was made of reinforced cambric, fawn coloured, with sewn - in groundsheet, and at each end a circular sleeve-door and ventilator.
  • Often nocks would be reinforced by cutting a slot at right angles to the nock and inserting a short section of horn or bone.
  • The idea of laical public education is reinforced to strengthen The Republic, such as it was done in the first third of the XX century. The French election Post
  • Both groups reinforced a mutual worldview that equated leadership with brilliant, tough-minded, and decisive strategic insight and decision making.
  • Here, too, metal reinforcements set in the concrete have rusted because the concrete contained too much calcium chloride.
  • Many instructors use program run-times to illustrate and reinforce algorithm complexity concepts.
  • I have so advised Mr Simpson but it might be helpful if you could reinforce the point.
  • The pit is reinforced with a lattice of steel girders from top to bottom.
  • They only serve to reinforce society's stereotypes of who we are.
  • This stream continued almost uninterruptedly, although police control of the borders was permanently reinforced under the growing pressure of anti-immigrant organizations.
  • In mid-February he was brought to Brussels again for a week as instructor of reinforcements out from home for the first time. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The translation of story collections from other cultures reinforced the popularity of the fairy story: the Fables of Bidpai had reached England from the Arabic in North's version of 1570, and were republished in French in 1697.
  • Use of the term axiom reinforces that our computational model is a mathematical, formal system and that analogue execution is a form of deduction from the axioms or assumptions explicitly programmed into the model. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • How the creature does this is unknown, but Mark Fricker of Oxford University, who is one of Dr Tero's colleagues, speculates that the forces generated by protoplasm pulsating back-and-forth through the multinuclear cell are interpreted and used to determine which routes to reinforce, and which connections to trim. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • Treaties covering nuclear proliferation and nuclear testing helped to reinforce the feeling that the immediate danger of nuclear war was fading away.
  • In their interplay, the two developments tended to reinforce each other on an international scale.
  • What they uncovered was a structure made of solid concrete, reinforced with steel.
  • Spouses may reinforce acceptance or tolerance of negative events.
  • Any film appearance by Robin Hood reinforced a belief that this wooded playground was surely once part of a Sherwood Forest.
  • I remembered from my college psychology courses that the strongest form of reinforcement is random positive, and Ariely agreed. Twitter, truck 'ghettos' and consumer behavior
  • This is a heavy security door reinforced by a sheet of steel between the two solid sides of wood, and its got a serious mortice lock. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • The title reinforces the often unintentional nature of laughter at the court. Supreme Court justices are not laughing at you. They're laughing with you.
  • Primary reinforcers such as water and food satisfy biological needs.
  • The whistle (cue) comes before the behavior and tells the animal what behavior to perform; the clicker (reinforcer) comes after the behavior and tells the animal that the behavior it just performed is reinforceable. Can You Clicker-Train a Gun Dog?
  • reinforced concrete contains steel bars or metal netting
  • AA aims to change not only the behavior but the personality in order to reinforce sobriety.
  • KUWAIT - Kuwait reinforces its defences after reported exchange of fire with Iraqi forces just a week after one of the most serious post-Gulf War border incidents ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The two dozen participants started off by identifying “what’s wrong with the media,” and the blackboard is filled with complaints ranging from the lack of in-depth analysis and foreign news coverage to story repetition and reinforcement of stereotypes. â”We canât use Mickey Mouse to tell other thingsâ” |
  • Itend to agree with Chase Jarvis, who says "the best camera is the one that'swith you"—he's written a book and iPhone app, and created an online community, to reinforce this point.
  • Existing ‘loyalist’ forces were unable to quell the rebellion and reinforcements had to be called from China.
  • Justice reinforces social norms and deters some would-be perpetrators.
  • ‘Places of familiarity’ are the signs of the zodiac or angles in the chart which reinforce a planet's natural disposition.
  • The study reinforces earlier research showing how strongly smells may affect us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jokey references to "lads" (which in my opinion is a Pommy expression and not fit for robust Australian consumption) just reinforce the message that Crikey is blokeland.
  • Parachutes sewn at home are made from ripstop nylon and use twill tape to reinforce its seams.
  • Reinforce and extend your understanding of revenue recognition.
  • More than half a million of them toiled for four months building the line; 1,250 trains hauled materials to construct the steel-reinforced concrete forts and blockhouses.
  • Combining with job practice of his hospital, the author introduced the main methods to reinforce medical treatment quality control.
  • The committee monitored referral practice during the study but there was no reinforcement of the guidelines to assure compliance.
  • Outside the ancient settlement, with its alleyways and arches reinforced with bamboo canes, is the early 13 th-century romanesque church of St Esteve.
  • Can the furniture be used in the fight (and if so, must it be braced or reinforced?)
  • We are now analysing that expenditure with the aim of realigning it with the research, so that it reinforces what we now know makes a real difference for students.
  • The binary opposition of ‘us’ and ‘them’ that is so important in motivating people to action actually reinforces stereotypes and creates barriers.
  • It is essential to teach and model desired behaviours, and the benefits of positive reinforcement are well established.
  • The line, a showstopper by any standard, was reinforced with impeccable finish and an eye for detail.
  • This increasing conservatism under Stalin and his successors strengthened and reinforced the nonaggressive, "peaceful coexistence" policy. EconLog Book Club: For a New Liberty, Chapter 14, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The reinforcement consists of arch and transverse bars; the arch bars are spaced 6 ins. on centers 2½ ins. from both extrados and intrados, and the transverse bars are spaced 24 ins. on centers inside both lines of arch bars. Concrete Construction Methods and Costs
  • Including the word bogan in a campaign like this will only reinforce a negative message in people's minds. | Top Stories
  • Conversational implicatures differ from Grice's conventional implicatures in being cancelable and reinforceable. Implicature
  • Structure is feathered at the edges by cantilevers which reinforce the pervading impression of weightlessness.
  • It appears that it was not until several shots had actually struck her that the Star of the West desisted from the attempt to convey reinforcements to Fort Sumter. Foreign and Colonial News.
  • A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.
  • Crackers and sweet biscuits reinforced one of the tins of oatcakes, which had stood throughout the meal on every table.
  • The farmer even has a halo formed by his tipped back sombrero, and the holiness of this revolutionary embrace is reinforced by its association with the embrace of Joachim and Anna in Giotto’s Arena Chapel in Padua. Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera - The Murals
  • Partly to reinforce the commonplace argument that there will always be a special cultural relationship between Scotland and England and that independence would not disrupt that.
  • This will reinforce the trend to lower fertility.
  • The diagrams are large and clear and there are cartoons throughout the book that reinforce the subject matter.

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