
How To Use Regulated In A Sentence

  • One might think that having a baseline regulated industry (cable TV or telephone service) over which the wire base has been amortized and out of which the cost of upkeep are paid, that a government-regulated monopoly might be put in the position of offering wholesale access to competitors on a level playing field. National Broadband Plan Is Cash for Clunking Carriers « PubliCola
  • The voluntary muscles are regulated by the parts of the brain known as the cerebral motor cortex and the cerebellum.
  •  Thin capitalisation - offshore jurisdictions tend not to impose \ "thin capitalisation\" rules on companies (except for regulated entities such as banks and insurance companies), allowing them to be formed with a purely nominal equity investment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Meanwhile, in January 1999, FDA rescinded its compliance policy guide that had regulated third-party servicers of medical devices.
  • Your stepson could have been left in a dysregulated state whereby he is primed to be constantly hypervigilant to threat and to respond. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Development Minister Roelf Meyer, Mr SS van der Merwe, told the committee on Tuesday that as the constitution regulated the relationship between the Minister and his Deputy, the Act should stipulate a full Minister as his consultee. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Wisconsin Deer Baiting and Wildlife Feeding Regulations [PDF 243KB] pamphlet provides the regulations that are in place for counties where deer baiting and feeding is banned, as well as the regulations that have been developed in the counties where deer baiting and feeding is allowed, but regulated. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • There is a common myth that America, land of the free market cowboys, is the unregulated Wild West of commerce.
  • This community was supposed to be regulated by balance, and that at least the major powers had a right to expect compensation and indemnities to maintain it.
  • In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
  • In addition, Array has completed long-term preclinical regulated safety studies and has identified a commercially viable synthetic process and oral formulation for ARRY-162. Featured News and Stories
  • Striated muscle contraction is regulated by a protein complex bound to actin.
  • If each gene regulated by a transcription factor is viewed as one function of that factor, then most transcription factors are multifunctional.
  • Reflective journals have prompted self-regulated or metacognitive ways of thinking in students in graduate and undergraduate education courses.
  • At nerve terminals, stimulus-evoked calcium entry triggers transmitter release through rapid, regulated exocytosis of readily releasable synaptic vesicles.
  • Lastly, this is the simplest transition yet disclosed from the succinyl to furfural grouping, being effected by a regulated proportion of oxygen, and under conditions of reaction which may be described as of the mildest. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • In addition, these ligands markedly upregulated production of CD36, a scavenger receptor that regulates phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils.
  • The networks related to cellular development and connective tissue disorder showed that enzymes such as phosphoglycerate 12 mutase (glycolysis), muscle proteins such as myosin heavy chain 4 (Actin cytoskeleton signaling), nebulin-related anchoring protein (Actin binding protein) were significantly down regulated by TWEAK ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A key problem of environment policy is information unsymmetrical between the regulator and the regulated.
  • More than twenty years of instructional lessons in self-regulated writing strategies have been transformed into consumable materials ready for classroom use.
  • The cash flow was regulated by an incredibly ancient compressed air system.
  • houses with regulated temperature
  • The physical refutation of the self-existence of the universe is completed by the discovery, _that all the orbs of heaven, as well as the earth, are in motion, and that an orderly and regulated motion_. [ Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith Being an Examination of the Evidences of Infidelity
  • For this purpose a regulated high pressure air line and test gauge can be fitted via an adaptor to the capillary holder.
  • You had the so-called eurodollar market of dollars that existed in Europe that are not really regulated by anybody. The Bilerico Project
  • First, much adaptation appeared to be non-genetic and regulated by the environment, not by the inherited genotype.
  • Chemical biocides are regulated by EPA under Federal pesticide law.
  • The main drivers of the surge are hedge funds - secretive, loosely regulated pools of capital deployed to take extra risks to achieve above-average returns.
  • Partly Competitive/Partly Regulated Industries Examples of this kind of industry are oil, aerospace, and air transport.
  • But hexane is an air pollutant, and its release is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • The only time a behavior should be regulated is if it has negative externalities. Matthew Yglesias » Marijuana Legalization as a Revenue Enhancer
  • Green belt development is carefully regulated.
  • Feeding activity is regulated by the ebb tide when fresh seaweed is most readily available.
  • That's a radical notion to many scientists who have long thought of aging as an uncontrollable process of deterioration that isn't regulated by single genes.
  • He is accused of performing hundreds of 'unnecessary, inappropriate or unregulated' operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The catering business itself is regulated by various Acts of Parliament which impose duties and standards of conduct that must be observed.
  • A drop in the intracellular concentration of glutamine provides a signal for the activation of transcription of nitrogen-regulated genes.
  • This grace is freely given and joyfully unregulated. Times, Sunday Times
  • All 3 proteins are proteolytically regulated by sterols.
  • The body has many ways to regulate blood pressure: how fast the heart beats; how hard it beats; total blood volume, regulated by total body sodium content as controlled by the kidneys; caliber of arterioles as controlled by smooth muscle in the blood vessel walls. Archive 2009-04-01
  • In conclusion, early maladaptation, that is, upregulated thrombin generation and inhibition of fibrinolysis, occurred in one-third of the SCT patients associating with the development of GVHD, a finding suggesting an interplay between coagulation and immunology during SCT. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In Canada there is a thing called CanCon, regulated levels of "Canadian music" - identified according to a bureaucractic formula - that must be played on the radio. Ev'rybody's work-in' for the week-end
  • We have a sad history of enforced treatment of people who've committed crimes but now treatments like electrotherapy, electric shock treatment, and psychosurgery are very strictly regulated.
  • Nowadays domestic automobile company mostly adopted regulated power supply, when electric vehicle is carried developing and testing experiment.
  • Traffic should be strictly regulated.
  • Mr. Himpler disagrees with the notion nonbank finance companies aren't regulated, noting the firms are licensed and regulated in every state in which they operate. CFPB Gears Up to Examine Mortgage Firms
  • Behind the cheery facade of constitutional government lurks the inextinguishable specter of legally unregulated power.
  • After a good bit of study and thought about the issue, I do support universal care on the Bismarckian model: e.g. along the lines of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, etc.: universal coverage through a government regulated, but nevertheless private insurance system, with care provided by the private sector. Only Rep. Frank could go kill health care rationing… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Hotels in France are regulated and starred according to price, so rates are posted up front, helping to avoid the price-comparison and guessing game you often have to play in the States.
  • Expression was again up-regulated in early embryogeny and again during germination.
  • Cosmetic surgery is a scarily unregulated world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jacob and Monod called these regulated stretches of DNA operons.
  • Just a thought about the FDIC and your bank account: There used to be something called the FSLIC, which got depleted when the Savings and Loans were deregulated andwent belly-upon risky investments in the 1980s. Depression Enters Phase Two
  • Thromboxane is regulated by prostacyclin released from injured epithelial cells through negative feedback.
  • These believers express a desire for political authority, but only of the type supportive of pro-family social nucleus and traditionally-bound, regulated liberties.
  • This is a network of plastic tubing that can be regulated to provide a constant moisture supply to your plants.
  • I know free-market thinkers and believers just hate the term regulation, but we saw the damage done by banks who went for years unregulated. Is protecting health insurance companies truly healthcare reform?
  • The polymyxin B resistance was shown to be regulated by the two-component response regulators PhoP and PmrA at low magnesium and high iron, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The breadboarded circuit is regulated at 380 V output with a 90-260 VAC universal input range.
  • There is no well organized system for training apprentices in photoengraving, stereotyping, and electrotyping, or in any of the lithographic trades, except that of poster artist, in which an efficient and strictly regulated system of apprenticeship is maintained. Wage Earning and Education
  • Blumenfeld mentions that e-liquids are largely unregulated and contain propylene glycol, which is a key ingredient in antifreeze but also one found in tobacco cigarettes and some foods. High-tech smokes help some kick habit, but are they safe?
  • Any activity, even if purely intrastate, can be regulated by the federal government if it substantially affects interstate commerce.
  • It could also separate its heavily regulated wholesale networking business from its retail fixed line business, which is performing well thanks to rising Internet usage.
  • So while borders are being opened to indiscriminate trade, small producers are being regulated out of existence.
  • The observations also suggest that ethylene in ripening is regulated entirely in an autocatalytic manner.
  • The exigencies of market forces and the legacy of over-exploited finite resources and deregulated labour markets remain.
  • The failure of the regulated to act honestly, competently and in compliance with the regs is not the fault of the regulators The Volokh Conspiracy » Now that the Government has Proved as Incompetent
  • Commercial applications for the system include tests developed for use in unregulated areas such as epidemiologic surveillance, biological research, environmental testing, and forensic research. Undefined
  • The Miami Herald doubled down today on its failure to address the shortcomings of undercapitalized, undiversified newly minted under-regulated Florida home insurance companies. Herald Editorial Page Compounds Errors on Home Insurance
  • In analysis, it divides the regulator into three parts: regulatory framework, regulatory agency and regulated firms, which examinate the regulation effectiveness better.
  • Mowing speed can be finely regulated up to four miles per hour.
  • Among their findings, mice heterozygous for a null mutation of the alpha-isoform of calcium / calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II show profoundly dysregulated behaviors, including a severe working memory deficit and an exaggerated infradian rhythm (cycle of increases and decreases in locomotor activity in their home cage; 2-3 weeks / cycle), which are comparable to the symptoms observed in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders. News Feed
  • Your gallant battle-hosts and work-hosts, as the others did, will need to be made loyally yours; they must and will be regulated, methodically secured in their just share of conquest under you; -- joined with you in veritable brotherhood, sonhood, by quite other and deeper ties than those of temporary day's wages! Past and Present
  • The electricity sector is heavily regulated, and the service is mostly provided by monopoly public sector utilities that fail to meet the demand, causing frequent blackouts.
  • With religion bestialized and its management regulated wholly with an idea to the gratification of man's sensuous desires, religious temples, under the supervision of the priesthood, became brothels, in which were openly practiced as part and parcel of religious rites and ceremonies the most wanton profligacy and the most shameless self-abandonment. The God-Idea of the Ancients
  • Whether such biopharmaceuticals will be regulated under the protocol remains to be seen, says Dawkins: ‘That was still far enough into the future that it wasn't addressed directly.
  • In the Multiple Interactive College English Teaching Model, students act as a self-regulated learner, a center of teaching, a participant in communication and also a sharer of information resources.
  • Our results indicate that, for example, gene apxIVA from an operon coding for RTX toxin ApxIV is highly up-regulated in vivo, and that two genes from the operon coding for type IV fimbriae (APL_0878 and APL_0879) were also up-regulated. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Teams also have periodic minicamps and voluntary regulated workouts.
  • Self-correcting and regulated damping and trimming mechanisms are most important in stabilizing swimming trajectories.
  • Marx shows that when productive relations are regulated through market exchanges the things exchanged become "fetishized" (Kapital v1 part 4 of chapter 1). Kasama
  • In modern parlance this word quickly conjures up notions of government regulation and regulated industries.
  • However, prices have risen by a quarter since the household market was fully deregulated at the beginning of the year.
  • Thanks to market forces, the creation and purveyance of humor have become decentralized and deregulated. Scott Brown on Stand-Up Comedy, Lingua Franca of the Wired World
  • Can an author with reason complain that he is cramped and shackled, if he is not at liberty to publish blasphemy, bawdry, or sedition? all which are equally prohibited in the freest governments, if they are wise and well regulated ones. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Then again, one pesky obstacle still stands in the way--that "overtaxed" island on the fringe of Europe, the U.K. In an interview with BBC radio Sunday, the head of News Corp. aired his frustrations about operating in Britain because business was "overregulated. U.K. Faces Of The Week, Jan.23-27, 2006U.K. Faces Of The Week, Jan. 23-27, 2006
  • Their largely unregulated tunnelling has made the mountainside unstable, government experts say, and heavy rains since last month had saturated the earth on top, triggering the deadly earthfall. | Top Stories
  • This is completely unregulated and there is evidence that children and vulnerable people are losing money that they can ill afford to lose.
  • There are several hypotheses or models proposed to explain how feedback limitation of photosynthesis may be regulated.
  • They'd forgotten what it was like to run industrial campaigns, and the new, more deregulated system of enterprise bargaining would prove a rude awakening.
  • Other examples include a detailed dissection of how the expression of the HO gene is regulated.
  • Their regulated breaths became shallow and rapid and wet patches of perspiration started to blotch their chests and their backs.
  • For example, as the deposition of lignins limits plant cell wall extension, lignification must be regulated so that it occurs after a cell has elongated so as not to impinge on plant growth.
  • This case emphasises the importance of an adequate environmental and dietary history in uronephrological disease and highlights the dangers of unregulated herbal therapy.
  • A company is a legal entity whose affairs are mainly regulated by the Companies Act 1985.
  • an unregulated environment
  • Its composition, its time of meeting, its powers, are all regulated by convention and usage, not by law.
  • With the proliferation of highly regulated mutual funds, the term hedge fund today only means a fund that is not registered under the Investment Company Act -- and can thus do things the former cannot, such as leverage itself, concentrate positions, or buy illiquid securities. James Berman: Know When to Hold 'em...
  • Whoever first "confesses" that he or she has been in long-term (preferably, psycho-dynamic) therapy, is able to openly talk about what he/she had worked on in therapy, and is able to articulate a no-nonsense meditation practice (not just prayer), is likely to be more emotionally self-regulated and better self-aware. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Psychology of Presidential Ambition?
  • The peace was regulated, and thereby preserved, by the altered political complexion of Germany.
  • The SRS is used to generate permanent, unique, unambiguous identifiers for substances in regulated products, such as ingredients in drug products. Demulen Birth Control Pills Still Lactose Free
  • it's federally regulated
  • The gathering and holding of personal information on computers, databanks and other devices, whether by public authorities or private individuals or bodies, must be regulated by law.
  • Alewives, in Weweantit river, election of committees to regulate the taking of taking of, regulated by Rochester, Wareham and Carver Alpha or beta eucaine, sale and distribution of search warrants under the law relating to. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • I'm not personally opposed to the use of the term assisted suicide (for the medical practice as it is legalized and strictly regulated in Washington and Oregon) but I do contest the way that Smith and others use it: to perpetuate the terminal suffering of others. Main RSS Feed
  • The enzyme is regulated by bicarbonate and involved in sperm maturation.
  • The Code does not apply to federal government workers in federally regulated industries such as banking, telecommunications and interprovincial transportation; they are covered by federal safety codes.
  • The grant of a borough charter might formalise the urban status of such communities, the town-plan evolving to assume a more economically inspired layout through the planning of a regulated street network, burgage plots and defences.
  • Because of the fragility of the island's biota, access to the islands is tightly regulated, and most tourist expeditions only stay for three or four days.
  • It has been almost 20 years since the airline industry was deregulated in Canada.
  • The railroads were regulated to prevent the owners from using their monopoly power to reduce the incomes of their middle-class customers.
  • Shape of limbs appears to be mostly an epigenically regulated expression suite from a basic set of morphological genes (HOX?). Darwin's Defenders Go Neo-Lamarckian
  • The 1996 Telecommunications Act deregulated radio broadcasting so that any single firm could thenceforth own as many stations as it wished.
  • Conservationists say unregulated fisheries in the southern oceans are endangering the albatross.
  • A small set of genes that are regulated by KAR1, even when germination is prevented by the absence of gibberellin biosynthesis or light, were identified. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Flagellar length in the unicellular, biflagellate, green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is tightly regulated.
  • Some areas have federal orders, some have state regs, some are unregulated.
  • It had a rotary dial, it was black and tariffs were regulated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Self-accusation and liberal construction is a penal system regulated by our country's Criminal Law, as well as an important legal circumstance of punishment.
  • In antiquity, sceptics attacked the possibility of knowledge, but still needed to give some account of how they regulated their lives and opinions.
  • However, the primary cause of Crohn's disease is thought to be a dysregulated immune response to gut bacteria.
  • Of course, Ofcome and Oftel never regulated to compel them to do so. Thinkbroadband news feed
  • Relations with Germany were strained by the Versailles Treaty, which regulated Germany's territorial losses and reparation payments, which Germany found too harsh but which the French public did not consider stringent enough.
  • Blood glucose is tightly regulated in the body by two hormones called insulin and glucagon.
  • Before the 1990s this genre was practiced on a rather small scale, not least because of political repression and a conservative, rigidly regulated bureaucracy.
  • We are the most regulated industry in the world, "says Corr. "And frankly, that's how it should be. If there is a problem with a drug, we want to know about it sonner rather than later.
  • A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. Think Progress » Lott: Supreme Court Decision Is ‘Ridiculous and Outrageous,’ Has Our Enemies ‘Laughing At Us’
  • It says it is not subject to the municipality's rules because it is building an aerodrome, which is regulated by Transport Canada. - Home Page
  • Since the PDP is emissive (produces its own light), the amount of light it emits can be flexibly regulated according to the use environment.
  • This opens up the prospect of contractors in a host of hazardous activities being theoretically regulated by their own national inspectorates, but in reality not being regulated at all.
  • Morales CR, Kwon YK, Hecht NB (1991) Cytoplasmic localization during storage and translation of the mRNAs of transition protein 1 and protamine 1, two translationally regulated transcripts of the mammalian testis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In protest, unregulated Web station eYada will host a "speakout" on Tuesday, 9 to noon, EDT. Periscope
  • The five-digit access code is required until at least March 1997, when the state market is more fully deregulated.
  • E. coli SSADH is also redox regulated, furthermore it reveals that the bacterial SSADH is structurally suited for NADP Recombinant E. coli SSADH was purified as a tetrameric molecule (determined by analytical size-exclusion chromatography; data not shown) which is in agreement with the previous description in the literature. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Although participants remained highly critical of unregulated ethnomedicine, few had recourse to desired alternatives.
  • June 29th, 2006 at 5: 00 pm madashell says: “A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. Think Progress » Lott: Supreme Court Decision Is ‘Ridiculous and Outrageous,’ Has Our Enemies ‘Laughing At Us’
  • Baulard AR, Betts JC, Engohang-Ndong J, Quan S, McAdam RA, et al. (2000) Activation of the pro-drug ethionamide is regulated in mycobacteria. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The idea that the banking and financial system was "unregulated" is just ludicrous. Gordon Brown's economic "genius" exposed
  • Reason that is disengaged and tightly regulated would starve other human faculties, they believed.
  • Since the mid-1980s, the FDA has regulated tanning beds as Class I medical devices, putting them in the same low-risk category as bandages and tongue depressors. Tanning beds may get closer scrutiny based on findings about skin cancer risk
  • Hellwig said the reorganization is instead an attempt to add a level of performance accountability he said is mitigated by 'an overly protective bubble or shield around the office of the chief of police' that is regulated by the state Chiefs 'Responsibility Act. A police director, Hellwig said, would report to him, the city administrator and the mayor. Of Assemblyman Green, Chief Santiago and Thomas à Becket
  • If the store sells something that is regulated, such as alchohol, tobacco, or firearms, then the government shall do what the law and the constitution allows for to see that those things are properly sold, regulated, and taxed. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • If medical care is socially stratified, that is we do not all get the same care and some of us get no care at all, if the cost of medical care is unregulated such that more and more of us get no care at all, and the sicker we get, the more we need care and the less we can afford that care, if good medical care is tied to insurance, and affordable insurance to employment, what does that mean for me and my loved ones? V.A. Fails to Diagnose and Treat Vets to Save Money: Implications for Health Care Reform?
  • The genes were the same as those regulated by cocaine and opiates, such as heroin (diacetylmorphine).
  • Such unregulated production spawns the growth of child labor and of a disregard for working conditions in general.
  • He methodised and regulated versification, insisting on rich and exact rhymes, condemning all licence and infirmity of structure, condemning harshness of sound, inversion, hiatus, negligence in accommodating the cesura to the sense, the free gliding of couplet into couplet. A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • Hence, money can move anywhere and is totally unregulated, but our bodies are increasingly regulated and controlled.
  • In addition, markers of oxidative stress such as ceruloplasmin and clusterin were up-regulated as were genes related to hydrogen peroxide production. CosmeticsDesign RSS
  • So much so that at the start of his second term in 1832, he vetoed a recharter of the Second Bank of the U.S., retired all federal debt, and started the so-called Free Banking Era, in which every bank in the U.S. was chartered and regulated by the states. Of Debt and Taxes
  • Even the payment of players was regulated in such a way as to prevent clubs competing in a free market for talent.
  • This piece was followed by a post by Jerry Saltz on his Facebook page in which he exalted Thornton's criticism and jokingly suggested that the White Collar Crimes division of the FBI conduct an investigation of the auction houses - a call that is perhaps a bit sensationalist and overemotional when, in the same breath, Saltz states that he is in favor of an unregulated market. Stephanie Adamowicz: Recap of "Carte Blanche" at Phillips de Pury
  • The little gun proved pretty well regulated, shooting just to the left of my six o'clock hold.
  • As a stopgap measure, water distribution is being regulated with the flow being turned on at certain times while they look for other solutions to the problem.
  • Wrenched from tradition, tartan has become such fun: deregulated, demystified, with ridiculously corny accessories. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we legalised prostitution then it could be regulated and policed in a much safer and fair manner than it does at the moment, after all it is a service and if people are willing to pay for it and people are willing to sell it where is the problem?
  • The campaign for a deregulated electric utility industry, like a balloon, is filled with a lot of hot air.
  • The industry will also become more regulated over the years ahead, with drivers sitting tests which will include route selection, customer care and dress and deportment among other things.
  • Of course, to prevent abuse and corrupt practices, lobbying activities should be carefully regulated, monitored and made transparent.
  • The term "nutritionist" is also widely used; however, the term nutritionist is not regulated as dietitian is. ThePickards
  • These included Viesturs Simanis, Sergio Moreno and Kathy Gould, who between them worked out that cdc2 encoded a protein kinase that was regulated during the cell cycle and was controlled by tyrosine phosphorylation. Sir Paul Nurse - Autobiography
  • She can handle just about any form of behaviour within an intimate relationship, so long as it is pre-planned, pre-agreed and regulated.
  • They also underestimated the cost of the resulting transition from regulated to unregulated prices.
  • Is the environmental threshold for the cargo operation regulated by supplier? If regulated, which scale of wind force bunkering operation will be stopped ?
  • Americans spend an estimated $4 billion a year to self-medicate with herbal supplements, which are not regulated by the FDA.
  • We focus on three sets of substances: those which were regulated as carcinogens by OSHA in the Standard, those which were included in the Standard but whose exposure limits are based on noncarcinogenic effects, and those substances designated as potential carcinogens by NIOSH, ACGIH, and/or NTP but which were excluded from the Standard. Georgianne Nienaber: Media Contributes to Victim Mentality as Gulf Struggles
  • But just imagine if Republicans had their way in your life -- say they 'deregulated' traffic laws, for instance. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [131] -- Democratic Campaign Advice
  • The temperature of the room should be regulated at all times.
  • The field of this machine is shunt-wound, and in order to maintain the potential constant a hand-regulated resistance -- R2 on the switch board -- is added in circuit with the shunt field. Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889
  • Of particular concern is the effect on marine wildlife of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), especially those chemicals not yet regulated under the 2001 Stockholm Convention, such as brominated flame retardants. Booman Tribune
  • The speed of the machine may be automatically regulated to pace the packing operation by an inner microcomputer.
  • Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to accelerate the transition of telephone and video services from regulated to competitive markets.
  • That protein enzymes can digest proteins raises the important question of how enzymes are regulated.
  • I am a member of the RICS AND my firm is regulated by the RICS which is strictly controlled and I adhere to their policies to the letter. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • So, you have an unregulated resource that is capable of overuse that solves the problem by charging users for its use.
  • Deregulated programs - computational mathematics, engineering, computer science, software engineering, and optometry - face 15 per cent increases each year.
  • Or maybe it's better defined as a leaseholder who refuses to attend an extraordinary meeting of their stucco mansion block's management committee when the agenda includes an item entitled: 'How can we evict that 80-year-old regulated tenant on the top floor and enhance the value of our building? Hugh Muir's diary
  • Regulated secretion requires the fusion of exocytic granules with the plasma membrane and depends on αSNAP PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • One of my happiest discoveries was that of the jitney and other forms of non-regulated motorised transport.
  • Necrosis is a spontaneous and unregulated process that results in disintegration of the cell membrane and its organelles.
  • The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.
  • Smooth muscle does not contain troponin and is primarily regulated by the phosphorylation of myosin.
  • Changing the phosphorylation state of the CTD is one mechanism by which binding of accessory proteins to the CTD of pol II may be regulated.
  • A related aspect of sophisticated architectures is that actuator signals (e.g. from intermediate fluxes and concentrations in core metabolism to cardiopulmonary rates and renal concentrating effects) have extremely high variability in order to keep other critical signals (e.g. from key metabolic products to blood oxygenation and pH, to core body temperature,) tightly regulated despite fluctuating supplies and demands. Convergence of Intelligent Engineering
  • Plantation workers developed a highly regulated system of fosterage in which firstborn children were given to the maternal grandmother or an aunt.
  • Some of the choicest specimens of old Brussels are shown in the now discarded "lappets," which when a lace head-piece and lappets were part of every gentlewoman's costume, were actually regulated by Sumptuary Chats on Old Lace and Needlework
  • Partly Competitive/Partly Regulated Industries Examples of this kind of industry are oil, aerospace, and air transport.
  • In 1997 the petroleum products industry was deregulated to increase competition and benefits to customers.
  • Japanese immigration to the United States had been regulated since 1907 by the Gentlemen's Agreement.
  • M. tuberculosis Serine/Threonine phosphatase (Mstp, Rv0018c) is shown to dephosphorylate both PknJ and mtPykA, thus proving that autophosphorylation and transphosphorylation of PknJ and mtPykA are reversibly regulated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But how they wield this influence is wholly unregulated. Times, Sunday Times
  • By far the single biggest danger to boreal woodland caribou is unregulated and uncoordinated oil, gas and tar sand development in western Canada, including the Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and North-West territories. Biodiversity 100: actions for the Americas
  • Worse, their districts or specific duties to which they are assigned are so self-regulated, they dare not cross a street or act with dispatch if a crime is being committed outside their jurisdiction.
  • As emotionally complex an issue as cloning animals is, it's also dangerous, perhaps cruel and illegal, and almost totally unregulated.
  • By regulating salt levels through production of an enzyme called renin (as well as other substances), the kidneys ensure that blood pressure is regulated.
  • Thanks to unregulated advertising on private TV channels, children seem to be in a perennial state of want.
  • Regulated fee income arises when a regulated service is provided as a stand alone service.
  • Standard immigration was regulated by a series of laws that set an annual cap on the number of entrants.
  • Her topic: How broadband service providers are and should be regulated in discriminating against legal content and applications. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Data flows into and out of Europe would be properly regulated and controlled to ensure that neither spam nor viruses came in, and that no personal data went out without explicit consent.
  • This process is coordinately regulated by the spatial and temporal expression of integrins across the cell surface.

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