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How To Use Regurgitate In A Sentence

  • The following symptoms may be present: noisy or labored breathing, especially with eating difficulty eating and swallowing – the child regurgitates milk or other food dysphagia – the child feels like something is “stuck in the throat”; the child keeps choking or feels like he or she is choking on food persistent cough acid reflux Vascular Ring
  • Mostly, they can regurgitate facts, theories - they can prepare for exams.
  • It is much easier to regurgitate previously assembled information than to ascertain new relationships and organize original categories and assimilations.
  • Till recently, they were feeding on the regurgitated food provided by the mother.
  • Indigestible materials like fur, feathers and insect exoskeletons, if swallowed, are regurgitated in a pellet.
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  • The jays were going cuckoo over the Cheezie Nuggies, most definitely savoring the zesty cheddary richness, scurrying back to their nests to regurgitate from their crops their loads of dull little seeds and romping expectantly back to my windowsill for a fresh new load of Nug-gies. Shampoo Planet
  • Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.
  • They are forced to swallow and later regurgitate foreign objects, which Onokoko then displays as proof of demonic possession.
  • Facts were received, processed, stored then regurgitated, pitched perfectly at the needs of essay and exam marker.
  • Any moment now he was going to regurgitate breakfast.
  • The bee transports her precious contents to the hive, where she regurgitates it from the honey sac to a waiting house bee.
  • Don't regurgitate the stuff given in the textbook.
  • Stomach acid that is repeatedly regurgitated can damage the lining of the gullet.
  • When this happens, achalasia patients can experience chest pains, and often regurgitate their food. The Guardian
  • Next, they regurgitate digestive fluid into their victim's bodies, essentially liquefying them in their shells.
  • The verb is derived from the Latin word for "chewed over," which describes the act of digestion in cattle, in which they swallow, regurgitate and then rechew their food. Wired Top Stories
  • Some birds and animals regurgitate food to feed their young.
  • The water regurgitated as soon as the pump stopped.
  • If someone with this condition being fed by tube develops a problem, they may regurgitate and choke on their food.
  • The same journalists endlessly regurgitate the same empty nonsense about climate change.
  • The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night
  • It's this kind of question that gets me wondering about the subjective nature of success and what it means for kids in grade school, where the "grade" is often an ingenuine assessment, consisting solely of what they can regurgitate on paper, or whether they can fill in the right pattern of bubbles on a Scantron sheet. Nspblues Diary Entry
  • Nice in a bodyguard," lectured the marquis," is about as useful as the ability to regurgitate whole lobsters. NEVERWHERE
  • Nice in a bodyguard," lectured the marquis," is about as useful as the ability to regurgitate whole lobsters. NEVERWHERE
  • They feel that to be successful they simply have to regurgitate the material during examinations.
  • Well, it's essentially a regurgitated digest of the original, in which D'Souza stamps his itty-bitty feet and insists that Obama's following in his father's Kenyan footsteps in his "determination" to "confiscate" the "wealth" of "those on top. Dinesh D'Souza Docks In America's Safest Harbor For Lackwits [UPDATE]
  • In canids such as wolves or wild dogs, usually only the dominant, or alpha, male and female in a pack reproduce, but younger group members hunt with the mother and return to the den to regurgitate predigested meat into the mouths of her pups.
  • The water regurgitated as soon as the pump stopped.
  • Some birds and animals regurgitate food to feed their young.
  • I am very sorry, but you haff not regurgitated the talking-points ve haff given you to repeat like a mindless lemming! Think Progress » Fox News Military Analyst Endorses DADT Repeal, Criticizes McCain For Flip-Flopping
  • Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.
  • This of course is a rare quality to find in journalists these days you excepted of course Joanna! as the modern media man or woman is content to regurgitate the 'party line' dressed up in all sorts of buzz word condiments trying to make their tabloid more palatable than the opposition. And readers of this blog...
  • I felt so out of it that James had to stop the car for me to catch a breath of fresh air before I regurgitated that morning's breakfast in the car.
  • She frequently regurgitated undigested food, which alleviated the pressure and chest discomfort.
  • Prey is often swallowed whole, and the fur, feathers, and bones are later regurgitated in pellets.
  • The bird regurgitates half-digested fish to feed its young.
  • The new leader did very little other than regurgitate a tired old line that seemed to have been flogged to death by many a centre-right politician.
  • Those children who prove best able to adapt to the system and the speed of it all are deemed ‘bright’ because they were able to focus on the narrow confines of subject matter and regurgitate it.
  • When they chew their cud , they regurgitate some food renew all this gas comes out.
  • There is just no limit to the detritus that Palin will regurgitate and gift-wrap to sell to gullible sycophants, is there? Second Palin book due in November
  • For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information
  • And there were always enough hacks about to swallow and regurgitate the disinformation they were fed daily.
  • It is much easier to regurgitate previously assembled information than to ascertain new relationships and organize original categories and assimilations.
  • Patients may miss appointments, may not actually swallow the pills, or may deliberately regurgitate the medications.
  • If I wanted to hear Archie Bunker type opinionate rants I would listen to Limbaugh — the simple fact is the world is full of these bigoted opinion spewers and living in Texas I can find one of these idiots at the local dairy queen out in the outlying areas eating them some chicken fried steak fingers and speaking the same idiotic wisdom consistently regurgitates. Think Progress » Limbaugh on Michael J. Fox: ‘I Take Back None of What I Said’
  • This is what I call trickle down news, because we receive it after its been edited, re-edited, chewed, regurgitated and totally disguised. Biga's Rants - A user blog
  • Indigestible matter like fur and bones are neatly regurgitated in the form of pellets.
  • She reads that and studies it, and then believe it or not, regurgitates all of the symptoms in that book back to Hutchinson.
  • Many students simply regurgitate what they hear in lectures.
  • And since they were still laughing and could regurgitate whole chunks from the sketches, they all appeared to be telling the truth. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • Opposite, a humbler twelfth-century ambo has a paired mosaic motif, showing Jonah being eaten and then regurgitated by a twirly-tailed whale.
  • In making their nests, the birds cement a scaffolding of tiny twigs together with a sticky substance which has been variously identified as coming from regurgitated seaweed, such as agar-agar, or as being simply the birds' own saliva.
  • The kids are encouraged to not just regurgitate information they find on the Internet, but instead process it and use it to help express their own ideas.
  • Here's another standard Social Security Slasher move: Members of the Peterson contingent love to congratulate themselves on the "courage" and "boldness" it takes to regurgitate and promote predigested falsehoods in return for a future filled with consultancies, commission slots, and think tank appointments. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Ministry of Truth: New Fronts in the War on Social Security
  • The blood regurgitates into the heart ventricle
  • She frequently regurgitated undigested food, which alleviated the pressure and chest discomfort.
  • Before six months of age chicks continue to stay around the nest as their parents bring back food and regurgitate it for them.
  • Cormorants and shags regurgitate pellets of fish bones and scales daily.
  • Most simply regurgitate the same old reductive, formulaic information.
  • The research service regurgitated a report early last week which said that ethics law required all members of the commission to make public a list of any clients who'd paid them over $5,000 within the last two years.
  • Patients may miss appointments, may not actually swallow the pills, or may deliberately regurgitate the medications.
  • I really felt like I was going to regurgitate the biscuits I'd consumed at my brother's house.
  • This story's been told as many times as the regurgitated hot dog, but hey, this is the weekend for nostalgia overdosage. The Hogettes in Canton
  • The bureau confirmed it to Anderson even though J. Edgar Hoover had called him "a flea-ridden dog" who was "lower than the regurgitated filth of vultures. A new book reveals depths of columnist Jack Anderson's anti-Nixon tactics
  • It tried to gauge how well pupils were able to apply their knowledge in real life rather than simply regurgitate facts and figures.
  • One has the impression that Greenfield was informed she would be asked about this period in Freud's early psychoanalytic career, so she mugged it up from a psychoanalytic source and regurgitated it as best she could.
  • Although, like most other mediums, she was regularly searched before seances, many believe she swallowed and later regurgitated the material.
  • Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.
  • Sometimes he regurgitates the food we give him because he cannot swallow.
  • I hardly listen to radio in the morning, except to quickly digest the news, much of which is regurgitated from the previous night anyway.
  • He's living off regurgitated food from his mother at the moment.
  • Other species, such as thrushes and manakins, usually regurgitate the largest seeds they ingest.
  • Don't regurgitate the stuff given in the textbook.
  • Stomach acid that is repeatedly regurgitated can damage the lining of the gullet.
  • When asked for assistance by constituent veterans, the Mayor's Office of Veterans 'Affairs and other local and state leaders repeatedly regurgitate the same by now feculent phrase. Luis Carlos Montalván: Mayor MIA on Veterans' Affairs
  • And since they were still laughing and could regurgitate whole chunks from the sketches, they all appeared to be telling the truth. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • PS: and the above Press piece was in yesterdays paper, yet the incident they regurgitated was nearly 3 years ago. A Spade Is A Spade. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The water regurgitated as soon as the pump stopped.
  • The usual specious arguments we see in one country are now being regurgitated in others.
  • In some vultures, the adults instead regurgitate food into the mouths of the chicks.
  • Once my brain has absorbed the week, and can regurgitate it coherently, I'll record my doings here as usual.
  • You KNOW you are too stupid to think for yourself so you regurgitate what you have been told to think and snivel like the punk you are. Think Progress » POLL: More Than 70% Of Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Comfortable Serving Alongside Openly Gay Troops
  • The world has got to stop this craven, cloying, tacit support for a religious group, based on the obscenities of the past, regularly regurgitated as justification for 21st century human butchery.
  • Some birds and animals regurgitate food to feed their young.
  • The 'catastrophic consequences' that we coarse bloggers are concerned with emanate from the anthropomorphist phenomenon of recycled bovine excrement being regurgitated from the mouths of lobbyists for further ingestion by the credulous; to influence them into supporting the vested interests of some very wicked ideologues. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • You really must get your facts straight efore you simply regurgitate what you see and hear on Fox News. Think Progress » O’Reilly on ThinkProgress: ‘All Decent Americans Should Reject These Haters’
  • Experts who choose to facilitate inquiry, rather than regurgitate their expertise, can be the most valued educators in our world.
  • The poison can cause a fast heart or a paralyzed palate with fluids regurgitated through the nose.
  • And it starts pecking and the mother then regurgitates half digested food into the gaping mouth of the chick, the chick swallows it and it's happy.
  • They want a populace that will absorb spin as fact and regurgitate it when ‘tested’ on election day.
  • Those judging come September time should not kowtow to the idea that we need to regurgitate past glories in order for the results to be recognisable to an international audience.
  • KURT VONNEGUT commented on the recent increase in hurricane intensity and frequency by saying and i paraphrase .. ‘the eath is sick of humans and is trying to regurgitate us up’!! how true!! Think Progress » Jonah Goldberg: Concerns About Climate Change Are ‘Millenarian Battiness’
  • Additionally, the grudging acceptance of the Welsh victory was subsumed beneath an avalanche of regurgitated nonsense on qualification from the previous week.
  • ** After digestion, the Komodo dragon regurgitates a mass of horns, hair, and teeth known as the gastric pellet, which is covered in malodorous mucus. Nature Is Awesome: The Komodo Dragon

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