How To Use Regulating In A Sentence
Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
I want to see Randy answer this question: 1. Accepting arguendo that mandating a person to buy health insurance is not regulation of commerce, there is no question that the rest of the bill is regulating the interstate market in health insurance*.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Quick Response to Randy on the Use of “Unprecedented”
The representative different-type models refer to Market Model, Participation Model, Flexible Government Model and Deregulating Government Model.
A bummel, the narrator eventually explains, is "a journey, long or short, without an end; the only thing regulating it being the necessity of getting back within a given time to the point from which one started.
Archive 2008-12-01
Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control.
Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine

Political authorities were interested mainly in maintaining harmony within and among these different self-regulating bodies.
Although the fitting of the saddle should as far as practicable be limited to the adjustment of the shape of the tree and to regulating the amount of stuffing in the panel; the use of a numdah with a saddle which does not fit the horse or which is not sufficiently stuffed, is often a valuable makeshift when necessity gives no other choice.
The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
And opportunities are expanding in newly deregulating industries such as cellular telecom and broadband, airlines, and port infrastructure.
Also, few modern regulating structures exist and the systems need to be rationalized to eliminate duplication or resources and increase the irrigable area.
During the long post-war boom, argues Aglietta, such flexibility had not been an important regulating mechanism.
These observations suggest that the mutated tyrosine phosphatases are tumor suppressor genes, regulating cellular pathways that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention.
Political scientists use the term corporatism to describe a practice whereby a state, through the process of licensing and regulating officially-incorporated social, religious, economic, or popular organizations, effectively co-opts their leadership or circumscribes their ability to challenge state authority by establishing the state as the source of their legitimacy, as well as sometimes running them, either directly or indirectly through corporations.
Libertarian Blog Place
If the show is found to have breached the code of conduct regulating the use of premium phone lines, viewers could be entitled to their money back.
Perhaps Mr. Martin thinks that regulating the prices and service offerings of Comcast and Verizon and their brethren is a good way to get them to invest billions in next-generation networks.
Cable Industry to F.C.C.: Don’t Ask About Our Rates - Bits Blog -
I regard these observations as applicable to the position of a self-regulating organisation.
There was no code of practice regulating the issue in Ireland, which restricted the ability of ordinary customers to shop around, he said.
The theory of "kidney corresponding with winter" has substance basis. Its regulating mechanism is related to conarium's regulation to differential expression of gene in testical.
Comfort measures are initiated intraoperatively, including use of a temperature-regulating blanket and IV fluid warmer and padding all bony prominences.
It has also been understood for some time that the functions of these and several other primary reflex centers are integrated in the mesencephalon, that is, the grey matter, grouped in several nuclei, which is located below the hemispheres of the cerebrum, in immediate proximity to the hypophysis, which exercises a regulating influence on a great many vegetative functions.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1949 - Presentation Speech
The researchers found that deactivating the basolateral amygdala, a brain region involved in regulating emotion, specifically blocked consumption of a fatty diet in a rat.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
The up - regulating of required reserve ratio will deflate money supply.
This is largely a self-regulating body and was set up as an alternative to Parliament's providing statutory regulations.
The researchers focused on an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is involved in a variety of physiologic functions, from regulating blood pressure to controlling inflammation and contracting muscles. Top Stories
‘We discovered the mood-regulating circuit by using the gene to interrogate the imaging data,’ explained Weinberger.
The Committee concluded that a more self-regulating system was needed.
This is since regulating jailbreaking collection have been the stand in edged sword.
Archive 2009-11-01
Based on this theory, a self-regulating AVR regulator is designed for the synchronous generator to be synchronized with the existed power system very quickly.
Here, I formulate four rules that are generally accepted among scientists and that, if consequently applied, serve as a self-regulating system.
General anesthesia inactivates the body's temperature regulating mechanism and transforms the homeothermic body into a poikilothermic body - one that is altered by the temperature of the environment.
From the methodological lesson he took from Einstein to the insights gained in his own high-pressure physics, an important focus of Bridgman's operationalism was on regulating the extension of concepts to uncharted domains.
Objective: To explore the regulatory effect of clearing Heat secreting bile regulating Qi flow and activating blood circulation (CSRA) principle on cholecystokinin receptor (CCK R) and its mechanism.
The escapement is the regulating organ of the watch, and at the heart of this new creation, the constant escapement is a blade of silicium, finer than a human hair.
Style: Timing Is Everything
You can convert profits to losses, put money in phony loans, buy businesses without people knowing who you are, and evade all laws regulating money.
Then, by concentrating on the various standardized contracts of different companies, comparing them breadthways and lengthwise, I reach a conclusion that these standardized contracts, which neglect consumers’ rights with unfair content, are in urgent need of regulating.
We look to business and the market to invest and develop financial capital, and the State has a role in regulating the economy.
Furthermore, by regulating the module duty - ratios, the unbalance batteries in charge capacity can be equalized properly.
The Admiralty order, "Let the Regulating Captains send them as he desires," [Footnote: _Admiralty Records_ 1. 1983
The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
Kiyokawa N, Katagiri YU, Taguchi T, Suzuki T, et al. (2000) Globotriaosyl ceramide (CD77/Gb3) in the glycolipid-enriched membrane domain participates in B-cell receptor-mediated apoptosis by regulating lyn kinase activity in human
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Together these studies indicate the sex steroids are likely to play a role in regulating anthozoan gametogenesis and/or spawning.
The researchers focused on an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 COX-2, which is involved in a variety of physiologic functions, from regulating blood pressure to controlling inflammation and contracting muscles. Top Stories
UES has made repeated assurances that what it calls a transitional period will be launched in July, deregulating a quarter of capacity contracts until 2011, when the remainder will also be fully liberalized.
Some European Energy Companies
With a heavy inflow of pilgrims adding to the hectic business activity on the streets branching out from the temple, regulating traffic is not an easy task.
As I mentioned, a prescription retinoid keeps acne in control by regulating cell turnover and keeping the pores unblocked, which is half the battle.
Simple Skin Beauty
In spring and summer and autumn the rooms were delightful, with their old - fashioned solid furniture, their subdued colors and tints, their elaborate arrangements for regulating the inpour of light.
The Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig; a Novel
I wonder just who is regulating and policing all this as well as making the lawyers even wealthier.
In the context of a liberal democratic society, this is a preferred approach to either party having a monopoly of power or the government regulating all aspects of employment.
The bill does not contain an express provision regulating the prescription of medical devices.
It appears that the purine metabolic system in humans has found a way to avoid the overproduction of uric acid by downregulating the Xor gene expression, the product converting hypoxanthine to xanthine and further xanthine to uric acid.
Some economists question the effectiveness of monetary control as a means of regulating the economy.
This means that regulating the fishing practices around the world would be useful in preventing the crown-of-thorns from destroying reefs.
Crown-of-thorn sea star
In this Street interview Levitt neglects to mention that he also "ducked" on financial regulation -- when he teamed up with Alan Greenspan, Bob Rubin and Larry Summers to prevent Brooksley Born from regulating the OTC derivatives market.
Iris Mack: How Former SEC Chairman Levitt "Ducked" on Financial Regulation (videos)
As for question (5) — one aspect of it is whether education or a certain kind or part of education should be public or not, whether the state should be an edu - cator in the sense of regulating and supporting some or all of the educational enterprise within its bounds.
Regulating Authorities may authorize different methods of making calls.
With the influx of giveaway papers hitting city streets, Sydney's Lord Mayor plans to introduce a new policy regulating the distribution of newspapers and magazines.
There would be special rules regulating the disposal of slashings, methods of cutting timber, and of extracting forest products such as pulpwood or naval stores.
The School Book of Forestry
Two concepts were sacrosanct: that tax cuts would be self-financing, and financial markets self-regulating.
Times, Sunday Times
Her ad says Griffin "opposes regulating Wall Street.
Congressional races heat up with personal attacks
Forests play a key role in moderating the climate, regulating water systems, preventing erosion, alleviating air pollution, and providing wildlife habitat.
There are a number of research papers showing that, for example, maltreated children have, already in childhood, abnormalities in the pre-frontal cortex that may have an impact on their neuropsychological function, especially executive function, things like sustained attention or regulating emotions, said Danese.
Depression in adulthood twice as likely for those abused as children
Accordingly, the view that government would be better off regulating rather than owning various key utilities, including media and telecommunications, is now ideologically uncontentious.
Fiscal irresponsibility is deregulating everything and allowing greed to run rampant.
Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
Langley B, Thomas M, Bishop A, Sharma M, Gilmour S, et al. (2002) Myostatin inhibits myoblast differentiation by down-regulating MyoD expression.
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Finally, the conspicuous polychaete sponge Isodlctya erinacea produces the yellow pigment erebusinone, a tryptophan catabolite similar to catabolites regulating crustacean molting.
I found a number of sites championing approaches to healthy eating based on regulating minerals and trace elements which appealed to me.
Thanks to the labours of those observers who have devoted their attention to that difficult but most important branch of study, organogeny, or the investigation of the development of the various organs, and to the researches of the students of comparative anatomy or morphology, the main principles regulating the arrangement and form of the organs of flowering plants seem to be fairly well established, though in matters of detail much remains to be cleared up, even in such important points as the share which the axis takes in the construction of the flower and fruit, the nature of the placenta, the construction of the ovules, and other points.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Did we have idiots regulating morons or mice monitoring vipers?
After market close Monday, the world's largest medical device maker reported a slight rebound in its heart-regulating implantable cardiovert defibrillator business.
Medtronic Growth Still Foggy
This chemical has several important functions, including regulating motivation, mood and movement.
The ANN - based load observer is applied to the synchronous motor speed regulating system.
He holds that the observations in myxedema, in obesity, and psoriasis warrant the belief that the thyroid gland eliminates a material having a regulating influence upon the constitution of the panniculus adiposus and upon the nutrition of the skin in general.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The Committee may standing orders for regulating the procedure at, and in connection with, its meetings.
Even the Broadcasting Standards Tribunal has concluded that parents cannot be solely responsible for regulating and monitoring the content of television viewed by children.
We had literally, therefore, no mode, of regulating our course but by once more trusting to the steadiness of the wind; and it was not a little amusing, as well as novel, to see the quartermaster conning the ship by looking at the dogvane.
Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 1
One of these formal tracings is color-coded according to the materials employed, and it details the contours and regulating lines for a silver-gilt ciborium (Pl. XII).
By regulating salt levels through production of an enzyme called renin (as well as other substances), the kidneys ensure that blood pressure is regulated.
Further understanding the mechanisms regulating the self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells, is crucial to the ex vivo expansion of HSCs for further development of stem cell-based therapies.
Its emphasis on the self-regulating and potentially liberating character of traditional law is often overdrawn.
The products of regulatory genes are only involved in regulating other genes and their products do not serve any other function.
He holds that the observations in myxedema, in obesity, and psoriasis warrant the belief that the thyroid gland eliminates a material having a regulating influence upon the constitution of the panniculus adiposus and upon the nutrition of the skin in general.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
After two years, Clarke had figured out exactly where to place the cyclodextrin ring inside the nanopore to identify the passing bases.33 As an added bonus, the setup could also distinguish bases that have been methylated, that is, tagged with a small chemical group widely thought to be a crucial mechanism in regulating gene activity a field known as epigenomics.
The $1,000 Genome
It is one of ideal health appliances, which can be used for improving blood circulation and the process of metabolism, curing muscle sore, regulating biorhythm nerves, and dispelling fatigue.
Although many genes regulating root hair development have been isolated in Arabidopsis, knowledge of molecular mechanism of root hair development in monocot cereal crops is largely unclear.
They also possess ductless endocrine glands that play a critical role in regulating the body metabolism.
The numerical equation about regulating valves resistance and discharge characteristics is established according to their relation.
In addition to its role in regulating glucose metabolism, insulin stimulates lipogenesis, diminishes lipolysis, and increases amino acid transport into cells.
The theory of "kidney corresponding with winter" has substance basis. Its regulating mechanism is related to conarium's regulation to differential expression of gene in testical.
Laws regulating financial interactions survive from as early as the eighteenth century BC, when King Hammurabi of Babylon had a number of them written in Mesopotamian stone, or rather rock, namely superhard diorite.
The English Is Coming!
The psyche is a self-regulating system that maintains its equilibrium just as the body does.
In contrast, no previous treaty or customary rule existed regulating method of combat in internal armed conflict.
He also warned their opposition could backfire because he was now intent on deregulating the restaurant sector.
An increase in turgor also causes a depolarization in the turgor-regulating charophytes Chara longifolia and Lamprothamnium succinctum.
These chemicals change the experience of pain and release other chemicals, such as hormones, that influence the body's self-regulating systems.
The trade group, based in Arlington Heights, Ill., is among a coalition of financial-planning groups that have lobbied for more tightly regulating the profession.
Consumer Issues on Financial Planners Remain, Says GAO
And to investigate the action and mechanism of Antang Pill on how to influence diabetic rats blood glucose regulating hormones and improve its supersession disorder state.
The T-handle and second head portion unscrews from the rest of the pump to reveal a CO2 inflator complete with a threaded 16-gram cartridge and button for regulating air flow.
These genes encode proteins that are involved in regulating the expression of homeotic genes by changing chromatin structure.
They included a region involved in regulating negative emotions and another called the cingulate, which activates when the brain makes judgments about forgiveness, among other things.
Partisan Neurons
It acts as the body's principal circadian pacemaker, regulating and entraining daily rhythms of physiology and behavior.
I'm quite bad at regulating my voice, as many people who've publicly shushed me can attest.
Many warned about the consequences of deregulating an industry dominated by giant regional monopolies.
What it teaches us is that this self-regulating system has no need of humanity, does not exist for the sake of humanity, and will regulate itself in ignorance of humanity's fate.
Day length is usually the most critical factor in regulating vegetative growth, flower initiation and development, and the induction of dormancy.
During the long post-war boom, argues Aglietta, such flexibility had not been an important regulating mechanism.
Regulating pornography is not for the faint-hearted.
'Porn producers live in a parallel world'
Therefore it suggests that applying the reinforcing and reducing methods correctly is of great importance for regulating the abnormal function of the patients.
Ultimately, to qualify as being alive, an organism must be self-regulating and self-sustaining.
Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
One of these formal tracings is color-coded according to the materials employed, and it details the contours and regulating lines for a silver-gilt ciborium.
The Bush administration made the crisis even worse by deregulating Wall Street.
This aspect has to be closely monitored by regulating agencies, and defaulters must be threatened with closure of business, failing compliance.
Sorry mpowell but, regulating and subsidizing is not producing wealth in the economic sense of the word.
Matthew Yglesias » When the Federal Government Tightens Its Belt, Who Feels The Squeeze?
Factors regulating fatty acid synthesis and controlling total oil content in oilseed crops are still poorly understood.
The Taoist theory of prolonging life by quietism and dispassionateness, by regulating one's breath, and using medicines is untenable.
The SABR? rifle utilizes our patented self-regulating short-stroke gas-piston operating system ensuring unparalleled reliability in the harshest theaters of operation.
With a sophisticated financial structure providing financial assets… control over money alone is a decreasingly efficient means of regulating flows of loanable funds and spending on goods and services.
Even early in the book, there are signs that politics isn't Mr. Raban's forte, as when he describes the federal government's practice of subsidizing timber companies rather than regulating them with the term "laissez-faire.
An Englishman Lights Out
That local authorities seek to formalise such choices shows their curious understanding of democratic engagement, as complicating, regulating and ratifying simple day-to-day decisions.
The USDA needs to publicly document every single secret trial crop in the nation, and demonstrate a genuine commitment to regulating the biopharmaceutical industry.
Pyrexia is an effect due to pyretic cytokine and negatively regulating factors, the reaction is about the regulatory increasing of temperature caused by the response of pyrogen from the body.
The results show that regulation by the fluid coupling, a three-impulse method of regulating water supply system built up in a short time, a small amount of overshoot.
In addition, a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism is responsible for mediating neurogenic vasodilatation and for regulating functions of the respiratory, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal tracts.
Freud approaches this situation by way of the model of the primeval id set against the cultivations of the superego; Marcuse counterpoints the libidinous Eros impulse against the regulating structures of Civilisation.
The plant isn't directly emmenagogic, however, but recommended for regulating the menstrual cycle and preventing cramps, etc.
Rapunzel, Parsley & Pregnancy
Cannon (1932) applied the term homeostasis (coined by 18th-century physician Claude Bernard) to this powerful self-regulating capability.
Stress and the Manager
The concept of hormones as potent substances regulating physical processes in organisms implied a drastic change in the paradigm of physiology.
During the last 20 weeks, they made some expected stops on issues like abortion, voter ID, and immigration, and some unexpected ones for shooting hogs from helicopters, regulating puppy mills and making it legal to pull catfish out of the water with your bare hands, a feat known as noodling.
NYT > Home Page
The white-coated, hair-netted, thoroughly scrubbed-up and hosed-down food safety establishment talks a language of "bio-security", "hazard analysis" and "critical control points", but the truth is that the food industry is largely self-regulating.
The food chain is almost broken. Who will reforge the links of trust? | Joanna Blythman
The best method a self - regulating homeostatic system which you could put precisely in a human body.
First, when the number of molecules regulating a biological process becomes countably small, chance distributions come into play such that some regulatory molecules can vary severalfold between individual cells.
In a presentation made on the subject of regulating SOBs to the Texas City Attorneys Association meeting in 2006, attorneys William M. McKamie and Bradford E. Bullock of San Antonio pointed out that "generally a city may not use a zoning ordinance to effectively preclude adult businesses from locating within the city" and "[c] ase law has established that nonobscene adult entertainment is a protected First Amendment activity for which local governments must make sites reasonably available. stories
I don't plan on playing silly name games with those who plan on regulating speech for our own good.
By crossbreeding them with other gene-targeted mice, it has been possible to deduce the importance of genes regulating inflammation, lipid metabolism, blood pressure and other factors proposed to be involved in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease [64].
The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
Sponges are capable of regulating the amount of flow through their bodies by the constriction of various openings.
Such results may be explained by the hypothesis that serotonin is more responsible for regulating mood than for controlling alcohol cravings.
Three sets of arcing tests were carried out by way of regulating three influencing parameters on the arc current of ion source for DNB(diagnostic neutral beam)system, ie.
If government can't do their job in regulating private industry, why should I trust that they can take over and manage the same services that they failed to regulate?
WH may push through health care reform without Republicans
Interest in thermo-regulating wearable technology seems to be on the rise, she says.
In the fifth chapter, discusses the theory and method used in the problem regulating verbs semantic attribute fields and its value in Mongolian grammar information dictionary.
Are we not ourselves creating our successors in the supremacy of the earth? daily adding to the beauty and delicacy of their organisation, daily giving them greater skill and supplying more and more of that self-regulating self-acting power which will be better than any intellect?
Measures are now being taken to decrease the impact of fisheries on A. rostrata populations in the United States, such as more closely regulating harvesting of glass eels and elvers.
Each skate has two bearings in each wheel, regulating the speed at which the wheels spin.
Muscle paralysis after spinal cord injury is partly caused by a loss of brainstem-derived serotonin (5-HT), which normally maintains motoneuron excitability by regulating crucial persistent calcium currents.
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Regulating inactivity is EXPLICITLY permitted, so long as it is necessary and proper to the regulation of interstate commerce.
Matthew Yglesias » Constitutional Objections to Health Reform
For example, do individuals have a fixed capacity to regulate their emotions and attention or, as Buddhist tradition argues, their capacity for regulating these processes are greatly amenable to change suggesting similar degree of amenability of the behavioral and brain systems associated with these functions?
Science at the Crossroads
Radiation induces nuclear regulating proteins, these are able to regulate cytokines, which may themselves have secondary effects on eicosanoids.
The use of self-regulating mechanisms to explain long-term stability has a long history in ecology but has been notoriously difficult to demonstrate in practice.
And I am increasingly of the view that it’s not just that the CS code doesn’t properly account for social media, there’s actual a wider problem with regulating and allowing for what you might broadly call ’social movement’ politics generally.
Why I’m going dark for purdah at Helpful Technology
These observations suggest that the mutated tyrosine phosphatases are tumor suppressor genes, regulating cellular pathways that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention.
They were the overregulating--they tended to overregulate.
Class War Stories
Thus ash has two main uses in the body: (_a_) _it aids in building the body_; and (_b_) _it aids in regulating body processes_.
School and Home Cooking
This Boy is so busy regulating both Parties and both Leagues that when it comes time for his Brood to take an Outing, some ignorant Outsider has to step in and unbelt.
Ade's Fables
Where the society has a “compelling, subordinating interest” in regulating population size, the right of the individual may be curtailed.
Science Czar John Holdren denies the ‘right of women to choose?’ - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
The present invention provides a method for making magnetic driving structure capable of regulating window curtain in the hollow glass.
Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.
Mr. Sarkozy wants the EU to go further, especially in regulating what he called speculation.
Sarkozy Prods Regulators
Freud approaches this situation by way of the model of the primeval id set against the cultivations of the superego; Marcuse counterpoints the libidinous Eros impulse against the regulating structures of Civilisation.
Barack Obama wants the Federal Reserve to have more authority over regulating financial insitutions, reducing what he calls the patchwork of regulatory authorities that contributed to this crisis. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
Put another way, why wasn't the system self-regulating after all?
Always united in the purpose of regulating the affairs of the whole Union by the standard of the slaveholding interest, the disproportionate numbers of this section in the electoral colleges have enabled them, in ten out of twelve quadriennial elections, to confer the chief magistracy on one of their own citizens.
Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams.
With persistence and care, your colony will develop a hive mind and tend to its moss "garden, " creating a self-regulating ecosystem with you as its god.
There are a lot of evidences indicating that the role of actin cytoskeleton in regulating auxin polar transport, which in- duces a lateral gradient of auxin and results in plant organ curvature.
In fact, the term ecosystem refers to a self-organizing and self-regulating interaction of independent organisms; it is not a checklist of the local flora and fauna. News
Particular emphasis placed on the problems of regulating and supervising financial conglomerates within the existing national regulatory framework.
In proposing the ban, it joins municipalities across the nation in regulating leaf blower noise.
Leaf blowers that make the whoosh without the shush
A Venturi chemical injector and radio-controlled valves are connected directly to the irrigation line leading to the green, regulating the chemical applications.
Drugs perturb the system through increasing or decreasing transmission or transmitter levels, or up or down regulating receptor populations.
The envelope contained a single ballonet for regulating the pressure of the gas.
British Airships, Past, Present, and Future
At an indirect Board meeting, a Board as well as Schwarz concluded to this arrangement as well as a Board of Control voted unanimously to mislay a clause from Schwarzs stipulate in courtesy to regulating BRP apparatus/vehicles for personal have make have make make use of of of of of as well as sell a 2004 pickup to Schwarz for $1.00 in lieu of monetary compensation.
September 09, 2009 Meeting Minutes
By waging geopolitical wars, clamping down on immigration and regulating the mobility of capital, it buttresses its own authority, and maintains the false boundaries of nation-states.
The effects of angelica polysaccharide on immune organ, celluler immunity and humoral immunity, regulating cell factors, hematopoietic system, anti-tumour were reviewed.
The court placed great evidence on the fact that the California official charged with regulating voting systems, the secretary of state, had decertified punch-card machines as unacceptable and thus inherently unreliable.
The progressive dismantling of regional development policy since 1979 has moved more swiftly than steps aimed at deregulating the housing sector.
A separate Consumer Sale and Loan Act was to be a consumer protection statute regulating credit advertising and consumer credit transactions.
Interest in thermo-regulating wearable technology seems to be on the rise, she says.
It is up to the regulating authority to put the measures into effect.
In other words, you are built to be self-regulating and self-healing.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
The park authority has already decided to introduce a bylaw regulating seaplanes landing or taking off from the loch after complaints about the noise.
Particular emphasis placed on the problems of regulating and supervising financial conglomerates within the existing national regulatory framework.
Besides they take out less than 1 percentage of the total population of that species every year and they breed faster than that .. because of obvious wrongly informed people like u they cannot raise theire quota to a lvl where they r actually regulating the population withouth public outcry from the "seals are too cute to hunt" people like u, led by an ancient french moviestar and paul mccartney and his peglegged ex ..
Taking Odds On A Western Wolf Hunt
The Players acknowledge risks in decertifying: "By deunionizing, the Players gave up their labor law rights, including striking, collectively bargaining, regulating agents, and having union representation in grievances and benefit determinations.
Andrew Brandt: A Layman's Guide to the Players' Brief in Brady v. NFL
We postulated that static magnetic fields stimulate osteoblastic differentiation by regulating early local factors released by the cells.
In addition to its role in regulating glucose metabolism, insulin stimulates lipogenesis, diminishes lipolysis, and increases amino acid transport into cells.
Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control.
Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
Building new bone is in part a problem of balance: regulating osteocytes, that add bone, and osteoclasts, that break it down.
She's been studying the role of the cell-cycle regulating protein cyclin A2 in heart development.
Hina Chaudhry: Interesting Science from a Lab-Worn Doctor-Lady
The rules of warfare are established by international law with a view to regulating the conduct of belligerents in the course of international armed conflicts.
Two generators sufficed, these being "nothing more than large tanks of wood, acid-proof inside, and of sufficient strength to resist the expansive action of the gas; they were provided with suitable stopcocks for regulating the admission of the gas, and with manhole covers for introducing the necessary materials.
The Dominion of the Air; the story of aerial navigation
The theme of self-advocacy in this study is congruent with ideas about the relationship between college student success and self-regulating behavior.
Particular emphasis placed on the problems of regulating and supervising financial conglomerates within the existing national regulatory framework.
The polymorphism at A-6G and G-217A sites in promotor region plays an important role in regulating the gene expression, and the products of keep close correlation with the level of blood pressure.
In the current study, UCLA scientists show a new role for a protein called polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPASE) in regulating the import of RNA into mitochondria. News Feed
The device is unique in that it reduces the static charge in a self-regulating manner and allows astronauts to safely conduct spacewalks on and around the structure of the International Space Station.
The idolization of the market as a perfect, self-regulating mechanism that always leads to the best possible outcomes is as far from reality as the hopes of socialist central planners.
The escapement is the regulating organ of the watch, and at the heart of this new creation, the constant escapement is a blade of silicium, finer than a human hair.
Style: Timing Is Everything
Statistical analysis of the relationship between body temperature and ambient temperature confirmed that the cicadas are thermoregulating endothermically.
Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.
In the brain, aromatization of androgens into estrogens is an essential step in regulating a variety of physiological and behavioral processes.
The state agency supposed to oversee the drilling is what you call a captured agency: the people regulating energy companies are also supposed to promote gas permits.
Mark Ruffalo: Lessons from Dimock, PA: Calling for a Moratorium on Natural Gas Drilling in New York
Andrew Tyrie, chairman of the select committee, argued that the creation of the FCA was an opportunity to improve on the FSA's approach to regulating consumers following the debacles surrounding mis-selling of payment protection insurance and endowment policies.
FSA spin-off to protect consumers could be a 'poor relation', warn MPs
What does the tradition itself say about regulating the behavior of monastics?