How To Use Regrow In A Sentence

  • Looking back at my to-do list (previous post) it occurs to me that the whole point of getting the dratted deadline for Chill moved (it looks now as if it will be published for Fall 2009, so never fear; it is not being pushed back a full year) was so I could take some time off from novels and let my brain regrow. Re: Book sale paypal payments...
  • Advances in regenerative medicine means it's possible for damaged body parts to be regrown from human cells, and 60 Minutes featured the growing area of study. Growing Body Parts From Human Cells: '60 Minutes' Examines Idea (VIDEO)
  • Regrowth usually occurs, but this treatment will reduce competition from Canada thistle in soybeans and help prevent production of more rootstock.
  • But in their place new hairs start to regrow about four months later. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pastures still look good and alfalfa regrowth is looking very good.
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  • This interviewee himself took pleasure in regrowth forest and spent much of his recreational time fishing, catching marron (a freshwater crustacean, Cherax cainii) and bush walking.
  • When sarcoids are removed, they have a high incidence of regrowing.
  • With promises such as regrown spinal-cord tissue allowing the paralyzed to walk again, many people find it hard to draw the line and say no. Archive 2005-06-01
  • Well, you could see all of Logan’s flesh gone, and have him walk around as just his adamantium skeleton and vital organs appear, and slowly you will see all of his muscles and skin regrow. Are we finally about to get a good movie tie-in game? « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Jodahs gains the ability to regrow limbs and change shape. Playing Human in Octavia Butler's Imago
  • Why do you think that filthy organization will experience 'regrowth'? - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • Although animals such as planaria and starfish can regrow virtually any part of their bodies, humans have restricted regenerative capabilities. Media Newswire
  • Nerve cells in the brain, unlike other cells of the body, cannot regrow.
  • Looking at her, at the patches of red skin regrown across her frostbitten face, he was uncomfortable, too. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Trees can be regrown (perhaps not as fast, but while they are growing – maybe we could think of what to write next? lol). Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » E-Books and the Future of Publishing
  • some invertebrates can regrow limbs or their tail after they lost it due to an injury
  • That oily, dark gutter of regrowth ... now highly desirable. Times, Sunday Times
  • These evergreen giant herbs spring from rhizomes, flower, fruit and die and then regrow from a sucker.
  • Harvested plants were separated into lateral roots, taproots, remaining leaves and stems in the crown, and regrowing leaves and stems.
  • Coriander, garden cress, and dill are short-lived annuals that, when cut for harvest, do not regrow.
  • Products containing fungicide should inhibit the regrowth of algae. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has started to regrow but it's white. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cut back quite hard and the strong regrowth carries next year's flowers. The Sun
  • They can regrow not only their arms, but their stomachs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pine forests of the Sierra Juarez depend upon fire for successful regrowth.
  • A fresh batch of leaves will regrow to fill the gaps. Times, Sunday Times
  • A visitor in 1906 wrote of the desolation of the scene and the damage done to this beautiful area by the miners, but now the regrowth of kamahi has covered most of the relics of the mining.
  • But it has stimulated nerve regrowth in people with damaged spinal cords. The Sun
  • Over time, as "plumbed" ice forms on land and flows down to the sea, the ice shelf could regrow. Water Conserve: Water Conservation RSS Newsfeed
  • These non-selective herbicides should not be used at the same site continuously for more than two to three years to allow native vegetation to regrow.
  • Importantly, disrupting the SDF-1/CXCR4 interaction prevented the recruitment of vasculogenic cells to the tumor site and thereby blocked postirradiation development of functional tumor vasculature, resulting in abrogation of tumor regrowth. - latest science and technology news stories
  • “Hans, do you know how expensive hair regrowth potions are?” Master of Mirrors
  • Among the world's varied creatures, a Mexican salamander called the axolotl appears best at regrowing whole limbs lost to injury. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • According to one of his aides, the ambassador had to shave his beard when he made a business trip to Tokyo, but he started regrowing the beard upon his return to Jakarta.
  • Original research is being conducted on the combustibility and inflammability of successive plant regrowth as these fires accumulate.
  • Remember, though, that regrowth takes encouragement and energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's amazing how well they can negotiate some half-regrown clear-cut strewn with tops like it's not really there. Moose in Your Face
  • Fatter cuts can be made, but regrowth is uncertain and awkward. Times, Sunday Times
  • A day later, it had already started to regrow. Globe and Mail
  • Application of glyphosate to small perennials often controls existing foliage, but regrowth occurs later in the growing crop.
  • But I'm going to hazard that at least half of First's growth is "regrowth". Philocrites: Fastest growing congregations in 2005.
  • A day later, it had already started to regrow. Globe and Mail
  • Drug Administrationto promote a topical treatment known as Rogaine which contains 2% minoxidil and used solely for the treatment of male hair thinning, Minoxidil has been shown to be useful for hair regrowth both in the scalps frontal areaand also the vertex spot in treating male-pattern hair loss. The Global Perspective
  • One possible explanation is that "a more rapid regrowth occurs when you stop Avastin," he says. Questions Swirl Around Avastin
  • Other proteins in wallaby milk may yield treatments to prod bone regrowth in osteoporosis patients.
  • Obviously, my sciatic nerve has been affected, but do the damaged nerve fibres regrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • Electric stimulation causes the regrowth of bones.
  • A fresh batch of leaves will regrow to fill the gaps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking at her, at the patches of red skin regrown across her frostbitten face, he was uncomfortable, too. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Regrowth is fast and the coppice is allowed to grow until the poles are big enough to be used for crafts.
  • Patients are given exercises to re-establish a range of facial expressions as the nerve very slowly regrows or heals.
  • Obviously, my sciatic nerve has been affected, but do the damaged nerve fibres regrow? Times, Sunday Times
  • Farmers were using a "regrowth" exemption to clear recovering forests, including some which were home to endangered species. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • If we go too short, will he be able to unhinge supernatural powers and regrow it in two hours time? Anna De Souza: A Day in the Life of a Male Fashion Model (Pizza, "Haircuts" and Possibly Regrowing a Beard in Two Hours)
  • The dropwort is super easy and due to a long taproot, whenever it is moved a piece is always left behind to regrow in the original spot. May Bloom Day-This And That « Fairegarden
  • But parallel developments in the cultivation of ‘stem cells’ - seed cells, which can be grown into a precise match for any tissue in any person - might make it possible to regrow dead retina.
  • No regrowth occurs when plants are cut off at ground level, but regrowth is satisfactory with cutting heights ranging from 0.15 to 1.5 meters. 3: Staple crops
  • Once an area has been cleared of weeds, measures should be taken to prevent immediate regrowth.
  • « Israel Used Phosphorus to Torch Hamas Hideouts: Human Rights Watch (Updated) regrow soldiers 'limbs is complete; scientists managed to turn human skin into the equivalent of a blastema - a mass of undifferentiated cells that can develop into new body parts.
  • They will regrow several times - after this, dig up and go again. Times, Sunday Times
  • A visitor in 1906 wrote of the desolation of the scene and the damage done to this beautiful area by the miners, but now the regrowth of kamahi has covered most of the relics of the mining.
  • White beefwood grows in the drier more exposed areas and is often found in regrowth.
  • Fig ivy is vigorous and will quickly regrow, so you will need to eliminate the roots or spend time trimming in the future.
  • Trimmed birds that were allowed to regrow their overhangs ‘caused an immediate reduction in lice’ (p. 815). Archive 2006-07-01
  • He had dyed blood-red hair but you could see black regrowth showing through at the roots.
  • By inhibiting such a current after amputating a salamander's leg, they can, in effect, flip a switch that shuts down the process of regrowth.
  • This perennial, bush-like plant regrows its slender leaves each time it's picked and is the strongest-tasting rocket of all.
  • Likewise, once those nerves are damaged they cannot be regrown—and most certainly not in an adult. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • The stress of the bleaching also stunts regrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the time to be planning for quick removal of the residue and an early burn to allow good regrowth going into the winter.
  • Projects to regrow marginal strips of greenery on arable farmland, such as one at Manor Farm in the Yorkshire Wolds, have also had a positive effect on the bee population, he said.
  • Local ranchers and farmers have questioned why the pipeline needs to pass through an area where the aquifer runs just a few feet below the ground and the sandy soil makes it harder for vegetation to regrow once it's been disturbed. Great Plains oil pipeline plan sparks grass-roots activism, high-stakes lobbying
  • The length of this regrowth period depends on the remaining stubble height and growing conditions.
  • Diseased poplars make an effort to regrow, but continue to drop leaves.
  • Drug Administrationto promote a topical treatment known as Rogaine which contains 2% minoxidil and used solely for the treatment of male hair thinning, Minoxidil has been shown to be useful for hair regrowth both in the scalps frontal areaand also the vertex spot in treating male-pattern hair loss. The Global Perspective
  • It has started to regrow but it's white. Times, Sunday Times
  • She records battling ‘through bauera and cutting grass, and down very steeply through more bad regrowth, fallen logs and boulders - a thoroughly horrible section’.
  • The new look of roots does not resemble the regrowth that we once dreaded and thought of as looking sloppy and unkempt. Louis Licari: Show Your True Color
  • Deeper or darker regrowth is no longer objectionable; it now looks smart and deliberate. Louis Licari: Show Your True Color
  • They will regrow several times - after this, dig up and go again. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, luckily, infants have the ability to regrow some nerves, so I got back a lot of my range of motion - but not all. A Good Birth | Her Bad Mother
  • Simply apply a darker color to your regrowth, giving you the illusion of dark roots. Louis Licari: Show Your True Color
  • What is spirituality if you scrub away the woo and soak any potential regrowth in a strong solution of reason and evidence? Valerie Tarico: Should Freethinkers Shun Or Claim The Language Of Spirituality?
  • I may become bald, through no choice of my own and with no possibility of regrowing my hair.
  • It's also a proposal about moving the industry from predominately old forests into regrowth and plantations.
  • Implanted osteogenic stimulators deliver electrical impulses directly to the site where bone regrowth needs to occur.
  • The meadows are cut for hay in late summer, and the regrowth is then grazed by cattle or sheep.
  • This poor, outworn man's flesh had recently been restored, his bulky new muscles regrown under the pull of artificially induced gravities. THE BROKEN GOD
  • But in their place new hairs start to regrow about four months later. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the lower-lying areas, destruction of native vegetation has been virtually complete where clearings have been made for settlement, grazing and agriculture, and regrowth tends to be of invading weed species, including introduced plants such as guava, bitou bush, ferny asparagus and asparagus fern. Lord Howe Island Group, Australia
  • Cork is a renewable resource – it is taken off the trees that regrow it. Vent your spleen: synthetic corks! | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Since deciduous plants regrow new leaves each year, the defoliation caused by bagworm feeding is usually not serious.
  • However, probiotics - friendly bacteria - ensure that yeast regrowth will be minimal.
  • These colonies could hardly be regrown on solid media, and they did not grow at all in liquid media.
  • Recent studies have shown that these iguanas have an unusual adaptive trait: their skeletons can shrink when times are tough and regrow in times of plenty.
  • Plants that form rootstocks can be spurred to regrowth after several years through tillage.
  • Therefore, when the hair regrows where the brand was applied, it is white.
  • Some invertebrates can regrow limbs or their tail after they lost it due to an injury.
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  • The practice of taking up chicory plants in the autumn, cutting off their leaves, and replanting the roots in a dark cellar so that they regrow small, white leaves originated in France.
  • They can regrow not only their arms, but their stomachs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some reptiles can regrow their tails when they are cut away.
  • In some areas, heather destroyed in blazes over 30 years ago has not regrown.
  • Suckers can be dug up and separated during the dormant or “pregrowth” season and transplanted. 5. How plants live and grow
  • I even learned that fuzzy bumfluff doesn't regrow like hair in other parts.
  • Extensions can help you get through the tricky regrowth phase. Times, Sunday Times
  • The field was plowed just before planting, but natural vegetation was allowed to regrow during the experiment.
  • Other treatments, including oral chemo and radiotherapy, failed and it began to regrow. The Sun
  • Intense microbial competition further retards regrowth of the pathogenic bacteria in the final product.
  • It is common, and the hair will usually regrow within a few months. The Sun
  • It is common, and the hair will usually regrow within a few months. The Sun
  • This might lead to new ways of thinking about limb regrowth in humans.
  • The wet summers have meant grass has regrown very quickly and thick, and it is a big task for them to keep up this role.
  • This poor, outworn man's flesh had recently been restored, his bulky new muscles regrown under the pull of artificially induced gravities. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Juvenile plants and regrowth stems usually have obovate leaves, but these are soon deciduous and rarely appear on older stems.
  • This year it also reported that the ice is failing to regrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turnip regrowth is initiated at the top of the root.
  • As the shrub regrows, choose the strongest shoots and remove crowded, spindly, and weak ones.
  • Applying another masking and etching process (d), he opened a window into the regrown oxide of the base area. The Planar Process
  • Other treatments, including oral chemo and radiotherapy, failed and it began to regrow. The Sun
  • parts of the trunk of this tree can regrow
  • The dying bulb foliage will be covered later in the season when the shrub regrows.
  • It has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth, studies say.
  • This poor, outworn man's flesh had recently been restored, his bulky new muscles regrown under the pull of artificially induced gravities. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Piece of the symbiote is left with conners, he continues studying it, and using it’s unique properties devices his serum to regrow his arm. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Attn: Nerdtacular Attendees!
  • I am tired of telling them that nobody asks to become bald, nor do I want to spend thousands of dollars regrowing my hair.
  • And no matter how aggressively one attempts to scrape it away, the same microscopic jungle regrows time and again.
  • This year timely rain provided for regrowth of grasses.
  • For one thing, a cleanup plan should require regrowing heavily logged forests above the Silver Valley, says Osborn.
  • This year it also reported that the ice is failing to regrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pioneering Australian surgery may make it possible for breast cancer patients to "regrow" their breasts.
  • Its shortcoming is that it simply redistributes existing hair rather than achieving real regrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine if the skin could be regrown from a cell sample and then grafted on.
  • During the procedure, the laser pulses for less than a second - long enough to heat up the hair and impede the follicle's ability to regrow.
  • Leave 6 to 10 inches of stubble to promote rapid regrowth of rape.
  • He spied within the tech sector rubble the seeds of regrowth.
  • Last year’s sorrel is regrowing in the back yard, as slug-eaten as ever, but still lemony-sharp. Spring garden
  • Secondary regrowth, however, has begun to offer opportunities for dispersal for a wide range of taxa, although significant movements of less vagile species such as salamanders, wildflowers, and land snails might require centuries. Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • She will remain in care until all her claws have regrown.
  • Longer-term reforestation efforts will follow, including planting trees in some areas where natural regrowth is unlikely. Erosion, floods may follow severe fire season
  • The drug, which has been developed in conjunction with scientists at Trinity College, Dublin, aims to stop cancer cells from regrowing after they have been attacked during treatment.

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