How To Use Regrettable In A Sentence
She said it was regrettable that a policeman, who had taken an oath, had come before the court and deliberately misled the court.
The loss of jobs is highly regrettable.
As long as the conflict goes on here, it's logical to assume that the attitudes of all sides will harden, which is deeply regrettable.
Top Israel Rabbis: Don't Sell Property To Non-Jews
He said: 'It is very regrettable that an officer should apparently have disregarded a speed camera under these circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
“The fact that a Dutch parliamentarian is refused entry to another EU country is highly regrettable,” Mr Verhagen said.
Anti-Islamist politician Geert Wilders refused entry to Britain

The excesses committed during the unfortunate period are regrettable.
It is deeply regrettable that both before and since those two spills occurred, much more oil has been spilt due to illegality.
Times, Sunday Times
The separation between the disciplines of biology and cosmology may be philosophically regrettable but it is built into the structure of modern science.
Infinite in All Directions
His tiredness caused him to make a regrettable error.
The feeling at Anfield is that this was a regrettable, avoidable incident rather than a serious one.
Times, Sunday Times
If people, of their own free will, choose to take dangerous drugs for recreational reasons that is regrettable.
It was accepted by the respondent that his managerial performance exhibited regrettable lapses and the tribunal can only wholeheartedly agree.
It is deeply regrettable that the British Government refused to support this proposal.
Times, Sunday Times
There is thus nothing much surprising, even if there is something more than a little regrettable from the standpoint of principle, about the narrow-almost - (but-not-quite) - to-the-point-of-nothingness opinion today.
One regrettable aspect of modern living is the loss of seasonality.
It was a regrettable incident but I now consider the matter closed.
What we once enjoyed and maybe even defended against less confused peers can sometimes emerge from the time-fog as a shamefully regrettable “phase” that etches an embarrassing low-water mark for all films (or romances) to follow.
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If the Cardinals don't make the playoffs or get bounced early, the trade could become a regrettable long-term misjudgment. - Home Page
She said last night: 'My conviction was deeply regrettable.
The Sun
The virtual suppression of the preconciliar Mass in the years following Vatican II seemed to share some similar qualities that are in retrospect gravely regrettable.
Extraordinary Form, Montgomery, Alabama
regrettable remarks
It was regrettable that the workers felt that they had been put into a corner where they had to ballot for industrial action.
That he has been allowed to cheat justice is more than deeply regrettable.
Times, Sunday Times
One is able to regard the country as very healthy, despite the regrettable maladies that frequently afflict it in the form of plague, dysentery and small pox.
I think a regrettable feature of some aspects of the environmental movement is that it turns its back on technology.
Business, with a regrettable few exceptions, is booming in a town known the world over because of its famous Rock.
As the potential model for other ventures between the public and private sector in Toronto, it would be regrettable if we let Dundas Square's weaknesses as a public square go unchallenged.
But it is regrettable that awareness is very low, especially among women and at the grassroots level.
She said that it had been regrettable that this had occurred.
While the failure of the book to engage in elaborating the theory of Bonapartism is a weakness, the avoidance of any serious debate concerning the writer's position in regard to Stalinism is regrettable.
Is this because these spiritual guides of our race are too poor or too over-worked to serve his purpose, or do we perhaps, -- in this regrettable "lacuna" -- stumble upon one of the little smiling prejudices of our great conformist?
Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
It is regrettable that it has taken almost ten years from the intimation of a claim to the assessment of damages.
Other governments have turned a blind eye and that is deeply regrettable.
The Sun
The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.
This fear became a regrettable visitor on certain anniversaries, my birthday, for instance, or I should say ours.
Then the procureur comes to the regrettable conclusion that there is not a case that would stand up in court.
And you are right, it is a good word in it’s original meaning and it is regrettable that the “zombie” connotations have overwhelmed it’s meaning when there isn’t an adequate replacement (educable, educatable & teachable have their own connotations).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
Vice is like suffering: each individual instance of it is regrettable, but what sensible person would wish to eliminate it altogether?
Redundancies were regrettable, but a necessary part of a forward-looking modern economy.
How many men can honestly say they were not prone to impulsive and regrettable behaviour during early adulthood?
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore, while regrettable, the omission in my view is immaterial in these circumstances.
I find this to be a regrettable stance, in the main because of the breadth of messages contained in it.
The peril of servilism and dependence lies not only in that "useless consuming of life," which leads to helplessness, but in the development of individual traits which indicate all too plainly a regrettable perversion and degeneration of the normal man.
The Montessori Method
The American Civil Liberties Union said that a regrettable reversal under political pressure will strike a blow to American values and the rule of law and will undermine America's credibility.
Now, first, I have to say that I admire Lord Hoffman's style, and am glad that someone else is as sceptical as I am of what he calls a regrettable tendency, and what I call human rightsism.
Archive 2008-06-01
Nanaimo Mayor John Ruttan was disappointed with Mr. Les's remarks, which he described as "regrettable.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
That it has not happened consistently is deeply regrettable.
Times, Sunday Times
However, apart from that one rather regrettable episode he'd never found the attic room particularly unsettling.
This fear became a regrettable visitor on certain anniversaries, my birthday, for instance, or I should say ours.
it's regrettable that she didn't go to college
There's flatfooted choreography and one regrettable rap sequence.
Times, Sunday Times
Firstly it must be said that all of these incidents are regrettable and that this newspaper in no way condemns the breaking of the law on drugs.
Although there exist differences in the judicial system (between the two countries), it is quite regrettable from the Japanese side," Kyodo news agency quoted Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama as saying before the execution was announced.
BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
It is therefore regrettable that you chose to print the article in its current form and under a misleading heading on the front page of your paper.
It is regrettable that it has become necessary to deploy policemen in schools, but it is needed as an emergency shock treatment.
The separation between the disciplines of biology and cosmology may be philosophically regrettable but it is built into the structure of modern science.
Infinite in All Directions
He's not exactly acting very honorably in that role or as a man, and I think it's deeply regrettable.
The chairman said it was regrettable that two fishing vessels, loaded with mackerel, were unable to land their catches at the port recently because the weighbridge was not in operation.
It appears to me wholly regrettable and unnecessary that such colourful language was used in the first press release.
It was a regrettable incident but I now consider the matter closed.
It is regrettable that some biotech companies have already left Europe.
Many bishops and enraged lay people respond that the injustice is regrettable, but it is the price to be paid.
The separation between the disciplines of biology and cosmology may be philosophically regrettable but it is built into the structure of modern science.
Infinite in All Directions
That is the reality, lamentable and regrettable as it is.
Parts of the show seem evidence of a regrettable loss of curatorial nerve.
This was a deeply regrettable error and we are very sorry.
The Sun
What's truly regrettable is the sorry fact that the North does not understand what has really caused this deadlock.
An ageing spinster behind a bar would far rather discuss the finer points of her son's regrettable taste in women than serve you a beer in under half an hour.
Armed with only empirical observation and what we can see in controlled environments, we have often shown a regrettable tendency to empty the cosmos of its life.
Christianity Today
Why should it be regrettable if people say bored of rather than bored with or bored by?
Times, Sunday Times
The behavior of the everest crawler is regrettable.
MSNBot, Begone!
It was regrettable the association had chosen to adopt this approach.
A GenoPro genogram can be a simple family tree with some additional medical information, or a complex web of diseased relations and regrettable affairs.
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It's regrettable that classical music receives so little attention.
One is able to regard the country as very healthy, despite the regrettable maladies that frequently afflict it in the form of plague, dysentery and small pox.
The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.
Now this, while regrettable, is hardly surprising.
The most inaccurate quiz ever
This is evidence of an organisation in total disarray and the action proposed shows a regrettable disregard for patient care.
Times, Sunday Times
This is indeed regrettable, because politicians who act only in their own partisan, self-seeking interest are doing nothing other than letting their country down.
This was a very regrettable error.
Cindi Graf, a title abstracter from Lyme who supported Republican Lynn Wheeler in her unsuccessful bid to oust Grafton County Register of Deeds Bill Sharp - another beneficiary of the college vote - said it was regrettable that students didn't do more to learn about the local issues and candidates if they vote in such elections.
Free State Project - Liberty in Our Lifetime
Any death is deeply regrettable.
Times, Sunday Times
Then there's Vijay Singh, unbeloved of women golfers everywhere but a man strong enough to come back to win the week immediately after his regrettable comments.
The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.
The disruption to their lives is regrettable and their opposition to the line inevitable.
Times, Sunday Times
This fear became a regrettable visitor on certain anniversaries, my birthday, for instance, or I should say ours.
Even my highly regrettable tendency to react positively whenever the fridge door is opened was proof against that.
That there are not more acres of greensward is regrettable.
Sunday Op/Ed: Don’t Put the Chihuly Museum at Seattle Center « PubliCola
But clearly Freeman is right about the inadvisability of unconditional financial aid to Israel and also about the fact that Israeli violence has regrettable consequences.
Matthew Yglesias » AIPAC vs. Chas Freedman
Still, despite his concerns with Bush's abuses, he explained that he does not support impeachment, because of the timing, not enough time before the election and the regrettable invariability of the process becoming even further political.
Notes from the Non-Impeachment Hearings
This aspect causes you to make hasty, sometimes regrettable decisions.
This dispute is a regrettable development for a product that has survived many setbacks.
The company bosses have said it is ‘regrettable’ that a rail union official did not attend a meeting staged to help reconcile their long-running dispute over pay.
The events that led to this claim and counterclaim are indeed regrettable.
To treat the resultant civilian casualties as ‘regrettable but inevitable’ is to regard innocent lives as expendable.
His propensity for taking young, barely postpubescent girls was well known-as was their regrettable tendency to not survive such encounters.
Widows and Orphans
He squirmed: 'This was a deeply regrettable error and we are very sorry.
The Sun
It appears to me wholly regrettable and unnecessary that such colourful language was used in the first press release.
There is a regrettable paucity of training in the rudiments of security protocols or practices at the library.
Top officials briefing the news media on what they call a regrettable mistake.
CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2008
Your choice of friends is regrettable.
The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.
Spokesmen who have defended the bombing have said that the civilian casualties are a regrettable but unavoidable side-effect of the attacks on military targets.
Trent breathed in deeply, fighting the urge to retort something regrettable.
This is evidence of an organisation in total disarray and the action proposed shows a regrettable disregard for patient care.
Times, Sunday Times
The loss of jobs is highly regrettable.
Sadly, on the whole, The Horizontal Instrument is far more interesting as a bluffer's guide to horology - with a few regrettable dramatic interludes.
Now that our government has implicated us in this regrettable, improvident and illegal war - we are obliged to make a substantial commitment to reconstruction.
It is deeply regrettable that he shouted at the referee: there should be no place for such behaviour in football.
Times, Sunday Times
Close colleagues of Wark's now concede that she accepts the holiday with McConnell was a ‘regrettable error of judgment’.
In its weekly Internet newsletter on Friday, the ANC once again released a statement, first issued earlier this week, in which it labelled her behaviour as "regrettable".
ANC Daily News Briefing
Her rudeness was most / highly regrettable.
Council bosses have launched an investigation and a spokesman said: 'This was an extremely regrettable incident.
The Sun
Although there exist differences in the judicial system (between the two countries), it is quite regrettable from the Japanese side," Kyodo news agency cited Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama as saying before the execution was announced.
In addition to this capital defect, it is regrettable that it is necessary to shake the flask that contains the solution after every insufflation of air, and also that the play of the valves soon becomes imperfect.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
Since these issues comprise an important part of why the political process has been so difficult for Europe over the past two decades, their omission from the book leaves a regrettable gap in the chronicle.
Having heard the evidence, there was a most regrettable set of circumstances but I believe this was an accidental death.
How many men can honestly say they were not prone to impulsive and regrettable behaviour during early adulthood?
Times, Sunday Times
He said the damaging of the trees was regrettable, but also exceptional.
Armed with only empirical observation and what we can see in controlled environments, we have often shown a regrettable tendency to empty the cosmos of its life.
Christianity Today
Soon, the Germans will find out if keeping the nameplate was an astute decision or a regrettable one.
Contemplate the fact that you might have made a regrettable, but somewhat explainable decision then.
Taxes are a regrettable necessity.
“The fact that a Dutch parliamentarian is refused entry to another EU country is highly regrettable”, Mr Verhagen said.
Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders barred from UK over anti-Islam film
One is able to regard the country as very healthy, despite the regrettable maladies that frequently afflict it in the form of plague, dysentery and small pox.
How many men can honestly say they were not prone to impulsive and regrettable behaviour during early adulthood?
Times, Sunday Times
It's regrettable that classical music receives so little attention.
It's just regrettable that it seems to be a rather dangerous business being a lonesome, sensitive, guitar-strumming singer-songwriter.
I recognise that the legal action we took in September in order to formalise our agreement with Tracy created an unfortunate and regrettable public dispute.
It may be that the decision to interfere with such an editorial decision will have perverse and regrettable consequences.
Ten unions last night called the coup bid 'deeply regrettable and unnecessary'.
The Sun
The harsh reality is that the two big banks see the customer as an inconvenience and workers as a regrettable cost that has to be tolerated.
It's regrettable that classical music receives so little attention.
They also choose the dullest pastime and the most regrettable musical genre.
Times, Sunday Times
I recognise that the legal action we took in September in order to formalise our agreement with Tracy created an unfortunate and regrettable public dispute.
This is a great pity because if he had, we might have been spared the regrettable sight that assailed us earlier in the week.
And another regrettable thing about death is the ceasing of your own brand of magic, which took a whole life to develop and market - the quips, the witticisms, the slant adjusted to a few, those loved ones nearest the lip of the stage, their soft faces blanched in the footlight glow, their laughter close to tears, their warm pooled breath in and out with your heartbeat, their response and your performance twinned.
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The state and national governments have treated the current heat wave as just another natural disaster and the hundreds of deaths as regrettable, but unpreventable.
Never since have I set eyes on a ‘first’ of Mrs Roche's best-known novel, and on only two ‘firsts’ of Horrid Mysteries; and although it was regrettable that Samuel Whitbread's binders had destroyed half-titles, I soon knew enough of the difficulties of my subject to treasure with gratitude what they had left behind.
None of us can help the way we look and it is regrettable that facial tics and lopsided lips affect the way we see our political leaders.
The Sun
It's regrettable that we've gotten into this market hype about institutions.
He added: 'It is always regrettable when there are civilian casualties.
Times, Sunday Times
Even my highly regrettable tendency to react positively whenever the fridge door is opened was proof against that.
What you ascribe to would-be marble respossessors is a fair description of a regrettable practice called tailgating a rich issue.
Night (not) in the Parthenon Museum 2
Inappropriate and regrettable" is just the beginning, sir.
(Updated): Wilson's opponent raises more than $500K
Editors at UCLA's student paper "begrudgingly" ran a full-page ad for Haagen-Dazs wrapped around today's front page, and say in an editorial that it's a "regrettable but relatively unavoidable consequence of the recent financial trends devastating our sources of revenue and our industry.
LA Observed
He said that the violence ‘was regrettable,’ but that security staff must use force to do their jobs.
I'm currently torn between a total bah-humbug mood and the desire to go out, get completely trolleyed and do something outrageous and possibly regrettable.
They are silly, hilarious, inspired and often deeply regrettable.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a regrettable incident on his side, but the federation did not act strongly enough.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps you may think that in this case the continuation of such stringent and draconian sanctions is a regrettable but necessary consequence.
Those concerned may at times find this unbelievable or regrettable.
Growing Through Loss and Grief
The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.
The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.
It was regrettable that the workers felt that they had been put into a corner where they had to ballot for industrial action.
Regrettable too is the tendency by the students to allow themselves to be used either by politicians or their union representatives with hidden agendas.
Despite my increasingly regrettable jest, I'm actually aware that people are rarely hold the cartoonish views that single-word labels ascribe to them.
Making Light: Open thread 134
He said: 'A pupil followed our advice but it led to a regrettable incident and pupils became nauseous.
The Sun
It is highly regrettable that the minister cannot be here in person.
The judge said it was regrettable the family had to take legal action and live under the cloud of litigation for the last few years.
The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.
He said: ‘It was a very regrettable and something for which he wishes to apologise to the court and to the security staff who were treated abominably by him.’
We remain at a high level of alert, but sometimes it is possible that they slip through our defences as they did in Pune, Mumbai and Delhi, which I described as regrettable 'blots' on our record….
Notable & Quotable
And you are right, it is a good word in it’s original meaning and it is regrettable that the “zombie” connotations have overwhelmed it’s meaning when there isn’t an adequate replacement educable, educatable & teachable have their own connotations.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
Wilson issued a statement of apology after the speech, saying he had "let my emotions get the best of me" and calling his interjection "inappropriate and regrettable.
It was not surprising that he was undistinguished and a mediocre administrator during his stewardship as governor of an agrarian State called Katsina, but regrettable that same man was saddled with the huge responsibility of leading Nigeria by the man who imposed him on the country.
Ademola Bello: Umaru Musa Yar'Adua: A Mediocre Administrator, the Least Prepared Nigerian President Since Shehu Shagari
In Europe, this was still often presented as a regrettable exception, triggered by a humanitarian emergency, to the normal respect for international law characteristic of democracies.