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regulatory agency

  1. a governmental agency that regulates businesses in the public interest

How To Use regulatory agency In A Sentence

  • But the only "oncolytic virus" so far approved by a regulatory agency is for treatment of head and neck cancer in China.
  • Because he works for a regulatory agency.
  • On May 6, 2002, the nation's premier product regulatory agency announced at a juvenile product manufacturing show that it is only safe for infants to sleep in approved cribs or playpens.
  • The lack of a moral mandate threatens the regulatory agency's legitimacy as an enforcement authority.
  • Your editorial accurately depicts what a Labor Department proposal to change the regulatory agency's definition of the phrase "fiduciary" might to do the retirement-investment industry. Please Don't Make Something Worse That Is Working
  • The auditors also criticized the Office of Thrift Supervision, the federal regulatory agency that oversees nationally chartered savings & loans, saying the agency  “did not adequately address Suburban’s problems early enough to prevent a material loss to the FDIC fund” and “did not adequately monitor the thrift’s actions through field visits” to ensure that any corrections regulators did suggest were actually made. Reports on failed banks show shoddy oversight
  • The lack of a moral mandate threatens the regulatory agency's legitimacy as an enforcement authority.
  • Indeed, the government now desires a new regulatory agency under a sort of "czar for access."
  • Conservatives have long warned that the Obama FCC might revive the doctrine anyway, so it's only fair to note when a regulatory agency resists the urge to overregulate. Fairness Doctrine, R.I.P.
  • The criteria for advertisement production and transmission shall be established by the central regulatory agency.
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