How To Use Regression equation In A Sentence
Variables were entered into or removed from the logistic regression equation one at a time.
Siddoway et al. (1965) quantified the specific properties of vegetative covers influencing soil erodibility and developed regression equations relating soil loss by wind to selected amounts, kinds, and orientation of vegetative covers; wind velocity; and soil cloddiness.
1. Indigenous soil and water conservation in Africa.
Through uniform design arrangement and results, building regression equation, get optimum conjunction rate.
The esteem, general self-efficiency, life events stress are signally correlated with well-being, they all entered regression equation.
The slope of the regression equation was significantly higher for the risky microhabitat than the safe microhabitat, a result consistent with the prediction for digestibility reducers.
This situation is far from ideal, but the alternative, using data after 1960 and thus incorporating non-temperature- related bias when fitting regression equations as a function of density variability,would invariability produce earlier estimates of past temperature that, to some extent, too warm. esceptico
What is "Consensus Science" for Proxies? « Climate Audit
The canonical discriminant function procedure was used for evaluating the overall discriminant regression equation.
Currently, the feeding value of hay is established using regression equations based on chemical constituents.
As there are only four boards in Northern Ireland, we used dummy variables in the single level regression equations to control for this rather than multilevel modelling.
Simple regression equations applicable to calculate pull - separating deformation were given.
It's not often I actually get excited by bivariate scatter plots, linear regression equations, and correlation coefficients, but the Archaeopteryx note is quite good, basically Bennett's defence of his interpretation of the nine known specimens of the taxon as a single "species," following from an awareness of interspecific variation resulting from ontogeny and, also, concerns about parsimony.
As Kyle passes by.
This situation is far from ideal, but the alternative, using dataafter 1960 and thus incorporating non-temperature- related bias when fitting regression equations as a function of density variability, would invariability produce earlier estimates of past temperature that, to some extent, too warm.
Bristlecones, Foxtails and Temperature « Climate Audit
Birds were aged according to a regression equation for age on the length of the wing for storks.
The involvement of both SES and age in the regression equation is interesting as it suggests that age is having adverse effects on erectile response beyond an age-related decline in sexual excitability.
Normal standard adolescent STI can be computed from heart rates and the regression equations.
The linear correlation regression equation of fetal weight, CR length and fertilization age were set up.