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How To Use Regularly In A Sentence

  • Surely you appreciate that for those who regularly attack Israel and its suporters, “Likud” is a label fraught with negative implications that have nothing to do with the political realities within Israel. The Volokh Conspiracy » Human Rights Watch Update
  • His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
  • Vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment.
  • As the last country in the world to abolish slavery, only in 1888, temporary slavery due to indebtedness and forced labour has continued and been combated regularly by Government in isolated regions, where the arms of the justice system face a demographic challenge. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fighting contemporary slavery
  • [The site] consists of 'crudities': pieces of raw experience, regularly uploaded ... it aims at developing an extended version of the conventional weblog, one that allows users to upload visual input such as (streaming -) video-files and pictures as easily as texts. Boing Boing: December 22, 2002 - December 28, 2002 Archives
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  • It will also grow in slightly alkaline water provided the water in changed very regularly.
  • They regularly mispronounce their Js in names begriming with JO, but not elsewhere. Gallstones of the Unexamined Life « Unknowing
  • Not surprisingly, this imposing property is a popular choice for wedding receptions and regularly used for corporate entertaining, conferences and seminars.
  • It also saved her family the daily washing machine wear and tear, increased water use and the chore of washing and drying nappies regularly.
  • Lawyers and judges, even in quite large cities, usually know each other quite well and regularly fraternise socially.
  • He regularly talks of matters the front pages dare not touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our records are regularly updated.
  • Agents regularly rounded up suspected subversives.
  • For the length of their cellae is twice the width, as in other temples; but all that we regularly find in the fronts of others is in these transferred to the sides. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • How regularly are the litterbins emptied?
  • Linen is a beautiful fabric but it creases very easily and needs to be pressed regularly.
  • Other prescription drugs, including tricyclic antidepressants, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and anticonvulsants, are taken regularly to prevent frequent and disabling migraines.
  • Yet, he continues, he questions his party loyalties regularly.
  • He said there was no indication that the super jumbos, which will seat more than 550 people, would use Dublin Airport regularly.
  • She regularly holds literary salons and provides a hospitable setting and has done so for many years.
  • We hear about this regularly on an anecdotal basis with a number of managing agents. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you intend to change gauges and/or tunings regularly, try to avoid ridiculous extremes.
  • If you're a smoker or are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke, studies show that synthetic beta carotene could increase your lung cancer risk.
  • Gardeners regularly stroll the grounds, picking up stray pieces of trash and trimming unruly bushes.
  • He was extremely fit and is reputed to have been one of the fastest runners in the village and also regularly won local cycle races.
  • Physical and cryptographic keys are regularly rotated to limit the duration of exposure in case of a breach.
  • The nuggetty, self-assured little bloke who regularly performs superhuman feats on the television screen may well be human after all.
  • This can happen either occasionally during cell wounding or regularly during cytokinesis and meiosis.
  • The sanctuary takes in cruelty and abuse cases and regularly receives referrals from the police.
  • Neither time nor space assist the head in reaching colleagues easily or regularly.
  • For a player regularly accused of taking the circuitous route rather too often on the pitch, he is compulsively candid off it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sexual sins were addressed loudly and regularly from the pul pits, especially by women preachers, whom we called missionaries. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • She regularly goes parachuting.
  • He also writes regularly for "International Management" magazine.
  • Cut regularly, long before it reaches windows or eaves if it's heading that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • We usually hear from the eldest grandson regularly but I suspect we are being punished for not approving. Times, Sunday Times
  • In older homes, paint regularly contains large amounts of lead that can peel off the walls in flakes and chips or fall on floors and windowsills as a toxic dust, especially in poorly maintained housing stock.
  • International Business Machines Corp. is one company that raised concerns about how it would be affected by the Dodd-Frank Act. It is among several large corporations that believe, without further clarification in rulemaking, they may be unintentionally caught up in the definition of a "major swaps participant" — essentially a non-dealer that regularly engages in swaps — despite their swaps being legitimate. Minimum Thresholds for Swaps Urged
  • Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.
  • The Qualitative Risk Assessment is updated regularly.
  • John regularly runs a one-day course in the art of perfumery, the only course of its type in the country.
  • Delays are expected, but thereinafter Shattersnipe will return with its regularly scheduled ramblings. 2008 July « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • The world's top maestros regularly earn more in a night than the orchestral musicians they are conducting earn in a year.
  • We meet regularly, once a month.
  • George has been a member of Mission Hills for some time, and he regularly plays in the pro-am tournament held the same week in March as the LPGA event now known as the Nabisco Championship.
  • However, he is best known for his irregularly scrawled phrases on road signs.
  • Even older women who chew betel regularly make a point of how little tobacco they use within the quid, and cautioned other chewers of the strength of the tobacco.
  • The country regularly lashes citizens for minor crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which newspaper do you read regularly?
  • The survey instrument was then shared with attendees at a regularly scheduled faculty meeting.
  • He lost a few pounds, which inspired him to start exercising regularly.
  • The snake sheds its skin regularly.
  • As a boy, Dall regularly ventured far on foot and bicycle, and that adventuresome spirit has remained with him.
  • Reply to this tom smith how pervasive is sexual harassment of women in Egypt? is it something that happens in public and regularly? Global Voices in English » Egypt: Bloggers call for a fun-filled harassment-free Eid
  • "Activities Center" is a compound with a regularly inflected plural as the first of its two elements.
  • Swimming regularly betters the functioning of the heart and lungs.
  • I do learn that the "do less" or "do no harm" Geithner-Emanuel alliance â¨regularly kneecapped a Romer-Summers "do something" alliance--perhaps â¨because Summers' and Romer's small CEA and NEC staffs could only come up â¨with outlines and proposals rather than plans--which only the Treasury with â¨its ample staff could produce--and, as Geithner liked to say, "plan beats no â¨plan". Brad DeLong: Review: Ron Suskind's Confidence Men
  • The awareness of the distinction salted / unsalted would have been strong in the Middle Ages because meat was regularly parboiled to tenderize it before roasting or frying.
  • In fact, this mini-album seems to entirely results of an enthusiastic outburst of energy, nurtured while the man was regularly deejaying at squatters parties during the nineties.
  • The schools are regularly visited by officials from the Ministry of Education.
  • Anyone who has any acquaintance with the Bible will know that prophets regularly used strong language when confronted with hypocrisy or decadence.
  • Tribes of these red-bottomed monkeys regularly overrun government office compounds.
  • desperadoes from the hills regularly roared in to take over the town
  • I now write for this magazine regularly, and this month being the patronal month of the Precious Blood, I was able to research and write about that, and the tradition of the Holy Grail, and Joseph of Arimithea...go on, get a copy. Archive 2008-07-01
  • For example, the type of prostitution regularly mentioned is soliciting and this more commonly associated with drugs as well as other crimes.
  • The vehicles that make up a cruise missile flight will emerge regularly from their base and drive around the countryside to practise.
  • Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
  • Despite this, he has continued to appear regularly at our periodic family gatherings, and is considered a family member in good standing.
  • We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project.
  • Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
  • When you have laid in your store, you should draw on it regularly for day-to-day use, replacing what you use by new purchases, so that the stock in your cupboard is constantly being changed.
  • True co-dependency is achieved when he hooks up with Jen, a girlfriend who also gets regularly blitzed.
  • Rhinos, elephants, and other ungulates flehmen regularly; so do bats and cats, which have their own species variations. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • The physical examination revealed a 42 mm erythematous and violaceous, irregularly bordered plaque with intermittent atrophy, hypopigmentation, and scarring.
  • She speaks fondly of Richard Moreland, hubby No.1, whom she still sees regularly.
  • The working life of most vehicles can be increased if they are serviced regularly.
  • Log in to your online accounts regularly, and check bank, credit and debit card statements to ensure that all transactions are legitimate.
  • Almost on the verge of the steep-to wall of rock was a large and regularly built "humpy," in which Douglas Fraser and Kate lived. Tom Gerrard
  • The locksmith last week mentioned a product he sells for people who regularly lock themselves out of their house.
  • Both her father and mother were pious Christians who regularly conducted home devotions and faithfully attended church.
  • The government has written to ACE asking them to pass on cuts of only 15% to the "frontline" - which it defines as ACE's portfolio of regularly funded organisations. The Guardian World News
  • However, the subjects in this study had a mean age of approximately 83 years and lived in an assisted living facility where there is a decreased likeliness that they would regularly interact with dogs.
  • Two other endangered birds, the swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) and the regent honeyeater (Xanthomyza phyrigia), were regularly seen in the region 20 to 30 years ago but are now rarely if ever encountered. Naracoorte woodlands
  • Park rangers regularly patrol the area and in the summer months they cover it up to 10 pm.
  • Strong winds regularly sweep the islands.
  • He regularly prompted attacks with incisive forward passes. Times, Sunday Times
  • What needs to happen is to have consumers write and visit their lawmakers regularly. Maryland wine shipping rides a wave of support–and pessimism | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Whales are spotted regularly off such places as the Western Isles and southern Ireland, where whale-watching boat charters have found a growing niche.
  • I like to play tennis regularly, just to keep my hand in.
  • They must regularly wipe the hard drive to prevent the build-up of information on hidden files.
  • Find techniques that have worked and practise them regularly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each is directly involved in national security or counterterrorism and is regularly briefed on terrorism developments.
  • Our experience shows that stud males only mate efficiently if they are used regularly but not more frequently than alternate nights.
  • Barbara weekended in New York regularly during the four years she was at Yale. Archive 2004-08-01
  • We meet regularly, once a month.
  • They prepare freshly cooked dishes for a short, regularly changing menu. Times, Sunday Times
  • He writes regularly to the council on environmental issues and has now turned lobbyist on the issue that most annoys him - dog mess along Rochdale Canal.
  • They ought to discuss regularly with the coach and captain to ensure that programs are developed for their selectees.
  • A militarist submits to the barber regularly, and has his hair recut the same way every two weeks. Globe and Mail
  • Religion, politics, personal and social morality and fantasy are all media in which he regularly operates.
  • However, policies are regularly mis-sold to borrowers who are not eligible to claim because they are self-employed or on short-term contracts.
  • She regularly flies to the USA to see clients and give talks on astrology, palmistry, tarot and how to develop clairvoyance.
  • It is regularly derided as one of the worst songs in musical history, but it still gives me a lump in my throat and an ache in my heart.
  • Nitrates and calcium channel blocking drugs can be tried taken sublingually for episodes of pain or orally and regularly as a prophylactic.
  • Soldiers had set up posts near the village and regularly patrolled it.
  • Thus, while idiolects (or the speech of individuals) considered in isolation might seem random, the speech community as a whole behaved regularly.
  • The devil's advocate gambit is extraordinary but certainly not uncommon since it strikes so regularly in the project rooms and boardrooms of corporate America.
  • NCCN regularly collaborates with international organizations to create and distribute translations of the NCCN Guidelines, which may include modifications representative of metabolic differences in populations, technological considerations, and regulatory status of agents used in cancer management, such as availabilities of drugs, biologics, devices, and procedures. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • If you find this kind of "guttering" regularly in your own scans, where the characters near the spine are not being recognized correctly by your OCR, you need to make sure that your book is down as flat as possible before making a scan. The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002
  • Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
  • I have regularly competed in orienteering style mountain bike races, in which you decide your own route.
  • Check the tyre pressure regularly.
  • Which newspaper do you read regularly?
  • It was one of the many fads that sweep through mathematics regularly.
  • I hear these topics regularly being discussed in private and feel it is time that a public airing was given to the matter.
  • Those children regularly pony up for a second helping of my cheesecake.
  • Many people have become cynical about the stage-managed debates between politicians which regularly appear on television.
  • Normally, people come to New Zealand on regularly scheduled commercial flights or ocean-going ships.
  • All the parks are regularly checked and graded by tourist board inspectors.
  • Our rugby has become so attritional it regularly makes you wince just watching it. The Sun
  • Many of us buy over-the-counter drugs regularly without being aware of the distinction that is made between them and cosmetics. Take Care of Your Skin
  • For the pretty 23-year-old used to be a rugby league cheerleader and regularly performed on the pitch with pompoms at home and away matches.
  • I regularly prescribe the bioidentical hormone estriol vaginally with great results in my practice. Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN N.P.: Can Hormones Keep You Young?
  • I'm referring to the actual members of the local congregations, fellowships and brotherhoods that open their hearts and wallets regularly for their faith.
  • _ This portion of the fibrous membrane is enlarged, globous or flattened, irregularly thinned, particularly at the periphery, where it may be as thin as tissue paper, nebulous because of the stretching of its fibers principally, but in some degree (differing in different cases) to edema of the epithelial layer. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Either way, those that sell or lease trucks, trailers and reefers to dairy manufacturers regularly work to understand the needs of this unique industry.
  • I breathed irregularly, occasionally hiccuping in my attempts to stop crying.
  • And she regularly used website eBay to sell items, the misconduct hearing was told. The Sun
  • That system opened the door regularly to the kind of crosscutting representatives who are increasingly unlikely to win today.] 10. Rob Richie: Ten Surprises about Election '08
  • After this initial reluctance he gradually began using the cards and now writes notes regularly. Christianity Today
  • He had hung crude crosses and other charms all around his home and regularly recited the Magnificat, and he fervently entreated the protection of the Lady every night.
  • Over time, as more lawyers who had regularly argued before the court or had been law professors joined the bench, the tone livened up. 'Dynamic' duo of Kagan, Sotomayor add vigor to court
  • None of the astronomers or admirals on the board had any knowledge about the Watch or what made it run so regularly.
  • Plant breeders are continually looking to very old varieties of crops to find genes with resistance against the new diseases that regularly appear.
  • We exchanged email addresses, and I regularly receive correspondence from the boy and his family.
  • Also, in London I recently walked along a road where right next to the quite narrow footpath is a building whose walls are festooned with notices saying that it is a prohibited place (I passed within a foot of at least one notice), yet numerous people were walking along that road and regularly do so. David Cameron's reversion to type will help Lib Dems
  • And the building, with all its recalled monocrystalline cells, is out there for everyone to see in full view off the high-speed JR Tokaido bullet train which runs by regularly. SOLAR ARK: World’s Most Stunning Solar Building | Inhabitat
  • Early morning snow on top of the summits of Mont Trikora and Mount Jaya, or even down to 3,800 m, occurs regularly, but permanent snow and ice is only to be found in the Mount Jaya area. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • Publishers are betting that we consumers will not notice this decline in hardback quality but that we will note the closing price gap between discounted hardbacks and regularly priced paperbacks.
  • But nobody who regularly uses the motorway can say they haven't been warned about the dangers of driver fatigue.
  • Teams that actively navigate conflict and de-escalate regularly can learn to thrive in level 1 conflict...
  • Nonrefundable tickets used to be regularly advertised in the newspaper classifieds.
  • That means youngsters regularly playing tough cricket against strong opposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once upon a time Monarchs regularly refused dissolutions as they tried to cobble together the best available Government from the volatile politics of the time.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • Tie short pieces of old bamboo canes together to make a nest for ladybirds and place them next to the plants that are regularly attacked by aphids, such as roses.
  • The anti-hunt brigade regularly turn out whenever a hunt meets.
  • My son is always unwilling to practise upon the piano as regularly as he should have done.
  • School health inspectors visIt'schools regularly regarding environmental hygiene and sanitation.
  • Strike the ends of the fingers irregularly on the desk (to imitate the rain pattering on the roof of a building.) 2. The Golden Book of Favorite Songs
  • We regularly baked some at the end of the day and held a little milk and cookie ritual.
  • Governmental oversight of the private operation has been regularly criticised as inadequate.
  • Concrete decisions on vital improvements to the road, rail and air networks have taken decades and too regularly turned out to be an ill-judged compromise between opposing interest groups.
  • Calyptrina striata is characterized by regularly and widely spaced transverse organic bands and has been interpreted as a possible worm or pogonophoran tube.
  • Owners of regularly flooded houses could opt to seal their properties from flood waters at their own expense - at a cost of up to £8,000.
  • From then on, your grandpa never came back, because he was afraid to disturb you grow up healthy, just do not regularly send some money to my family family allowance.
  • They regularly shower their friends with wildly extravagant gifts, kindnesses which Phillip and Alice could never hope to return or repay.
  • We've all been tormented by self-appointed experts who regularly criticize the weekly choice of music. Christianity Today
  • Many Christians regularly confess their guilty actions and thoughts to a priest.
  • After he started emptying his well-furnished mind and meditating regularly, there was a change in his character, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Inocencio regularly returns to his alma mater to encourage students to pursue their dreams.
  • Bo.lan Duangporn 'Bo' Songvisava and Dylan Jones' seven-course degustation menu changes regularly, but you can expect something like gaeng ki lek a northern Thai curry dish, along with a fiery representative from the far south. Eating in Southeast Asia
  • Unfortunately I have to update the operating system regularly; and when every PHP application running on my computer and in needs of talking to a MySQL database started malfunctioning after the 10.4.4 update, I began to transform my disappointment in angriness. The wonderful world of Apple RSS « Scripting News Annex
  • He regularly fails to distinguish the power of Christian worship from acts of magical theurgy: in either kind of activity, the unwavering faith of the believer is what confers success. Loss of Faith
  • Practices regularly lasted for more than six hours and were all-out wars.
  • In addition to this, the government-sponsored nuclear industry regularly released enormous quantities of radioactive Iodine, cesium, and strontium into the atmosphere just to see what might happen.
  • Indeed so regularly is the phrase "leader of the pack" mentioned when describing him, you half expect to hear a Harley‑Davidson engine raspily rev up and cue in The Shangri-Las. How Jimmy Anderson went from water carrier to leader of the pack | Rob Bagchi
  • Burgundy's pinot noir is regularly drunk with game birds, wild fowl and boar.
  • As W.J.T. Mitchell once aphoristically put it, ‘When the tigers break into the temple and profane the altar too regularly, their appearance rapidly becomes part of the sacred ritual.’
  • Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here.
  • Clean out the fridge with a clean cloth regularly and defrost the freezer every few months or if there's a large build up of ice.
  • When I was a boy in the Vale of Leven 60 years ago I was regularly belted at school by vindictive teachers.
  • However, as the lengthy quotation from his work above suggests, he was regularly able to secure from his informants details of others whom it would be useful for him to consult.
  • Their churches were supplied by able pastors; their univer - sities were adorned with learned and pious professors, such as Casaubon, Daiile, and others, whose praises are in all the reformed churches; their provincial, and national synods were regularly convened, and their people were well governed. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • Cut lawns regularly, once a week at least, when the grass is growing quickly.
  • For instance, the Home Secretary is regularly criticised for leniency on such issues from this lobby at the Conservative Party conferences.
  • Farmers and farmers-hands may regularly cut off the dags to keep their sheep clean.
  • Goal raids were frantic and the keepers were kept busy as the balls shot into the box and past the bars regularly.
  • Astigmatism is caused when the cornea is shaped irregularly like a football.
  • To let the air in, the cheese wheel is regularly pierced all the way through with a long needle, and the mold develops all along the thin tunnels thus generated.
  • The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name.
  • The Middleton Guardian was told that up to 60 vandals regularly invade the grounds and spend the whole night drinking and carousing, leaving a trail of dangerous debris in their wake.
  • I regularly pay £5 for 300g of instant coffee.
  • Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
  • Simon said he has grown accustomed to regularly hearing what sounds like a raging party downstairs - usually after midnight.
  • Pauline went on to say that others, in a drunken stupor, regularly use the estate as a toilet and not just for urinating.
  • Popular search topics also regularly inform blogs and email newsletters. Computing
  • Its curiously and irregularly pinnate fronds are borne on slender stalks, terete toward the base, and covered with reddish brown, downy scales, instead of being produced loosely, as in most other Nephrolepises; these are densily crowded, and the outcome of closely clustered crowns. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • He said one suggestion made to the town council, and apparently successful in other towns, was to erect dovecotes to attract the birds, give them feed containing a contraceptive and have their eggs removed regularly.
  • Crystal Mountain's Thistle Pub & Grille, located in Kinlochen, a Scottish-inspired lodge near the Clipper quad lift, might sound rather bar-like and it does have a wide selection of Scottish ales, Michigan wines, designer martinis and single malt whiskeys, but it's helmed by CIA-trained executive chef Darren Hawley who regularly whips up such exquisitely delicious delights as smoked pheasant and morel galantine with pickled beet and goat cheese gateau. Pam Grout: Crystal Mountain Resort: Skiing for Grownups
  • Make sure that you take a bath or shower regularly and wash your face every morning to remove dirt and dead skin cells.
  • Drink it regularly and the improved muscle cell regeneration will help the body to process fats and calories more effectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • As to flowers, they are the prettiest periodicals ever published in folio -- the leaves are wire-wove and hot-pressed by Nature's self; their circulation is wide over all the land; from castle to cottage they are regularly taken in; as old age bends over them, his youth is renewed; and you see childhood poring upon them, prest close to its very bosom. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 406, December 26, 1829
  • Essentially, the azad were itinerant mendicants who regularly practised extreme ascetic styles of religious devotion, as a mark of their ‘other worldliness.’
  • They then undergo further morphological changes into swollen and irregularly shaped organisms.
  • The education officers ought to visit the schools regularly.
  • If you don't ride regularly with an instructor, and have a reliable horse, there are many exercises that you can do on horseback without the lunge line to test your position.
  • Still, there are some courses that are worth playing regularly and this is one of them.
  • In Russia it is part of everyday life that one goes regularly to the theatre.
  • Ensure that all your gas appliances are regularly serviced.

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