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How To Use Rehabilitate In A Sentence

  • The prisoner was successfully rehabilitated
  • He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer.
  • As many as 290 children were rehabilitated this year in institutions and families.
  • There are a lot of Chinese staples that have been rehabilitated, as well as stylish upgrades of items owned by any older Chinese lady, such as tatami back cushions. NYT > Travel
  • I want to buy and rehabilitate vacant houses in Baltimore for resale.
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  • A large projecting vitrine frames a view back over the winery and the three existing buildings, now rehabilitated.
  • -- In Act Two, a immature Pompey is in fighting behind opposite a triumvirate of Octavius, Antony as good as Lepidus, fervent to rehabilitate a reputation of his father, once cheered by a Roman mob, killed in conflict by Julius Caesar. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Reputations are rehabilitated or discredited.
  • We're bringing people in to be disarmed, demobilized and rehabilitated to a program that will give them new values and give them new skills.
  • The exercise to rehabilitate the street kids should be embraced by everyone as Zambia stands to benefit greatly from the initiative.
  • The notion was to rehabilitate the reputation of Asurbanipal, the second-last King of Assyria, whom the Greeks called "Sardanapalus," who reigned in Nineveh six hundred years before William of Germany
  • OKE: Sierra Leone is short of the resources needed to fully rehabilitate all of the ex-child combatants. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2005
  • Deng Xiao Ping was rehabilitated several times throughout his lifetime
  • More recently the Victorian tycoon's reputation has been rehabilitated.
  • IT is encouraging to see efforts being made either to rehabilitate runaway children, also called street kids.
  • An uptight young smartarse editor travels out into the middle of nowhere determined that HE can be the one to rehabilitate a famously reclusive writer who hasn't written a book in 20 years. Crowdsource: Favorite Film about the Creative Process?
  • This could add considerably to the existing demand to rehabilitate patients from Rampton special hospital, which also lies within Bassetlaw.
  • Not only does the project provide support and counselling to families but also helps to rehabilitate the prisoners themselves.
  • The man declared he was rehabilitated and knew drugs were a ‘no-no ‘, he said.’
  • PfA, short for People For Animals, cares for and rehabilitates injured animals.
  • The campaign to rehabilitate Nietzsche in France swiftly gathered momentum.
  • In this way, portraits emerged as critical pieces of evidence in efforts to rehabilitate the reputation of French art of the fourteenth century.
  • The project aims to upgrade and rehabilitate all existing sewerage systems in the town, along with extending the sewerage system to environs of the town, which have been developed since the first stage of the development.
  • Most recent examples include (a) Karl Rove's involvement with Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, who along with his political partners, the "post-fascist" National Alliance, are pushing to rehabilitate the image of the Repubblichini and Mussolini fascism, just as the Republicans are doing in the U.S. with the followers of McVeigh and mobs at the Town Hall meetings, and (b) key Rove and Bush adviser, infamous neo-con, and Republican "intellectual" guru Michael Ledeen. Ronald B. Robinson: Democrat Calls Republicans "Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals." Is Berlusconi One Too? You Bet!
  • He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer.
  • Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.
  • Some of these mistreated pit bulls had to be put down, but some were rehabilitated andfound loving homes where they are happy, content, and NON-VICIOUS. Should we ban pit bulls?
  • There will be huge finances needed to relocate and rehabilitate the fishermen living inside the lake.
  • The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead normal lives when they leave prison.
  • The agency has also agreed to rehabilitate ruined public buildings where nearly 800 families are squatting.
  • As we keep saying, these systems will only work on people who actively want to cooperate and be rehabilitated, and aren't applicable on a wide scale to people who just want to stay out of prison while carrying on their life of villainy.
  • The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
  • After 1972 the semi-autonomous administration made efforts to rehabilitate and expand the system.
  • In Kathy's case, also known as Sara Olson, isn't it possible, as a question, for someone to change, for someone to rehabilitate or habilitate themselves, get on with their lives, lead a good life, be a good parent, and just by the nature -- it doesn't forgive the act they did -- but they may not be the same person they were 24 years ago. CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2002
  • Government and international charitable organizations, she said, have conducted some programs to rehabilitate people with cataracts.
  • Johnny will take a little ride to rehabilitate, not brutally punish, his quarry, who is, as usual, a fellow Italian-American.
  • But since then Csikszentmihalyi’s theory seems to have lost traction, so I was intrigued to hear my Turkish friend (in gridlocked traffic that was the antithesis of flow!) update me on a couple of recent studies (copies of which he subsequently sent me) that have rehabilitated the notion of flow. May « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • He may have just injured the Commander and then we could have rehabilitated him and reintegrated him into the crew.
  • The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
  • Steps should be taken to restore peace, rehabilitate the affected persons and to create confidence and sense of security among them.
  • This refurbishment sensitively rehabilitates a Victorian institution to house galleries and performance spaces.
  • There are very good organisations like Safe Network in Auckland, run by John McCarthy, which deals with trying to rehabilitate and run programmes for recidivist sex offenders.
  • In just five years' time, he's whittled down the amount he owes on a $150,000 loan, taken out to rehabilitate his first building, to $58,000.
  • He used exercise programmes to rehabilitate the patients.
  • `And I'd like," Ginny continued serenely, as if he had not spoken, `to rehabilitate the Tower. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Meanwhile, a road contractor who was engaged to rehabilitate the feeder road is reported to have abandoned the project.
  • Borrow has resuscitated a literary form which had been many years abandoned, and he has resuscitated it in no artificial manner -- as a rhythmical form is rehabilitated, or as a dilettante re-establishes for a moment the vogue of the roundel or the virelay -- but quite naturally as the inevitable setting for a picture which has to include the actors and the observations of the author's vagabond life. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • He is on medications to maintain him so that hopefully over time, there is going to be the day he wakes up and they can start to rehabilitate him.
  • You're going to have to decide if you want to punish us or rehabilitate us -- or even both. INSIDERS
  • And can a man be rehabilitated if he has never been habilitated to begin with? To A Young One Who Is An Apologist For A Terrorist (UPDATED)
  • The plan proposes to rehabilitate the sewer system in the area and to upgrade the infrastructure in and around the river.
  • Animals that stray into habitations and those kept as pets are rehabilitated at the sanctuary and integrated with their peers.
  • Instead they have been brought back to their glorious best and rehabilitated as homes, offices, cafés and shops.
  • Now seven months old, Sam is a very healthy and robust dog, showing that even the most scruffy and mangy animal can be reclaimed and rehabilitated.
  • The point is that the industrial remains should be removed, the dunes rehabilitated and the rocks carted away so as to create more space for the public to enjoy.
  • Instead, the task for progressive people of all complexions should be to improve ourselves as human beings and rehabilitate our national house simultaneously.
  • One of these, O'Rourke, had been the pioneer hemp planter and now enjoyed a big income; the other, a nervous, hasty young fellow named Boynton, had borne a reputation as a squawman that had deprived him of intimacy with his own kind, but had recently put his house in order and rehabilitated himself with those who found decency in clean living. Terry A Tale of the Hill People
  • The Clinic was a terrible place where a group of misguided scientists attempted to use electrotherapy to ‘rehabilitate’ Rob.
  • All the patients were rehabilitated according to a modern protocol, permitting immediate full weight bearing and full range of motion.
  • There, within a remarkably short span, they built the sloop Saratoga (eight long guns, eighteen carronades), the Ticonderoga (twelve long guns, five carronades), and the Eagle (eight long guns, twelve carronades) and rehabilitated ten gunboats (oared ships with one gun each). Between War and Peace
  • You're going to have to decide if you want to punish us or rehabilitate us -- or even both. INSIDERS
  • The current government of St Lucia, however, is working hard to rehabilitate the school's reputation.
  • In Delhi, an International Labor Organization-backed pilot program gives instruction on how to rehabilitate discarded shoes.
  • He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer.
  • Like we've got to get rid of our feral animals, we've got to get rid of our pest plants, and then let the land rehabilitate itself.
  • In the United States, privately owned dwelling units for needy households constructed or rehabilitated with the assistance of government grants or low-interest loans.
  • But then Queensland seems to operate under some weird and wonderful political theology when it comes to who can be rehabilitated and who must remain in purgatory.
  • The Government has not prepared a plan to rehabilitate these people and the money given to them is not enough to construct a good house with all facilities.
  • They are allowed to return to sports four months postoperatively if their knee is rehabilitated sufficiently.
  • The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead normal lives when they leave prison.
  • The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead normal lives when they leave prison.
  • The Holy See says its decision to rehabilitate Bishop Williamson does not mean that it approves of his views, which have been condemned by the Pope and by senior Vatican officials.
  • We will plan to rehabilitate the run - down neighborhood.
  • The DRLPS has received a matching fund grant to rehabilitate the DeTour Reef Light's original diaphone foghorn system, to its 1931 configuration. Sault Ste. Marie Evening News Homepage RSS
  • It got the stuffing kicked out of it through much of the 20th century and became a byword for mystical, obscurantist thinking, but in recent decades it has been rehabilitated somewhat.
  • His "battler" reputation can't rehabilitate an unsustainably low strikeout rate (49 in 121 innings), though he will be helped by the Feliz addition. Mets Geek
  • Soil bulk density, non-capillary porosity decreased in large degree, and capillary porosity, capillary moisture capacity increased in different degree of different rehabilitated forest.
  • It was not intended to rehabilitate prisoners or to deter would-be criminals.
  • The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
  • But if British politics is to be rehabilitated it is going to take a great deal of hard thinking about how this government conducts itself.
  • There, within a remarkably short span, they built the sloop Saratoga (eight long guns, eighteen carronades), the Ticonderoga (twelve long guns, five carronades), and the Eagle (eight long guns, twelve carronades) and rehabilitated ten gunboats (oared ships with one gun each). Between War and Peace
  • Three medical clinics have been rehabilitated and opened and five new clinics are scheduled to be built, according to the ministry.
  • The military has even been called in to assist in environmental cleanup, promote wildlife conservation, rehabilitate public housing, rebuild bridges, and aid in other community projects.
  • Correct diagnosis is paramount to ensure that proper treatment is started so that athletes may be optimally rehabilitated and returned to sport in a timely fashion.
  • Elizabeth Fry had to struggle hard to prove that women could be rehabilitated, hence the wonder at her achievements in Newgate.
  • The South African international lock forward, who joined NEC Harlequins back in November, has worked tirelessly with Quins' medical team to rehabilitate this injury.
  • Louis-Philippe was prepared to rehabilitate Napoleon the general but not the emperor, so he put a statue of Napoleon wearing his famous greatcoat and hat on the Vendôme column in 1833.
  • The Stalinist leadership rehabilitated prerevolutionary military and cultural figures, while championing the Soviet state as the natural heir of the tsarist empire.
  • On the following morning the Signal Corps men went ashore in a small boat, and while some of the party rehabilitated the office, others underran the cable, cut in near the shore end, and after finding communication satisfactory with Cebu and Liloan, located the fault, the ship's volt-meter indicating when the small boat underrunning the cable came to the break. A Woman's Journey through the Philippines On a Cable Ship that Linked Together the Strange Lands Seen En Route
  • It is therefore important to welcome an announcement by Vice President that the Government wants to ensure that all the graders that belong to the State are rehabilitated.
  • Your file says you've served forty years of a life sentence. You feel you've been rehabilitated?
  • Also those facilities that can be brought back to usable conditions if comprehensively rehabilitated should be accorded the necessary attention.
  • After a year in the mental clinic, the patient is now rehabilitated
  • The braille workshop in Gloucester prison is designed to rehabilitate inmates, as well as helping blind and partially sighted children.
  • There was no money to rehabilitate the tower.
  • The MRP is a cooperative group of nonprofit, private, state and federal entities that monitors the health and survival of rehabilitated and released manatees. Manatee’s Rehabilitation at Epcot Over, Released back into wild | The Disney Blog
  • Successful transplantation greatly improves quality of life, and most patients are fully rehabilitated.
  • There has been no material compensation for others who have been formally rehabilitated, most of them victims of Stalin-era repressionist. Signs of the Times
  • Long underrated together with those other composers of the "English cowpat" tendency, Ernest John Moeran (1894-1950) is at last being rehabilitated. EJ Moeran: Complete Solo Songs
  • In addition, both agencies have joined forces to rehabilitate a nearby pond as a future breeding site for the rare frog.
  • The bill also contains a pilot program that would rehabilitate nearly a million acres that have been destroyed by roadbuilding, logging, grazing, and mining.
  • The proposal to add 18 inches to the dam could help rehabilitate the salmon fish stocks by artificially inducing the returning salmon to spawn.
  • * Batterers Intervention Programs (BIPs): Supports 15 certified batterer intervention programs provide vital services to rehabilitate abusers, assess dangerousness and provide critical informational referrals for partners and their children. Monday
  • As the Stasi crimes remain largely unatoned in legal terms, they believe it is time to rehabilitate them politically as well.
  • I first began practicing yoga some 10 years ago on the recommendation of a physician as a way to rehabilitate a hip flexor I injured running in post-war Bosnia. Kelly Moore: How To Avoid Getting Hurt In A Yoga Class
  • Some contractors have been awarded contracts to rehabilitate feeder roads in rural areas while others have been engaged to undertake road works for major roads.
  • Mogalakwena mine; the suspension of operations to rehabilitate shaft steelwork at the Turffontein Shaft of Rustenburg Section; and contract labour related work stoppages at Rustenburg Section, Kroondal and ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Dealers did not, however, completely rehabilitate their images.
  • Some of our formerly rescued and rehabilitated children are now the leaders and liberators in their own communities.
  • The civic authorities plead helplessness in feeding the vagrant population and point out that a proposal to rehabilitate them in the suburbs is hanging fire.
  • He said Government's plans and commitment to rehabilitate airstrips and international airports was good for the revival of the airline business, which would lead to the growth and development of the tourism sector.
  • Insurance companies pay for so little physical therapy anymore that few patients are fully rehabilitated by the time their insurance runs out.
  • By the time he was assigned to work at the electronics store in the late seventies, sports had been officially rehabilitated, and Shen’s work unit fielded a variety of teams to compete in a kind of intercity workers’ league. THE SECOND MARK
  • The first two oiled birds found since the spill, a northern gannet and a brown pelican, were cleaned, rehabilitated and released at Florida's Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, the National Audubon Society said. Engineers trying multiple tactics in battle to plug oil well in Gulf of Mexico
  • `And I'd like," Ginny continued serenely, as if he had not spoken, `to rehabilitate the Tower. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Some people might be asking is this an attempt for you to try to rehabilitate your reputation?
  • I would vote against any reinstatement of the death penalty without a second's hesitation and support plans to rehabilitate criminals.
  • According to the theories and principles of ecological succession, several measures to rehabilitate the degraded wetland ecosystem should be taken.
  • The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead normal lives when they leave prison.
  • He has also followed their fortunes in the post-war period, showing how they rehabilitated their careers and reconstructed their network of activities.
  • It massages its figures by claiming that the organization has rehabilitated 1,000 schools.
  • We are unable to manage his problems or rehabilitate him.
  • I believe he can be rehabilitated, and I would be willing to work closely with others in making this possible.
  • Though forced to work at a very early age, these children are rehabilitated in these centres and prepared for regular education so that after a year or two they can join the local schools.
  • The braille workshop in Gloucester prison is designed to rehabilitate inmates, as well as helping blind and partially sighted children.
  • They have a new night that promises to rehabilitate the northern club scene, go check it out!
  • It's a place that rehabilitates dolphins rescued from dolphinarium and circus, and even those retired from military careers.
  • There's 2,200 schools that have been rehabilitated; 120 hospitals up and running; 1,200 medical centers going.
  • `And I'd like," Ginny continued serenely, as if he had not spoken, `to rehabilitate the Tower. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Meetings and workshops are underway to discuss how and if the event will be rehabilitated.
  • Terry Johnson, administrator of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp., wants to see the seaway, which is too small for most oceangoing vessels now, rehabilitated and its infrastructure improved to accommodate container ships from Europe and Asia. - RSS
  • In a similar vein, John Armstrong rehabilitated the sailing coaster in its unique role as freight transporter between British ports.
  • You're going to have to decide if you want to punish us or rehabilitate us -- or even both. INSIDERS
  • The patients were rehabilitated in a boot with a heel lift and were permitted full weightbearing as soon as tolerated.
  • He tries to rehabilitate himself in today's column: ‘Don't prettify our history.’
  • She said the mayor named him to the Disability Council because he believed a person deserved a chance to rehabilitate himself.
  • Stalin had to rehabilitate his predecessors to make his style appear progressive.
  • It's taken you years to rehabilitate your reputation and you finally seemed to have mended bridges with the Royal Family.
  • The outbound tunnel was rehabilitated last year and is being used for inbound traffic this year.
  • About one-fifth of the degraded local road pavements are rehabilitated by chemical stabilisation in Australia.
  • Our disgraced teacher was publicly rehabilitated by school authorities.
  • David Allen makes a good point, but the fact is, however much we help rehabilitate prisoners, it's the life they return to in civvie street that is important. Pentonville ..The Liberal Folly
  • The project to rehabilitate airports started in the year 2000.
  • We have written a major proposal to rehabilitate the house in which we are illegally squatting.
  • You don't go to jails and see screws whose main aim is to rehabilitate people.
  • The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
  • Several early twentieth-century buildings have been rehabilitated.
  • The bank was ready to reschedule debts and provide soft loans to help its clients rehabilitate their business.
  • We're very strong on trying to rehabilitate people on drugs.
  • The prison service should try to rehabilitate prisoners so that they can lead normal lives when they leave prison.
  • A new job scheme, backed by the Prince's Trust, providing rehabilitated former addicts with vital work experience, will be introduced later this year.
  • 'Change taking place' is a unique content of experience, one of those 'conjunctive' objects which radical empiricism seeks so earnestly to rehabilitate and preserve. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • Josee Bowman , a dancer with the Royal Danish Ballet, and Jessie Lee , a retired Royal Danish Ballet dancer who has been the company's Pilates instructor for 15 years, are helping to rehabilitate severely wounded soldiers using Pilates—the fitness method developed by German Joseph Pilates in the 1920s to help recondition injured World War I veterans. War Wounds and Tutus
  • 'If I can rehabilitate just one out of 50 "outies" I will be happy,’ he said.
  • He was set free and rehabilitated as chief engineer.
  • We're working to rehabilitate the roads, earning 24,000 ariary a week.
  • Cesar Millan has rehabilitated hundreds of problem pooches over the years, but tonight's episode marks a first for the canine-counselor extraordinaire, who finds out whether his techniques will hold up in the wild when he works with three dogs that have been crossbred with wolves. Tonight's TV Hot List: Friday, Oct. 29, 2010
  • In recent decades, with the general antiromantic reaction, much has been done to rehabilitate the “classical” English literature, particularly in scholarly circles. CLASSICISM IN LITERATURE

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