How To Use Regressive In A Sentence
Work with your staff on understanding the regressive behaviors that may be exhibited.
The implications are, in their way, deeply regressive.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, in some sense, this is a regressive tax as poorer laborers are probably the least likely to have flexibility in setting their work schedules for the sake of avoiding the higher taxes.
Broadly speaking, the more conservative the state's political representation in the legislature, the more regressive its tax burden.
Local governments depend especially on the generally regressive property tax, and there are fewer people to share the cost of programmes.
Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations

This was a regressive tax system, but less regressive than that of any other industrialized country.
And if you tax consumption with indirect taxation, taxes often pyramid, with resultant price increases of a regressive nature.
Lastly, are we really preparing for developed world status, or are we on a regressive path to under-developed status?
For instance, suppose you needed to generate time-varying Rayleigh fading channels based on autoregressive models to support your fading channel simulation.
Rambles at » Blog Archive » Me being interviewed in EE Times
Without regressive evolution to prune the phenotype, all species would be encumbered by billion-year-long lists of superannuated traits.
These ‘comic’ stereotypes, regressive even in 1968, make the show seem not so much offensive as hopelessly dated.
While cloaking itself in the language of economics, it is in fact anti-economic, anti-modern and regressive.
A 1998 report described 12 children with inflammatory bowel disorders who developed regressive conditions including autism.
There is good reason to believe that many tree ring signals are not only first order autoregressive, but second order as well, because many forest insects cycle due to predator-prey, insect-plant, and insect-disease interactions.
Bender on Gaspé « Climate Audit
We are offering the Bill to the Government in the hope that they will take it on board and run with this rather than their own regressive Bill.
First, the tax would be regressive, hitting the poorest hardest.
Times, Sunday Times
He said the possibility of bringing back fees, being considered in a government review of third level funding, could prove regressive.
Those writings are largely based upon Freud's assertion that firesetting in youth is a regressive retreat to ‘primitive man's’ desire to gain power and control over nature.
The Liberal budget reduced personal income, capital gains and corporate tax rates, and announced the phased elimination of a surtax on higher income Canadians, but it made no mention of the regressive Goods and Services Tax.
They said Ottawa has made some positive financial decisions, but cities still face the need to upgrade aging roads, bridges, and water and sewer systems while remaining dependent on property tax revenue, which they called regressive and inadequate.
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The study shows that property taxes are most regressive in municipalities where homeowner incomes vary widely but property values are relatively homogeneous.
That's why sales tax is often denigrated as a regressive tax.
In the end, a "movement" which appears angry and populist is in reality a front group for the worst, most regressive oligarchic policies.
David A. Love: The Tea Party Spirit Is Corroding Public Discourse In America
Your argument that alcohol tax would not be as regressive as most consumption taxes is premised on it being an ad valorem tax.
Matthew Yglesias » Higher Taxes on Alcohol
The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
On the whole, the focus is on strengthening the adult sides of the patient and on normalizing the situation instead of focusing on regressive behavior.
Here it should also be noted that it is wrong to depict one's religious community as more liberal and progressive and another community as more regressive and backward.
The uniform age threshold is already highly regressive and raising it will make it more so.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a joy to find this young author coming into his own, and bringing the craft of science fiction out of the backwaters where it's been caught lately between the regressive drag of publishers marketing to a "safe" readership and the bewildering promises of change and growth offered by postmodernism in all its forms and formlessness.
Embassytown by China Miéville – review
It is a regressive way of thinking.
The Sun
A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
So it feels like a regressive step.
Times, Sunday Times
It has long been criticised as a regressive poll tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Social Security taxes, excise levies, tariffs, and other duties are regressive - their effective rates decline as income goes up.
Bill was comfortable expressing emotion, but he was also bothered by Jane's persistence in maintaining the above-mentioned regressive behaviors.
In general terms, the sequences have a relatively simple transgressive-regressive pattern around a mid-cycle condensed interval represented by shellbeds, sideritic micritic limestones or ironstones.
The salt tax was severely regressive, since it fell heaviest on the peasants who needed salt to feed to their cattle.
However, in spontaneous speech, inter-syllabic coarticulations usually take the form of regressive assimilation.
Third, interest payments represent a perpetual income transfer from the working public to the bondholders - a kind of regressive tax that makes the rich, richer and the poor, poorer.
In particular, he applied the concept of "autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity" (ARCH) for this purpose.
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
Shifting to inflation indexing OTOH is just a patch on an open sore that solves nothing -- it is regressive, hurting the poor the most, and so will be (and should be) fought by all who think SS's best role is as a safety net for the poor.
Social Security Indexing Debate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The typical objection to a sales or value added tax is that it is regressive but I think you could maintain progressivity through tax credits for lower incomes.
Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
Until Texans get a candidate they can get enthusiastic about, the rest of the world will rightly look at this state as a hotbed of regressive and feudalistic politics, fueled by dirty oil money.
Cheney endorsing Hutchinson in Texas governor's race
Many considered the changes to the welfare laws a regressive step.
Matthew wants to go into her room like a normal couple, but she's adamant in her regressive refusals, protecting her private sexless space, declaring that ‘no one's making love on my bed.’
Of course, sales taxes are the ultimate in regressive taxes.
Think Progress » Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack
With new regimes settling in at all three levels of government, there is a pronounced opportunity, and certainly a public appetite, for the reversal of regressive trends around the arts.
His original proposition - cut taxes regressively, double military spending, shrink government and balance the federal budget - looked cockeyed from the start.
They considered themselves a landed meritocracy rather than a regressive aristocracy.
Compared to the traditional parameter-fixed autoregressive moving average (ARMA) method, the MEP algorithm is adaptive and capable of tracking RTT dynamics rapidly.
Other alternative models such as higher autoregressive (AR(n), n greater than 1) models can provide a better fit to the overall spectrum, but often through parameterizing features that might be actually be associated with signals.
Wilson et al 2007 « Climate Audit
While I do have somewhat of an issue with the fact that this would be a regressive tax that would fall disproportionately on the poor, the concept is a sound one.
Erin and Brenna had gone through regressive hypnosis to try and determine what exactly they had both seen.
This paper presents a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX)model to approximate dynamics of crankshaft speed with the mass of the idle feeding fuel and the spark advance.
It is very, very disappointing to hear that because it is a regressive way of thinking.
Times, Sunday Times
Clearly we are not likely to lower regressive excise taxes on cigarettes, nor are we likely to lower the payroll tax for lower-income workers.
Idealized, regressive myths of a better, more magical time and place are a poor platform for making art.
Do not criticize regressive behavior (returning to a previous level of development).
It could be argued that high subsidence rates of the rift basin there meant that a regressive signal was not recorded.
Is VAT a regressive tax?
Times, Sunday Times
The autoregressive parameter is estimated for each of these series, as well as the number of warmest years occurring in 1990-2005.
Unthreaded #17 « Climate Audit
They are regressive, repressive individuals.
Still, properly understood, it's hard to forget how much this regressive tax takes from all of us.
This would be a regressive step and could lead to a two-tier-system, with those who could afford getting the medicine of the doctor's choice doing so, whereas poorer patients might not.
In the end, this tax system is referred to as “regressive” by opponents because it further widens the gap in qualify of life between the wealthy and the middle class.
Think Progress » Pawlenty Falsely Claims ‘Most Credible Economists Say’ Stimulus Is ‘Not Working’
Press mouse right key to nod Zun Jian, current page will be regressive one pace.
VAT is clearly a regressive tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Health care positively has the lot to do with which in regressive N. Dakota, nonetheless the state is an anomaly: all 3 congressional seats have been reason by sincerely liberal Democrats.
Archive 2009-12-01
This president - and indeed the entire movement of regressive politics these last three decades (which I refer to as Reaganism-Bushism) - can only be properly understood as class warfare.
One More Day
Respondents expressed grievances against the government for clawing back what they viewed as an excessive and regressive tax on tobacco products and for their failure to redirect this income visibly towards those in need.
Footnote for those who care: for temperature trend estimation, bounding or testing, I think that you need to use something like Engel's ARCH LM test "autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic" Lagrange Multiplier, which is based on the regression of the squared residuals on the lagged squared residuals, for as many lags you want to include, and which the test statistic equal to the sample size times the R-squared is approximately a Chi-square.
USCCSP: Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere « Climate Audit
‘Some towns have had their reputations damaged by the regressive style of their mayors,’ she says.
If taxes are regressive, taking a larger share from low-income budgets than from high-income budgets, they will contribute to increased inequality in income and consumption opportunities.
State and local jurisdictions are more vulnerable to tax competition than the national government, and state and local taxes are more regressive than federal taxes.
First, the social security payroll tax is regressive.
Instead of leading the country to an exciting new reality, they cocoon in a scary, paranoid, regressive reality.
In this paper, the structure of vector autoregressive (SVAR) model is used to investigate the dynamic impact effect of international oil price fluctuation on China's macroeconomy.
Fundamentalist evangelicalism is behind this movement, as it is in so many other regressive fascistic movements.
Think Progress » Even Tancredo worries AZ immigration law may go too far: People shouldn’t be pulled over for how they look.
Although truly about a mentally fractured woman turned vigilante psychopath after a beating by thugs leaves her laid up in a hospital for three weeks, only to wake up to the news that her fiance was killed in the attack all plot points readily pronounced in the previews, so don't cry spoiler, the film would like to pass itself off as a story about female empowerment—the kind of dunderhead regressiveness mistaken for social progress in a logic-free think tank.
Archive 2008-01-01
The tolerant, liberal, egalitarian country which we are now, or at least aspire to be, was only just beginning to struggle out of the austere, regressive, hierarchical society of the post-war years.
The regressive effect of trauma often gives rise to a transference that associates the therapist with victimhood, shame and demanding assumptions.
The prices quoted at the top of the thread seem to indicate that the primary savings living in the Chapala expat enclave is to be realized mostly in tax burden reduction, (WA state is regressive in this aspect), and not having to pay much for a little heat, and not requiring AC.
Fuel, food, utilities, taxes,et cetera.
It is reactionary and regressive to pretend that television does not exist.
Episodes of bedwetting, rocking, regressive thumb sucking or new fears are normal.
William Spear: Helping Kids In Japan: A Guide On Trauma For Caregivers And Volunteers Working With Children
The use of capitol punishment is used pretty much only in regressive third world countries.
Think Progress » Flag-Burning Amendment One Vote From Passage
This paper presents a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX)model to approximate dynamics of crankshaft speed with the mass of the idle feeding fuel and the spark advance.
A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
The static of the erratic fanatic romantic manic-depressive: upside down, impulsive, regressive.
Anatomy of a Breakdown
Excessive clinging, sleeping/eating disorders, regressive behavior, limits testing, manipulation, and wanting to contact parents are common reactions.
Often these well-meaning folk were what I would describe as Malthusian Social Darwinists for whom Garrett Hardin's 'lifeboat ethic' was gospel the very same folks who are regressive and simple minded in the Sierra Club when it comes to immigration and population issues; Paul Ehrlich's work looms large here too.
Governing the Eco-Commons
He explained that science, and even a limited understanding of immunology, could not account for the speed with which some children had apparently acquired the regressive symptoms of autism after being vaccinated.
If they remain in power they will have to find a way to raise taxes on the middle class and the poor, probably through a regressive consumption tax.
A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
It's an example of infantilism, a regressive desire for boundarylessness, a plea for a love object that never disappoints.
This president – and indeed the entire movement of regressive politics these last three decades (which I refer to as Reaganism-Bushism) – can only be properly understood as class warfare.
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It is taxation by the back door, but it is an unequal and largely regressive tax.
Those who saw trade favourably previously because it shifted out low-level jobs, now see higher level service jobs being eliminated and worry that the trade is regressive.
Regressive distribution is also contractionary, because wealthy individuals spend proportionally less of their incomes.
This regressive policy will put immense pressure on the present system.
The question of regressive, is regressive for whom — I think it all depends on where we place the burden.
Wonk Room » Live Q&A With Rep. Donna Edwards: Energy, Climate, And Environment
* A denizen is precisely determined by calculating the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedascticity of the standard deviation of "residents", passed through a Bayesian filter, and finally normalized through a time-delay, reentrant neural net optimized with genetic algorithm parameter narrowing.
Countdown to SL backlash
But we shouldn't carry around an image of a company that is regressive in its treatment of its workers.
We now appreciate that he prefers forward-looking 21 st-century celebrations in a brand new dome filled with grateful tinies, to weepy, regressive events featuring Churchilliana and old women.
Many smokers would support action by the government to deal with the regressive nature of tobacco taxation.
Washington, which has no state income tax, has one of the most regressive tax systems in the nation.
The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.
It further contributed to Paleontology as many vertebrate fossils were collected, most often by workers, from late lower and early middle Miocene sand units that correspond to regressive, mainly fluviatile events in an otherwise essentially marine series.
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But adding greatly to my frustration is the willingness of people who see themselves as "enlightened progressives" (including many educators), to buy into the radically regressive education reform program being promoted by corporate interests with massive help from Washington.
Are we still capable of educating for 'us-ness?'
The whole industry is'close to a regressive tax.
Times, Sunday Times
In the very next year, John of Gaunt used the last Parliament of Edward III's reign to institute the most regressive tax ever witnessed in later medieval England.
It is taxation by the back door, but it is an unequal and largely regressive tax.
If he realizes this goal, he will have succeeded in passing the most regressive tax program in U.S. history.
It's an example of infantilism, a regressive desire for boundarylessness, a plea for a love object that never disappoints.
The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
Three of the states among the ten with the most regressive taxes also made the list of those with the biggest deficits as a percentage of planned state spending.
Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive.
A regressive tax structure is one in which the average tax rate falls as income level rises.
That spending, Paul said, will eventually lead to inflation, which he calls a regressive tax on the poor who are disproportionately hurt when the costs of necessary goods go up.
Ron Paul stays on message
And it argues that imposing a gallonage excise tax -- as opposed to the percent of purchase excise tax now to purchase price -- is regressive, raising taxes more for those who buy cheap liquor than for those who buy the expensive stuff.
Beer and wine wholesaler analysis shows spirits excise tax hike under McDonnell ABC plan
If that sounds unprogressive to you then you are in good company: both Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg described VAT as regressive before the election.
VAT at 20%: A very deliberate choice | Editorial
The spirit of vengeance is destructive and regressive.
Illicit substances can produce toxic effects on the brain and also reinforce regressive behavior, a combination that may result in a personality disorder secondary to substance dependence.
Clearly we are not likely to lower regressive excise taxes on cigarettes, nor are we likely to lower the payroll tax for lower-income workers.
Many economists, however, believe that the subsidies often used to deliver the input are "distortionary, regressive, environmentally unsound, and ... result in politicized, inefficient distribution of fertilizer supply.
A Hannah Montana Concert (as Seen Through the Eyes of an Economist) - Freakonomics Blog -
The 'yes' vote will turbo-charge that debate and ask why we have such regressive laws.
Times, Sunday Times
There may be genetic factors at work, but in the case of regressive autism, the primary cause has to be intimately introduced; genetics are secondary.
He knows the difference between a progressive and a regressive tax.
Times, Sunday Times
The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
Links and colleagues rightly note that modern short-term hospitalizations have few of the regressive dangers that previously existed.
A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
There is a genetic predisposition to regressive autism, but I don't think it's a straight genetic problem, because I don't think we would have such a thing as a genetic epidemic.
The shojo and kawaii (cute) culture are commonly associated with consumerism, with the regressive tendency to escape from social realities, at best with a passive resistance to social norms.
The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.
Turnbull made DEFINITIVELY LEADING-STATEMENTS/QUESTIONS — which in professional regressive hypnosis is an absolute no-no!
UFO Hunters: A Reader Review : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
Federal income tax is progressive, but this only barely makes up for the regressive nature of state and local taxes.
The regressive aspect of the tax could be offset by ensuring that well subsidised public transport is accessible to communities that are at a disadvantage either through poverty or by living in a rural area.
‘There would be a question in my mind as to whether or not it would be a regressive step,’ said Ms Fennell.
The bulk of sediment accumulated during this main regressive phase is made up of the deposits of braided fluvial systems that prograded over the early transgressive coastal facies.
It works extremely well for regressive policy makers.
Atkinson did admit that indirect taxes are largely regressive, and that eliminating them would increase effective disposable income.
Just like the right hand has a "contralateral" opposing hand, the left hand -- the word PROGRESSIVE has it's oppositional counterpart and that word is REGRESSIVE.
Are Progressives the New Moderates?
Modeling and Generating Multivariate Time Series with Arbitrary Marginals Using a Vector Autoregressive Technique by Deler and Nelson wherein is an equation for covariance of VAR(1) process , for zero-lag where is autoregressive coefficient matrix and and is covariance matrix of driving noise (white in time).
Bürger Review « Climate Audit
Strong regressive and seclusive tendencies," Bassett explained, solemnly.
This Crowded Earth
And this is regressive autism; it's not from birth.
I find their puerile, psychologically regressive child's play boring and self-absorbed, but maybe I just don't understand them.
This interpretation is supported by the arrangement of intervening strata into transgressive and regressive cycles.
I think the person who came up with the terms regressive and progressive for taxes with the first being those taxes that fall on everyone and the second those being applied only to the well to do.
Odds and ends | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
It is important to recognize and understand regressive behaviour because it occurs as a normal and expected reaction to stress.
Families and Friends - how to help your child form happy relationships.
He reflected that the progressive extension of the field of individual development and experience was regressively accompanied by a restriction of the converse domain of interindividual relations.
And if you tax consumption with indirect taxation, taxes often pyramid, with resultant price increases of a regressive nature.
Many considered the changes to the welfare laws a regressive step.
Steeply regressive taxation was flattened so that those on high incomes paid considerably less while at the same time the poor were forced to pay more.
This unfair and regressive tax is also hurting first-time buyers.
Times, Sunday Times
Things get rolling in the early '20s, when animators were taking their cues from the avant-garde art scene that was as progressive as the Nazi culture which crushed it was regressive.
I have done my forecast using a combination of truncated gaussian, autoregressive, and trailing moving averages.
Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
Another blatantly regressive tax system is the social security system.
As a whole that group is more likely to consider autoregressive behavior as a psychological aliment than a statistical framework and to say, “Oh, a statistical appendix: these guys must know their stuff.”
USCCSP: Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere « Climate Audit
He also said his party wanted to provide funding for education but cautioned against what he called a "regressive" tax increase.
The Seattle Times
With political power in hand, the clerics passed regressive edicts.
It means the autocorrelation coefficient is a weak model for describing the autoregressive effect of alpha.
Willis E on Hansen and Model Reliability « Climate Audit
Based on careful reading, this paper focuses on the regressive intent of Dishan s writing.
In limiting philosophy to the immanent use of exponible concepts, Kant removes the possibility of thought ever transcending the infinite regress inherent in the regressive method.
So a highly regressive taxation structure is meant to ameliorate this kind of calcified class stratification.
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Ideologically, they turn in on themselves, becoming more regressive and irrational in their justifications and often more cruel in their political actions.
Tax was doubly regressive.
Yes, it's the old regressive tax argument, but it's also common sense.
It's true that council tax is regressive and needs reform, and that we need to take back control.
Times, Sunday Times
The executives of international oil corporations, avowed globalizers in theory, are in practice the friends of regressive political economies.
Apparently, the mother was unable to cope with her own alcoholism, violent domestic situation, and Jane's regressive behavior.
The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
What will make television more diverse, less regressive?
There is a regressive longing for the world of the perfectly nurtured child here, which is why speaking of the fallen psychiatrist and patient who act this out literally seems apt.
The problem with hiding taxation in our energy bills is not just dishonesty; it is a highly regressive form of taxation.
Times, Sunday Times
The regressive economic policy was protectionism.
Times, Sunday Times
Will Cable be ready to back such an unpopular and regressive tax rise?
Times, Sunday Times
These survivors are deformed, regressive, bestial, and held in check by a repressive dictatorship that combines the authority of church and state.
Dystopians, in contradistinction to utopians, believe that technology is more regressive than progressive, more a force for evil than good.
If you want to go back to the days of the bundist lower east side, than it seems your policy is far more regressive than it is radical, and so…
Pan-Judaism? | Jewschool