How To Use Reimbursement In A Sentence
Clinicians sought improved usability and flexibility, whereas national headquarters prioritised business and executive functions such as accurate coding and reimbursement.
No reimbursement for previously purchased tickets will be allowed.
The Sun
Though it's not a popular notion among doctors, there are indications that the crisis is shaking out weaker practices that had been glutting the region with obstetricians and keeping reimbursements low.
The new system will cap reimbursements to hospitals and nursing homes, putting a squeeze on facilities to cut costs.
It has the right to obtain reimbursement from him for any amount paid out on bills drawn under the facility.

The employee must return any excess reimbursement or allowance within a reasonable period of time.
Christianity Today
Depending on the nature of the claim, she can request substantial money damages and reimbursement of her attorneys fees in addition to back pay and reinstatement.
Your plan should also provide information on how to appeal if you believe the plan improperly denied a claim for reimbursement.
The player has already spent more on fees to me than the 20,000 tax liability if these reimbursements were income.
Times, Sunday Times
Small co-payments are attached to some of these reimbursements.
If the action is strong enough, not only can you get comped for everything; you may even receive reimbursement for your airfare.
Foreign individuals obtaining a housing allowance, meal allowance, relocation and laundry expenses not in the form of cash or on an actual reimbursement basis.
Mangano described a complicated, time-consuming bureaucratic process that the insurance programs are required to undertake to set their reimbursement rates.
In addition, where applicable, separated employees will receive certain other benefits, such as outplacement/financial planning assistance, health insurance premium subsidies and tuition reimbursement.
MPs' expenses were clearly a living allowance, not a reimbursement.
Three million policies nationwide could be eligible for reimbursement under this settlement.
The popularity of single-use products, however, mushroomed dramatically when their use was skewed by a reimbursement system that permitted all single-use items to be charged to the patient on a cost-plus basis.
Starting this year, consumers will need a prescription to buy most over-the-counter medications using money from tax-free flexible spending accounts, and certain nondrug medical supplies, including bandages, will still qualify for flexible-spending account reimbursement.
Her ingenuity, her creativity in approving reimbursements is the bondage. .er, envy of the free market.
Think Progress » Army Secretary says Gates has placed a de facto moratorium on DADT discharges.
Should they be disentitled to reimbursement for these expenses once the court has determined they have been wronged?
The move, to be introduced next year, could lead to passengers being given a full or partial reimbursement for substandard conditions.
Times, Sunday Times
Is the Medicare reimbursement for biologicals that much better than the reimbursement for advanced wound care dressings?
Commodification also has brought with it a system of reimbursement based on diagnostic coding according to stringent guidelines.
However, in cases where the charges are for the account of another party, it is the responsibility of the Issuing Banks to so indicate in the original Credit and in the reimbursement authorisation.
Percentage of departments providing stipends, expense reimbursement, and recognition for participating faculty was between those in the other two groups.
The "pre-existing conditions" insurability problem is addressed by establishing a relatively high (and possibly adjustable) level of tax deductibility for catastrophic insurance premiums (see 2 above and e. below), and bringing charity (voluntary outlays) for those with such conditions into play for reimbursement for service providers.
What Makes Health Care Different?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Several insurance companies have been fined by state regulators for deliberately delaying or skipping reimbursements owed to doctors.
The Contract Management System calculates reimbursement for managed care contracts and then calculates whether the payers paid correctly and whether the allowancing is correct.
he requested reimbursement of $7 for incidental expenses
Foreign individuals obtaining a housing allowance, meal allowance, relocation and laundry expenses in the form of non-cash or on an actual reimbursement basis.
You will receive reimbursement for any additional costs incurred.
The federal government, with its own urgency to cut costs, is now unusually amendable to waivers that allow states to use Medicaid reimbursement in effective new ways.
Chris Norwood: Medicaid Reform? Try Harder
I overbill for reimbursements, a little here, a little there.
With 30 patients, the facility generates just over $1 million in annual revenues, derived primarily from Medicaid reimbursements.
Put reimbursement payments down under the administration budget item.
Christianity Today
Some medical insurance providers do not provide reimbursement for telemedicine expenses.
The loosely agglomerated arrangements of a multitude of insurers, each with their own rules, schedules of services, red tape, and reimbursement applications are certainly not a system.
The company provides tuition reimbursements to employees who have worked a year or more.
If IPAB lowers reimbursement rates to providers in the Medicare drug benefit, biopharmaceutical researchers will find themselves with fewer resources to investigate new treatments.
David Mixner: Why The HIV/AIDS Community Should Care About the New Medicare Panel
Decisions made in the absence of a direct budget constraint, such as those made for Medicare reimbursement in health planning.
The Respondent shall pay £283,997.14, plus VAT, if applicable and at the appropriate rate, to the Referring Party within fourteen days of the date hereof as reimbursement of damages incorrectly deducted.
He would defund Planned Parenthood, change Medicaid reimbursements to state block grants, abolish the Energy Department, and replace the Environmental Protection Agency with what he calls an "environmental solutions agency.
NPR Topics: News
There is no charge to participate, and ESPA will provide hotel accommodations and reimbursement for other allowable travel expenses.
No reimbursement for previously purchased tickets will be allowed.
The Sun
A whistleblower lawsuit filed against Blackstone in a Massachusetts federal court by one of its former sales representative and a former distributor of its products alleges that the payments of up to $8,000 a month were to induce Dr. Lewis and other surgeons to use the company's devices, in violation of the federal antikickback statute, rendering Medicare reimbursement claims fraudulent.
Taking Double Cut, Surgeons Implant Their Own Devices
The bank was not entitled to reimbursement of the amount involved.
Secondly, because there are many motorists who lack the inclination or the ready cash to hire a substitute on the chance of recovering reimbursement from the defendant's insurers.
An added enticement is that the Tourist Assistance Card includes ambulance service, prescription drugs, legal assistance (presumably for robberies), and reimbursement if your flights are delayed or, heaven forbid, canceled.
Tourism in Mexico City, Cancun and Ajijic
It worked with a number of the leading chains to develop a system that automates the reimbursement process for pharmacies.
The lack of remuneration or reimbursement of expenses for his new role was a source of much displeasure.
Officials say the White House has already frozen some $800 million in security assistance to Pakistan in recent months because of factors that include Islamabad's refusal to readmit American trainers and military personnel who process Pakistani reimbursement claims—items that fall into categories on the U.S. performance checklist.
U.S. Links Pakistani Aid to Performance
Even in a county where Democrats were dominant Tuesday despite big Republican gains nationwide, that little word was about as popular as another three-letter political expletive that begins with T and ends with X. County Executive Isiah Leggett's lieutenants in the extraordinary government campaign for the fee made an effort to rechristen it an "ambulance reimbursement," since bills for service would go directly to county residents 'insurance companies or the federal government.
Montgomery ambulance fee rejection means tough budget questions
In that sense, the entitlement to reimbursement or exoneration confers a priority in the further administration of the trust.
We now have a transparent reimbursement system that gushes forth so much information that genuine understanding often still eludes us.
Research tuition reimbursement and enroll in a degree program before the next employee review period.
All it is is just a reimbursement for some of the hard costs.
To receive reimbursement consideration, the invoice must be submitted within 90 days of the tow.
Only those who rely on reimbursement from the state, rather than private practice, suffer personally.
The lawsuit seeks reimbursement for costs of treating people with tobacco-related illnesses.
In an earlier study, the same researchers had found that hospitals generally lose money on Medicare reimbursements for another stroke treatment -- endovascular embolectomy, in which doctors go in and extract the blood clot causing the stroke.
Reuters: Press Release
There might be punitive damages as well as reimbursement of litigation costs and legal fees.
Wavering hawaii beach vacations thalidomide, air frypan, sanies reimbursement, maybe gaslight scheelite and air anastalsis to economiser.
Rational Review
As laboratories learned during those Papanicolaou reimbursement cycles, payers reprice a test because in total that test is a significant expense line item.
Yet despite letters, e-mails and phone calls we have yet to receive reimbursement.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, it defines the source of finance and the capability of reimbursement.
he received reimbursement for his travel expenses
The employee must return any excess reimbursement or allowance within a reasonable period of time.
Christianity Today
Now in her second year of nursing school, she is receiving full tuition reimbursement from her employer.
Despite liberal access to subfertility treatment in Belgium, including partial reimbursement, we cannot be sure that women of higher social classes were not over-represented in the subfertility group.
27 candidates qualified for a reimbursement of election expenses.
In her plea, the assistant said she made illegal donations and wrote back-dated letters to hide reimbursements.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Supporter Indicted for Funneling Scheme
Vouchers for reimbursement of imprest accounts should be prepared and submitted to accounts payable within the month.
In same time, I propose criteria of payment which conclude from cost reimbursement of constructor, and use binary model determine herdsman favorite form of straight payment.
And getting reimbursement from our homeowners insurance company looks iffy at best.
This example illustrates a nonaccountable reimbursement of expenses associated with the business use of a car.
Christianity Today
She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.
With these limitations, reimbursement was next to impossible to obtain.
Physicians avoid prescribing a medicament on this special prescription, especially when it is expensive and health insurance companies are not willing to provide reimbursement for the treatment.
Norwegian Cruise Line is offering what it calls travel protection, starting at $29 per person, that will provide a cash reimbursement of cancellation fees to guests who cancel because they lose their job.
Travel Spending Sinks Sharply
What's the payout under the "event reimbursement" system for chronic undiagnosable headaches?
Free-Market Health Care?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It is commonplace for the landlord to effect insurance for business premises and to seek reimbursement of the premium from the tenant.
She says she got "bad information" from equipment vendors about the level of reimbursement.
He estimated that a reimbursement rate of 36 cents would cost the university an additional $67,000 per year.
The employee must return any excess reimbursement or allowance within a reasonable period of time.
Christianity Today
The doctors are getting crunched by the ever-increasing malpractice insurance premiums and by the diminishing reimbursements from insurance companies.
My action was more than enough to warrant the casino to fully comp my stay, including shows, gourmet dinning rooms, amazing suites, and of course first class airfare reimbursement for two.
Prior to the election they received a reimbursement of 190,000 euros.
You will receive reimbursement for any additional costs incurred.
The company provides its travel agents with enviable benefits, such as free airplane tickets, or reimbursement for educational expenses.
In lieu of the payment of actual expenses of transportation, packing, crating, temporary storage, drayage, and unpacking of household goods and personal effects in the case of transfers between points within the continental Untied States, reimbursement shall be made to the employee on a commutated basis at rates per hundred points as fixed by zones in Schedule A which is attached to and made a part of these regulations.
Single service providers may refuse medical insurance reimbursements or require prepayments from patients.
I overbill for reimbursements, a little here, a little there.
Some organisations specify particular items which are not covered by the reimbursement of removal costs policy.
The employer implements a business expense reimbursement program using credit cards.
Christianity Today
I have received reimbursement for consultation on biomedical aspects of epilepsy.
The issuer makes a direct promise of reimbursement to the dealer in the master agreement.
But consecutive markups sometimes price the product out of the arena where reimbursement is available.
Making matters worse, Japan's Supreme Court in January stretched the time frame for which borrowers can claim reimbursements on "overcharged" interest.
Lawyers Tighten Squeeze on Japan Consumer Lenders
Consumers have become increasingly restive about the absence of any legislative guarantee that anything of value will be returned to society as reimbursement for the monopoly rights they have ceded.
The goal of the present study was to determine the surgical and hospitalization costs, charges, and reimbursements for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis correction surgery at one institution.
Employees who submit errorless reports can expect reimbursement… someday.
No reimbursement for previously purchased tickets will be allowed.
The Sun